Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1894, p. 4

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TB1 FL18H1RTOH ADVANCE STaBLIIHID V* 1881 J i BLI.SJIKD WIIKLT A* THI OrFICE, 8VD- BNHAIf STaSBT, VLMBIRTuM, OUT, T W. H. TBUasTOM. I per annaaa,ir Irtly in advance Advertisnng Rates: ents, more so in tliii election (ban ever before. His tenacity and oou- tinuit) in wliat be undertakes bave brought tbc government of 8ir Oliver Mowat to (heir knees on more than one occasion, and in tbia instance there ma; possibly be an entire pros- tration. His speech at London was manly, straightforward, and carries with it to all readers the evident sin- cerity of the man. On* Column. 1 rear, MO ; halt col., 1 ye quarter col., oat ytar, S1A. 2T Tramiout adxirtlMmeut charged - the rU at 8 cuuti per Hue (or n nt Insertion and 3 eeutt lunertion. Coxey, the commonwealth crank, lias been fined at Washington $5 (Hi for walking on the grass of the capit- ol grounds, or in default of payment the country will girt him tree board for ten days. $50 a day for going to jail ia an inducement that any man migbt seriously consider these days of finansial depression. On the other hand $500 for not keeping away from the country's dandelion patch is some what grass-ping on tbc part of Uncle Bam. A bill hasjbeen introduced in Parlia- ment by Dr. Bpronle making it an offense punishable by a heavy fine and imprisonment to manufacture or offer for sale any imitation of honey. The business of manufacturing and selling ' ' sugar lioney " in this country bas seriously interfered with legitimate bee raising and honey producing, and the hill will be gladly welcomed as a lover by wbiob honey producing can once more become a profitable industry, which it is far from being at the pre- sent time. The Ontario campaign is now fair- ly started, and will be short and shatp. The three candidates are vigorously at work electioneering throughout this riding, and the beantiful state of uncertainty characterizing tin s con- tost gives each one a reason for the conviction that his election is certain, air. U art i nan, who has pretty thor- oughly canvassed the ruling, inform- ed ns last week that he find* his chanc- es much improved. The foot of the matter is that the cane resolves itself eisoti* as Tho Advance forutold wheu the Patron candidate, Mr. Gamey, was placed iu the field, and the Con- servative parly in this riding is apt to come to grief if iU members do not stick together to a man. When the question conus down to a matter of men we believe there is little choice, m the candidates are all men of tlio guiuea stamp, but in the present axe it is moasnros, not men, that are weighed. It is a question of whether Muwat, or Meredith, or Patronism is d) treat to the hearts of the people. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture has issued a special bulletin on Dairying in Ontario, from which we glean the following interesting conclusions : 1. Pricef (01 grain }IHTH fallen over 80 per cent, in ten yrar* ; prior* for batter and cheeM hare (a' ten lea* than 6 per cent. X. Dairy farming ii lets rxhiuntive than grain firm in?. Tb salt- of butter remove* nothing from the anil. In fact, by dairying, the lost fertility of the soil ma; be restored, 8. Ontario ii wll adapted to dairying We produce now 90.001.000 Ib. of factory cbeer*, K.POfi.OOU Ib. of oreitmorv batter, an 1 about 60,000,000 Ib. of J*irv butter. While Canadian dairy exixvU hare been iuereaiing thr-se of tbc United State* have been di errasing. 4. Oar principal butt'r cotnwtilor* In the British market are Denmark, France, Sw den. Victoria and New Zoa'xnd are rapidly increasing their exporti to L'ritain exceeding Oiote from Canada. B. Whereat our brut creamery bring* a* high pricr at Punish ereamcrr in Britain onr ex jM>rt* tn Britain avem^rd over A per eent. per IK U- thin tho I>*nU)i exports Oar exports to Britain therefore consist Ia>rgd\ of Latter of infeilur quality. 6. The production of onr batter in emrn eries inntea.l of in home darie* world give a large amount of high elnss bntter of nni form quality both for linme ronsnraplion and for export, and would add over $1,000, 000 to its value. 7. Patrons of creameries gt an ranch for their eroam as home batter mnkrr* do for their butter ; they are caved the work <>l making and marketing ; I Key are paid in cash and return* come quickly. 8. A aeparatorereamery with capacity for MO cow* ran be limit and qnipppd for from 12.600 to 13,000. Skilled butter maker* and ebeeie-makeri are now becoming more avail able through the work of tb Special Hairy School of Ontario Agricultural College Ouelph. 0. Tn show tl at we have made only a fair beginning in dairying, it may b* staled that thei avenge value of ehMie made per head of the rural population in Ontario i f < ; here*s Leeds, Grenville and Oxfurd average 131 par head. I '. In gntln growing we are competing in fornljjn markets with the products of tie eheapfit labor in other eonntrios ; in beof and mutton also we compete with the pro* dueta of cheap land; in dairyiug wo are com poling with tho work of man skilled labor, and with th. products of biuli priced I ml The ontlook for dairying in Ontario, there fure, I* promising, provided we aim to pro dace a'cuiislant supply of uniformly good artlrlis. namely, flue factory cheeee and floe 1'icaa.iT.v butter. father on a heavy load of maitnre and fell under the wagon, the hind wheel of which paused down the trout turfaru of hi* body From the neck to the lower part of the abdomen. The lad seems seriously in- jured, a* ha U unable tn move in bed, and Dr. UoUtiu say* he in iu doubt as to * liuther hi> patient will recover or not. e> General News. The Counts** of Aberdeen will leave on May 26th for England, and will visit Scotland ami Ireland, returning. Mr. W. J. Gage.tlie Toronto publisher, has come forward wib a very generoua offer, the result of which may be the en- tablUhment of a tpecial hospital for the treatment of contuuiption. Heart Disease Kellerrd In 30 MililUi-s I'r Acnew's Core for the 11 cart give* perfect relief in all cases of (loiX'unic or Sympathetic Henri Disease in 30 minutes, and s|ieedily effect* a cure. It it a peerless remedy for Pulpit itiuii, Sli.irtnetu of Breath, Smothering Spells, I'.uri in Left Side and all symptom of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinced Sold l.y W. E. Richardson The tn 1! of Mr. Eraitu* Wiraan has licni finally fixed for Monday, May A Boon to Hwrsemen. On* tnttl* nf Knu'lihli S|<aviri Liniment completely removed a curb from my h<>nw. I take plfaHiire in rocniiimending the remedy, an it acts with mysterious promptness iu the removal from horse* of hard, noft or cal- l-'iiM- 1 lumps, blond spavin, Hplinti, curb*, sweeny, slitioa and sprains QKORUB ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Out. Sold by W. E. Richards., n, Dru^ist. Owen Sound council ha* rtc<l the citi- zen* own band the usual grant of 9100. Archibald Oalbreath, phrenologist, was f.-inul dead in hi* bed Momla) morning at the Alvinatou House, Alvinstun. Tin! trial f Ermatut \\iinan, which be- gin* in New York on, Monday next, is ei|H-cti- 1 tu excite unusual interest iu commercial circles. The special eraugelitic nervier* which have been i-onductni ill Unit by Maj.ir Hilton and Rev. (Jrant TulUr for tbe past ihr. i- week* were brought to a close on Sunday. Over 660 |*niii profnaeed The right place to buy furnittne or get your undertaking done is at the Flesherton EVEKYBODT THAT WEARS Boots AND Slices Oo to the iho* stM*> In Klrobrrlt jr and WHITBY Will make your boots aod shoos or rvi'tlF tliri ill-.r, an neatly nd cheap as an>nii wiUihi twenty uill<. Try DM ai<d be oonvtuecd. .1. "W. Whttby, Coanty and Mr. lion. W. R. Meredith opened the campaign in London on Monday evou- ii; by delivering a spoooli of oven iiium tliun Inn 01 (lit. in) brilliancy ; Inying down lii party platform in a vigorous and succinct manner. Ho favors a hnibauding of tho country'* limber roaonram, biemnal seasions, a M '-i 1 1 ballot, state oonlrol of separato pohools, and ou tbe temperance ques lion Ukos a firm staud. He would " bow to the will of the people " in that matter, but believoi that what- vn measure is brought into pallia- ini'iit should be adjudiotted upou by tin- people before boooming law. !!o also favors entire divorce of control of hcunso inspectors from the govern* mi-Mi and appointment by the county or city. Iu all of this he adopt* tho popular will of the people of this coun- try, s>nd it he is ool relnrned at the hoad of gDvei'iuutiut on June 80 U will be surprising. Mr. Suendith's sincer- ity, ami ability aro matters of envy lid extreme gnsMiuon to bis oppou Alex Siitln-rUnil, governor of died rntlior suddeuly on Tlmr-ilny "f last wevk. A cliild 21 months old belonging to Jan Oraha.ni, \V*t Luthur, pulled a stick of ...... 1 ..in . f tho stove, its rlothes caught fire and it was burned t.. doath. Win Clark, of ChoK<y, backed his horse ami witgmt int.. a mill nee over it* hrnil. A* the horse wa not amphibious Mr. Clark U out $100. Slnl. ill's Cure is H .1.1 on a guarantee. It runs Incijroi.t ('oimtiiiiplion. It is the bent t'ou^h Cure. Only one crnt a dote ; ''." cts., Mi alt. nml 81.00 ]<er lot- tie. Klijnli Sutton, onco pr..|.n- ii>i- of tho Oity Hotel in Owen 8. mini, committed ui. i. In liy nhiintiiit; liimai-lf, ikt Mari|iii-lli n, on (he 2nd iust. II. li.til IKH-II a recklvas life. At a mililTa slu in Ornngeville, a, mar. with fiwl, a year-old colt, a milrh .-.. nml a two ywir old heifur .-r<- kn... !>.. d iwu for t&H.ftO. Tho propi-rty wn* Ink en from nn A Ij'iU farinor under n rh iitr mrt|f*iK. Iliii'ttin pi-o|ile hard a R.NN) ay ,tcm iratorwork*, and will vote on * dy-law t money tn build a Inwn hull am It., t. ui it. no l.'inc-r ihan l-'l -.1 oil. in, but wlirn- in our ntt<r|niiie n o< inpnrisoii t A t lull man lost fii(K) nn.l a hoy nanu-.l Mo Vicar found it. On r.'iiiiiiinn it Ii WKH nwnnloil with llm .- I'Kiitn. Tin' U.I say* tlnvl lln- rowanl Ml Ira-t a twunty III. HIM in. Ill, part of wlnil lio f.iiiinl, ni< I that he will wuar the oi'|i|H<m on In- watfh chain. Win. Ililln, of Moiiti'vll.., ha* ha. I inn. than hi* sham o( family aiHiuti.m nri'nily. 1 1 11 chiLlrnii have just rvoovn>tl from a IIIIIK and srvrrn attack nf diphtheria and on Saturday last hissldail aiiii,ai(rd ten, oaine within a hair's bnntdth ..f beinii kill.nl. The lail wae liding tieida hi* HELLO ! HELLO ! 8HORMAKER A i' r (Urn - KIMHEHI.r.T HOTICS jntil*a ' hrrcbv lvn that I will not b r- 1UUW sponslbU (or i y .lbl contracted In my tinui- l.y suy of m\ finlly. ..I..K..I RAD1.RY. \tt.-i. ii-ln. Majr IT. iet. From the premises of tli onrtor. I u*.\, on Tinir.i' i;ih O'lt., I It-vr*. u .! S 4 \ rarllng C!T. On* t-yer old > on* jrrl.iiu w.tu b >ro , roui I. es> WAI -IN ^*IH. |ji ' uli l.fifer kiuouil M i oar Aii.l ti.- p|'Oltp.l lr^r -'- r.-l r*Nl ami wlllt* l.,i,.ii..'<n..ii i i ihrlr *h. rMboiit* will b* ttitukhi'.ly rocilrnl auiTewtr.!. v\ . -i ri Iliiwim. H ' i um P.O LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD. Weakneu of IVxIy and Min.l, EfrVtt* e< Krron or Eirrun in ( >K1 or Young. Kobw*. Noble Mr.nli.ixl fully Rntorvtl. How te Enlarir* anil Strengthen AVtak, I'mkveloped < irgm and Part* of IUW. Absolutely un- failing IIoiM 1'nalmrnl Item-til* in a day, Mn leatlfy from 00 Stalta ami Foreign Coun- wise. Write thsm. Deecrlptlv* Dook, aUaatioa and proofb mailed (**J*d) AM, WIE MEDICAL CO,, Bit(ilo,II.Y, STRAIN'S BLOCK, FLESHERT01T. ,a New goods, new designs continually coming in. Custo- mers are delighted, both with style, quality and piices. Our oak bedroom suites are causing quite a sensation, and mak ng many homes cheerful and happy. We have a very large range of these goods to select from, not only in oak, but alo inwalnut, mahogany light finish. Our prices are right, small profits and quick returns. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT s a feature we give special attention to.being practical. We guarantee satisfaction and moderate charges. STRAIN & MOORE. All goods delivered free. Notice, ROLLS B FLOURING HILLS Manitoba Flour nlv* Ay^on hand. Buckwheat ground and bolted. Plie only mill in this section of country that doee this class of work. Chopping* done at time*. A.B. Bell - Frop. COURT OF VISION TOVVXSHIP OF iRTK.rll.Sli. S HFRKHY OWN THAT TBK flrt iitn ' Ui Court of lUriaton . Hi,. v-r....ii i hull ( th* T 'Wn>hi|. .'( Ar- I4>uu>la. lor (! >.-ar llal. will 1>- hM In thf T.>ii Hall. Fl->rivrloii, on Mn.la>. J.in* utv . at I* .K-I.H-k a in All |rti* Intorrcixt |I*UH| at FlMlivri.ni tliU ITth day of May 11*04 \\ j iiKi.i.\v\. The Markets. < nroi nil > Cenrrrlrd Kuril W rrk A complete mit boys clotliiug |1. A nioe buggy dtutcr SI. A new style fedora hat it- A pair gent's boots |1. A pair ladies fine boots' fl. 12 pain" thread glovt-e tl. 16 pairs'- blk cotton hose tl. 7 vds double figured cashmere $1. SO striped fltnellette tl . 20" nict color drew prints tl. -II " lorn, 1 lire ' $1. 1 box uew raisins tl. 7 Ib*. japan tea f 1. JO Ifos. good currants fl. 40 ban electric soap tl. In. HM d till; Cnis will buy ss much drygoods, nd oilier mcrehaudise in our stores to-Jay as FIFTT URIELS IF UTS M.-ltr Fall Wheat Spin; \Yh*t Harlsy i>nt* IVa* Huiu-r Rltus, frvh |Vat.*a b*K I'.-rk Hay (>-r t-'ii Illdoi TnrVi-y* ......... t'li i-k.-ii PIT |>ir ..... l>n. k. l-.-l |HM ..... \Vm.l ............. 3 W <> t* to IV' I.. 31 t.> l t W to U r.. M t.i W i.. 6 t . (I 00 to :t :.' 8& to 6 to tn 8ft lit ,.n I.. 15 Ul flH Kb S so MK> oho 10 Jfc rM> 10 COURT OF REVISION or OSI>KKV. '* rlRKKnt (lIVKrl THAT TUB , , i , ],,.>,,, ,h, A."i.,t H.-ll tnrtho iu I*M ol Ihv T,>*hl( of o.. I-IKT will bsWM I" Hi" Oiansw Hall, In i-..- Vtllajr* < f Manretl. M IO.rtorkaBi .-t. v.-n- All iarlM u.ir,r.i,,( ..II THOU AN HOOTT, I l.rk purchane in any rtore in Grcj win M wo on nii> lit-i-o. >Ye are prepared to pror tins tatcinnt Tbe above ^notations are only a fie^r samples uk- vu at raudom uJ tuight be cxteudcd tmfoM. Boys' Clolhiig Will hare special attention and I coial ihacouuta this month. Oet the bo)i rigged out before Ui Quern's birthday. We will give yon 8|*>cial terms for* purchases bcforv'the Mil*. live the girl* soiua of tho e^gs this - tin > want liat* June will UH twidsniumrr. l^t them get i'irii < and nnlluirry before Sum- in. r is half over. You ean get a latge choice hereand Roods as elrsap at any- In n imhc proThtej*. Oiu onl<<rM(clot!iing department is sing ahead. We have nobby simmi.'i ^intin ; * in worateds.ohcvisU, rryvn and twt^wds. Uead<)o%rten for floe niilliuerv.

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