Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1894, p. 8

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THI flI.WU.rfl ADVAKCf we* Hiul, tart*. The Vei<y PLACB IM CANADA TO OIT A Elucatitm. Take a Round Trip * _^___^____^^_ "-" all CoUeieS anil .lhe Commercial l>ertn)enti In Ca.Bt4a.theo visit m. Northern Hut InwuUolleM ; eAnrine every- I. ,,t:,,,rouhly. H we fell toTwodnee tbe uTm thorough, eotniilote. praotleaf tad eaten- i*e course of >tudy : the beat collsss ufeuimea fit I'M uot and u OS oo'iipleta and meet salt- *Je furniture an.lpp!liios. we will slve y lallcaur.e KBfc.... for Annual Annouoc* ' I particular*, free, address C A. FLEMING, Principal. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. plages made and Repaired, also facing and Matching, Band Saw- V Wood Turning of every rte- fption. Planing and Grain Chop ' ;,!'. ii' while you wait, for " Beaver turns toe) wheel. IX W. Ml LSOX A FAMILY GROUP mm PHOTOGRAPH %*yfav%/%%%^>%% le lully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9. Icct class of work. All kinds <rf pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^* done In all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at tention will be given to cop}-- Nig other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. k| AB U I A (J B LIOK1WB8. tirft day or nlgtit at th offlce or rvjeldence f the undenlamil. DIVISION COUktfCLB a.COMMIHSIONKK Is IIX'J. Coot.jancer. *c. Notary pvblie. OHN W. AHM8THONO. Puanvron. TO TEE PUBLIC. llsvlng rented Wlillteu's bUekiinlM> >bop fo K i .'MM of . i . I am n<> lu a fomloa u oat . , ill .i.t> In tnyllne. . ,, fcCULLOUGH * YOUNO. HuVer.. If araitals. do a general banking bos- ness. Money touted a* a reasonable rate. Call DOS. m B. HAM HOND. r^et Master, Klmbvrfe^. CPuimtstoner for taking Affldartts ete. \nmmrn tai loans money t lowest rates. Kxenrtee; Lieaavi, Deeds, Wllli, tc prom|>tly, cheaply au 1 eBlciently. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. For anything la the blavkeuilkhlni Hue cal >ii r. A. BXTNT, O|i|Klte KlalisiK)U s UarAvtrt store. } J.HI-KOII.K, Postmaeter, Flesbertoo, Comnlsshiner In B. R., Lie used >aetloaer. Cenveyaneai, A prslser and Money Lender. Keel Ketate an<l nturanee Afeat. Deeds, Uortganee. Leases, .n<l Wills drawn up au<1 Valuations uiade on hottest notice. Auctkm Sales attended to In any part of tbs County. Mousy to loe.ii at low est ratee of iutertst. Collections attended to with promptness and despatch Cbargea low. Agent for the Dominion bteauwhlpCXMnpauy. heap tickets from Klrbrlu to Liverpool, Ulssgow, Loudon at any of the llrltl>li ports. artiee loteudlnf to visit EnKlanj. Hcotlaod or reland, will please atk rates before pvrobaslnf tuslr tickets elmwhere. tf 188 EDITH HICHAHDBON. Pui.il of Bout. Uahr. of Berlin. Uennanv, (violin); Urs. Bradley, of Toronto Coiwirvstory Mute, Voioe culture) ; I'rnf . Karrisnu, late of Toronto, (I'lano) ; will receive pupils In HlMilMi, Vlol.lX, PI- ANO and OHOAN. r\R. BUTTON. M. D. C. M., M.C. P. * S.Onl. Pricevllls Isetdenoe and office one door wwt of tbe If eth o.li.t Cbureb JUnross Bt. Office days, Toeedays and Saturdays. |K CARTEB. M. C. P. * 8 , Ont. Pbyskias, sorsjeoa, etc., Plethertou ottee ti trains b'ock. Resjdenee Muntbaw's bolei. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Uetnbwr ColUiwPbraie. A Sorgon. Ontario Oraduat* In Medicine ot Toronto University, rtllowal.lp Dlstonia. Post Graduate Medical Hchool and Hoipltal, Cbieso. DWiMiiot nc. rar, noeeaod tbrost specially tovaied. Beal- ee Maxwvll. vlilts KranbauiTTiiirda}> 14 J P. OTTKWBLL, Veterinary Hnrgron Graduate ol Ontario Vvtersnary/ CvHaje. BesldeneN*Bt door tttitb of If oore'i |HaalB B factory. J F. HALSTEAD. M D.. II. O. * B.. Ont .. prerUoos at Klin- berley. Klienmatle disease* i >|>erlallty. J P. 11 AH8RALU L.D. H.MD. 8., DesMlst. Visit* Mark.Ul. the lit and Ilnl Wodoeday of each mouth rioibarton -Bach trip on toe day following. W. KltOhT. MarrUtvr. flolloltor. Conieyanoer, Ktc. Klefthertou office Next the |oet office Hproulo'i lillui;, on Thnndays. Owen Houoil olDoe fruit's building. I I'UAS * WH1UIIT. Marrlssen, RoMollore, Conveyancers, etc., w,-n itonnil. On.l - - Mink, I air. Out. W. H. WaiiiMT. I. H. l.rn. M. B. Klenhorton offlce. alltchell's Hank, every Wednesday. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. mets every Bnt u,l third Mon- day In >*, h IIH-II tli . In Ihcll Inrifn r'",nt (In ll.,i.' |ilnrli.Klrlii-it<>i> at H.II.MI lien .lohnston, M W.j W. J. llellaniy, nusuc'xr . \V Irwln Heoider. VUltlnK Iliullioru Invited, ROYAI. TKMn.AMS) OP 1 KMri-'.IIASCK. lii'i'nlur Ciiunril iiuwtievory flntsn'l thh 1 l',i-'. if\\ i-TrniiiM lu osoh int'tuli. In Hi>rouln'M Mork nl H i> in. Fe'rct lri'ii'' Uuiuraiiec) mi*0U monthly, the Wedaexlsy |ircilluei thiiMiirt of uarh inotitb. I SONH <)K TKMrKIIANCR.-Thle soilety mrt. In Di.clirlstne' lull every W...I in-,li eveDlnR at M ) in \ I.I tli.ii brctk- en Invited. Intursnoe In connection. YM r n \ . IM..-I in il. ,n hall, rliil.t. lu,., k en Brt and UilrdTharvAa) In ell MI,. i, 1 1, \\ m. ! harp. Uasler. T. Cla> ton S*cn>lary. PIUNCK AllTHI'll I^IIXJR. No. KM. A K A. M . i., ,1,1 In Hi- MaonK- Hall. Mir.in . Him k. nmlmrtoii. evury PrMay on or before the fall noea, A. H. V>M!UD. W. U II .1. HprOlllv, Ki'i r.'tur y Once upon a time I had occasion to re- mark that " aheer fnc' U Hut nocesuirily true " that i, when U entera the rca'iu <>f ait. Karcey, the French dramatic crit- ic in the Coamopolitan for May, benn in nut in my statement wheel he shows how a reetnt play ia apoiled frunt an art- istic standpoint jut becanae it WHS abeo- lutvly accurate in it* delineation of fact* a> thy actoatly took place. Too many facta imxnigruoua facts, were crowded into tbe piot ore. Jut n in a painting there u> HUB central iUe* or ol>ject more |iiiniiit'iit than all the rwt, and towards which Jl snli>liary tliioxs converge, and just an the H. me ji.i ntini< would be spoiled by a lt of uwuuaiiing fi^urwi and objocta, beanng no re^tioa to tk central iil-a, III iugh phob^rmphicaMy correct, it would have no art'eUe ralue. So in tin- tiater arta of iiiutJc and letters tbe aauie law hulda. Thin in why I feel lay patience waning when 1 hear jieopla say " Well, bat ia it true !" or triumphantly aemirt that a certain itory U better twcauee it is true. Art ia ih facelly ef electiua. To illus trat.-, Sicj ,.y : auppoiw " Nature 1m- arraKd .> aduuraiW IJM.I' icape in hicb some ridi f<Hi< luu placed H ^rmuite Mom roeity. >'.' I. an ert ; < who may with t.. lint the >...' be eo l r . to paint h u;-lv bi.iiihn juii > :ie by au im utppy ai :ii!jnt, if i*lnr ,< : willhe iiti;>- aitl ('.-I -iv : n * 'rtim l my owu which t. jn oO%r^. tc rj in w-nrsc- ; i will, <'iii iJ-e. a IH ice tits di>v.u to ; .. ut a puture ti. wl i 'n in a bWk !:, a sluny si. in'. ' s*vs l . hinr e!f, that is a bla-k ho, to h>- dip ii:to ivory black and daubt 1 1 . Tbe nseh , anything but iut ; factory eren t, his in- artiatic eye, but l.o will be ooDaidrrnblj Durpriied to Irani that the effect of black may be givun i.y a variety of othr oilon, fur the sloe ia it-''- oting the liyht. jirnt a* all ulijecit do, tuortt or lees. I mneuiber inn a l.ls. k RUWU in a ^aiming, in which, wlun tbe lighte and shade* wuro minutely oxikiuineH, not a trace of pare black was to be found. It iiiproMiod thu iiiiuianiiiatK.il as being alack, but wo* IH a matter "f f ict nor bUck at all. S.i iu n i...\l. however im- probable ur wen niit<teililo the tale, ii situations and character* an) con- i{rin>un if one put istlm l<i^ici>l outooiuu of another the ial. k artwtiuilly true. Tiike for iittunc* the Icgebd of tl o wandoriiiR Jew, wliicli Lvw Wallace liaa ttuly ri'sns. iintwl and |ilaouil ti]ioi> hitotr. van an the " Prince of India." Put a man to live twelve hundred yean aud still have no ho|*> <f dying i* not only not a fact, but is aa sre understand the laws >f life a physical im|>ot*iaiiiy. Yet the Jew ably aurvoa the author's pm I,K,- . f showing whut would be tliv rtl'uct of tho in. m h of hiHtory upon a man wl o not .,i,l) knew it (Nirfoctly, but had p.iriu-i,*ti'.l iu all the great orotita of tbe aucccvdr g agaa. Tlie jitw ia oonetaiilly coiuparii g prucent mi.i ppri*oliinx >'">" with u any Biniilar oiu-sot tho past, and is able O |in<gni<H'ic-t sl.rewdly aa to their prub- tble outcome. And to the Jew beoomee the type of e ery man who ia deeply veraed in history and whose lm.ig, nation haa beun kindlo 1 tbeieby. Dor. tl _ _ V4jsV4^> ____ L Brlcbt s nlaeaie Again. W Us TUB CELEHUATED B.Laurance HPBVTACLBa nil KVECLAHMBM tedt, Mele Aie.it, WIUJAM I AMil.r.1 TRIM MANY ron rum nisaAsn WITHOVT \ m IMHUI'M KII>NBY riiXK, A KKMKHY THAT MBABH PAIIJtIS iTMl> HIM. I.I.MHIN, MAY 81- Wi'liam l^iiixli-v, of Lond"i) South, mo !!,'. l intiniiiiiinli <u of the kidneyn lat fit I, whioli dually v, 1 .[(! into llimliti (ll . av. At nil) man would, who waa sMiuUil with th H t rrible diteaim, Mr. 1 Jnl-y tried evxry remedy that eimld be MMtfteA Mn exfieri Doe was the same ae all <>thrrs, lu iri>t tin ruliwf until heljian usit>g IKuM'e Ki.'iu-y Pdls. Thwn achaniie set in, M Lenylvy at onou Iteiran to improvo, ant now h.> i< cured. Tins is another oaee o Hi u-tii'n dimMtM, once ouUMilervd inoura !>'. that has had U. aucouatb to Dudd i UlirumatUin Csirrd In Day v.uili American Hheuinatmin Cure, for (lii-mi> itum and Neuralgia, [radically .urea in 1 to 3 days. Iia action upon the* nysteni i remarkable and mysterious. t removes at once the cause and the dis- ease i in uiel lately ilw[>;>mn. The first dose ureatly U-m-ti's. 75 cuta. Sold by W. E. Riclutrdsoii, Druggist J. & C. Noble, the Collincwood nrsa f fikhenuea who ply thc>ir null- in the vicinity of Kil amey, were rrfuaed a license this rear on account of illevs) tisliinu Ust y.iar. ITii-y 'nave, it U allei!ed,attnpted lodi-fy he law, and a Urge number of (heir tish- ii{ imacka and two tnge have been tized. Victor Lang. e-R*Te of Nnnai>K* Tp., who diud at Nuustadt a few weeks aifo, had Hisurwd hi* life in the Maoeabooa only three eViyt befa he wa* Uken sick and his death ixwurud throe weeks *fu>r hie initiation The family receive through the policy hu liefii. Fifteen aud a half pounds of batter waa man uf set u red (run one week's supply of milk from Mr. B. O.Kelly 'scow recently. Phil is even bettor than the record of a o.w lielongitig to sir. Win. E. O>k, out Boeklyn way. which yielded 43 I be. of in four weeks' BMlkiug. Reflector. "Only the Scars Remain/ 9 Sari HKKKT HCDSON, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co* Philadelphia. Pa., who ccrtU flea as follows: "Among tlto many testimoni- als which I too in reganl to rur- tain meJUiues per forming cre, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress mo morn than my low case. "- * l the a;0 Ofl8 year*. 1 1,.. I swellings conio on my leg*, which broke ami became run- ning tore*. I Our family pl.;> aii-ian could do W M KOOd. Md it WM tBMW thM tb bond would to effected. A* last. my food old Mother Urged Me I tryAj-*r'aBiMjrilIa. I took throe bottUs, the sores healed, and I have not bean troubled ilnre. Only tte ear* remain, and the mtmiarj of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's BanaparllU kas done nw. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the beat of health. I bar* been on the road for th* pa* twelve yean, have noticed Ayer's 8ar- sapariUa adrertised In ail part* of the United State*, and alway* take pleas- nre ia telling what good it did lor me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla rMfandby Dr. J.a Ajrw kO^LexNlUItM. C urea others, will our* you HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE 00 DO 5 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant tht kid- neyt art in trouble. Dodd't Kidney Pill* glut prompt relief" "75 per cent of diteatt i frtt caused, ha disordered ktj- ncy*. " Might as totll try to haut a healthy eity without tewer- arjt, at good health tuhtn tht hidneyt art clogged, they art Soil by alldealrnareratbyowaoa.. of price 50 crnts. per box or sis for T Dr. I_ A. Smith & t,.. Toivclu. Write book calM tUW , Talk. tht tavengtrt of tht tytttm. "Delay It dangerout. Heg- I acted kidney t rouble t remit in tat" Blood, Diftptpsia, Uver Complaint, and tht matt dan- gerout of all, Bright* D! state, Diabett* and about t/lseatet cannot txltt mhert Dodd't Kidrey Pillt are COPYRIGHTS. CAW I BTAIW 4 rATByT Vdr a Patents takes) throea-h MurB Ok, SSI tfjeeial otfcwbitke ftrfentlfte Anteriraa, ins an bfoeiss widely bsrnretke peNK-i eat eoci to the bneDtar. 1 his winxtid tesaid wislto. etas;eely I UOM rat M. bes y rs fartEs n> UH> eot met to tLw .v.i....^. . ... n , >*** kSMed wislto. elea-entl r Wnetratsd. he* kv laneet nraOatl.* of anr seMBUSe wen .- world. f)3 a year. Sample eoMe* seat treo. mmdlsf IMlllo^moo.hry.^JOayear. Sina-w enplee. -jj eentaTirvery njasbeT nttale>aV. tif'il seuet. U) onion, and pbouvraoiu of afw bomee. with ptana. enawnK batlden u skow ta Utestdesla'swsadaeoere eoatnots. Aitdreee HDXK S) OOw staw Toum. 3t)l BSUAUWAT. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE i TONIC AND f5-T<t AUII nticl I.1VKI? CtTItE. The Wonderful 11KALTH 13UIL I)iiK& NEKVE FOOD. I'hronlc !<- r caused by IrrrnDKCfl KrrTt Ontrri l ba>' of Bruin. LATK discoveries hare abfolntrly pi-oven that the Stomach and linnet, ituil uulu'd ll ii)t'rnl organs are conliolleil I't ilie tieivc rcntrrsut the base of the tnum. The mann- ufitcliirtr )f S>i'Tii AMKRK-AN NBUVINB linn Kliiilird tliiit nuhjtct closely for wore limn twruly-Gw yeais, and has lately tleinonntrated llmt two thirds of out Chionic l>ima>', ato duo to tlie iirperfect action of nerve ce in--. oitiior within or at the base of tin brain and no* from thu derangement of tlio orpins themselves ; In nee that the ordinary nietluuU of treatment are wrong. As all know, sorious injury to the spinal eord will at onco canae TANALV- HiHoftho body blow the injured part, it therefore will be equally well under- stood, how tbe deraugoiuvutt of the uorvc 1 centres, will cauno the Hi' "I if tin- iliiTi-uni organs ol li-i')) wliicli il.ey >-ii|,;-ly with F; i ID or ^CHVK PwcB. The woutU'ifnl MICCISS of SoutL Amcriciu Norvine is ihiolrne to U fact iliat it i. hdjiiHl on tlie foregoitu; piinriple. The uso of a oiu^lo bottle i'f tliix rfmniy iil oonvmco the most mr: Minions. It \ in()ed, a vpritabh? NM.NK Fw.p ml \VI1.I, ni-.l.IKYE IN DNK DAY tU vxrvei (oruis of mi \uiia disease and stomacli troubles. Tins claw of tlisonsos, is r*imlly in- crcdHinjr eacli year, < Rpoi.mil of tbe :;i r i! Wi-MI- OUf IIM'lf of living mill Ub- 01 im-i!e mn tlio IHTVOM system. NM '-iiUis of all the ailments to i,.onilip liwinaii fauiity is luir, HJHUI H-rvons exliaustiou, lis sli1 '"- un -^ n doteriormtul ViM 1*1, ^J ?oi.ilitinii of ibu blood. T be Sootli American Nerviue is a Rfftt nrrvi< fo, .1 and urrvn build- r Riid tins accounts far its uiarvcloua power to cnre t! < varied forms ol nervons disi*c, such as Neunttgia, Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, St. Vitns's Pance, Nrrrons oboking.Nerv- ons Pai-osysms, Twitching of tlio Mu- oles, Hot Flaslies, Mcmnl D8pood- rncy, Forgctfulness, Slefulesancss, HcstlcssncM, Nn vonsin ss of Feoialer, Palpitation of tlio Heart, 8i0ft) \VcakurH, etc., etc. Hold by WM UK n VEDHOX

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