Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1894, p. 1

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" TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES. SOT MBX/ VJL. FLESHERTON. ONT., THURSDAY. JUNK 7 WH. THUSSTON cDlTCS * One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto at prices to meet every packet, from $1.25 up !i mm somiiisii ,.^ __ Some Qhostly Manifestations M . a. SO. 10, liULVKUi. i-HEATB CTTISI ; i.xTBMtrr AM> Bxcm THE row v> t >rvTHI>MALI MYSTCKY. ** UJVFRWIRF A ful1 stock ot beautiful and useful Jli. I Lil n IlllLi i i j- L i poods in cruets, pickle dishes, knives, forks, sj oonS, ornamental goods, &c. '' E1E ' EBY A magnificent stock in every line, WATCHES to collar buttons. ARMSTRONG BROS* ' - tion table, which they ehaaled ia ii: asual I atbool drune, whn it w* beaid agai K , at lir^i kjw aui pitched ia the *aai U; a* the rbiUrew.'* voice*, bet finally iaen-a *d to a miniature roar, entir-U Jr wur g all utlu-r unud bat ft* own. Dr. Hutt<>u and M r. Donald MeConaaak, . f Prieeeftie. ibon^ht it wa eaoard by ihe fame three *ir' who had been charged befnre with L. .BC toe came cf the d:*lurbanae. rTbii iL-.jcv wu *"* proved to be cnXi&eoQ*. aad waa bat the oatcnmy>f the aewHawiui. m .hieh ! the en -ire affair na* aa*i. FteaUy all ia It u at>Id<Mn that this county ha* been i achoUrt an 1 the teacher were/ amt awav treated M a vi*it f r m a genuine alum. , window* -er* *tnrae4 np, tk- wall* xam- and an a rule the pwopla ant not succei t- ined for crack* and the roof open ad ud , ible of Iwlief in th- u; ernatural, bur about twenty inre*ti^iU>n (tood u.-ide. but chool aectiou So. 10. tilt.Mi.dK. has just *onnd had .-topped. Mr. Campbell .loud with watch .u baad timm k - the adence. Kepain, "R-cpairs D. McTavisb, Flesherton Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, keeps on hand irs far Iissty t Harris, luoi, (Inry IB. liikissii Iros, FARM Ploiwa : Fleury and Ve ity on hand all the time, also Jl kimln of repair* for the same. \VemauufACtureWaxons. Kii^^ies. Cotters. ^^eijks. t-to. HonHtaMWf proBMljr JftuM to. 8peciI Attention to teuder of co^racttil foot. Lo^giu^ and I'lo* C'haius eonsuntly on hand. a niyaiery which hif> defied the n.> - Hit a:l trir-ta.-it .y Keutlemcu who have spent ilay* in tryii> to arrive at the came. For two week* past thMe> ' n>anifaiatii." have been caring the wit* out of teacher and jiupiK and the came i*atil! a far from *>duti<.u a* ever. The Atlratuas visited the acene ou Monday and foui.3 fully two hundred people present, drawn hither from nun y mile* around throun'.i curi*ity. A Globe reporter ha* written up the adair. the ar- ticle appeariiiK m Monday'* paper. Th Advance n bum ted tin* report to Mia* McKr-chtiie. the teacher, and Inspector <'i.n|d>eil. who a.aert tlwt it in thoroughly reliable in every particular. We i(UoU from it follow* : (Hi the itfteru Ml M ' '!)' May 21, the *clil l*mg perfectly <|uiet, the teacher. Mian Annie R MiKeclinie, at her dealt, and the ach->lar ( lU.ut 30 in all. ranuuiK fr.-iu wtn 14; beiug engaged in writing exercise*, a low, hnm.inng none waa heard, apparently coming front oouie spot between the teacher deak aud thoae of the fore!!*** pupil*. The sound waaaa ritied by the teacher to the pupil*, ai-d vice verax MM Me- rderrd baa n .ie un Ur tbi* i, but the lumiiuiiii instead of rie in volume, until it aeetnud tu till the whole room Itwa* tooauatained to be pr<*luced by any anhud, beaut <.r bum.ui. There waa i.o wind, aad it ia van. .iiniy descnhed by the hundreds of luleoer-, who have uiO' h to Ihe nchool a*rv*. mUimr \he whnr [ f tlireehii.'j machine wbeu the cylinder is Vnpty. w in! |.;.-w n^ itito the mouth "I ' a hotl!e>, and the BIUI of a human l -inj in pain. S-.nictiniH* it *>unU like the " hum hunt. ' contmuitlly r>>peitted, which many pw>ple use luaiead of the ui.uioejl- lable yea. Wh> uiakee the myatenr .Mill dewier in that ihe sound ii,<pears to poeaem uitelli- ; At the ami of HTM minute* be Bade tome ob- aerraucn. which waa replied to bv *oo,e..n ciae. and th* watch being returned to the pocket again the haj.auag was apparent. Tbia. in I'tijn&ciioa with a Mill un re pt*. ealiar in'-Llf^t. gtreariaato the theory of ". u: Diligence. ' fbe inodtnt af.,r-*a: 1 waa aa fallow* : In the earlv part of tba mvea- < >tion thr tltrre girl* aieauooed bud beos mbjected to to* twst at being aeat from on* ! part of the room to the other, and. while , th* coon 1 always appeared ta f.dlow thm. | it rema.n<<dfnr ihe (paeenf a quaner of a lumnta in the place they had left, then would be Blent, aud then 'be heard 5ft &> oor stock and price*. i'CJ.IjBIXCH, ** MERCHANT TAILOR. grnua.ciag. apr*reatiy. from ..u> .( theai. Tha.lt will u*e-n that tb inTeotieator* b**e proven that it it >! Teutril ^tlian. that it i* not caa*d by pupil* or teacher! Michigan, where *h* ban Seu Utch- MWIKh-N>l. Mr. and Mn. Jane* CjnaAU, jr.,paia r. indeed, by anv ou. haTia, hmnanlang,' ' ^* "' Btm^pw. laUfy. t being a ajajajaaj inpoMibnitr tor them to *** P^tr-.n ptcnic in Toompavm . f Te note regularly, i.e. if we have vny to eii.l. aa uw ia often at a dL-o.ii,, c a&d GENTLEMEN I DESIRE TO AXNOt'NCF. that I liave taken orer the Carriage and \Va:ou making hnxinem lately carried ou by Mr. Moore, and am no* piv|>rvd to till nil oi-dere in my line U> your entire satigfaction. Having Uu-ly added to my sixteen years' expe. rieuce in tlie business a nine mouths' training in one of the best carriage shops in the city of Detroit, where I sncteedcd in caxryiuu nQ a first class recommendation, oiiijht to be a snfiicirnl x llarali:i ^ that all work will bp done in a first cls8 manner. I maunfHCtnre Wagons, llwjf^ies, C'littors. S -!<!.!; iu f.ict everything in the car riage hue. Wood and luuiber taken in exchange. Kindly give me a call. II. IL A.II.Floslieiton. Next door to UcTavisL's blacksmith shop. To the Public in general or all intending pnrchastrs of ios, Carls and Democrats I dir to call your attention to niT spring stock. Kindly give IIH a call and you will be convinced. I use uothinit but first-class material Come and jud^e for yonnelres. Uepaning strictly aiieuded to, also painting and rvtriintoing. E. T. WEITTE1T, flesberton. \V I VTfl^ >T ,\ . ' I Til' Knerset c.iwnoan . ' i' eiuplovmcnl with aaaaaataa- uien. Buarleaoe u >l nveeuarv. llu louie -^ilrtt ^M.| lliv benefit of uver M year* wxjvr- Wuco r<lrnih<l rv.-rv ni*n. Cliolc* |H--II IUl*anl uoalrul ot Wnllory.- We ha over TW acrw f choice li-k.aiiil can give you iun> l\nliiKs. Our UUH! of necurluR and rvtalu lui; wli'xinrn In >|>i lor. Cat! for our tiui The trial will ci< >ou nothing Tort. Out. STO>L A. Captain Sweeney. I' S. A., San Cat.. wty : "Shiloh -. Catarrah K.m.xly is tie firet niedwiuu I have ever found (hat wimld do me any gMtid." 1'rite 00 cent* Firi fir Sals ir Eukaiji, A Rare Chance. R Hal* or Exchange for Vtllae propertv la gPiinertou. Vleoberlun Station. Ma\w'll. Sin hani|itoa. or Fevenhai.. : a vkluabl* Farm of lU? acre*.one mil* uorlb ot Kluibei-lry la tbe ll*avr all,i> . Tp of Kni'hratla Ou tlie pr,-... 1 toaa are Rood frame h-.u. Nru n.l i>..n'. lo a Kood orvbanl and wvll impplied 1>I> W. A. DAY* IX. Ag t tor My<teuh.uu Ktr ieiice ; inUeed both tachr aad pupil* claim to have he >rd it itpenk in inuffleti human toiiea. Tina ( fmn may he hallucination, hj' Mi~ McKi-chme aWck A hammer on tho wainacofiih-. witli the remark. " Cam* .ut ..f ai.d iu< j , til i c. one ..f the chlldivn and the t-ncher hrt- , ^ wlf but atourl, ,.vor that a fa.ut I> ( 4)- , ult% iiutun such * proloagwd brra>h ; that it w *a a *uccem in aptte of act eaiued by a (liver raltleu bv th* w nd .<r weather whick pre< ailed. by the win I ibalr blowiig through aoaw w are -rry to hear that we are to ).* trerice. a* it ha* been beard ><>odeat when birth >f our popular muiiatera at this- tbam waj. no breese at all ; that it d.e not point. \V e think that we Might get keep- weed fr^m any aai^nal conwaW aboa4 iu Mr. I'erry bat we muat bow to th the beiUiax t au insect theory i* .t t th ; wiU of f, t- ' E^Hi^i^: .--szxtjszts: s ~ MUs MeXel>n k t*tee th^ ao only^Jl ihe ' ^* **" w * * lU '7 *" "^ uur oood tak* all the font* ateatioiisd. bat Iliat oftea il *"ild be uaaf**<bJe la tell it fiom tbe cry I . cblH. aad that b* bad basm aaaxi by *K. victor h haj beard it (.-in witboat wh.a aikthadbswai "(rivias; it to "* now ? Soaaetiasfs it toadied kte* the* at tracted ' y tip of a baaad. , i IBS! Iain it rMsatfijiJ the Nuutbered wfaimpenug of a litter < pap*. atilalwy* appeared to OOBM Tom witbiu ib. apariiuaul, but *oU never be loca eJ. I am perfectly coarinced that nch ceaeln I I.KI* as ha** aweu arrived al. ' nxaniinft ' what il is aot i-aed b, are on-;t. The chool it a plain log boHding in pair, but a (mall that the klea of ilb which I aut is n.licnloo*." The ab> t TO THE Independent Electors Co n t i-t C rey : v reprt give- all the iWta with rayard to tbe matter up U> tUle. On Monday of this week the teacher reopened ll,e achool. wbi^i had been ei.rd for ' hree or four day*, in pretence of Inipevt- , or Ciunpbell and other*, hut tho J, tU the whole ti. ,r .%nd Waina- torn up and without any re- the liuildmg ha* bveu vacated. The f > lonim; .lay. TueUy. a number of the pupila' twr>-i>tt> wlio Iw.l tu en >i foruinl of thettiKiige iMjeurencc. athared at the mrliool houw aUiut U.30 a. m , and the huiiiuiiiu I. >< ni: i*tne>l lefore. tent d" vn for Mr. Archie McL'ii :i'jj, the nearest nei^hhur. and for the sclimd tru tee*. Mcsar*. H >.|>er, McKiiimm anil H iii.wrt^-^, who we.ru a* utterly i. u pliuaed tuid ullage to aixount fur (lie lound a the M.'iiolur or teacher. On aoomnt of the toiy told lejjartlioij the "re|dy," the o-naenaua of opinion tin.. I rlie I Umo upv.n the teacher, and put it dowu to ventiil'X|Utaiu, the more that when ->iie> wa* :iilt!reMiiii! aiiybiniy the! 'iin,! otaiwd, intl though the trustee* and a number ft the nei^hhoix spent th* entire day uive^tigatinK, wrhout once beii'K abl to locate it, thin vor liel gained Ounaiderable tn ngth . At one time the loiind would api'etr t.) come fmiu the rt.NT. and upon their guinK t" the apot wheiici il *i'|reiilly emanated ita 1-val- ity would, atnft tu ihe ceiliiu-, and al- thouich the aelf e-inatituted mveitiuatiiiti coimiiitUM iipre id itaflf ovir thf ei.u-e room the huuilinu^ alw.\ p|>enrcd tu ach heater to come frum three >.f tlie girl oh> r, and Mr. Hooper, who ha i ju.t .tfiivetl. w:u..urwit wa* insoiiiixh ter, who v:w onu of the nuniner, tlia he jokiiu.y asked her to do it " ie,! .. r'iiml> all the pupiU were sent o> er an adj.tcv nt hill 100 yarvla aw.ty, a:id t. r . of (he adultti >liHd ou aide to %, t!i.it thoy remained there, but still i lie luimiii mg continuetL Su*picion axam fell on MUM McKochme, it during m. i ..mr . t thx following Friday the tnu..d cvus. d returiiinx when l>e did. Ou S.iiuMiay aod Ruuday. xltho'igh a \tft rr >d had gaiherv,! at I ,e whoo! h, ue uolUing Ue*rd- Ou .M .mday the trviiiv U<keil tli* uuilding U|>. .i i ^loa^nt Mr N. \N Caui|>b*ll, of Durham, Inapeeior of 1'uidic Seh'^ i for South (irey, ta the en., of the mystery, aud uad^r h.'n din o- tmti* a most ihort'Ugh invenii^non wa* made. The floor wa* torn up. a liouud and .t fia leriier beiug M ut uudenieath tu dis- { ivur if puaeiblt) wltther the nouud ( Bieh wa* (till continue,!) wa* canoed by any ani- mal, but without reoult, Tueu fur a time there was no un usual uiauihiUlioa, miitil Ih* tibiidrwo began W recit* Ui* muluuiica. ; Schix'l will hencefonli be held in another \acaiit butldini; not far away uir 1 .t new *ch<lhoiue can be erected! Ml-* Mc- Kechme'* nerves, which are n< t of the weak kmu, ..ue berii completely un- . MruiiK by the tf..ir. 1'lie " \Vliat i* it ? " I nl pn.ix'nlv never bu dmcuvered and the mwt'er may !< down to posterity ax 'no of those niiexplaineil paycholotfical phenomena that mankind appear* incom- peienr to solve. We have yet to meet tha man wliwbeliere* it i* tuperuatural. but then, what i* it I k.uiiM-r;. Miaa McLean paaaed over to the majority u-t ^'edneaday night after a lin^oiiiu '-i i painful nines*. H-r n - 111x1115 were unerri-d in the ui.i >u eeuiet- ery at Thoruhury. The berenved oii. have the sym^tiny of the surr>uudiui( vicinity. The nitrruxl :uni aini{le men had a very intin-.tinvi IvwevMt,! match .MI S<:urday, reauitiiii; - . > o.-y for rlie latter by a score of 11 t. *t. tiut tlie married nu-u are not duo lU^>^<^l yet a* they purpa pUyii.^; oil Saturd-ty again, this time for tlie p| r We iurry to have to m*utH>n it, but v >lovi .t "in duty Tiierw are aoiue ot our \ 0:111.' men and hoys who ,,.in to haw very little tvpet for the hou of (i.sl. They aiv in the ImUit of *tnittluiK arouitd tli' d.>r and ^i|.m.' m f rvui;h Ike window* aitd ninking ounniil, -radio ia>iw u lion wrv ice to> coiut; INI. If you do n iic*rv to have your uiuiwa luentioued in pnut, take .truiu|(. From IINI OVM Kin. J.uui-s .rntield, ST.. who ha* been in ill health al! the winter ia,we .re happy to *ny. iiupio. iiii- Our Sunday School ia now in opt'naioa fi>r it* suutuierV work under the at4u sup- ertnleiMleiiee <if Edward ROM. Mis* Luxie Heiidenon hns returned from a Ivtigthy viit to friend* in Toronto. Mr. Unwenitiui, of Kn^t-nia. has moved onto Mr. Ariu*troiig f.irm. Mtaa Tillie White i* hooiu from At O..|p.y. a h.tiulet three anlea fr .1 Wi^rton, it twine hear beli>ni;<ii^ to . Ian. i 4 Miackler<i, hotelkeept-r. of that pUev. while pUyitiic with the rour-yeur '. 1 chiVI of th.- owner, bi-cnmo autfry, and tore tlie child t > Kh.-uin it N Carrl III a S'Uih Aim-ricnti Kh**um.irisni C*ur%\ fur Rhoiim.itism aud N-'uralttia, radically cures m 1 ti 3 day*. Its action upi tho mtoaa is rvmarkahle ami my.s--i..L. It mn. vi-sat once <hecaua<< and the di- OMI ininwsJiately ilwapprnr*. The lir t doae ureatly N-aetii*. 75 wnta. ! \V. K. ?' i a

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