Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1894, p. 4

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THI FLMSHERTON ADVANCE 8T1.BMSUBD 1881 f Advance WKIKLT AT THI OFFICB, SYD- BNHAM MTBEK1, FLKKHIRTuN, OUT., BY w. u. THI KSTON. M per niiiiuin.si riclly In ndttuire AdveitiBing Rates: Ou Column, 1 year, 950 ; bftlf eol.. 1 yr, $27 quarter col., one yer, SIS. Transient advcrtiaeiueulcbirged at the rite of 8 cenU par line for flnt Inwrtlon and S cuti each lubuqueut luMttiou. TRANSGRESSING THE LAW. The annual Catholic picnic at Irish lake came off last week. A gentleman iuforms us that beer was freely and openly sold on this occasion as it has teen formerly. This picnic, too, has digenerated into a political affair where politicians may meet to grasp the ' huruey- handed sons of toil " of the Catholic persuasion and where cam- paign funds are squandered with lavish hand. Oar information is that five dollars represented the " treats " stood by some of the government emissaries. This state of affairs has been winked at by Sir Oliver Mowat' s officials for yean past and tho party's funds have filtered through this illegal beery chan- nel without a chock or hindrance be- ing brought to bear by license inipecs lor or anyone else. The pertinent questions arise, why are laws, made if not to be enforced 1 Aud why should any church be exempt from tho coaie ]ueocea of illegal acts which, if per- petrated by secular society or individ- ual, would bring the officers of justice down npou them to the extent of fifty dollars and coflts or more f The Ad- vance has decided to bung this matter before the public, although with great repugnance. It is iad to think that a Lurch which moulds tlio morals of a large peioentage of our people, and out of which many good, moral and brill- iant people and statesmen are actually produced, should descend to so degrad icg a transgrcgson of the the laws of our country, by supplying contraband goods for consumption iu this manner. If the priest* aro not amenable to our law neither aro they to any. But they are amenable, and it is high time that a step was put to those proceed- iugs ; and if the in.-ipn-tor does his duty he will sue to it that the trans- g lessors are punished. The election y.., past has been a ; .... ncal defeat for the Mowat govern- ment. They have lost tlirco cabinet miniHters. When oue considers the powerful patronage aud strength at back ol the government it is a Matter of surprise, aud must be a matter ol congratulation to Mr. Meredith, the Conservative leader, that he returns to tho House with a following almost ejual to Vr. Mowat'a. In fact U ii doubtful if the government will have a woiking majority. Mr. Mowat must at all even Is accept the verdict as a distinct protest against his ex- travagance and questionable methods. Hi.op-r, the wif murderer, was san Unced iik Throa Rivera last woe>k to 25 ,1 ir in the penitentiary. President Carnot of Frmic was inort ally Ntaohetl at Lyons Sunday evening by 81-year-nld lulian Annrcaist named Csariu Haiito. Th Globe'* Whinrpru con eHpoiident says the Privy Council bus granted per- nission to, appeal in the Manitoba school case. J iW likely con* up iu Novem- ber. Or. Oouke's Arefo expedition will stark f i< .in N*w York on .) uwt 80, instead of from New Loydmi v Ctmn. The steam- ship Miranda of the Halifax line is now ttiijg got in readiue*s for the trip. TBOl fiAMBF, M.P.P, CENTRE GREY BETL'RNS A CON- SERVATIVE PATRON. MR. MOWAT BADLY CORNERED. TH G FOUMERH OK CKNTCI Of.SV M8AP- P01NTKD WOBTII OKKT OOB8 CLB- LAND AND SOUTH OEBY PATBON O II Kit ELECTION NKWM. The elections to the Local Legislat- ure are once more a thing of the past, and Air. Mowat has been sustained, but with so small a majority that it is doubtful if he cau cairy on the bus- iness of the country. The Conser- vatives have made a number of gains and have met with practically no losses. Bir Oliver Mowat 1ms lost his lately appointed Minister of Fi- nance, Xir. Harty, of Kingston, the nominee of Archbishop Cleary, by a small majority ; Mr. Kirkpatrick, speaker of the House, ha been defeat- ed in South Forth by John McNeil (Patron); the four Tuioutos have re- turned Conservatives. The contest in Centre Grey was a vigorous one and has resulted in the defeat of the old member, Major Rorke, by a largo majority. Mr. Gamey, the Patron Candidate, has now after 83 years of municipal vic- tories had the additional hocor of U. P. P. attached to hit name. lie will of courto wear it with becoming dignity and do it credit. It is impossible to get ihe correct figures np to time of going to pi ess, bat the totals so far as heard from give Mr. Gamey 287 of a majority. Of this Osprey, hm owu township, gave him 266. This included Osprey, Arte-nesia, two polling snb-divisiona in Euphrasia and two in Holland. Arteuicsia gave the Patron candi- date 20 of a majority and Osprfy 266 Wo cauuot get thu figures fr the uilier townships in time for this week's paper. The latest figures for the province were : Out of 90 seats heard from the Liberals had 46, Con. 84,P*tioiiR 9 and P. P. A. 1. Thu left lour seats to hear team. Mr. Qaoiey's majority is expected to reach in the neighborhood of 400. bo far as we have been able to learn the following members have been elected throughout the Province: Algoma West Conniee, Ref. BraiitS. H. m. A. 8. Hardy, Rf. brace N. AlcNnuKhton, Patron. Bruce b.Truax, Ref. Carlotiin Kidd, Patron. Dufltjriu. DyuuM, Patron. Glenjjairy McAcplieraou, Patron. GreyN. Olland, Ref. Grey Centra Gamey, Patron. Grtsy8.-MoNich.il, I'airon. Hamilton, E. and W. Middleton and (ill*..M, lief. Kent KcrKu.<Mn, n?r. Kll>;,'.stnu Sinyilic. Con. LaiuM.ou, K. ami \V. MeCallum and Uourd, Con. IV IV A. Lanark, N. and 8. Preston and Mathe- on, Con. London W. U. Meredith. Middlesex K. Shore, Patron. Nipiuiiiw Louglnin, lluf. Norfolk 8. W. A. Churlloii, Ref. Norfolk N.- Carm-nter. Ref. Nort,liuml.orlat\i> S. Willounhby, Con. IforthunibuiUnd W. Field, K. f. Ontario N. Chappie, Ref. Ontariu 8. Dryden, Ref. OMtvra--Brcin>uand N'Keefe, Ref. Harry Sound Beatty, Con. Peel-Smith, Ref. Perth N. Mawood, Con. Perth 8.- McNeil, Patron IVti'rtK.ru K. - Klozard, Ref. Prinoe Edward -Caven, Patron. Renfruw R, Campbell R. f. Niincoe E. Misoainpbell, Con. HiuiriKi W. A. Currie, Patron. Kimcoe Centre. l'atr<>n, Ruf. Btormniit Iteiinetl, Pntmn. Toronto E W. N. & 8. Ryerton, Crawford, Murteraiul Huwlund, (Jon. Wuh-il.K. N. Rol,crt*on, lli'f. Waterloo 8. Mo ,r.-. Ref. Welland- -Oennan, Ruf. Wellington S. Mulrie, Ri-f. Weiitworth 8.- -Aurey, Ittf. York W -St. John, Con. York N. David. Ilef. Van-led. 8t.noN-KFi.t.a .U th reilrtevqo of the ferlde'i alilixr, Vamlnlaur. on WeAnesdat Juu*l\by tli* Uev. K. 8. Buperi, Allan V. (tbeMuii, i,f Hi Miii'vi, to Mary K. h.-ll., daughter of Thos. KePii, K*). tor* DCKCix- On TburaAay. 41t mtt.. the wlfo of Ml, Uuucaii, Arteu>eU, o( a d%ufhtr, Local vs. City Trade. Many merchant* in towns an. 1 , villages feel very much cha frriiiud and disap- pointed when they sue their fellow towns- men sending daily to " tho city " for dry goods, books, etc., instead of patronizing the men who are tho mainstay of their town. It is exceedingly lamentable to sea a conicientioiift, upright merchant in a small town doing lux btst to give the people in his vicinity a chance to inspect a full range of tho Huston's no\> Ities, and when they have fully inspected his stock, got a general idea of what they oug'it to buy, they send for sampled from the city and finally order from there. We do lut proclaim that "to the vie tor belong the epoiht," but we do main- tain that the people of a town are follow- int; their own best interests when they patronize their home trade. Every store in a town pays a eeitain amount of rent, tales, etc., and Hie wa^es of employer aud employe will amount to s snug sum every year. Another store occupied in cruastuit'ie price of real u.itato. Another store and one or '.wo hoimea occupie d means leas caxes on other property. An- other store occupied and competing for trade means an increased number of vis- itors, rural and civic, and an increased circulation of money hi this and a dozen dfffcrent ways. TLe merchants of a town an its back bone, Take them out of any town and in throe months it will be an dead as the proverbial " door nail. " They are the lap of the town, and give it activity and life. One live merchant it worth ninety nine retired farmere. Merchants talk up the town ; they draw uiauufac tun-it, into it ; they draw retideuts ; they invest money in it ; they help it in a thousand ways. From the Msy Dry Good* Review ("o onto and Montreal. ) "When I was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. WOOMOH, Forest Hill. W. Va., "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced K incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ajrar'a (Bterry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cored me. For the last fifteen Tears, I nave used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the boose all the time, not considering it safe to be with- out It." "I hare b*ea using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my family (or 80 years, with tho most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend It as being espe- cially adapted to all pulmonary earn- plaints. I have, for many years, mad* pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I nave come to the conclusion that Aynr'a Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre eminent over other medi- cines of the clas."-Chas. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer* 8 Cherry Pectoral Pnptnd ky Dr. t. 0. Ayw a Go, LcmU, 1 Prompt toaot,sHjrtocuft) Notice, Ji KOLLEIt FLOURING MILLS Manitoba Flour Mlway'on hand. Buckwheat ground and; bo'ted. The only mill in this attction of country that does this class of work. Chopping clone at time*. A-B. FLESH ERTON Now Open for Business. *********** Having thoroughly repaired and renovated the F!eherton Woollen Mill? we arc now m a volition to do cidt-r iroik on iihort notice and in a satisfact- ory manner. Roll Carding. Weaving, Bulling, and Dyeing. ALL KINDS OF lank eta, Morse Blankets, Fancy Coverlets, Tweeda, F*lannela, YARNS OF EVERY KIND- - Carpet weaving done to order. BRING US YOUR WOOL. You can rely upon getting cutiio satisfaction. Nuhn & Horinaiiii. OURSALSS of Cottons for the past two weeks have exceeded any two months' sales in our business. We still lead in cheap Factory Cottons from 3^ cents for 34 inch widths up. THIS WEEK and next we will have some surprises in cheap Prints, a lot of ends of ten yards at half regulai prices. They will go quick aft r being introduced. WE HAVE some new drives in Dress Good 1 *, at 8 cents. 25-cent wool Delaines tor 16 cents, and many other Ines which must be seen to appreciate the bargains offer- ing to clear. A lot of Crreap Tweeds suitable for boys clothing should be interesting to heads oi families. BARGAINS bristling in every department of our busi- ness. We are buying wool for cash ortr,a,dv al&obuttwand B THe K R Tailor. Makes all garments of Men's wear in the best stylo at short notice All wurk guaranteed. A ti i.l solicited. F. A. FLKSHERTON. Carpel mi Flannel leiviif, Tho umtemlnowl i ureparoil do Carpet ami Klaminl wxitvliiii <>( all kmdi on >hoit notice and reaiiouftti'.ii term*. Satisfaction Kuarixnttxxl ()nln Mint in by alMie will rvceiva i<ronipt ;-" toution. l'uiTv>|iuu<leno iliotwl. MISB K. COUTT8, Feb. 1. 1 m. MIXWKLL MOTMS. NarJM u liircbv given that I will uo be rt- IWUW npontiDlu tor ny debt coutractcil in my name by any of mv (anillv. UROBUK RADUBX. , My 17. UBi. The Marketa Carernlly Corrertrd Knelt W oek KKmr ................. | 3 80 to f 3 2Q Full Wheat ........ 05 to 08 Spring Wheat ..... 66 to (ft Barley ............. 3r to 31 Oajs .............. 33 to 33 I'eas ............ M to 68 gutter ........... U to U KM*, fresh ........ 8 to 8 }VtaU* bs ...... v 60 to 50 1-i.ik ......... . . 5 00 to 5 Ml Hay per tun ........ a 00 to W> Hides ............ 300 to 300 *> to 8& to 7 to 10 21) to C& W to (0, V.to. IT; (}eese Turkeys ............ Cluck. ! per pair ..... Ducks ber pair ..... \SM, .-....,..-....

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