THE RESULT OF A FAINT. > Mr*. Rachel Lyons had tainted dead a- way. Her husband, Dao Lyons, found h*r lyi-ig by th hog-pen. Sh* had carted big backet of buttermilk to th aix shoan in'the pea, an i hid eriileotly fainted when pouring it into the trough, over tne high fence to front of the yard. The backet. with half a gallon of baturmilk (till in it, was lying half inverted, against the it^l form in tbe faded calico dress, sa'.nrt*d her* and there with the spilled fluid when he felL Such a thing had never happened before in all the married life of Dan Lyons, now neirly twenty-five yean, aod he wa, for once, really scare.L He called for hn ion. June*, a stout lad of eighteen, and they carried her to the house, and then Jim w* ant for th doctor. Doctor Hare, the family physician, kn-w what wai wrong. He administered proper rwtoratives, acd m half an hour Mr*. Lyon* wa* lying comfortable, but weak, propped up with pillows, on the old lounge in the sitting-room. It was a very hot .lay in early ( J uly. one of the tint real hot days oi ttie season. The clover hay harvest was in progr***, and as anon as Dan Lyons thought hi* wife was all right for reoovery, hs hastened to the fields with Jim and a hirel han i. Tne doctor said he would stay sc hoar or two to see whether his patient was threatened with an attack of fever, or wa* simply ex- hausted. He ha-1 a long talk with her, in the cool sitting-room, while Helen, the daughter, and the eldtst of the children, prepared dinner, i'*a Lyons owned three hundred aciesof fertile land, half of it rivet bottom and half rolling upland. H* wa a wiry, muscular, tough specimen, a hard worker, and ambi tious to be rich. When he mirne-i Racae Cowdec. nearly a .( of a century be- fore, he h i taken her tro-n a Vermont home to a log house on 100 acre* f this same farm that his father bad given him. She was a comely bride, the pick of the neighborhood aud she brought a thousand .toiiar* with h<-r. which was immediately invested in an aJjoioing eighty acre*, the price oi which w* tw.i thousand dollars. with a de' t of one thousand dollars, they co*naKnc*d to work, an*i scrimp and save, and it had been wurk and scrimp and save ever since. Tbe two thoaund dollars were soon p*id and another thousand saved. Then an i ij.);oui^ lUO-aet* farm was for sale for three thousand dollars, and he bough: it, taking another debt of two thou- sand. All this time the wife had no help, and three children were ilet to her car**. She mildly protested a^.ns' this U*t purchase, but her objections wore OV.TTU e-i. and the grin'i was again taken op, and continued by yet another purchase. l>r. Hare knew all this, and in tne i|iiie'. of that July aftern-jon he placed her duty to herself sn plainly before ner, taat she oouli make no mistake. "You have had twenty-five yean of con- stant toil and ctrr," s*id he. *'Yoa have deoic.i yourself comforts and even common necessities. Forwiial! That y>"i might get mere land nd leave your children bet- ter olf. Your duty to your children dors not require the sa .-nttce nf health and even years t life. Your . hi .iren do not want this. Yi'-i have enough to make you com- fortable the rest of your life without doin.- any more work th\n you feel able to do. It is time t stop. Y u are DOW going down- hill in life, sod have no energy to waste. It should all be hut banded, to draw ircm as nature demand*. " The work m*st be done, doctor ," she replied. " and we have no money to waste in hir*d help. ' Money paid for h-.r?d help, in your con- dition, is not wasted. I -o not know how it could be expended better. I happen to know that you can afford to real and hire niir h*rd w.-rk done. And vou must do it. jive you fir w^rnioc Yu will not live a year longer unless you Uk* my -lvice. ' * Is it as terious aa that?" sa:d Mrs. Lvon. started out of her inditlWrae*. " H iv* I any fatal disease. Doctor?" " No. but'your nervous syitcm is ready te break down 'with a little more overwork. benefit of a sue An 1 it did. Dan went back l hi* work, and to thoughts. The doctor rose to leave. " Lit me tell yon, Mrs. Lyons, what yon probably do not know. Your inuban 1 has five thousand dollars in the Newton sav- ings bank. The interest on that will nay for competent help to take your plce. Yon oe*ii not working, bat yon most quit laving, i to away from boa*, for rest, and to get rid of responsibilities yo* cannot shirk if you stay here. .Stay away all sum mer and com* back in the fail restored to health and ready to enjoy life." Mrs. Lyons was able to go out to the table, at sapper, and Dan was elated. It's only a brash overcome by the heat vnn'll be all right by tomorrow," he said. " Dr. (lire's trym' to work up a case. They'll all Ho that." -i yu have I >, HiO in the Newton sav- ing* tank, have you'" was Rachel's reply. "Who told yon that? It's coin* more of Hare's m*ddlm'. I'll bet." N>.-er mind who Mid me. Is it so V " <*** to me you're g*ttin' cranky. Yon never meddled with my basin*** be- rore." Not halt as much as I will hereafter." she said, and '.here was a glitter in her gray eye* tin: told D*a he was wak'ng np a sleeping lion. I was savin' up to bay tbe Raker farm that joins our* on the notth," he Mid apologetically. I knew you had nearly $3,000 leaned out," she a&td, " bat 1 never suspicion*! the savings bank. That make* $H,OUO saved np." Well, it's a p*orty neit egf, and I've ** tavm' it for you at well as me. Von don't b..un me for sv:n' it, da yon No. bat I bins* yoa for not SJM know your plans. I hav* earned and save. as ninch a* you and have just as mien right to know what become* of it." " We.i. when we get the Baker farm we can quit s*vin' and enjoy whnt w* make as we go along." ' We re not going to bay the Baker farm, DanieL " lar.rwullea Al v of w*n. Each car has four boon. The stomach ha* four coat*. The tymptaum u really a dram. Toe homan sa.l contains thirty Every hair ha* two oil gland* at it* base. The sens* of touch i* dullest on the back. The lcwr limua s*ntsin thirty ban** each. Tho globe of the ey ia movoi by six TH HUMAN FORM DIVINE. Involuntary museies ar* gasirslly p * or nearly whit*, and w cons posed f oaUo or graau.e* aoont 1-3.000U of an inen la her WSVM to the A -rr-na of portaet (MSB abont a fas* f**t than from bar head. Th* tallort aooplc PAt&goaians. whoee sver^-! ne gat i* i> f*t ; the shssMsai, are toe'ar- ** >* J - The fattest man was DaateJ Lambert. A few days befof* hi* death, in Ms Wth year. he WM weighco, and turnexi th* baiano* at . -'J. Th* cerebral matter is about asvea- eignths water. Th* exact detail of the fun .-.ions of th* splat ar* anknown- Ta* normal weight of th* liver i* between land 4 pound*. To* human siiele'on. ex.-losiv* of th* tastn. coasts'.* of 20* CHINESE BANK NOTES. In tne t w-e<-r *' \aiuaal Chin*** bank Uk* Dan aimott let a piee* of sn*at fall oat at hi* saooth at skis a*ne*na*mint. Fer Th* longest, large*: aad si in th* ansasn system is toe thighbone. Th* height of a folly grown be thrw aad a naif time* tnat l yoar* he had worked and planned and uvsxi to get this farm. Hi* wife had sai'i. wa*n they bought tbe last farm, t.iat it , wa* t IF last, and Dan h ui savo>l in socre*. ' ever sin--e. knowing her oppo*:t:oc. H* ; beii*v*d she wou.d not object when she knew it .-oald be almost paid for down. This quiet, emphatic vetodaxod hint. "Mor* la/.d makes more ork and worry and responsibility. Eight thousand dollar* will bring in $4SU a year.$U> a mouth. Tbit will bur* help and give as something to travel on, and if it don't, we can as* some of the principal " "You'd har* a* IB th* poorhonse :n two or three years," groaned Dan. "Land is a sure thiog. There's a* better invest- men* * "You hsv* too much laud now. Yoa oaght to sell that IA) acre* to Mr. Beidle. Ha offered you W.UOO for it. With ttat on interest >oo, the income would b* tWO a year, ami that's more than you clear with all oar work thrown in. W' re getting old, Daniel, and it* tin* w* wer* thinking itbnut **mhiag *is* besides saving money. I have Hl a whoi* day's thinking, today, an-i hav* had many a day of if before, witnoui saying s word. My mind's made up now. ' Daa was unusually quiet th* rest of th* evening. Re wa* oon<leriagover hi* wi.'e's wort*, and was beginning to aiimit to him- self that h* was mor* thin half right. It i* mor* than pcob kble that h* would hav* held oat a tew days, howv*r. had not an , and 1'J rlaxra hairs. Hair i* very strong. singles hair will bear a weight af 1,130 grain*. The color of the *km depend* on pigment call* in to* inferior epidermis. The eaamcl of t h* teeth contain*) ovar M par coat, of calcareous natter. Th*> wriat coataia* eight lone*, the palm Cve. th* fingers hav* fourteen. Tb* roots of hairs penetrate the skin about one :w*lftn of an inch. Tho weigttt of th* averat* niaad man is 140 pooads ; of to* woman. 145. Th* only involuntary cf r*d or atnpod fibers I* tn* haart. Men hav* b*en known to loos by perspira- tion 5,000 or (,UUO grain* aa boor. - -aight nairs ar* n**riy cylindrical ; curly hair* ar* elliptical or lit. Ttie gland* of th* oar which secret* tb* wax ar* loag, highly contorted tube*. Th* fiber* of th* brain average a tea- Inonanadth part ot aa inch in duuneier. Th* air vesicles of the longs ar* abcui on* wvmty-fif th of aa inch ia diaawter. On aa avorac*. th* long* ooniain about .") eobsc inch**, or Beany av* quarts of 'air. A woman's brain is larger to th* w*tght of th* ia aotaad arror ha* haon a natinnsl bank. ac-i no- r aot awl proportion that of a M esjxrency to any extant. Th* bnnfcar x*ar*ly wnto* to* ssnnaai en to* note, aad pat* ha privmx* eoal or choo over it. TOT*! note* are auls oat for all smnts frcm 5 to JO.UOO Uels, aa-l tbe Cninoao backer never goes hack oa He pay* ta* not** when they are in silver ir gold. The stlvor u nsasliy pass! aoaarlisg la weight, ia lampa. lac snap* af a toy bath-tab, ranging in vala* all tao rxn $1 to loO. Tno <uaal siat ta worth aboat *> .<h* ajoat five aoaaa*. Tao fold i* ntado in long, cakw, an I is 30 carats BOO. Ta* banker stamps with hi* privat* anai very piae* of si.rer h* nay* oat, sad even in* Mexicaa dollars ar* marked laa* A la-iia ink. Kvery bis; b*ak or oosjs- paay has a man wn* take* ail o' the silver doUarsThct cense* in, sad fit* thorn mto ksla* avid* in a board. so that whwai tney IM oa Ihesa taeir sorfac* is l*v*l witn U* board. B tako* a brash aad valor acd was ha* then as whit* aad dasa a* thoogn they had just com* from f4 nun'. He now tamps hv chop oa each of them, as Tin that h* goaraatfvs thir pay Mat. Anyone who ha* been ia Tt:n wtii so* the y f r til*. There ar* aw ler oenterfiurs in the world taaa t.V* Chin***, aad they ar* ospccui.y a-iept Thousands of Dollars "-- - --. and had bsv* my ant*, nnek ta its n 4ny. I b*gn* to I *oU see a htsrilbv. tfc* . fc-B *. 1 nt sou* ante to (tv* k*wta*s an*) ensrte*. an* hayrr *n I Hood's Sarsapariiia facsrssBt I hat* wan n* haai DtMT. HOOC n PILL* <v k-^ i- is.jnna*>e*.jnsli -ots AN ESSEX COUNTY MIRACLE. Kov Old Udy from Was Released . '. * at bin birth. There ar* in th* ha man body 32? d-*t:act muscle*, oi waic.-i 'X I ar* IB pair* aad 3ve ar* single. Fteqocnt cutting or inmmmg of th* bain incnoaa* their thirkaos*. but net th*sr number. Som* Chin*** aad many Afrinaaa no* tbe ara* a pocket to carry coins and other smut antes**. Th* papilla* of th* finger* I l'th of an laca ttgis aad 1 inch m diameter. The little canals which permeate th* den tine of the teeth are only l-l'iJUHh ol an .ten in diameter. Th* isaaf* firmed on th* retina of th* eye is tnr -i : so that all tuiags are really een upeide -:own. A perfectly formed face tsoae-third fore- bead, one-third no**, on* third upper and lower lip aad chin. In th* space of a q sartor of an inch squar*. Withof roam 1*7 oUci. i In th* planting of ewn. The ether Ay a* Asserimn swt a *ilv*r dollar in trad* ai Htnkow. ana att*mp*<i to pas* it at ta* bank tnere. He it was aot good, aad *pa hi* ta* matte.-, th* Chinoi oaadl* and lit it. Hs over it, aad lo ! IB a atssssat It brgsa to moif The side* f *U *6* aad ta ta* coast* ther* wa* a pieco of copper. Ta* ceaaur- fetters had spilt a genome coin an-. bollowW oai tho two pieoe* oa ta* laseao so that th* cooper couid bo atted iato them. They wor* thei patched i**ihor so aoatly that oaly the eipsrisassl *ar o/ tb* Chines* shroff coald 4etoct th* frau-L ix T',iis*y -<l a Kellaal* Wifsr.. 144--4 i* ik> slrrSMli lax < siaia W Evi4eae* W-a> fcaaVr Waea la* er Car* ar* al <! 7 -' - . -. ; Mrs. Mary > mitsad. a highly isspsitsd sad woll kaowa lady nsadasg soata, of th* village *f VThoaUoy.eie*: tle* from Lsasa- ntftoa, baa boan ta* aohjcet of aa eiperi- aad aa* *x :itod a* mach *Bin*Bt ia ta* rt* Uoy's aosa* taat aba Pan* . . - - w .. prove ef geaor*! latorcM. Proceeding to tb* asalssms. tam rass- doac*. w* were oaherod into a rcvn wiwr* at me genial otd Udy. L'poa *aq.ury ah* .arormed as that so* wa* u h*r *i year, and for OB* of bar yoar* ah* at tfc* ptctnrt o? S*alth. Sh* sprasasd her raadi- nos* to make pabiic th* particaiar* ef bar sanonag aad car*. s-- ag tb* did not car* ta njwv pronuaaauy aewipaasrs. yet if nor tostisnea' T *ca*r* aaaanasj aa sa* bad **, sao :orego aay scrnpios m tho saattw. So* thoa rda^d tb* *t*rr of a- COM a* follows: "About s.x yoan ao I wa* atrvcken with scjatna riammstaim, wmch ant msd* it* apcearaae* ia say Wit ia**. bat grodaally took aoanMaton W ail my iimba. Wtthia thro* ssoaths alter it* firs-, sppasranns I wa* aaahl* to i**ve my oie b*d, and day astd *tgh: xcfa p*-n. LEAVES AND ef nnexpect*d thing happene.A Tnat evening Mr. Reidle came over tad offer*,! him W.- 000 for th* l*i acres. And I U throw ia that 5- acre lot that come* out of th* corner of your east farm. It belong* to it, yoa know, and you otfered m* *4i-> for it av* year* ago. " Daa cloasd with th* offer, and then went in and kissed hi* wife. It wa* an onusual exhibition of tendernoas on his part, and ah* asked if anything wa* wron. " A good many thing* hav* been wrong." h* replied, " but pleas* God we'll rrv to right some of them. I've taken yoar advice and sold the 16) acre* to Bel lie. In a week's time Dan and hi* wife left .< old Vermont hills where she wa* . born. They wer* gone two montns, and returned looking tea years younger- Af- tairs at home wer* well looked after b) Jam** aad Helen and the hired man aad hi* wife, the latter being installed as hooar- keeper. A'! this happened fifteen years ago, and Dan and Rachel are stiil living i enjoying life, with their children set , tied around thorn coafortably. Dan says: We ar* growing old gracefully, bat we'd n*vr den* it if Rachel hadn't fainted away down by th* hog pen, and I'r. Har* _ rf . ..' . r . ., , kuocked Ti* oil glanisof Ue skin an moat nnm- TOO* whor* tbr* ar* t*w**l penptraury glaada, d vic. v.r.a. bf Wasrh ruti- t\r<-.. if *>alrr. Mr. E. Stahl baa botn making a stady of 1* at- form* in relation to th* rainfall, candy 'n th* Botanic (ardana of Boitoaxorg, an..' h* say* that wnil* a iarg* loaf-*arf*c* brown' i partly prond** for the removal of walor by u-ansairation. tner* ar* oca*r sUmiasA methods by wh:ch plants ar* helped to aay *xc* o -. j.- n *. lltlT* If yon stop row, you ili oe ui time. n>l may have many yean of haat'.h and bappi- noas. If you go on, you will save a few, hadn't told her the truth dollars and lose your health, if not your himself oat of many a foe. 1 * lit*. You should seriously ask yourself i: i. will pay to do this." The fsint click f the mower couid b* h*ard in th* distant field and th* droa* of insects all rounl th mbowr*d old boos*. The windows were raised to let in in- ur, and th* quiet rustle of the ivy and morn r<- Borrowin? Trouble, passed and the smell of it walto.i into the room. Pretty soon Dan's voice * heard in the kitchen, asking after ti invalid. and a moment Uter h* came into the sitting- loom. " H.-llo " You'r* tbe kitchen to-morrow, hey ? Helen was !" he said, going up ti- the couch. . reac** better, ant you' B buck in jeepiy Wer* it possible to make SB exact con- putatioa of the true soorces of both th* joy and sorrow of humanity, it would probably astonish most of us to find how larg* a pro- portion comes from ourselves lather than rom our circumstance*. Probably imagi- nat-ou furnishes n* with acuter forms of re"srd fain thsn ai y sctual can give, acd our emotion* are mor* deeply stirrnl in moments of anticipation than at any subsequent time. It is safe to just won.lermg whether sow would hv to ^j tn%t there is mor sorrow in the im*i;i but 1 lay home from the church picnic, guides you'll b abl* to let nor off." I'm not going back into the kitchen She said it in A qui'o ton*, but th* v.. - wn f :< mting in it. It is the thou-ntoftn* wa* firm, and th* face had * determined ,,; ( i pl uni ;e that affoot* the man who stands shivering at the edf* of the water. \Ynen nallpn ; miworiun* than in ibe misfortune it**If. The vision ot pain connected witn tn* d>*nti*u' cha.r is oiien morevivixi aiui ;; mt Uian th* actual p*m *ndured look that impressed Dan Lyons. "Coin" to quit work, hoy'" said he, with a forced laugh thit was not in htr ntony with th surroundings. " Doctor, h%ve yoa been trying to scare her T" * No, but I h"ve be*n telimg hr some truths, and I'll tell you ono now. If your wife goes b>.-k into the kttc'ien and re- su>iie* her old toi!*om life you ha.1 bettor b* looking around for her succsssor. I told her she would not live a yoar." Th* d-K-tor h.t an object ia prosenting the mitcr thuv He knew that Mrs. Lyons had spirit and Will enough to demind an.l rcur* what sh* neoded, but under onlinarv he has actually taken it he is surprised u> rind himself so little disturbed . The farmer, prophesying a drouth that shall wilt hi* crop*, or a Hood that shall rot thani. or a worm th U shall destroy them, is full of misery. Yei when such fatiiitie* come. th*y ar* not so bad as be feared, or th* strength to bear them ha* inc.-easod. Retaliation Wool Haw do you like your n*w I V*n Pelt All right, *xcept that th* conditions thev would not be called into | man acroa* tb, hall is learning to play the exercise. Under her husband's seltisn flute. ";,:,!:: tU uk. tb. 9 ** w'- You , r*. ht -'J.r. 1 !. ^?': But th* idea one* fairly lodged in bar mind, \ m P*U-I did that sh* wa* working h*r life out for th* ! out*. tiat's way he got tne by leave*, ruch a* the** pUat. s* that wbwa -a* bond upward th* raindrop ran oiT by th* basw of the ;af. M-*t fr*qa*atly,howeir. excessive otatar* m e'raia^ off by loag point* to IB* Ion***. Tb*s* point* occar on th* lobo* of dividoad Wave*, bat ar* most rcmarkabl* on long ovate leave*. In sosa* plants ta* pulaafal midrib has th* form ot a wide channei.bat (esMn u that of a taperiag and narrow poiat s.igbtly curved at tn* ead. As the water trick!** down the inclined Barrow point* it p tf i from the upper to the under sortac* aafais dropping from the laaf. and in* beil tip accalcrat** thia action. Stahl this theory by experiments, and found that I th* l*ves" oi Joaticia pict*. whicb h* cr*- I fal'y rounded. retained moistur* toraa b*ar. 1 while those with the drsptkg poiat* loft I oa wr* dry m twenty auaa^* or rapid 'removal of water from th* the osseous system. Th* eye adapt* itself to ri*w ebjoc** near and diatant by a change 11 th* onrvainroi of th* crystalline lens, Tne \ rain ot m idrat conuiaa much 1-es phosphorus than that oi tb* person of average .. power*. Tb* characteristic odors of tho dark- skionod race* arise from tb* oil secreted by tne g*nd* of the skin. rn<lernormalcircttmstanc**.aman throws off J Dooada every day m sensible and in- BBBafhi* perspiration. Th boert ordinarily boat* aboat a*v*nty timee a minute, and thr-ws a -out - ounces of blood at eacn contraction. Li*trkuha estimates that th* extent of respiratory rarfa** in the human long* is not lea* thaa 1.4( square feet. Hair may be trabsplaatod, and uader roper coaditions will grvw as wll in us iew a* ia its natural sitiat.on. Th* ley of a perfectiv for*i*-i man should ' lighten* itswwgnt. helps trauspiratioa.and n as loag a* the distance from tha end ot |innrs the sarfaco. In verifi.*ation I s nose to the up* of his finger*. , ar* reminded after a ahewor tb* Tbe tongue contain* a boae support t* it* has* aad furnish** sat to th* muscles that move The liver, lik* the h-art. ia never though it* period of greatest activity is several hour* after digestion ha* lisi *n Tn* chemical composition ot theepidorsai* of the hoot l* nearly the same as that of tb* matter of nail*, bora* and hoof*. Tb* liver soc'vtoi a kind of an'mal *ug*r. In tbe hepatic tisaastba* has b**a fouad IB tli* proportion of two ptrt* in a tboaaand. An injury to tb* tonga* i* said to b* re- paired by nature with greater rapidity thaa u the cw wu.i any other p*r: of the sys- tem. S*nctoriou*. an Italian physiologist, es- timates tht rive eighths of all the solid and houid food taken ar* exhaled by the skin The seas* of last* t* most acute in th* has*, tip an. I ed^v* of tne tongue, and is almost wbol'y lacking oa its interior sur- face Blind per*><ns a quire so great a delicacy t touch at tbe tip* >:' their liuger* that twice their aataral ai>*. aad drawn out f ail aatarai shape. My tost ef * ala* badly swollen, aad my rigfct arsa m* ia tao aaap* af a asaii-cxres*. For loaf years 1 sularod ia tha aiiBBir, | uaaol* t* pat a foot to the floor, ta* iy way I cou'a mov* around wa* by being wheeie.:' .n a chair. My appetite <r :aaUy ft me until I had *o do*ar* or reii*.i :w cod if aay kiad. aad I CM vary i:-ia aad wsak. Dvirbas} ail this t.m* 1 kept doctor- ing with ta* nsodical Bra*ttuoaers W the aoigHborhood. and swa..ow*d gaiion* of awai.-ia* which cost any bn*baa-i mueh mensy. bat I am aashlr to say taat I r- IV*M aay hoaefit frsa taat medicine. My atony kept lacroastag aad my system grow ag wiak*r. till saaay ttsxw* doath weald ,v* oeen a ar-l.-cmi relief t* my aafior- rs. After rsa-iiag ia th* oewspoper* boat th* saaay can* 'evted by tb* as* f Dr. vraikam*' P.B*> PiUs. I o dry -.hem. My case wa* a st* one. ' sn i it wa* not will I bad takea half a doxca box** of th* pi'ds that I to fei aa isaprovcasvat. Icoauaatsl * , w* ar* reminded tnal alter a i rhich give* pointeU leave* of th* ash, willow, *t., have wan attach- had the dist quit* wsahod oat, whil* , u roun>l*<i leave* like those of th* oak are evar idle. :1! >l!rlv ' ^ Underground London. It give* aa impressive idea of wl snbt*rraasa Loadot, is fast b*cotn:i g learn that oa emerviag from th* river i new Oily and Waterloo lino will, ia it* peasa^e iipVJ.ieen Vic'-n* str*et, run fr a part <?( tac way aa-ler the low level m* n MWer. wtiic-i, 1:1 It* turn, runs along b* neath tne district underground r*. *. <o that at tn:s pom: m the city w* sh*. hav*. first, a by mJn thoroughfare below that a *toaai railway. tn*B hug* m*tropo.iun sewer, then an electric railway, reaching it* tertaina* at a dept ot about 6.1 feet below th* strevt*.nd her* they may really b* said to see with thoir hands. Anatomist* ss. that th* tons;** f wosnan i* smaller than that of man. but married men regard th:s statement with grave aus- pictoe, The taiiest man of whom ther* ar* au- th*nticatd measurements was Funnam, - -''iand, H feet, and a little mor* than 6 inches. Tbe tiasn* of th* livor is coanoaod of an immense number of polygonal masse*, from a sixteenth to a twelfth of an inch ia di- am*ter. t will communicate with another 1 Central Londoa which wiil lie s ..f *> feet. Ptety tn the Heated Term. Primus And th* coagrvgaMon vot*d down tV>bson's motion to give the pastor a month's rott ' - -oadas Yea, Dobaon said of course he anant a month of Sunday*. r.h tailing the pi- is, however, and rvr had a r*iaps*. and to-iy I am as hoar'y and . is I wa* bsfor* the rb*m*tiss t* oa. I am now abi* to knit and * as fas: u any yoong p*rs*n. wnil* for yoan my ringers were ass'uf a* aosdim. I owe y recovery entirely to Dr. Wtiliam*' P>*k . . v *ys have a g-wd word t* fcty for latin. IV. ' nk Pill* xaay bo had af all drncgwu or direct by mail from Dr. -s 1 Medicine Ch. t-'rookviUe. out. N. Y . t '.ic. s box or six boxes for V - only "> boxca. the wrapper roun4 which b*ars th* c.imua:>y's rale mark. Do.not b* pvrsjade i to vry State Ownership of Railways. On th* subjoct <x tn* State ownership of railway* mch has boon *ai i, and * rvnaias to bo said, ani it ia a > abject that i* toiBg dtscaassJ j-it ow in the L'oi:*d Stat* and Eaglaad with eonaidor- > ,;or. Th* appearance ia Eagitad of a valaabl* treatise by Mr. Jam** Bab, rntitWd " Xatioaal Railway* - Aa Argn- ateat for Stato Purcaa**. kas resulted in a reoptniBK of the coo'rovvrsy. aad the recent occurrence at I hicatfo baa brooght th* question prominently before the poonle W th* I'ni-ed "itate*. In a revew - - wc-rK in th* current number of tb* Westminster Review. Mr. H;h H. L Bollot arriva* at th* following "Ther* are." h* say*, "two and two oaly. to th* aatiocaluation of oar railways. Tbe first taat it is im W th* usual ob-ev'.ioa d* to our cooat.-vativ* temperament made at every reform. Tbe nswvr to this or-JKttoa u thatsavh nation alixation ha* already bswn actaallv .-arrwd oat ia Prussia aad *:**wher*. The socoad objection m thaA Stat* control i* ineincieat aad sxtravagaat, Th* answer to that u thai the Prnssian railway* ar* msn*f*d a* efficiently a* aay other, and pav higher ods than aay other iarir* system in tb* world." Familiar Birds. Teacher " Meatloo SOSM of th* moot familiar American birds." Jersey Boy " Sparrows, turkeys, and mosquito**.' 1 Th* King of Italy i* passioaatoly fond of hor***. and h* keep* over twv hundred in his stable lot drivicg and riding. <ju*en Victoria pr*(Bt*d th* Duohe** of Yotk with two cn.ll** tor h*r bbv. ^>a* i* of white wood, and is th* same bassinet a originally hold th* Rrnpr*** Frederick of ('ernutiy. It has an jMcriptioa in silver l-ttrs to that effect, and also that th* Qu*en gav* it to th* I>o.chs* of York in I v>i. I- i* nttod ap with satin and Honi torn lac*. Ta other cradl* is ma-i* of ma- ho^anr with a rtoh gilt taiay, and ta p holsterl in pal* bio* brocade. Both ar* f urnishe.1 with sheet* of Irisa lawn *df*d with lac*, and blaakert aa light a* **)*> down, com p oss J of t'yrtaoaa a-oi.