Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1894, p. 1

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r JFksljertat v_/ -^ TRUTH BEFORE FA YOU." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL, XIV. NO. 676 FLBHERTON,ONT THURSDAY. AUGUST 1 6 94. W . THUBSTOH -r The l.P.B l' l vl.-brair _ . Mr deo. PritchirJ is One of the finest assortments outsitie cf Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.25 up *** fl'VFRWIRF A full stnckot beautiful nnci useful i - ' ILi , ,., i poods in cruets, pickle chshes, knives, forks, S| oons, ornamental uords, &c. * * JEUE' LEBY A magnificent stock in every line, UIBEXLT CBoWD .iJtli A FLIA9ATT OAT. > ia scarce and everybody is buy in lh- \ nnMt . The U.P.B.A. celebration on Monday . las: may he omudtired a tury succuaafol verv v aur, tak:rur the busy s*aen m&i consid- eration. Then was a repmauntatinn Mrs. (iraVim, sr., in Ivinjs very low at ft%m ,.,.,,_ Oraajesj lodge in the district her daoghs^a. Mrs Weber. Dr - M W( . u ^ th- Jvvtgml ^ bt not a f-ilH M in atten-Ve* X., hopes are enter re . >r<MleutatilX1 . Har.e-ting operationa taintd of her nfe.very. p'rereatad thi. Tb* cn>wd m town waa M.- John Shannon haa been uccesaful Uuxe otse swrstcfcelsM, and the day ws in passing the recent exvnm.>:,on at the thoroughly enjoyable. Flashectu* band Owen Sound C. S. fora second-class car- headed the procew-ua, followed by the tinoare. amalgamated lodges. After a symptnooa A party of yoone people from Fleiher- dinner liad bn partaken of at the Town ton and quite a uuipl-er f^.-ui the neigh- Hall .>r at Mrs. Tbumpeon's booth, an borho.>d spent a |.!.-.iint time :i M- - adjournment was made to Flasher's park , dlnni a last Tuuaday rveuin,;. where a platform had been prepared. Mr T!i - ij a can-:-r removed The speak era uf the day were Ret. Mr. from his lij> It week. Drs. Spr>u!e luid J <nes, ..f MalwelL Rer. Mr. MaiiiL, oi GOES. .DIIE1 SUE 3 ooo OF FIXE .-. .r.i Icaporwd Worsted Prilinar per yd . Fiue Freuc'j Wor- sted. $1.3S per yd., and every- thing else :n proportion. C. J. LEITCH. MERCHANT T\l Carter perNimied the M[K-P: rrotua station. to collar buttons. AUMSTROXC 1JIIOS. - FLKSIIEKTON- .. aud Rer. Mr. Walls, of FWeber ton, iii thu order named. Dr. Scott, of M ix *ell. occupied the chair, and La a limed and extolled the :<ler, aud also replied t.. of last week to espLun why Kepairs, D. MeTavish, FleshertoD Horseshoer an>l General Blacksmith, keeps o.i hand irs for Massej E::fis, & lei-in, Fleary ail Vilkinsoii Bros, f .,.1 saw . : !r,,i. The raiu ^.<1 an J . : lieatmosv l<ecii !< Wiir lo'ether .'f bite, . the Jay was celebrated on Autrnat O resulting in a u.ti-ry for the fonasv. . ^..f JiJ That accouuts f'r i much dry wath;r>f ^ ^^ ' ^ Ute. Or i>vr\i i; rim .l.nturbapoe r "~ " the Clstia!a and the .Up U the II -Aei-er, ln> that as it may, (he harvest LS in fall Ix oai here at present and e. farm*. in-asaUttletu, .",u; day ,,r relief men,,, Tlie IVirm, Tuader* plvd a friendly 17 oo tlu , Orrg.>ruui caleuder wj.ad-pted, uauie of f.j.>t ball at H .;>eville -.11 ;!ie 8th w h K -lj ar,,;,pa :-en days fr.m toe uld Thu naose lield abdSJI WESTERN FAIR- London, s q n. 13 to 22rd, 1894. tanada'* Fa\..rii- Live Stock a*tf 4^ri'-ul(Mrnl exhibition - \I.\V \Y< IN THK FRONT with tut- Dr. more boy Tbere *.m tl> El 1 .u:t.T. ur -i-v-.- F.ntrw* IOM. Ui FoaHjrr. Sf .uet. fept Uh ia ta tak*^ fur By than H : .-e T- Hfl held the r. s Fleury and Ve ity on LanU all the ti: all kui'lsof ri-[i.iii * for th me. \Voui.innfitctiux' \\ av' "n. &((. Cni ttfarflflis, etc. H'M : prompt!} kll^ndod to. Special ttentiou to or contracted feet. Log^iuj; and 1'luw Chains eonstintly on . i i. ^ M'-D GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO \.\NOrNCE tlmt I l.mre tefeen over tie Carriage and '.Vauoi. making hiisincss luiely carried uu l<v Mr. no. ami am uo>v pii-j.>iiivd t,i till all ordnu in my Hue to your entire satisfaction. Having Uu-ly a<ide<l U> HIV xjv.,,-1, \. n i iooco in tin- business ix niiu- uiontl.s' irHiuini in otu- of the best . "ria^f slio^s in tin city oi IVtri;. wiicre I aacaMsV.il in IMIT- oft a first cla>s recomiut- udaiion, >iii:lit to iKcitn; s.".ii:'' that all work will l>, .1 in.- in a tir>t d:ss iiianner. I luauulnctnie Wayooi, Bowies, Cutl '.< . in fact evprythi'ii; in the cur o Imo. WiHj.l aud iuiulxT tadcn in exchange. KiuJly give me u cull. 1). 11L. A. IK. Fl loor to McTavijli s blacksmith shop. To die Public i T iu general or all lutcndini: pnrcl.astrs of Buggies, Carts and Democrats -no tin-nil \oiir attfi::ioiT t.) inv s|<fin>; stock. Kimlly ijive we a call and y.n will be convinci-,1. I *(. no' .ni-, 1 'o-i' nateiial I'onif iiml jiul^c foi NOIII-KI l\es. Biftkitiog ^llictly ntu iidt-il to, alfu i>iun;iu^ aud rvi.iiiin.nig. E. T. .rder i>f time, and brought tiie day of cn!s>bnti. >ii to the l^ih. Thu ex .iti.-n Uviniiiuiitly .tt>sfacro:y. Curi.*ity h.ui drawn iitany t" hear thu X clwuapion. Mr. MaiiUl. who is a Mr. U:.-: . .> U Milting wall duen. and plawaitig apeakcr. Hi-, utter-' friends in I t-ek. mowhat wild and . Kiidav e> .' week a gaiue | aiei, but mteri;*-v.i with NtUwilllw playeil here bet uaturwd raillery gai,Mt the etiattatf | the IV: . H.ysai.il Pr- ..f thinss. which sltenwtelj theaulee^. ' ! :uiJ distjimted -nt. Asa in the hall. v : b* a< n..t l.mdly applauded at any . Mn.Mus.eV !... .thd then.- w much n .:,a,c ,,f n.g her uncle. M . \ Kl -|-.,..-. ,. ,, :l,e m,r,.. ..f hu ^ldre,. of tl nbua. t^ne itei-ieiuen in our hear-iuj dsi^natd ' i'. oa "flap d. xi'.," whatever that may uioaiL Rurs. Jne .-ind Well* ^ v i*u setuible audreawea, after which t!i List 1894 U horvbTclna thas I '> *i-i - :i. . iaunHu|lirT at i 1....1V ll %t IU-11 tw... .,,.1 th.t it,.. id Li w.. rt, , * r m Moiutrn, oa MM JSli day uf i an.i r. n4u-i:ir u>r lnMrtuu. s?lsatur i ....-I upuu So XAJIIII* to* tie fuvn .: U> l|v.- -.a* -... J ,-, iur. to tew. .v,,f AD m a esy enraspemtatt. Weather very wa.m and dry, run enng oii^rs-,l. town w h tnilsoniely TI.e uardeu jMr-v in c-nnecti-n nh *il v ' - - . . . u.m.nnce.l. . Fl..-bef I IT. \ > t.ow lautT 1 I :, Ui: liat u " u ' a busy swa.ii ir i,. very >ucivsful. The h ' tea een-tl.i " Vtl "'" Thvr- w.is , ten: -i, rhe ^r.i.i.d* ri. ..! ..tf -,uiu , L.lc. lna, .*,. c.i.,.i:e-. -tc..for sale. fund, by i ui.nt ..f ih. - ' c JlBMr i-r t.. waa |tut "UU^le ii i! ull-l.. wa>t beautiful. a*,' the After te.i us rvixl. I'irx- \- I \- 'i' ; |\ i nuil ' ii A .> I I' I ' o Fami for Sale cr >4 iVarr? Chance. Th trial ^ k. u.i IN. io\. Toronii.. Out. i J^r: s,i. uam|M K tor Village property in in M\eil. etha*. ; vuluni.; irjMired ' tlie ' fhun.Oi. : . re a shurt pfitiMni waa <toni thr>^h, U.-i ? Mi. Itaiwn in the chair. Tlie ^r.^rnu IHi'.KSiK. I-:itire |'i..rivii..ii ivhe* uii'l recit i- bl* fr Flraherton at a reasonable eapeod- IT. ..f Iv^-kiyw, fni null- iturt! It i< at such dr> is t'ue ed the ni*:iuu>ei>t.-tl iiniv--. lul<. Mr. .1. -,.i. ~>. ,: -..!..- . >n naturally seen the dswr- Muafnrd. satu -' ;f nut the wh.ic .:n.:hil WMOal pleasant !>: vie. Mr. \V.\V , ,.ur t"Wii fn-.n even a very j'lui'-r pasiur. dclnoreil n p\aiiiii; ad- irn l .1 st.vttuij. C"iiKI ii"l very i-tBoe> i! :ulJie~-'s rri- .Irdvrrt-il Lv OVMI.-III l-< - nfiiiinal ..u'l.iy Mesors. R. Uilmy. tnil U V'.-t-icr ur.i.- t -r . .:i tlie old urit Sjmc* forbiuj us t j crci ulnze. A ; The t iM I* ndi.lL.i-* waa realuetl Ir. in t:..- i >,!>.- x>uie- ?-.'.''' \^ > mi.'unt "UT K>- \ \ '. ray, ufTofut, acv^ui- ini J tv C"UMdrabls) i'e HiiU little - :vll r-und 1'OH.ileK the c AVER'S SARSAPARILLA Imt i>ii, Mr '. a few I'riei.iirn I'l.ice. Mr ill! - t.l lit Mmilu.*i'ii'. I.LSI n .Mr^ 1. \- > ..'ie. wli f..run-rl.v wielil- .! tl.e n. I in <>ur academy, hi.' n .w , f N > Stat*! h ...I "U aci|ii;kiir herw lant werk. M' - N \* , ><- . vrin^ uuder tlie ulars and ' . Mr Thomaa Lev-ate, -i tlie K. L. A . spoilt few day List week with Mr. j. kii..*in- u wlvit *e C"u!d lirv. EU U is find that Sir John Tlioi: ; >n- :i:an tin 1 If^ul tiuni: : > line ibr wlnle np iu Muskoka List w,.-rk V. , -L U-arin-ii liow much llic due and coats amounted U . S. r. SXITII, of Towanda, Px. whose constitution was coiapletely i i!->tv-ii. by Ayw'a 6arsap;i- i. II. \\ " For eight year*. I wa, mot of tli tlran. a great sulTorvr trura coastlpaw tloa. klvlney trouMe, and Indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was lii.Iii.-e,) to y v Ayert 5arparilla, and took nearly seven bottlea. with such excellent ttvmlls tbat my stomach, bowels, and kidney* ore in perfect eoa- dit-i-n, and. In all their (um-tii.as, aa regular as clock-work. At the tiaio I began tolling Ayer*s Sanaparilla, my weight wae only l^J ponmN ; I now eaa brag of 139 pounds, and waa merer In so good health. If yon could nee me be- tore and after IM -votild want I-UM. ru I ' Gbptain Sweeney. I > \ . Oat, nays : "iSlnMi'u Catanah lliMnwdy w ""^ theftrst luediviue 1 have cwr fi<utid that wnfld do iou sny ^- > ~i L'noc ^O couts larO ar,l wM '.< . \ Fire C..iur*tuUti ..us M -. V .. . -i. . u-k. >ho Imv.nx IHMII uc- CfMlul III M-CU.l l( II >.l hi UlV V-^'U' l X.. 41. i. ill. 1> .niel Ril. i >H'l I' ! uf I'll- Hiii>l>urx. Onl.. liuiejuli-i.- hereby trndured " l *" sntferin.; fr m I\\>|H-|.I vi.l Ln- rr ti".it-le, I t...iiafw bottlea < 9kda' r a. i>i it curu.1 iu<?. I can b^. r i;j te.uiii me for a traveling I believe this preparation of SsrwpartUa to be the b4Mt in the market to-day." Ayer'sSarsaparilla Fr|radbr Dr. J.C. 1 Cur*other,wlllcureyo4

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