Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1894, p. 4

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THB FLESKERTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1881 to enlarge the old one to decent pro- Mrtions and make of it an honor to lie large township which it at present isgraccs. Hut then perhaps they can x- perauiulod '.' trilling Encounter With a Bear. ' BLJ*im> WBBK1.Y AT THK OKKK f . ^ LM1AM STREET, KI.r-.IIF.KToN, OST. , W. 1C. Till K.VTUN. $1 prraniiuiu,slri-tly in advjim-e Advettiamg Rates : Ouo Column. 1 year, *M ; half col., 1 year, 27 qaartur col., one year, 15. Ti autlent dTartlMmeot charged at the rmt* of s cenu i'rr 1 1 ii.. for Arl InMrtiou uJ 3 web *DbM<|ueut iuwrtii.n. Mil. MADILL. The general impression prevails that the young men did uot mako a happy selection when they chose Mr. Madill, uraud Master of the P. P. A., us speaker of the day on Monday last. Mr. Madill is not a highly cdm nun. and Le ia a demagogue of the pronounced type, milling and i to consign every one who thinks differently to hii-iself to lasting perdition. Ho is too much of in extremist to create a very large nd enthusiastic following. Aa an olfict to these failings ho presents rather handsome features and a and musical voice, and how to tell a story with the IK-HI effect, but that ia all ; he is not il.'dtiucd to attain a high pinnacle of f.i.-e nnlfchs he luodili' s very ui.i ally 1m fiery anJ agtjrcsjivo idcas.aud ;..j cause that he represents will scarcely be much Blreuoihened by the wudictivcues* which lie displayed on t.,. pl.iii'.jitn hen'. II.' iii>|iil- to the i 10118, and h.s arguments ate sbal- carrying wiili them little weight The marked control between tlie . -[uLiised aentini ntM <>f l>'-v. M . . .Ijiies, of Maxwell, and those of Mr. .M.iili!l were a mutter of general in.ti . 'i .10 former, while f.TM-nt ami loyal, t.jiI'jWcil closely thu lilies of biblical .nng. wliilc the latter apn<-a! I. a li.i i .pijlitirs of mankind, ami ntil to would engender btttoi f.i.lV uii.l .1 ii'iHtition of deeds Mich u.i ili> i.iiieteeiith ei ntiiiy civili/.il ion till .:\ IM I'lilCL' to. If Mr. Muilil [ his cntlm i.ism with a littli a. in toleration, and was a m..i ol sUuli' chaiai-ter, 111-0:1 WIHIM- uili'r- ai'Ci i p. "l'!e cuulil rely, ho i muke huiiftflf a |i.)v\ei-, oooapyiug tin ;i ..i .vhicli In .lo. .-i ; but us it i? . I il, \\ithlMiiny other* who lis- teiKil in linn, llmt his piiArr is liuiiti u.iJ unlikely lo produce any l Hill 1. OCi 111 III- II illlllll iliillA.' ullll \\ 'In!. .ivcin . al.ui. uuy h i >ii u".i HI . praiMworti), , 1 IM I I'V I 1 Jlli| r ;ll|rlu .11 MIUI , il n lii i.Hi'il IDiiih' Ih i .qinii ul' powrr In \\.-ikru und it. >V l.,.il wiiirli i-. noiiii-linii s In it, | 1 1. , I. 'If, illhi 111 til i, .1,1 I nf . i.i, ne iiiiiM nu-ipli .1 nun nn r, M I'k.ni ii'-j^n t!u- ll.i.llrS of si. II o. I'ml. Muni hisioiy t . in l'..i i. a . i. n..- "I i i.i 1. 111. 1. Ill thi iiiy ni pieifiii ilo-n- :ip|ii in.- lo L i.-i.-i .if nn il Wi.o wmii.l hkr to Hi'e l.utury iupuat iu. II. For inn:,.l\.s Ut |iii'|.-i tin' piri:i'|i:..-i i'lllinriiiti',1 hy Ml. Join H, un.l tni.it the ill - of tl.l'Se yrnlh lii.-o Will he 111 nh * 1 audiulif. .M tin' drill sh. il Mi M. :,.!.. \ i M-iiin^ tit niiiliMtlill.i'tl tlie i..i\ii\ eleuiU tl.at a NiiiUhlti eon- il imll i-t veiy li:idly m-eili'd in thin I iui>. '1'he town hii'l v^ill not eoin- ni y HCitiiiiiniu-'.i'.e a p-i\in>; until- . ami that a lai^e iin.lieiicu can be Kill lo^fllior hure WUH clturly Bhowu mi iliif occftMyn. Souiu man \\i l> limn, y wonld donbtli-Hb I'm. I it a |ay- lug b|ieeala'lull to expeml i little nf II 1^1 h.ii. .ling a public hall, that IK if the i^w^Lij) fathuiiCAuuoi be An 1. v e..iiiL: It.-nile -r Very Clostc Qunrtem. , HilT HAMi in HAMi Tl SSI.K, IV WI1KI1 TWil Ml:\ AMi * lli:\Il WKKK IIAHLY .n MiKli THK BATTLE A TIK, lll'T THK BEAK FAKES UA1U.Y IN THK SKijI I I < in" i .f tue most iei;i irk.il.N- oncountera rith Iteiir I'M r i. , ..i.lcl in I'.is vicinity, r, we venture In ay, in Cnii;i,l;i, funk il.i'c live milei from Flcslieit.ni mi Fri- day t-veiiiiitt last, when two <>eiitleiiieii ' 1 ruspecrively JHH. Oliver and Jan. V.ni-i- \M i.' MI Iwl'v woundt-d tliat tl i-v will In- l.uil up from <nk f..r s-'iuu time lid iiiinu-iiluuiily uncitpcd death. Mr. V'auie i wni n fnrin mi the South Line, \r'iMne-,i .. inid Mr. O'ivor ii a near il>.>r. A lilack l>er had diieiivered Mr. Vanw'n <>at tii-ld and wan it nightly mtor thereto. The two uentlenifii hiTi-f'.re ileeiilril I-, wnteli f. r tlie lariuuler mnl put an end t" liis de|irnla- i-.iis. Armed tviih in. li.-sti'rs they n- 1 t.i tlie lielil in thu dink of evening lid hid tlicmneK.'a .-jni.iiii; the out*. It WHN not long :hnt they Imd tn wait. Just ax thu xlmdei ,.f nijlit wcru fnllini; bruin u liennl in th j;raiii not fnr fnun the w.itrhers. 15'itli 'ji-iitlfineii gut U|w>l. I.i a feel luid the bear r.tis.'d upon lu- in I I'X'K lit the Mine time. Mr. Yituti* .Hik aim and fired, the lull taking effect n the iininmU neck, rullini; him HMT. iiij,' up, the aninml lrte.l fur tlie iuali, uith In.ili men in piin>uit, tirmx an hey ran, hut n.'iiu of the lull* a|.|.,-.u.-.i in-neli tlm nmrk. They, Imwevor. rame ii I-IIISB .|ii:tit. -rt, HIII) Mr. Vue wa pro ixring tit gve a vital ihot when the lie.-ir suJ.lently wliei'lul Hiul itriu-k him nn the brenit and kide, knocking him d..wn und iimpnii' up.'ii him, at the Mama time ill.-ni[itiii.' In I, Hi- I,i< thrmit. Thin Mi. Vmi.Hf |ireienti-d liyal>'iviiig Ins hand hruin'i in. uith, which the animal chuwrd Havntffly in ita rni{*. At tliit in. -f. ne Mr. Oliver hhot at iln- lienr nil a r*r>>lvfr,lhi ir luriit-r a'umte itiun !.M-, in^ exluiii'.teil. The l-ar then t.mn-il ami kii'.rkiid Mr. Ohvi-r i|..wn. wln-n Mr. Vallae le^llln.l IIM U.-' :u.,l Irlelli-il tliu bear t lee with the liult eml of hii imsket, Im! it ri^rxini.il itx foil i-neh time ui'L'ei-.l.'.l in -.'rtlini; in n li|..\v up..n \:i;i..- ulii.-li ku.M'ke.l him Imrs it,, Imt. l'>lli in. n e'e there mi tin* ^riunJ iiml d.i/e.l ihi,.ii..'i I. .n* uf M.HK! nnd the hi;. Ionium r l.!.. a. liiiiiiisten-d ly tin bin:.-. Mhii-li, Iiml it f..ll,iei] up Hi n-l. v ii. I . .. ij.ijit etKily hvu put :lll eml ti the liv, . nf its hlillllll upp uieiltH, l.llt it li.'i I i.|.|i u.-n'U i;..: -ulii. |. ut und WIM Mit Ulieil 'it ullii-lin-,' IM nss.lllrtlil.H II. iw over th.-. in. iv I..-, it left IM prey ami ri\i mlii tlie I. .u si. Ill eh nun punfnlh m.iile llieii w.ty t.i the li.'iise, which w no! fur a*y, iiml Itr. linn. in, nf I'M,, rille, WHHcalh.il in ilrenn the woiunN. Mi i iln.-i's Ii .^ \\.i^ ',,ii, -ii ni . sum III* linnil wn inj.ireil. ,Mt \ .1.1 '( IIHII wa ti-rrilily li.,rt,.il HII. I lie was li.nllj turn nn il:. ,| ,.M hit lire.. i.i l'.,.th in.'ii'ii el.ithihi{ WK tern t.i sln-eiU iii.il ih. > pre.<. -i.ti-. 1 11 very fnr- Inrn ii, :ifter th.i m. le.-. \l VKII-*... who wniie<ned the li'Jit from u iliilniicii, win ii'm i. it iih flight. The MqMl to (lie li:itth' n-iii.,,ii< t . ).. li''.l l>n S.it-inhiy hint i p.uty . f eleven I .. !, lip the Hull lllid Iliieil the , . , i l'ii..iiL!li ilenno Hninp, wl.er.' they e\ 'liiiule to ills'. .\ei him . il, i.i .! ii l..i\. \fli ni I.H.I; Iliinip m.. I ninth (l.lliciil'y in followin.' the I.I.....1 tlnil, ;m Ii" i; o I .lo.'i en.il.l lie |>i nciired. lh. i tMinn.leil .u.im.il a* lie.i!!y I'.c'ut.'il ilell, lull still V. IV inlit'li Alive. V 1.- u.i- .i|n ii.-.l up i. ml after u Illlin IHT of xhoti liMil In en ile;...-iie.| ill hm h.iily he L,M\'e up l!ie ... ii,-si am) HIK- inn hell. The .'lll.-.i.st, wlli.'ll M.nt I I Mil-Ill h.'ine in tiiiiinpli. wei.'lii- I I'.i.i Iln. l!o i!i Mr. V.uise ,in.l Mr tili\r nr.- till nn. ler the ': e, ami although tin -n- . .1111. If iiie i ii.'iu will no il.nilit lie .'round III n I. w wi el.s |!.,ili ..'eiillemeii Hhowe.l wonderful pluck i i sticking in the Miiiiniil in the nrtiinei they did, tint me not iliiiroui of it re|wtiti.m of the ntfuir ; in I'uei Mr. ViiiMe deel.in-N tint! bu wmilil not gii tliruigh n..iher suoh for H hundred d dUrn. Strain Moore The Leading Undertak- ers and Furniture Men of East Grey. The Noxon Binder Scores A Victory nr low one priced s\stem has given such general satis- faction both to our patrons as to ourselves that we have decided to nakt it a permanent plank in ntr business platform. Yon ;.;// find constantly in our warerooms argains in all house furnishings ind farm implements and if the best makes in the dominion In instruments u-e hare the cele- brated Thomas Organ, the re- ( )^'(J'/, the SK'eet-toiied lieri:n and the noted Dohtrlv, any cf icliich :>. sell at the Lowest^^^ ^Possible^ Prices. Near Tliaiuesullt . on Miuiduy U.-i, u,e 9ih nibt., on thefarui i.f I'. ory. ilieru wan at \\Dik cum . \ i muicd [>:i-cf of gieun tall wnoau a now MaKsry-llaius ui.cnb.ii-k inutit-r, owned by Mr. (n.^ and a iu-w Noxon No. 8 UinJci owned by \V. E. Smith. Afier a tr:><, of bolli machine. Mi. (iu-.-nrv u'*<' " tes-Uniuni.il to thin i-'fi'Ct : " 1'nat hav- iii',' s.-rn tho wink nf iinth binders, 1 IMII now certify thu'. the Noxon biuuVr lied the hn^i T, the tiglitel und the did altogether cleaner woik with li.j |T supeiior to tile JtilyiHh, ':M. ' *iii'.if, disch.ir^nl tiuK-li easu-r. anJ di ali. iMMtttttlM -Soxou binde P. E. GRF.GOKir Coroboration, I corroborate in every pirn. ui;u t'- uliuve. I witnessed the work done hy both of the binders, and considered tii- N \ MI so superior i'> the Ma-isry. Har- ris th.U I bought the Noxon IHIK!I:I- ;.lrtl. wurf in tlie field. From my of the two machines I would not lake $J5 and Hie Noxou. Harris In- u>.v \V. E. SMITH TuiiiinP. O.. July '.), HI. Here's Ai&ollier. Tins irt to certify that I SAW both llir N'o\cn and >lsssrT-[farri> binders tf' work on ihe farm of 1'. K. llivi; uy I! 'tli limcliines did weil, e imi.K -rin^ tlM) linivx.ilown iiml tingUnl grain, but I fonml tlie No^on Under run inncli li^ht- ii on the team and to be inncli IM-UT handli-d. Il makes a far nicer sheaf. und does cleaner work and if I wanted a blndei I would certainly choose the Nuxon, SOLOMON \VAKDKLL. Turin, July IHk, 'Jl. TBOS.UJI ' - IVIAXWELL F.O. Song of tho Season- CA1TLE OWNERS, to - ATTENTION I The m.jchincs Ravuiond sett- ing nted no Kurd, tluir in, > its are icell known. l\'e have them. Y<>:i may have one a! our usual discount f>nces. />'.'(/ room suites at ;^<>:di'rt'nl fifties. Call them. \Ye hare a large range of v-.'irM icire mat- tresses. Just the thini; to in- sure a g(cd ;;;\'/;/\- rest. Chairs / erery ,;'. . n : II..'!: chaits and Iw chairs, 'adies' chairs and gluts' chain, dining s and /\:r,Vr flunrs, room chairs and kitchm chairs, in fuel :cf hare chairs of all shafts and .v/ .< s% . all . '/< nt'iterijl and /.' uses. Ou> $\ \t>ttHgf is a /" If you ici\\ io'll in UY .;.:..' 1 1 \>e p tased l.' s't" . \"tt tin- 'Ugh our ..'< f>arti>'cnts ai.il i/note .s. Any quantity of dry lumber wanted for which highest price will be paid. IlKMSMKKIl Til:-; IM.AClv (MOW, SHOUT AND SWEET.) There's a time to sow and to iv. ip, nr Einiiium. ..el I0>l l-ro'llll H! .Min, Mm. i ll.iney (or Haiti, in .. . U'li [> un.'n ... -mi dollar. At t',,i N\.w is the time to buy dress- ^iK-ils cl cap. Tho summer season's ad- vanced, and \\ f i !a\t- our tall j;oods across thr :-<. .1. "1 c make i utiin lor these now will sell Sumir.c: ^oods at suit you \u:ll. .11 VI v >R an. I i itttl. itu I l!..|s. T will . flulll l . we kioa lo animal M tn-iu r'li. a.- . The of Ointmeiit m If tinikivrlr a"l Uotic?. I'or this \\vrk and s , 1 as the stock last:- uv v. iL i i h : : 4^ inch i.o'niii't! t'aslimere loi nji -., woi tii jjc.; 40 inch Ger- n. ,in 'ivi:ls lor -'5c., worth i' u IK h Shot i Ul.l I -i's. Ii i. a , Ivan i f.rtni or ii a i. i it... Colois tui joe., worth 25(.'. ; .:S in. h hi k M:\ed Del : i itjc , \\with ^50., _'6 iiu h 1 i.nch all wool UeLair.cs Un IP ux*nitur*o Stain's Block, Strain fc Moore J5C., woitli j s-' ; Jbiticli 1 >, Laiiu'tu-s t i ioi-.,woith 150.; LashiTvr.ttab tor 150., w^rth j 3 c. ; runts lor M.., wouii 12C. ; 1'ri.ils tor woilli 140 ; Lisle viUnry. lor I J I--C., vvorili Joe. ; Taiietta Gloves lor iSc , wor.h _'5t. ; Silk Mats lor 2oc., worth joe ; Lisle Gauntlets for ^c. , worth 350. ; B.'k. C'utton hose (4 prs ) tor Jjc , and a better inuluy ^t i^.c. per pi. Kcuiamdci' ot .dillisier), II. its, 1'ai.isols. etc., etc.,..; reductions. < . .. ator with ^n-l li.iis.04 vnl run in I ' u. i.- . W. Moore, Harnessmaker Flwherton, Carpet aid Ftael Weaving ,'rii.-- . ,),, Carp*' ,! h IlilllllM W,.*Vllll' of ill K11..U on ftll'.l't U.ltlCt* l"0l'l K. lit Tl l.v *<*, Pub. T. t m. a*- >l MAXWKLI, The Markets. i arrliill > t'orrt- rtrd Kach Klour Full Wheat . g \Vlu-;it . freh CI!iHDiO,Y (1C, Hoy ce Mi.l.'K Sht- |is tii Turkey*. ...... I'li'ikei'H |>r |ni L>uck bur piur Vi Ovl :i -n t.. 10 I.I .".1 to :K; i,, 52 t. 16 t ! I 60 t. 5(X) t. t; oo i. :: IMI t, i."> to tl to to 6 t., 50 to :: '..I . I 15 50 Ii 7 H M lu

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