Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1894, p. 5

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THK ADVANCE tANKLNG OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, * }! bi ki * >>..IU.M an-trte.1 Pr t- .111. i n l.r'i >qu<Meaibixla > a.uaI rtM ( ney iayavA.l4t>le fur l^im^tJ b < : OrrK-n iwodoari north c(Ricfcar<l<ofi*Ca'< Vicinity Chips. CharartrrNtirs of tire Tast Week Carefully Culled for the Curious. I .it tilt MI t ;. .Wr.tefi fur l<"> Uttet or uter. o, iunc.1 M.-l:.'; i at Mr. \Valker, <.f t! Herricc* 1:1 '.' ing la-t week. o-i], e-*- 1 . t;t cLurcli dur- The vntcia' I.*; fi>r the town-!. >vTr) n u.)r in :l:e hand* i>f t'-o clcik. A'lirtic'iint r .i:u {* hero. Tbe Utiie* <jf tlie Frel)jteri*n church will Wd a ^u-dcii !.> at the residence <.| Mr. \V. Stewirt, ctul back line tu- MI liy i veuinj;. Our jmblio s:!iul I'l-eru on Mi.nd.iy iiKXf. Seh.vls m iueor;>rutd tuiu luvu tin- I'liACti^c (r lii-adfii.Ugi*, a-.vunliiig fei ho* yuu may I'vlt at it) of another wrtik'f ln-li M Q J. Leitch left .MI M.-iiday lunruuu <i li> "he*! tu route :"nr IVt-i- Urn." to tliH I. H. ' grand '. \c M mch meets there (his wrtk. He tu>ik in Kirrie, Orillu, B:vefioii and LJini-'.iy > H r.>ute. Seats nii'l ! i :.;. liavo ttwii |dacud in tlu l*ei.ieut uf the Presbyterian church nud tliin.o iiru ii"W cuy aud comfortable. ;i ..I'le'a society, itli aais- hare accomplished three iuijT Ti> the uiMiihUua and friend* who > Inimical v mi uec*full) fought the titeat my ftctory !;iot S.i:m.'n\ gvniiHl^ 1 viiah '..> u-ji.l.r lay hu*rtfclt ihauki J K. Moore. The Eu-, \^ncultural society'* I ill prue Lit ii nw in th h.iu :< of the kvcrvtary .u. .1 tf.ll U? ilintn'-'irvil t!i.< ei-k. AoM who do not receive e"|ne CAU n< t >'" I'V ipi'Iyum t retary, I;. .1. --; i' 'ton. Mr. Natliaiurl M . a well- known cu: . I-li|Mfiniii:i. Mieli.. and iiliUT SujHTUtr r.wti'U, wh.>, for : l-iu- time. ' \crut wtini! uf rluutii.t lam, .u C'jri.l. 1^1114 Ayer's S.ir";i| having n. MT felt a twinge of it - Mr. (' .1. 1., itch iuadcayic.it run .> hi i fr"in I '. ill.a vu Barrie i-i < lit.. 1 ! .*'- * dUtauco uf .*>>. akfast . ' Unif iviior. Th. la a fent wortli ti i..sj. \\>'kini* th v >a.l. In i n r in .--L ! it. Tl'.i- li.'iir, !.i-ii l.ot jiti'jA-rly i- .ir ,. . i. . . n'i . <;, h ir>'i. .i'i.]. ilry, t freely wr.li <-\in c-'iuK II.-,-. '!' j.nnfMt this, the let ilieasini' n. tl . \yur' Hair vi^or li iiiijii. .^y Mr. .J. H II. ir5 l.at a x oM celt on Tliunduy uul - to friends iiear Heath c>'io. I ' -i HIM! had a * i-!.. M kcratchiii: . ith il fo<-f, an I diir iux i- - '' it foot I'verihe liaher. choking it.-!f to death. U U quite a ni-i lo.-s, .;- tlie an. uul w;is a valua 01 C. Mr .' K M i >r'a plair h.iU n dvatTMl iu>n ' itur-liy riu:iu aUiut 7 uul't in-.ii t!ic f'lrimcf Turk .- ^'nit i!..wu for tl: ilsy. l'i:? .< !' mi. i < !y ili>'-tiT. il l'_i in,e tivur the ( ic'ory. At the time of dii n KT*ily criiv-Lliinj ay. xi.d ill a few ininnti'M tnotrv have <. n !*). .i.d conti..!. As it w., a frw v-.:> !' Knur e\tiiixuihHl it. Mr. U. .'. x prole, afnt f.T i! .11 hue '. I >teain.>!iii'!, |..\s ie,-Hid I i,- Ml i :: ii.f .ii.itnni : T.ic i:.M S j " I-W'i'>i li* l-loki.il ihe i ix- do huh >hf u.Mue i.li hoi July v. \ tge oi 18t1!. o' 7 !..-. l.< iiiinuli K, fioui M.. \itiv I I <w iLe i- .at tri, ever mxdi* lu the St. Lawt-rvncu. Her Aliich il.f coui|>!c(ed at Au-^u.ii; at 1.50 p in.. reiiui^s the time 5.'J minutes, which ulrtkea the lecord tiuid now tj cay., hours. 'M minuUtt, and baa well eartn*! Ir her the iiaine of ihe " tirryli- u (lie St. LaM'erence. The raW of )( are : FirU Cabin, oO, $t9 and $7" i vcond cal'iu, f - Lw thiuU|{U rale* to the cutit Tl.e faJl ilistcict un-vtuiLT of t lit* M. dir>t cnur Tliurv i.y. In the evening a Sunday s- .2 wi 1 : be a : '. of -.vorth, nn.i K . > l! 1 ' ('. ( il be ' Tl.e rrUrit n , f h..l:it- ai.<l -.ilil/Mh rho. 1. Mr. Rlw.i:. 1 * will s;>.-ak upon " The 1 1-meuf f aucct-sa in Ch:i! Ian work." A full .i:vi -iiiKC ia hoped fur. The yauiig men ar>- t.i t-o o> Tipna thr ramr-i T their ent. r i on Monday evening in the tin- dri.l het!. The Large seaciin- ac<-o u ,iHla<i"n s |>reiiy well UXfd. Tl3 chair waa uccupwd by Mr. LmUiud. ree of the tuwu>bii>. Mr. Warriutctua baa a ni^niDcviit \cu nud his tel-cti.O4 Were chuio; Mr^.Mickid, the Kdy singer of tlie trv, well k:..>*n. Slie lin a ) and ery :-r were a Ijr nnd euthui*tica'ly r Anr.it? Kichardnou a.id Misa Loti Arn.- atron^ ^ir rmdttua in >v which wern his>h!y ; At inter* e Uu-d iliac.. ursr.l aweet n. anil, to use a i| n MIH ' \'.\ nr merry a uiiir.n;- U-'! ' Tre iccei;.t.s of the evening were not f.r f r..m thr s Mr. at the l>ran^e V.tl..-y to \vars % > ai.il ia well known in ihii vicinity, nict . acrioun accident Uiely, the particulars "f oi which we clip from the <).-n_ Sun: "<>n \Vi-.l ncoday e-.ci.i:_- Mr Jolt: i | teaches achi-'l in Caledmi, three or 1 ur iinlcn fr-in i irang*- vi!!c, met with a aeriou.* accident while travelling on hi "n no.ir tl.e 'I'Hf at C'*rdwi-ll JunotMN. II .n were r:u.: al'-U-', aiui At i, who i< a:i t-.\;iort with the waa in tlie lead. At the top of 'he hili II JUIIIpoi .'If, but AllktllMUl Puln along at a rapid rate, depvndin- on t!u- v. It ilii nt work. . and Aikineon >cveral homes at tin- :'. ( the :i: He got the brnko to w>.rk t 1 . ->t .-r strn ' tV' i f.-r u amred on t minute ..i > afterwards he found Mr. At lyin^ by Ins tu i.'hinw lii i M he hoel n.l i ler and e nvr it t!i--i \\.nt in \' -e ;ii.l 1 he thit \ who tame.; M \~ , ' *. n S nn I r II . erin, .citl r. - ; he i >\ r f r'v years .- -. invri-red under '. Hill (who by , ... liaa aince then bvfB i r;.-h' and very .L( church. ,..-, n. .'-, deceaaed . ilaughten . I.M iH.i Mrs. ... e married - in thr- luiuj- u M . *. n and two < him, all Ct of Hia la>t '. w.-ic moiit!' of ":i:;ui fi.r- < . much that .M crown. I u fit*!. - Ru,.en. M \ . ' .-. the very T : " Mark n t.. i . \1 .- . i '.'. , aunt. Mr- J II II- Mr : M Sj., nee. t < > v. n Souud, w n a ' i iv. ^ the gUMt 1'r. T. lieu.;. w 13 in to*n on M . Mi- \ i via .'il!.' v> ^' r I in* circu.t ' 1>r Ic -iiid fiiiu'v returned to t!t. ir hon ! : Monday. r. Hill .ir - >|i. ini.iit; A - in HutiiiK*. U. J T'.kes:. a Monday T4i. lr. Iteid.'.f H..rii.ii^< Mills.speut iv and Monday with her aiar N . U. ^1 ! .-turiie.l . n i M u - . . A M their . M v M-. 1> S.in- l . ! .1,. M: talk, at d Mrs. ! M.-cr. Mr-. W. Ant- Mr. \I - \ K ! ' i > 1-1 i . t.> i!i. ir home . n Obituary PIN* MwoMJ.m i. v If. J.HIU !> n o , ly. , I. HO i'.-i tii'-^t urillor, mid .s Man w'i . . lft KV.id Hewuaan .t'luuiahle nn.i. Lii.ii > r..;i>. of 4 |'K <:IK>W|I .t rotii n$ ,i'i.l it 1 . ne only in i of h", Ho waa hot n in the e MIIIIV .. 4! maul nn. li whet S.ii-:i'u LIM, < I. .in. A;'t< r M\ je.ira of mart i-d lite Mr. and Mia. l>inuiHly luii:i . t!i> ir aVxnie III Tor.'ii'o, hc,e llit-y tor H year aid a i .-xlf. Mr. linwi-d* work: u'.er ai>d j ait the tint fence "u | ^ :ltor I All. in. I-i !.' h.' v-u. g couple, xvi'li their tlilev ^ r , IH oe out into t.'e - iiw. VM... a .(iverniiirht viant of rift .1 .C...-1 of |. d illlJ |)liivi.a III; Kiiollirr h ty. juat .in -..*. t piewnt . .f (i i vi. I i^e. Thi-y we e ihc lii.- ^c:'l JIMI r Ivklicrton or the iiu nn.i , .re vii-in tv. Then* a-i no n. t til of Ule vil!j{ ll.wo, and Mr. w- ..y i.vi.-iv- d atiu txvcuicd a c<-iitnt>-t ' , . .^.t.i g uul .Lc ro.ii .-r ou u. L .. The Best Medicine, J. O. AVu..-.>x, Contractor and Builder. Sulphur Spri-^s ihus speaks of Ayer ' Pills : * Ayr>t Pllla are the beat medicine I rrvr tried; aud, in my JiiU-ment. no :or geaerml romeily coiikl l devised. I Uave u*.l them In my family and McoaunoBdcd thorn tu uy fn.-mU awl mpioToa (ur more than twenty ran. Tu raj certain knowltxl;^e, many cocoa of tho f-jllowing ccmplajuts hare b*J| tely aud Permanently Cured by tb* uce of Ayer's IMlla alone: Third day chills, dumb ayue, bilious fever, nick headache, rhoumaUam, Bus, dy- I<epsia, constipation, aad hard oolda. I know that a moderate use of Ayer> PiUa. continued for a few days ot week*. as the naturu of the complaint required, would be fuitud an abiHilute core for the disorders I hare named above." ' I hare been selling medicine for ei^ht yean, and I ran safely aay that Ayr*a Tills give better aatinfacUoa tl>n any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. Prry. Spotbylranla C. H.. Va. AYER'S PILLS FrvpetwJ t>) Dr. J. C. Afr ft Ok. Lowed, KM* Every Dose Effective BOOTS AND SHOES FOE THE FALL. To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing ID. that line, try CLAYTON'S *** Because his goods are cheap anJ good, and has receive lar^e lot of tall wear cf Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. a lot of first class Men's Homemade I ong Boots on hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to^ FLESMERTON. BINDER TWINE. GO TO We bae just rewived a stock o the following brands of binder twine Common Sense, Red Cap and Bio* Ribbon. wLicb we are selling very cheap. Get our prices before baying e 1st where. Grain f radlo-> 1 !<>i>lv- A. iJiii.linur Mittj* At Rock Bottom Prices. FBflTJEl anJ prvaerriiig kettles are alai very low at Fan if 11] Isris for COPYRIGHTS. TOLVJaW Far*, in be Coauii ' '**" : iimtip* or v 1<* bj)l-uu *** ** ' - H i '"j . : ' c ' *'tiffc jf '.:.* ^ -*ch.*' a 10 "^ -I - * *. - , p ot aJ- ood to- uf PK . oe4 ta- .-< fn in riMbertu* ear frotu rrotoa MtHa o Th, e i* a taw mill oal > i inlle . . > tonat ^iticulan - . ..-. SOMETHING NEW -AND- We Have Conic to Stay. \Vo \vih t j auii imice '. ! iceneral t'.iit we li i ierukiu? bu-. . -k of new ^nodi lias nlifdv bwu >Ued :o MI, a-nl *uU f We will c.i- > I'.i-: <. Onjmus ai jeUbn line n. .<.< lj'pliii'ii i. to !UAin,-o ruiiomls au>l it . . . .... ..ill la >s not b. ' i.' ii list tO and our pitcfj l i"iiM .p .>i' dc livortil .: , . . . . \ t.iele li ulic'iv v-.'-.t Wlil ' J.frBASXERVILLE&CO*, r iiOOMS L HKALTII FOR ALL. Pills and Oiatuienr. TU K rurJfy the blouJ c h, l Uisur J u.vir*4 u.l ror W b.illii :>l>i^rit K' l Kvuiaiu* ol ail aiv r'ur Ck> Mr on aii.t th ^ .! t T M K 1)1 NT Mr! NT l.l LeV '.'* I U>oatv Old Wouo.U, Kor> aud anJ Klij.ii.i:. ^ K r .Ii or<Wr of t ChM* tt tkM *4oaJ. For SOKK 'Ulll<)J:i.r.U<>~\\'lUTI$.COitiHS, COLDS, k)lau u)r SUHM{%. uiilall Ski Diu U haa a* rival and ( . jiMUa 11 MM Ilk* a tbara MauuTactuml only at t^ruKwKor HoLLoWAT'a fcib;iliiii*n*. 7K Mew Oxford Strt-rt Jatr 44S, xf*rd strtcO, au.1f *oM all*. If].. te'Jd.. fc(W. lla.. au.. ami JS ^.b Beta/ r k iciuo VvuJorft Ihrw^hoM fek vi > 1. Strwt, ,L .p. -

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