Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1894, p. 8

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HE PLESHERTON AD INGE Sound. Oniuriu, y r\\t Vei'y <B n. M-I-: rs CAXAUA TO GET A liiutnra t'.lncitlinn. Take a Round Trl? :B?V - "' " -i "'l i . in l'M*.l. Minn tinit i ^ >miiie uTery- , ,.r'..|ur.i tlir i 'n l ami \Un- rolli'feM prmuUea ,,. i,,.,t an I < ' ni'itt ult- aMf j i ;>!. w will i|lv von I !j( 'i',,. H \itnual Annoauce- .MiiK full |'i ticulam.frwi. a l.lreaa C A. FLKMINd, Principal. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Saw- iu. Vk ood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop doiie while you wait, for th Beaver turua the wheel. T. V, WILSO* Manager A FAMILY GROUP Tin l.B DIIOTOfiRAPU I .%.%%/*. *^v *%. * I Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- iect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Pklnre Framing ->* done lii all Its branches. If you have shopping to do nnd pictures to pel taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will l)o jjiven to copy- ing oilier pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. TO THE FJELIC. llMiii'U rnnle.1 Wliittrii'n lilai-k-.inltb limp ft .t'ii .-i' \. i>. I am now In a poiIMnutu - iu ul mi t ini in y line. a Spcoiaty, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ng in th h!ackinnthMi| > si IMI F. A. BUNT, ianli,"!' i llaKl M AWCIAUF I.U KNBE8. Nun e<l ilav or night at th office or residence of tba iindnrli;"' I. _ lHVlKlOXCOUhTCLK .COMMISSIONS K In H r .1. ri'iire\aufur,*c. Notary public.' JOHN W. AKMBTHOXO. Mc ! l.l.uri.ll ,t YOI'NO, Hau\ur, Mnrlnl.il... do a general banking biiii- Inaaa. Monty luauod at areaaouable rmU. Call on in. [ K. HAMMOND j'oet Matter, Kimlwrhry. fornniiloer for takinit Alflilavit - ata, InMiron ami loan tiion.-v at luwmi rut. I M riter<eai, Duedt, Willa, etc. i>rufli|>tlv. ctieaply ami eltlciontly. T> J. 81'ROULE, rtiiiaHt-r, Flenhertou, CoriiniUrioner ID B. K., I. ic lined >ui-tii.ni-rr. Conveyancer, A prm-or and Mouoy Leuder, Hea-1 KitaU au-l lunuratico AKeiit. Deedn. MorteaRM. litnn. anil Will* drawn up ami Valuation* inu, .!< ":i ihortwl aotire Auction Kalun att'iidi-il to lu auy pan nf tin.- County. .Money to- loau at low Mt ratw o( nit.T. t. Cullectloui aUvu-lod to with |>rmniiti.oa and deapatch Charge* low. AH. .-tit for the Doinlnloo bUauiahlp Company, cheap tlckoti froui Fleahortou to Liverpool. UhuKow. Lomluu or any of the liritlnh |mrt PartHM tntoultnaj to TUit KuKlanrt. Hcotlan,! or Irelaod, will p'.uii ak ralui Iwfore iwhashiu tbfii ticket* elaewktire. M IS8 EDITH niCHAKDSON. Klll.ll Of flu, ' Rol.t. lluhr, of Berlin. Herman v. (rlollin ; Mr*. Brad!y. of Toiwilol ousiTvatory Muiu. culture); 1'iof. Kerrlaon, late of Toronto. iPtaiio); Will H'ftvr |.il|.ll ill MM.IM. \l-H.lN. I'l- ANO ml ()H(- T\I( IIITTON. M. D.C. M , M.C. P A B..On Prlwrllle. ReahUiice and office one door wual ef tlie Math- ..list Churrli.Kiiiroft St. Offlcvdayn.TuMday* aua Saturtlaya. D U. CAKTKR. M. 0. P. * 8.. On*. Pliyilrian. iinrgcoa), etc , >fUoe btralui b'ock. Haskleoo* JOHN A. SC'lTT. M. B. alauibor Collate Pbynlo. A Burgeon*. Ontario Graduate lu Medicine nf Toronto I'uiv. Fellow*) Ip Diploma. 1'ont Orailuatv M 1 n.l H,.sp ital.riiicaijit. Hitowmiof v\.-, ear. IIIMU ai.il throat ipwially trcaloti I. < deuce Uatwpll, yiilU Ferinm TliurmUyi. 1 J I'.oTIi: \\KLL, Vnteriuary S-irgoon. OrailuaU of Ontario V.M ....... rj !!. -K". KM'.|,-IK' N.-vt .i>^.i null- ul Uuorc'a piauln^ factory. J r IIAI.STK M). M. D.U. C. *8., Ont.. practlcm at Kim- borlejr. ItheBiiiiitic (llnaii> i a|>ectalUy. J P.MAKSHU.l,, ' I. O.S.M.U. H.. neatlot. IflalU MariJal* til* lt aixi 'i'l \Vr.ln..lav of each tnonth I- I.jslifiloo I iw li trip on the day following J W. KKOHT. HarrlfUn-, HollcltoT, CooTnvancT, I'tr nellrliin oflleu- Next tli |>ot oilcc Sfiroule'l biilliliMi; <" Tliumday. Owen Houwl offioe Kroflt'H Imililnin. 1 VCAH* \VKHiRT. lliirriti-r, Ho'icltora. CooT^Tancen. etc.. Ow*n rinund. Un.l - Marktlale, Out. W II WllMII I I. II. I.I ' * N. H I 'i.-l,. rton office, UllcliaHi Hank. MTtTV \\ rilln'silns . SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. tneein every Imt and third MOM . ilav lii i.ni-li niiintli. III tliolr liulR.' I hi I- I'M IMl l-k.Hi l i !!(.. II lit S.| J.ilin-: .M. M \V. . W. I llcllnn.v. nnm ..... i ; \V Irwni Hi ' ' "'' "i i-itini; (in tlii'in In Rovvi, TKMI;I-\KS (i - Urifnlnr (' uncll Mi'rti* ivrv llr*t anrl v.-ninu in aacli in 'i .ii in S|iinnln'M I'lot'kat H p in S, 1,-rt itu^rne iiiKTirmi. M mi ! ..... MilliU. iri Wuilncxlay UK 1 1'" 22iiil of each month. SONS OK TKMI'I I,\MI Tbll i In Dr. Cbrlato*' Hall every \v I i.ntli- rrrn 1 1, MIL. I In sin mice In com>r< tinn yrn 1'. H. A.,nTt iii tlK-lr hall. Cln J lilork rv.n Dr.t ami tliir.l Tlnirdda> in oaoli ninntli. \\in.Bharp. Maater. 'i. Cia> ton. Secretary. J>HlM r AliTIH K |.(i|)4;i v K * I A M.. meet III the Manonlo Hall. Ktnun. HI irk I Ic i-lii-it .111. fTi'rv Priilay mi m luifnri* tli full inoiiii A H t ixn.li:>,, n \\ M U I. hpruiilo, Heorotary. Kuucniu Frmn mil /i u<, NBWH ih ratli.-r ncm * in 4ii(i Hr>iui<l ii:'i-n,H .il piTunt. llui-.iinu i. in full til;iNt, nnd if i.ii iii- dn' nl hurry up, (lie atruMhoppM* i 1 lighten tlicir liiLorn na they lire < Atino [> n tliur.' ami ninkin^ .<! witli tliu is The Eil^cnw Oi.'ttr/cuicii wi HI niif to : i "U "ii M.H.il.iy In . Mis* Sarrt IVilUr, of T'lioiuo, U \ixt- ^ lii-r p.-ir' nt.s .-ie Suuuiujrliill, i,i-.ir Ki li:l ill I. I si-l.t. Mini lla'.ti.- .Smitli^if To-ill, to, m v,Kit- iii. IIIT l:i.,rl,iT, .Mi. Daxiil Snntli. Mr.Tlli.lli;ix S;n-nce,if the Tor^iitu Kiru LtngtuJv. .ui'l nm fiiinily nr vUiiing i.t Mr, Win. Purvise's. Mr. Tliiiiiiaa l!r.i<llmry H hippy uvc-r ie arriviil of ah'nellttlo hoy at ln-i II.MIM- I . li' >"n fly i> very tinmen nt mi .the cillj thm yinison lU-tWi-en the dru il up (KUturu itud the fly cattlu are in it had State. There are indicatidns .f the | ;in hliiiht Cfiuiiiif; on iit piesetit as tlm 'O[>K *M beginning tu apO* M rlle >' did mlur iuuti'i. wlien it was in i bail aromwl thia pan nf the ci-uiitry. Heart IMsriiM- R-lir%rd in :tO Ilitllltrs I ':. A:TIH-W - Cure (or the 'lef irr all ca^eK of (inruonu- or Synp.ilhi'tii- lli'art Disenht in ,'UI niiiiuifH. nnil opei'ilily effect* i i'ic It i ii pei-rl.-K< friiiedy f'f I'alpitari'Hi, Slinrliiein i.l" Hi .kill. .Smothering S|K.'lls. I'.un III Left Sule ntiil all HymptiMii of a l)l|-.4. ll II. -Ill (III" ll --.I COIIVIIICCI. S,ild l,y \V. K. RiAaWkM Harrison r: sr.aiorx TIHN wvs AT FIIOIT IT.iTKIi AT TIM KM HKW*< I'Ki i I f > I I l> BY Ills >i KM kISi.s MiW IIK K i' , Aui. 1.",. The caae oi li.m i-u-ii, mentioned in colutmiH lint wi-i'k, was a more nurioun i up- til III a)>p.-:ll> ll :it til.>t ni:ht . He WaH Aided fur M.nie yearn with Ixickuche.tlie Jiruct rctult of knlney ili^eivte. In ilamp NIB *ufft-rini! were in- , ami fi-f<pi< -nil> pi.v -ii vi I bisd<>il>g Htiy work. T'niii active. urn , imch mi alrl ctHHi wan nnxit ^revimin and lie tiled many alleged n-meijih vu'lmrt relief. J. !> Muly. i!ti- ei: kiu.wn ilriiCKiat h.-rv. lec-iiinn-i .'.-d l>Mld\ Kiilii'-v 1'iH-i, vlin Ii Mr. HaTiit.ni ned anUiHii-iw ih-.iou.l lv cnii-il. Me i-uly n-i;r.-(< tliat I.e ilul l|..t MM- iLnin'v Kill ney IM!s '.. fi,i.-, f.>r In- kti'.ws tin; if he had lie wuu'.il Intv.- IM-^II .!! lonj,' .'. Biton |o HorsriNrii. On- ittl of ieinuvl n cnih fri:n n y li'ir 5 "'. I tiike pleHhitr. 1 in r>-' ...... mi -ii'linij Mi.' remedy, us It arts will iny-r.-rious pu.inpl n>-,s lu the reiiMivnl fri-iu IKT-'IM nf limil, soft nr ciil- IdUHU'l linn[i-. iiliHxl pivin,spl sweeny, llllt!^^ il npi K.IIIB. M.i'ttii'im, Out SiilJ by \V. E. Riclninht-.n, Dm The HI t Jt.iii I Trunk lino tn i 'w n Snund will be iitticully >'\<o. ml <ui An.- Kollrf InO llour-i- . Kii. ney ai.il Bladder dmes< >. r>-li.-v..il in ix hutirs l>y tliu "tJieitt South American Kidney Cum. " Tin* now remeriy i i;n-al Mirpri-<T nnil delit'li 1 n ,icc"unt nf Hi excci'iliiiK prii|iipliiei>i< in rehevim; p.iiu in the lilitdiliT. kioneys, lark aiul pait of thu uiinary |.^>.i|{>'H in m:il.-..i d male. Itn-iiM-. r. r. ntmn i>f | ain in pikrHing it iklnioiit imnieiliatc-ly . U you wanti|tiuk fi-lief and cure tlii" is VHU remeily. SoM liy \V. K. RMHIWM, Draopat- While men wore n' w.-rk "ii tW ^'..l lifiilje over tliu S-uyeeii river at II in ve Moiiiliiv, litr.'e IK'^'M . iv>. >\.iv mul struck C. Sluinfcle on the In'ik.l. killiiij liim instantly, lie I. -ave* a wife nnd three or four children. Owen Sound RE-OPENS August 27th. The Owun SoinM Ciilli'Kiiit.- . "ln-u "ll MniMlH 1 .* -.'7th i i.l "Unit nt ali'l I ill I.I 11-.- Kl'lllll. I !!,*. 1 (ill ill -ij... ,1,1 ^'MU-I* 'I |l,- ) utilldlltal Ait . ll.llll ! tl) till. .-I I. Ili-nn-li, A -i . i i-miUtll. All (It- partinunu ii'iiriini-iiii- i Ki'iC<>Ki 10 it <H:>} s TUB CtLEDKATED B.Laurance and i vi;. F. G. IIa,x*stoclt, Ait-lit. AH . Atx>utir ( I 1 1. 1 fiiilhvr iiiloriuuliou a)i|ilv to W. II JKNMSS. U. K IHIH K. rriSMlpal, Hac'.% -Treat FARM TO LET. Th iin. I .i ipi,,,l will rout lulu ini n.,,1 train I AS K . .\il,.iii K |a. tor a t, m > I v. ,n K U L .. , i..^..liliralil> t.'iiant Ai., l''y to J, n:, \VUKUIT, SB. Q, KhfiiuiafUm Curril lii a Dny- South Aiin-r IM.I Kli.-uun!.iHtn Cur>!, fur euiiMtiini aii'l N.-nntl^m, rinliuully cure* in I t.i .') i ,i\ . Im action u|xiit th n M r.iii.irknlile anil iny'i--Mii. It reutiivi-H n' mi, -.- the onu' ami tlie. ilis- i i"iiinii n it.-l t <lis.ip|MMr. The t'rt iliMi- i/ri-.itly l'.-in-li'H ~~> ceiitn. l.y W. K. HI.-II.IM|HOII, Dm. Notice. DONT DESPAIR . Ji FLOURING MILLS Manitoba Hour ni>\.iy on band Buckwheat yr. rtinil n:xl ln'ttxl. The on^y mill in ilii^ ecti<in ,,f c<.uiilrj tliii*. tin's th's ,'Li^Mif work. DQDDV KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU Wtfn- . , Lumbago. Troulilra. Imp .r- Blood or mon> y n-lunrted. Sold by all Heal r; in medicine, or hy mall on receipt ol i ric*. y*. perbi. or Six boxes a.yx, *>R. U. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. \t .> . trnow. A. B. Bell. Prop CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, i-v DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REG U LATE THE UVER. ONE PILL. AFTER C. ATI N B INSURES GOOD PIQCSTlON. PRICE 25 CIS.!* A Mother's Beautiful Child Dragged Nearly to Death's Door by Severe Nervous Disease Suffered Extreme Pain in the Head Doctors Could Do Nothing South American Nervine Called in at the Eleventh Hour and Restores to Health Little Annie Joy, of West Toronto Junction The Great Remedy is Reducing the Death Rate of All Canadian Cities. MISS ANNIE JOY, WlvST TOUONTO JUNCTION. A bright little lad, or cjolilcn-li.iired pirt, it the delight of your home. Whether you revel in riches, or know omethin^ of the privation! of poverty, that child IN all thn world to you. It is no wonder that mother anil father become anxious when sk-km.'aa overtake* the little one. The remedy, father* and mothers, is nearby. South American Nervine diatmting at time* a* to render br completely helpless, sapping all her strength. The best skill of the most killed phykiciitns was called into but little Annie steadily grew worse. Becoming more hope- less and discouraged as the week* went by, Mr*. Joy decided on trying South American Nervine as almost a last resort. Emi-lnying her own ha* been th* means of giving back j words t>hu said:' "I determined to thn bloovn of youth to thousncls of give it a trUi, althou-li I felt it was suUWin little one*. It is not a | useless.' 1 medicine tint buoya up the parents' hd|Mf,oiily to have them inashorttime dnshed down again lower than ever. Whether with child or adult, it promptly gets at the seat of alt disease, which ia the nerve centres. From this fact it is peculiarly , has practically regained hiT natural efuoacious in the treatment of ner- vous diseases of man, woman or child. A recent case is that as told by Mrs. M. A. Joy, of West Toronto Junction, whose little daughter To day it i* all happiness ground that home, for be'ore one liottl* of the medicine hud been taken, tlte mother tflls us Annie commenced to show d.vidftl sij-us of improvement, Tlie child has taken three bottle* and health and vigor. There is nothin-.; surprioin^ in the fact that Mrs. Joy cannot spenk too highly of South American Nerviu. Annie, aged IJ years, bad been a Much was at stake, but thin wonderful discovery proved equal to Hulii-rtT from severe nerron* deprcs- , the enirr^fncy, and so it ()<< m evey ion for about two year*. A* wieti I case. Thousands of Ictt.-rs on file all mother*, no trouble and expense I front well known citizens prove wa* spared in the effort to bring relief to the child. The little one raf- tered extreme pain* in the heat), to For nervou* diseases of young or old, from whatever cause, it ia an ak> -solulelv infitlliLlo cur* "Win

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