Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1894, p. 1

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" TRUTH BEFORE FAV(3R." PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN. 1 YOI,X1V.NO.&7 PLBSHEBTON.ONT THURSDAY, ADGDST 23 1894. W . THURSTON EOi :? %Ve Can you see well? Is your sight good ? If not we have something to tell you. Have you ever noticed that one of your eyes la stronger than the other ? In ninety-nine cue* out of a hundred this is a fact. I'n- dr tlie old Etyle of fitting glasses both crystals were of a like power. We Lave the facilities for testing the eyf>, aud can fit you a pair of glasses to exactly suit the power of vision o' each eye. We can suit your ease perfectly and guarantee satisfaction. Cora* iu and get a pair and renew your youth. Armstron Bros, Jewellers Prtrrvlllr. That Haunted Srhool. From or own Carmtxnxifnt This comm'tnity is all SITOK again over ' We have been very unfaithful .>f !at*. the unpecendenred, unwarrantable, in- fTJV RV JJJl'SI V)( r However, we intend discharging our visible, nou comprehensible, iinatuml, ' " ^- " A*- ^c *', duties in a wore satisfactory manner in (perhap*) unfathomable, inexplicable, uu- the future. accountable, uninterprutable, (Shades of The " HaunUwl School" ia a<rin to the Johnston) unpreventable, intermittent, ^ front Those ghostly uomes were resumed VIHIU of mime double-dyed, niichi<if-inak- on Monday, so that it aupt-ars thty have ini> eltin or eltinesa, which this week is coins to stay. again taking up its abode in that now List nionday was fsir day. There waa hist' ncal pile uf logs rejoicing in the quits a number of cattle offered for aale wierd ootrnomen of the " Glenelg Haunt considering the time of the year. Prices ed School House. " were low. On Monday last, school was re-opened Mmaua. Tuna Meln'yrn.Ruby Robert- \ in the aforessid ramshackle structure, son and .lennie Ko> ertaon, of Toronto, Inspector Campbell, Mr. Arch. McQuaiu. Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTavish, Flesherton Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, keeps on hand !i|iirs fir bsq Harris, i km. Flnrj m Illiiisui Ins. EMENTS. are upending their holiday* at home. Mia* Alice &<<, of Ptiuteratna P. 8.. and Mr. Brt RIM, f Kingston Boa. College, am ruitini; their parents. lira. Dr. Huttim and Maator Arthur are flatting friend* in Hamilton, Branip Plow*: Fleury and Ve ity on hand all the time, aiso all kinds of repairs for the tame. We manufacture Wagon*, Daggivs, Cotters. Sleigks, ic. UoraeJiocti)g promptly attended to. Special attention to tender or contracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. end GENTLEMEN : I 1'HSIRE TO AKNOPXCE tlmt I have taken over the Carriage and Wagon making Ini-iness lately carried on by Mr. Moore, aud am noiv prepared to till s.11 orders in my line tu your entire satisfaction. Having lately added to ray sixteen yearn* expe- rience in the business a nine mouths' training in om- of the best . 'Tiay.*! simps in the city of Detroit, wh.-i" I - 1 in carrying <>fl a tiret class recommvinlatiou. ".lulit to be a sullicii nt ^naraokM that all work willbedon in a ti;-t class manner. I luaoiifactuie Wagons, Bugs. Cuttei-g, Sleiyl.s ; in fact evHi-ytLi-i!,' in tin- riage line. WooU mid lumber ukm in exchange. Kindly give me call. B . L, A. H < . Fleshertou. Next door to SI slavish ulaoksuiitli hop. To the Public iu gcoeral or all tutcndiug purcliaKrs of Buggies, Carts and Democrats I desire to call yonr attention to ray spring stock. Kindly give me a call and yon will be convinced. I use uothiu", but lim-olaa* luaterial Ciiine and juilge for youraelvus. Ue"iiing su-ictly to, alao (Miiutiug and retnunuing. R. T. WHITTE1T, FlBkrton, 1 Farm fir Salt ir Eickiiji. A Rare Chance. V^^Sff^SSK'XK Hin hfcuiptou. or KwrnhQ; , a v*Juabl* Farm of 1T *or*s.on<i mil* north of KimlMrtoy in she B*avr vallay, Tp. of Kuuhraaja. Oa Ib* prsai- ! ar* a KOO>{ fr*.ni buna*, hr* SJH! ilrtv* boo**, %l*n a o.l orohard aad wsM sepajllsd : with water. Apply In W. A. .wAYVA*. Af I fur H.tdmihiMn Kirs Us. 1'o^Waltst's Us VV i V T C I M Ai* I 'I' *iu|>luv remit villi siesaBS iiu'ii KxpHnc nut nxewurv. Haii'lscni* outfit aud th toneflt of uvsr i'> vear> x|>r- ISOM turinsli.l tvwrv mi I. '> KK -|'iI lmi uid control of territory - W hav over W aerm of chiilc* tujtk.atnl i n viva you iu.nv adTauta^vi,. uur mnu of *curiuij aod retaiu- la|s*>l*nii>n (nn>'ir. Call (or our torus. Tbetrtal willsest)ru uoshniR 8T>t M WELIIXC T*5I. Twroutw. *. Sweeney, U. R A., SAH Die<i, CkjL, ams : "Sbiloli- Catartab Remedy m lb\trat uiedieiue I have aver found that wMd dw luo any goad. " Price 60 t<n\t* Mua McKechnie, a f-w pupils went pres- ent. Teachiug was comiuendtd when lo '. that peculiar, mysterious humiuing again resoumied thruui(h the room ss clearly as ver. The pupils appeared to b* no more agitated over thia strange phenom euoo thau they *<iuld be over the buss- c. O O O O O OF FINE WOOLLKHS. Imported Wonted Panting aft 76c. per yd , Fine French Wor sted, 11.3ft per yd., and every- thing else in proportion. J. MERCHANT TULOR. too and Button villa. Mrs. Cries- m st present visiting frieads igo* tee or th soughing of the wind, in Michigan. As to the cause, miny thenriae have Misses Sara and Kate 4<>r < f Bde I been advanced. At lira* varied and wild Hill, paid a yinx visit to fneuda In this speculations of the supernatural played burg lately. ; '" P* 11 "d still rrigii* supreme ia the Mr. sod Mis. W. J. BUksfm spent a | simpis mind of the superstitions. TSe Mk or so visitina; (riends) in Noruianby M wind the<wy " has been mentioal only smd Mmto Mr. Geotf* Watsasi and Mrs. D. Mo Keolinse, of Genrgetows^ spent a few lays lately SMson* tltrir fciends in this eooisMMiiry. Mrs. Densua. of Detroit, who was visit- mgat Mr. M. Bnlgtn, returned hoinclaat to be earne-1 sway by the neit breath. The scientific mind ooines to the dilemma and the "reverberation theory " is point- ad out with a good deal of fics> and sound reasoniits:, but subsequently proves I SJ2 inadequate. Agmjn. snakes, bugs, bats, from " "" n " WESTERN FAIR. London, to 22nd, 1894. Stork B - ALWAYS IK THE fBOMT. " Eshibttors. maju jroor virus Mkrij and choo** Entries cloM. I.IT* Suies sad Poultry, tapt 1MU Ensrt** elOM. otbr ii*prun<>iiu. Sap* M Final payment* and harass named In la* kls>k*a Au lich p "" "" ic.rr**. spplr for and auimala of every description, have been augyealml, each proving fallaciuaa Mias Minnw Wilano, of gwintmi Park, I by later deveiopmeuta. till now it would wee the gwesft of Mn. Movrhead lately. PiioevilU P. S. was reopened on Mi>n- Ujr, with a lair attendance, Miea Avgie Bull, uf Durham, baa chance of the junior dep't. Eight uembera of the A O. U. W. in this village attended the funeral of the IU. Mr. b. Coleman, of MarkdaJe, UW Sunday. Visitors to nor burg will at once n<>tico the three attractive wiiulnwn which adorn Hall." appear through a count*) of evolution al- ntoat like a aeriee of Darwinean rsason- ing. The public mind haa becuiu* aluwly but lurely oouvinood that Ute huuun being ia truly the errativ* miscreant. X. T. 2. Prieerille, Autr - J l*t 1894. CAFT A W POBTB. Voters' lost 1894 sMlrtpality the Twhlf ; prey. uiy e>f irey. Belter III BoairK Dirtresmng Kid. a ey and Bladder diaexMii relieved in six hours by the " (treat South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy is a Each window rrpruaen's |P VHt ' surprise and delight on account of a society, and contains a au.tably worded I "Z^St PYP- '" ^j."* P"' n in the Madder, kidney", hack and evrv advertisement couipaied as follows, oom- ^ ,, f , ne urllMM . y p*aages , oisO* or fe- msncinx on the west aide, neat, noater. male. It relieves retention of pain i , Datl atMoIiityr* this 14th daro AIIKOT*. UM neatest. If anyone wants to know which j parsing it almost immediately. If you | -h.,.1, *. ... .n.l . *"' Hick relief antl cur- thia u Whlth ' * ' Sold by W. E. KaSioishrbyBlnn that I ha>* traaaaatt- ad or <UII*r*d to U POIHOUH iunii'>iMd in ssn'lnm 5 aon S of OnMrio V.iten Lus Aot. ISM. U> ooptas . quiidb >ai<< iwetlon* to IM an trauMiiittAd or tlallvcrad of th Li:.t. pumuaut to :** at. of all Of U ! rTlt AniHIUlut Koll o( th Mm uiuniolpailty w bati%ld to vow in tb sa41 ninntcipllty at ulaaltnai for main biri >4 t'i Legislative AuMiubiy and at tnnuiolp*! atoa> ' linn.. Kiul that tli u Mid Llt wa ftnM poatW u| I at niy offl In Malntrn an thu MHh d]r uf July. lt*M and r*mlosUMra lor Impacttoe. KlMton a^ oallml upon to xamto* Iba aiil . List aud if any ooiiMiuni or aov oUir arrvim ara found tlier in tu lain imrnaillata prua il - i UK* tu bavo th* iiatil errors correct*! oaordlnK ' to law. ii viuJ ., L i* Riehardaun, Kncrnia Frum uur ir eonatpvtuirut. The farmers are now runhing thuir crtipe utf. Tho resu'tt ai-e more f.ivi.mble ID i\i i in miriit localities. A numbi-r > l crvs tlirtwhe-l iu t a Braver vullvy er- near 40 buxheU of fall whe.it to tho Be.irs are ^o'lin^ ploutifol nithi.t local- ity, rumora iea>.hiu>t lu-re almost d.u'y of Hjiiwnmnce i>l bruin. He teema t i.e initk:iig an elt. i; to dianlnce the thrushrr and liuhtuti the pockeUt of some <>f nu r most frug-il aftriculturints. It would be advisiole to have aa organized invasion of the bear*' ternorify. A stotonieiit of the election exponaen of Menara Clelaui' (Urn for North 'Jreyjand (jMuey (Pittroii) haK bon iiiven ro the public. Tin- expenses of the former up u-uxiiuatud 93tK) 00, while that of the Utter was only $>.GO. Taking fofKtnntcd th.V the rest of th Patroiis elect spent SH little fur eiuc'ioueriiig purpose* ax our worthy rprseiiutivi'8, the 17 P:it.ion, hv kept within the Injure i,l tliM very Liberal meuilvr to the north. If tlir Patrons could effect .1 oorreHpoiKlinu cliaut|e iu the expenditure of ilia Prov- ince wlint a iMxin it would bo ] \ good many around ht-.re s.re sttinKed tluit Bulticieot time has es|>irwl in the construction of the bridge hiTo. From present a|i|>eantnc*i the end |>rouiix*-H Ui he a lonx way oti' M.un n>wl liriilgea ia a matter that shoul I be hustlud from start to nnjah. a fact which our Patron council aswm* to lutve ignored. The office of Ciowu Attorney for the rosiiity of (>rey which was rosigiied re- usnily by Wm. H. Armstrong, Beq , hns been filled by the app<iiutmeut of A . (i. Mackay, M. A., of Oen Sound, to the cuvetwi Mnaiea KernaJian, a farmer of the town line ner Thornbi.ry, hiw evaporated. H" .v.w heavily in ilelit for rent, and see- in , iji.iiters coming l4> a crimx aeciimi moimy on a chattel mor* jug*, ami fled. of Ins crop, but the hay, lias lieeii harvented.-Stand.ini. Hush tires have been raging the past week in Proton near Ventry, .in<l on Simcl.iy lifter chu'cli the resiiU-nta in that neighlH.rh"oil had tu turn out to save -. and other jir-'perty. Over 100 cordt of w.Kid, wo ar int>rmed. wre r -in. ivi-.l from the track uf tho flauivR. - Mt. Forest Rep. Strny animals am frequently found along the hix'iwuys at this season of the year, and any person in permitted t>- take tlieiji on hi* premise*, but. in older to get [.ii. I for fuedinu them, he should immedi- ately ar'tnr tnkuu thoin in advortiHe for ih owner. Tliw course will save money to both ptrtiHs aH Well a save c>iiai<ler- iil'le tii'ii- in neHicliing for them. The; Adva'iou i the beat midiuui for tl.e^e ' adi-ertikfiuenu. On Saturday after tea Mr. Win. Brin- tow, one of the best kn >wu fanners in, t>s|iiey, died very Muddeiily. lie hud I buen for some tim- tn'iil.Uil with hia heart and cautioned by hia physician : against over exertion. On this occasion h h i'l L'one OIK to aoaist his son in Ined- i iv> \f*. He had pitched some and told his horses c<i go ou, when hia .ion looking bick saw him lyinic on th ground. His ' son immediately got down off the load but only to Hud his father breathing his last. The funeral took place on Monday and j was largely attended. Mr. Bnstow was widely known as OHM of the tint farmers in < > M pn-y, and oue uf 'he beat stuck -rais- ra in ilte country. Bulletin. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distreaaing? rash, by Ayr's Sarsaparil'.a. Mr. RicnARi> BIUKS, the well-known Druggist, 20? McGill St. Montreal, 1'. Q.. **!' I have sold Ayar's Family Medtcimia for 40 years, and have heard nothing bus good said u( them. I know of mao r Wonderful Cures performed by Ajer's Sanaparilla. In partlcnlar beinc that ol a I daughter of a ChurcU of England minbv ter. The child waa literally covered f rem heavd to foot with a red aa>l e>- ceedinKly troublosome rash, from which sbe bad suffered tot two or three yran. IB spite of the best medical treatmeat available. Her father waa ia great slistress about the case, and, at my ecomnieBdation, at last be|raa to sl- sinister Ajer's Sanwparills, two bot- tlee of which effected a coanplaU cur. mech to ber relict and her mtlicr'a dalight. I am sure, were he hava to-day. be wouM testily in *he steee^eM snM aa to the merits ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cur others, will curt you

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