Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1894, p. 5

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THI ILlSHliTOH ADTABC1 BANKING OFFICM OF GEO. MITCHELL, *<*"' Vanat f hn.iM.1 tran>eaM IVa'!-. iaau*l ami eb'uueaeaabea'atu.Mal MAM for Iei0ie ra north cf Vicinity Chips. Charaetcrtattea wf the PMC Week CewetwJI* Catte* far taw Call CUXM wieay 1'ical* will bt r rate er" We a*r Ime fur taeh uiMrrum. .1 reaWfwm inU 4< nefi<ei.< A cr'.<l 1 4 *lt just arri'-cd far M. tlwjaarda.M. fr salts, in cam. Vem j.>adi f o niie daHar. At th olice. Richard*' m baa the Iwrmt apple parers in the market. Dnu'i foil M get one. The wivny friend* of Mr. J. W. Hen 'rrwin will b" glad to Iwurii that he n inuch imprvred lit hrah'i. W ackiiuwledue receipt with thaaka 'f ticket tu Calea>>niB games to be beU in Mt. Foceet ua Thrad.ty, AUST. M. You caa i?t choio* f itmily flour at Hen deraou'a for 93 per MJ. Kitra mixed M naif. ha at 93.oO. A Oay. Kindly them a trial. The new bndtcu vur ito l?-aver at Ku(*iut is at lant i'|in fie tntlbc It u a handnoiiK. and mrvk.ablo atriicturu -iml ivdncu much credit upua buth build- er* and engineer*. Mine Aaiy ( iamb a. <rf tae tawa hue, Euphraiti* and Cullmtrwood, while driviag TO Thorn *>iiry nn KriiUy last to take train for her achoul IB Munkuka, waa thrown from the rig by the hone* run nine away, ud had her arm brokeu. YOB cannot nay that yem bare tried ^very'hiag fur your rheuiiuttwtu, until you hare taken Ayer'a Fill*. Huatlpedn liav been cr4 uf tint outapiatnt \y the uwt of thuae PiBs alone. They were ad- mitted .m exhibit iun at the World** Fair an a itainlap! cathartic. Not .!> oouaplauK. ha* ever been eiado by thuee uaiQg Ayec's Saraaparilla aucopd- iag tu direction*. Furthermore, we hare ye* to leant uf a oaae in which it hu fail- ed t" atf'ird beaefit. Su say huadredi of tlrwgfiata all orer the ouuntry. Has cured :hem. will CUM you. Colt Lost. Straywd from Che premise* <rf the W.B- alareisjawd, tut U, 9th oa ,>epr*y, about f ana a>et>ks *". yar 'd black Ally, whit* atnp i naae, mane cropped. In- fomiBtinn M t it* wfcoroabouta wii be OQkfaJly received bjr Fuuo P. O . Aug 17. 18IM. Th pi 4io truateei 4eail to inform tlMfMtblic UMt thedaaipiqg 4 ruhbiah oil ttM fiidw -if itreou mthiB tb cicput^ twu await bu slopped at onue. Hare Awr aything a%hUy at tkie itre i oe MfwiMd to be *Mio*e4 bj HIOM it it, elites* oaetMdt f the it (be fuUuviiuc tWB S B from Pnmary - Havmk Suffvid. M. Wr^ht. Ort E. clM* hrmaw in V*thenjatic, H i- and Ceograp4j, and Mound claae Enitliah, raiikinn MCoad f-r the k larmhip. Jmni. r L ing At t Oapray onunctl meeting on MmiUay^ Councillor Taylor reported hm- tMC tr iaeJh>d 409 rodt of n-l in ward 6 at a cue* of $lM.2t, ur aa average of 38$ ovttU per ri<l The oontraotutm are uot yet milluinern, but they no doubt will be if they live a few th< .ami jean longer under the pureuaire pvre of Mr. Tay- lur, who IK concillor of kevn intelli- feaca, and one who knuv hew to work f.-r the twutfit uf hie oeMtAueuU. Mr. CX J. Leitoh eed* the run from ]\ week, H hia Neyvi, in rxaottv twelve h.. U fi nd a half, a dint .ncr ..f 1 1* mitre. VV e m^icvd IIM: wrk tht h lid tlvM* th (ImtH.Kt. tn OriMia, whicd in ol- Ctly 80 milee. iu eiht hour*. Thu will give "ii a good idea of the IUIUMMNK tlh which duiUitcv c*u be lulatud by the uew method of locuino- li.iii It inut iw iinted, too, that tho ruler bre.ikfa>te)d la Staynor, took dinuur in Orillia, aud Apent aa lir in ftwver- toav, which, at the aetetd*, woald giw beut J'J houra of actual ridiag. Mr Leitch wai detuKatr tu the 1 O.K. grand i>*l& in Petorberu, aet L O. O. T. a* k we* put law. week. The fuMnwing eeoaiele itean from rJ\e B<4too Katerpriae i* worthy of reumdvo- tnn. Dotffl it apply in Fleahertoa. or doe* it m>t * " The avoai auatber ot yoang men Kilt beid dowa the atneet corner* oa dunda/ eveniaci, and in fron' ef the eaiuehe* they line up th me deep whoa terrice. m over each Sunday evening. Thu should Bot bt). If it their inteaiioa to eeeurt aomu yuua lady lineve the uw u fuel latterad when ah* ia " hooked " onto by a younu ataa whe kaows no better thav tu atand an mud in front ol a church du>r and bl.ick up the aidewalk an hat it aliu'tet inpoauhli! for people to get aluig. Hu ought tu hare mure rvupoct for het than to force ker t.< nnbait tn aacb a noaeen aical arrauceuarnt. We dau't aupaMMu- thy will ijuit the practice. It eBiii to ptinaeate tlieir (ystemi in the aine man- ner ai alouhul no that a derrick i* about the only thing that will uieve them." Personal. Mr. S. Dantiaiti wai in tnwu mi TUMI- dajr. Miai Ida Cole ia TtBitiug with her hruthvr in Forest. MBW LultB. of Toronto, u the ceast of Maw KJiili Richartiaua. Mr. J LUOM. .if Markdale, ape a I Suit- day with fnenda in towtu Miiu Kte, of Toronto, is viaitin:, f rieud* and 1*014 IUUMUU ore ia thu vicinity Mr. C. \V. liutltdue, uf the Markdale Stan iarj, wua a caller on Tliamdajr laaL Mr. JOB. Hi<i;inbntruua, if Brain*. ui Man , u visiting relativMB ia tuwu for ; few daya. Mr. K. J. BaakerviQe, principal uf one of i'ultuh public nchwuU, arrived homo <n M"uil.iy . Mn. Archy McLean and family, 01 Paimvjlle, Ohio, are the icueata uf Mr. and Mra. W. P. Owealsy. Mr. BeauU, uf Owen Sound, taruuifh our tuwa un Monday ou bis wheel an route for rk-llevtilu. Mia May Oawude ia apeudiu^ a few dayi amim her winy frieudi aud ac quaiutancwi in Flmhertwu. Mist Catrna, uf Uraa:|emUa, aud Lou Uardvaty, niece of tiar Duuald uf Muutretl, were th gaeati f Mia* Mary Strain, l->i week. Mr. Charlie Munahaw ana* Mra. P. Manilla w lelt uu Mini da/ to taat the virtue uf tha mineral ayriuge at Mt Clvuieaa, Mic-a. Jliat Eiuiua WngUt eai>i<Uiiied a uuui aer f tha >I>UI>K pw>|jli uf the towu kaH Friday e ouin < fur tha parpuee id Wel- MUM Daaiude whw arnred wn (he Mrs. W. Ltvd. ..f Vloua* llkart. Mies Cleiaud, teaober of the vanted wtb Mr. aud Mrs. black barn here aud nalatlwM in 'bae vicinity Mria Mist 5Urj rMt, of Owea Suwad, .ellnd ua tn.-nd* in town last week. ttW ntudut' lowatvuu waa ahe fashiuuahlB bicycle. She waa anm saiaaaied lyr Mr. Id. Irwiu, uf aear Markdala, Mr. and Mr,. R. 8. <.M,Mr.ssad Mia. Jwikiaa aual the Miaaaa Jenkina ato saMats at tile Kitnfeeriey tempsraoes heaaa. HM MianeeSt'^k, uf Toronto, were lately popular reeort. rueaweav-On* amis of liajliali S|*avtfi LiuiBMrat ouniuletely out b from my hwree. I take in reooiaUMmding the reanetly, a* it act* with uiyertow pruaaytaeea iu the remuvai from aoreen of hard, enft or oal- lmaj lump-, bUrtd i5>*v in,|ikia, oarba, iwt-eny , ettflot and epraiii* Vmramev, aVowa. Vmram MteaaV Ayt-n, AlUd with pMeengert uu way tu the alauen, reaulted iu four pr tone DVIBK injuivd. two of theea very aeriqwly. It a a cleaed n-e and relied dowa a* embaakaieBt aaventl feet \roa Weituer, creamery f IVUK ataadiaf here, wae hurt eo badly at Iu Beneaaitate amputation f one of the feet heWw the ankle, and Mr. A. Hender- *, ef afapMBoot, will pnbao)f be lain ed for life by breakiiar hu leg badly. Mn Roeddinc, of ihm towa, aad Mn. H Altaian, of Stfwtftird, wre bath badly I mined, awd a little child alight I y iajvred. The driver aud another child eeeaped un- hurt. The honea hesaaie frightened and ran away. Crl twitta*. !.. BOaB UIMAmiNTB THE DuCaTOU OMCB 3 AC DL4CBTW *OT HAM IT VO MOB* ATTBVDUM} TO MB BM MaaaaaV I' -ru>i^ I tat., Aug. 20 The account which appeared ia maay Caiuuiian papera a tew njonthe ai{-i uf Dr. K. A. Itiiae li\- 1 1 ! been cured of diabetoe by Dodd's Kidney Pill*, attractud wadeapread alten- tien at the time. Many duubaeat, though pn<iMtttd that the euro wa* not a ounaa- nent nun. The hunt pnx4 that theae duubaera wore wrong is too {act iluti for a yoar eack. Dr. Uuoe ha lieen attend iiitt Ui hia practiee, which wae alwaya a lur.'e one, iu tail village aud the itur- roi lading coanty, and hiu never bad aay return of the diaeaMi. Hia health w arat- clau and the doctor w not compoUnd to take any vf th preututionii a* to diet or otlierwue, that are aiwyii ordered for [K-pl (hieauintd or troubled with SuU by W. B. Rictsaraaoa. DrugxtaL iei On the th of April a OH* Win K inf to Mr ftolMtt RicharaWn, 4 Ur^t, had a calf. Thsre ws itawaviag 1 aaalk alii isi that. Th con weMiuBi mneBaila.juat as ulhsr euws do, awd sa ratwt aad proper tltat a cow dheieAd do. That was all nnht . The uiiastaal airdsmatanoea ia the conduct of ihs oi>w, waa that of pn- itinii liar nwiivr un Friilajr uiiflit ln*t with another calf. Tlir-ee nalrws eaa lianl.y Iw called twiita. for uiie ia fwtir nth a oi.d a -sk ol<ler than ta -ilher, and yet tin- uual order of suoBai> waa t iiUvi VM|. W lenxit that lit* oaKe* are *'t ri atroug and *i K uroaa *. Ike urei turning u( an Xainihae at aVBT la Art^iurata oa Saturday, Aug. W. tlM wife V W. lleLotifhrvy, t a aea. Daniel Riu. Proprietor and Puhliaher of ihu Uauihur^, Out., Intirpeucleutaaya : "\ waa >utfnug frtm Dyitpejwie uid Liv- er li.'UbU, I l-..k fxw boltWa u. 81nloh r Vitalxur and it cured me. I can heartily rucoauinend it." Harvest Time 18 Profit Time. Here is an offer by which You can profit more than Jn ?/?/ way we know. 25 CBNTS PATH r0BV< 1st JAFY, 1896. Try it at (5 27th. The Owea Kod.4 CaWaflate taatltaae will re- eoea OB BtoMia* waa. taaV for the urol] unmi el aaudMMaae ) re-oaavlBalaB of ta* Forma. Claeaet MIM'd SeraJI imdee of D,- eiwaMfital Ara\I<aw*r MwliiMB*. or for MI evlo the Haheata at a tMr*. AaMatefataa . PtMu-uiaen or Iw4s Pricnarv J..or Art Behool or further t W. H JI-:SKI<irt. Pi . .1. i|i*J. 4V a. "tl r. FARII TO LET. T%e enaralned will raajt loat Mn an-: m In letOen v MT , 4. n . rtam*la, fnr a M f er r/ aa*f McuiekitdO'lreM* tenant. Au. V>l a MaU WHTnirr. . BOOTS AND FOB, TOE FAIL. To the people who want sood Boots and Shoe* \d every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a large lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. GO TO COPYRIGHTS. f***! 1 ' 4, J'A T^. wteTaTe aaj Thresher's Supplies. W have on liaad 4 stock of Latl*er Beiiiiag, Lace Leather Mitts, Carrier Chaiu. Maobina Oilers, and tbe very beal Maobinu Oil that ia mad. Tinware. We have rooeived another largo stock of Tea Kettles wUicbare jul ia sight of every onto pocket. A first-class tin one for only 85c., a heavy copper one for fl.30, a nickel plated <m copper fur $1.50. Crockery. 120 dozen Cups and Saucers just arrived, besides numerous Tut and Dinner Setts. If you ueed any tking iu that line remember to get tuem M Fan if 120 1cm for Sale, Parm lot No II. Con. It, Taw. )u i> of Protaa In th County of Grey. caeifcimnK 1IU acr. tu aeree uader cultivation and fre from tuuipa or (tuoM, with leg buililiima. Hood tiantwood buiih ooaalvcicii of maple bovnh.elia anil birch, with a goo-l owtar iwamp of XM|- i(nt larg* >iae trnmi. Tbta lot ) in a ii<od \v caiitf aud ta ouljr 3 mile* frt m Kleahertou aav IIOD and about 4 u>il* from Proton Station ' lha C. P. B. Tbtra ! a amw mill ouly t mil* from lot. A food tltlo will be (l*an au i IIM punhaeer will tU obea^p and on aaay rn> if paruiBDt. For further panlcalari applr * ibo owuer. MRS. CATHUIMK W3OTT; 1m. Prioevilla r. OX l'n a*llU. wab JMM. - SOMETHING NEW -AND- We Have Come to Stay. W wawk to ajuioBjKt to the pcMie is gvoaral that w have pnrehftbed aud intend to n tine in the name Riaad, the farui t ure and nndertakiog buaioeM la*Jy oarrwd on bv Mr. E. HarnaO* ia KM lierton. A laiye and Well aawrt- ed stock of w*w foowww alrwady beea added to that purchased from Mr. Hasmawa, atti cull BWM on the way. We will carry Pianos, Organs and the -elefcratcd 8<Bf(er Sewing Macbine and repairs for same. Ia the nndertakiuf line we cannot be smrfsesod ia this part f Caoayia, having the finest hearts ia Northern Ontario, a aaaWsonao alack Uaai and a jwing maa of aid eKperieace to aaaage funerals aad do pracueal eeabainktan. MsMawtHaiaW s<Arautod every time. Mo room on ten tat we an then wttwarawsi aaiatToar serrioe. Use M. Rememeer yoa -^ilt |asM more than we wilt it yoe. don't. We d* uot Mieve in boasting but, hett an iMwbara thiags aad we will leave oar customers to be the judges and wa will trast to oar straagbwbrward dxahag and r prices to pleaes the paoolt and bwiM p or traia. Qasaa will be 4- li vened a reasoaable distance from towa free f harge Tara ea year heel and follow your toe aeraaa the street frost Armstrong'!* Jewellery tkore aa4 then u when yoa will Aad. J.E.BASKERVILLE&CO'S, FURMTL'KE WARKKOOMS. HEALTH FOR ALL. HIU way's Pills **d OiilaifiL THE PIT.T.S Pttiifr the blood, oorreot all Dleordan ef I -Ivor, Ntomaoh, fCidnavjrat and Tbey llKorat- and raetora to beaMa DeblUtalid CouiUtatlooa, and ace lafaleaMe pialnM i nci.MntaJ to Vemalea ot all afee. Kor Childrea aad tke a*d ihj u TH K OINTMENT an Infallible rewedr tor Bad Lews ami Breeeta, OM Weende, awae and wleen. Ik iataaVM* tor Ooat aad HbainMlan*. For disorder* ef aaeOaaeiM aatweaal. For SOKK THROAT. KttftMfflTlS.COVGHS^ COLD6 Olananler KwlMnitm and all mm DlaeaMa a bat a* rteal MDU It acu like a afcarie Mannfaetanvl .->! at ProaTeaeer Bat M 7H 5ew xfs>r4 tttrvet i lau* MS. andanaeldMU.l v l..aiaL.eSd.. ila..Sa.. and aw. eaaa Baa w i MM Veadore threaabeaaa] alaW aoa! en aW /Va> ed l^at*wWX

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