Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1894, p. 6

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Love toons Not CHAPTKR I. A DMCONTINTKD BIAITV. " Leone." cried a loud voice. " where are you T Here, there, everywhere, except just in tbe plsce where you should be." The speaker was a tall, stout good-tern- ered booking uin. Farmer Noel people called him all over the country-side. He steed in the farmyard, looking all the warmer this warm day for his exertions in .finding his niece. "Leone,' he cried agaia and again. At last the answer came, ' I am hers, uncle," and if the first voiee startle! one with its loudness, this second was equally startling from its music, its depth, its pathos. "I am here, uncle," ths said. "I wish you would not shout so loudly. I am quite sure that the people at Raahleigh can hear yon. What is it that you want ?" "Have yon made up the packets o wheat 1 asked you for ? be said "No," she replied, "I have not." He looked disappointed. " I shall be late for market," he said. I must do them myself." Be went baeVmto the house withou another word. He never reproached Lsont, .let her do what she would. On Leone's most beautiful face were evi lent marks of bad temper, and she did not care to conceal it. With a gesture of im- patience she started forward, passed over the farmyard and went through the gate out into the lane, from the lane to the high read, and she stood there leaning over the white gate, watching the cattle as thsy drank from the deep, clesr pool. The sun shone full upou her, and the warm, sweet beams never fell on anything more lovely; the only drawback tu the perfection of tin picture was this : she did not look in harmony with the sceue the quiet Knglish land- scape, the golden corn-field*, the green meadows, the great spreading trees where- on the birds sung, ihe tall spirs of the little church, the quaint little town in the listanoe, the brook that ran gurgling by. . She looked out of harmony with them all ; she would have b-eu in perfect keeping had the background been of snow-capped mountains and foaming cascades. Here she looked out of place ; she was on an English farm ; she wore a plain Knglish drees, yet she had the magnificent beauty of the daughters of suuny Spain. Her beauty was of a peculiar type dark pas- sionate, and picturesque like that of the pomegranate, the damask rose or the pas si on- lower. There was a world in her face of passion, of genius, of power ; A face much out of place over the gates of a farm as a stately gladiolus would be among daises and buttercups. An artist looking for a model of some great queen who had con- <|uered tbe world, tor some great heroine for wfioinmtn had fought madly itnd died, might have chosen her. But m a farmyard 1 there Are no words to tell how out of place it was. She stood by the gale holding the ribbboos of her hat in her hand beauti- ful, imperious defiant with a power of paasion shout her that was perhaps the greatest characteristic. She looked round tne quiet picture of country life with unutterable jontempt. "If 1 could but lly away," she sai.i ; "1 would he anything <u earth if 1 could gel away from thjif would not mind what ; I weuld work, teaching, anything ; the dull monotony of this life ii killing me." Her face wts so expressivn that every emotion was shown on it, every thought MI|, I IM road thrre tne languid scorn of the dark syss, and the pr and carte* of the daintly arched lips, all told of unconcealed 'Juntempt. " A farm," she said to herself ; "to think that when the world u.full of beautiful places, my lot must be cast on a farm. If it had been in a palace, or a gypsy's camp Anywhere where I could hare tasted lite, but a farm." The beautiful restless fane looked con- temptuously out on the green and fertile land. " A farm means chickens running under one's feet, pigeons whirling round one's head, cows lowing, dogs barking, no con- versation but crofts " Site stopped suddenly. ( oming up the lane she saw that which had never gladden- ed her eyes here before ; she saw a gentle- man, handnome and young, walking care- lessly down the high-road, and as he drew near, another gentleman, also handsome, but not (|uit it young, joined him. They came laughing down the high-mid together, but neither of them saw her until they rrachffd th great elm tree. The sight of that wondrous yonng fsce, with its rich piquant beauty, stanlcd them. One passed her by without a woril, the other almost stopped, so entirely was hn charmed by the lovely picture. As he passed he raised his hat ; her beautiful face flushed ; she neither smiled nor bowed in return, but accepted *ie salute as a tribute -to her beauty, after tbe same fashion a queen ac- knowledge* the salutes and homage of her lubjecU. With one keen glanse, she divided him from his companion, the man who nad not '-bowed to her. She took in that one glanoe a comprehensive view. 8ke ko*w the color I hie eyes, of his hair, the sha, of his face, tbs peovltar eut of Ms clothe*, so different, to those warn by the young farm- ers ; the clustering hair, the clear-cut face, the delicate profile, the graceful ease of th 'all, thin figure, were with her from that moment through all time. The deep lew bow giaiine.! bet. She km-w that she was gifted with a wondrous dower of beauty. She knew that men were leek when a beautiful faos charmed them. Tbe involuntary homage of this handsome yonng man pleased her. She would have more of it. When he njolosd his onmpan i ion, she heard him say : ' What- wonderful faos, Button the most beastifnl I have svsr seen In my life. 1 ' That pleased her still more ; she smiled to herself. " I'erhaps i shall see him again," she Uuuifht. i'mn one nf the girls from the village paaaed I be ?*'<, aim slopped for a few minutes conversation. Di. I you see those gentlemen T aiked the girl ; and Leaste answered ; f Yes. "They have both corns to lire at Dr. Kerrey s, to 'read, whatever that means. Tbe young one, with the fair hair, is a lord, the eldest eon of a great earl; I do not i. memiwr the i.ains. " So it wai a great lord who b*d bowed to her, and thought I.er more Iwautiful than any one he had ever seen. Her heart beat with triumph. She bade the girl good-morning, and went back. Her beautiful face was bril- liant with males. She entered tbe house and went up to her glass. She wanted to see Again, lor herself, the face he had called beautiful. Mirrored there, nhe saw two dark eyes, full of fire, bright, radiant, and luminous eyes that could have lured and swayed a alion; a beautiful, oval face, the features of wulcii were perfect; a white brow, with dark, straight eysbrows; iwset, red lips, like a oloren rose; the most beautiful chin, with a rare dimple ; an im- perial f*ce, suited for a queen s crown or the diaden of an empress, lut one out of place on this simpls firm. She saw grand, sloping ihoulders, beautiful arms, and a figure that was perfect in Its symmetry and grace. She smiled contentedly. She was beauti- ful, undoubtedly. She was gjad that others The New Inmate of Hilfont, A TIIXILUNO BTORT OK OLD "MULISH. CHAPTER XXV. But before Bertie had been very long away, it proved ought I tossy to my oon- fusion and dismay that I had been rather premature ; and by and by it could no long- er be said ol Derwent that he bad no hir. The blessing of God cam* to Hilfont ons summer day. 4 child on earth to stand in the earthly stead of the child in Heaven a child of old *, a perilous joy, to strain our hearts with the eiceeding lors which there was no one to share. Snob a child as in the first years nf our marriage I had found to love, thinking of my own youth ; but God knows with what thanks, beyond thauks, I received this gift of His goodness now. A boy. Fathers and mothers do not laf such jealous grips of love upon a boy as up- on the sole daughter of their declining years ; and could IJerwent aad I, think yon, saw it. 1 , ,,, -I admUedJier^he j eT . n fcy th<j wj|dm chMO() of humM must be worth admiring. was quite restored. How came it that this girl, with the beauty of a young prince**, was at home in the farmhouse? It was a simple story. The farmer, Robert Noel, had only one brother, who loved romance and travel. Stephen Noel, after trying every pro- fession, and every means of obtaining a livelinood, at last decided on becoming a civil engineer ; he went to Spain to help with a railroad in ths province of Andalu- sia, and there frll in lore with and married a beautiful Ainlalusian, Pepita by name. Dark-eyed Pepita died on the same day Leone was borne, and the young father, dis- tracted by his lose, took the child home to Knglauil. Tbe old housekeeper at tho Rashleigb farm took the girl, and Robert Noel consented that she should be brought up as a child of his own. The two brothers differed as light and darkness airier. Stephen was all quickness an.i intelligence, Robert was stolid and slow. Leon always saul it took him ten minutes to turn around. He had never married, he ba I nsver found tni.e ; but he gaver.- whole love of his heart to the beautiful dark-eyed child who was brought tu MS house sixteen years ago. (TO H* CONTINUED. ) ITEMS OF INTEREST. A piano contains nearly a mile of wire. Eastport, Mr., has fifty-nine sardine- packing establishment*. Home of ths spiders of the East Indies are so large that thsy dsvour small birds. Chicago gaming bouses are now euphoni- ously designated as "speculation parlors.' Ths 1 consumption of vr me in N lines, France, averages a bottle a day for every man, woman, and child in the city. Philadelphia makes its own gas at a cost of seventy-seven cents a thousand feet, and it is sold to consumers for $1. '_'">. A men in Franklin, Me., pay* fourteen dollars a- month to his divorced wife, and tor this ism she acts as hit housekeeper. The leaf- 'of the cocoanut tree is nesrly thirty feet long. A single leaf of the parasol magnolia ot Ceylon affords shade t(.r fifteen or twenty persons. The cold is so intense in Northern Siberia that the earth never thaws to a greater depth than five or six feet. Bodies buried 4i a greater fdepth remain perpetually frozen. A new scrub&iig-machine is whirled over the floor like a lawn mower. It soaps, wete, rubs, and dries the floor, aud two or three movements ef the machine make the boards (hine. In Hungary, at the close of the marriage ceremony, the groom gives the bride a gentle kick, to indicate her subjection to him. In other countries, sometimes, the kicks are continued long after tbe honey- moon, and H many cases they ai e not very gentle. " Window -gazing" is a profession in Lon- ion. A couple of stylishly-dressed ladies pause before tho window of a merchant, remain about five minutes, and audibly praise the goods displayed ineide. Then they pan on to another store on their list of patrons. At a funeral in St. Joseph. Mo., the clergyman tried to inject into his Uil>s some political dogmas ; hut he rapidly switohsd off wlien some of his listeners reminded him, by the display of pistols, :hai a funeral was not the proper occasion 'or a political speech. thought, stand between that child and his happiness ? Sooner, bit by bit, and hour by hour, give up every vestige of our own. 'But there he lies, happy as the swnetest majesty of infant rest can make him, and Derwent, stauding by his side, locking at his son. When I looked at the two, I was afraid of myself, lest I should not be able to osrry the cross of this joy. But yet the joy is the easiest. Oh mournful soul '. is not this the explanation of those words that are writ in tears, "Whom He loreth, He chasteneth ?" Whoso bean hit sorrow bravely, tenderly ; whoso, rising up, goes on from it with an undiscouraged heart, is victor ever all life and all its triali, and i able for the joy. everybody without doubting the honesty and questioning the truth of all the men and women he chances to meet. I dare say his version of It has come to be that he never knew the real Lucy Crofton, and that the Lucy of his imagination, who must now hare another name, wail* for him some- where suit, if he could but find her out. I think I could tell him where to find her oat, if he consulted me. I think I could give my boy most excellent counsel, if he were once safely home again. I think I should not say a word on the subject to him, but leave him to Providence, his good eyes, and bis honest heart, which latter after all, is seldom permanently deceived ;and that be- ing so, I begin to let the old fancies wander as they will about my own mind, and see again visionary scenes of the Estcourt that is to be the Kicourt of the young Nugents who will restore again to its original name and honor my father's house. For I beg all my excellent friends to un- derstand that there is but one heir, and that my boy will be Derwent Crofton, of Hilfont, like his father, the master of better lands and a richer inheritance than mine. The yu"g gentleman begins to grow up to a sense ot to* gracdeur of bis position. PACTS IK PEW WORDS. poeii Though he is rery young to suffer from feminine worship, I begin to see the pro- priety of restricting his visits to Estcourt ; a circle of female adorers is not good for any man, and I do not mean to surround with that snare and danger ;he first uncer- certain footsteps of my son. (THC END.) BABIES IN INDIA. Prru I l.rll, .r < r.. xlllr !! In Basl rile. ' We need to have great sport in India going out after crocodiles with Hindoo babies for bait," said an ex-army officer of the British army. " The baby wasn't bait- ed on a hook like a minnow or a fish worm, but si-nply secured on the river bank so that it couldn't creep or toddle away or tumble into the river. .Some babies don't like being made crocodile bait of.but that fact increas- ed their value to the sportsmen, for then Thst nigh:, when the child had added a' tne y yelled and made a great noise, which name to the number of the church and I * M !* * h ' the crocodiles were waiting the nation, we sat talking orer our great j he * r - n<1 ""> 'd "" hurrying from all gladness together. "And Bertie?" I ..id d ' r ~ ti n < " chance at the babios. with a sudden start. I had scarcely even* " vv "here did we gel these babies for baits? From And Bertie ?" I stid, I had scsrceiy even thought of llertie for many a day. "Is not Itutout enough for ynur son, Clare *" said my husband. "Nay, wo are rery well able to provide for our own ; and I may aswell tell you, that, knowing your intention*, I should have iiiiut.il on having them carried out, even had thin happened before. A Crofton for Hilfont, and a Nu- gent for. Kstoouru 1 am not to be deluded ir/tocovetousnes* because I hare an heir." I need not enter into the that followed. 1 had been conversation urging upon Derweut the necessity of doing something to further the interests of Harry Out ton, who was now no longer hoir at Mil- font. Mrs. Kobert had, of course, sent me sisterly congratulations, but I am not sure that this event was hailed with much de- light in Russell Square. "So, after all, Lucy has done much better for hnraelf than if she had adopted my plan,'' said Derwent. " Yes, certainly, I shall look after Harry : hut I suppose j Lucy longs for the unattainable splendour, and dors not enjoy the good she has. Are I they still in Westmoreland, Clare? " At that moment a letter was brought to .in.-. When 1 had read it, I threw it to Derweut, clapping my hands. " I told you their mothers. All the fellow who wanted to go crocodiling had to do was to noise abroad his intention and it wasn't long before native women would flock in with their babies to be rented oct for bait Ths ruling price per head for the young heathen was about six cents for tbe day. Some mothers required a guarantee that their offspring should be returned safe and sound, but the most ot them exacted no such agreement. The babies were brought back all right as a rule, but once in a while some sportsman * as a trifle slow with his rifle, or mads a bad shot, and the crocoiile i WAY ITH TIIK RAIT, but that didn't happen often. "If your bait is in good form for crocodil- ing ami starts in with protesting yells, you may expect to get your crocodile very soon: but it the baby proves to be what is known as a sulker and takes the situation in quiet- ness ami patience, you may nave to wait some time before you get a' shot. I used to have the option of an Indian baby that was the riosi killing bait for crocodiles in all that part : India. I killed more than one hundred crocodiles with that youngster so ! ' I cried, pleased to magnify my own I " '<" for ihe outgrew her usefulness. wuxlom ; but Derwert, of course, did not find out tbe occasion of my triumph till he had plodded through the whole of the epistle. It was from Mrs. Reginald Broom, full of congratulations, an. I it was dated, in a Hush of triumphant self -felicitation still more urgent, from I'lantagenet 11*11. She bad the most persistent and far-reach- ins yell I ever beard come out of mortal it-inn, and no crocodile could resist it. She was a real siren in luring the big rep tiles to their fate, and I was sorry to see her grow and get too big tor bait and hare to give her up. That tiusky mUir always ORIGIN OF THE DIAMOND. Tkr Opl.i.n. ef Twe M-|I-I,I|.I If he Mr Irr ! tlDr.iloa As usual upon disputed points, specula- tion has Wen busy about the origin of the diamond, and a number ot theories, all nore or less probable, hare been propound- ed to set the matter at rest. The two most reasonable expositions are, perhaps, the explanations put forward by M. Parrot and Urou Liebig. The former scientist, who has laboriously nvestigated the perplexing subject, ts of Lucy had made good her point at laat. It . commanded a premium in the market and was longer than sii months, but it wae not : htr "">'*"" as veiy proud of her indeed, a full yar ! tu that tine she had managed | "After he had secured his baby at a pro- per spot u was thecustom of the sportsman to bias behind a convenient bush or blind to wait for his game. If his bait was lively and of good lung he would not have long to wait, I've seen half a dozen crocodiles captivate every friend c '" ne burryiugfrom as many different parts whom she oould obtain I ' tn * riv<r towaM a baby five minutes after it was set. With iuch a rush as that, though the sport becomes a trifle trying to ths eyes of th baby but generally THE HBST CRACK or rux am.K will ore the big reptiles back into the water, all except th one you have sent your bullet into, and he, if your aim has to pay her husband's debts, I > make that fast young gentleman qu.te a moralist and improved character (I do not know If she had mended his spellirg), to become ten- derly intimate by correspondence with his young sisters, at it Mr. Itruu. i wnom she 001 access tu ; and at last, the clinuz and cul- mination of all, Lucy had overcome bar un- willing father-in-law, and nut o) the Lake- land, and the romance, and the got lags which she did not appreciate, had carried the lucky Reginald home in triumph to the uudiaputeU kinship of Plautagenel Hall "1 u-l.h i i *- in l- Hki.l 1 lur w/*n , IK i ... I. i I Wl* her joy, -*,.! Drweut, laughing ; ' bwn good, will flop over and thrash about "mil really the little witch hai got every for a few seconds and then give up theghost. time ' thing she wished for. There is no poetic justice in this world." Whioh is admirably . ' U P But in a short time back will come the ethers attain, and if yon have lime you can true, ,as erery body ; ev entull> stretch them all on the bank _ . ' * J civvMiwMU irvwva mm MM oa me D*DK. knows I do not remember from that time , A considerate sportsman, ihough. will not to this that Lacy had anything which can | wor k hi* baby more than fifteen minutesata really be called trouble. Sorrow has uev.r . ,,,. Then he will have his servant soothe troubled her. She is rather more fortunate j t anil r . (re , h it {*>,. nursing bottle, indeed in everything than her neighbors. | which is a Can I or any one tell why it iso? or why, i ,uipmeni. too, people equal in all respects should one have a!) the blessings of the hutivi lot, and oue be a mark for all the airows ' It is so, that is all ; and by and by We shall knew that wh/' which we all leek after so vainly here. Alias Harley is t married, bit is at ths cottage with her mother, act tin. ling it quite neoensary to be the hodte-maid, but doing her duly butter than if she had gone ot for s governess. And, notwithstanding tbe opinion that the diamond arises from ' ' "' ' ''" '"' tr l " ln " 'or goren the operation nf violent volcanic heat on * v ral members of that profession small particles of oarlwn contained., in ths rook, or os. a sub*tau<-e cntpei>-> 1 of a large >roportion of carbon and a smaller quauti y of hydrogen. By this theory, as he conceives, we are ist abls to account for ths cracks and flaws so often noticed in the gem, and' the fre quent occurrence of included particles of >la k carbonaceous matter. Baron Utbig, on the other hand, claims the credit of offering s simple explanation of the probable process which actually takes >laoe in the formation of the diamond. His contention is that science can point to no process capable of accounting for the origin and production of diamonds exoept the powers of dsoay. If we suppose decay to proceed in a liquid containing carbon and hydrogen, then a compound with still more osrbun trust be formed ; and if the compound thus formed were itself to undergo further decay, 'he final result, says this. eminent authority, must be the separation of oarbou in a cry talline form. have gone out nf Ksteonrt more hare gone to poor homes, where some of them shew an understanding of my sentiment, and are not ashamed to be housemaids, and serve with their own hands their own people ; ami Clara Harley's is not the only marriage which has gone from those tloors. The house U still full of children, for whom, perhaps, I have even iDore patience now than I used to hare, and who would smother my little Derwent with kisses, and nuke him a shapeless mass, of embroidery, with garnishings of knit ing, netting, and crochet, if they had their will, i >ece I was rash enough to snggvn that a ball was a afe toy tor hu babyhood, and he had twenty-four balls directly, of all varieties of juvenile manufacture : l>ut they are wry good children, and so much part ef my lUe, that I think even Derwent woull miss them did any chance scatter these pUasant birds from the old house. RtTtic i* still in India, and I think he has got over that first disenchantment got i vsr it, too, without having to suspect - from a nursing part of the crocodile hunter's I have hilled six crocodiles over that favorite baty lure of mine in less than a quar'er of M> hour. The Traveler's Tree On the Island of Madagascar there is a tree which is of the greatest servioe to the tired and thirsty. It is called "ths travel er's tree," and is wonderful in several re- spects. It has no branches, the leaves crowing from tr.e trunk and spreading out like the sections of a fan. These leaves, of which there are generally not more than twenty-four on each tree, are from six to eight feet in length, and from four to six feet broad. At the base of each leaf is a kind of oup, containing about a quart of cool, sweet water. The natives save them- selves tbe trouble of climbing the tree by' throwing a spear, which pierces the leaf at the spot where the water is stored. The water then flows down into the vessel held beneath it. and the traveler is enabled to continue his journey, cheered and refreshed by the previous liquid nature has so kindly provided for his use. He Knew. ' Can I see Misi Snuggls Caller- servant " She's engaged, sir Caller "Of course she is, and lathe man she's engaged to." " Seivant " Oh.'' She "What colored eyes do yon admire -brown or bluer" He "I eau'l see well enough in this light." U costs England SM.OOO to build a 13 1- '2- inch breecb loading cannon. Five men can easily hold down a lion, but nine are required to hold a tiger . Fallen meteors have not brought a single substance which is foreign to our globe. A singls corporation controls more than nine-tenths of the entire world's product of diamonds. More public money is spent for braes bands than for schools in the Argentine provinces. It is considered unlucky in Ireland te view a funeral procession while the behold- er is under an umbrella. _^ Tbe Riffel Tower is ths property of the builder for ten years, beginning with 1889, after which it reverts to the city ot Paris, Philadelphia has an organized charity which supplies to the poor at actual cost ice, sterilized milk and prepared infant's food. Two hundred miles an hour, scientific men have concluded, is a speed which can never be attained by anything that moves on wheels, The piles which served as the fou : lation for Trajan's bridge over the Danube, A. D. 106, are said to be still risible at low stages of water. The largest amount ever paid for a book was $J,OU<>, which the Herman govern- ment expended for a "missal" formerly owned by Pope Lea X. A rattlesnske, owned by Arthur Hayes, of Krm, Tennessee, has not tasted a par- ticle of food during the nineteen months ol its captivity. California has one of the most remarkable timber belts in tbe world, embracing 4,125 square miles and containing I .T2.unO,<X)0,000 feet of lumber. The oldest and biggest carving fork in the world is kept in the old castle of I'au, in France It was the property of King Henry of Navarre. Twenty-four days after the opening of the London tower bridge no fewer than 1,- J73.UOO persons had passed over it, and in twelve days 73, COO vehicles. Forty families in Junction City, Kansas' have their cook ing done en the co-operative plan, and find it more satisfactory than the old custom, and less expensive. A New Yock syndicate has been formed for the purpose of buying an island off the coast of Maine, stocking it with blacc foies and engaging in the fur trade. Some people call the stormy petrel the "lamp bird." It is so oily that the fisher- men of St. Ki Ida stick a wick in the mouth of a dead specimen, light it and it bums for an hour. A foxhound, owned by Policeman Byrnes, of Manayunk, Pa., followed his master into the water after a drowning boy and suc- ceeded in reaching the boy tint and keep- ing mm up until help arrived. The test for symmetry is to turn a man with his face toward ths wall. If he is perfectly formed hie chest will touch it, his nose will be toar inches away, his thighs five, the lips of his toes three. What U generally believed to be the first iron bridge ever built is still in use. It spans a small stream on the Worcester et Shrewsbury Railroad m England, and was erected in 177S. It is ninety-six feet long. In health and during exercise the average man has about twenty respirations a min ute and forty cubic inciies are inhaled at each respiration ; m an hour 4X.IXM) cubic inches of air will be inspired ; in twenty- four hours 1,1 52, 000 cubic inches. Krandiug live stock as well as dressed meat by electricity has come largely into use. The ham U held only fora few seconds against the white heat electric brand, and a clear, deep-cut, impression remains. It is extremely rapid and cleanly. The displacement of labor by labor-saving appliances is markedly illustrated by the fact that eleven electric power traveling cranes recently put into use in the yards of the Carnegie Steel Co. at Homentead has dispensed with the services of fifty men. The capital at Washington has cost more than I'iO.OOO.UX). It covers three and a- half acres, the dome is 307 feet high and I'd in diameter and is exceeded msu only by St. Peter's in Rome, St. Paul's in Lon- don, the Invalidea in Parts and St. Isaac's in St. Petersburg. Alaska's mail service has heretofore bee* dependent ou Esquimau dogs. Reindeers, however, are so much better for the purpose that the gnv -rnment has imported several families of Laplanders to teach the natives of Alaska aow to train and use this animal. A Damascus sword is made uf alternate layers of iron and steel, tempered no nicely that the point can be bent back to the hilt, the edge so keen that it will penetrate a coat ol mail, and so tine a polish that the Moslem can use it as a looking glass to ar- range his turban. The number of millionaires in Kngland is not so great as one might believe. Ac- cording to the report ef the income-tax officials there are in Kogiand seventy-one persons with an annual income oi $'25*1,000. over 1.100 draw 100.000 annually, and only about 10,000 have an income oi $10,000. In some of ths Uersaan town* when a man is convicted of heating his wife he is allowed to go to his work as usual, but his wife gets Ms wages, and be is locked up only on Saturday nights, and remains in prison until the following Monday. The punishment usually hwu for ten weeks. Afraid of Family Jan. In Auvers, France, some years ago, A roan died, aud, as U usual when men die, preparations were made for tha funeral. In that country, in the villages, the corpse is carried on the shoulders of ths pall-bear- ers, and in this particular instance ths pro- cession slowly wended its way to the ceme- tery. When passing through ths gate, one of the pall-bearers knocked against the pest and ths jar aroused the man supposed to be dead. He came to life, and was tak- en home and ths funeral train dismissed. Now, in the coarse of several months the sa-ne man died again, and another tuneral was held. This time everything went smoothly, for when thsv cams to the gate the widow called out : "New, for Heaven's sake, don't knock against the post." which showed she didn't want any more family jars.

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