Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1894, p. 8

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HE FLnSHERTON AD INCf wen Sound, Ontario. I/I T^c Vei'y PLACE l!t CANADA TO (JBT A AWur-i/iow. Take a Round Trip 9Lt.U5 __ ColUM* aixl Commercial D|i>rtinenti in Canada, tnen viilt tn. Nunlirfn Huti'tim* College; exau/lue every- tuinii U*>r"uali>v. If we fall to produce the uitxt tliori.ugh, complete, practical ai.<l eiten- J<iri>nrmio7fiiil : the Mat colleRe prmimea an 1 t>ir lM-st and moa* complete and uuwt ault- aMefurnituru an 1 1 Illianoee. we will lre you a Kil c.iur-c FKI. for Annual Annouuco uieut, giving full particular*, free, addreu C. A. FLEMING. Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. CeafriageB made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Saw. lug. Wood Taming of every dea- orvption. Planing and Grain Chop doae while you wait, for t Beaver turns tbe wheel. T. W. WILMO.V CUUeffCT A FAMILY GHOOP pHOTOrR4PU %%^r%%% %%%% I I Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning oat 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds ot pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^ in all its branches. If you have shopping to do an<l pictures to ^et taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will he given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. TO THE FUHJC. Hatit.K ronto.l WhltUu'i ulacktinlMi errap Mr a Ur in n| yx*r. I urn m.w in a poilaios eu aa K. ail 1. 1. in my llua. S4TLSFACTION QDARiNTDD. 1* aiiytkiim in th blacksmitltinf I I un F. A. BUNT, Malta Itln1iai.|.iu 'i H laaueddav or a felil at Uj* eOeeor reetdene* of the ijmW>rin>4 _ HI VISION OH-fcTCT.K .rOMMlKSIOSKU In H.CJ. Conveyancer. 4c. Notary iniblic JOHN W. AKMHTBONO, UcCULLOUOH ATOl'NO. Hanger*. Marirtale. do a general bank tnjf Hin- ineea. Motwy loaned M a reeMon.We rate rail onus. V R. HAMMOND i'ot Mat*r.Kimb,rlry. Conrmlntoaer for taking Affldartt* etc. linmrea and loam money atluwmlratoa KxecoWi !.*. Devd., Will., etc promptly, r)ie|Hy and efficiently. T> J. BPKOUL.B, Pott maitrr . Plethertow, Co:ninnnneT to B. II . I.ic nMd > action tr, Conveyancer, A prateer and Mosey Lander. Real Kitato and luinrance Agent. D**di, Mortmain, I,a. and Wilb iliawn npewl Vnluatlnii ma-id ou therteel oe*e*. Auction Balee attended to In aoy pajrt of (ba> County. Money to luau at low eat rate* of intorrit. Cotlecttow attended to with promntiiBM and daaealcta Charge* low. Aleut for tats Dominion rrttainihTrM'irrrrpanT cheap tlokoU from Plnhertou to LlYerpool, Ulaagow, London or any of the HrrtMi port* Partto, Intending to rilt Kuifland. Sct.llan.1 or Ireland, win rrtnaw uk rat** feature parebasing tlierr tlafcate elsewhere. IttfU, \t 188 KDITH K1CHAHDHON. I'HI.II Of Bobt. M ahr. of Berlin, Germasy. MoHnl ; Mn. Bradley, of Toronto Conearalery atoaia, (VoiMMlaara); Prof. Kerriaon, late of Toronto, (Piano) ; will raoalTe pupil. In SINGING. VIOLIN. PI- ANO aod UHOAN. BUTTON. .Ont I waatNl atdanc and offlM oaa door weet N the kteth odnt Ckurah.KlnioH Ht. OaoOT day., Tueaday. T\K CABTBaV M. 0. P. * 8 . (hit. Phyeirlaa. mro. .w , riaakurtoo oaaii itraiaa b'uck. Joan A. BOOTT, M. . Mn txr Caa Pby.ke * Sunil. Ontario to MeflMa* of Torarlo UmlTanlty, K.llowaMp Plyllaia, 1'o.t QradMto Medical eboat UH! Bcapltal. Cblea. Dfaiaaeaof era. ear, ee*a*d tkraal afMta)llj trvvaad. Raal- d.ne. altla)n, lule Krw>riiro Tboraria;> I J F.OTTBWILL, VMerlnary Kuraton Oradmai of Oatarlo Vatartnary CoHaa*. KeeWetiee NWB door oath of Moore V uln factory. J K HA1.BTKAD. ' M. U . M. C. * 8.. Ont ., prarWaoa at Kim berley. Hbajanwtla dlaaaaa* tepeiaJUy. J P. MAUHItALL, L. D. B..H.D. ., Daotlft. Vil Markdala the lit and Srd Weduiwdajr of amoh month Klaabarton-Kacb trip on the day following. J W. rK'PM Harriiter, Hollcltor, Conrrrancar, Kte. Fleeherton offloeNext the pout olRc* Hproule'i buildli.it, on Thunday). Owea Hound offlea Kroefa i. ml, In* T UCAS it u IU. , II 1 llarristen, Roliollore, ConTeyaneen, etc.. Owen rtoun.l. n,i ; - . Mark.lale. (Int. W H Wnii.ni I II !.,., . H.-FleehortoD offlos, Ultctiell'i Hank. every Wtidneeday. SOCIETIES. AO.tl. W.-ietn evury flmt and third Mnn . day In each month, In their lixlga riM.ni <'hrlto<. Klnck.r'IfiKrierton.at H.|..m o> Johnston, M. W., W. .1. Italian, >. Diiene'ur . \V Irwln Itaoorder. VUltlnR Kretheru Invited, ROYAL TKMI'I.AKS OP TRatPERAXPE. Naanlar Oeunell mmtnevary firnt n.l th'rd Tueilav rvtinlnn In each inniuh. In Hprnule'n i.lnok at H ,. in. flelect dree iiii'iiranoe) ni,-..i 'Monthly. Hie \Vodnei1ay .,_., tna ,(, emcn mo,,,,, SONS Of TKMl'KHANCF;~Thi" toilely in.-ntu In Dr. t'brlatoa' Hall every Weil nanday ninlii|j at H (t.iii Vlaltlbg bretli- eren Invited lotuiaiice In connection. YM.P. H. A..rotlii tlirir li.ll, ciirUloe'i lil,.rk ver> Br<t and third Thnrada) In aaeli mnntb. H in Hbarp, alaitor. T. Clayton, Secretary. I>UiNCK AKTHIJH LODOK. No. HM, A. P A k. M meet III tha Mnv.nl, Hall. Strain s Hlpok KlMhertoi., rv.ry Friday on or brfora the full moon. A. . Vandoan, W. W, H. i. Up, ,,,,], Becrtttarr. U= THB CELEBRATED B.Lau ranee The hnpny pri<Mi of the Hchocl chiUrvn, tbe lung ituniiiiur holiday, i over. To- day Ui- bll ring* thai call* tb*m back ti> work, and we MM them, the enibry men and women, with their dinner bait- keUoit their amis, plodding up the hill thai lead* to our piciiarea,ue mat of learn- ing. Tl.ey sre gota* hack tu their littl wurld uf tal with avueh the aaine fsuling*, doubtlwa, tWat the aiail <>t Ihu world briiiK *hen he return* to his nflke from Inn i.iitmt; in Muakoka or bis tramp thrtMJxh the Higblauda. It in well that they should learn tbaw early that there rnuatbe aouMtniiiK in life bssid* pieasave. Far front (eeling hald towards mil her Eve for hsrim; bros^lN uput as the ne- cessity U toil, I belieiethisssmeurccw- ity t be the grvetast booro that ha* falleti upon man an.rf Bat it scesjal to me that we oosHawuce in Ihs school to unduly r>- alt the work of the ksad over that uf the hand. If anyone doubt* this let him note tbe |KjrcrMag of young men and women ho err rsvardlese in many eases of fit- ness, choiitiug a their occupation in life head-work ntstead atf hand -work. Yet Why should it be more honorable to draw up a dead than to make a gate, or tn ad- minister chloroform than to sow a field with urain I In sehool a ehild sits through six hows a day, the* forming a habit <>f physieal inactivity which in after life he finds it nest to imyoasibla o tovercooM. A hricht woman said tw me the other lay, "For many years after I left school I was lasy. 1 fought against it. grisved over it, I sosjf ht the eaane, but all in vain until one day it uouaned to me that 1 had sal sii h.. mi a dsy front my eighth until my nineteenth birthday. Beven years of ait tint ." She sid pathoticaUv, " b it any wonder I grew ksjr t " I ask, is it natural for ayovna healthy child tu be in- active t Dues not tlie little cbick early irwmtnsaek its fund T The little pip burrows and grunts about with its mother thtoush the long summer dy. We dn in >t find any parallel in nut tire for the physical inactivity that ii thruat upn children We rvc<^i,iie that K is ditticuli thus tn keep children quiet when we lay suub streaM upon (be teacher's ability "to keep order. " Tlits MUIH tress on i|iiu-', order and |>liyni<-al inactivity in the school room baa developed many a bright young child into a r.ervouo wreck with, a bighly lr*ined Imtin at the ex- penae of an orvrwrought, puny, sickly body. \Vln-u will we leant tint the b idy must keep |co in <leiv*.p io.-iit with the btain if we aro to li.u syiniiietrical inanliiHMl itntl wMimna<'l ' Mabel <iennosn, in her 4<)niniKlr w<k mi physical culttu-e, aayn "A nrreani c-in- n.it rue higher tlmu lU foinitai*, neither can the mental attti in. .rut fnriiltn<a II-P higher than the lunirce {r.ui wludi thi-y derive their We nuiat uxonerste thn tuacher lr '\ from hlnine in theKiiiwitterM S)o mutt curry out achm.l l.w, and many n tencher as she l<4>kHat the liitlea* fnce, hollow chest, rounded hack, and puny tig* uf the ones before her, realize* that Hmne thing u radically wrong with our school y-tein. If she is courageous aim will raitehof voice in prutenl, nitd then |,io- ooed to lengthen tl>e recess to the utiiii.xt, limit ; to |MTMoiiallyRupervim the giiiiie-H in the yard, eliminating nrHilinlly the no- tiiingh'He I.IH-K and auhsHtutiitK thea with pnrpoNH and aim ; she will take a few miuutes each half dny for teach in'.' the uhiklren to breath healthfully. and walk and stand properly More than this she cannot do, fur the prtwnt educational tree needs prtuiMw until it will be hardly Talking a few days *x< i to a thinking Toronto man. I said, " Well what is your latent thought (" Without a moment'a hesitation he replied, " I shall run for school trustee next year %ud try to extend the Kindergarten through the entire public school syntem." lie had struck a thought that bad been working in my own mind a long time. Wo want more training of the mechanical and tnvuii- 1 live genius in our children. We want | theui to lovo to work with their hands and to respect the man oc woiuau who makes their toots as truly as the one who makes their lawn or mixea Iheir drugs ; t t.iilizv thst there is n> go.*) rea>n why the oie should not be as inoch a thinking l>eiiv as th other. \Ve would have every child escape the grtat <ln /raoe and self Ir>athiiiK of beini; a parasite or a drone in tins Iwauriful earth hive in which each of of a* should delight to be In in/ and doing. K i>< iimnriin 4 urnl In awlty- 8<.utli Anii-rotii Rheuinatidin Cur>-, for BhoWOwtism aind Neuralgia, radically .UK H 111 1 to 3 days. Ira action t>|Min the Myatuot M rvinarioihle and myi>e-i.iua. It reiin.reSKt once tliecaua and the dia- HaetamnsdMssly diiM|ju<'ar. The lint d'-we L-r.-.itly bem-ni> 75 cent*. Slid i.y W. K. IticliAidsuti, A. D. Qitudanr, brother <(.]. O. Gau- dan -, the inmnvn, diud i Creeim re Sunday r.if lit, after two or three days' illiiesa. Hrart lisrav- R-lir>.- ( | In :io Mlnmni l*r. AKII^W'II Cnre fer tlie Henrt gtvea perfect rtlhjf ht all caacR of 30 iiniiiiteK. and xpeediry effects a cure Tt ii a peerleBs miieily fur Pnljrf iti.,,,, ShiH-tnes* of Breath, IJmoiaerini; HpelU. I'HIII in Left Sulo and a}l sya|*<jot of a Diseased Hotrt. (Ine dos couviucvs. Bold by W. . Kichardnou Joseph Stcffler, aged siitnen, livinir near Teeswator, accidently shot hini-clf hi the leg Monday. Tbe limb was Uu'ly shattered, but there is little danger of s fatal result. DON'T DESPAIR DODDS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU We guarantee DodVTi Kkftirr Pllb to cure any ejMoi BV.ufr.'t DrKiar, Otabrtn. Lumbign, Dropsy. Rhniiiutum. Heart Dmcasc. Female . fmpvre Btourf or money rcfurxled. Sold by alt'tca'. ri in medicine, or by mail on receipt ol i tux, joe. per box. or Six boxes la-jo. OR. L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. CONSTIPATION, -BILIOUSNESS, ^DYSPEPSIA/* ICK HEADACHE, ECU LATE THE LIVER OMC PILL ArrCft CXTIW* INSURE* OOD DiatSTlOH. * 1 Goes to Europe forTreatment Suffering For Tears from Insomnia and Nervoite Debility Prostrated, Exhausted No Vitality No Bast Until "Natures Sweet South American Nervine Tonic, Built up the Nervous Organism, and Gave Back to the Wearied and Exhausted Nerve-Oentres their Wonted Vigor. ADOLTHB LADODIg, B.C.U. J.P..OK TIIK \\KI.L-KXOWN LEGAL FIRM OF LADODIE & LA1-.ODII.'., tfOMTREAL. For fourgenerationsthe remarkable Mr. Adolphe LaBcxIie, under date- family of Lafiodie liave beeu protuiii- of April 27th, writs* from Montreal : ; ently identilid with the 1^1 and pro- _ I was suffering from insomnia and fessional life of Montreal. Alonjline nervo ,,. debility; prostration and- of active, httellectuaj men, whoso am- bition to riii to prominence mtnt a constant drain upon the nerre force* amla.trmuHn.lous de uMid for brain power. MrAdolpheLaBodie, B.C.L , J.P.,to., hu for seventeen years been wn||agfx{ in the legal profes- sion, living, as the duties of intelleot- of this fast age demand, beyond the reserve limit of natural nerve force, requiring more of the nerve centres at the Use of the brain than they oan possibly fulfil, which always results in nervous prostration. dyspepsia, hot flashes, insomnia, constipation, and attendant evils. Mr. LaBodie spared neither time nor money to obtain relief, went to Europe for special treatment, all to no purpose. His attention being direct- ed to Soutb American Nervine Tonic, he eonclsded to try U. Aesult iro- edisU relief from insomnia, and a perfett and permanent oar* from all ether disorder*, with Ut five bottles exhaustion, rather thanrest, followed: a night's expetiencpi 1 took Sv bottles of Seutra Aiariv*n> Nervine, and am wholhr recovered 1 , and now enjoy realful nights. 1 have tried! many remedies, have been treated in Europe, and oan say with trothful em- phasis that tbe South American uerv- ine has cured me." Ttiere is reason in all things : busi- ness reasons in business, trathfut reasons in truth. Mr. LaOodie'a, statement herewith is the truthful reason why, if South American Nerv- ine Tonic cured him, it will cure you, It U the nerve builder for brain works era. Brain and* stomach cannot hpth, work at tbe. SAB* tine with neaitlsfttl and happy, issues,. One must s.tfer. Intease intellectual %0aiv^ty produces. indigestion, because the Vain is on- suming all the nerre power. aVtb< American Nervine Tonic holds nsfer*. to a happy poise, and life SM> ila\ duties swing to fruitful ^ i.t i _

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