I " TliUTH BEF011E FAVOB." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 \CL, XiV.NO. 673 FLESHERTON,ONT THURSDAY, ADGDST 30 1894. W. THURSTON EDITOR* Can you see well ? Is your sight good ? llcaforil Komi. troier, and the witild-be church goer* have Ui tin n out with water barrola ani plmv. A new well has jutt been completed at the school house. Plenty of KOI id water ii gotten at a distance of 1 1 Distrlrt If not we bave something U) tell yon. Have you ever noticed that one of your ejvs is slmiiizi'i- tlinn tlie other ? In unoty-nint) cases out of a hundred this IB a (act. l"n- der the oidetyle of fitting glasses both crystals were of a hke power. Wb Iwve the facilities for testing the eyes, and can tit you a pair of glasses to exactly suit tin- power rfi vision of each y. We can Miit your case un-feetly and gimnuitoo sHtisCaatiou. Come iu aud get a p-iu- and renew your yontb. Armstrong Bros, Jewellers From our Bush tires are niging A good shower of nun would sjooep table. Thu harvest it about all in and thresh - ing baa commenced. Those who havu threshed r.-port a good yiuld. Mr. S Crane ban returned to hid duties ngiiin at the public sell ml. Thu oldest practising physician in < >n Mr. John Shannon hua returned to tario, if not in Canada, is Dr. Barnharf of Owen &tiiind to resume h s studies at the Owen S..iu,,l, whn Malted ia 1H"7 and ia Collegiate In.siiture. ' still in harness. Mis Sarah Johnaton left fur Owen Last Friday after iinn;iieT * hoy nanitd Sound on Mon.l.iy last to attend the .Joseph Ei-m-wein, Ihrtng on the 1-th con Collegiate lin-titiit<s. ui of flu- towt.xliip of Culross, was Mrs. 11 .1 Warlni'j viwited with friends riding the horse iised-m a pea harv. st.r ORDE Kepairs, Repairs! The huso t i. t flight and ran away. D. MeTavish, Fleshertou Horseshoer ami General Blacksmith, keeps oo hand Jefairs lor Im] lm> & Hsxoa, Flenr; and lilkinson Bros, b'leury and Ve ity on linnd all the time, also all kinds of repuiiH for tin 1 .siiiiv. \Vc iiiiitiiit'actnre Wagons, Hu^gies, CntterH. K-. Mm * -inking proinpt.lv attended to. Specia.1 uU.Mif.ioii to teuder or coutracted feet. Logging aud Plow Cliauio constantly on hand. GENTLEMEN : I DKSIKK TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over Hie Carriage and Wagon tuakiu^ lm.--me>s lately carrietl on by Mr. Mix>r*,. am! am no iv prepared to till all orders in my lint) to yonr entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my sixteen years' expe- rience in the business i nine mouths' naming in one of '.he best ,. -'iane shops iu tho city nf Ik-Unit, wheru I sncavi-ik-d iu carrying ptt u first clast) reconniiriMliitinn, ought to be a siillicirnt .s,'iiaranteo that all woi U will be il"ii,' in ,i first class inatnier. I niauufactine Wagons, l!iiK'-<ies, Ciitlei.s. Slri/l.s ; iu I'.iet eveiy tiling in the car liageliue. Wood and lumber uikuii in exchange. Kindly give me a call. 1). lIf^<Vll. Fleaherlou. Next door to McTavish's blacksmith s To the Public iu general or all intending purchasers of Buggies, Carts and Democrats I ill sire to call yciiir attention to U1V S|ii-ini,' slock. Kindly i;ivn me u call mid \ou will be iHiovmccil. I UM> notiiiiiL; but lii st !!<< niatt'iial t'oiin 1 mid jiuiK- lor yonrselves. lie[iuiiing strictly alteudi.l Ui, also paiiiling and retriiniuiiif,'. E. T. WHITTE3T, Fleslierton. V'I'VI\ l\ I Pi I/ . .... ..lit::- . i . : iullue I'e.iKl ..iitiol ui t.'intiiM u JUO atre- "I cll.lH'i' O k mnl run ((! yOU lllill> lulvantimuK. iiin i .... , . : I ... I ' . . Tiisfcin.1 will I..IM K. MOM; & WELL i. x; ro. v. Toronto, Out. S*coni'y. I'. S. A., San Cal., any* : "tihiloli'.H CnbtriHli Itciin-ily IH Hn,i uivdiciue I lmv uwr 1'oinnl liial " Farm for Sale or Exckaago. A n'are Chance. |A)ll Sain or Kvh'iuu,! fi>r Vlllnon prn|<ertv in 1 i rtou ^1*1 i"ii .Mitxwiill . Mln liaiiiftou, r KevorakMi. ; a v,i|.|ii:., Kami of l IK i a 'til of Killlhui I-'V ill tlie 1 "t Ktli'iirasin. i In T.lli' |ii "in . l>m itliil 'Inv.l I <iruhnl mill well to n. i ii'.rd Ust week. Mina E.lirh St.iniliorskey. who has been throwing thu lii.y.iif. One of the ftngera living in Chiohsjg . for th<' past year, re- ' on the barretter caught him n the turned Iioine last week. Mile ami ri[>f<ftl the sii.miieh "pen. luiwelling the boy. Dr. (lilhua was sum Fall Suit AND Overcoat > and get the L selecti.cn, q/yYety G-o : C. J. ME1 HAM iiln another eor ) in. n. !! ;rt ..lire and with the assistance of The buckwork i.f the n* srhool In.ose IT C'.i;.|i. of Mil(lm:iy. di.l all that could is completed. The d.nrractor.Mr. Buch- be d<m for the unfortunate IM.V. Win n anan, i riisliuig along thu w.Hidwork na j fbe Jo.'tors 1,-u ho was lestmg eauy, but faat an ponsilii.'. f.-ar ol r.ilfaiiM 1 fi-.m the s'nmk wre un- lu tlittnld auhixil hoiise.tKain hemH ' t'-rtairn-il. Tin- injury, tin, dojtorm re- the hum of learning. S, li.i.il wa resinned V"' ; - ' turrible mio. on the '.'Oth with* fair attemlunce if pup- TS* B.tine Advance s|iuaks thna of ihe lie. d'cath ot a poiipur in liariie j.ul : \ Mr. Tin*. Kulls ia away at St. Murya rhe County ! Simcoe with r.s <r.i.iMH).iHHl visiting Ii or 'laugh mr j Mavssment is I,MI (Hmr t furnish anything WESTERN FAffi. London, 13 to Canada's F;ixril- lit.- Si<i< ., and tifrU-uItuntl i:\liitMii.. i " ALWAYS IN THK Kllov eiitiiomu-ly and .Miss Mil r lias ::gvn taken up her scliiM.l ilutiea at ChatH>virth after ~[ieml ing her holiday* with her nmtlier. Mn. S. D'lUithis. Mrs. l j ntchrd, we aro glad to rfxir(, ilile t . Vw around (gam. She got ll'er I. an! shaking up. Old Mrs. (iraliam IH also oti 'lie luenJ. Inn atitol cull ! a f..rtlu' ._ Kntrleaolunc, LlTe8toekaod Poulti Lull I.'- .I..,,. ,.th, i l.'1'iotlllnlllH. S|itl.ll tt latim pi or to liny bin a Coffin ami give Kiiml iwyroiintaand bora*>uataa in i:. liiiua ' 'hriaiian limial, s over the ulmies >, .1 ., t . mbait they hurrieii his Inmett away to the eity s (,'om'uii i"l!nu 4 "r'rliui'liiit anatouiy roonm. And this i> (he closing (j A1 . r \ \\ !,,,, From imr I/IITII ' "id ha r veat weather, every the iioa m 'mrce. llMil f ..pvin-il on .M. .inlay of last week, with good attendance. The Her. J. W. .),.ne liaa built .1 nrw fence iu fr..nt of the rectory, Mr. U. Heron iu front .if his house and Mr. E. Lmlcy is liniMirig a fence around the school yard. v. nf Tm-onto, has deeniie.it the nincleenl h century ill a country tilled with churche.s and pi siouul Christianity, and claiming to lie I liy I ha grand principles enunciated nn tbv Mount by Jesus of Nazareth. " .% rathi-r amusing incident occtirratl Tuoa k Bi Ben rna ' 44,11 on-- III" .! TlllhMlllll ['Ml. I i-,-klv. Hik'li>t i OIK- nfrtli* r< vival nnietings a few uvun- B. Cbureh, by Kev. N. Stephens ex- pni-4. 1* aiiiiouuclng his text EvaiiKe- li;.i Ste^ihens iiitiin.iivil that the subject of dio.iirs wiHiM lie (ouinl in thu r|., . tle-nf <)ude which he presumed all pie- ent wi-re f;ti..-hai wkh. U.-fm-e repeating the text, however, he aaked all who Inul rad the "second chapter" of the book of .v Pro|iai;atr, ltnriiK> rKli. N. v WMTEO mm KSKIIY STl'< here, also M,s. HolllngsliLail. fwlu , |( hoU up , lu|r , |iui(|s M |)r()(|f ,, f , their aoiuaiiitaiic.i MI U .iai.1 epistle \- tO Mill rlhiif" >! I C " hi.,. .1 \THSKIIY STi ''K "i I'OTA i Ii. >'THM \NKNTnii, I l'\> POHI1 1'ixs Ui '' '' 'Ii MKN. . VII I ! 't'lHI V.' t.MMt-"V i^ V Ml WKIU It W. I \'\\ \nl in .nit,' u [nr bTl'il*. A'l.i The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester X. Y ld Mr. Alex Hudson had his wind mill ol mi la*l Krid'iy. A Silibath seliiiol cmivcnt ;n.i was h here last Kriilay. Owing to the inn., tin- .in n.. u,.-,. WHS small. Tin- Uev Wo<,di;..r WHS in St ivner a late IHIISI twenty bands weiu upliltud, their owner* n..t n ..lixi.i^ that anything was wrnug until ait "III "M.iiher ai Israel" arose and !;.. i "Why sir, there is but one i-liapti.-r in the Ixmk of Jude." Therj fulloWeJ a general collapse of the tin 1 previoili Hi >!. ^.inluots, who duubtlesi touml the air in line liuildiutf uucomf'iii- aiilv warm for the Uilancu of the even- ing. TUo hands raiMil included those of niniis in the town whnve names it would lie cruel to publish, seeing the amount uf fun ihey have furnished for the ret of fcho community. Chesley Kre Ptvsa. On Thurmlay iifternoon as Mr. Robt. Uriel-soil, "f Men: nick, was driving along tho (iarafiaxa lioad, he ohaervtjd smoke issuing from Mrs. Leslie's house of tathur greater volume than is usual from an or- dinary tire KoariiiK that there waa*.me- wrong he left his team and hasteneii Ilieetllli.'. \Ve ui.McisI by the ip< rt of th examinaiion I'l.it Edii.i Huron. S.nall, William Coiillliaul ami Miltmi Sproule, from mr aebiMil, were successful Hinl that Milton Sproule stood ilnrd in S<iutii (!iey. The Rev. H A. brown .H'cupied the pulpit i if the Methodist church on Sun day morning. Mim Lix/.n- Little returned from L'nu da!k on Mond iv. \V ( - wi.iider who li'd the wy coming fiuin practieM last week ? From <nn <n<<u ''"i -i -mixiin /-../. j t . the H|ot. On opening th door ho Mr. Editor, o are hrtvini.' B very nico f mnd the II..IIMI in llamoa, but aaw 10 dry upell now. Jl i a furl thai wo have p r-on. There a.s no riiiu 1 to Im lo>t in Im.l no "ketchy wciillnd- " thm H^vuial socking holp si> !ie aet to work, puinpul Kirk*. The threhiu<! in proving that thu tin- w.ili -r. pud :iftur pud, ami in a ahoit xrain in i|tiir<> |>lriilifnl on the straw, 'iut, lime ho had t .e salia a tion of seeing thu inanv ha\ e soino slim-t sttaw wheat, is a tl.iuio >'Xi ninuislloii ainl nil ilnlluur rt' Ulo- - giKiil un.p. Mr Mo.Vtfeu, it is mini with id. S,. pirt.ni!- thinuM to lights und mak in -i fit, 1 . h:i . seven hunillcil |IIIS|II.')M IIIK sine that nil was safe he piori-n.'iwl "n fi"iu '2,"> aciea. Wo may Lave a return of liU wsy to Dnrliain. He had not gmie the old tinu-s, bulh in yu Li and price. t u until he met Mra. Leslie Itiisni-oly jour- Mi. II His, one of the many well to do ncyin^ lioniuward. He infniinud her of failiniiH ni-iu' l'"it Wriy, nave a thruo comae of thu n.irn>w i-scape of her iirtin- dys' visit lo his sister, Mis. ThompKon. MUM fnnu IMJIII^ burned down, and wan ind family. .Mr Hillis sy in speiik IIL; about driving on. but MUUIIIJ; Mrs. Leslie's on tilt! dnllnettN uf stork markets, th.it agitation, in thu s:nrit of trim Lallanlry while their in.ukit linn 'beconio somewhat ho drove IUT home and 'oiuHithu liur fears ili'inoialixtM.1 yet it is butter than ours. In; a^am umde a thorough i'\ innnatioii of We would ivinniil our readers to think the Iionso to assnii- her that, all wax well, livf or nine timuH bxfoni acting in the way Mi. < o ii 'ison s lit'ioisiii is all tho more of piittniK tiie in tile open air. iiome of uoiiinn'inlablo that !n; has only olio arm. our utigliliom IIMVO tlolm vi-i y lullu >iUe But utten his one arm does more good but Unlit lire for s.>me weeks back. Kvon aurviue to linn-elf and to oihorH that two the ISuliuath ia nut ns^uctud by thu du- aims do to .nany. Uruy Uu\iuw. Attention In time to r.ny irregularity of tha Stouiacli, Liver, or Bowela may I>revciit iwrioiij consequences. ludigostiuii, costi veiic.is, hcudiii !n-. n. 1. 1- .St'.l, Illil I1..1- |ness, and vtr. tigo in.;.i ,.l j certain func- tional derange- ments, t.iu be*. which is Ayar's Pills. Purely tUtlc, sngiir-oMi-.ted. easy to tako ami quick to asKiinihito, this is tlm ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M. A. BROCKWU.L, Uurris, Tcnn., says: .Ay.-r's Catliiirllo Pills cured moor slcls bendaclm and my UusbaudoInaui-aleUi. Vij Uiiuk Uicra is No Better Medicine* and have Induced many to use It. " Tliirty-nve yeara ago this SprinR, I wa run down hy linrtl work ami a r.ucci^Mun i>( olds, w liicli made mo so feeble Mi;.t it w.i.* so effort for me to walk. I oouaulU'd tli.i ductora, but kopt sloklog lower until I lia.l jiven up .ill lin|X> of ever being better. llapiK-nliiRta be In a store, one day, ulioni tin iKiiii-H win sulil, tho iiniprlcUir nuliiril my weak ami sickly appearance, and, alter a fpw questions as to my health. r*<xmi- menUod me to try Ayer'a 1MIU. I hail lltlln l:.ith In tliose or any other meUloliie, but conoludf-l, at last, to toko his alvlc ainl try box. Bcfni-o I had used them all, I n* Trrv much licltrr, ami lwo boxes cured me. I am now 80 years old; hut I belli 1 va that U It had not been for Aycr's Pills, I slmuiil have 4ien In my Rravo long ngo> I Du y u boxes every yonr, wluoh make 210 boxe* up to tills time, mid I would no more ba with* out them than without bread," II. B. Ingranam, liockland. Me. AVER'S PILLS TnfmA by Dr. J. C. Ayer * Co., Lowt-ll, MM*. Every Dose Effective