Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1894, p. 1

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"TKUTII BEFORE FAVOB." PRINCIPLES, NOT Ml VOL, XiV.NO. 679 FLESHERTON, ONT THURSDAY, 61894. W . THURSTON EDITOR* Can you see well? Is your sight 9i f^ 11. unit /.ion. If not we have something to tell yon. Have you evei .From mir <H'K Mr. Thomas Taylor, r , has returned after Kpeiidini; it couple uf months in Ireland. Hu diil nut have an hour's (JUMM during liis v.r\;iv<-, :nl timU hii health, nnii-ii improved by his trip. Minn Tillin Taylor II.-IH houghi a hand- some new Gilnnct I'.i'll oi-^nii. Mrs. Morton IIMS relumed, after spend . !i, of Tarn, besides others whose n lines we did nut )e;rn. \\ e uiiuerotninl that i(uite a number fruiii :inmnd bore will attond lira fair in Toronto, is tiling hnva happened around hero since last writing, hut owing to n pi esrf i if work were, unable to send in <iur usual bailout. Tlie latest. happen- ing is a rather stnrtliii'4 one, for thin usually ipnet neighborhood, being nn >af)ER YOUR - Fall Suit -AND- Overcoat that one of your eyes IH stroni><-r than the oilier?! d,,,,,,)^. In ninety-nine case-' out of a hundred tliis is a fact. Un- ilet- the old style of tilting glasses both crystals were of a like power. W hiivt .the facilities for testing ilia eyes, and can fit yon a pair of glasses to exactly suit tlio power of | '""> ch purchased H new binder for vision o<" each eye. We can suit your case perfectly and i the harvest, which in now nearly tjnislied in:: month with liur daughter in Toron- to. ami he, health is much unproved **** "' mysterious .(^appearance of a horse, William Taylor, .I.irumiah Taylor, William I^ivu and Joseph Haney l " Mr guarantee satisfaction, your yotitli. Come iu aad yet a n.tir HMMH Armstrong Bros. Jewellers KLESHERTON. for this Heasun, while a number of th !. n ia, is havu eoinintnced 1,1 1 ('nips havu huun very KO.K! ]> here and excellent con- ISepairs, I D. McTavisli, Fleshertou Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, keeps 0,1 hand Bgpairs for lasse; Harris, & fan, Fleory and HiHdnson Bros, FARM I IVI ELEMENTS. PlO'WS :- -Flcury and Ve ity on hand all the time, also nil kinds i>l :r[mii:t for the Hume. We inantifucttire WagOM, Bn<;gieB, Cn' Sleighs, (,-. BorMalKwitif promptly attended t>. Special attention to tendut 01 contracted feet. Logging :nnl Plow Chains constantly on hand. have been harvested dition. '1 ~s (iillihunl, of Eugenia, lius tho guest of MisH Carrie Taylor llie piht wuuk. \ Mio Lizzie Huuduison les\e on M Jay for the Model Mchnl in Durli.i.n. li.en til ".en,, i at. From 'iii oirn Tho farnur* in this part havu in >nt foin|ilet- .1 their ham MII; >;> 'iiitions and many are entingml n;i;lit uri day tiL'titing fires, which aiu railing in every direction anil uauiinu' * "od dual of Jen- tin. -in f property. KM none shuilld exercise vxtmniu caution in imltnii,' out tire in a period of nhnit nii|. dry HUM. While a dry season is an op I'oitiine time to execute a and hxrnesH, lielonging Win. Charters. '>n Friday hist. Mr. Charters watt surprised lie,' to his stahlu to lind his horse, harness and bug'.'y inisahig. He ini- niedi.itely lie-an i se nvh for them and tracked the riu from his own place until it -, >t ni'o thu fourth line turning south, the track ws then lost, but Mr. Charters went HI to I'|.-.he!:n and then to Mark- Uhtlebiitfou.nl no truce of the uiissint; articles, and although ho has continued i the search ever since, up to time of writ- int; no clue IIIIH been dis^..v er,-.l >is to their wheieabouts. As the Cl.irksburg bank WHS hi'iken into Tlmr.-.iay muht, it in Mn>ii:;)i[ the thieves lay low all day Knday. then at nuhl making their way to Mr. Charter's, took the horse and bir^^y to assist '!iein iu their escape. It i is a pity that they should bu able to es- c.pj thus. liimhiTley t'finH ">ir dim a>rret)Miiultnt, Your KiinUt-rley cur. is still alive, and if you will only (tardon his p.-it negli- ch*n- ence, he will try ai.d do bettur in thy and get t~ie 2: selection ofJTe~uj G-c C. J. LEITCM, MERCHANT TAIL- ,;. WESTERN FAIR. London, 13 to 22nd, 1894. i'anmlu's Favorite Live and Acrlodtaral Exhibition -ALWAYS L\ Till; KltONT. - I! xliiliitnrn. make yuur untrio uarly anil uhoote llnttl,' . nt!i r.ntti.-. r nial im . in," ? ,M.| unrso* DMBM ID the btake4 Spwial Mtriirtinf tnttbwt :\ lUilwuy in .'.M-rni-,'d for fn.ni .11 !> ml. 1'rUMilUt", otv.fr**. a|>| CAPT A \\ r THOU A RBOWNI;. 8*or. urr. up, extreme precaution should ! tnture. wins GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over tlie Carriajjo and Wagon innkiu^ bnsineaa lutely cnrried on by Mr. lloore, and atn no>v prepared to fill all order? in my iino to your entire sausuu-tion. Having lute.lv added to my sixteen years ixpe- ricnce in tlie Lnisiness a nine months' training in otiu uf the bust, ^ .'Tin ye shops in the city of Detroit, whore I - -I in carryinjj oft a Hist class i ocoimneiidntion, ouflit to be ti sutiicicnt i;uanintee that all work will he don.' in .-i first cls inaunur. I uianiifnctuie Wagons, Huskies, t'tiHcrs. Sleighs ; in fact everythi'ii: in the car riage line. Wood and lumber taken in exchange. Kindly give mo a call. 11 . 1 J 1, Y H< . Fleshertou. Next door to McTavish's blacksmith .shop. To the Fublic t . in general or all intending purchasers of Buggies, Carts and Democrats no to call your attention to my sptititf stock. Kindly give ine a call and yon will be convinced. I use nothing but liist-clasa material Com* and judge for yonrAelves. Uepuiiing strictly attended to, also painting and retriniruiug. E. T. WHITTE1T, Flesherton. WANTKI) .M.'"ll fllli. iiplo.Mliullt with DSMSat**> UH il Kxparlonrt! .i.n in ,'i-sni v. HHII'|KOIIII> onttit 1111,1 kill ''|"'i - Icuae fanlsl man. Clioicn >.|icisJ lines anil control of territory. Wi liavo oi 700 ftorwB of choicii sfi.,-k.nn<l can (five yuu nin v ulvkutm^. our nxxld of saourlnc and itln Ing ssJvaiuob is su| i>r. Call for our UH i*. Tljs irisJ wtiloosi>oti iifitlniif;. STO.M; u ELLIX; r>. Ti>ronlu. Out. n Sweeney. U. .^. A.. San Dieun, Oa)., says : "Shilnh'N Catnrrah Remetly in |rst mediotua I have ever found that I do m* any good. " Fried SO sun U Farm for Sale or Exchange. A Kare Chance. LV >K Sale or KxcliatiKe for Village property In " ., (-iiieriou, Klnaherton HtaLmu, MaxWull. Hln lminpt..ii.., r Fevenhu;: vulushlo Kami of l7 Kurnii.iiiifi mil,! north of Klinbarley In thu Huavur valloy, Tp. of Kuplirsula. On Hie pMu- Mi urn a Hood frsina houw, hni sn.l .Inv.i bouM, also good oroliud sod wall supplied with w*ter Aiiiily to W. A. DAVM \. AS t for N) dxnltsm Klre hy taken against the. spreading of tires out Some bears in this vicinity -u<> .I--UMI ilir.-.iii hin;: attitude, one having follow, il Mi. \ M.-Mul i n for a ronsid- erablr listan .<. It i not unlikely that one ur two may bu toppled .n-i-r ele loin;. A beautiful Ixmul fncu now extends almost thu full lri.j;l|i of thu main of our "illage. The, hiti-st wa< tile building uf .1 tarj feni e in the front of Mr. I'urdy's lot, Mesurs. H. and .1. lloi -ruian. .Mr. .). K. \\illiains has nndei taken the contract of tilling in thu south und of the new bridge. Thu increased height of the bridge and thu hollow extendinx many yards has . ii-eiisinned considunble labor, due KOiitluni.iu s iHtini.ite of tlie nuuibtir of loads !,(. m,-.| t. till in the south end is 1000. Mr. K. T. Cr.rr ha* the iiortli und no;irly oiiiipletu. \ .;eiiti. in-ill recently while iii.ikin^ frantio oil HIM Iu .Mpture some of the speckled '.uuutoe wan precipitated into thu liiynn. but hu evidunlly did not it a mil-hup :is he lem.iiKcd that by ininiui sion in the innuortnl f the Hoy ne, nuuht to make him eli-lbiu Ml I'- 1'. A. Mr. Philip Tutty, en;inu turner at West Torunlo Jniictioii MMOmpstllied by wife and aaix weeks old -on, paid a alum visit tu friends here, which had a very sad (emanation in ih') dentil of his only child. It was apparently hearty l,en they left Toionlu, but it soon sh -wed signa of illness and uraduivlly sank, Hiid evun the ni"si attuntivu eare c.nild not pravunt thu sad ovunt. Mr*. Crockett, 1,'iaiidiiioUior to thu child, was tvlwrapb- ed fur but did nut arrive beforu itttduath, which look place on Friday morning at 440, at thu residence .if ). K. Williama. The child was buried on Monday in the family plot in Mount 1'leasant cemetery in Toronto. The bereaved parent* aiu aco i|-deU the warntuft sympathy of iiiany fileudd. The Tiiivi-llni-j,' H.iiuo wa literally thronged with ti-uriiits for a few . fioin New York City, Toronto, ,.ml other Mi-, \\ II. Tl, in- mi. of Klesherton. was visitiii'.' friends iu town, for a couple of days. Mrs. T. Ellis left here on <alurdiiy, to join her hu-ib unl .11 roa--an. Mi> \|. I in, , i tin** i >. ' . S. is v.,ilin^ her p.ii< -ills and fiiends in and .ii-nni.i K.moerli y. Mr. .Ino. \ViUon has sold out his butiio 1 Ins L'IIIIH :o Duncan' and the Uuiu-in blHcksiinlh 1ms started in the stand vaulted by Mr. Wi Mr Jno. Doney is stitrtin.' >\ black - smithing! biiNiiM-ss here al.o in A. H. Kill's . ,, M Small is xiartiii'.' a wagon :md carriage shop. n pm, I . Ml l |,,,, ., I illOOMS Mill' ami v.mi , wi, , !i, i ],,, ,,, \ILK\ M I . i * Pn,|iaKHtor. s WJITED SJLEMH II ( M HSKIiy STOCK or i-nr\ . . t;\i VM:NT,UI.I f\\ . IMt I'osn li MI.S \\ "i wili U will \'Ktre* The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester N. Y AYumimr wo , i Tho hat vest la gathered and thr-sliiiiq Uas ci iiiiiiieiiced . The turnout in fair Quite a uumlier of people from other IMI in have visited in this neighborhood lately, ainoiiK whom were Mr. Albeit Knutt and MiMe* Minnie and Lsura Baton, of Tonmtu . Mr. and Mm. \\ ) n- doui KaUin Mid cliil.i, uf BurLlo, N. Y. ; S(W. F. Batetu { Meyord and Mn, r iir "i" (>nu dy last week a Mr. .Marshal ,n thu act of di s,-t n.liiiL! the scllnol I well, one of III,; lian.lli . of thu windlass 1 slipped uut thus OVIISIIL; the pec-.m at tint luvew t.i lose his huld. Thu wind- lae.s now IOHII to whirl :tMiind at n .< friyhtful rat'.' until, nvving t.i the in- creased speed, it (lew out of the socket*. As soon as tint happein ,1 Mr. Marahal . of the rope and dropped a disl ., of over 30 feet, alighting on some planks, i etc., that was at tho bottom of the well. ' Mr. M. was soon hauled up a^iun, and | liryond a thorough shaking up ho sus- tanied no si-rolls injury. Threslmrs are on tho war-path There are a number of machines in oper- ation in this district. As fur as wo can learn tho yield of 41.1111 this your in vory satisfactory. Yhis, alontf with ;,'Ood piiro, would caiiso the farm- ers to wear a 10 by 12 smile. Messrs. D. IJro.vn and Uetfio (<rier spent a <1 ly or two wit'i fi lends at Caigill late y, They wheeled ovur on t hi T >ikes i Mr. Chaa. Ghent, of Toronto, wno hna I l>eeii s,i,>ndin^ a few d-ys in this part, ruiuniud home last week. Two y.'iiii u r Indies had a narrow escape lately. They came within .1 trifle of falK iinjotf Castlu Hdl. For further particu- 1ms enquire at the 1*. K. or the P. O, JaniBS Dick, IStron merchant. .Shtl burnr, has awui(Qi-d to D. UUckley of Hamilton. Mr. pick uijieots ^o get a. A Racking Cough Cured by Ajror's Cherry Pectora!, Mrs. P. t). II AM., 217 Gtncssr.- M , Lockport, N. \'., saj'8 ; "Over thirty yours ngn, I remrmN r hrariiiK ray father describe tbe wnnili r. fill eiirative rfferts of Ayer*S Tin rry Pectoral. During a recnnt attack of I.t Gripi>e, which nssminsl tlio form of a catarrh, soreness of. the lungs, a.Tom- paniid by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies am) prescription*. While some of these medicines pnrtialtjr alleviated thn coughing during tlie <lay. none of them afforded mo anv r< li, ( from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me tlio inomnnt I attempted to llcdown st ni^lit. After U-uor twclvo such nlghla, I was Nearly in Despair, and hiulabont decided to sit up all night In my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could In t hut way. It tl, enrri-J to mi) that \ Inul a buttle of Ajer* Cherry Pectoral, I took a spoonful of this preparation in a Iktlo r, nud ws abla to llu down without In a few momrnts, I fell nnl nwoko in tho morning (rnatly refr- shed and feeling much better, t tooK a. tcajpoosful of the I'eo- twral uver.T nif\i\ '.^ % week, then gnul* unity 4ecroi!C<\ tho dose, und In tw Mks my conch was cured. * Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PNpwwi hy Pi. J . C. A y.r * Co., Ix>w*ll, USM. fromptto act, *ur to cur*

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