Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1894, p. 4

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THB FLESEERTON ADVANCE g * BSTABUnUD 1881 WBKKLY AT THB OtflCK. *\ !- I. Ml AM STHKKT, FLKHUEKTuN, ONT., BY W. II. TUl'KMTU. 1 *. : l per :iiiiiiiiu.sir irili In advaiu-4* Ad vei Using Rates: Jue -Column. 1 year. (50 ; half cut.. 1 year, 27 - l., ODO year, *IJ. 'Trausluut advertisement charged at the rate If I oeuw pr line for oral insertion sad 3 cents Mob sulMqiiaut luMtrtlou. The Wullman "dash 1 ' has given lilucu lu liie sick man retreat. ^M^H^MHMHV -V \Vu Lave yet to learn of a news- paper tLat endorses tin- sentiments of lit-v. J. C. lladill as expressed In ru uud at Stratford. The press of the country as a unit denounces them as irjiocLiicvuiis and unworthy ofpraido. Saturday Night goes so far as to nay lhal Mr. Madill is evidently aiterupt- iu to wrick the older tlirougli his ixliavaxauco of expression. \Vliy wnl tliu newspapers insist on giving Durham the honor of owning that (Jluiulg ''gliof.t?" Durliain ha&n't a bhade of interest in it. It belongs wholly aud solely to Oleuelg, aud in a next door neighbor to Price- \ ilk, being only tlueo miles there- bom. Durham should not be trying lo steal other people's property in iLat way. The East Orejr fall exliibition to to hold here on the ttfih aud inbl., 1 ids fair to outrival any of its lutducriiiiori). A lai-g>? number of l'ii/o lists lia/e been iln'n iluuiighuut the riding wbich will K' V1 ' i.iusi: who it-ccive them a good i<l. u of tin nU:iuriseof the Jirectors, in- ^.nuiicli aa they have added so very materially to the prize list. Th.i, ie|8i5of cash prizes offered for tiie prcatut year, more than twice the d.uount otTcted in any of the surround- exhibia.nis. This fact spicks vol- aud shoiilJ beau incentive to . ge lu buygy and liorso on account of defective bridge, $x Best Thompson That the commis- sion of ward 4 meet, the coimiitHsion of Osprey uu town line Ait, im-M.t and Osprey, with a viw t.. repair aaid road at u early a date as possible and at as little coat as possible. Carried, McMillan Kell That a Brant of $30 he given to be expended on Con. 3, N.D. H , op| isite. iota and 7, to b* expetnl.-.l iy commission, ward 1. Carried. KelU - Thompson That (ieo. Sewdll ie paid 92.55, UKIIIO; Artemisia's p.ut of coat for r|iairiiii; culvert, T. and S. rood, !..t 100, Glenelg t.i pay same amount. Tli<- diior of the Gny Kuview is rtily uxitated over the bicycle qiiep. liun. IIj calls tlie bicyclti a pest, " and says that n number of lidjrs arc very forward. " We do not nml.-r- 6Und wlial is uicaiit by foiwaid, but il n no doubt smuethinj. tornLI.-, and the awl'ul (Miatlifiiifi of Hit,. I;.,, uill no doubt u,juke t)ic (fcuns bicycliht <* in tliis comity. A bicycle dues not canw damage to tinners or fn-niers' out/its as the llnvicw iinj.li. ^. ri " w;ll ..liir at astuinc, ''"' .Mm <-.,i. t nmkc the stiini|) r.-sponsibtr ^ bicycli , .moiiiilili- ciur it IH all UiiU -.-un Ly i-oiiin.d of th.'in, and duniK-s reuniting where such ordinary cm. is , xercistd ia a disjn naaiion wlin-li must be risked liy any inuii nun, i- nkecry " l.orst-s at all times, whrincr ite ineela bicyclists on the hi^l.wwy or iiot. Ir'annrrs ilimis, Iv, > an- now investing in the silent gteei), ami e know of several who use it fm jun k ; iips to town in the busy reason-- not in tins district, howuver then l.\ v ; uji.in-y ft)r themselves, for tin.e is n u< y. 1 liu time ia coming whvu bic \\ill be common to all, not uu .Hiding such ridiculous protests a* i i, referred to, TuwUHllip 4 ..inn il T I'lp Council niet in the Town H.o i Monday last. All llie inemUiiN wei - nt, witli tlm rervtrin the chair. I lie wiiiu uitiimiiiiiic.itioiiH un,. rend: l"<o V A. Browii, clik of Alarkilalc., stat -Iiowiiitfau4ridustfr.ini \rt.-ui tia inual eipuniea in S, 8. N<i. I. XI. > . trustee's (Mtimata for separate mill" 0. |-'0. being bUnue of laiilil- iux I .'.nit ; bill uf Quo. Siu : , Utwt McMillan Tliitt the ouinmis. sioiier of ward 4 bo paid $2.00 for si i endered in x .IIIK t. Mclnlyre to in> <: y council in n-.'aul to fixing new roatl on town line Ai tcnu-sia aud Carried. Th.niipiKin McMillan -That T. KelU be paid th turn of f'.'.OO f,,r letting anil attending to the work uu town line Artuinuaia and Qlenulg and Oraliaiu'i Uevidtio.i. Carried. Thompson lie. t That re towiiline, A. and G., after obtain iiii> legal advico un tin' nutter, cannot *eu that thia corpor- i:ioii is roM|iiii!.le until it in proved tli.it the late Daniel O'HiNtrti wax not a party in allow>nx tint rond to be np.-n.-il up anJ improving where it now in. Carried. McMillau Bet That Hector Mclan l>e paid 82 for riipairin^ hiiilx- "ii town line between filuneli< and Arteinema. The mine h;us been certified )>y coiiiuiiaaioner of ward 1. Carried. Ko!l.v McMillan That Jmeph [)<>r un T be paid 50 cents, une boniK balance >n gravel Hupplied pHtlimaitur and thai Kobe rt Graham be paid $4 50 for grinhn,' l>,n t of thu GrahainV deviati'in a* pur reaolutiiin if council passed on the Gfli day of Auguat Itat. Cairied Thunipcon Beat Thrit the cleik in lierehy imtrnct.d to forward to clerk of l'p. ton the BIIK unt of Htatute labor p-r f Tined un town line Arteiiiotua and Pro- Inn for the years 1893 and I* 1 . '4. and re- |ii<'Ht thu clerk uf I'rotoii to (cirnisli thin c luncil with Hlati-nifiit of itatute labor p, i i.ri-incil by Proton on udtowu line in baniu yuant. Carried. KelU McMillan Tlmt George Haul'* lull of ii, aaiHa^ei tor injuries done t i IIIH horae and hu^'.'y on 'J5 M.I, r. u I, CKII. 7, through HOIIIU defect anid t be in travell- ed road, be it resolved thnt no nctiuii bo taken *M no proof ha* Seen produced to extaliliah a claim. Canu-d. Kell Heal - That the icuve and dep uty roi-vo employ T. It. Gillilunl, I'.I, S , to aurvuy devmtiii ,\,-r tliu rockg at (iralmm'a new doviutioii with a view to lishing miiil new del iation ai.d elos- ).' up the old one. Carried. Kent Kullx That \\iii. Mitchell be and n lu-ieliy ein| oweml and liy tlii? p- p,, lilted lug'ion id tililsli tllHt p. lit of i i ul leading to townluiH went of 1'roton Si. i' .,.11 .m,i Letier known ;n Hane Line mi e indiii'.in anil t>periti.'ation* staled, iiiiinely : one dollar anil hfty-tive cents ptr rod. I'.iriieil. Fh-sln-rlon Slnll..n- 1 i.it Sabbath. He will addreu U* again o'l Sept 10. IiiKpector Campbeil paid his official visit to our si-liu. ,1 last Thursday and j eemed much pleased with thu work in ' ies. H.) ordered school to be clos- ed on Monday in accordance with the newly proclaimed D xinnion holiday: Mrs. R. Cook arrived home last Turn- day, having spent a month with her daughters in thx city. The girls, al- though finding their work pretty dfffl cult, report themselves a* enjoying col- leue life immensely. Messrs. D. and Jai. McN'ea are viait ing their inothur, who is very serioualy ill and under the care of Dr. Carter. Mr. K. Locate lots laid the fumnlatii n of a new home, to l> t.inlt on t',,. Innd adjoining his mill. Mr. Jus. Dycu ia also i ..... t, in). lain. n thu tiuildiii^ of a new h ll^e. Mr. A. \Vlnilnker hai rvinnvi 1 liis f .ninly fr-'in tin- atation mil to M is< ,M. Phail'a farm, whieb pl.icu he is working this ye;n. (gillie a niitiiliiT (.f niir citi/.i'ii hn I their do^s poisoned Unt week Thu in^neaiit who doiM tliu kind i.f woik iliould ! puninhe>l. Tin- Mnei lll'own, "f I'urric. ure t'.ie jjirestn i.f their cousin, Miwi ChiHlett. Mia. Ariiotl, of Meilfnid, fpelll a few Uiiya with fiioiuls ut the stittioii. Mr. and Mi. .In,. IHnek were eall.-d awy lust Tliui-lny to Cheney t > <ittmil the funeral of tint latirrs lit'le nephew. A few nighu tincu uur villagx a^hliei y, with other rviuforceineniH, lietook tin in- Helves to the little inaplu itrt>\v a few rodi ilown the trak, wliero they aurpristd, ut tl.cir frugal n.oid, three f.-r. un luoking li.iinpi. whom lliey captuie.l i u the sns- P..-I.HI that they were the nuth.>vi of ill. l.ilu burglary coniinittid Ht Cl irkkliuru Howwiir, they could nut lie U< nil lied UK aharert in the afniiK.nd Imi^'lxry, mid as no otlmr evidence .j,iin.,t them Wai fm t.hcoiuiiiv, they were dimnisaed the f..lli>wing moniiiiK. KMV. Mr. Kerfur preached a inixt in itiiK-tive Huriiinn for the edification uf Mm fa.tlifulaaaiiublid :li our hull hem County and District. Tliornbviry is building a new postofficu. Thos. Burnside, i-..n. 10, Amaranth, was Vickeil in the ulnlomen by a colt and died from tho etfects (hereof On Geor^ina Inland there is an Indian woman who entered her hundred and tirst year lat February. .She wa eigh- teen years old when the war of 1812 opened. She i.i ijnite active and walka a consider- able distance to church. Rev. Mr Madill, Grand President of '. P. A. 1iaa been making some vig- orous utterance* lately : witnesa--" He- f. .re a Papist shall rule at Ottawa, we mil ti'^ht Oerry overagni. "We wonder if the creed, doctrine or practiiut of the Church to whK-h Rev. Mr. Madill Iwlon^N would endorse such lani;usge. It is a most bii{..red utterance, and what are w.i> to uxpect from the lank and rile, if the clerical leader of the order scatters such firebrands. Groy Review. A baJ accident occurred at I5ij; Bay on Saturday hut by which a farmer named Ci lid lay h>Ht hia life. lie wa.1 eiiuagml in drawing in peas along with his brother who was driving a colt, which was nut used to the w.tKi!i.ii. A* they were de- < . siding a Kteeo hill, Mr. Findlay saw that hi* l.iotln-r had lost e..ntr..| uf the horsex and gratiU I the >-olr l.y the hend to pievent them running away, when he was thrown under the hoisn's feet and the waton panned over him criMl.in ^ Ins le^ and otherwise iiinn^lni,' hia Ix.ily. Dr. I'.sli, i of \Viaiton -as c<illed hut the mil. .ruinate man died from his injuries the following morning. I In Saturday as i he e> eniii',' train from Owen Sound was IO.IMII^ Shi/lnni-ne s laughabht inculen' iH'eurred. A \t,*utrilo- <{uist was on board and just as the train U'oi up |nst!d the |NUsengt>rs in thesmok- inu car w.-re startled to hear a voice, ap- parently fiom under the car, calling for I.elp airl sayini; that it man wait oi< the truck und coiikl not h"ld on any longer. ( Ine old geiitluinan. ho gave his name as John Kennie and said he hailed from St Catherines, ran back into the coach to notify the conductor that a man was un- der the car. He implored the conductor to step tlm 'rain and when he lefmed to do so the old gentleman mid, " Well, We will r. :1 in the |HiperHabotit ap'M'r fell'.w lieiiio loiind on th.) truck hor.ibly gled. When tire ti un le.i.-lie.l Lnui a general rush wn made by tin.-.- in lie car, nirliid.n.! twn or three well known commercial tiavellets, to see if there was any trace of the nnfoitmmte. m.m. Inn noihint; could lie s.-en i.f him. Tlte old Dentil-limn from St. Kitt s WM nn HUTU tint ini pro;,!i,,ev wi.tiid Ie fuflilled \\ Ml tii" eiinvd lot limed to thti car they all e in.ll, I on In the yac eXiept the old 111:111 un. I he stul ni.kinmiii,<il that the man .I. ! iHi.ly of a i. inn Mould be found on !i.rii;ui, lie t!i. n;;lit >be conductor sh. nl I hnvi stopped the tiaiii, aim in a hull) Hp>uuh iif:i rwmiU ihnrMein.ii.;d his ae.ion in not d .MIX -o IVK n..il, in., nlmn of iiiunlei ( li.iie'i Pill* Sun. As Mr V Miinr., if Aivmilcv, Ws drivioir into Taia "n Sat u -day, he law a large U.u:k snake by ih nHdin!e. Ho killed it and f. mod it im.is.ueil 40', iiiehex ill length. CAME ..ASTRAY. Cnnt" to 'ho preinUeii of llut nii.l*. ^ ll" Mil 1 : if HI I 111 I.- 'if till V lll*t. oil,, l-WH ami IWI. laiiiii*. Tb OWMW Is rmjnwMM] to |.iov no perty anil aku ilio lauiu away. YVM r'.ISUU'. . O. F.11,1, EXHIBITION ! -OF THE- North Grey Agricultural Sodety Owen Sound -ON Sept. 17, 18, 19 & 20, \ } 4 The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each W-ek trtenesia Voters' List, 119!, Notli'd 1* heri'liv Klven thst a i-rvrt wi'l t... 1:, 1.1 purHnaiit t.i Dm .' fit U \..t,.ifc' I, i t . v t IHMI by Hia Honor the -In '. ul tlieiM.niii, court .| the Comity "I i.' > i tie Town Hall. KI..-II.-I .. . on '1 u-<ilav. tl IHtti day nfs, i t IHM4, at II <> itlnck ft. in. ' iMSarivin* the svvi'nl i-,>nip:ai n , ( ri.n i..l in in wioliH In tin' \.it-r LiC ul lliu inn. .icil.k. liy of A I ten n"!* for IMUI. \ 1 i".:^,'ii hftvlnB biis!iiHii at ther. .oi't a o r-'iniivil to atuutl ui tha sai<l liuiu un.i p. ace. . .l...| at Flssbartou this llh .lay of Hept.. a. d.. ".i w, j. B::LLAMV, ciork. MONDAY. l-tli.-OpeuliiK Day. 1 Kxliil.it". except Li Stuck. Uelivured and pin. TUESDAY, inth. -Farmers' Day. 1 AddraaauK b Hi. Hon.ir thu Uantmiant~ 111,1 , H..II .1 1 M I>r\ .11. lion A II S|- . |..-li .|<HW. 'J, :i liilnulu t. otoi |j.u;e. a ExJn!.m.>u in Mexican /aroora Kan.il\ \\ ;/.rci- ,i( thu Aii -l.i fn.ut ul the giauil staad Lserouc Tournament, RU Nation In lin MIL I I'th.-iN <\H'W <>.' Kian.l ^i.an.1) India, i \\itr lJ.. .. in liuut uf giaiid tta.i.l Juatfll.t L.^llt H \M:iiNK.sli.\\. MWl K'lnration Day AiidrewMK bv rniiiunit Bdueatlaaisss Cll"th. in.' I- . Kiam loiti lute aii't r.ilih.' N.-lu>"l 1'yi'ilii .n ..I .In 'tun; l.i.,i.t Horwa and .lii'litniK ll'-avv Honaa 4 bp. Trot : 2, Team t ..r Pat-; :i. Hurdle Hce 1 Ai'i.ni r. ii.H muni-.', lii front of (TSAdstsaal .', I jk.-n.-h Match Un front .IT .:raii'l taud; 7 War l.aiii'n uu n ..nt uf K'aud ataud) H Jil.lLIK of I- II:.- Alt. I by Cuiiip.ainu Hands THUB9DAV. th,-Clvlc Day Awarliuii of all Pdl. - ..-.iini; in Km;.. I. i'|>ii Trot or Pac : > rpon Kun . .1. Bt Double Tnrinmt ; 4, |i>t hmitiu Turnout ; S. Knii.Hitoh ami True Knee; s. Uwt l..ly Uiiv-r ism iiunw, acciJoutally uniinut**.! from l'iiz 3 Uuaic by roiiiprtini: lan,l 4 Vaiaile uf all 1'rUe \Vl. nr in Lire Mock Tllo jn-lmmj of all I'KluhitK. utliviwix. Uian aa aUivu uiriition<l will cuiuuieuce a( 11 a ui. Tuvk.li> the IHtti. Keducv.l Paaaenger Kates 'on all 1 al!wav _.i.l Ste*ln>hlp Lilies KnliuiuK Into UWM Honu.l. For further iDfuruutloD e 1'rU* List in. I miiall pi-si ai.iniV-s J H.McCuUough.MJ)., A G MacKay President Secretary The Fall Fair is approaching, thrt season is advsnciiiL'. and it is time to think about preparing for the rainy sea-mii. I have placed in stock a tine aelection of rubbers aud boots .nd Oioes of all kinds which will bo sold at the ery i loseat prices). I want your trade and am bound to merit your cmiti- den.v. 1 have soinetbing of extta value in men's strong fall boots. 1 make a specialty of custom work, and use ii"th ini: but the bt of slock, placing there upon H..IH!, honrst workntanHhip. Old friends will continue, to be heartily wel- ioin\ but I wish to make some new uneti. (.'ome in and give UH a trial order. JOS. SMITH, Flesh ertou. Opposite McT&vish's Carriage Shop. Couut Men-Mr has hitd a bad turn and u ugnin dangerously ill. r AVER'S SARSAPARILLA S. P. SMITH, of Towando, Pa., whose constitution >vas completely broken down, ia cured by Aycr's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I wiw, most of t!i tlmo, a great sufferer from const I na- tion, kiilney trouble, aud lodlges. tlon, so that my constitution si . un il to be completely broken U.own. I was liiilinrd to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such zeellmt results that ray stomach, bowels, and kidneys are In perfect con- dition, and. In alt their (unctions, M regular M clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsapurilla, my weight was only 129 pounds ; I now can b ag of 109 pounds, and was never in so good health. It you could see me bo- tore and after using, you would want me for traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of 8arsape>riU to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla PrtpandbyDr.J. C.AyerkCo.,Lw*ll,MMa, Cures others, will cure you 1 ur Full Wheat in.; Wheat l.irley Vas Juiler . . . . KL-..S. fresh 'oiatos I .I.' 1'ork tun Purkvys " Ur Wool J (X) lu (i.'i :;i M ].-, 500 80 a oo .T) Ii ! 50 Ki to to In to to t., lo to to to t<. to to t" to a :> 50 :, (xi Ii 00 :; mi 7 M ::., BO Hi Farm for Sale or Rent. Tbat vry detirabla farm of ji> .-i.-r.-s in )! ui^o Valley I Lot No. IJB. l>t S K. or . T <t rt ttuatl, ArtuiiMfia, fur a tvi in uf >tart or will bo i wry reauuuable an. I tay toruia of i>n . 'l'einlm will alio be recivwl for thu |mr- iai**' uf tin- wliol" of che r.iiiiaiuiuii tiuil* lha above ojentlounot. couniHtlnij of clioii-0 iilin, aud Hoiiiu ce.liii, win. u i-, MiittUjli* - ;t>r or qtlare tlui - a lari;.. duiity of corn w.>.ii in,- hixliotit 01 any tender uoi ucciMiari)y a^:c.-pteil. tiiH|ictloii airlc'.rrurti.ouilauco solicited. T. H.l'OWr.KS,Klrby, or ANDRUW I AUK. Klenliairton. of ARRIVING AND OI'KMXC. UP DAILY AT M. Richardson's. \VHIIAVEbO.MELlNES OF SUflHER GOOD5 LEFT WHICH CAN DM HAD. A lUitTHKU 1!K DICTION IN PRICES TO CLEAU. New Teas AHBlVlXi;. VEIiY FINE VALl'KS. \VF, AUK ri.OS- IN(; OCT on; Tiinu) CAU LOAD UK si (i.\its FOII THIS BUMMUL Prices Right. ce. CA1TLE OWNERS, ATTENTION ! BIMMEB'f Mm FLY EXTEHIIJTII. HnHinur^ Mexican "Iv Kxter-ir-iator will III KlieK Kll.l lllM'1'H of t i Kill. IS fllllll llcbtluaOD Clttll. K.nl I 1 ., ,i Ml wllrri'vcr it Is ap- U IH ii.inut .hut UMLIIV t.mt.K Horsca I.... inn,' in, .rii jailed by Klies than l,\ thi.ir i, tn- lar wiirk.nn.l it it * linmaii.' act nn.l Uiii.lnuis t.) av the .luiiiii bi.wt iti'iio.aii.'i' ,m,i |.niu. an I MiBin all the f nil'orc that u. consist-, in. 'ow tlit ar l... in.,.- i . : .iivaiialily RrTs lass tutlk than thms protect*! IK. in tin u stiii,;,. HoKrnur'K Moxu'aii fly K.XS terminator IH soni.,tton.; i.ior,. Uii,.| . t u. .!,... . aniiualn Iruin K11H, a illK n , The Best Hoof Ointment in Use. If properly lll this Kly Kxtorinitiatur Is a I'ditaln PmTvutlTt rmiii th'i ttikH of thu small bUok fly, sallad In i u .caution b/ i.iv;iii n.iiii -i. Kuffalo Kly.Arkblan Fl.i I'l-xi.n I'lv. while iiirnil-ty tl,y mi'ti. .: "MsxiKU ' ! l>. 1'hew Ul* lijtllt ari'iiii'l thu hoi im of cattle mi. I eat down int.. tho > ou.l ami cause terrfl>re ufferiiiK. Kinl mm,, tiiii tha stock dls frotV tbs sSsoss. Thi iatoi- ii a ueitaiu |>I-HVUII|IVU fruui attackn oi nil Kin-* in -rti..oi cuttiu 01 liorsvs. Itinal.su a suro ilt-atli to KIiA-. ' U1KKI TIONS Apply th Kxtetniinator with a stiff bl (Mil, or rub we] Into tin* him nn.l hl.lo with thu rti.K..,H. \\!irue'.frthnllii.,inn,tklho nlfH'K a ne%..plloltoirsliinil(l I... i,ia,i,, wii,. u falihlully applied. cattle KIK! li... ..-, will ruu In pMtuieaU .lay wlthu.it auuuyauuu froul ttiuil or inectH. Tliis Ointment contains nothlnii injurious or po4iHiotw. The hi|(li Hia.ii.lanl of Hosincr'a |>re|>- aratioim, whu-h bave IH-.-I* no lotiyi u the nun ket.iii a siiltlulent s ura'it.-e for any gootia buai- h K bis mum. Kov alo by W. Moore, Earsesssiat:!! Plcshcrtoa.

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