Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1894, p. 5

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THE PLESHERfON ADVANCE ANKiNG Oi- 'jr- GEO. MITCHELl, \ gf c.-kJ fcv-ai .r lira t- "..i.- .i-ra-lirila- ii--ij Money lua.fnana.laUlu for 1. ,nu ,.t h. Dter, Owtci iwu duoranonfacf Ki Vicinity Chips. Wrrk Carefully fulled for Curious. tfan'nrm '1 nil lit MCA . wwii! UH ' .Aft * uari: Honey for s.il . in i-n.a. t/en ;< u<ia ft* one (M! ir. At t!ii office. Hlankets, wo want yi-u ui MU our blanket* -,t ill.; and 81. 7 i T. Hill. Quart -il.- |ire|>:iratory arrviceaill he held in the l\<jslpyt.-ruu chun-li on Kn Jay aftariinwn -4 thi* week, mill inent adiiiini tvrml MU S dot. Tw*.l ea|m for men MM! *wv a lie. aad 2oc each worth 40u. Dou fail U et one. T. Hill. The (irixu ii -i i.* Arteiiveiia fall fair, to be held ui 1'nceville on Tiitwd.iy .-mil WetlniKilay, (M. fl IUM! ID. l li.iw 111 llie fiiinds of the secretary, Mr. JM. Brotiie, Y(inuVair Y. O. Munaty wa* obaenrud a a kind of i|iiasi holiday HI town. Jiuuu of the huftiu-'aa plan* wertj elnaed, but many y-mu-,' {itMiple enjoyed the day in van. ma two lomJ.s vpanidiiig it at Bull's lake, The aiinvai meeting of Centre Grey FarmciK IiiHUtuU will be held at Fk-.xli. rtuu, on ile JTtii "f Septutaber, at lh 1)< >ur of ie o'clock, f.T the cli-.ii..ii <.f t-tiicem, JOCWJ.IIL; mi glacis fi-r winter meeting* CIK! -/i lii-r A haired h'inu fiKtka] will be given !>> tlw ladies of tlie Pricevillu circuit on the Mcthoiiitit. par-HM;o i;r.nmils, l*rice- ville, mi TXiwdny, Stpt. llih. .V gn>d tnnu ia aiUicipate<!. Seu billi for full (mrticulars. '1V *>TV.: from 4 Mr. Arthur X >rlhwo<MJ. iiiatlivniaticHl nHter of Owrt'ii Soun.1 colli-^ut,! iristi tute, wa one of three yiuing nun ilrwu- J in French ri\.-r In'i-ly, the news of which ttsrrilil.- .i.-i-iiloiit having been rv- wived oil Saturday. ia worse, iuiprinoniiieiit for life or a liff-loiii' ilicas. like sorof'iLi, fT oxamplo / The former, ertainly, would l>e prefiiiilile wure it not t!i:if Ayur ' S.ir- uiparilla utu always coiu to the nndgivutlu; |M>.r sulfcTer and htt|>l>ineiM. Millinxry ' Mi- Kraiic. Uuvcroft IIHI 1i"i-n in tUu ciry purcha-sint; Millinery f<r the Kail trade. ' )ur.>|eiiin;; will (,.!< pluco sotin. Look out for nobby uuJ.i, also a 1 a of tlionu nidi fitting (ermiiu inaiill a will be added to the de|>urtiii:iii. T.Hill. A hacking coug'i kcepa the brnnciiml tubes in n Btu of . .imiant iifi' whivh^if not n|iff>lily i*moVvd, may lead to chronic bronchitis. N.> ]ir..nniUT rern- *ly can be fom>J tliKii Ayr's Cheny )' i oral. Its ctl'uct w inunetlutlv and tin- it-rait permanent. A Grnnd Trunk tiaiu r.ui into a herd <>f catll naar Minto tnU<m, ,-iuU sNtu U a on tlie rump, injunii^ im backhmio. Tlif animal's tail wa ahipuUtetl l>y a vet- i ilnary oui UMOII, null itj- life will be Havrd. \\ . nlways knew th (iraiirl Tiuiik. wj* a (error t. travel, but we hid no idea rh.it it Coultl .1111 f.iat enough lo in.in^le a ter tail <> teirihly tliat it would have n I e aiu, iitated. Tii<j train iiiuxt have been ruii:ui.<m aaliarp down The baud <reat.-d our citixeux to nn itln-i . . njojalilo concert on the villiifje i:i..re Saturday. We are nleafce<l tx> ii<-tv il.at umlcr >Jr. Tucker's able teader-tfi. : lie iimlituliun is advHiiciiii< in -.iiie of the yontiij * lilm .il ilieumuKiM lo b "regular IMHII musician-. Aiiiong tiioue who are re- In-hit; fpecialljr Uiented are M i ui V.uivaiit anl Master J. T. Bemoft. Tlieae youngsters ra p,.ken v^i > H,j{ly of by "Pn-f ' Tucker. Mr. W. i' Cioatliy and Mr. Allen C.tbtoo l.-ft >n TliuratUy for the Uld '.'oun'tiy, sailing from Montreal on Satur- day la<t. Mr. (jibcoii will vi.it relative* in Scotland and Mr. Croealey will visit the nconts oi his childhoo<i near Bttlfant, in old Irciu.id, I), foie returning. It i* will interview Air. ti.irJiner, llie ..... i who achedu'eil our ..iiUe, oni in is. .in knowing hat. the mischief liu niruiiH tiy it. They will . injdimtii Jilly iiiMal ti.at the xaid embargo Ini removed lorrliwuli. H .11 vtiya^r, ,'e itlemeu, an<l <! luck attend you. ft owes nieu'a sim;* bouta guaranteed ij..t to rip. Good . value, see them. T. Hill. C. t Los:. >ye<l from the [irciniiei of the 1111- ,MIM|, loi 11, 8ih con.,O,j)iiy, about three weks ao, a y:r old black tiMy, whi.e strip on no^.-, in m.- <-ro|i(K>d. li.- forutalion an to itii whei-eabouis will be thankfully reoeifed l>y Maxwell P. ()., An-. 17, 18U4. Mr. Cliuuiiinu, |.lii>i^iujiiior, Htales ll>at tUerH u> iiolliiuie in Mr. Kraaer'n tlkiicy i-<".'ardi:iji rb pliant'.w picture, .mil that hi* cauttfa i not aUecUjU a* dea -inliuil. Theru u tlnia a tieki left -.( .-p. f<c tb Burglary ai Clarksburg. On riiursilay nt.lit wi laat weak flart- wiau't lunk at (Jlarlmburic an broken JHU anil the vault blown o|en will] liiiro- glyct-rine.. A .|U.tnuty of valuable ailver- ware hulonxini; t.. ilr. \Vili;iea, wait taken, but tin- thifvi-* did oi auocuud in fojxinx open tlu.- ;U.-, when- tiflneii him dred dollars hud ciiiuiually wilhdruwu from cin.-uUii.in. Throe MispiciniiH had buen xliHervud loiturinu aniuud the previous day. The iclophom- wa brought Lulu re<juisitiuii and nil ont- lynij; ptiinU OotUied. Fiiilay altemooii Uirev ii/uruin.ai- tiainj/n li^bted down out at the Htatiun here a.id Baililf Van Uusru. with a POMO f au4iuial constables, went >>ut and arr>Hiud liivin -u* they aoiwuntd somewhat the duicriptiuii. They were held uutil Mr. Hurt man - over to identify them, but when he ar- riv. -I he f nund they were nut thu men he wanted and they were relenaed after having buun treated ru n hearty aupper. Friday night A IIOIXM and bujj^y waa atulen from a fanner in mud L'harui.s uer Eppinx aud dnvuii wiuthw.-nd. It ia naturally atfpuoxod tr.at th bur^uliir- Kiua gentlemen were interested in thiit theft aldo. Tin- culpritN bavu nut yet been brought to bay, but it ia hoped their time ia ahort. .Mr. \\ il-^i-e*a aaya the actual value of the ailvorware tiktrn wait about $30U, but from iUj aaaocuvtiuua he wuultl nut i*vi-|.i a thoUHUJid for it, and wuuld be Killing lo<>ii-u uu/ru to ,'i-t it returned than (ho ihiuvui will nut by it fur old Reuiuniber the Hurvu^t Huniu to bo held in tlie .Mc-i Imdi.st cluiixh on Sept. I'). Kiirthur uacticuLira n, xt. Personal. Mii. (Kur.) WviU ia visiting with iVu-nils at Jarvis. Mini W. \\hit* i**rnd ti> \Viart<m on Thursday. Mr. J, Caniefoin, cf (Kren S.iinid,a|n-nt Suinl.iy wirli lit) fneuda liciv. Mr. tiud Mrs. U. J. Brmvn, uf Owen Sound, ale guunts of Tlie Adv. in. -e. Mi<w AgtfieCJilwim left on Tumdity to \ihif friends in Toronto ami Hamilton. Mr*. Cli.is. Browii and Mr. .1. Itrown, of I'olliiiKWooJ, re tlio gueats of MM.S Strain. Muui Ma):l M-nl.ew > and Mrx. Dr Spruw'i', of Mnrkdalf, druvo over on Mm. Win. Wright Mt on Tuesday luornin^ fran exlunded viait to friends in New Y'ork. Maater Will \Vlla retiirnt"! on Satur- day f i out a two weeks' viait with friends in thu vicinity "f .liirvia. Mr. J. \V. lli.-inlem >n tuid fnniily re- turneU i>> their home in Toronto cm Friday last Mr. U Keefer noc>i|>id the Methodist pulpit on Sunday uvetiing in the piuttor'a abnunoo. Mms Teenie Richivrdmn and Mia* Lzzie SL;-ain r.tinn.-il to tb Owon Sound C->lleyiiitc Inilibuto on Monday uf (Ilia week. Mr. \V Elder ia, w,arelad to know, once in. iu uikini: up bis itui-lenco witii m. He ia liiiin.' up his rwidencu thm wuck . Mr. H. V. (I -ludin, <>f IAIII; Tn'and. paid a nhort visit to friends in thi* vicii. ity durinu thu p.ntt wruk. Mr*. Caudin and cln dre'i ao:uinpini>d linn homo -n Tueaday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. VV. Ar:im:ronx rt turned fiom Toronto on Saturday, where the former hnd been undergoing mdicai trea-iiieiit. The Advance i glad <O learil that Mr. Aiinst.onx is aunivwh.it iin- provcU in health. Married. liiutBKMiMiv- At Flolrton on A up. sStli b\ tlio Hi \ John Wi-llf. M. A., lieorun l.llm to Mary DracAtinbury, both uf Oiiprey. The North Grey fall ahuw will >>e wi.ith viaitiiiK this year. Prizea amount - in.n to 12500 are .itfored. The fair will be l-ld from the 17th to 20th init., and an intere.Htini; program for each day liu been urnui'.'ed. An advertUemeut giv- ing full particular* appears ekw^heru iu this Relief in Hours OUtrenini; Ki.l- Muy und Bladder diaeasea relieved i.i* x hours by the " (irt-at South AMU-II. ui Kidney Cure. " Thm new remedy i* a great surpriae and delight on account uf ita exceedint; promptmwa in relieving pun in the bladder, kidney*, back and every part of the urinary patewges iu male or fe- inalu. It relieves retention of pain in pn>smg it almost iimuudiately. If you wiinr .(\iirk relief and cure thin in yoiu r.-im-dy. Sold by W. E. Richardson, Tin. uai1r<igni>d it pop* >l do Carpet and -'!! kill. IK MU hhCHt IIOl --ts HII'I I tt&MU.IHllla 'I' - !>**tit i .1 liy H.-AIU will iot4v |iru.ptu .- tuu.iuu. Coi i unpouduc lulio. ed. ui88 K. cot; ITS. Fob. r. Cm. M Farm for sale. t hiTnhv nff.ir fnr Halo lot 31. con.8.Artomi a, fMtB oo0t*luln( 1(H lurn-s. Th furui it well wutriril mill 1m it hiimll orchanl M.ureou. ns* Ul lit*d M4id pla*itr<l iiifidu, fmuiti niHl.-i- rtiirivatiuii it. 11 -I i mi'- ttnil ftU>u0and At for inwr n on i>iMni^r. For further itlarnft|>|ily at Mtittotfiea or to oocupkiit AugUHt &:. LtAH. 4m Harvest Time 18- Profit Time. Here is an offer by which You can profit more than in any way we know. 25 CENTS PATS FOE 1 ' I NTIL- 1st JAHT, 1895. Try it %l "i\,-,. mid you will JV,-i.'t- that it was a (jiviiMlili i ueii t. Sound COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE REU)P!aN8 August 27th. Tin- Owen H.HII. I I'oli. "ll re- jiir >i on MomUj v. -^7th. Ul i-iiioKineiil . .,-niK'id ill" re<i>-naiiliiMon >.t ''m K. iii.i-.. < "an-ui- (orin ilforall Rrntlea .( On- l>artin.intal Art". bw or Mu.lioin... nr '<>r nil iiaiu-o to t!w School" "t si-i.iiii-i.. I'lnviui \ t,rarT or nine '.iiiuciallata. All di- l>artineiitH n-i UH OKU KOit ts:i : Prtii*,rv iTIiir.lClann Ci>r*<nct 1C. .1 niiir (>vi in! . SIH-OM.I i ' I -IK-.) (.'rllfloaota. 4 1'uui Mt. iculHUoii 7 BOOTS AND SHOES FOE, THE FALL, To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a Inr;^ lot of fall wear of Bools, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on hand. Cuslom work and repairing promptly attended to. FLESH ERTON. Thresher's Supplies. We have on hand a stock of LoHtbtr Bulling, Lieu Leather Mitts, Carrier Chain, Machine Oilers, and the very bust Mucliii.u Oil that is made. Tinware. \Vo have received another largo stock of Tea Kettles winch are just in sight of every ones pocket. A fust-eland tin one for oulv s"c., a heavy copper ono fur 51-80, a uitikel plated on copper fur $1.50 Crockery. 120 down (nps and Saucers just arrived, bt aided numerous Te and Dinner Setts. If you heed anything in that line remember to get them at rW ft (M 1 .,.! * yy ., GO TO influt MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CA!f I OBTAIt A PATENT? Para PfflR, y^g "!! V hn< ?* t opinion, writ* to [I/HW 4bC'O n whntukT* had Mrb> Oft; Tier* xp1io hi the iviiitit buiiiiuo. CommunloK. Uom itrtrur o. nitklciu livl. A 1 1 Kodawnk of In rmuuiun onncaminti I'nirniN and bow to ob rin iiirm nnt fne. Aim a ottalogwco loal and wlKnuno book, neat frt*. tbrougb Mann ft r*. Miatln *.-l..tlHr A .nr, iV- I'rouht wtdny br..itli pnMlew to ,- - ~~j -. oontaloa .. 1'laitM. in oolonk mu4 alMrU*Hriiph of - with pltUM, niiAbllnt ouildurc toi" Ion* tuid ix-on otiutrartA. Art Nnr YOHK. . BKoiw AT . in i'i. ('mini v >f 40 ncroM under flu I uv tiiiiipit or ;aiiwv<. with hanlwoott Ititnti r-.- i h. with A Rootlr^'liir -wn ii| U-ul la n tiit.a trmt.1. '!''. ' cRlit> ttd irtonU , i Ma- i.ii.1 about 4 Diilu I- <" m i no C. P. K. There U a -a i> .1.1*1 .MI i lot. A K MM! Uti Will In* t;i i HUH tlitf A^er will uvl U i-li.'n; trm .- |in; in UL Kui fuillu-' i' -,<lv to MKH.CATinilt:- i - L*. 0. .'riceilli. -.llh Jnn. SOMETHING NEW AND- We Have. Come to Stay. \Ve wiph to announce to the. public i<i v'oneral tliat we have purclia.M>il ;u, ( iiilei'd to continue in Hie -;itine s.Und, ilu: furniture and iiinler.uKi:i^ bnaiiMAJ lately carried on by Mr. J 1 .. I'/i; : ,11; in ! ; lierlon. A lar^e ami Weil .issoit- d HOtit of DIW good* haa aln . a. i. led to that [>un;liu rj n ..i M . ll:iirisoii. and still more on ihti way. We will cany Piano.-.. (r-(u;m and tins ::(-lebrau-d Singer S<-\\:n- Machine and lepsirs for same.. In the .mdei ukin.; line we cannot, In; g|)l i I lii.s part ot'Canaila, having the - ^e i i Northern Uniaiio, a handsome olack team and a \'/-.;i, r OLfeaVpfold expurieuui to manage funerals and do practical embalming. f?adsfaotio.i u"i i. -mti't -I every lime. No room tin ton for wo are there with a ntsh an 1 ; .-viou. iii'u.-i' Viiu './ill loos.) tnori! tii-in wg will if you I!I:L'.. \V'o d-j not believe in boits^i i ; inn. f.ic;s a u slubb.irn tilings a,i 1 wu will leave om* ciiHvOiners lo he the judges and we will irntU to our slraightfui A ... d .' aiiii ; and our price* lo plenne the pi-ople and build up our tiaJe. (.Soods will bo dn- i a reasonable di.sUnce fro;n town free of char^o Turn on )^:<r heel and follow your too across i.he street f.oia JynaptqMf 4 JewjclUiy ijtura and thtix- '6 where you will lin.l. J.E-BASKEBVILLE&CO'S-, FLUNITUKE WABEHOOMS. Mtri.;lll . Art Sci'Oxl Cn.tinmt.". ... ..... \!;it JOn l-oi further iiiforuiation njiiilv to M.-.NKIVS I). Ii- UOli ''. 8i)-Trea FARM W LET. The nnil.>rigned will rent IOM Kit iuul IfM In 1st Con., N. |t. T Sc 8 R . Ariemiola. (or a te. o( vra 00 uaaj termato-lwil'-hl tonont. Ap- ply to JOHN WIUUHT. -In. HEALTH FOR ALL. Uelloway^ Pills and Oiutinent. THE PI T T ,S , I'niify 111" blood, correct all Diionleranf IL<iv2f % >Jt <>tii M <-h , Iviclnoy.* . uml IJ>%\fl-i. Thj luvf<*V iul rmitoro to lioalth DebilUatvd Coi.*titMtoaa, uii.1 are Invaluable ill ooiu- i>.a;uuiuui<luiul U>Keiuaie of all ayn. V*r Ch lilroa and tba anttd theyaiu pricoleaa. T M K OlJSTMriNT i an iuUn.blo rup'Uv (or Hal Ln. lla^i Ilittaata, Old Wouuila, Sor4i and Uloera. U it f i:u.i (or .. mul Illiiiiiiatisiv. for .ll-ordr oYh Choat \t b liot4I. For SOUK ItlliOAlJiHO^'ClllTIS^OUGHS, COLDS Olati . uUr Swelling*, aud all Skin Dineaaea It IIMI no rival ' an J for otmliautvVi an J still jinnta It acU like a ohanii Manufactured only M ProlTeeaor HoLLOWAt'a Ratabhahment, 7H New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford utreet), tendon. audanaolfl at la. IJd., 9d., iadd., lla., Dla.,aud JOa. wwh Box or I'm, 'jafl of all Med loin* Vainiora tbroagbout Uin woilil. f+- r*H-rJ,,u*; tkuM look at tlu. Label on the PoU awtd Boxet. If (Ae tuUrtM it Ml MY, Cxfvrd 'it reel. Lvndv** K^iy a

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