Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1894, p. 8

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iHE FLE8HERTON AD ANU 0>v-n Somul, Ontario, ' 'IV Vefy i TO (;BT A Thorough Su$im,i Education. Taie a Rouud Trl? 53L __ - College* -. , Canada, ttwu i*it . i produce tlie ni anil eten- i.ip'.ota aud uiiixt nut * 4rf i i -. w will give v.- . , f u j Minital Anuonncu- IboiA ...^ lull partlculam. free, a-ldre** C. \. FLKM1NG. 1'rluctpal. Eugenia Mills AM) Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired, also PI. i:. in - *nd Matching, Baud S;iw- J, \\imiJ Turning of every des- -.'.i. I'liui'iu' ;.ud Gram Chop- oao while you wait, for thi Beaver turns the wheel. T. H \V1LSI Manager A FAMILY GROUP Is lally eijuipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- lect tlas; of \vork. All kinds i>i picture; t.ikcn and finished in a style equal to any city work, \vh: Ic the prices are lower. Pic! are dont in all its brauche3. If you have shopping to do and pictures to %ul taken on lliesainc day ploase attend to the latter lir-^t. Careful at- tention will be iMven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. TO THE FJBLIC. Having ri'iit' u -' in"''" l/lackinil'li ibop for a I..IMJ nf >. 1,1- t am now III a potlUou to i At .1 10 all -!.u iu irrr I, n a Speciaty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. F>f anything iu the blivukiiiiitliinR line !i uu F, A. BUNT, i>kH..ii.i lii.*it.ln..i Hardware *tor*. M A Kill AUK I.ICKN8KS. Mud da* or ni;;itat tht olliotor rtuidence of ttir iinrlnrfltKiied. DIVISION >rUTCI,B .COMMISSIilNl.il in lit I. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary i- JOHN W. AHMSTKONO. - FLMBCBTOII. M JiauWn, Markrtale. do a gennral tanking )ni- Ineu. Moooy loaned al a reasonable raU. (all on tu. V H. HAMMOND. I'ont Mauler. Klniberley. Coromlnlonvr for takiiu; Affidavit! etc. Inturee and loam money at love*t rate*. Execute* Lea***, Deed*, Will*, etc. promptly, cheaply tud efficiently. T> J.8PBOI PoetniaMer.FU-aherton, Corimifomlouer iu 1). K., I.ic nirrl / uctioiieer, Cotif>ni ir, A praUer and IJoney I.n.U-r. Keal Kitate airl Insurance A-nt. Dwd, Mortua^e*. Lease*, ni Will* drawn up ami Valuatlout tua.le on bortett uotlce. Auction Bale* attended to in any part of the County. Money to luau at low et rate* of intermit. Collection* attao.lcd to with |iroutntuHH aii'l d*i>atcb Charge* low. Atirtit (o. tha Dominion btoauiahip Company, cbeap ticket* from Fleiliuiton to l.ivrrixHil. Ulan^ow, Ijomlon or any of tht) llriltib port*. Partlei Intending to vUlt l.nnln.I. tifollaml <>r Ireland, will p!eae ek rate* before purcbaiiiK tlieir ticket* elsewhere. VI r-uml of Hobt. Malir. of Kurlln. (formally, (violin): Mrs. liratiley, of Toronto Conservatory &luic-, I'l-J Kurrinon, lute of Toronto, il'i will loc.'U.. piii'i;* in Hl.scilMi, UOUN. I'l- ANOand OHOAX. J)K HUTTON. M. D. C. II., JI.C. P. * 8. Out. Prleovllle. Be*klwce auil oflioe one door weit of tbe Moth ocliitUiurcli.Kiiironi Ht. OAoe dayf, Tuesday* and Saturdays. Tjll CAHTKB. M c ! A | MM ruyali-lan. nr ( jeon. etc, Floiberton office -Strain* b uok. Keaidance Vluntliaw'aUoteJ. JOHN A. SC'D'IT. M. B. Member Collejte Pliynle. A Sargeon*. Ontario Oraduate In Mnlifiiic ( lOron-u 1 ii!vor*lty. PaOei .. l'o*t Urailuat* Medical Bobeol ml MII- |ntl, CiiicaKo. DltraMWof eve, * ar, now ar.rt thrnat >]'. inlly trrated. Reel- dcuo Maxwell, vtelUFerenrtauiTburnday* 1- J P.OTTK\\ ill Vftcrlnaiy Pua; on. Ormlimlo of Ontario Vi.U'inni . fi'll>-i<. )l>"iiliice Neit door oull: i , niiini; fn- tin > 1 M. D.M. f. &B.,Ont..praotloeiat Kim berly. Uln-uiualic iliteaiiuf t |<eciallty. Jcnti$tvij. J F.MAHSJIAl.l,, I. h - orntlit. Vlilt. Markdnle lli lt inn! ..i. I \Vilup*ilay of each nioutli Fleaborton Kacb trip on the day following. J W. 1 LOST. Kari'itr, Solicitor, ronyrvuncer. Etc Kli'kli* ":*' tli'- | "'*t office Hjironle'i liiillillin;, on Tliiirtday*. Oweu Sound otlice 1 ICAh.v \\UKIHT, Barrl>torn. Ho'lrlloni, Couv.'vunr-ri. etc., Onc-ii noiind. On.t MiiikdnUv W. II M'ni I H I N. 11. Flusburton office, Ultcaell'i Bank, every Wt'dneMday. SOCIETIES. AIM' \\ incKtHerory flrt anil tlilnl Mon <Uv Hi i'i-li iiionili, IM their Indue > loll Ht - : !n I .. Johnston. M \\ . U I H. MM , \\ . order. VlnitlUft Brethoru liivlturt. ROYAI, TKMPLUIH OP TF.M IM'.UANfF H.'Kiilur ( I.UM. II niMtx fv.iry nt and th'rd Ttiedav ovunhiK IB "-li uionili. in Sprnqle'* block at B p. in Frlei t deti'ee Itniaraneal mwM >nonthlv. tli. preendln| ili OOXH OK TKMPEBANCE.-Tbll KM.lety iTl i ' t" lr 1'lirUto.i- Hall iven \( . I iy pveniiiK at 8 p.m. Vldtiiitt broth- ereu Invited. Inturauce In cuniitfi lion. YM.l'. >l. A., iiieetin tlmlr litll, ClirlnUHi'i lil'.ck cvi-r trjt ami third Tliumda> In eacli month. \\ in. Mjar|i, Maitur. T. Clayton Beorttary. PUlNrh- AUTIII'K l,(,!i,iK. MO. MS, A F .* *. M . i..ul in the Mftnnnlo 11.11. Strain , Itlnok, ItMharton, ( .v.-rv Friday nu or li.f"... Ih.. full mrmn. A. B. VauduMU \V M li .1. S|:r,,nl... ... rotary. Us THE CELEDKATED B.Laurance HPUTAI LKH ad LVLCLASSEH F. Q. A Mimif soft Horror. l)K 1'KnPI.E XTRNEI) TO DEATH BY A TKtUIIIil.K KDKC.ST flK.t St. l'.illl,S.-|,l. 'J ;ily till- wlucli iMX'imijmiiioil tlie 1 in lie i-iu-il in - with the terrible scorn ud ex|n'rifin-4; yutnr>lKy in tin- I!.NII-I which wf|.t I'ini i- <>f I'iiid, KI-UIIL-IK-I: Hiid t'arltmi Ci>uiniu* f MllUlfHiitil Hllil I'.lirlH-l I 'Hilly, \Vil- ciuiaiii. At \va'. 4UO ctrl< m' f.iunlies iunl other* V.ITO Imnnil to death <>r Hiitl'oL-ntod before the flame* rt*iwli.l tlirni, ;unl tlio ili-.-t'li lut limy line nttotlier liun- UrtU or more. Tho people "f Hint-kluy, v-liicli ;ui prudiioniiu ti>vu in 1'n.f ('.unity, Iu nxiltM s-iuthwest ( Duluth an- now il>-:iil <>r hmuvltMi and destitut.. At a ciinrvative eBiimate 2&0 i,.- n, mill cliildruu i.f this d<>Mi<tl re. uunblu tt> ecai> fnu the Hiwiftly H>lvaiiciug Hainea. T!n-y M\ mi the ntilroml tracks or ou the old TorritoriaJ-road, either to b* crcniatud ur I. ' iiif tliu nil >if nn-rciful t!o:itn of lutfocatioii liy the cluudi of deawe smoke nt.tl licat-lndt-11 aiuuwpliuit;. TK nuin- i i i >( i-i.rojen already recovered from tlie lil u-k.'ii. d waste at anil around lliuckley i 150, the majority buini; women aud cliiUlrcit who hud not tho *lrfiii>th to li-ljl tlit deitmyer, or eacajia l>y fleeing tu n pUce of wilety. Si far can lie Ivaruvd lit thu tiiiit! from the devuUied district the following Uiim have b<>n deatroyod und the f flowing are dead in tiiinilx-iit : IlincKley, Mum., 1000 to 1200 iiilml.itiints, J.'.O to :iU> dead : 500 in I.IHI l:.nni !.-. 1'oke^niua. Minn., next tUtimi aouth .>st of Hkockley ou St. Paul and Duluth road, 50 dead. Muaioii Creek, luuth of Hi'ickJey, 10 dead. Haiidatoiiv Juiirt:n, MIIIU., next ht iiimi ii..it!i i.f Hinckley uu St. Paul in <1 1'uluth road, 'M Uuad. Satidatune, aecoud nation uortli of Hiuckley, on tin- K.i.ttrin Kond, 00 dead. ( 'i"inell, Mniii., (-'atlti.u County, dead unknown. Sh,-, 1 Ijike, ll.iroimtte, iJran- iie Ijke, (\inilH!il;iiid, I'mevill**, C'om- itock. and K.unt City, lumber towns in \\ iscouiin, between Chiuewa FnlU and Btti>eriur ftxl RpoutMC, Wu, partly de- in.yii!. The nun.U-r of dead iu the \\ is.-on.iiii to-i, aud other parts of the country, IMU..U Chippewa Fall* mid Mi]., i ior in i-.-tliniKU-d at 100 i^jrsnim. I'll.- lire it tiding violnutly over & Ittr- r.i.ii y 10 miles kijuaic. A ktur dutpatcli i)t tlnkt tux tuwii* have l>ceii wi|xl out of existence by the of life hiuthuc-n Kiiiut'.iing awful, the I'staiiutf* i.ui^iu^ nil tl.c \vy ii.'in (00 to 4 00. One cnrrep< indent ciiunt.il ill!' duad bodie*. Kuh> SAM. MTRHAV, \VTIHM in;: l>in-rnRs HAH l-Kf'.Mil -.I'l.l' VN i-.. I |. vl:l i , .|||.l. UN I>*CK - Now AI \ i-oi: A 1110 Ll'MBKR CUM.Elt.N. N..tth rUy, S, t .t. :i. S.ua Murray's II .UK- 1 om> !h:il hill oftp.l tiullll-il HI iiewx|iapvr coluinna cluv.in; ihc puitt ri'jli ' in. i. .thu bwMtue In- Man i-U'fl of iMrnl.Mtm and lilmxl poiniiiiiti 1 .' 1> l>mlii'- Kidot-y PI||H, nfttrhalf k(li>/en i'hy-M luul (in ii'-innvil I, uu .-in iiuiinil.le On the Htrcn^tfi of iihysu'inix' ccrtiflcatrH, Murray wax paid In. tlik-ibility claim Uy the flrnnd IVunk. Sinn- he wan i-nrcil by Dodd's Kidney IMK I im H tiral i-l.ix, i-.^l, by Itiiilin-.- lifo msiiiHiKi! nuiiuaiiy. About n yc'tti il-^ii, l:i- 1,'ot n |>o.sitl<iM ;tH f.iri-lllltll f -I 1 llir bii/ luinlivr COIK-I i n ol l)i\ iiKmi ,\L HIIV, ot Toiiinto, nnd thu fact that hu WH. ublt- laUsjIaeVeilll toutii-nd h. the tryiiw du- t Kiich a pohit ion, ii m|>le ot the pfiiuuieucy of hw cure. A Toy farmer li two acrei of iwner pea* iu bloom. This in a new industry with " million* in it " The crop utn Ui sn'il lit u hixh iitfure. Danirl III / i': .|.rieti.r and Pub'.inhiT of thi' 1 1 uu Inn i: ( (i.i , ln<lep>'iii)cnt s us : ''1 was auth-riii'4 fr- in l>\-p.p.-ii tnil l,iv. IT I I, Mil. If, 1 Imili H fllW bollltf* I. ,Nilll,.|| N \'ii,il/; r anil il cured nit). 1 can heartily .ipiu'uil it." ThoH. Iiorkin, a Patmu hariieai-inaker doing hinne*J at Shelhiiuif, wan told ont by thenhvritf. LMt. Friday Thornton Elliott, it farmer living A few mile* from Dmditllc, lost IIIR barn nnd contents thiouijh luish the. There wt>r almut ttui 'mn. of h*v and hv,- acris of hurley, we rv told, in th barn tit the time. Mr. Klliolt \uw l-n-'i \,-<\- unfortunate. Only a few w. UH '.- . h hii.l his leg broken and i* iitill confined to the hoitae with It. --Herald. Ithi-iiiiiitt l^iit < iir-d In DH> Snlltll Allll-lH-.HI Illli-lllllllt Kill ClI!,', fur Rlieiiniatiiin and .N.-nrak'm. radically i-un-s III 1 to .'I (lavn. 1(8 action upon the Hvatoiu IH rinrUble and uiyft'triuu*. U r)ini.Vi- nl unco the ou* and the din. t;jiiiiine'IUtely ilisnpjii-ai-.. The lint henxhia. Jf> ceuU. Kobt-rt Mi. iri . n, i.f Siirjlmiu[iton,^i il 75 yean, wria out tuhin^ on Kii- dy ftnd when retiM-imi-,' ira< tuvn by amiie oei^MxirA t.i iii!4. tily fall down when about half it mile frnii hi.< n-si'i Tln-y r.in to liis :. H,,-.', but on their arrival found life c Xfinct. Deceased was iiti old und roHp' living nlxiut tlire.- n.ili-s fn^n I. ithn third Hii.hii-.i it. i'h in-curing n. ii.-uliK ..rhi) ml l,iU-:_v I'-iill H-art liM-ax- !{<;. c\ ;! in :;o Ilin ill > i Heart gives pvrtVct re!n-t' in ,-ili OH- - 1 S\ ri]i:l,.-n ll.-iirt I>ii-a.- in > :> run- Ii >-> ;i peerlrMi : ri..o, Sli.iriiifS* ill I>i- nth. Siii-iilii-ninj Si- Pain in Left Sul.- ;IM! a!! s> mp'oiiK of a Diaeaaed Hv.u, ( >u<- d.,u convince*. S.4U l,y W.K. i: Mr. Uoli l.':tf.nl, 1,-ft at Monitor oAoe 'iunpr of ,i new fruit niiufd t'r., i, n!n, !i really .fill It is i ,-i., . Ii :,.,-,, ; , plttW atl4 peadv fmitaki-n 'f lii.-i|u-i of both. Mr. flawtti ha* awereJ ti. IIIH on-hard with ipiiti ii i-i..; fo i!io a^e of tho treM.-Moi.it. ii. A Komi to llnrscnrrii. Gn b .tt'. of Kllijllsll SpHll'l l.lllillllll' . reawved a ewb faMi n > l.n*. J take pl.-iiMir.' in recoiuiiii-nili.i.' '!- n-tu, - it actH with my mi],' i,.-. i, i!,,. itiiioval from liontw tt li.od. Koft nrntl- liMSSed lunip. blo-id <|Mn.)iliiil. corbi, .svtevny, lilies and ip> KOI BB I!. Fan. M.vkliiitn. Oi Sold ly \V. E. ltii-li,\r,!s..i,. DONT DESPAIR . KIDNEY Will CURE YOU ' ' ure any ee^^HHMn. I.i.mbsgo. . Female n funded. in. ill on SliJUV. "IIS. L. A. SMITH ot CO.. Toronto. CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS,! ^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATETHELIV' ONE PILL AFTER CAT! N S ' INSURES GOOD DIStSTIOH. I PRICEZ5 CTS.TH AN EMINENT MINISTER REV. W. S. BARKER OF PETERBORO. Mr. W. 8. Barker is a yoanj minister of Peterboro who has by his great earnestness and able exposition tl the doctrines of the Bible earned for himself a place amongst the foremost ministers of Canada. He, with his most estimable wife, believe in looking after the temporal as well s the spiritual welfare of mankind, hence the following statement for publication : "I have mnch pleasure in re commanding tho Great South Amen can Nervine Tonie to all who are dieted as I have been with nervous prostration and indigestion. I found rerj great relief from the yr/ first bottle, which was strongly recom- mended to me by my druggist. I also induced my wife to use it. who, I most say, was completely ran down and was suffering very much from general debility. She found great relief from South American Nervine Mid alto cheerfully recommends it to her fellow-sufferers. " KKV. W. a BAUBR." It is now a Mientifle fact that cer- tain nerve centres located near the baee of the brain have entire control over the stomach, liver, heart, lungs and indeed all internal organs ; that is, they furnish these organs with the necessary serve fore* to enable bem to pcrfena their respective Whea UM nerve ceatree an force is diminished, and at a result the stomach will not digest the food.k the liver becomes torpid, the kidneys will not act properly, the heart and lungs suffer, and in fact tho whole system becomes weakened and sinks jj on account of the lack of nerve force.! South American -Nervine is based on the foregoing scientific discovery JJ and is so prepared that it acts directly on the nerve centres. It " immediately increases the norrooa energy of (he wholo system, thereby enabling the different organs of the body to perform their work perfectly, when disease at once disappears. It greatly benefits in one day. Mr. Solomon Boml, a member of tlie Society of Friend?, of Darlington, Ind., writes: "I have u^u six bottles of Sooth Americau Nervine and I consider that every bottle did for me one hundred dollars worth of good. because I have not had a good night's sleep for twenty yean oa account of irritation, pain, horrible dreams, and general nervous pros- tration, which has been caused b/ chronio indigestiou and dyspepsia of the stamaeh, and by a broken down condition of my nervous system. Bat now 1 can lie do wo and deep all night M sweetly as a baby, and I j feel like a sound man. I do not j think then has ever beea a madieine ' introduced into this toBvtry, whiea 1 will at all esnpai* with tai* Kor rale by >Vm.

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