Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1894, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL, XIV.NO. 681 FLESHERTON. ONT THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 1894. W.fl. THURSTON iOITOKa PZCP'H.t Can you see well ? V Is your sight oo<i ? rroton Million The recent beneficent showers ar ORDER YofR Fall Suit -AND ever FH Oltr M>' i H'lriit. The most familar object here at is tiie fhreahim; machine. The yield so thoroughly w far i* satisfactory, with the exception of It is rumored that an important find the late crou, which is a little light in has boon nuule, here, in r'nat clay suitable wei.'hi. fr M-ikinit tlie bat cement i*ible baa An ainiy, far less than what won .vered on the farm of J. H. Waterloo, could have taken r'rototi Duckott. We sincerely trust that this last week, wiug to the inhabitant* tak- >* *o that an important manufacture IUL' in the Toronto Industrial. mii'ht be started here. It i* undenlood Mrs. Mary Slienmn's brick residence that a sci.- '.enian has a specimen is nearly constructed. Me*srt. Wright "f the clay nuw uuder examination in .V M lK>nald, of Flesherton. Jid the brick Montreal, work, and very creditably it lias been Visitor* still ketp frequenting our If not we have sometliiug to tt-ll vou. Have you noticed tlmt on*- of \ . i- tliau tlt otlicr ? In ninety-ninf eases oiu of a limiiiivil this is a fact. Un- der the old style of tilling glasses botli crystals were nf a like power. \Vc have the facilities for testing Ilia eyes. and can fit you a pair of glasses to exactly suit tlie power of performed, plea-am grove and rock sceuery from dif vision of eacli eye. We can suit yotir ease perfectly and; Mr. R. Howell has much improved hi* ! furent pon Come iu an 1 gel a pair and renew h"ii*e by a new coat of paiut. Howev.-r. Thoee animal* which are notd for their Overcoat 71016* 0,71, . guarantee satisfaction. your youth. c. jr. Armstrong Bros. Jewellers FLESHERTON. Repairs, Repairs D. 3IcTavisb, Flesherton Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, kn p> .i hand Repairs for Xasse; Harris, & Koxon, Fleor; ani VilkinsoD Bros, FARM IIV1 PLEMENXS. Plows: Fleury ami Ve ity unhand all the titne,.. all kind;, of repairs for the saiU' 1 . \V uiaaufacture Wn^ons, I'liiirxi*-!", Cut Sleighs, etc. Horseslioeing luoinpilv atten.l. .1 i i. 8pcia! itu-ntiou to tender or contraitul feot. Logging and Plow Chains constintly on linu.l. you should stand to lour color, Dick. perfume and which seem to be around Mr. .lame* Hodgins U al< erecting a \ here in larye, n-jmbers.are not as welcome il*ellni'4 in town at present. He is the ** 'he ^eramain. rt of fellow, as he IN furuishin^ Eugenia was well represented at the erurythiiiv! himself. National Exhibition, the following rasi- R*a: at laat ! Mr. T. \Vy dents enjoying the >i^hts n'ii3 benefit* of present the happiest man in town, beinu the _;reat *how. Mrs. Samuel Pedlar .ST., welded last week 'o on- of Iniiti. <^e'i Mrs. Jan mi. Mr. <i. Larimer finest dan -Ictinie Ni lul, "'' family, Messrs. F. T. Carr, J. A. > second youngest daughter of Mr. W n,. Williams, W. Williams. *>. Plant, W Xichol. Mr. Wyvili, to show His approci- Campbell and W. <joodhaui. Mny of the bovi on such an occasion, u* who stayed behind have heard many also that sleep would be n. mrereatini; and instructive recitals of 1 tendered them a few .loilnrs. \\\ trn*r 'many iVmures. Every one seems to have i that the troubled *e;v of m.-itrim -my m.iy u-c-1 their opportunity to the fullest SX- be always as caliu as possible for the ''"' a "d learned vari .u object lesson*. hapi<y io\i|<).-. y all were loaded with basket* >J Mr*. T. Lock hart i* spending a week delicious fruits. I*OT with friends in AI1U; It is expected that a lary crowd from og of the new Tan '!" * rt *'" P*"" """ > Exhibition I 1!lirk lluv " r ' ' r hi * *Irti. , Mr^Y'rYo^'ha. returned from a Tk ; ment uext week. . r ,, f rlt . m u u, the CUV. Her daughter, Mr Ai^\ H l.-v, who lias spent the j Mamie, hail a sr-'ere illuew while there nmmer iu Bnmpti.n, is lio.iie (ptin ;" i make it happy. Another To,,, will V'/' ^"^rh^fUKh- * Maa th? f.i.'.u ot \\ . WUSOB, M t>, coo. ; be m:ide happy, bur at present i' is a i. . i ;; | se.-ret. The cans will then ivt a i Kail* is purchann;, . MERCHANT T\:: HEX fo ..-I! ujr obuMB and ccMupUu lii> u( N'inerv >-.,. i. n.i Mod potat- of* H' :;llel *aJnjv .,.: adaetaa paW w<Mkl;. p..inu ana pot.itiauuuarmQt.wd and spnisas aku (uodnMii. SiMoial UavaMwavtacs n i^.^ ace not nei-MMr' AI.LKN \ '\ .'((. U.owan A kS*S*VSSi WIITEB S1LESNEI line of V Nursery Co., w ^r GENTLEEN TO XNNorNCK that I bavo taken over the Carriage and Wa^on making basinets lately carried on by Mr. Moore, and am noiv prepared to till all orders in my line to yonr entire satisfaction. Having lately adik'd t<> my sixtffii y. urs' i xpr- rience in the business a nine mouths' training in our of :,ln bt-!>t ^."viai;o shops in tliL eity nf Detroit, whero I xttceeedt-d iu carry im; oft a first cla.-s recouimeudation, o:i^lit to be a snfficifut ii'iara that all wn'.'k will Lc dime in a tir>t rl.i>s tnainur. I mannfuctnie WagOOS. Hu<!Kios, Ciutors. Sleigl.s ; 111 fact ovrytliini,' in the car . Wood aud lumbor taken m exchaugu. Kitully yive me a call. 1). OL. ^.114*. FlesLeitou. Next door to McTavish's blacksmith shop. M.-:il'..r,l Road. yii'lrmt. Mi Li/r.ie AjiJers 1:1, of (ilenely. is at her *itets' (le<>. Hutchin>n, is rutting Miw V " . fiien-U in Toronto. Mr Ji.!,n Simmon, if Owen Sound, an.l Mr. T ,. from FN spent !.-tot Sabbath with their brother. in ti iliood for nhi|<|>ini{. M I' K tiilhUnd raiaeil anew barn anl Mr H Surns hnci4Upletd lu-st..ne nail m-oii which he is t.. place hu dwell- ing. announce 'lit dent - .uni.-i IVdUtr, jr-i. only .III-, old. I'nroillr : tllt. Tlie h.inc-f h.Jlie festn.il helit on th ..: iv w is not a hi.:iiKi.il u. 1 1-., no iloubt to tii B.>wlcwikupto(lwei> Sound . cvoryln-i. -hi.-.hii -. the leritival lacked '.e last week on the jury. S..me person or |i.-r>ns witfre.1 Mr. Th.,n, (Jilbrrt's ore-hard ll Fri.Uy . ni^Iu an.i r,M.ovt the rc-ks from i.tu- of rii out the romb Jinl :n> the rack" in all diit-cli. in It ",- a i,.,.i. trick and if the otfcmLr* could b found they *h..uM le pjotehed. The Ep-.vonli I tas.M-i.Hl time at the church last Fiiday eveuins. A wei highly ;.-. U ' '' To the Public in general or all intruding pnrcht.Hrs of Buggies, Carts and Democrats to call your attention to niv s|iriii^ stock. Kindly give n.r a call and you will be convinced. 1 nso uotliinx but fimt-v luateiial. ('nine and judge for yourselves. Hepaiinig sluctly attciidcd to, also painting and muic.recitutions -iwwches was rendered and altogeth- er au etijoyaMt} evenii g was (pent. Hob R.y. Uarveatinif, a thimc of the pasi. is tr>w xuiiplnnted by the busy hum of rhe thresh- ers Xotw'thstandiui: th tlrm'^ht lh* output sew us to be well up to tlie average. Rev. .) LAUII; has opened a series nf re- vival meetinu* t Zioii. Lurge rd crowds WvM SOOVIBV ;n '1 bunfuiu turn out an.l witll the Basistanoe. if several other rev. lirelhern a general revival i ex|>ecteil. .I' B. T. WHITTEF, Flesherton. Farm of 120 lav for Sals, Farm lot No II M I'.i. T.-w Ini. .( ! In ttoCou r \ rontkining 140 aorwt ID sores u vatioi' ail fret- froni. tuuips or lfino. nh i..[; Kiil.liiieo. liardwoo<l buh c. .m-lstiri: of ,n\.: MI. 1 birch, with u ^...> t c. ,Ui .wnMi.t of . larK ! triM-ti I'ln. Mltlaa K<~ ahty and linnlv : mil,- ( m K', bi.it. ... t:"'i and abO'i- 4 ' . I, . I- ..... Station oil teC. PR. Thcn>i a'v i.illl ,.niv i, mil" i lot. A I >o.l titla will h Kivrn an i tlir I icliaMir i ,, . <KWV term I 1 i<rm<>nt. rac further )iartUskan apply to t..v- UWUW, illis 1'ATIIKKINK * Firi fir Sale or A Kare Chance. ' C*oR Sale or Kxchnnxxi for vtlla pmrarsy In ,.K*n.M-t,,ii. Klohrtoo station. Maxwoll. s u hniii|.ton. ..r Fevvrahar.. , a valuabla Farm of l"7 aero on* mile north of Klmbarlvv In tbo lt-vr vallv, Tp. of Gupbraaia Ou tin priu- MBar* a>*M IraaM hon-m. hru and drl honv ln a oo<l o-xliard and well supplied with wtr. Ai'i-ly to W. 4 4TM*N. ^K I for rtTdoaaam Kir u. u.,r .f S,,nni,Me, ws. up h"..luni{ the hnny triln- U^ wek *.,d ro- I'or^ unking a big haul. Mr. and Mr*. Siin{jsi>ii, of Barrio, whu have I.een HpeiiduiK h-rt vac.it iw with Mr Mullin have ruturne.l I, .me a a <un. Mr. O. Smith who diiriiu the |>a summer has lieen troubled with dni(y is a.Kt- rtixcim-nt . r n- t ct-. viz. : gradually bec..i,,nix worse. H'irec-.Jery " k _/" r .^, d "- wo '""'. k T*>> fUwinil att.-ndeJ tin- 1* doubtful. Mr. Rolnn.1 mot with a oevt-rwacc dont hie "f 'he pulleys broke ami falling to the floor H'riick him on the ami. l>re*tkni.' it Mr. Kola'il is now on ih iuinl u>l will soun be guiiu aruund with hi* uaual alacrity. Durini; iho past two weeks the Baptist* have bwn holduur iiiewting* in the acrxml houae. but, owiaf tii h dii>m<hl cli-d uo. '!',.. .... i.. (*xhibifion : Mi-s-ri ,Io|\n *MHI; " '" -'"hn M,- \rthnr. Alex Hi.i*n. l>onx;il Moi'or mack, DM Nl. I.i. ii'an, lfcn. I'amulnfll, Mr. .1 Mn. Thou. O.nkey. Mr and Mr. NV J i;i,k.t..,,. M,,. Keo Trvon id MISH.H M. McI^olttM ttl LSmipann. Mm Maxjiie MvIm-> left for C.duary Mi"* Sura Hxno'ersoo returned to the Qu^n I'i'v l'iv '<Vediied.iy The Heni il ctvunitttiaiiei* of Mr. .Toh'i Conkey, of OuiUmu. b.ri^l\tned our burg I st Sunday I^MOND PILLS CONSTIPATION. ^BILIOUSNESS. r^ DYSPEPSIAS SICK HEADACHE. RESULATETHEUVLR ONE RILL AFTtR ATir.S INSURES GOOD OiSESTION PRICE 25 CTS.T"PODB'S M T II .v ver. win.: the festival lacked in <rv it mail* "p for in '|udit,-. An aaaole amount : <-iri'o!e W.M by the l.i ii- w;i iieU> and tastefully u. t. d wi'h tin- fruits ami ijianm of the aoii. l^lic pnni'aiame was oi.e of the b,-<i ever s.ibiuit c-il t" i I milieiicf. The n^'ii . ln-omoi-.'. 1'r ! r i-n I JVilrerv .11 H. Tucker II M. il . ' M 1. ,:i turn- I'Jineiiial m:iic for the iwca;. n. The i'i lr.-<-. by the U I ' \|. I., i .1: i Mi 1; prrl em very i ii.terectui',' ai.d instru. ".v> . Tim chair! was HCCMI ic.l by t',- H^\ . Mr. Hsrilev. wli.we pleHMint retiwrk^ here a nl 'i were well received. I'r. .-. >-.U U.iit fr-'M Mr '-lirr ha<l ne of h:< afm^ b.uily l.r. k.-n l:ir S, ( -'inl.iv wlnln m the i. t .1 f.:i:-' _ ii the i-yiinder be.t of a IliitchlDtf. nly the fair ground* [.resent- I'll car tie ato'ind. while men -tinl oovs with sticks and win;* ^af ''it the fence or stootl uiiiin! rtid h:li- they dincn*- cjiinlitifit of Ineir stock, or la- ' m. ttil oief ill-' low p'Kfs A for tht ai. .t|>i.es.rmii-f mervly lo l.M-k on, a* only f. -in heml of the larxe numln-i ( ,-. sent chntis;rd hsi'iln. Anyone enter'iv,' Mr .1 1) I.rown's -.[.]. will see on the show ca** 1 thin neatly written, uni'pie. Uslf fun-whole e.ii-ne*f A Little Daughter Oi a Church of England minister Cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD I'.iKKS. the wdl-known Druggist, .'(.7 McUill St., Montreal, 1'. y., says: I have old Ayer's Family Medicinxa foe JO years, and have heard nutlkint; but food said of them, I know of man, - Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer>a S^rsaparilla, o'a* ij particular being that of a littla daughter of a Church of England mini*- sr. The child was (iterally covered from head to foot with a red and e*- eeedingly tiouUaaom* 7al, (rotn which she had suffered for two or three yean, in spite at the best medical treatment available. Her father wa* in grant distress about the case, and, at BIT gaommeadation, at laat began to ad- minister Ayer's S.irwparfll .. ' .. . hot. tie* oi which tffe. u ^ n complete euro, much to her relief n.l fair father'*. delight. I am. lure, were he here to-day . >e would testify in, <-he atronjeat teraaa a* to the menu | Ayer's Sarsaparilla va*Mi by Dr. J. C. ATW k Cos lvU, MM^ urQthr, will cure you

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