Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1894, p. 3

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UTLTIIP THAT V QiW TQ IV I John .Jacob Astori. the inventor o.' an WflAl UflUiLD uAffl ID Ai. automatic road sweeper, on which be has ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. lalrrv.l In ten r oeaesu *a4 Mirth Mesa ni. Belly Bec*rV Bo*ton has a floating hospitaL American railroad* hav* 35,000 locomo- tive*. The 23,000 newspaper* in America em- I loy -200,000 men. New York ha* a temperance society that permits moderate drinking. Th* Johnsons outnumber th* Smith* by / , 700 in the Chicago directory. x On*- third of tb* deaths among American Indians an do* to consumption. United State* Fish Commissioners an hatching 50.000,000 lobster *f gr. One of the largeet sassafras tre** in this country in Central park, New York. Most of American slat* i* qnairied in Eastern Pennsylvania aad New England. secretary Greaham is the prize smoker of the Cabinet. Hi* allowance of cigars is 30 a day. The thirty-two teeth in the mouth of John McUarby, of Salmon Kails, Mas*., an all double. The dredging of Ogdensbnrg aarbor, for which $20,000 is ..vvilable, will shortly be commenced. Report* from Arkansas indicate that the cotton crop will be the largest ever picked in the State. Th* easterns authorities of Boston hav* decided that the work* of Zola are immoral, but not obscene. Major Fred Br a. ket t will b* general man- ager of the Baltimore centennial exposition to b* held in 1897. A 1-ttle ston in Philadelphia has this sign beside the door : " Coal, oil, wood, mUk and other notion*. " The Hotel Guernsey at Asbnry Park was burned. The go**!* escaped and lost noth ing but their clothe*. A planter in Apalachicoel, Fia., ha* grown an immense cabbage ; a iingl* stalk with four well-developed head*. Di. Burteell, who has just returned from Rom*, says the papal delegation to America i* to be a permanency. Th* only surviving full rank lieutenant general* of tb* Cjnf*d*rac> are) Generals Gordon aad Longsinet. Miss Elizabeth Fleming has boen ckossn court crier in th* United State* District Court in Portland, On. Gonotal A. J. Pleaaanton, originator of the bin* glass theory, died at hi* bom* in Pliladeiphla, aged S6 yean. After a oourtehip of two hour* Jas. Wood aad Mia* Mary Stewart were married recently near Yoongitown, O. A pessengir who arrived from Havre at New York th* other day was nmmT-1 in the steamer** list a* J al*s Verne. At Red- Cliff, CoL, a woman candidate for Mayor, was defeated at a neon t election r Urgely by th* vote* of women. Th* water that pours over the Falls of Niagara is washing ths rook away at tb* rate of fiv* yard* in four yean. Among Kdisou recent paten U ie one for an unproved form of lamp filament and a method of magnetic ore (operation. Then ar* more artesian well* in Califor- nia than any other state in th* Union. One county claim* 45 T of the** well*. Sam Stevenson, of Michigan, .s ths rich- est member of the lower bouse of Congress. He i* tall and thin and wears hand-me-down clothe*. Th* New York Central ha* consolidated the New York aud Chicago limited with it* north shere limited between New York and Chiang*. It cost George U* Johan, of -New Orleans, a fine of f 117 the other day for pluckbig three ran exotic flowers in Fairmonnt Park, Philadelphia. It is said th* first bore* wa* brought to thi* continent in 1518. There an now in the United State* slons 14,056,730 horses, valoed at SV4 1 ,000,000. Heading receiver* hav* agreed to the plan for the rehabilitation of th* toad drafted by aanb-committee of the Karl Oloott reorgani- zation committee. An order ha* been issued by the New York Central and Hudson River railroad forbidding the employment of father and on on the same engine. One meal a day i* all that i* eaten by th* K*v. John 3. Kberle, of <; leu dale. Pa , and that u eaten at noon. For thirty year* thi* ha* bsen hi* habit. Charles Mcllvain*,an American expert on fungi, claims to hav* eaten toll nnsls ol over 400 specie* of toadstool* without ever having been poisoned. A trust mortgage for $1,200,000 on 139 mile* of th* *a*t end of the Burlington, in eluding tb* equipment and depot ground* in Chicago, ha* been filed. After ju. laments aggregating $83, JW had been secured against Weber Brothers, Milwaukee dry good* firm, a receiver w a*ked for and appointed. Mi* Kitty Wilkin.of Idaho, i* theowner '* of a brown mare named Mollie, who, al though 38 yean old, ha* just become the mother of a handaom* colt. Biddsford. Me., has a 98-year old physi citn. Dr. Weetbrook Farrar, who is still in aotiv* practice, and, what i* stil! more as- tonisbing, visit* patient* on a bicycle. Brooklyn has eight mile* of water front, when ovtr $300,000,000 of good* an stored every year. It i* ths fourth Amerioan city .n manufactures, producing over $lSO,i>U, <JOO a year. Clifford Breckiaridge, of Arkansas, n oently appointed. Minuter to Kusua, once declined to right a duel on the ground that he was then studying for the Presbyterian ministry. It U estimated that no lea* than $100 IDMI reached the tressurie* of the mieuon. ary sooieti** during 1S93 from the Christ tan Endeavor so.-ieiie* in th* various denominational churches. A freak of nature, a large tree which possess tb* characteristic* of a pie* and an oak, may b* seen near Athbornnaiu, Mas* In ths fall of th* year pine bur fall en M sld and aooroi OB the other. tak*n out a patent, and which, it is claim- ed, will be of great service in clearing road* of dust and other obstruction*. A Kciton syndicate has purchased tb* Eiffel Tower, and that strnctun will b* brought there. Th* promoter* of the Bal- timore centennial celebration, which i* te be held in 1897, ar* said te be the purcha*- n. William Armstrong, of Norwalk, Ohio, died recently at the age of 98 yean and four months, left *ix daughter* and on* aon,and grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-grsat-grandchildrao to the nfth gen- eration. John Boyd Thatcher, of Albany, N. Y.. ha* presented that city with the original bill signed by Queen Anne and Earl Godol- phin to compensate Albany's tint mayor. Peter Sciuyler.for taking four Indian chiefs to England in 171". A company of Philadelphia capitalist* is negotiating for the purchase of a volcano of Popocatepetl. The company proposes to construct a railway up the mountain to mine th* sulpnr in the crater, and ship it to th* United State* for sal*. A promoter in California propose* to build an electric railway through th* mountains, six'.y-two mile* to the Yooemite V alley, sad by utilizing th* water power furnnh electric light and .notor* for al that region. About 4,000 tourist* vmt the Y oeemite every year, paying $3j ea.h for tb* (tags rid*. A peculiar incident happened recently in ron nee uon with the rifle practice of a N< York regiment at the New Jersey State camp at Si a Girt. While one of th* offitt wa* faring at a target 300 yard* away three blackbird* flew across the rang* and at th* crack of th* rifle on* ef tb* bird* fell Up- on examination it wa* found that the ballot had gone through the body of the bird, aad, without deviation, had buried itaolf in the centre of the target. THE ANTIQUITY OF TENNIS. II U ine eldr, nll-Casar r lory Ba* a Brrerel. Adding- a Small Plant Room. The addition of a bay window for th* accommodation of plants means the tearing away of a considerable portion of one side of a room, and frequently makes th* room thereafter inconvenient for the arranging of furniture. The illustration, r':g.l, show* how a plant winiow may be added with A Rood way to bleach mualin 11 to take one pound of chloride of lime for thirty yard* of good*, and dissolve in two quart* ra.n water : let cloth soak over night in warm rain water or lung enough to be thoroughly wet : wriug oat cloth and put in another tab of toft water, in which has been added chloride of lime. Let it remain for about twenty minutes, lifting up tne elo.u and airing often and nnae in cle*r rain water. Th>* will not injure the eioth in the least, and i* much lee* troublesome than bleaching on the grass. Only tie careful and nnse very thoroughly. A BETTER OUTLOOK. EsaleenC BaBkrr . I -. r.p*.-l . sui irr r I sl an*'. rfle Fill, i IMTUUOB VIEW OF rLA.Tt HOC*. very little chang* ~n the original room. An ordinary window i* cut down to th* floor, making a door of it, while outside of this is Keen observer* in the United States have begun to predict the return of better timee. In many cases, no doubt, the wish is father to the thought, but where restoration of confidence is chiefly what is wanted the thought i* often precursor of the fact If Canada iia* rafTered leaf than other nations from the world- wide loss of confidence it has net escaped the business depression that lias clouded :he financial hori/.on. Our momentary institutions nave, it is true, uccessfully weathered the ihock that ha* battered hundred* of banks in the United States, but the volume of our trade has under its influence contracted, ind has practically been impended. tide uas now tksn d progress That the there can t FAVORXBU TV EN be no manner of doubt. The ii- The antiquaries *mrm that there i* no reference to ball-playing of any kind in the) Sacred Seriptnre*), and that there i* no al- lusion to it among the Any nan inscription*. Imiah, however, say* that the Lord will sorely violently tarn and toss the wicked like a ball into a large country. The game of Hand-ball, from which Ten nis is derived, in known to have been popu- lar in Bug 1 * 1 " 1 and France in re-note ti.-ne*. The French King Leu i X. is said to have died of a severe cold caught while play ing be>H at Vmcennee, in the fourteenth our t ary , and an old plan of Vf md*or Castle, made in the fifteenth century, exhibit* what is termed a *' Tennys Court*." Tenni* evidently sprang from Racket, an.l Racket appear*, aooording to Mr. t. Philpott, to have Been merely a tranaition from the ruder and let* scientific mode of propulsion adopted by our forefather* in their ball-play, wh / alwaye piny " Hand Team* " with the naked head. By degree*) the glove ca.ne into us*, and the glove was sometiDM* lined. The glove was afterward exchanged for a sort of r>r i--W/a maun*, the) naked hand boing bound with thong* or cords mad* of what is popularly, but im- properly, termed oatgut, a* likely to in- crease the power ana velocity of the ball : thin, in torn, gave way to artificial palms of the hand*, or raokeis. Tennis lay dor- mant in England for many years, and until Croquet died a natural death, not long ago and Lawn Tennis sprue from the ashes cr-|Ut balls, stakes, and mallets. built a rectangular addition that will make opinions entertained by banker* on inch a matter have a tendancy to be conservative because they are in a (penally good posi- tion to knowall the unfavorable symptoms. When, therefore, they speak hopefully they keep well within the mark. Hopeful is, in the main, the view taken by Mr. B. K. Walker, general manager of the Bank of Commerce. That lehueoua, whose emi- nent position in the financial world ha* been recognized by hi* election to the presidency of the Banker*' Association, is always re- garded a* a safe authority or. tuch matter*. Be observe* iign* of a gradual improvement rather than a suddt-n return te generous prosperity As Mr. Walker points out, one of the cuisee 01 the depressiou is gra- dually supplyiagthenmedy for it. Atatimr ! when th* idea gets abroad that there is a I daiaes* in busineee, th* ntualion i* aggra- vated by the general desire it inspire* for economy. Even people who have money, feeling the lympethetic influence of the a charming little room for plant*. Of course the width and depth of the addition can be made to suit ous't fancy. The tlimpse which one ha* from th* sitting-room into such a plant room is exaeedingly pleasing , as ihown in Fig. -', particularly if th* door- way is buna wiia a pretty portiere. Such a room ihoula hav* double window*, then, if the portiere i* drawn back at night, the beat from the sitting-room would keep the plants from freezing even on a cold night. Household Hints. A solution of oxalic acid will remove ink tains from books without injuring th* print. Po*tag*> stamp* will stick, and not turn up at tb* corner* if the face is wet after applying them. Pumpkin seed, are very attractive to prevalent opmioo^raw in their horn, and of A PATCHED PONT. Trlrai Ia4lee. Hake r*e of a Babkli M. IB. The** storio* of Indian trouble* in me south***! remind me of an experience that 1 had down in New Mexico," said ienry Davidson of Albuquerque. " I wn* * te the region then, and although I i*d heard all sort* of *trang* talee about the trickines* of the Indian, I did not know that he wa* a* threw J a* I afterward ound him to be. ' 1 wanMd a pony for son* reason and I communicated my desire to a friend of a crowd ol the grtasy oitixon* of the out- skirt. The next day 1 wa* besieged with offer*. I looked all over the lot sad pick- ad three or four to make my final eel* um from. Alter several hours I settled on an ani- mal that I thought to be in the pink of con- dition aad form. I took h'.m for a good round um aad a trade thrown into the bargain. " I rode homo on the animal. As I got into my quarter* I noticed that tbo hone appeared to be useasy. a* if suffering from injury. A* I live, 1 round that a patch of akin several mchte sqaar* had com* oft hi* back. I look*d into it and discovered that the hors* wa* raw there and that he had been patched up with rab- bit or som* other *kin for the time being. Those Indian* stood by each other too, for I could never locate the scoundiol who had swindlsd me. I hav* tine* concluded that they wen all wrong aud that had I bought the outfit I would have found the odde*t wrtraent of patched horeo* that it wa* ever the fortune of a white man to look upon." Beauty Feeds on Lilies Now. A new vegetable i* offered and the root* or tb*f* of the calls lily are being adapted in this country. In Japan and in Kgypt, where the bolb of the favorite household lily grow* to great i/., it has long been an aruclsof food. It is cooked much like * potato, either boiled, fried, baked or roast- ed. A certain toughness is beet overcome by tint boiling and afterward finishing in some other way. It i* eaton with cream dre>isg, or with butter, and i* regarded a* more delicate than potatoes. Beauty ha* long boon able to feed itself on petal*, and now the stately white 1-h. thenuelve* are) food for her dainty mice, aad trap* baited with them will soon destroy this little p**U To -|*s* kettle* eaeilv, pour a little boil- ing water into them and put a cover on; the steam will soften the dirt so that it may be easily removed. Pounded glass mixed with corn meal and placed within the reach of raw, it said, will banish them from ths premise* ; or sprinkle .cayenne pepper where they go. Spot* on varnished furniture can easily be removed by rubbing them with eeeence of peppermint or spirit* of camphor and j afterward* with furniture polish or oiL "Sticky" Tarnish may be dried by apply- j ing a coat of benzine, and after two or three days apply a coat of good varnish and 1st Iry thoroughly before using the furniture. Remove stains from teacups with a little baking soda, rubbed on with the finger*. Som* *ay a little table salt U jost a* good. To make shoes waterproof and make them last a long time, dwsolvs b*e*w*x and a little sweat oil to thin it. Before the hoe* are won, warm the the melted wax on them cease to buy as liberally as usual. Such period of general retrenchment we have of late, in common with other countriee, been experiencing ; that purse-strings will be looeened, and trade flow once con freely in it* various channel*, is the natural se- quence of thi* itau of affairs. Economy has placed the people in a better position te discharge their indebtedness, and has thereby taken the tint step that is necessary to the full uaroRATio* or OOHFIDI !. We an warned, however, not to expect that the volume ot trade will at once ex- pand to normal proportion*. -Nature'* most ueuenccnt laws act slowly, and the earn* may be said of th* law* or business In a country liks Canada the prosperity ef the farmer i* the foundation 01 all prosperity. \\ hen we **e, thenfon, thai ths agricultur- ist i* improving hi* condition w* may b* sun that ths improvement will not step with him. If on the whole hi* crop* this year are up te the average it cannot be de- nied that prices are somewhat discouraging. But hen the useful effect of the late lesson in economy will be f*lt. ^ ith BO larger return that he secured last year the farmer will, in th- opinion of a man of such wide sole* and pour \ experience as Mr. Walker, be better able to th a teaspoon, j live and meet hi* obligations than n* wa* Brinsn and Foreign. Uwydfardd. the arthdruid and bard at Wales, was recently itnckan with poralyaia. tie i* 94 yean old. Th* Earl of Albemarl*. who lied lately. was one of the earliest volunteer* and aipong the nrst to take np cycling. Ho married a ( 'aoadian ijirl. A winter pala-e ha* ju*t been sdslod to the attraction* of the Jard in d'aocluaatabon in Paris, Th* main buildwg ~"~ a large concert hail that will arnosisiodsr* 4. U person*. Marshal Bazaine'i son ha* lately returned from Mexico, where be tried in vain to obtain the restitution of hi* mothers prapxrty, oonDScated by the Mexican viov- emrrent. The family i* now in abject poverty. An international journal for African languages ha* just been started in Germany, aided by a liberal luovention from the Government. The Secretary of the Colon. J -Society i* oditor.aau 1 six part* are te appear each year. Dampness ha* mads the Corinthian oap- ital* of th* church of me Miiil*ss* in Pario crumble, and recently pie*** of stone have fallen, endangering the i by. The capital* are to b* removed now one* pot in their piace. Eiaiebsn, th* btrth place of Martin Lotner. is sinking into the moor upon whici it is built. Measure* have beun takmi in reoant veers to drain the bog, without avail, and the inhab-tant* an ser- ioiui.v thinking ot abandoning the town. M Camilla Jan***, formally Governor it the Congo Free Stale, ha* jot * to Chill s* on* of the arbitrator* to ssttln the diferences bet won that country aad Great Bnuia in th* matter of tne indemnities) aruiug out of tb* lat* civil war. At th* German army masxcuvr** thi*) year a new quick-fifing gun is to b* tried in t he cavalry opsralion*. The g*B i* a ort of mitrailleuse and so light that ooe bone can draw it, hil* another dnws th* ammunition. If the experiment is tat neeerul, vary cavalry regiment will be ssppuod. In the India Office Library is the largeat collection of printed Saneurf. book* in th* worl<i, larger than the ooe in the British Mnx-um, and comprising many early an i ran ilmima Tbess are now being cata logued by the former librarian. Dr. Host. who has already published the catalogue of the Sanscrit manuscript* in the otfios. Tawhiao, the srooad Maori King, <ii*>i recently W influent* in New 7e*tsnd\ He was elected in 1MO, and for fifteen yoan fung lit the New Zealand < ov*rame*t, his Maori* proving the best fighter* that the Kngi *h have had iom*et in this generation The last outbreak wa* between 187* and 1881. Two yean ago he gave up all ni* pnteouon* and accepted a pension W Ct> from the Government. Of over five million children in **SSBOO- tary school* in England only M,000 pay tor neir schoolinf, aad of taeae half a million pay no more than a psnsy a week. acoor nog to a recent orhcial ttetsment. < '( the voluntary school*" in which th* whole or part of the tuition is paid by the parent*, 5.0UU receive from 10 to JO (hilling* a head for n * children is attendance, 4,0110 be twern 5 and 10 shillings, and 3,000 under 5 shillings. Sultan Abdul Azu, th* new young Sultan of Moroooo, do** nothing without 'nn*nlt- iug hi* mother, who is a woe*** ef tact and teisi/i. Aft-r the discovery of the resent conspiracy at Fsi she poneadsd him te sp*r* the live* of culprite ol lower rank and to pardon hi* brother, who wa* in volved. Th* European power* have been nquettpd to sand DO represents Uvee to Fea for the present in order to avoid com plica then hold it close to the fin till it soaks ' twelve months ago. His prospect* an. u.to th* leather ; then add more until the I however, growing brighter every day. leather cease* to absorb it. ' From th* U esi come* word that th* yield To check vomiting, give a teaspoonfnl of I > <or* thui was expected, wbil- raid in whole black mustard s> sd. A tablespoon Ontario has ended the drought that threat- ened the cheese industry . U heat,no longer profitable to export, will through the fail- are of the I'nited Steles corn crop yield a Deserved Arrest A sbarp advertiser, who offered for a small *um to supply women with cheap substitute* for hat pins, has been arrested in Boston for misusing th* mail*. He eent two rubber band* to eaoh inquirer with the advice: "Sew on* sad to the hat aad I Mtsn tb* other behind on* ol your ears. " ful may be needed in eevere case*. To clean light kids, put the gloves on th* hand and rub thoroughly with white corn meal, utinp a piece of cotton for the purpose. One ounce flour uf sulphur to on* quart ', of water. Shake well at interval* for a f*w hour*, and when settle.! tauinte the head with the clear liquid every morning. Thi* :iM jen vexatious dandruff, a disease ot the scalp. To remove greaa* from broth* for the sick, after pouring in a dish, pas* clean white wrapping paper quickly over the top of broth, umg several pieces, until grease i* all removed Lace Curtains. Th* b**t way to wash lac* curtains is. good return when fed te pig*. Throughout the country farm* an being improved, new fences and new barn* an telling th* of new hope, the lumbering bust of Their is indeed something more than the wisn behind the thought that tatter time* Mrs. Henry Wood. Kdna Lyall. and Rider HagKkrdare th* three moat popular wrtvora among those who take books out ef the London free libraries, but the favorite* ar* not the same in any two districts. At th* Hammersmith Library, where the male nailer* outnumber tne female, though the books ofteneat taken out are " Jan* Eyre. " Middleman^," aad " the Caxteas," tb* author* at the top of the list ar* Marie Corslii. Rider Haggard, and " Rita,'' ossee- ly followed by Robert Buchanan and Hall Caine. M. Stambouloff, the ex Premier of Bul- garia, ha* beta p**kinx oat his srind lately. He describe* the Cxar as " a type I of the Russian moujik, honevt, or.bodoi. an close at hand, whether degree, t r at a bound. - e> they com* by to shake the dust well out of the lace, put Look Oat For Nervous Girls. Famous Dr. Wsir Mitchell says that a* much domestic unhappmss* is caused by nervousness among women a* by dram drinking among men. He holds that every girl ought te be examined as to her nervous temperament when about to go tojtcnool* at frequent interval* afterward : that in tepid water, in which a little borax has I Isisun, sxercise. and wholesome meal been dissolved, aad wash at one* oanfully | ought te be compulsorily diminished, or ith the hands in sever*! water*, or until perfectly clean ;rms* in water well blue.i.also blue th* starch quit* d**ply and squeeze, but do not wring. Pin som* sheet* down te the carpet in a vacant room, then pin down the curtains ttntched the use they were before being wet. In a few hon n they will be dry and ready to put up. The whole process of washing and pinning down should occupy a* little time as possible, a* lac* will shrink more than any other cotton good* when long wet. Above all it should not be allowed to soak" from the mistaken idea that it washes more easily, nor should it be ironed. Another way is" to fasten them into a pair of frame*, which every houeek hould have, made very like the keeper i old* discontinued altogether the moment the well-known signs of overstrain appear. If girls an maintained in normal nervous condition until they are seventeen, they may study almost as hard as they please afterward without imperiling the woman's life. But let then be no mistake about it, Overwork and unna'.ural worry from eight or nine to seventeen mean* rum and wntchedness from seventeen till early death. Mrs- Besant Among- the Hindus. Mr*. Besant seems to have taken to Hinduum and all its dogmas most heart- ily. Stie believe* in th* Hindu gods; she tell* Hindu audience* that she was a Hindu /.H.nlit in a former birth, and is visiting her own land after a sojourn in the U eat. fashioned quilting -frames, thickly studdsd I where sh* was incarnated to know the along th* innide with ths smallest sue of nature of the materialistic civilization of galvanised tenter hooks, in which to fasten I those regions: she upholds the caste system the lace, and having bole* and wooden pin* ' as a necessary part of the law of ATurnin, with which te vary the length and breadth to suit the different sizes of curtains. The tad a* obstinate a* an ox :" while Prince Ferdinand " i* simply gambling away the little popularity he suit enjoy* in Bulgaria. He i* undoubtedly a clever man, but waste* hi* clvra*s* on petty matter*. He i* nervoat and exot- table. He reads everything written about bun and tear* a newspaper into piece* if r. contain* disparaging remarks." (if 12,90? vssssl* now registered i n Lloyd* li*t, only 304 have* speed of I knot* or over, and bat 18 a speed ef -Jo knot* or more. Of the latter, IO ar* pad- d s- wheel steamer* used on the Channel or Iruh Sea, ibe other* ar* scnw (teamen, of which two ply between Newhaven and Dieppe, the other MX being the 1'ari*. New York, Campania, Lucania, Teutonic, and Majestic. Then are but ."> (teamen wiin a higher speed than 19 knot* of which '!." belong to I i real Britain, 7 le Belgium. Germany, 3 each te Holland aad France, and '2 to tb* Amerioan line. Toe list does ' not include war vessels and river and lake itoamen. Germany lead* the li*t of of beer- produc- ing countriee, according to ths trade report for 1393, juet published, wilh l.iXT'.l.'tt.lO gallons, an increase of over 3t.000.000 gal- lon* over 1 VJ : XI :\ gallon* a head was the average for the empire, the product rang- ing from fc! gallon* in Havana to 1*2 in Kinass-Lothringeii. Creel Britain wa* a I good second with l.l(M,73'J,ft.Vi gallon* of | malt liquor, over 30 gallonsa head. Amen oan (including South America), came next with l,04,4:U,4*i gallons, Iti gallons per head. Then com* Austria with 3SJ.2M,- 188 gallon., Belgium with l9,H3v,174. Franc* wilh l<W,o3O.5OO gallon*. Russia curtain should always be measured bwfore being wet, and (tntched on the frame* te that size te prevent shrinking. Five or tix curtain* of the same six* may be put in, on* , abav* tb* other, and all dried aZ .a.t. Iha tram** may r**t M four chain. ith (IS.oVlS.Mtfc.' gal ons : IVnmark brewed 45 million gallon*. Holland .'U million, Sweden 28 ana * third million, Swiurr- those in th* lowest cast* being there a* a land 'M and a cixth million gallon*. result of their former irorks. It i* no | The other countriee for which slaiisiic* an wonder that ah* get* crowded audiences to ' given all produced leee than '20 million ical- I it ten te her. She i* a forcible tpeaker: ' Ion* apiece. The total oitput et malt he know* how to adapt henelf to her ' ut|uor* ic Europe *n>i America was 4,,'iOU audience*: and hence they do not hesitate ' million gallon*, in making which 7.270,00 Iw aU her 6ece**fU, ine Hindu god^ee* ton* vt mail aad !,OUO ton* of hewe were of ieanun.v i M**!.

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