Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1894, p. 5

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THI FL.SHIRFOH ADVANCE Ba.nlf.mS < >lller of GEO. MITCHELL - FLESMEETO*. A (--! bnki' bi'*inas faa<aete<l Pra'ti iaa I n I obtquMCMludat luual rat*> M >ny alvay* a.lbfu lor lKliuat buiue-, OrncK two door, norta cf RiekartfaoeftC* Vicinity Chips. Charartrrifttics of lfc Fast Week Can-full* Called for the Resigned, t Mr. J.. Mu.ey, < f Belwoud, ha<l hi* J. W. Artnstnuig, SUu.. renigin-d Ut hand |n mi -. by_a wei-d whiln tJif r,itr -1 l"e fr lutt for taek iiuert^i. -1 rr,l*fti< vM be Read Hill'm new fall millinery advL, Honoy for ai. in c*nn. ten p,,unda fo- c>n^ d..n*r. At thin offiesv Sl*>aleslor ale at Sloan 1 * k* milUt 36, >a 1:2. Arteuirsia. C..urt i to-day. Ill Dun- SoineoiK- :i:r.-mpted t-kiduap a h beli-nttiiiK t" Me. Oeo. Kisher one e' Ust we.jli, but th* aiiimal wae recovered. CiMeUj fall how takee uUc at Mark- Jale to-day and to -morrow, Thursday and fc'tiday. The secretary will pleaae accept (hnnks fi.r t.oket. Sooth Grey fall fair wUl be held in Durham . u Tueaday and Wn needay uext week. The secretary wUl acc*v t thanks tor ticket. Even thing points towards a wonder- fully ucce*sful exhibition here this year, if the weather continue* good, veitisement fi>t complete Mr. P. Loucks will place a .complete nett of rollers in hi* mill- He expec's the mechanic'a ..Ion* the Utter part ot this ..rforepirt of next week t.. begin oper- tfsjsjaj See ad- vieee M. Richardson 4 Co have received ad- of arrival -f a lar^e shipment of i from Manchester, via. a. a. Cam- Theae will be on sale, it is x- MaMMatiaf the coining week. .fudge Hornatm hold court on Monday t.. hear uppeala to the Artemenia voter. list. Three appeals had been entered, but nope of the appellant* appeared Mid , the Judee'* duties were ml. week the poaitimi of clxrk of th DA court here, alter forty-one year* "f faith- ful aervice. He wa* appointed by the county judge, ami held the tirt court, aud for si-me year* thereafter, in lr* on ruuaeiww on hia farm ner Iniatio^.- There waut no FleaHerton at that period. It U about thirty yeara tince he reinoviil to Fleshertua and took up hia reaid<<iice here. So near as we c*n te*rn there in only oe application for the prowiit canry. tht of Mr. A. S Vanduncn. h<s for the piut fifteen >eir*, hM hrld the poaitioa of bailiff under Mr. Arm striHiK. Even in ;he event i.f thrre bting other applicant* we believe Mr. Van- duseu, as the iuat competent man, will wniue he position. The appointive <t will c'oubtliwa be uud>- known in ail.i\ r two. III the e-eht of Mr. Vandusen jet lu>|( the clerkship the baihtWiip tn-cooie) VHi-nnt. and for tl.i* po.siiin tliere apuea-ii to be hoar of uppiicants, nnd it i* .t h.i il matter to pick the winning horse, l,ui '!, too, will be settled before many .!; a. Personal. Miss Ke:ig'V, of Dunda.4, is the of her aunt, Mr. Itupert Mrs. Buliucr siHMit Sunday with her ni'.tlier at S.nuliauiptoii Mr. John Catlicart, <.f Sewti.nville. i v im ting with her father, Mr. Andrew Carr. Mr and Mrs. Dr. L'hiistoe arc np-nd n.- a couple of weeka witli friends in Mu-lu Mr. Charley Munshaw and Mrs. P. Munshaw twtunied hist week tr..iu a visit . Mr I Mcineti.s. Mich. Mrs W. \V Tumble i* in OwmSy-uml this wek, attending the fair aa ue i-f the judges in the line *rts depurtineut Mr. T H. I'owi-rs, of Kirl>y, is M-ir ing with Mr. Andrew (.\TT. Mr. Powers hsw a farm in thin unction to dispose of. aa will bw seen by our.-vh-ertimnn'<.'"l>U'" 1 . in i lie i; u en The hanJ h*d to br ainputa Belief ia Hoars Distressing Kid- ey ai.d Bladder die^i relieved in six c tireat South American Kidne. Cure. " This new remrdy is a Kri-at ur -ri-- ami d.-lighi on acenunt of ita ex. i-e.l ug p. . ruptn>-M in relieving pain .n the i.ul.i r, ki.meya, hack and ev>*ry I art of ,i- urinary pasasgi^t in male ur fe- male. U relieve* retention of pain in losaintf It a imiat ilium- nately. If you want <|uiuk r* tef and cur tlim is youa rviueily. Sulii by W. E. Kichanlnon, DlU:;. Jacob D Sp -nce,a T Tout . commercial mitn, wit. killeil near Newcastle <4ia day laat we. k While diiving .town it hill with In- id of eleven 'mnks a value on hia seal -Ii .p^<l f- rward tu.l in attempting to .-MI.- !i- loi>r h s balance and control ..f h i fell amnag the horses' Die w.igoa paesed over hi-, body. rakin|( li. li-ft ami rx>\e trw rlhow and catmint; u ternal injiineii. He died an li-.tji ter S|wncH wiw >tbou> 40 years of ..I -> 11 Mitrned <\ A\n lit to Miaa Reui. daiich'i-r ->f th- Ute John Held. Pun . .- . t \\ .1 ^. r- mi. M- i ... who i* not yet 30 )<ra ot mm. DecejHed'a life waa ,nsured i r 87,000. -(Intugeville Ader Captain Sweeney, I'. S. A.. San tial . aay : "Shiloli's ('.it-irmh Krmedy I H lie hist u.c'l .-in.- I hv- i-\ .-I- found tlia t wutd d" me any good." Price 50 cent. Fall Faint. ey. Fleshetton .... S-p'. -7-28 Otenel.' Markdale Sept. 'JO- S Priceville <>ct. --10 Owen Sound Sept. 17 to 20 Clatknburg Sept. SO- 23 South Grey. Durhi in . . Sept. 26 and 2B By an ovensislit in gettiuz up the Ar- t.-inosia tovriiKhip h<>w prize list, claoa 4. *wine. i. incoin, l.'to. In Cheater White Mid Imnj-'ved Yorkahiro there shtld be hre prRes of 1 for each, thu "awe aa K.r Berkshire n<l Sufiolk. T he Standard thinks Thonibury is in flu- .-)i)tr.M'f thegn-atoilreaion. Perhi' that explain* the enao with which tlir new|aper business slips aloinc d-wi. there. The natural aa might have some- thing to do with i', too. Matters hare come to Mich a pass that every ynung uian desiring to enter rhe niitiiKtry must first sewiro credenliaU fn.ii- the spiritual critic .if th.' Markdnle Stan- lard, who appears t.. know rr..-re ab-.u the duties and <|ualilicationa of a uiinisivr than he doea about ponninK a truthful sriticism." Mr. R. Oliver inlorniH us that ho ha* djacvi\>r-d a valuahle bed ->f shell mail on the farn.it Mr. D. Harrow, 4th ,... N 1' K. Just how valuable it is !u- i JIM yet uiial.lu t' iuy. but if the bed is ,MM- il will probably pay well t.' iniii.. it ir fertilizer. The sample shown UH WM 1-ght aa chalk, and made up wholly ..f shell mutter. Thi-:inini:>l harvest thanksgiving servioi MI v tnocnoii with St. Mary's Church. Maxwell, will (D V.) be held on Sutul . v ,!),- -j:?rd inst., t 10.46 a. til. The m-rm-ii '!'. b preached by the rector, the He- J W .loi,,-sl.. l,h. Thechurch will lie -i-iefully decora 1 eil with appro- and dnwois and tfHd UHMI.- ' Heart Dlsrasr K.-lin .-l ia :to Ninut*** -I*'- Acn'-w'< I'nr.- (or l>> Herr give* perfect relief m all can**) of t; irx-onic or Sympathetic Heart Disemte in :'4) muwilen. and dpeedily etfecU cure It n (H-erlesA reiimly for rVji.tatioi.. Sh.trtnewi <f Hreath, Smothering Spells. 1'iin in Li'ft Side and 1I symptons of a Pi-rased Heart. One d S..M l.y W. E. Kichstrdaon. Uuri.-.l ia a WelL The Hanover l*.t uivea tile folU.wina thrilling factn : The water in Mr. B. Ahren's well g v e out and he engaged (i. Barton to mnk the well lower and rind WHter. The first twelve feet were protected by a wooden crib, *iuewlmt decay wl. and the rein-lining six feet were nicked up. On M-iiiday m->rniiij( Wi>ik U-j-iiii. and between ten >ud e o'cl,.ck iiiosl of the brick had been n- moved, when without warning the iet crib gave way nnd the earth and >and caved in and cninnletely coered Barton. wh WIIH standing TOJI t the time. Mr. Alirens who wiis at ihe top of the w'l, slid down the rope t.. the rn. lie and at the same time calletl i" Mr*. Ahrent, ** tinx "ii the d<Hir atep a few feet away, to run fr htlp. Ahiviw found that Mtnd to the d>-|th of six or *ctuu inchen covered the head "f the unfortinniie man. H Dulled the Mnu away witli his hamU but al".HHt iw On* a< he serai* I it away it Hlled up mn. With thi enemy do'ptir he wi-rki-d a:>v nnd aoon had B^rtou's hewl uncovered, but notwith- slandiitK the utniHC exertion he c not keep 'he sand uu'.iy and the man was buried attain ami iwaih. When help ar rived Ahreim ws up to hia wai-t in HUH'. A Ixwrd was lowered and it was thought that hin foe nni<!ir ), kept d'r. but it failed. A sheet of tin WBJ then tiied an I wn m -i -u -.es-sful. Harton, wh I Tho offertory will be i B[ ,| ieHri jU to he the nioMt collected of the .-tieral rhuroh i)iirp,es. Milhu -3, , .' '..-. am! Ii.' awislantH hare !i Ut fow.,I.Aj. ','et;ii g everjil. ' '>rdi;r fur hjr .i-eniiif. whit-- a plc next week^ L k IUH, ''"' *ir\ethini< rn I. nmeeti .... the B rellin. Harri.d ih. lW.,t th* . :.rl<1' father. Artmnesia . by i Atnahant Brook*, of luf, third dansjhtM- cf I' lot. advised thalH ciib bt made and low- i-nslover him or he would ttarw be taken ,,ui alive. After 80 minurw of ha'-d work the ciib w imije :uu'. .h-wered mid,, the lUn^er waa pt. A lot of hanl wk s-ill remained at the en* waa not lar enough to permit * shovel to be used, and the sand had to b,. lifted out with a small aooop. About three o'clock A suf- ti, out quantity had been removed, o that a rope w*i f is'ene I around him and he wan drawn out and h^d a glinipue of the nun, which he but a short time le- fore never expected fyo* again BOOTS AND SHOES FOE, THE FALL To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing m that line, try CLAYTON'S * Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a arge lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots 0:1 land. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. KLESHERTON & (I (I I f 1 1 (i $ t Autumn and Winter Millinery Opening THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 5EPT. 27th AND ath. A very hearty iuvitatiorvisei tended to aU our friend* to call and Me Ue latest in>velries in Millinery, alao Inteat styles in Ueruuui Mantle*. Remember. Thursday *n-i Pnday. Sept. '-Tth ai-d 28th, at s.. "When I was a Boy, 'Writes Postmaster J. C. Wooneox, Forest Hill. W. Va, "I had a bron- thi*l trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the ,i,M-t.>r pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and adviaed me to try Ayr' Cherry Pectoral. I did so. and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be with- . out it." "I hare been oslng Ayer*i Clrrrrr Pectoral in my family (or 30 years, with the most satisfactory reaulta. and can cheerfully recommend it aa being espe- cially adapted to all pulmonary com- plaints. I bare, for many yean, made pulmonary and other meUirineaasperial at uily . and I hare come to the conclusion that Ayer*a Cherry Pectoral occupies a. position pre-eminent over other medi- cine* of the claaa." Ohaa. Daveaftort, Doyer, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Ptvpand t>r Dr. J. C. A jrr * Co.. Lowell, MM. Prom pttoact.su re toe ure> Farms for Sale. Lot* 34 *nd il In th Tth conc**:on of the uwii*hi|> <>r Aruiiiiaia, two bundrwl acra. known u the Kii-aliou. Ktt.-. Aoply to M. Kii-UABlwuM. K'ilimlun. A.lmiHutmtor. Horse Came Astray. emu* to tha |>riniMM of thr nioloraitinc'l. lot aa oon IN I 1 H . l>nt s.-|" o. "lie man. Th uwnvr i mjueotv I l<> i>r.'\. CM v>. ny. |<r ox- pll mud Ukj ISM >m wy. ANUBEVV DOW. Hrvbmton st.iii..n r n. CAME_ASTKAY. ('mo to *k prn>r i>! the nmtnritiK<t, bont Mi* miiiille >! -llv U-t. ..no w and two likinlM. Tlioi>wi-.r U requmSwl to pror* |>rt> perty and ..a. *b. uu ...y . n. Furniture, Undertaking, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Picture Framing & Repairng. Tlim is our business and we try to atteud la :;. \Ve are here to unit, the pnb* lie will: .nil kiuds of suits, aiu' .I)<CK wlig ced suits should be suUvd. so oil 1 and sec our displny ap j gtfc a li.ai ur two ibout, the prices we sell at. WE AfiE DOWN TO THE ROCK IN PRICES Ami cau drill as well as auy one else, so just watch us di ill We Lave a larg stock well assorted and liave lots more ou the way. See the tiu*t display both in quality and style at the -'all Fare ever sliown in this country. In the luderlakiug liiu we ait; prepared to meet all reqnirciu>uu. Rduieuibev the place J. E. Baskorville & Ccte.. Furnitura Opposite Aitustroug Lira's. Jewellery. Starr. FiesLartou. HEALTH FOR ALL. Hollo\vay\ PIII& and THE PI T T ^ Liver, Tbsy iiivlxorM Ram Came Ast)-ay. Came to the prml-.i<of t'le ua<lrlRn>l, lot lin.li |S; 1> H nlvini *>> \<uitit !.t. one rum. Th~-oomMr.il P"ety. pay upnuMS aiiata'M *b urn.) w*-. JMSIX Mc.tnuiru, Loili. PrioMilU P. O. Turify iho Llau.^.M-rcct all Dteot Jro -.- Stomao-h, IvnUi* v . ;inl b;>\v '1-4. au<l rmtora to L> . '.til Oix.*titutian. i\n.l re invluu'H" i> onu- uiitnl to KI-IIIK.JA >: *1! *u> Kar Cl litren >:i i th aciwl tllaf *^c isi--"l* T II K O [MTM riNT an Infallibly ren>lv for Bail Lwpi. lln HrtMU**, Old Woun.U. Son* and Clrvm. I: i. (i.nn,:i I Klin. 11 ilium. For Ui>r.lr-< of the ClHKI U uar> no t \u) For SORK 7//W./7 HlUWtl/ I /<s\- YVV.V/N. / '()t.I)3 GlaiidulBtM-JSiinue*, an*l all S'U'i DIM**** it han no rival n,l tor coniitctiol n - K afta li^a a olir*| Mnniifucturv 1 m'v *t ProffoMor HOM.WAV' Ruinbliiilinieot. 7H > OMor.l sir.'.-! 1. (I. -,:!:{. Oxford ^r.-.-l >, 1 . ->d.. i anit are iu)J at<a> lid., *>.. !-< i n .'J^ n.l tfc. oru-h l^\ ,>r I'D;. jd of :i ri I .- Vvn.lor* tliroughout th wuiM fe-f.ml,<urr* J,,.,,!,! /.-./. ;t /A,' L,i'nl uu tJtf l'..-t <*W *. 7*wV utirfreM w N. i- PH.S I'AMK ASTRAY- Oniatotha prinlm of tl- nnir:itnd. l'-t M jn<l raiRtf R T A S R . u -. ..- H,.|.|. lit. The owner In minwti ) !> exiniie aii.l taki- tii aanu> aw A I \TLOft [arpt ail Fliuil Farm for Sale. t h*rl. y ofl.u- for ) I'teliiiiiK U'-l acn". Tin. f:iini ^< Will wntpin-1 Ami ha- a ^u)l : >. a Ya-o tti.l iMr.i. - u *<! ,.w. t irh.-r l<a>rtlciilara apply t tbi*u>t:.c w t Tha niMfeniqn*.! l ;>rir I do Can- > Flaniii WHuvini! of -i ui-1 i.-ii-. ."." "' ........ ' -' ' ' ^larmiKHvl. Ordar* aunt In hv t will aval** pn>-upte at- Corrpo..l..., ; FARM TO LET. tnari will rout ' I'M n T. * S. R . A rtwinwia. lor a MI 4rairllo,l.-i-^hli> 1. "'! *|'- JuHN WUK.HT. .. ,-^iiuu 1 1> CAN I aVTtIM A PATBHT* For, * snd honi( ostnion. writ* t] * CO.. who haT hail aawrlj V;I T 'uw c In th p*tAt buaiafss. Comn:uni4S>> tlon* utrii-tlT OMifMeiiUAi. A Haaekoak or n. *muuon mnoarnimi r*l*nl ant bow to ok. HMD ibm xt (TM. Aim a nassloaaa of Mai aii.i KMotMs book* Mattrva. iU ta*jaa tbroiiKb Munn * On. rn*e lc AiairrirnN. and fora th* public eet wt to U> IsiTOTitor. Tha wtotMlM paw. lajwnd wvwklT, ataaraoHr Illeavalad. aa* hr faTtliu jroulatloa of ani xmauBc work m (ku sasoul ouotkitke n*i.tlc . taw are braaja* widely Ixfora th* public witb- r. Tha Th nidf-r^ienail will rout '..I- I'-l .. .. K. T. * -i verauaa>*r nn.l 1M in wor l. BniMin aqetaa, - . Uful plataa, ID oofcm, boian^ with r'lnr etiebllaai a T*ar. Sampw IWIti,.o,iaH>i.t nu. Krrr

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