Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1894, p. 8

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THE JLS8HIRTON ADANCB OV7EN SOUND, ONTARIO, IM I he "Very Heat I'l.ACK IS CANADA TO <T A Ihio-jgli Mm Educate, Take a Round Trip Sk 35 Jill ----- ('<>llt|i aud ial l)|artii>t.'>t> lu raua<la. (lieu viit tuiu IVtf fcbl l.i IC. ' in ll 1 j.v . , ii-intiHn ni , *annu ory- If wo fll I" i>n..liice tba .i;ii.cuiii|>lutu. practical and often- . U : lliu lnt college i>reuii*iM i u I n on '-.iiMi'l.-!!' aii'1 nifflit tult- .ture >u<l i 1 1 lmiic>. w will iflve >ou >urM IKI... tnr Aiinua.1 Amiouuce- iuffull |irtlculan.lrM. whlreM C A. FLEMING,' rrlnrlpnl. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. i nagts made and Repaired, alco Via til n^ and Matching, Band Sow- ing, \vood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop. luug Uoiie -while you wait, for ' Liu^ver turns the wheel. T. W. \l II si A FAMILY GROUP ptlOTOfiRAPUl w*^*%%v^%*% Is lully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per- let t <( work. All kinds o! |iu lines taken and finishci! inasiylc equal tt> ;uiy city \vo-k, while the prices are lower. E'iilnre dout lu all its branches. If you have shopping to do nnd jncujres to j;ei taken on the s.i IMC day please attend lollic Later (irst. Careful at- tuition will be given to copy- 01 lie; i pictures. Mrs. Buhner. To the Public. lliviiiL.- r -iil^l \\ hin.'ii'n lilarkauiilli lid|i I. i u i. i in of yi-Hin. I mil HUM in I.. . uiiiil.inll win. thiii my lliiu. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed V,t Myil.i.,., m il.o bluvkiMilUiillJ call mi VI AHH1AUK LICENSES. or nlgbt at tb e office or residence of the underalffned. DIVISION COUhTCLB .COMMISSIONER In H.C.-'. Conveyancer, *c. Notary public. JOHN \V ARM8THONO, - FLMHUTUH. UK'l'LLOL'UH * YOUNO, Hankera, Mai artale. do a. general banking bna- lueai. Money loaned at a. reasonable rate. Call K. HAMMOND. M I'oit Muter. Klniberley. Comml*loner for tiklni; AfTUlavtta etc. Inxnrei (nil lou mnnry at lowwt rata. KxecateaLeaMi, Dveda, WilU, etc. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. T> J. SI'ROfLB. I'oelinantrr, KlMberton, Couimlaalooer In B. It. l.ic nurd >uctiootir, Conveyancer, A - ]>raler and Money Lender, Itcal Krtat* aii'l Insurance Agent. Dewdi, UoniiatiM, Lot***, nil Wllli drawu up and Valuatiuna ma.U on liorteit notii'e. Auction Sale* attended to lu in part of the County. Money to loan si low out rate* of lnterr*t i ...-. -J"IIH attended to with |>romi>tneu an>l flwr>at<-li Charge! low. ACCIII for th Dominion hloaui>hlpCoui|)anv. cheap tl< k.-t-, liuin Klealiertou to Liverpool, Ulaitfow, London or any f thu Krltioh port*. Parties lutetnlint; to viait Kn^land. rii-otland or Ireland, will |Heae ask rattei before purcliaaing theii tickets olwwlMira. mil8 feliilrlKlCHAHDHON. Kuiiil ..f Rolit. Mahr, of Her! In. Germany, (violin,. Un. Urn. ill. v of Toruntol'oniervatory MIIIIC, (Voice cull,,. 1'inf. Kerriwu, late of Toronto, (Piano) will re.-, iv,, impiU 111 SINOINCi. VIOLIN, l'I- AMI mill <)ll(, \N ittcrtirat. T\R HITTON. M.D.C. II.. M.C. P.* S.O.it . rrlcevIlU. Betideiite aud offlca one door wt of the Moth- odUt Cliurrh.Kiiiionk St. Office ilayi, Tueadaya aud Haturrtavi. TJIl CAKTKK. Mi I' i ., \.irlan. aaricaon. *t.. PlMhartoa office tttralut b'ock, Kei<leno , w liolvl. JOHN .A SCOTT, VI. Ii. Member Cnlli-ire I'hyi'lr.t Borneo!)*. Ontario (iri'iuau- in Uodictno of Tcrronto Vtilveraity, KrlluK I , ira.luate Metllcal ami ll'i*i'iial. c'lii,t;iv l>i. a>r.-l eve, rar, no ai.d throat vpvclallv treated. Real- dene* Maxwell, vlalta Kc'Vi-rnliain Tliundaya 1- J- 1>. OTI'I.\M !.>.. Veterinary S>iiiiiti. (irixliiatv of Ontario >.nv i .'il>. . Ni-it cluor null ol MiHire i |iiaiilnal*il J 1 M M.sTI.AIi. U |i M i- .V S. Dm .|-rartira at Kim berUy. llliuuiimtiu dlaaaiaf < J I' M Ul I. 1> I M 1> s. neillit. Visit. Markdal* tin- lt mi.) :inl Wi-.liit.mlar of faeh nnintli Klf-h, ii.ui r.m-li tri|> on the day following. j \v runs i', Karrliter. SnlirlliT, r.invr\ anrr r. Kluolii'it i:li. N,-\I ilii' | .-I iiltiiT Spronlr'i li.illiln.K. on Tluirday. Owen bounil oltU e - Kio.t . ImllilinK. II r\> A \\UH.ll I llairiiten, HoltolWn, Conveyanoara, ate., Owrn ricinu.l. lln.t - Maikilalr. Hut. W. II \\IM 1 II I N. II I l,.~h,Tti.ii ottk-a, Uitchell'a llauk. every Wednewlay. SOCIETIES. An 1' \\ m-ft- , v. M tirnt ami tlilrrt Mnn ilav In ' (i-li month. HI t! IL I N | in It,'.. JrthncKMI.M \\ . W .1 I'rllan.v, nnitr. . i U lllh Hf.-.lliliM-. Vi.ltillO Illftll,.!!! HIVitWt. Rll\ \|. TCMVI.MIS HI' TKMI'I I i v Hi -l mnl Ilin 1 I in-., \m\ . \, i.iii k - ill '.nt-li tiiiiiuh. lii H|ii,>u|f 1,1,,. k at N |i i. iiiimimii vlB uiiiililx, tin. \\,.,lni.siUy |irUOtHllh|j III. _"J||,1 |.| Llli-l, HI.. nil SUNS UK TKMI'I II \M I [-bit -.., l,.|v U I nemlav evnlnu t * p m VMtti.R breth- ereu luvitd) lii-iimiu .- in i-oiiin-t n. >n. YM I 1 11 V l,,.-.l in Hi. n li,,l!. I In, -i..... IU...-li i-v,-i\ nr<tmi.l tl,lr,ITIiiira>lnt 111 auh iiioiith \\ 01 M,,|. Mn.t. i T. Clayton Msjsatt] )>HiMT AltTIII'M l.< |.,,l \,, :ui A P * \ M in.-.. i ,i, tli,. MH-OIH,' ii,,n strain , , . "I" . '''I' - ..n "i Hie fllll inirii. 1>, ( ,(,,, \\ M It. .1. H|iriiui, He>orelar>. U= THE CtLElU\ATED B. Laurance KVCiiLAHNEK ny I'rolon ( nnril Dundalk, S.-|.t Oth, 1894. Laughlm C-irbwtt Tht Ji-. Kex, coiilrcu,r. be |MK! 9666.0U fr coniple- timi of tirmiu, .uutlur liy-L-nv Nn I1J, ,ix oertitiud by T|>. Kngineer. an ih wi-rk ha* IH-CII coiupleteU in u i^tiafattury innniier. Watnon MncKfii7.it 1 --That we u[>ple- in.-nt n urnnt uf f22(>< in:,,le liy Arle- iiu-Kia, tn Iw rxprnileii >t >-f Till Milu runt 'ii townhne. Curbett WaiB<ii That tlif Tn.w. \>y t> tlie TruaH. ol Uumlalk f340 :) Mlmru uf I tr:tiniiiitr Scli<Mil ninliirs. Tint tin' o.iiiiiiislntifr. l'-v Nn. 1, r,-)i.ur l,riilt: m tmrnline Proton and K^ri- ..... nt, mill notify Exrvinnn; t'nnncil tu bear half i-!inr^r. That the following b imiii fur work I In. '', nut if liraimnar S>:li -1 in-.n. \ MM. I^-.-. *4 XO ; Win. Keii<rick. t'-'l 60; |{.it,t. F.-rrn. CH.8U; Joint Hixljiux, !?-.'Hti: lVt.-r McMurdi., 8i:< -'HI IMllllpK, 915.50, i;i:illl "il t., . I. l.i,,. *-.'.'.. 'in. .!... i:..|lCfll, LTHIlt, ^'J4.TH. Cnri tit .M.i, Kni/.ie Tin- lit i-ve ! paid $8 0(1 cXiH-iue* to Toronto r (.Itani mar School iin>nt-y. l.iN-Mni ('..ilN-U That Ilia Tims. \V->,t Luthur T|>. $">.""> ui.dcr B> L 21 HIM! ! WaUon Corbvtt That the Ck-ik . lily the ltvvv of Arti-meitui to n|,pl.- ur i.t uf $150 00 nmiU l>y I'M-IOII to >>i- eCpMMred mi towtiline. M,. K.I. /.i i'.i!, t .;t That i he follow- in.' lie- i-iiiil for ".k in DM. 1. U. S M ; Jas. Brown, 911 !NI; \Vm Irwiit, 9390; U.i. Sii.M, ftt -2o ; \\. Ktuhba, 91<* - . JIM. Challenger, $J<i..~><> ; .Ino. Kn.-lly. >:; HI; Joint l)..ry, friO-OO ; J D. Me- KH,lyeit. f20; 1) Hi-ll. $1850; Win. \\.-rn - \K-\ .Mi-l'li,-i-v,,,,!<|- \l,-\. I'.m, L'.SO ; Til.*. Smith, *11 >7 ; II >lii. l.|, ^'.7.44 l.m-hhh--Ci.rbett That tho follow- in); lw paid for work, Dtv. 4. Div tnoin-v : Jaa. F.lkerton. twnrulvi-rto, f7.76 ; < C;iv iimuli, 167; Poter Jeffrey, ?1O ; \Vm. Mid.lleton, *4 4J In Di\. X... .'., (J S. M Joint Allen, atW.KTi ; Jit... lirinkliHiii. I Hi 25 ; Jug. Hlakfly, 1.V1: Tli<. J.JIIIKOM 940; Win Syuuun' on, $-^l W ; N'.rinaii Sclu-ll. ?7 .HH . J..ln> Oulgan. 1U i U.'.-h.ii.l H,H| K II,, -27 .20; Jii". (i.-mlf.-llow, ,-tt. M '. IVt.-r J.-tir.-y, #lu ; Nt.-al S.-IH-I1, 5 anil 3, 910.50. M u-Kunzie- <',irl>rtt Tit ii th>- follow in... IK- iinul for wi.rk mi townlini* W >-t l.ntli.-r :niil I'r- f.-n, vranl Martin li<'lgt-r, 9'M -. Win. Stni.is. .u lii Div. N.,. L'. (!. S M (. M,-t,;,r>. .liWl; .Mm Hittorf, &.*.' : K-.l-t. Men ziw. 9*0; W,,,. H, Vl ,.. S4.'. M. K- .1-1, *"!.-< . C.C.naiiHglt, $8.00; J.>lin H.IIHI.H, #11. SO . I' fk A Mnt'lliV. 914; T]\"t. Mi-I^i.'n. - I .iii^Mn N\ alMin By-Law 4.". In I, vy nchool iaii.. Winy rend. paHatxl. ISH:C Trayin-r. Tp Kn^inrcr. In- |n<l In* hill for wuik uii(lt<r Drumnk,'' 1 Ity-lawn .'ll'.iii'l 4.'!, ainninit ?47,CI,-ik I . fyl,' l>i,li Till- ColllU-ll luljlilll-ll to Illfi-t 111 ll(l|if- villu m S,MiK-tl' liutt-1, on T utility, t>ct. itth, i 10 n. in. JA-, CAVAVACII. T|>. Fall \sj/,-s. The Full A<Mi/.u.<ifor tlii'C -m ty of <;t-..\ n|ii-ii, ,1 in rlie Coint Houw* hviu nt '_' p 1.1 M"in|;iy, lOlll IIHI., ix-fijie the HOI.OI H.MI- Mi. JitMtioe !{,>.. Thrix- wer, i-uil iinil two I'niiii'.xl i-iwoH to bv tl i "f. St-i'eral ol the rutl f.mvs iie eltl. ,1 "lit <>f Ci'int, itnil in ci.iiM-i|ii lire tins HlltfciK* of Aoi/..-ii hiiU fair to )H> i-oni|nirlivoly short. Tdf run I-IM-NOII tliu Ititi were lh following : Lmii it. Smith nii'l IViike. Tln-t WHS it ri-|,levin action liv.iujit l.\ l>r. l.i i;,,l' llMi-ii .S.'Utnl HkiHins; l>'iu<l(|-ii t, >-'nell it.nl Olivrr IV-.ike, t*o l'm.,i,i,, turn, t , i,-. '"Ill |i '- -> --^."11 i-f to IIMV III IUN nltll thi- l|-n|i|iiiii;M lieloliiriux to llu-in. Tlic ilefencc M-L up wtut nil account ill krt-|i mil tniiinntt of (lit) horwi,, nml n (.nisi- i|ii,.ia ti .inn i > lu-n .li.ilutuent for |i)uin- titl with r. ->! IVfrnileiil'ii cotuitfr- i-lHini ilisminM'il with c.t*. Ma. K >\ A Mutton foi I'll!.. .MurtliH.-k * L\ rlo \Tn- ronto) lor 1>, li> t'aiiiiicliHel \H. McNnb. Thi HC'IOII tor uilurli.ili. Tin- p.lltU'ii lr-1.1.- in Sv.l.'iilt.-un. A i-ttleii,eiit waa tn,,.i nt In iHt-i n tile |i.-irtifii to the suit, ninl tli.' nine WHH lriu-k off tho lint II i. Tn.-kei- fur J'lir ; Miu-Kay A HHtton for IVu faniM v*. Mi.rtiKon This wai nlto n !ii-ti"tt lor aetliii-iioti, Hitil the |Mitiea aln ii-.uli' in St.li'iili.tin. Ity M i.iiiv-'iui i.t U-iween tite purlioa thu unit Witt with- I|IHWII lii'in tin- lilt, and no rvulcnct) wiu inken. .lolni \i uistr.'iii; for thu Tiff. ; M.-kiiv A lliittun for l)i-ft. (iillieH va. IXiw. Action for e<liicli.>li. Tin. imrtiea r,.ule near Floaherion. Tim ril.T i..'fii|ili.|| tllii :itti.|it|.i|| of tilt* Ooll.'t fur nI'Mut iliii'i' lioina mi Mi>n<Uv. tli.- Jury neA havUHl asjsaal when the court io. A wenlisl vcrilii'l na hrought in tltif. iiiniiii.ig awimlitiK the plainulf (.> ilitinii-.'i'a. J. W Knutt fur I'lff. ; Lucm nml \\ nvltt for li ft MiNnblivH Wooil. This waa li a> I mi brought by Mnt. J. I). .\lcNnM. u-;..in~i Mi--. L.IIIIWI WO<K|,W|IH, it will It- ii'.M. in- IM nil . I In- PIOMH iiHU K/iliNt MiN.ili 111 'he riiitniinl uaae .-oiiir <--l. K... Th>- net ion * m for tho ftxtoverv I'.v tli-- ,.lain , till of ilHiiiHKeaniintrinitmt np..n the ilii.il i. lalinii-. rH'twxuii Ml. McNim'i mnl MIM \Vm M | \ 1'iiliei for ili<fcii(Unt. Mi K n A IUiti.it 1,1 ritl. ; H. U. Tucker f..'r O. Agvmt. Tliw . .'I., luilnl the civil >>u>iiiMs. 'I'ln-iM aiu twu uriiiiiltal oamw ml thu lit: . t,>n.','ii \*. \\..,.n. i>.n pirm'V ; nrl Qlteaii \n Mtllor. diihwav rortrmiry ; in winch 1 1 in' lulla havx U-IMI found. (Jneeo \K. Wm-<l Chai|(<of oona|MrM<-y to kwp witntMa from lciiliiw *urt oa ylviliH i in. iii-v N V(UK t , Prianr was ajlowed tu go on impended sentence. yuefti vs. Miller. Trial poatpmed until Deceinlwr SVMIOIII owin^ to ahewiioe uf a Cn.wn witnrm. Advertuer. . - . Klii-iiin.iliiiii < urnl In a Pa> Mouth American RhrontafiMn Cure, for Rlieuit'.atia'n ami >ViiraL'ia, radically cures in 1 to.'f ilv Ilit action upon tin- \^t<-in ii remarkable and myite-inua. It remove* at once the cauw and the <ii<- . i- .iniuo'liately diiw|inear*. The tint diwe greatly benefits. 7 centa. Sold by \V. E. KichardioM Druggiat. ! and in th.- aaid orange, together with all i iu rind, nkin, juice, pulp and pip, and t all nghta am! ili.intnjrs therein vilio full power t bite, cot, luck nd iKber * wi* eat the *.mr, .,r yive tliaaau.e awa/, as fully Hinl frtet-!UHlly in I tit- said A. Ii. am emiiKil t.. l.it>-. cut, auck or othei isc eat the said oianga, or jive tlie .same- away with iurtnd, Hkin. jni -. p ili> .-tnd. pipe, anything !i--i- ; :.,-ior,-,.- l> rumaftr or in any other deeU, HI.-.IMI neir ,,r in- atruinenla. of v li.i! iittii.,- ., kind k<>- over to the colitrary uotwitlulanJiu^. ' Kidd. nf Mono Mills, ".-e'l !". fiiarriefl a t lr ' "allied Robin* aifwl 18, a Weok or no a-:". I'll' tlie girl U coy and In- l"'t f.-llen Up tier illHMle III tile Kl.l-l d ..... icile Tin- "'it man i- n >w a.ltrr- tisui.' I lint In' will In* Iw re|.,i-ible |..r ilrl.M I'on'mcted liy li.-r. KiUil ! worth from ,*50,000 t.. $KK.i,OgO. i Bonn to HrM-mMi. On- b,tt> of English S|ii-i l.iiiiin. n' i..iri>lete'y rcuioveil it cui h front my horm-. I take plfusiirf in reootuuwndtus; >ho remedy, as It HCI8 WJ'll myti.rioii pioiii|iliu-.4 I,, the removal from honte of haul, sof 1 or cnl- loused lump, bliMM) |\ in. splints, sweeny, atifles and ~[" OKI'! ' . Sold by W. E. Hicltruon, L>i i If a iiwn were t.. yive another I or.-nn!-', lie would merely any "I -ne you tin-, ornni;.. ; " but when the trnii.- tiun ia entnm'ej to the hantU of a lawyer to |.ut it in writintt he .i,|ir- tln> f TUI ' I hereby i(ive, ^rant aud com i y > >"' u all and Miii;ular, my estate nd ii.tere-t ri^'lit, title, and claim mi 1 i Jviii'agws ..f DONT DESPAIR DODD'S' KIDNEY ', PILLS WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd' Kidney Pi"' I" cui* ay -.ne. DUbrter I umbacp. DI.IMV. RKcemalhm. Heart CMavaw. F cmite Trouble*. Impure Biood-jw moary refunded. mail oo ,-. jcc. per bo*, or Six boxes M-so. R. L. A. SMITH * CO.. Toronto. EX-MEMBER s PARLIAMENT REUBEN E.TRUAX ' lion. Reuben . Trux, one of Canada's ablest thinkers and states- men, a man so highly esteemed by the i - 'I'll' of his district that he was honored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the public, inasmuch as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Trunx says " I have been for about ten years very much troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. I was r? com- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a bottle, and I must say I found very great relief, and have since taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and would strongly recommend all my fcllow-suff<!rers from the disease to give South American Nervine an immediate trial. It will cure you. "REUBEN E. TUUAX, Walkerton, Out." It has lately been discovered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, control and supply the stomach with the nseee sary nerve force to properly digest the, lood When that* Nerve CM< .- y O M tres are in any way deranged ta* supply of nerve force is at oace , diminished, aud as a result the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronic Indi- gestion and Ihspepsia oou make Uieir appearance. South Auu-rican Nervine is to prepared that it act* directly on the nerver It will absolutely cure every , case of Iudivsti<m and Dyspepsia, and is au absolute spoc.lk tor all nervous diseases and ailments. It usually gi\cs relief in one day. Its power* to build up the whole system are wo:ulcrful in the extreme. It cures the old, tho young, aud the middle-aged. It is a (.-res ; friend to the aged aiul nifinu. Do uot neglect to use this precious boon ; if you do. you may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasent to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fail to use tui great cure* because it will put the- bloom of freshness aud boauty npou your lips and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabilities) and weaknesses. Dr. W. Washbura. of New Richmond, Indmua, writes : I uav , need South American Nervine in ray fataily and prescribed it t* my practice: It ia a atcst eicajkat

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