Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1894, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL, XIV. NO. 684 7LEHERTON. ONT THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11 1894. W.fl THURSTON ere*; Can you see well ? W- Is your sight j>oo4 ? I IM- ii- If not we have something to tell yon. Have yon ever noticed that one of your eyes is stronger than the other ? In ninety-nin c ises out of a hundred this is a fact. !"n- der the old-tyle. nf fitting trlafurs both crystals were of a like power. We have the facilities fur testing tlie eyes, and can tit you a pair of glasses to exactly suit tlie power of vision o f each eve. We c*n suit your case pf-rfccilv and tfnamntee satisfaction. Come in and get a pair and renew your youth. Armstrong Bros. Jewellers FLESH KFtTON. Our Business Directory The faira are almost over ana people are settling down to work a^ain. \Ve had a rather disagreeable day r our township fair, nevertheless it w la quite a luccram. It wait with sincere le-^ret that the people of this iiHinh':.. .r!i--od WrneU of the death <>f Mrs (Dr.) Bennett, of Rock lyn, which took place Monday nf last week. The remain* were takeu to Fergus her parental h >iue, for interment. The Dr. has the itympatby of a very large cuele of friends, in hi> aorr>*. Mrs. R. < iilray is now very lw, having suffered lor some months with gangrene. Dr. McLean in in artuidence. Rev. A. Gilray and Mr Will. Gilray. of Toronto, also Mr*. Me Master, v wiled their luidln-r last week. Miss Johnston. >! Meaford, was the guest nf Mias McKnitrht. last werk. Mies Maggie McCnnell spent a few iliys with friends in Meafi.nl taut week. Mrs. Th.Mi. Le;!ate and children re- turned to their h-ine in T .r-nto Satur- day last after p.-ml n >finoi,tlis ^ frifiids in Ki(.linui.i. St. Vincent and Owen Si.iunl Mr. L< _:,'ite spent a week at Eppint; and aocomp tiled them home. scene of the accident they went to work with a will and so m landed the unlucky griiund Lut Sunday afternoon Mr \\;:.- it, an old resident of this village, was atnckeit down with paralyau and is in a very I w condition at present. Mrs (ieor^e Tryon, who haa beeo seri-usly ill, is, we are glad soiuewhat better at the time < Meaars. J-hn Stotltart and Lachie Mc- Lean returned borne last wwk after put . the summer in the old settlements. Eugenia ORDER YOUR- M \KKHGEHCEX8E8. ittusic. Iftue-l d* or ni-j i'. at til * ofleeor raaidaac* v( tb* uti.lnit!nid. UIVlSIONCWhTCLF. .COMMIS8IONFR 1:1 H.C ...Conveyancer. 4c. Notary public. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. rLZNUUrroM. M.CCLLOCGH * YOIM.. Hauler*. Markdale. do a cn*ral banking bua- inau. Money loaned at a reasonable rat*. Call on u*. VI IBS EDITH RICHAitDSON. Kllpll of Mahr. of Harllu. Oermanv. IT Mr. Hradlev of Toronto ConierTatory Huic. Fi;m uur uio oa The bridge here is now drawing to a clone. Ii will be a substantial and dur- able job when completed after a large amount labor. It u only actual measure- in--!.' that '<ne can get any idea of the capacity to be tiled. Eirery oue should jt u to-dy to the harvest ho me and at night to the ijraud concert in the hall. The ana!yi>t, who ei:umned 'he speci- men of cl.iy sent from Mr I 1 . ^ pl.we. reports it 'o be 9 "., marl an im- portant i lirt-l.eut 111 cement. Mr. S. Dumude ai.d Mr A. Muunhaw passed through town loaded with lota of pluck and Aunnuniti-.ii in search of bears out in Ctjllingwood township. Mr .1 A U . i i. is now at buainem C|l ~< Overcoat -I get selection - C. aj. LEITCH, MERCHANT TULi.R. STRAYED- S^'b.' Jh"ll ' '' nE>%" 10 Fr. \J- tent* in r*verbam with large far Ian. Apply J PALL. Fe w>oaa. Oct F """ .'.p....-.... in his h..,|,, wuich is .,uue an improve '.M. Field say. that "no place la as ,,,,. u , tluj c( , rl , er ash.-,,,.- M *,.i,,l<, i, working h pr ,, Uble U ^ t | ie Eugenia and '*- with him ac present and both are very busy CAME ASTRAY- Alderman Little, of Owen Sound, called on hU sou, Mr. .J. Little, laat week. I prvy foot ball club* will hv a trial f -,"u at tlie Fevenham how thi* week. M K. HAMMOND. i-ost Master Kimberley. Commii.iooar for j takin Affidavit* ate. Insure* and loan* money at low**t rate*. Execute* Lea** *. Dead*, Will*, etc. promptly, cheaply aud eltlcieatly. T> J.BPBOCLE. Poatuiaster. Fleaherton. Comminioaer In P. |: l..o imtsl > urtiooeer. Conveyancer, A Vraiser and Money Lender. Real rotate aud In.urance Aiant. Dwl. Mort**e*. Lease*, j and Will* drawuupaud Valuations ma-la oa borte*t notii-e. Auction Sale* attended to n< any |iartof the Count. M-.uey to loan at low I t rate, of nm-rmt. t'ollncti.-n* itten.larl to with promntnoAB aud .les]>*i.-h i'h\r-,'"* In*. Aitent for the Uoiuinion htvauiship I'mnpariv. > .heap tickets fmui M**liert'>n t" I iv.Tpool. il John. ton. aj, . ' i1a*KOW. London or any of the Hritnh j'ort* | j, , 1'artiet. int-irlni,i to vi*it I.-itfl.xti I. S,->t!%nd or In-lai:d will p ,-, .*k rate* before p'lrcliating tneir ticket, elsewhere. 1'rof. K will race tud 11 in hISlilNG. \IU1.1S. I'l- J W. KhUtfT. Karrialar. Solicitor. ronvancar. Etc. Fleouertou oOee- Net the poet o*Va* Itprool* buildiuK. on Tbumiay*. Owu Sound offica Kroat buUdin. 1 fCAS A WKIGHT. Harricter*. HoUciton. Convaranccn. etc.. Owm Sound. Ou.t - - Markilale. Ont. W II. WKIUBT. 1. B ! N B -Kluertoa offlca. Mitchell* Bank erery Wednesday. The Uev. Mr. lledfonl, of prtvched in the .Mediotliit church hei- on U>t S.ti.ii.irh He is .1 <j<io,l preacher. Mn. Clark returned fr-.iu M.irk<UI<*. lktM Tuck c Ko.nl. . The owner la wav \ua Pncevill* f 3 Ban Lamlis for a .' i:.v *\ -Uv ii, - , In-iMo. LWill K l^t an-l thT'l Mr-M in their IO.IK. -' t toi ' .;;n.v. f.ii"f'*r \V :tit;..-ru T\I:. IUTTOX. M. D. C M, M C !' i S.Ont. IMeeTill.v .nee and office one door went of tli< i-hiirvh.KiQrua* St. Office day, Tu**day> and Saturday*. OYAL TKVl'L- egular <'oncll niret* every ftrt iinH -, ' vnitiK in noli un>nji. .nil,, s hl t * p in. S?l*-| M,U.'< the Wwdneeday . of each niDitth. IJCNS of TKMl'KI: \M K Thi-. .otlety ^*) ui.-' ,n IV chri-tiv' Hull ^^ P..-IH. v-'iiiiit -t " p.m \ iitli. bretb- 4-rvn iuvitetl Int-nraiM-v in o->r-i -, tnui IK. C. \KTEK. Flashmtun oBc Straiu* b'ouk. MunsbaWs botel. Y' M 1' H A . tnr-t in their ball. Chrlttoa* Block ver\ 2r<t ml Ibir.l rhur<l\ n evh ioniL. m. Sharp. Matter. T. Clayton ftacret.rv ' Y- jr c-.rreap<>ndeut but week omitted ntion t.iat Mr. Keid u vu>itiug his Deputy rve i'rest-ii Iwi lieen suffer- ..n-in-btw, Mr J.-s. Buchaiun. of ihii> in^ fr.-in ,re eyes l.i' place. Mr. ('.iiir-n ami l.inuly moved away Mian Sarah John-ton, who hits bwn fiom town Ust week. attending the Owen Sound collegiate in TheS.A tul w.-nt thpiu-U licre last stitute, is spoiriiog a few diys at her Friday, en route for Salem. h-ine. A uumbur from here took in the Mr K - rt Pi irch.ml. who i tii>l\ini{ "Woild's r'.tir" at Fevcrsiiam on \\ . t;<ent last week at his houje. ; nesdiiy. Mr. i\ ' ' ' ' ' '. K. nr^anizer, Our town was .ilm-ist depopulated on visited thw place last Week. The Court S.indjy veiling, as ne-trly every one here is pr<^re*aive. went to :!i Army. Mi- tu -it pMt a few days News reached lieie .-n - :,-.u.e, at Pru-erili.-. Hidden death -: M Ui 11 1' tta, --f T-- >l r . Ku,.ert, i-ui treuied paator, nave roi,;,,. Th. me to Uund.i.k "ii , 4 kc ry inieresiin^ and instructive talk to Monday for int-.-rment there. the young people. His discourw wan , from the * -ids, "Tiut in tile Lord and I'rirrt illr. ,doi(od, - u dwell 111 the land, 1 .ui I veiily th-ii shalt be fed. ' The nch and ^med tint* of autumn ! "Tliesww. calm sunsli-ncof ( Molwr llBra;d ^,^ H , he mfl{ , ni-jC t, O f W | llt ^r no* warm, the low m~-t ; ii|..n r- (I >-- featliHre-1 ..-niters build their , th,- precious seed. '*** l |iurpaaa. whcQ A|<t>l> ui na a lar*> sjen ii I* me f >r *Je for 1 1 a* Has: will be disposed of .he* . > \nr Kiuibarley P C. IWllfWIil tXKR(JETIC MM to !! our 111 A I r 1 1 choice and couiplotv line ol 11 MM 1.3 > "nary Mtock *nd teed nota*- oe*. Hi tt hNt talary ana ootn- mMpn paid weekly, pa.it-i: *nd perumoau% M liuarantved n I .m ce* aaanrad to if--' ' - ^a. -i-.:.. b*;innar. nc no! nwMnary. Klrluiv terr .r wi, . h.., .r a.me lven. Dv nut AILKN \i Cvhi-yro. Grower* * Propaaawr ROt-'HESTKR. N W1ITED S1LESIEI line of NfRSHKV - r , K or StKD iiir\ S - II l'\v . .nil .ll It Wl.l r to write u* for u-rtr. \-l.lr* **, The Hawks Nursery Co.. Rociwster N. Y. Farms for Sale. township of known a* '-n. M KUKAJUX r: ' in-.nltl the |iiir;>le o*k letf fills : tile hro- ttfttn \ i beatin ( Our f' .).j irbruht | They vf in lalior n nil hope. A few have pasted an-l the l;tl-r :- 1 team pUyed .1 .;. i wnb imp , y n . W8rae j > the ],,. ls fu u y n . th^rr-t-i,^ .1.011 in- rou.i.U ^^ The golden urstin has been gar- of the Utter Ust Snturdiy afternoon. neriied aii-1 * evidenced the bvuu- the hour was late when playitw c-iomenc f ,, . ruth tlm , He wh.- protects rh delicate U-.ut <H)iniiinres ,,. j lii4 Uiunlifuliy provided fur Hloek, Kl*berton. every Frllay .-n "i Dr" Caiter. \V M full m, rn. R I. s,, r< >ul*,Kecretarv. JOH S A. SCOTT. M B. nbar Collocerhyic. * Surgeon" Dntarlo ilraduale iu MKlu-::i of Toronto I'm- Kellowirip Diploma. Poet Oraduate Medlciil Nchool and Hcwpltal. riiicatio IMfa-ux of ev. ar. nmwar.d throKt -i-iuially tn-ated Kem denca Maxwfll. vlit* KermnamThura\* 1 J P. OTTKWELL. Vatarinaiy nrR. on Oradnato nf Ontario Veterinary College lUr'dane* Nemt dwor outb of Maor pianlnc (act..r . up the I'ncvvillerat" tlie tune of 3 to^ \V. J. KUkeHt.-n rrfereed the match At' |) 1 TJ'.YV.Vr- '':.." -er the fun was over both team* tat down !,t % V'!-",in*'\tT V >v'!'.T; I to * itibe'aiititl supper in McL n i h:ill UUiUlce ,,,' ,.. Mi .1. L. Sinclair made a xpeech at the Patron-t picnic at Creenioie praiaing farm erx and 'lecryiug pn>fessionaJ men It u, nee He*. I- *ay that the boys dl ..j,.,,^.^.. ^'.M. ,. nr>t ,,,io the FARM FOR SALE. i'il fa-to for aie. 'ot I*, coo 1. F ultii: of IQUacre*. of wbjehaj an* i-itMtrot n-l rettMiealaT ffoo>i Lar Iwood bn*C. *!- tble aad food wwll oa. pr*- . Ternv- to suit puix-hawr. 'i >|v ! Lot ~ con. IK. Prueuij. !<wluton Ta.k P. ' Sept.. 94. J K HVLSTKAD. M D . M C ; rV. Ont . pra-li at Kim- barley. Rheumatic di*ran~ . -i-i'iellty. 1,1; MMiY U I'.RAMPKK V'. it-nit brrthfeuoo - , ' ample justk-o to r,,. K! ,1,,,,^ pr.,v,u,-d ^ ^ ^ ^ ; for then-, especially Captain H. wh- wad- i We Hi.- .. Onf : Priaille. Itutviio >' ' nigbt or <la>. i>n>ini-tl . .tUMi-ln.'. Vi*lu tion 10 to 11. Wi-cli. M. l>. I'. M.. M. r. P. lfBc<nU rent -ai'i-e i.llWUtMAKKS COPYRIGHTS. I OBTAIJI A PATKJITf rw s answer and an bnneet opinion, write ta . J afc CO.. woo have bad naarti irty rears) S^artanra lathe ratont biutnae*. itonmanlaa. on* itrvily a-nildential. A Haodkmk of la, foriuai.-m cnoernioi( Palrel* and bow lo ob- ed into the auitu, like ;i barter not aitv what. W. .1. and A. McL a S > made the L!.I'B have it f-rioiu at ' N. bri-ad and butter and proft Haiooal men came and eat it. " Tlieiv \* :ne truth in this Ht-itmenr as the inajoiiry \ i pn fewional intn in the c -unuy iu-e fartueis J P MAHMHALL, * L. D.8.,11 IXP., 'Hnvirt. Vtal Mar*d atr lat n.l M W<><ina nf eab 1 .ju*j%W - lain t bain Mat free-A I *o t sijslngajs ot lel and cieaCM* book* MB< , fwa. a <eu. Sara pe.ranc*., aided in ^.HM| style bv T on*, who was an hungry as .1 sb.tii'yinan. On Saturd.ty af'orn.Miii k* John l>i'W A in.wt peculiat and reni.u-kaUe .eurr wa l.Hikinv for tattle he f.-uiiil oiu- ot tlie ence t.n.k place at a certain private rwl- h^rtl up I" if- neck in the mire on the dencu in town a few days g" which soffit . edge o( Devlin's lake. He ran IIOIIH. for "Hat startled lb servant irl. It teem* a r-.pe, and f'ei.ing it ai. und the horn , she was gwlln.* tt for the g.d p^-ple initiwgvd to kfep the beant s noae oui -I ] "f the house, aud when about to cut the the mud Just then the football boys bread was reAlly tur(rnM>d on taking off . fortunately came alonu on their way to rlw tirst slice that almoime had hollowed -.,. ' to the station, and 1-arnmv of the d*n out a lanfw hole and built a nest there-iu, aS!Sie woU in tbe , arl , , u | siti..n >.| ; the bi.vine. they t*-d with his uavahtp in full pose*).>n. ' """ "' their horsea to i ho fence, threw otf their The irl didn't faii^, but yu c*n imsmiue overcnats and wu tcainuvriiiK acro*a the I her tee.Ui^ at that Uiue. Bieier A^vt - nIo like luUu.M. l'-4>u arnviuj at the eate. TENDERS WANfED. Tand-r w 1! h>- rec.:vu- bv t-!,- tin lerlt( f lr \ ur loiua. i.: !oi - < t.-, nlln.K i -^.t^v*^ \-. ita - '. .'i.,- uu ti-w,,. ,ne, Arl4*niMia *.- I ith ouu. Sjt. at Ihe .Jttu ^ >-r ttl- e'. 14 . a. FlenUc - ton. Ternlen* may bt- Iff > ihv t la -< or ;>!. . . rh<- !owaMor auy tti- Her uot iiacoaearlv att-epte*!. <iKa Ts.m ioi J-JJIV < T AHB Sept i4. 'St. Oiu. JuintCoiueiiaaioner* r.._ Jt ' ' ;, tn f ,^", tlrev. ^ of Pro*. IJ e barlwou-l aud birch, lent lama ia tree*. Tbie lot IH iu s Hood lu caiily and IM onlv 9 roilee fr ui Kteehertoii SSa- tiou ao.1 tx>ut t oilw from Proton oaatioo oa tbeC. P. K. Th*ai*w unll ou t y ( i*ul ti-nii lot. A K-iod -.itj* will be gtvup aua th pu ohaear will (at it ebea> aud uu *a*j tavui* .,( pa.im-na. Fur lurthar pejrttcnlaiv applv to MRS. I-ATHKHI!KW ': T, PTtarrtUa f S Jo

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