Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1894, p. 5

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THI FLESHERT01 ADT1RC8 GEO. MITCHELL iLt:snrrv < ( *! U It txviacM t *. fr*'ti t**Ml aii'l ca uu*eah'ia- umt omc wo *or. m*ik - f *.ehr<tan * Co i Vicinity Chips. Characteristics wf the Past Week Caretally Called for the B mmong luealt vM be at Ou rat* f lOc ftr Ue for tack insert***. A rwdwrfum wM (x Store t.. rent in Petersham. See ad- vertisement elsewhere. Fun, we will *hw a tine stock f torn onllirv ml\ c*|ie vid rob* la a lew day*. T. Hill. lad dry thnas apple* that are waatmv!- Apple parera only 50c at Rich- Did yu see thaw dandy tea RichinUmi's wmduw unljr (2.96 lod Early on Monday morning Wm. H. Hand*, a printer riio,' m th Km- Frew usic0, SlirlhyrsMs. ootimitUai sui- vide by throwing himself under a moving f reigki train. Dvnoalk lair on Friday. If the weather O.R'II><- Hue it will n<> doubt be ie of the beat ever held ir. Duudalk Vim a***'* miss it by Mews. DauiisJe Wrifjit started up their (tare factory ajin lst week and will run off the balance <>f their stocfc. They have sale f>ir mure atav< thau they > supply. The Owen Sound Advt-rtmer puUyhed M ipecial trade edition lait week. The illustrations are (Mod and represent very fairly the business interests of Owen Sound. A MTV*;* kosse, under liie sjsapioM / the K.L A , ..f Eugenia, will b held in the Orane Ha.l, Ocr llth, WiH, The I 'rot . i, orchestra aud other tal*,t are engaged for the ucrasivu. A xvamd time LS anticipated. I'wial Dr. Carter bad a valuable Maokiutsh - len from Mumhaw'a h<<el on fair day, the lait Jay of the fair. Mr. Davidaon, vf Feverahani, had a cutt exchanged the -.tne dajr, aud a* the cut he got M too l-irge he woald like to accommodate the vther mau by trading back. The anniversary aen toe* in connection with the Meth.Hut church will be held ..n SahUili. ili in*t. Rev W. Ayera, <>f AiUa Craig, will preach in >rnmg and weniBK A special plate collection will K- taken up Mislead of, a* formerly, hold- ing an entertainment, this collvctiu* to be iu aid of the Truat fund. To remove the ronstipatcd habit, the nly nafe treatment is a coirae of Aver I Mia, followed by a laxative diet. Most other CHlhartic* do more harm than good, therefore leading physicians recomrnd Ayer'.s till*, especially ana family physic. Mr W. H Oilhoun, of Dundalk, WM a caller mi Friday evening, and tntde a Contract for an advertisement in 'Ins 1<aper. CalhouiiK do a largo buaiiiew and tx-lieve in using printer*' ink. lie iur nnd read their ativrrtiaement, which will 1 found elsewhere ill thia itsue and rreiy wvt-k hereafter. K'sep youreyeoo their *pc fur frech anuonneemenia. C'onfu-ion M t-t the choice of a bloo.1- purifier i* unoecetiwy. There it but one bftt Sarmparilla, and that ii Aver < Thu inipoHant fact waft recognized at the \V,.rld'M Krit. Chicago. 18H8, being the ..ill? blond -purifier (dnutted to be placed <<i exhibition. Hro. Rainag-, of the Durham Review, ;.. e a vplendid report of Eaat Grey fall mr laob nook. Tb Review wan never HO interetming un.Her any of ito preri.-uanwii- >[ aa it ^ under the nmna^iiient of it* (ircwent practical proprietor. May his heart be. gl*4*iM4.bjt au a|>prciative pab- li-. Mr. T. H. TVwera, who ha been here for the p.tat two weera m oonnectinn with hit ad. which ha* appotxed in the A I vnc for the paal three weeks. h*a wld i I* farm in Orange Valley to Mr. Will furvm, havii'R had ton applicant* to rent und three to buy. He re'un>ed to hi* If *ie oil Thuraday. Mr. P. uiiJiUKu iiv, value vi pnuten' tuk. Fur genuine cheek a Toronto wholeaale firm takes the l.nn They aend ua ten ce.utV worth ol piiM aud ask in return a 24 In* readinK notice w.cth 92 99. Thi* Moiiue would diet about lift- irts to put it in type, nut to my aaytltin/ f ink, space, di*lrihtiii, ete. The runs are no doubt food pin*, but w prefer to buy ours iu the ordinary wa/ at t *o cents a paper. Still, some ut our eirw*n_<** prefer the other wiy, and thereby actually j pay far more than the article la worth any dry goods ittara. BoydN Mill Burned. Byd*s sawmill, abnsu f.,r mile* snutb of Fleabertun, waa burned to the gnwud on Fruiay evening. The ire ntarted fmui the fire hox. 9u stock watt burned. Loa* about $L300 ; no insurance. Bnth pro\rietirs pr awaf from hossM at tiae ..f the fr. The Hone Recovered. It will be rewjembered tha* after the Clarksbutf bank rubbery a mare Mid buxtf, wen.- atolen from Mr. W. C. Charter*, wlio liea near Heathoo:, with ahich it wu auppoaed the thievei made good their eiiuape with thtr plunder. Mr. AnJrew Dw, of the Durham mad, advertwed in Th Advance a mare that had come aafray, and <m Tueaday Mr ('harteri cam* up and identified th ani- mal and tiwk her home, but no trace haa beeu had of the hiy and harneaa. One of the vuppuatwi tlnorei, who jiveH hit uaiira at Win. Irwin. WM arreated in To- ruiito lad week and it now lodged in Owen 8ouiid jail awaiting trial. The de- tt-vtirt are 1ml oa the trail / hit cui.- federatea. Personal. l>r ami Mm. Christoe returned taut week from a viait to frieiyd* in Michigan. Tlie Mitara En>ma aiul Sarah Wright ar viaMiug with frwndt iu Detroit Meaars. P- Uenuanon and Frank Vandusrn left on Friday for Chicago. Mr. Will Suttivao, uf Collm.H<l. aptNU Sunday with hit parent* iu Fl*hr- ton. Mm. Juhn Catlicart who \\oae. heeii viit ing her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. C*rr, for the paat two wevlts, returned to her liouie in Durhsw >nty Thursday morning. Mr*. W. H. Thurttou, F!aher>Mi. and MIM Myrtle Thuraton, Knnberlry, are viiitiifj frienda in I )wen Siund. Mr. S. Damude g>>t tise<l holidaying and returned to hia duties on Wednes- day. Game m very tcarvu thin fall. Messrs. W. P. Cr.wley and Allan Gib- aolt rvtvrned lat week from tln-ir trip to the ild country. Both gentlemen enjoyed the trip wry pnucfi. Mr Cr>sley won abuut 9 yoara uf age when he emigrated fruui uld Ireland, and Mr. < Jilwou about 10 when he saw A uld Scotia last. The Utter had a splendid tuu among his IIIHIIV trunds and relative*, and brouvhi back vrith him some i^wcimeiia of Scotch heth and heather Mr. Cnviley t'x.k in the mint . f Ireland add his tn<|iliy wait a buutli f the dear little .vhaatrjck. Obituary. On Thur*>l:iy, Dot ith, n gliom fell upoa thv IIKIIIU f Mr. \\ . Mathias \Vil- liaiitii 'U. (>1J Durham R i'l, canted by the driitii <>f thoir youugext son. Mathiaa, a lad -f IU yeArs. On Kept. 24tli h * taken d'>wn with attack "f infltumtion, and altliough nil was diite thai human hand c"iild ilo to spare hi* life, yet (i"U ca led bun 10 Himtolf. Hia l.fehere waa short, l.ut ii.tt in vain. Before death ho r-ii in.ii' I Ins friend* conKtaiitly thu lit) was tfomg Home, lie w>ui a nrom sinx boy and had his life been spared, would no J..uU. have been a useful man in hia Master's vi.ieyanl. Aui"ng hit fello* .-tjUents he at 1 vays kind, uj.r ^ht nd j\ial, takinv * lively inlereU in all thfir *port*. K Ute he has exhibited a nmrkcd interent in educational and ChriHt- inn K i K-av.-r work. He waa a favorite with a'l. But th.i-Js<h hia loss is flt his anaocniitx. nowhere will he b as iu his home. Hi8 kin j. <>n aiderate and uentle nature was known there, aa it could nut be elswh.<re. Tho hopes ot the whole household era centred in their y*uiigei*t bon *nd biolhfr, but though the Ion* hem in great and the breech m le can never be Mlled. yvt tSoU hiu only vailed Hi* ow.u. aud placed him beyond i.'ie pulluti >n* f sin. They nti ) in iY lire for Uieir denr bnjr. The chain is only ItT'ikv i, one link hs be placed a':>ove, which will b- riveted anain. a* o.ie by one they | aa* oyer Jordan, to meet their love i>ut\who will be wait.njj and WittcliluK t<> welcome them H HIIO. H ii uut dad MM cbilJ uf our afrvtiui*. Hut I* KUU uut j luM wlMiol, W ur a* DO louver Dwla our poor prgt<Mti>>S) Auu CbiUt biuiwll uv> iUio. " COM < on in v nnd Mfltrtet. A potato picking heo in field nn the -t tkiru of the towa aa changed into a bear bunt in abort order 011 Saturday aftaniiun. U'kife gattierinKtbeniurphie* the buyt m eagafvi copied a bear and etb enlermit the field. They would have liked to hav renamed for the fun, but Mr. Charlea Rombougli aent them off ut hot hatte fur men ad xuna, and until the arrival of the huntsmen he kept the anie in a ekiiup of trow Bear the potato patdi. The newa rapidly apread arouud tnwn UK! very noon every available thoot- ui^ iron waa after the bean. A number of buy* alao went along, and excitement reigned for a time. The beam were of tho taneat kind. Arthur Eunia played a tato on the big one 'a back a* it ran. Mr. J. A. Hunter aleer bruin. Hit tine nlvot aipped Uke clawa and the bear turned an him, but a tecond bullet reached a vital up it, au bruin turned up hi* toea. The oarcau waa that of a bear not very aged but in poor condition. The cub escaped, and although the aporta have acoured the wood* for inilen diatant, they have Dot captured i' . In the excitement of Saturday's hunt Mr. Charles Roui- bough waa abot in the leg, the ball pxaiuv.! thruBi>h the calf and inflicting a painful wound which may lay him up fur week*. There wai much revklea* hiMiting at the time, that the wonder ix not more accidents are to be repjrted Durham Chronicle. Boots Burn la F1*hrtou. ou M'adaiadajr, ir<l isnt. tb wif of Jo*. Huiilh. of a SOD, Mi.tx>Ki.D- In Fl.iiertoti. oa (iatur.lay Mb nut.. tii wi/tf u( Ualoolm Uacdouald. of Attention In time to any irregularity of tha Stomach- Liver, or Bowels may prevent srrioua consequences. Indigestion, costiveness, beadachp, nau- sea, bilious. mess, and ver- tigo indicate certain func- tional derango- raciits, the beat remedy (or Which is Awer'a Pills. Purt-ly vego- tabte, suw/ar-roatol, easy to take and quick to assimiluto. this is the Weal family medicine the most popular. ate, and useful aperivnt in pliar- macy. Mrs. M. A. CROCK WLL. Harris, Tenrt, says: "Ayer 1 * CaUurtie Fill* cured me ol sick beadaehe and my husband ol neuralgU. We tttiuk there to No Better Medicine, and have Induced ouny to lue tL " TWrty-Bve years as this Sprlnn, I wasi ran down by bar J work anil a succession ol colds, which made BM so (eeble that wa an ewnrt lor me to walk. I consulted . doctors, but kept sinking lower uutil 1 .ia4 rlv- up all hope of ever being better. tlappenlnx M be In a store, ore day, when wdktae* were sokl. the rr> prletor notked y weak and sickly appearance, and, after a lew questions as to ray health, recc-ra- mended me to try Ayec's Pills. I had Ill-Jo l_ltt In these or any other medicine, but concluded, at to<t, to take Us aUrlce and try a box. Befrre I bad uvxl UKm all, I * is cry much better, an.l t\ro boxes eured me, I 301 now 30 years old; but I relievo that U It bad not been for Ayer's n:!s, I sbouU tavs Lecn In my cravo l<n^ szo. 1 buy boxes every year, which make HO boxes up to Uus time, and I would DO more be with- out then than without bread." II. U. Shoes Rubbers It Urn Fill Lin if . B."*s, Shim, Rubbers. Ove.sSoes, Felt Boon, f'* fall wear. Call and try u. The Best & Cheapest I to gat *bu<l i* at Prompt itfcnbon to custom work and repairing . Money Saved Money Gained, Raring decided tu. oluae my buokaan the 15th uf October, after that date I will of- fer you noodidun a CASH AXD TRADE BASIS ONLY, At price* a* low a* will permit a living profit. The pay a* you go tyatem it the uuljr way. to auoceei for the purchaser aa well aa the seller. PI^ICE. HE My (lock is nerji complete in. all linea PALL AND WINTER GOODS. Special lines in l"nderwar, ManUe* and Mantle Goods, Millinery. Boots and Shoe*. A special invitation M evented- to all to call aud see our stock and get pnc- Bu'.ler, Eg','. Hnloi. Shuep Skuas. TsUi'w. eat; , taken at caeh. , HILL. FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, Piano*. Orxana, bewinit M.tciiinK-. Picture Framing and Repairing. This i* our buiaiMMa a. d we try to attend to it. THIS IS FAIR SEASON And we are selling at fair orient. DuD't fnrvM while in to see the attrac- rimiK t the exhil'itiou t" call and see our display and take notice to the urtuvn .<f <>ur \Ve HedriMim Suits at the 1 >wett pmwible pnces,snd nil other House Furn- co>rdiiij{ly in \lintl Tli*t we excel all ucber clea'ers in the udertAkmi{ line, buth in qual- ity, priced and ttyle. VVV d.. uur buainean in our nhup and believe in quoting prices there. Si hefure purvhaaing elsewherv i!ive us a call, slid duu t be deceived by placards. J. E. B ASK ER V I LLE Sc CO. WRIGHT SOLD STORE. KLESHERTN , Kockland, He. AVER'S PILLS r. J. C. Ay>r 9t Co., Lowt-:i. Ma Every Dose Effective IAMOND PILLS CONSTIPATION. ^BILIOUSNESS, r^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER. ONC WLL ArrVM CATINQ INSURES aOOO OI9C9TION. Pointers from DundalK We are <letcrniin*<l tu live the people values thin fall that will wirpriw uiie n.l all. The r'leali'rton papvr hiu a UK* cireulatiou <wrU lL<usgu .1 . beat .ruaos of reacuiug you with the gUJ. uew. !>.> not bay your fall an<t winter D.MS Qoods until vuu hesr the pnceu luJ * tLo aMortmeut tu be U ui at the Stoxe, \\ . have pot tartb *\ery eflort to have this department stur.seU ^tb tlw latent a* wll as the be*t goods ooiil al ITIC tlial .!/> COUIIH.-HUOU. W invite' ><>ur iu rpecliuu (velinii *urt- \u will be nire ilitn pleased with the mult* \r*y"U iu iwd of MantlrK tr 01tllMtH? W e have butu in prufusioo snd beautiful giHMla isuniTted dileetly (ram GerunnJ, t. You must te. them to kuuw wliat bu barfa'u* w* bavc in tboso hues. STAPLE UEPAKTMhNT COMPLETE. Much more could IM 9id of .!: aliuve tines aud otbiys uot.meBtiojivd, out spacs wiil no Dullaraeau b saved. by 1-ujing . th* i.(U U. ri*l> Ml4*' anal s>rlrrr4 rlwtklsllU OvereooUi, TWWI. Vatie-weaa uf all kind* can be ImJ iu bmt mid guud qualitivi. fur aiuall uwuer l i'41lMlBW'. f ii . UolM*. CoaU. Cap*, SolU, Me. OUR BOOT AND SHOE PEPAKTMBM If fuU. These Kouds ar b'.ua'iji from ,tbo l<^Jin>i roanufacturers. au 1 by so dot: C * nave *ou tb pri'O. * uuur i;ivi> u> hv4esiUe houses. \ is a ^ ilin vear. Coue ud ouf * mpoey bv buying youc goud from OALHOl NS\ THE PEOPLE'S PATRON- STORE. DUNDALK. P.8. Onr Mrltiiery department is full uf beautiful l-A-d*, Mi*JU>U(, of TwroLto, will b to welcuiiD aud oliuw >>u tlioiy i. [in for Salt N Eickangi. A Hare Chance. U or Rxoh%ui) for Villiui proirT In si. 4i * r%OU ' ^l""'"' 1 '"" >***tlOII \ltWlJ). Rln hsun^ftou. -r K*Jvr%hMu. : % vAl4ibl Kiin of \*>t M)r*.on i.nle nui.h of Kntb**i l*, i>i th HVt HV, Tp if r, I i)t-*-lii Oil til-- (>'"'" . r stood (riu H "i. t>rti %n-l '<nv hmiu. !* food i>ioiiu uu wvli titi ***i. A. LJ|> tO W. A 4VW>. AH I for Hot-'ihani P Iu*. .... .l.. t* atoriisrnirn, On. n .ttla >pAli Liuiniciit c<.iiip4eOIy a curb Iroui my horse. I ta , Mil .-tk^ boar fur MI . > on lot 1W.<.0 . t v IU rwouiuieudiiiK the remedy, ait, Ka*t . T * S K Tsrma SI Conuuer* . fw- wi.l. u,ytr,,,u, p,v,,,pu.. ..I th. -b1.*tSl! SirT^tucI ^mw.Twm'S.S it aciit ' from hiinw of haid. soft or cal- i'o* Hli'h. tat. 1 , by V ol Tprin*. imp) 1JT* my.. bi.l ap.v ,u,.pl,.,t^ .u, us. <**$ J '-"W SK: b V lUrSatauSSL itHvt)li>, auUva autl (prali'H. MOM Rose *nd, S7M. by WA'uiinM MIM* UKOSUB KBB, Fanuer, KOM. bv Hni 1^.1. HowlHid bv Wrr Maikhain. Ollt. 5, l |^7 to "' M ""* 1 b> ^c ".' H^rr?""" Sold by W. E. U'cbariin in, l>rug^ist. tuij tlMlMtuuT. a

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