Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1894, p. 8

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i THE rlfflltTOI OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, 1- r l he "V ery mt PLACE IN CANADA TO (SET A Btisioess Take a Hound Trip :?'., ^r __ i imni<irrial Uprtiueit ill Cnd,lb rtalt I it Nortlmru Buitueu ColU.xo , oxinui every- tinniiliiurPUKhly. If we f4l to proatMe the ui.t iborounh.cuiiiplote. practical awl r*len- in* court* of tuly : lh bmt collDftv fVnuiiM.i I nd the bent nd irof coinr]ilete ami mtmi tan- tbUfurllilu'e ami | | liancwu. we will (five >uu > full court* VM... Ko AnuuaJ Ajnxjuuce iBtnil.givkikK full particularism*, Mrau C A. FLEMING.' I'rluripal. Eugenia Mills ' AND Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired. al o Placing and Matching, Band Saw- lug, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop ping ii< >.ie while yon wait, for th* Beaver turns the wheel. T. W WI1.S( II :m. X'-r A. FAMILY GROUP ,, 1.6 PHOTOGRAPH i %^%%^%%%%^%^% * ' Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out y per- lect cl;iss of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing do rib in all its branches. If you have shopping to do rind pictures to ^el taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- liMition will be ^iven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. HHVIIIV riHited \\hiil.-n bhkukatnith ii..|i t. i ,i iciiu nl ycnrN, I mn now in |xit IDII tu c aim in .ill waiitH in in) 1 I in. Horseshoeing: a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed For . l P iw the I.l.i4-.,i,ul,n u line eallon TowRMhlp Council. Artnitftiii Townihip Council im-t in Ihe luwii hall un Monday of last week, lit nmt. All the iiit-iiilx-m preHuut, Ilia r-uv<3 iu the chair. Mmutea f previiJdn IX read and c<niririiid. The follow- inKCminoiiicatiiM were received : Krom tin clerk of ProttMi, ru U|>piempnfal ; fniitTlKni. Sullivmi, rv expendi- ture un town lini- ArtuwuiM aniUiUrnel^. Uylitw 405, HppiinitiiiK a township en- iniilt-r the Htatutv, was iutroducetl ,iin I ptiued. McMillen - That the i-.llivt.Tn a|i|M>iutrtl to collect the mteti nf anl N<>. u .ic.4 ward No. 4 !M notiliel to turuih ikVL-cwutry boiidi (or the MAIUV and submit them l>. tliu revvtf on tU ninth day f thi iiii.ntli at the village ..f Fleslkurloii. Curried. Bent Tlifini|wn- -Tliat (lie clerk not- ify Mr. ThoiiiMH H Taylor, who, we have l.wn iTi-iliial.ly inf.iniK-il, 11 lillnii; up watvr cure with Ht<mewo(>)Mjaitu lot 12H, tu reiiiuve iwtid stoiieoat once frmn it"i allowance, a the coiiiiiiiMimien of wild M wnil 4 have i-x[vi.ilc>l public money i<n opening up Mid ditchett Cnrried. F-*>. McMillen Tlmt the reeve Hud deputy revve b and are ln-rt-t.y a|>|x>iiit<-<l a . . niiiuit (> l inifi the i,.i v r- ,nul ilc |i y rc-v of lileuelu, t iMi.t.-r with them r- gardii>u the alle|(ed daiin of John O'tieam. rr C<>PIIIM>I<III f .r r<.*d al- |..waiict-t i* iintr In-li lik.'. KUI! CINII- Diiltve to repnrl to tin* council al thnr next ineetuiK. Carritti. K.-1U IJ.t TliHl tile ct.toiiiKN.' -n. r of ward 2 in oinciTt with cninmianiouer, Tli.ii \\illn.-rcifl. Biq.. CT-unril.* .-f Holland ln*i.hi|i. pr<K.->-e<l t<> rtf .air town line HuDantl aiwl Arlin<*w, UH.IIIIL' N. K , frmn T. & S. ii.l. each iiiiinici|itlity In |i.iy ..lie Imlf, ot to Iw a* IKtle an p.iKHiliU. mill thai (t.UMiiisMiiftor nf word 't In- and in lirre' y iiiKtrucit-.l to have the MtoncK r.Mnifvcd <-fV i'.'l)iir_'ril n.ii.l be- tween tlw >ill i'ji- .>i Unln-ct ,M am) _'." h tid nnd. Con <i. Carrieti. TUoni|xioii- Mi-Milieu That tho rerve he nllowvd lira per emit, mi t- t.il c<mt f l.ii^.'i.i.i firidxe ' ' services in oniiii-<'C nxi ih.'ikMirh, including plnni and mipi-r inl.-iiiliii.' the Wiine, to lie pnul i*t of c'liii.ty tfrnt t'arried. IW-Kt KflU That rhia counnil rr.miot ac. i-pt Mr. T. Sulhtan'a Utu*iit nn -..i r.-i-i in uvury particular, MB T. Kr-IU. MMsaiatioiiel Mnrd 'i, txpeiidt^l in l.H'.fJ "xi town lino, known nn Miller twainii, iiouth i.f M.-irk.l.ilr. fit, mi.1 in IM'.M. i. [..iiuni; culvert win-re Mr. (ialhri'itl li inrukt- hm l.if.-jy |in Miller'* nwiinip. $2. botal, $i:t. Thin, acconiiiiu t.> Mr. Suili- VHII'H own tti'inent, leavew 910.14 ilue Aii'-iuriim. aiul tiiiilicr, Mr. K. ll [><-ni in IH'.ll $'^4 L'rnvfliut; on town line he- i ii-n lllltli siil<- roail and for|.rnt|i>ii "f MiirkiUlr, tlim li'.ivin,' due Art-nniin ?-'U. a .'")>' . -f lln i.-RolulHiii to lie Kent (ilrin-ii: snwissl. i imc.l KI-||H Tli.-iiipai.il Thill thi* r.'inii-il i.- not pn-|.ar.-d to iiiak.- any f nrtln-r \'i mt lo i..n line -\iti-iii.-i anil I'r.o.n at I n ..nt, anil that I'r r n c-uincil he I...' iin-.l I., (lint i-tli-.-i Carrn-tl. KrIU Tli. iuipoii- Thai D. McMillan. > .iiiini-i>i'-iii-r 01 watil I. In- pun I f'.r rp*-t-inl work a follow* : Tiiwnhne, \'I-'|.HI >ui.| Arif II.I-KIH, \\ ilay, ftl ; l.n> Inn- nt t'li. i n vl.iii n 1 tiay. ('- ', '' <i.>\- on rn. .'I. N. H U . |3 : TiUy to 1, i.-l, l,..k.-, 9'2 ; i..i.il. 910. i ,11 n. .1 McMllUn Knlb Fliitt I!.-.. Thoni|i- <>n, .--iiiiiiimsioiit-r ward 4, he paid fr [>. i. il w..rk as tollowit _' <l ivi <-ii twn Inn \il.-iniiiin un. I l)h[m-y. (14 . '_' .l-iys ...i ."() ii.|> I-- 1 I. 94 ; 1 ilny on Kciivir rivrr briitgv. 81 : 1 .lay on.'lihh idrrix>l. ro- [I.IIHII.' hi-iiti/1- over Heaver r.ViT, 91 . lotnl, $10. Ci i n-.l M.Mil'itn Hot Tint! conitniini. >ner of wanl 1 i it-mi I' i having a . ulvt-i-t put on n ni it, .p:."Mir lot Hi. N. D. K. , nnil .1-" i"lini i-nlii n nn D. K , .- iii. 1, op- p.'Kitf lot ill, rri.iiired. i ' tnn.l riii.iiiiiM.n Hft - I'lmt the . iiinii--. n.ii.-i- of wanl .'i .n 'I 4 have tin- hti.l^.- on 70 mile roml n-,..iii'l. na III -in,. |g nii-iili- for ptihlic tiavt-l ('arnr.l 'l'li..inp..ii lii-Kt Tl.;ii tin, Haul he paid tin' HUIII of 9^.i*iO for daiintgfH dom. to Imjjy hy ih'l'ri t in hriduuon 2*>tli title l.M.I. I'.UIII-.I KIU McMillan Thut .lolm M.-I ;,..., 1> pi.l 9'? for repairing I" iili- "> . r Sun Uffll .T.-.-k, lot 17. f -Ml II. mill rlllviTt near Hann* phtco, nnd that Kirhanl \\ t- . n l>u paiil 94 for n-pAirinu cul'-crt, lot 11)0, con. '.'in I i-HMt. anil tluil Aiuliew Uriliiini hi- I'lii.l 91 -f> for i. IWIMI.: i-aua<-w>ty nt I'.t-nM r rivi-r, l-.t lit. con. I'-' i HM. -I \l Mi. Ui, I!. -I That Mrv.ii, I -i Mr lit "tl In- |itnl #'i for tepairini.' culvcl-t ,,n N.df toad 10. N |i It. Citrried. I '"IIIM-ll ll.l |. .Ill II ll Kfli<-r ill (( |liiur4--li''.rfK-nu Ki-l ey Aiiil llUilil.-r iliHKHiH'H ri:lirvml in KIX hour* hy the "tii.-Ht Hmiih A.I..-I u.in Kidnuy Cure. " This nw i.-iu.-ilv U a tfn-at -iiri.i i-.- an. I delight on account of ItofWswini pi'i'inptiifiw in relieving pain in tin- i,|,nlil.-i, knlneyH, l>ack an. I ev^-ry pait ot lilt) in unit v [.ai.snu.'S in male or I. inalu. It relieve* r. t, i,ti"i. of pain in p>v>aui(! it nlinoHt innnuiliately. If yu witni ipiiuk r.-lu-f and curn tlim m vni i. i, ,..,ii s ,|,i hy W. E. Kiclur.W'n, A SLICK SCAMP. WAH IIK. Ml I.Hl KM . ALIAH MR. JOHNHTOX, ALIAH IIK Wtl.UAMH. Toronto Junction Leadtr. Dr. Mdhurne, aliav Dr \\ illia.ni, oom- int-ii.-i il opi'i .it IOI.H here by oailing un a photographer, and in liraiiipton he did i In- naiin- linn* Theolhvrday the frisky iloctoi gut thru* yuara in kiligstun pein- tanliarr for hia iniMioiiuM ,n Br*mpl,.n ihiMon.Uy ..f ihi. w.h, Mr. K. ..., |<hui.> h i*piitir hern, waa MM| by a r|>- reaenUtivo of the National Detective Aitency of th U. 8.. t<i g In Bramptmi jail nnd tike the genial I>i ' photn A* soon a* Williaiiw itaw Mr. Rohton he ex- claiRied "Oh, its you, i* it'" Mr. iMon caiiaally remarked that it was him and no initiaku about it. It re|uir*d nie nice u>Mini>Ciiient t ^et the lalv Dr. Milburn" tu ak for hw phot4>, or taiid for it, rather, but friend K"l>. >n it a youiiK ni.in i.f inct and diKeriiinent ami ci.vcdfd ill doing his work. " Nw, " mid the peuil.> " )>xUir " when the wilc VMI-.I.IH-, " would yon luind (ending nu- </ne "f ill.,*- i/ioturci when jruu get them rimilinl '"' "(If otutae I'll teiid one, " HN the reply. " Tliimka ; <f. course you kuimr tbr miilrem t.. MTH( thfiii t.. KlDtfi- ion 1't ii ' " Aud the j >. I v Doctor laughed heartily at the remark he had uuxle. Aiwher little incklent in connection with Dr. Williaini' career ha> yt*i c-. un- to light. It appear* that while Be was in the city he called at the reiiJcnce of Dr. Like, ik)tibt, and represented linii- w.'lf iu> id-iii-; a l>.ctt>r. He wa* hi hard luck at uflunl. ^..rrrctliini; prevented hit money r- .iin" r.. hand at that rurticolar time Would Dr. Laker put up aon.u poiidiXrltck* for preieiit iirceuarieN anil he would pay k hack to-mntrnw or neat by MI re Dr. Lake wiiuldi.'t. and t l.l him to in very plain Anglo-Saxtm. Then tliu next card wu played. " I'm Dr. \V. A Milhurne, of Fle-*her- ton, " remarked the nmii of many aliaava, " and to allow you that I am not a |M-I. there's my po*t i.ftice taviiiKhL.Hiik Jepoeit book. " Kying lnch he handed over tliu deptmit !/(< ifhick piayvd such a promitwtkt pitit in rli town. Dr. Lake wan --ery much rjwnlf*i and c.ini.- to the iimcliiiim that lie bad been hatty in inwtin^ down " Dr. Milburn"ni an importer. " Ye*, ' c.<itiiititd iruj xiprMxexi Dr. MilhuriMi. " ny fexher'a a dvctor HIM) 1 practice with Imn ut Methenon ' " liiniif-4 t>N untvt-rwitiiNi D>. Lrtke wat fi.il.linx " ck child in hit anna. "That's a nice lit! i tiahy!" rt-iuiirki-.l Dr. Mill. urn, |kiintinu; to the wck child. " Yt, ' replied L>r. Loke-ainl jn<t then a tliouuht suddenly tlriK-k him l.ut it m very mck with ' immiiii; noiia' ailiiM*ut CIHIIIIM.I) ti> Milan'- " what would yi>u prvcnl>e f. .r 't, l>i ' ' Tlim MiiUlvn it,.|*-iil t<> Ins pp f, *.!,. n .] kill tiv^yt-u-.l the aiip|N.M-i| I>r. fn- a HI..IIH ut, aud iliuji hu aaiil " \V. U thfi.n-i t4 like niAib-r m I al- way let my fulln-i ilnrt'.r llm kid* '. " That aettled it ; anil only .1 ra|ttl Hank iini.-ni.-nt ait>l 'Dr. MilhiM-n " limn; kicked cut into the street. ll.-iirl l>i-r ; .x, Kr| M -v,-. In :M Milllllo I'. A.-i- (in.- !i,r Ihr llnart tpvi-x |Ttt-i-r ifln-f in all CUMCS i.f ti.>ri;.iiiii' i* Sy i i |iili. i i, 1 1. art I>I-IIM- in ih) iniiiuiex. ami |>i-<-<iilv itli-cta n curu It i pet-il- < u-ini'ilr fur l*l| ration, Mhortnetw of Mr -ntli, S.ii..theiniK S|K-Hs. I'.nn in l.t-fi Si.le MIL I ail suuptt'ii* i.f a l(ru> I >rv .|..M- ctmvtl.cet. hy \V. K I:n-Ii.ti<|.*.ii See OUR STOCK OF Manitoltt 1'iitciit St i-oiis- Straight Itollrt Fliiins.lticak- fltSt (''!, Ills, IlfttMlMtl'd lillll Oats, I', ^M.-i.ii-.l l;,ill \Vh.-if, Fart'iiosc, l'>u Fioiir, Split Peas, Duckwlicat Flour ami Groceries of every lion. DON'T DESPAIR DODD'S '''. KIDNEY v PILLS WILL CURE YOU W (it .n mtre PodH's Kldntv Pills to curt >ny {M of Bf i(hi' I>icc, OiaWtri. I uinhagu, DroptT Kh-umnin. Heart Plv>aM. KFDI>| froablM. lmpur BlaoJ of money re funded. old by all Heal rt in mmlklm. ..r t>v m>lla raclp at i ricf . v pf box. m IU boat* to.**. M. U A. 8MITH * CO.. Toronto Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, HORSKSHOKK AND (JKNERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Repairs for Massey Harris, and Noxon, Ffcury and Wilkinson Bros Farm ipmlcments. Plows: Fleury and Verity on hand all the tirne.also all binds of repairs for the name. We mannfaclnre Wagons, Bnyijii-.i, CntUrs. Sleiglis, etc. Hwselio*ing prompt!} attended to. Special attention to louder contracted feet. Loxtpng aud Plow Chains constantly on hand. l\> the Public in general or all mtindiiitf |>nre>>a.rn of Buggies, Carts and Democrats J desire tocall jour sttPiitiofi to my spring stnelt. Kinrlly g\\\- me a call and you will U> convinced. I n*t uotlni>.> but fust -class material Come and jud^e fbr yonrselve. Hepaiiiug strictly atttixltd to, aliH) paimiu"; and H. T. WHITTS1T, Fleshertoc, EX-MEMBER s PARLIAMENT, REUBEN E.TRUAX lion. Heuben E. Trnai, one of Canada'* ablest thinkers and states- men, a man so highly esteemed by tho people of his district that he was honored with a Mat in Parliament, kindly furnishes as for publication the following statement, which will be most welcc-me to the public, inasmuch as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Trnax says r " I have been for about ten years very much troubUd with Indigestion ud Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and fennd no benefit from them. I was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a bottle, and I must say I found Tcrjr great relief, and have since taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and would strongly recommend all my fellow-sufferers from the diieast to give South American Nervine an immediate trial. It will care you. REUBEN E. TRUAX, Walkerton, Ont." It has lately been discovered that ertain Nerve Central, located near the base of the brain, control and apply ihe stomach with the n aary uerve fores to properly the food. When thaM Ntrn Gen For fcfu.l tre* are in any way deranged the supply of nerve force is at oic-e diminished, and a a result the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronic Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make , Uieir appearance. South American Nervine is so prepared that it acts directly on the nerve?. It will absolutely cure every case of Indigestion and' Dyspepsia, and is an absolute specific for all nervous diseases and ailments. It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers to build np the whoU system are woudenui in the extreme. It cures the old, the young, and th middle-aged. It is a great friend t the aged and infirm. Do not neglect to us* this precious boon ; if you do, you may ueglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasent to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not lail to use tin* great cure, because it will put th bloom of freshness aud bvauty upon your lips and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabilities and weaknesses Dr. \V. WMhbnrn. of New Richmond, Indiana, writes : I hav* used South American Nervine m Bay family and presented it , B my practise. It it) a nmt *lceUifc . TticharcUon,

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