Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1894, p. 4

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T HI F LI8HIRTON ADVANCE ESTABLISH KD 188 L aff* vance |--81.I-illF.I> WIIKLT AT Tllf. or H'T. SVIt- EXHAM BTHiKT, H,*HEHTON. OST., BY W. H. THl-RHTON. I prr annum. -I M.I h In ad aurr Ad vet Using Rates: Oa* Column. 1 year. M ; half col , 1 year. t7 quarter col , one year, 15. Trannlrn* artertlsemen charged at the raU of cents pr Him for Arst Insertion aoJ 3 cents each BubM<iuvut insertion. Sir John Thompson has gone to England, where, before returning, he will be sworn in as Privy Councillor. A ship canal U now under con- struction from Chicago to the head waters of the Illinois river that will, when completed, give a complete water highway from all tlie great lakes to the Quit of Mexico. in the estimation 01 temperance pie. In this connection the- Hamilton Templar says : " His selection ii a distinct victory for the cause of Pro- hibition. With the courage ot his convictions he pushed Prohibition to the front in the Assembly, in spite of the opposition of party friends and the sneers of party f >, but in his case the path of duty led to honor. When the crisis came to the party, the mem- bers were compelled to turn to the man of courage and honest purpose for leadership. The Advocate, the liquor organ, declared that the election of Marter would In- a ' huge blunder,' so hat the party evidently took the tep with open eyrs, and if Mr. Mr- ter's future is to be gauged by his >ast, the Advocate will have gooi' rton to resent tlie choice of the party. " ...*... PLOWING HATCH. The Keith Murder Chaltelle Makes a Confession of his Quilt. The new Canadian loan just issued in London has been a gnat success. Six times tlie amount required could have oven taken up, tenders ago; re- gating 11, 214.000 liavin Ix-en re- ceived, wliilu the amount leqnircd was only 2.250,000. Tenders ranged from 9 i to 99j. This is a matter for rejoicing, and shows that British investors are only too anxious to in- vest iu Canadian securities. When Euglmliincn have such implicit fait in Canada's financial status, how bound- leu should be our own. 81r Richard Cartwrij-ht would like to see a coalition of Reformers and Patrons in the Dominion Parliaiin-iit, a id published a lengthy letter setting lirlli lu views in the Parini ra' Sun lit wetk. His sentiments are not mrpi-i.sing.in fact any antntc politician could have foretold tlit-iu mniuliri uo. The farmers did not rucogni;:* the al- ! ,'ed fact in the Legirtlutive eleotiwia that lleforiu and 1'itU'oii interests were tie mine, and it is tjnilo probable they -vlll remain as dcnutiy iwi[" ' wiadubJi; when the fo.k-nl cUctUJiis on. liutt.'llp. the cruol inurdci-rr of J -si,- Keith, is. iv>*v in ja.il aiul c uintr) bri-alhtii mora freely. The c nut- was the u,u>tU inhuman i-mi-iiitt.'d in Canada so inliiiinan ll.ut a parallel ca,u, only be found in tlie case of Jack the Hipix-r. who created BO much, horror in Lmd tjv.- yi-ai Hgn, and who haa never bi>i ii discovered. Chaltelle, so fur an his ac']iiuiuUncit know, always bore a good reputation for mdirtry and h.i.-iy. l f this 10 HO, ami lie has n< \< i \ fo.e committed a Mini'-ir crinu'. hi.-. c isc is a veiy inioreHtin"; psychological K'lidy. This country, howrvn-, docs n it desire piychological atudjeB. at- t mlud with such heartrending a id the sooner the object is .i r .-<l iVnni ninoii^ living humanity tin better \Vi: would suggest as a pi i>|> p -nahy .starvation instead of ordinal'} |MM-;.I>J;- Th eulpt-ii a|i|>,':irs to l> r ill 1113 to the nr(M|MVtN of paying the d.-.iih pi-iutlly, ind it i* only through tin- hi ute senses that such as he can b- made to sulTur anything like an nl. I lit.- punishment. Capital pun- ishment by hanging does not covey his case al all. O. F. Marler, member for IUH been chosen as leader of t)ie Con H Tvativ. party in (lie Ontario Lft^m- Inline. His apixiiiitinrnt, too, has b >en liailod with very general nails- f clioii. Mr. Multi-Ms a man of high ]> nn-iplcs and a wi-IUkiiiiwii cliaiu|>inn of oroliibit ou, whose radical bill of laat /ear, which Mi'. Mjwat refuwd to accept, will give him a high place The nniiual |.'oii){liiii<{ match under the Uipires of Centre (!rey I'l.'UghiMg A- ociation, held <>n the f.irin of Mr. Jas.G. 'erry, lot 24, con 7, Kuplir.,Hia. on Wi-d- ,--.l.i\ of last week, can sen reel y lt said it Imw been a suceess, there liiivini; Itet-n nly three entries, one in each claas, viz : Mr. John Perry of Euphraaia, men's IHH.S ; M..-I. i JoMfk McKur, aon ot Mr. V'm. MR..-, of A I term-mil, (toys' claim; nd Mr John Kalty, of En|ihrasia,s|Hcinl lasa. ThuHe were, of courstt racli award d lirst (trues. V .nous rtason* were aa- ivjne.i for tliu u| |'.ir-iii lack of interest, lie Ill-Ill-.; tl.nl 'III- iillll, ,1111. CIIK-II'M .!.- nit out suttici. ntly in advance and anoih- r tli.it the match beiiiK a ruling onu lenrliy |ilou..>hnien feared to enter least xperts from a distance might c une and teat them litm.iUi III L -|\ The president. >e|.uiy reeve Stuart of Kn|,liria, nn.l he m-eretary-truMKur. r. Mr. l*..McAulan, wen- in attendance, as slso were tliu ud-ji-H a|i|Miinleil, .\letwr>. Holn. Lou.'li ad, ColluiKWond, and Thou. DougUs and l.,|iii ('..tin, M.. Kiipliiasia Mr. I'irry ,i..\i.|.-,| u L;I IM KIM* spread, and his li. Ht-ility and courtesy were very Oiv.iraMy rommenUxl u|Min. Standard. K|M . V < OIIII. I 1. The council -if < Nprcy in.-t in the I Irsnjje Hull, SiiiL(ii-tiii|ili>'i, on Oct. 15tli, accord- to nil jour n nieiit fioin An.; 'Ji'tU laal. present, Tlnm. (inini-j, re. M- , Inn. Clark, Jm. Taylor and \V J. M..IIH- ijh.in, . -mi, -ill. .it. MIIHII.S of l.tst in. read an I ei.i.tirinc.!. (' ,iiinniiiK:.-i'l,,|i read from A.l.iin Trayimr, n- I. ,t L'T, con. 8. D. R , offorinij to ae.-i-|>t tax tale pin. Ii.i.- m. .n. -i and interest, and rcc., ing mid lot ; fmin Creator s t ^iniUi v mil- iciron. f,>r John Loin. n. ru Ijt ^rf, con. t!, S. |i U troin . !i-ik of t|> of (.'ollinitWood, i- ., vi,.ii. n of townlini' ; from Dr. S.-I.IT, nxardinu the jiru-iice of tle|t.,Hit4Hg l.-n_-. sS.lle< and otlli V .di-t'Uctlol.s nil tliu Ill^l ay. M.,i,:iyh.in I 'lark T!i tli* n p'.it of TIloH. Stcojlelis, IV 'I'' 1 ' ''Lint I I'i4, lie Ihil ovur until iif.it meeting, '.'an iud. Momi|{hiin dark 'ttiat in view o r,.iii|il.in,!> liein^ msdu of par.ti.-M ilc|>o>it i iii- ktoueti ii|nl other olwtructi.,118 on tin -.l.li - of the |-,il.lu In. -In.. n. tins .-01111.1 wlmlly | i-.ihu.iu Much |,i.i, n, .- i.iul that nil I'iiltlis louixl KUll'V of Ml, II |, 1,11-11. out m- pr-'-ou'eil :ii-<.iidiiiK tit law and that ,UI parllt-s bnvini; ile;io.<iled nt.incs, l..',' ,.i oilier -. Ji-.tmi-li,,|i.s upon the pult- lio highway are hereby n- nli.-.l loreinovu t),. - (in fi-illiM Vtli, nuil ilia' the clerk l(.-t IINI mill.-. . to. llut effect printed Oariii.l. i ok M.nm^h.in That llie clurk bo naid H.7", ltuuii{ ani'.iint pniil by him for ex|iri)sii, c^rria^e on coilitctnr^' ilidiuiicr) . Cnrriyil Moim^Jian I'liik Ih^it ..n or.l.r l-e i .-.ii.-d in favnr ..I Ail, mi Trny ion i,,r > I > Iteing amount of pun-hnse m ,n.-\ itnd n, Inrent IB tax HH!I. ,.f l.-t J7, e..n -', S 1). U. ( ..i i ,.-.1 Clink M, ii.i,_li in TliHt tin- i-i'i-\e ai.il aws.NMor he paid f4 eac!i for pit-pain.,; jury list. Carned. Tnyloi I'Urk Tlia' in nnaMer to tli,. l.-ilt r fiotn Cr KK.U- A Smith, noln i ,,11 for John L<!IIIOII, re I .1 ^H, con 5J, H. I\ II , l,e ulurk is li.-i.-l.y instructed tn n.f.-i m tin-in that w.- uoi.HJder Mr. Ijcmon'H claim out of all re IRUII anil tliut thia cnuiicil ia willing to i.-t lly wit|i li^r, I.euion on fair terms. Can i.-. I Ity law No :',.'! I,, | ,i\ achnnl money fur 1H'.I4, mciveil il . ie\ural ^adiny* and |i.is-...l III .-..niliillte ol the wll.ile Claik Taylor 'l'lit the reeve issue an orilei <J f4 in favor of K..l>erl Kc.my, an mdi^i-i.i, that W. J. MoiiavKsn .- (mud the K..-II.- for linn, ferried, Mons.'hiin (,Haik- Trial hi council do now adjourn t-i niuet at Maxnell nil I ' 16 Curried. THOU. Stx>TT, Clmk. I-I.K 11,1 tit'ILTY AT THK COKOMKR'a - VHIH II,. i -H, IN HTBATFOKD JAIL i N. M.kM or HIS Lira. AlineJe Chattelle, the tramp who waa arrentfd la-it week at Cataract, below Oratigeville, waa taken to Luttuwt-l for i.l.-iii iii,-..iion, and found ! bo the man wanted f..r the niurdnr of Jessie Keith. 'In- evidence waa so fttraight and con- that at the coMiitr'a iii(|ueKt 'liHltelle r-,i;f. .-sr,| hiii guilt and waa aken to Slratf >rd jail to aw^it aentence. .'Ii.- cold-hl ><..l.-.l and riendiiih murderer Id DetectiVH Murray and Cniwn At- orney l.lnijtoii that he had HHilu.1 in all f the world. He liad IM-.-II in ndon many nines, iu (ilnMgow, Liver- i....| and Ireland. He Hailed on tlie west i-i of S ut 1 1 America and had madd everal tn|m to the A/-,i, -. For levernl earn he waa in the logwood trade be- wi-eii lliwtoii and the Weat Indiua. About nine \.-iri. a-.'o he became iniane when he wan in llmton and WHI confined n the Taunioii, Maan , Ayluin. He wan i..t there Ion.-, he *aid ; In- did nut know iiHt how I,>I>K, but it waa al.iu nine n. nithi he thought. He waa discharged t* cured HIM lint voyage wan out of New Haven, Conn. Hiit father wan three line* mmrieii. He wa* the s.,n of the n M wife, and hm half-brother, F.uaelie 'hattellu of St. Hyaointhe, wan burn of the third. To Katiitfy MI far a* poiaible be aun|ii,;ioii which a few purnons ente.-- i.iui that he IK .lark the Kip|r a descrip- i -n of him will be nent to Scotland Yard. The only deHcri[ilioii w hieh ha* ever I . i n u i n nf Jack the Kipuer ia that he la a low, thick-net man over 40 years nf age, and a foreigner, and prolHtbly u sailor. 'I'o tins Cliatlello answer*, but of course do ninny other |,.---|,h- 'I'li.-iv- ia no iloiibt Chaiiille ia nn-d of his life, and lliM if tho u|i|H.rtunity ia prentntud he will coininii suicide Urfore the A Maizes at Stiatf >rd come a OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Transit of Mercury. The Advance will club with the f.tllow- ihK periodical* this year at the figure* given below : The Advance and Torontn Daily News, a ilrtily and a weekly pa- I IT on.- year fur. 91.80 The Advance ana* weekly Globe.... 1.80 The Advance and weekly Kinpirc . 1.80 The Advance and Montreal Star.... 1.80 The Advance and Farmers' Sun . . 1 35 The Advance and Ladiea' Journal... l.'-T' The Markets. Carefully 4'orrectrd Each Wrrk Klour Full Wheat S|,rin,' Wheat lUrluy Oata Peaa Butter Ki."-.'. frwih I'oUtoet \MUf Pork .- Hny per ton Hide* 1 1. -. >.- Turkey* ............ Chicken* per pair ..... Duckn ber pur ...... Wool . .. ...... 3 00 to 9 06 to 55 f i 31 to 25 t.. 49 to 15 to 13 to 50 t., 5 25 to 000 to 300 to 25 to 5 to 8 to 60 to 16 to 350 65 66 31 2 50 16 13 60 525 UOO 300 25 6 8 30 50 BUY YOUR HARNESS Good Stock, Good Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Comba, Hriuhei, Harnen* Dreiin>>, Sleigh Bell*, Coat and Cowhide United, Axle (ireame, BUnketa, and everything in my line cniimnntly on hnnd. ( ne nf tho earth's sister planets, Mer- cury, tin- smallest of them all, not count- ing the :i.-t. : ids,- will Iw sweit criwHing the nun's disk ui the form of a round 1,1 i, k >|.,| ..n S.iUU'Iiiy. N.ni-nJier tenth. This phfnoiui-lu>ii in called a timi-it of M.-rcury, anil it will Iw carefiiily watched Ity a-.ii.,p|,,in..-rs in all part of \merica mid i>.-sl>-tii Kin-op.. Tl> tram.it will liegin alx ut t'u-,- min- utes befvre eleven o 'clock in tliu forcunon, K.t.i-.'iii Btandafd IIHIC, and will end alxiiu twt-lve iiiiniili-t afii-r four. M. r cuni will lysl IHI sei<, wiik thoasl of a tvlesc ^>. lookmi! like n iu tcli ill the . i-'. in i-d.;.- i if till) sun. Aa il advajicua it:i entire circular di-.k will i|-ji,-.u in'eiiM-ly M. u-k a^' nii.it the l.iillnii.t Iweliijr. .mill SJ.ivily It ml! 'he lili.coimidprahlv n.ntli of tin- i.-nti.- and will tin. illy p'lHH off the liortli wenlern ril.-i-, ili-.i|ij>e:iiiii^ fro|i:JiiiniHii l.cii until a \n-,;k ,,r ten days lat.-r, vvlu-n it will re- .i|,|n jr .1.1 n in, ,iinii^ xtiii rising just IH-- fore I In- sun. Mercury \t HO small that it eann.it lie -..'i-ii in n ui-it niih mi tliu aid of a t.-'e ,jje, or at least a powerful tield glaa. 'II,,,-, who u. tend to .' Ii the li.ui-n of M i , uy w II h Hlniill tehsi-i ipCHHliould take the utinoat PHUIS to protect their . \ .- a.'aniHt ill.- glare of thu HUH. A piece ol well smoked glass placed i-vcr the c) e end of the tcl.-Mi--.pl' will answer, if it is pro| i-rly M-cnri'd in plaow mill so protected that time ia no danger of the ile|x>sit ol icut IK-UIK Derail lu-il or rultU-d oil Tin- traiiNit . f Mercury will U- iho laat ii the iiioeteeiilli century. Thu to nunil'ci- of niich tranxits dnriiiL' tlib Cvn- tuiy wi'l then have lu-eu ihirt.-un. Th lniliMU nlvi.\N o . Ill u l-liin IWo or tlilei ,l.i\>. ol (hi* s.-ii-Hili i f M..y or the. ninth .if N"i einluT. The leas, n f.T tliin is ihat the ., rl.it of Men in v i* -.. ii. dined totlml of the eai tli thai Mcr.uiv can only Itet i \,i,ili in line I ('tween lliusuu and tin ca lli in ivU.nt tli'.se dxtMs. Th,- n,ter.'Ki tlmt nHiroii.Hiiris take ii n transit of M.-n- n v dcpendx mainly np.n the fa t n t n. h nn o.-.-ui I-IH-< furnish. 'i n IIII-SIIH of ilei.-i ii,uni,g moic ncuratcly tlui cKKct form of that iilanot's ..il.n Leiire nnien e.xrly as we rushed in thu fall eavm. always W. Moore - Harnessjnaker VKESHERTOM. COPYRIGHT? I OBTAIN A PATENT r > i KnmC answer anil an boneat opin.nn. write t* S> AT 4'O.. who hare bad nearlr nftv *ear^ oiiwnvri.-* In tbe |<atnt business. foniuiuiiH-a- tli.niitn.-Ilr onnlMmitlal. A Handbook ut In. fitrinaiion ronrerniuir rmrnn* and bow to o '*in thi?ni snt tn*. Alaoa eatalo loaj ami ".-ii'nUUo boi.ki wnt frae. HaiuMe taken ihnnva Muun a Co. spwlal nutloeintbe K, Irnllfl, Amrrlrnn, and thos are hroua-bt WI,I*|T befor tlip puhllc with- out met to the InTxnri.r. This iplrnOld o the terentor. This plvn.iti] paper, !T. elwsntir Illnstratxl. baa br rv the Unset ciamlsti..ii of anr scii-'iuOe work In UM w-nrld. 93 a rear. Sample uijiiMMnt free. HuiidmM K<llti..n nn.ntbly, nx a year. Wncle .iun.ni. v Brrry nmiil,-r nontaina twau- crMora, and pholnvraplia of nrw 4a&a, enabl Ins Dm I4rt to iih..w UM es WAT; 11- 1 ne-tire conti _ . it. Nor Vui-si. 3o racta. AddnM 31 BUUJLUW When Mnrciiry i projeclpd u.'Hiimt the HUH u cuoelli-nt o|>|Kirtunily i* iilso offer oil tn in. H.-ni" the diameter of II .- |>lanet wlin-li is alxnit thn-e ihotiHind mile* Curtain o'.HervHtionM relaliny tn ita n^moH |iln-i-e can then Iw ma.li-, althoi.Kh no rinu nf hght, arisinu from ^tinusnhuiio m- f i a.-lion. KIII h RH Vonua oxhilut* ill -nniUr circumatAiicea, i to Iw avcn arniiiiil Mer- cury, as it |>nsi-it acnmll till* Sim's ed^'e TII f.-vc', Meiriny i.M'iiM to ha*e very litt'n atnnmpherc, and iii H.-V.TH! rcapect* la sMrfacH appears lo res. iiiliU llmi of our airlwa and barieu m .-n. Y. uths Oai|>anioii. The Best Medicine. .'. O. WILSON, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Sin-ings, Texas, Jni.* speaks of Ayor'a Fills : " Ay*r*a PilN am tlio h.-st mcdl.-lne 1 over tried; and, In my judgment, no ' i.:r general remedy r.^il.l ) ilevlnrd. I Lave ue.l them la my family and Kconimcuded thcia to my fi i.-n.U and employea for ninre than twenty years. Tu my certain kuowU-.l to, many caaea of tho following couplaiuts bavo been Qiiiii|ili)tly and Permanently Cured by the use of Aycr'a Pills aloue: Third day chilla, iliiiuli .un>-. billon* (over, nick headache, rheumatism, IUi\. .Is - ItopRia, eonstlpatlou, and harU fold*. I ksow that a moderate tine of Ayer>s PUla, continued for a few days or weeks, aa the qatiire of the roiiipli^nl required, would be (ouod ap nl-jolui ^ i-ur for tho 4isordera I liav nara4. bov." "I have been aelllng medhclne for tight yean, and I can .-ifely aay that. A>r'a 1'ills give better aatlsfaotloo than any other Pill I ever aolU." J. J. Perry. SpotUylranla C. H., Va. AVER'S PILLS rrrtni / Dr. J.O. Afer * Co., Low.lt, Kata. Every Doso Effective OllllilllKIH I CO. Overcoats at Overcoats at (5.JO. Overcoats at SI.II. i For Coats Ladies 1 Fur [apes and Mantles, istracta, Oppossiim, Slash Ladies' Mantles, It id not a necessary couaequeace that tfar- iiK-nis, in order to be cheap, should be badly cut and ill fitting We have coats that are sur- prisingly nicely made and can sell tbeni at less thin custom work costs to make op. Then we have a bet- ter line that can be sole) at the ordinary coat of making and trimming and will give good satis- faction in wear consid- ering coat. In our large ranijc of styles and prices we can hardly fail to suit any reasonable want in overcoats, from email boys' sites to largest men's sizea. We do not call our $5.50 coata worth 910, nor our $7 coats worth 115, but claim to give as good value as any clothing house in tlie country. Our $12.50. men's. Fur Coats we had made specially to our order, they have not been, beaten iu price by any otbcr firm in town or city and cannot be re- peated when sold out. We have a very fine range of Men's Fur Coats, all new. The really beautiful designs iu ladies' fur capes for the season have met a hearty ap- preciation from our lady customers ; onr ialis in this department are very encouraging. Wo have tried to bring new stylish goods with- m the reach of those whose purchasing HR-.IUS are limited. \V do not look fur fancy profits, but buying close- ly and carefully we aim to make ;a quick turn over at as close a mar- gin as possible. We invite comparison of our stock and prices with any other stocks. Such tests have been so decidedly m our favor so far that we feel as- sured we can give ex- ceptional tine value to our customers in this line. Ou- stok of Ladies.' and Ucuts' Fnr caps i- immense. The few we carried over we will scdl Mow cost, some at half cost. The new goods we so nxucli cheaper aud bt-tUi: value. Li doth mantles we have some very cheap good*, but special value in a Kipplu Collar As- trachan and Braid trim- med Mantle at $4 'J.'. We have very elegant garments trimmed iu real furs. Cow Chains Brat English make from f l.GO a dozen up. Rope Ties C'h^ap ao 8 for 20 cents. Cross, Cut Saws A gaort one rbr $3/25, and ;\ OIH? wan anted. Handles V'c have a full line of the best and cheapest axes on Land. A*e handled of all kinds Bee pur a xv and haudlo a.1 80 cts., it laa beaut;-. Another car load of Fine Salt just arrived.

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