Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1894, p. 8

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THE FLISHBRTON 1D1RCI OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. IM The Very Beat PLACE IN CANADA TO OKT A Tiioiough Business Education, Take a Round Trip ., _ and Commercial Department In 'i>l.lbeu vitlt lu> Northern HuilueuCulloipt , vaaiuin* <ry- lbin tharouiehly. If we fl to produce the uiixt thorough, complete. practical and eiten- lit* courMul .tudy : the lx> co!W>e i>reiiii >.>! the l>et ami inoi'. ooni|let ua uioel Mrtt- blefuriiilure n<l ||liancOT. w will give you lull uour KKK.. For Annual Announce incut. givlug full i>iticulr. tree, addrm C. A. FLEMING.* Prim i|al. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carriages made asd Repaired, also PUuing and Matching, Band Saw. lUg. Wood Turning of every des- cription. Plauing and Gram Chop ilo.iu while you wait, for Beaver turns ttie wheel. T. W. WILHO.M Manager A FAMILY GROUP PIIOTOGKAI'U I . b. . *L %.*%%.%.%.%.% I I V Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out t per- fect class of work. All kinds o' pictures taken and finishr<] in a style equal to any city '.vork, while the prices are 'lower. Pitl lire Framing donb io all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be fjiven to copy- ,ng other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. iiitf rnte<l Wlijtt.-ii's hlnukanutli lin|> I' i .1 IHMII uf ycniN, I HIII iiciw in rt |m.itioii io i^inrtnull waiiis in my (in,.. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed K. in iln. l,l.u Un.iil.inj In.,. till on M I I) IT II P ('IT' .SiTK j. | ( \ I' K.CIIMIDM.N ll I . ', I.^'.'VM:,: "on 111 and DklrUt. North Grey Patrons have confirmed their nimiinatinn of Reeve R. A. Stark of LHirby, mndu over a year ego. (tenrx'e Kerxuson,sgedaboDt30, hangel hnnnelf in the woods a mile north of Crosby Btation on Friday night. The Clarksburg Rerlector announce!* that after Jan. IH(, '!if> that pa|>er will he ent only to thuse who have paid fr it in advance. Trying tn do biMinem without advertii- ing is like winking at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggle*. You may know what you are doing, bet nobody elnedoei). Mr. Henry Kiehter, near Olencairn, had Ike misfortune to lose bin burn by lire few days ago. He left the lantern hanging i* the stable wXilr he went to the house fur something and a horse rubbed agahiit it and upset it in the xtniw. He i;M the honea oat and some implements Light insnra.ice. Cree- more Star. Who Hays the teaching prfrfeminn in not crowded whin a teacher with a third chu professional certificate and avcnnd swd lii-Ht clasa certHkates rmn prf<aiinal will offer In tcacfl a large entmtry chm>l for $220 per annum ' Thaf'x the <>ffr a young lady with the MTKAO nivntKinud (|Ualirirtiorii made tn> a trustee board near Tbwnhury. - HtantUrd. While '.. fii,jiii,.,', of Kenil worth, wim lixiking for sonie pigs which hud strayed away, hu had a narrow m-afx- frinn iiMtnt death l>y the appearance of three large wild cats which attacked him, In-ill'.; unarmed hia position watt m dang erous line fur sonic* time, but fr thi> timely arrivikl uf his <in whr drove them away the rmtilt wnwld diniUU-m have li.'.-ii Kt-rinui. i',.nf, iW-rafi-. In the death uf Ferruton Wrighf, Price- ville li n- olio uf her "l.l and rr^wcteil i-iti/.-ii<. Mr. Wrig<it tauglit 1. 1 many y -.int in (In- country, and in triv sohject f matin Inntio in xhh-li In- Wan v.-iy pro- . ti>k L.i'<'it ileliuht. Mri>. I'r ui in inn- nt hia ilnuvhtt-n, nh and two i-f her HiHtvrn having ntmt >rv c IK-CII in ihu ti'iiclnn^ rniik. HIHIIOII, Sainoel W iik'lil, ha ricliii-M^I r> ni.l< r*Mf fmnv iw an ariint. Hume of \\n IWIIIIIII-K haniiu taken .1 lnli place. \Vu rxteii! ournyin- I ailiy tn tin' t'.iniily. \Vi- Irani from a llnlnde'frfini |>aper lli^it l'i..|' S..yniuiir K.il.in of thn I cjiy Inn Mild H Ixmk which he wr.ite durii.g In* litre i mil, ||iiirt i .f wliicli wnn xpenr in Mcafoid.) 'ii a Xt-w Y.irk puliliihmt; lioiwe for.9ii.COO. I'r.f. Eilon in yrt a y.iiin,' IIIHII. Mr tr UK it pupil in iiur pulilic aclnKil durii.g ihn List year of Mr. ll.ini'v'H |iiiiicipiiUhi|i. He liiiM already wnit.-n in ulv a <l.i/.en liimlvs, the com- hnieil ,\let uf which fool up into tin* hiniilreilx uf tlniiiHitniU. H- m one ol the many Kuphriwiit ImyN who ar ihow iii^' wlmt pluck aud |ieni-vcrance can ilo. Meafuid Mirror. .About twenty-lite farinnrt, living near H.iwinnnville, li.tic Invii nwindlvd nut of $^',ii<IO liy ndri'Ver n.iiu.-J St*|ils Staplen liml liven turning nlnck in that vicinity lor onie yearn iunl at HDD timu wa/i rttputt-d to be worth yil.lHKV bn,.ily he had loxl In- intiiify in vnti<>* H|iefuUtii>iia. Tin- other day he commenced hiiying luv" t an rxviKHivi-ly lugli \<m >-. and had tlir., carloailH delivered in Hurkion hi on day, II.IMH-.' I In. fni-mris in checks that were dated aday alieni! on a i Sow man fi lie bank. Smplet noli) Jiliii ln>)|a fur 92.5OII and ikipiied out. After ho hail grmu the farm- em fiiiind 111. .1 chuika KKIH oithlcM. On TnrHday morning kfickael I).-n.. van, of the lllh con <>f Arthur, nwned a In, r Int uf . MV.M, luir now he i!nn't. It ap IH^IIII rlevrn uf hi.-, ouwi hpike into lux tape li.-'il. an. I innidw ,,f an hour after eight uf them WCKI ilin.,1 ami the oilier tlnec will nlxn die. It iin big luaa. Sin., die aliuve wa put in type w Kwrn that <i HIM, .MM, V. 8 , had lieen I'lluit diaU;ly mlleil 111, unit pri'iinniicoil it a case of pomon MM tin. cattle dropped dead one af- ti r tin: ntlu-r in ijuick Micce.s.i..n. Thu throu rriiiainiiig COWH wei-etreiled l.y Mr. BtMMOl itinl li.tve recniured Tribuii". An ( >U nr.i ihiftpntuh tfivo tlio full. mm |Miiicn'ar.H of a vriy peciilun iliMtli tlieiu: The many friendv of Mr. \\ ilium HIIIIH- W.'ltll. M-clerv 'f the Di I'iirililent of hil.iinl Kev,;i , ni.l s V ,ii|i.|| iy.r H III him in Ihu satlwtHlclion whi. Ii II..H f,il , mi him in rhv luitii i.f Inn ,1.|,.-.. s .,n. | fioil, uniliT ivij" ili^tn-.-, MIII; rir n i iitaiicvx The I..), wrh ii . ,, iii.nl,.. . i.i H|II>I.I| a i[,,y ,,|, !!. f rMI . , i;.,hurl Mayle, .,|i il,,. M,., , , \ IIIHII i>'.e\ iii r .:a al work. Kli . m in n.-nr it y.nin.' lliiiniin:!i ..-. ide,.iit till ililn ll|.! llopp.-i-, The liliu-lin-i 11 wan >i., r ],..,! ,, s .,,1,11 a |,,,s.il.l.-, I ir .1 , HKItt .it.J ,,f l.,,l,, | -,.l I'll |, l| 'II |, ,11 | ' although he wa taken oat alive and medical ataistfeiice smninoneil, < much bran had been taken ii.to hi* luii^s that he died the wtniu night. Wbo tr. Mcformirk I*. MOMTKBAL HAM (MIMKTHIHe TO MV KEKPECT- IMi THK WELL KNuWM KU'UMoSP Ml. IC1AX. MOSI.KK A i.. Oct. 2!>-Dr. A. O. M- Coruiick, of Richmond, Qne., wlm*r i- nmiknlile ciin-cf Hti^ht ! I)isnr, by the HI.- of Dodd's Kidney Pitls, ban U-.-n mil forth in hia letter, recently puhliiihed. ia a graduate i>f Mc< I'll College, tkii city. He M well known, not only to th* IIKOT- cal profession in Monrreal, bM through- out the entire provinces ns a careful am) reputable physician. ..n.1 his toitiiiiony to the worth '* Dcdd's Kidney Pills is ac- cepted by phy>rta ucnetally a (.'uar- antee of ttieefticacy of the remedy. Sach a u. iiimuincn.il i., coiainy from No eminent a uradiutte <t >lcCill. wrll hare rfie effect of making- Dodd'a K 11)1117 IMU po|>iilw in Quebec. A Little Daughter Oi a Cbnrch of England rninkrtet cured of a distressing rasb, by Ayer'i Snnaparilt.i. Mr. Riru.\r:r> Briuu, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill St., Montreal. 1'. Q., says: I have sold Aycr's Family Medicines for 40 yean, and hare heard nothing hut food laid of thm. I know of man 7 Wonderful Cures performed by Ayor's RirsapariUa. DIM In particular being ih.it of a Uulo daughter of a Cburrli of England mlnin> tor. The child WON lit. Tally covered from bead to foot with a red and e&- twdinely trouMexome rash, frotn which she had suffered for two or throe rears, In spite c4 the belt Bieaical treatment available. Her father was. iu great dltm shout the caMt, and, ut my KecoinmeBilutton, at hut began to ail- niinitrr Ayer's Baraaparilla. two IH>I- tlos of vhich effected complet* euro, murk to her relief ami In r futlu-r'ti di-lulit. I am utiri', wi-rr ho here to^lay, he would* fentifr in 'he strongest terms as to the merits- ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATM ft Co., Lowell, M.IM. Cures others, will cure you IJ< ;trl Minnies P.un in I. cii Si, I,- ami nil H\ iiii>inii>> uf a |)I-H.M| Illlirt. Olll' il,.Mi- Soia i.v w. K In ::o l'i A i'ii"' r (iinol the i-iirr K 14 "'" I" -I'l'-ft n-iiei in nllnii'M uf ( I. iif it n u- in S\ i i jii!i,'iir Hvart Discus in .'H) iiiiiiuicx, .iii.l |-lily dlVi-iH a euro It lik|ir>-ll' < li-inicly for l':l!|ilt lfln, w See OUR STOCK OF Manitoba Patent, Strong I ;t It r.s', Ktiitiglit linlli-i 1>. usiciitrd Holl Oats, Dcssi- ci.tc.l liull \Vh,Hl, K.irt'iiosf, I'eu Finnr. Split 1'ias, IJnck- tiluMi Flour unil (inn-flies of lit *CI iplliill VVm, IAMOND PILLS CONSTIPATION, -BILIOUSNESS, -v DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE. REGULATE THE LIVER ONE PILL AFTER EATIN8 INSURES 800D DIGESTION PRICE ?s CTS.TH ' Repairs, Repairs! D. McTAVfSH, FLESHERTON, HUBSEHHOER ANDGENEfMI. !.! V'KSMITU. t -N HAND Repair* ib Masse y Harris, and Noxon, Flsury and Wilkinson Bros . :u ii r -Fleury ,, hand all the time.also all kinds of repairs for tli. ,-u'i -*. Cullers, Sleih, etc. BaMtbodogpi iKon to leader contracted ktt. Lo>w 'hains eonaUntly . I. To the Public r ' Buggies, Carts and Dsmocra+s io fit jn io rr.v h v give me a call and % r will be i nwi b<it t-elasB Tniitcriiit (' . .,: i, in +trictly I l, also p! E. T, WHITTE1T, Fleshertoc, A Mothers Beautiful Child Dragged Nearly to Death's Door by Severe Nervous Disease Suffered Extreme Pain in the Head Doctors Could Do Nothing South American Nervine Called in at the Eleventh. Hour and Restores to Health Little Annie Joy, of West Toronto Junction The Great Remedy is Reducing the Death Rate of All Canadian Cities. MISS ANN IK JOY, WEST TOKONTO JUNCTION. A bright little lad, or golden-haired , distressing at times aa to render her piil, is the delight of your home. Whether you revel in riches, or know something of the priralions of completely helpless, sapping all her strength. The best skill) of the most skilled physician* was called into poverty, that child ia all the world to | request, but little Annie steadily you. It is no wonder that mother [grew worse. Becoming more hope- ami father become anaious when less and discouraged as the weeks sickness overtakes the little one. went by, Mrs. Joy decided on trying The remedy, fathers and mothers, j South American Nervine as almost is near by. South American Nervine . last resort. Employing her own has been the means of giving back words she said : " I determined to thn bloom of youth to thousands of give it a trial, although I felt it wa sutforing little ones. It is not a useless.'' in. -.lii-iiii- that buoys up the parents' hoper.only to have them inashorttime dashed down again lower than ever. Whether with child or adult, it promptly gets at the seat of all disease, which is the nerve centres. From this fact it is peculiarly etVu-acious in the treatment of ner- vous diseases of man, woman or child. A recent case is that as told by Mrs. M. A. Joy, of West Toronto Junction, whose little daughter Annie, ageu !"> years, had been a sufferer from severe nervous depres- sion for about two years. As widi all mothers, no trouble and expense was spared in the etibrt to briug relief to the child. The little one suf- fered extreme uaius iu the head, so l^or j To-day it is alt happiness around that home, for before one bottle of the medicine had been taken, the mother tells us Annie commenced to show decided signs of improvement. The child has taken three bottles ant) has practically regained her natural health and vigor. Tliere is nothing 'surprising in the fact that Mrs. Joy cannot speak too highly of South American Nervine. f Much was at stake, bat thin wonderful discovery proved equal to the emergency, and so it dors, in eve'y case. Thousands of letters on ri'.o from well-known citizens prove i'.'i. Fur nervous diseases of young or oid, from whatever cause, it U au *b- infallible cucu i .

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