Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1894, p. 4

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THI F L ISHIRTON ADVANCE K8TABMSHKD 1881 I 11 III I-llr.l> I.KKM AT TUB orriCE. HVU- .MI\M KTIIEKT, KLKMIKKTi.N . nM., BV W. H. THl'KirrON. in r annuni.slrlclly la advance Kn_. inn From HI OKI! The deer suaaou m over and yl accord- ing to repot t thru- niu * UIHIII many <l.--i yet in <>ur uwu neighborhood. These will Ii4\e l.'BMf of life fur at Irani an- Ottler \i.-ll. D.'.'l hunting |I..KK.HM-K H Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., SHII Diego, Cul , aaya : "Shiloh'a Catnriah Remedy in (lie first mediciuo 1 have i-v.-r fnund (hat would <1 me any good." Price 00 ocntH. In O Hours r>iirssing Ki.l ' ai.d ISl.tilil.'i diseuitrH relieved in aix hours by the " Great South American Ki.ln.-y Cure. " Thm new remedy it a wonderful attraction for portmneu, and | g ri;at hur( , r i, e ,! delight on account of Adveitismg Rates: On* Culumn, 1 year. .V> ; half col.. 1 year, tit quart.r col., one yaar, *13 Transient adntrtlneiiiant charged a', the rt Of Bc!utprllnefor fir*t Iniurtiou anJ 3 ceuu acb ubequeut tunertion. Hobbs (Ref.) was elected in Lon- don on Tuesday to fill the vacancy : n the Legislature caused by the resig- nation of Mr. Meredith. Hobbs' ma- jority was large. It is pretty nearly time that muni- cipal matters were beginning to en- gage the attention, and yet everything is as calm as though the election was a year ahead of us. We have heard no rumor whatever, but as none of the nil' council have announced their intention of ictiring it is likely they will all be in the field. Tin- Russians have been having a terrible time getting their late Czar laid away in his tomb. The exertion* i xtcnded over a period of sevenUeu days Ii oin the time he died, and the cere monies cost the country an rnor moils sum of money. The new Czar will be inarric-d in a few days, and it will no doubt take a couple of weeks of palavering, with a corresponding cost, to get his royal pots and puns iu their proper place, while feasting and rejoicing succeed mourning in urn order. The Kusniatis appear to de- light in riiriliiu' from one extreme to unotlii-r. Tho citi/ens of Toronto are now . dir.cussing the ijtitii-tuui of what the; slull do with the poor. Itev. l'i Jjingtry propjsi's that imiiied inei inn-chase, a hlock of laud a few niileti from the city, cut it into live acre lots Iniild houses thereon and ii'iil then for j tat sufficient tc pay the interest Numerous other proposals liave hcoi made hut none thut could ho utiaiii ini'tisly ndopted. This i]neHli'>n of lute yearn IIUH assumed a serious phase ii moil of our liii-oe Canadian cities, u:n lip|>in '.o become mi ne seiuiits yea by year. The coming winter prom iios to be exceptionally seveni in thi rei|M>ct, and puhlio charities will h more than tuied to their utmost. Tli principal cause of thin appears to b the great influx from rural district to the already congested centres o indiistiy. resulting iu depiivatioi liaidnhip and (xiveily. Tin n- lion l.i eu a too neatly inflow from tli farms and villages of the cotintr without n corresponding expansion ( the 1 111 nl population. Millions ucies of good ag, ic.iltuial and utor raising gioimd aro lyin^ h.iireii i <'iininlii \\lnle ftnnt'is' sous liio tin -i oft to the cities to labor as lind cm- lieiH, htn-i-t our tlrivci'H and lalnm r-, itt Ninall and ii'ihlial.v salary, where they might ulili.n tlirse untill. .1 acres mid he C'Miipu'ituely iu.lepi mli'iit, ut thn HHIII.' time loitving fur thuHi' \\lm do not mrdeiv.aii.l funiiti^, tlio woil; lor which they aie iiuml littul Tln-ii- appears to be a fuheily desire among many fui UK-IK thai their son i rdmuM not undergo the hardslnpi winch they lheiujlvt!, suffeied in their pioneer duj and ratlin iticonrage them to Mck for Houatliing easier, So long us till* Belittlm at COUtililles COIIgl.'atioil of lh tin.lt s and atiifuiiug will remain i|UM&uis fur the phi!anlhioi>faU to 4UHQ;U wit!. niiLjut f it it n-.l unnatural. Capturing ilieae swift (|uadru|>eda, with tlu-ir accute ene and wanniMa, calU out tlie b*-( abihtiet of liuniMiH n ; tlie quickiiuaannd accuracy of tlie markaoian m duvelovud fruni iieveiwity in an einineut il.-u'ire. Very rarely, unlean (he xliitiy id 1-1- In- deceived by circuniKUucuH or manoeuvre, will tlie guunr ^et a deer allot. Puraonally I am not nrry that the tiuiiU and ahnoal harm- lewt deer ciill evmle llie .-kill of I he hunter. Tin u pek nlnir nature begft in uii a m.rt of affection tor tiiein. It they did nut lfi.nl in such genuiiiu Hport i In y inulit tin ir way miiii'il, Mi-.l, exc> JH wlii-n lie velhHli stomach doinandH a pittce of .-in- .u. It M 8lrniue tli.it we will leave ucli aiiimnlM ai the coon mid ground lion o their own troulile in aiijaculit wooila, lid spend time and money and l.il. 'i (for t is really imtiiual labor in the disguise f fN>rt) t.i uipturu a Muiikoka deer. If le aniiiiaU that in feat our own woods It.. nl. -il n- the aaiue pleasure they uould i.ive U't-n long since dead and HI. would hat Ueut-footvd and beautiful crunture ho 'Jeer if it were n-it for (he prutuctlon with which tin- law surround* I', were it <>l fur (Ins the siiortNinaii would rind a ;reat hole in liix source of pluasure and iu, too, ii|i|iorts the law llmt i^ives tins (jroti-cti'.n OuUidv of our ni^st avorite doinexlic aniiiiaU, the deer ex utes cur ureattst admiration fnni hio H-Huty, hU fleet neu, liii timidity, and auk of ultniwild .-ti.iiiial iiiHtincta. It is rumored about axain that the lnx.p nd vein er busineiM, of iinxHvory fame, H about t'> leotait under diM'en ni con- iN Several unsuccessful elt'ortshave .<! i ni-i.le by the piixt tii n i to uet it back uto their hands, but fortunately fur tlie ml. IK in this |nirt of tlie world, failed, n tlua niHtance failure warf in >t deHir able, an (lie way in which busineNa was cirinerly con>lucteil was n stHnding and it.' I'.ll^ l'*-|il .i;u-h tu (lie .lilt III .IS The new brnlge u now a fast and lulmtantiid public work. It U a gin.d ucceHonr to the rickety and totturinx Mtfair llmt formerly marked the n|M>t. The raine of four feet and iln- levelling U|> > thai hei'.'lit lian greatly faeilitateil (ravel. . K Williams Htuck very steady tu the lluu in "n tli- Inwur nide. A (renirnd- UUM ainnunr. ol clny, atone (princi|>ally) n I gravrl wan required in the l.linej U| by actual itieuNUleinent, ainouiitni); : nearly 1,000 cubic ynuln. Mr Carr ha* Nome little woik todnyeti.n tlie north enil It strike* a giNid ninny of us that the annum for the work n not at all -..nun. ii-ui:ii.- with tho woik lione, e*p'ei- lly when the bridgii coatu al...nt (*70I). 'roiinitionaie to the whole work the till ih.' up ulioiilil at luiut le ^'KNI Tit k in-j th hlling on tint lower Hid-, t lie pity as now in'rii only make 5 cei'ti n . n'nr yd. A gient nntny (.oople aru uii.-ly rrinov- ing alone from their placet*. M. vm .-e we are uener.illy Kpuakiu^ a gii-ahead eom- iiiuuity MI--SM. III.^.., II I;.. M-iinii , A. Siinl.li. 1' T r.ur, have had ilu- er-ice of Mr. NN H lace AumilroiiK, wuh Ilia Ntone m.K-hinu Mr. II. .y was alo cln|>l"\i'l here in the name wi.rk Mr. .li.hn VVillunm has placed a nbw Htone fi.iinilHtii.n nnilei hia Imrii. .lame* .toil \V*lli \\'I||IIUIIH. with the nuislance of II Ken 1 1 k. .'.i.l the A..I k Mr. H Mel. hum his uieited HU|IIU win't-r pUnts fiom Ins Hi.ster in S, ..tl.m I. who i. -hi. - in 'I e li'.ni.' of hi* I n ili in ili.i town ..f Diin'eniilnnv Tim it a pleoH.int ineiiioriiil of .'lie'* e.irly life. Mr. .Me ili n. n i.|.>-nt ninny y.ms in a nn- hllMlle-, ill II l.-ll'Ull IIIUIIIlfKI'l Ul IIIJ. i-M ill liahnicnl in lii.s native tuwn. \\ v aie ori y to lean lli.it Hev .1 H. Watltt, i'f Hiinfiyn, On: , him met with it mid arcid-nt in !;H\III< Int. inn liinken Hi* it ni.'litei is ill puMeiit 1 1, i filend* hure. its exceeding proinptneaa in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and ev-ry |.ait of the urinary |>a*aag<-H in nmleor fe- male. It relieves retention of piun in it almost iniinediately . If you want ijuick relief and cure this is you-i irii. eiiy. Sold by VV. E. Kichardaon, Druggist. OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Advance will club with the follow- ing periodicals this year at (he tigurea given Itelow : The Advance and Toronto Daily Newt., a daily itnd a weekly pu- IT one year for. f 1 80 The Advance and weekly CloU- ... 1.80 The Atlvancu and weekly Empira.. 1.80 The Advance and Montreal Star.... 1.80 The Advance and Fanner*' Sun... 135 The Advance and Uidi.Y Joumal... 1.V5 The Markets. t'arrfully 'orrerted Encli WVek Klour $ 3 15 to $ 3 o Fall Wheat . . .* o to 56 Sprini! Wheat 63 to 66 Barley :il to .'! Outs 27 to '-T Peas . . 50 to 60 lluiter IU to 14 Kui-a. freah 14 to 14 Point. -es bfttf 60 to 60 I'ork 425 to 500 Hay per ton 00 to COO Hides a 00 to 30 Sheepskins 25 to 26 (Suese. . . 4 to 6 Turkeys 6 to Chickei.rt per pair to Duckn ber |mir 40 to GO Wo,,| . . 15 to IU BUY YOUR HARNESS flood 5to;k, Good Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Coin)*, ilrnshes, Hitmen* Dieting, Sleigh BelU, U<*t and d.whide Unite*, Axle 1. 1. .mi-. KUnkvtN, and everything in my line coimianlly on hand. orders e*rly AN we nre aliraya ruitheil in the fidl iteaa..n. W- Moore - Harnessmaker FLESHERTON. TO KKNT. CoinfitiUble il< i-ll. M. in Kl, -Iii'ii.m. \|>|.1 Ii. J. M-III.I 1.1 . FLESHEBTOH STEtH I >lVf t'l'i'lH- 1 1" i"Hi|UtH Htl>|i) ll|U<lr\ lu't It'll. Kii<l mil |Mt-|i* -t tut*keiuaiiv pun tity of .anH.li s work t lowtr prtvt'4 tiin ait* cliMiKitil liM*wlu'iiv 1 Imvf put in i he l et Kill) lltUHl llll)U<'\i >1 IHtrl.liM-l \ t til tt Kin. Ms L'ivt' in llrarl IXsraisr U. In , ( | |n :. !! Dr. A^'iit-'i. wr fiireof ll.e Heart U lir< I'eileet relief in all eaeH of (loruoinu or Sveip itheii.' H'-art DweaHe. in IK) iniiiuies. an.) N|ieeddy effeet* a cure It ii a |ieeil"Ni reiiii'dy for I'alpit ili>.n, Shorlnt-Hi of Iti-eaih, Sini.ihtiriiiK SpellM, I'. .11 in l.efi Sule anil all H\III|I|OIIH of a lii~fn.il Heart. Omt th.su uoiivincet. Sol.l l.y \V K Kicllart!Ko|i. Horn. r. 1 1- Am U'.rhii.u Bt ., Wlimliwp, Munil,,!,.. nil Ni.Vl.llll>r II til III.' tii,. Wll'tuf Jmil-I 11 Stllilll. i.f K.III 4'nrril In H Hny- S, o'h Aiiiei'ea.i Kh.'iniMt sin Cure. I,H Itlieiiinil n'li and Ni-nraljia. i uli.-nlls I Illl-l III I III ,"> llaVS. IlH HI t 1.11 II|..'M till' HVhlelll IH lelll.ll ...tl'le Hill) lil\ ('.' j. u, It reiiiovrsat onee I lie IMIIHI' ami tlie .lii time iii.iiieiliittely diM|i|ie u .. The lirnt dote L'l'fiitly lieiieliiii T.'I eonta. Sold by \\ . L. Itieh.tid-ioii I>rut.'t; |! *t. * k..M>:i l Horsemen. On I. .tile of Kiigllnh Spa> i'l l.iniiiieni o.innlele.y rt-ini. \eil a eiiib from my li.'rxe. I tke I I .nre ill r<iL'oinuieniliiii( the r.'innlv. ni it ariM vtith ni>-t. i n.iis |iioni|itneM u. th ii'imnid from hornet of haul, wift or nil lime.! lump-, dl. iil spa\ in, Nulinta, curbs, aueeny, stillua anil spraiiix. ' ..... i KOBB, I ii in, i . Markham, Out. Hi>id l.y \T. K. Hichardaon, Drugxut. 1> un.'l Kin. Proprietor and I'nli'.iaher of the llainburx, Out., Indvpoudeutaays : "I was suffurlim fr- in Dys|M>|ui* iml l.u er I loiit'le. I ItHtk a f buttle* u. Hbiloli'a VilallMtr and |l riire.l inc. I can heartily for Christmas! Flesherton * Furniture Wareroouis Are offering special inducements dur- ing this Ximts time of 1894. We have added to our already large and vari?d stock some attractive lines at equally attractive prices, especially for the holiday trade. We have a large assortment of Hand Sleighs so low in price that every boy and girl ought to have one. Also nun ion to tit on your baby carriage. In our music department we have organs organ stools and a very nice line of music porttolios. For your parent or friend a nice comfortable rattan tec 1 or easy chair would be u nice present. \Ve have them very low in price. In fact all furniture at close cut prices for the holiday trade. J.E.nOORE. -ore- call. Kit tli natulaotiou VM lnw MM. UKO. Boose end Lot For Sale, Knr pa1*t chon au-l on <*&NT torinn hi Kit )i-i koti. Si>l*Miilul lar^f. Mtlhl tu i k libelling, with ^u.' I -I lir . t-'l-M HiniiliUM kitt lii-il uml WtHNl- noiiite. f !-*> I-.XH! f unit* utalitr, lirirk linrtl 1*. i<*iilf** i-. >iii MI im tlaru lotn ,in \ K. in | \.itini; tti rhitri). lit-Hi iliu Hi-lint' a tlil tu l'iil!tln)y j j i-\. ..i.ti.'Huiu well AnithtKl mitl wry cuuvviit- tiitly U.il out. Apply to Hi Hmon.K. Fl^*>i*it <n HOUND GAME ASFRAY. Came (o the nn,l,'r-ii;ut-il on th0.vultig of Atli init.. attti followfMl lioini'. >.n>. lii.tinil Owner i-n IIHVH >ani by |<rovliit; |n..|>i-itv and pnvtiin ,.\|.| M.,'~ lilo. i.l IMI II Ki'if iiln, NOT. !, ISfH. ~BolR8 FORTERVICE Tho umlorH i*ninl ti^ two well br*,1 U.-*r- on* youiM i>"t k~i i e Hii-i i. no TorhNhir wtiit* fur ..it li-t i i"v ron 7, Ait^iiivaln. Tntn*. $1, tru't U <-H-.il ut tiuif of MM \ >> f Klutftitirton, Nuv ill. 'VI Jon. Xr*Wic K. HOUND LOST. I,"-t in I'.jnvv 01 C'o liiiKwu.i I town <h i>. en* li.-i-rl.' tu.i.i. i on u -I. i U t'i t A'h in-t. It aok ll.l w'll will eio i"i-. I (rout I.-K' r.il> I. ..it UK I. nil will coufor it favor b^ . -MIIII.II CatllWlUl OKO. I.ATIMEH. K.llL'rillit T. O. BOAHFORSKKV1CE >lr*t rlati tioitr. urmi btwr*n Yorkfthir* anil HiTkibliii. for H, ni. ,. ,.., lot i; i. Ut W. T. A R H., Artni*la. Itotli |.r'it took nrit prlt. .. t i-i.ual) nhow Teruji 7S rani.. M.O.Omi.proprl.tor riMhcrtou, No*, d HEIFER_8TKAYED Htrayml from la* iirriiil of Mr. .1. Adam*, rifoh.rton. atwut tl'ii Tth imt . on* yrarllnit l.i>if.i . all rt so.ptliiR wiiiu. tl|i mi tall in, I a llitli. whit* umUr Ixllr laformatlou thtak tully ro*lv*d by th owu*r, H. HMITM. or ' UNDERTAKING As usual, good work, ",ood attendance i;ood hearse and low prices. Strain5: Moore. SASH AND DOOR FACTOBY On Mai 1 } Si. I'liiiiiiii',' mi'l u mouldings, etc. Wm. SLOAN. Overcoats at .B, Ivsrcoais at $5,51, Ifercoats at $7.00. I For Coats X12.5I, Ladies' For Capts and Kantles, tstrachai, Oppossiiin, It is not a necessary consequence that gar- ments, in order to !> clieap, should be badly cut and ill fitting \Ve li.iv.' coau that are stir- \i lingly nicely made and can sell them at leas than custom work costs to make up. Then we have a bet- ter I in.- that can be sold at the ordinary cost of making and trimming and will give good satis- faction in wear consid- ering coat. In our large range of styles and pric> s we can hardly tail to suit any reasonable wiiit in overcoat*, from small boys' sites to largest men'* sizes We do not calk our 5 50 coats worth $10. nor our $7 coats worth $15, but claim to give us good value as any elotlm.g house in tut- country. Our $12.50 nen's Fur Coats we had made specially to our order, they hare not beeu beaten in price by any other linn in town or city and cauuot IHJ re- peated when sold out. We have a very fine range of Mi us Fur Coats, all new. Seal, llaska laotlBS, The really beautiful designs iu ladies' fur capes for the season have met a hearty ap- preciation fr >m our lady customers ; our tales in this department are very encouraging. We have tried to bttef new stylish goods with- in the reach of those whose purchasing means are limited. \V, do not look for fancy profits, but buying close- ly and carefully we aim to make ^a quick turn over at as close a mar- gin as possible. Vt'o invite comparison of our stock and prices with any other stocks. Such tests have bet-u so decidedly m our favor so far that we feel as- sured we can give ex- ceptional line value to our customers in this line. Our stock of Ladies' and (it-ills' Fur caps it immense. Tho few we carried over we will sell below cost, some at half cost. The new goods are so much diejpiT ui.d better Vdfuo. In cloth mantled we have some ver> clieap goods, but special value iu a iiipple Collar As- trachan and lirai'l I rim- med Mantle at $1 25. We have very elegant garments trimmed iu HU! furs. Hardware- } Dop't. 1 HE MAPLE LEAF \V ( . have a full line of I.K \l>F.l; and MAl'LK LKAF CROSS-CUT SAWS which are the very beet made, also a splendid aa.oi tineul of GOOU A\KS. The WHITISO HAW SF.TT lHAMPIOM GAl'CiE are tlie 'best in the market. Another shipmout ot those 4 for 23c. CO.\V TUiS just, in. Just Arrtved A fresh stock of FANCY OOOD8 nd GLASSWARE. A full line of S5c. goods among it. Call around and sou them. Richardson & Go's i

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