Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1894, p. 5

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THI FL18IIBT01 1DT1HC1 flanking- < IH-- ot GEO. MITCHELL five, rents mostly with Dr. Wells, as hi* Nticene* wa. we consult!!-**!, u(ficKUt * truthfulness. A<iirml banting fcniiini traniaot*<l Draft* i.uMlaii>t eboqu ca*i<l at usual rauis. Mniiev aNa>s available ftr l.-nnmt" ImMnaaii uleri>rtv of&cstwu >koni i>rtto vf aouACa'a. Vicinity Chips. 'Iiar;t.-i rri-t k - f tiw Past 4 ;ir-U*ll fulled for 111. Curious. /iuittrtu trfltCft *m*vj IttoiU vtil be fh,<rtif,l ,it Of r,i.' ;f l<tc per lint fur eack i,,*trU-. A tW>tum mil fcr fr /Wtf UMM vr oner. DIED. - -In the vicinity of Via own- er's barnyard. <>n \Vlnrs(ay, 21st inut-, after a brief but in>i*y lit"-. MHE INTERMENT TASKS PUaCB TO-DAIT. Brin? iu yi.ur luilns, sheep akius, etc. Xlwep skuw 36 to 50 ct*. each. T. Hill. J)urh n votsd u fc'ruiay mi a fir* pro- t-tuu bylaw, which was carried by a large majority. Jud'^e \lriisuii held l'iusiiai coirt in town i>n WeUi.esday. The court waa a iarge otw. Rejjort uixt welc. Over i-jata - uow is Ute turn- t t your over coat, fur emit, fur ca[*, rubhur* juid sox, tf<>at ri'ben, etc. Our stc i complete. T. UU1. The annual meeting at tha Patrons of InJustiv, Artainivsu township, will Ite liW ID the Tow* Uali i>ii Dec. 1.-.1 for the led inn of officers .iiiJ irther "1 iwaaped beim/a confirm }>y takiiin Ayer a Pilbt in time. " Tins m the experience of many. Ayer's I'lll*. whvtheriM an after-tinnier pill or m a remedy lor liver cviu|ilaint. inili'jeHtioii, llatult-i: -v, atr brasb and naimea, ar invaluable. Tlie Imporial Trio Iiav bc-n liv the HwHlieriMii V<M \V. to i-ivo a t;raiid conceit iu ihuTown Hull 0*1 fnduy, :Wth mit. Tlio rirtertainiiiont will ci>n int of liiiK- light via**, vocal ami nm'ru mental mutiic a varied jimgrwn. Tlim troupe Wi here a cotiple of woelw *x<> mid those hu |IH>| the |>lre irf attend- ing aay it WM the brct uniiertainineiit i-\*r yiveii in KV-*b*v<"ii. <>n that IK . the pr<.TM vivefi in uid '.' tfiiiMiT UY>iV. Tlr time U will he H lenurul rein i *'iit tin- tHMeM of all It :H W* be a i;i>nuiiie tnal. I. -ok for \iill. Fires at Markdai*. The vilUy- "( Mrk<ial differed o.n- ilerahle 1-w) By tire, on M<m<ly night.. About widn^lit Hul''i cuojter alioy <> ihu aim arn-Ht, WKH ilico\ere<i to he on fire and wan twrned t tli ground. The huiMint; coatained from -Jti.UOO to 3U.000 dofen **, the pniperty >4 Mr. Currj-, evg buyer. <fci tlii.n ilivre wa* no insurance, and Mr. I'-nrry ' bua will fco mvr fSOOO. 1m Mediately afwr tire cooper shop WM burned the cuileim were borrUi-d to learn that the new .ittd liandHoiue achoolhoiwe, erected four years :im. at a coat of 97500, WM alau in Qaiuea. Nothing could be (lotto to aare the building, which w a total loan. Them iaan iiMtirwe on ilia build- ing aad contents of 9dOUO. AlUti2h the actual money IONS m nut urare tiian , it in a seiioim on f. r the villsue. at a time <if year wlnn buiUini; xM cannot b ciuiii*ncuJ fur inntu*, and will reauit in innofc incou- vt-niuiKW The cauae of thene firi-s w a deep mystery. In the care of the school it ia suppuned to nave tartd at or near the farna-* I phnaia. On the <uunx day a large buck waa very badly w<Mnde4 ast of Kirober- iey but uacaped by crueains and recruasing the river in the valley. Mr. A . B. Ball, Kiniherley, nhot a 2-yar-old Imck on Fri- day week. A oarraspMndent writing to The Advance from POWUMMM y>t: "Mea- sm Jaa HiclMnoHd and E. Whalen, being informed that bear* hod been seen in their locality, shouldered their rifles and fol- lowed the ciMina. They Imaged 4, 1 old one and 3 cubs. Deer are very plentiful up here thia winter, so are hunters and trumps. " Ueiu-rul expression* if pleasure were iiesrd on all aides lust Sabliath in the MetlmJict S.ilil>ath scho.l when tlio H|>- t-nnU-ndeMt, Mr. J. W. Aruxtruiig. took his pLtcv sun! <ipeneil the school, conduct - ing the x*.- ri-is<-s thrmi^li'-iit, .-rfttr .-in absence <f five iiiourhx. A cup .if ut<fc{ily o->lfev is ' wln.lt- amne, rritlu-r is a bottle nf inml.ly nieUi v-inc. Or.- way to knw K n.-lin)<ie ami killfu'ly [c^;iaroil blout-purilicr i hy its freodi-ui irnii sl.iiiHiit. \yt-r' & Arillii is always brigU. anJ sp^iklii'K W- CAUHe It in *u extract aiwl not a The Companion ' Calendar . The Youth'* L'"iiiB>:uiMsi lw just peb- liohed a oalendar for 1896 whsch ia a work of an indeed ll*<e woHtn of art in one. Sceues typical >f throe aeaMius of the year, U iutrc, Sunieaec, .VatuMn, are ekow The art pictune n-|rt-aru a motlier add sen |iaBaiu-j in tlvvr walk m a snowv field, aocrova witicb a rabbit is nimuiii much u the aiusisvmeiit *f the boy. Tlw artist in the summer scena has piotvreal three children rowiim down a wtndMig river: aixl were it not for the apple* which fill Ui pan in her araia, iisie would scarcely imagine 'hat tue urace/ul ^ul in tin; third pierere waa typical of Autuuim. A round the picturea are urou^wd the monthly esl- endaw. tied tiejr liter by nMxi. Tlim :nr.otivr i-aleiid.ir a*l a fill prospectus !>. J8U6 will be nent freeupun application to ay nme constdertng n suhncriptioii to the Cum^ianiviL. From no iitliur piper L'JJI so much entertainment and instruc- tion beobtainosl for S" Id tie inorey i-.iily 91.75* year). If you subscribe now you will receive the pvpr until .)ui. 1, r)i. nnd f i a fu'K yr.tr fnxu that il.ite. includ- ing the Thanksgiving. Christum* :m<) Year's !>>uhlc Niiiubera. The 'i* Companion, Huston. M.ias. Personal. Lulu Kuili.Ti'or>l. M>H* Mart. and Mr. K J H.-ilr..n, .rf Oweai SoviM, H|H.-t Simdsy iu town witb fnemls. Mis. W.A. AmuOrotHC vuited fneiuls iu D-jndnlk lutt eek. MisM Kay lianiiitn, f Dumlnlk. m visit- ing with her -.iKU-r, >lr. W. \. Arm M.-s Nellie Hualwn.l, of 11 11 ul ""entie, |>ent a few days with Friend* ill town tins wi-t-V . Mivirs Addie un\ I. ml Annstroi.y an- alti-nd:nt tlie wedding of their brotlu-r, Wenley. in Lciiio, this wvek . Rer. Cyntn lire*n. of tloriie, vinitfJ with Mr. J. \V. Ai nistroN.' (his week Mr. CSroon wai utationvd in F>rflKerti>ii twenty four years ag-. 11 many fiK-iu:s li-re neie lil t iiu-et with kin. MIM 11 Cillt-Hpie. of Ik-ll i L.iV..'.i.N tl- uuvi>t >-f MIII \Vilci-x. MIN Ulnckburn lixs veturnod tr -in nti >-\t-inlel Miit to In i fiH>nd.H in AtUtal'i in- and Li-iMoii. Mr. \V. J. I'aawe41 a sold his house in thM MlU.-i- to Mr. l>. Mi.{..( and muted lo hi* f:iriii in Mr. \Vm Mi-Mc.41. linn.i-.i-i "f *1r. (ii-.iif(i< Mi'Niev'!, west. lck l-no, r'L d in on MonJ.iy i-veiiinj anil inifirmril Tin- that t lii-re <vs in. tni'h in the |.:ii.Us'u-.l two w-i-k* in.> stating tliat l.i.i !.-.. thi-r linvi heell I nil i III n tiold wit'i his tlin*t cut, Hlid Mr M.- N !! w at a loss to know h..w thf niis- lo iircurritl, unlei llirou^h H I.UKIIMH. r ~t:\r)il\n^'. Mr (ii- 141- Mi:Nn-"H, tlio \.-un); man |M>ki'ii of. nn-t wi'h HOIIIC *;- rhlent in AJii-hiiian KLIUO linwago *nd i now at home unil^r the doctor's c-iri'. but II.IN not K- n a-!iy from the hoinw- for anil at the tiHio specihitl s s nl.le t<> walk, therefore, could :..^ hare beii found an stated. The Au- v .-knee is sorry to have given circulation to UM item, but in justification to outKelvea must say that did everything in our l-..wer I., venfy it befor* printing, Ule- ! to Dr. Wells, of Markdalc, who > speak to us. The blamr, there - and civ>n fkins manufactured into mills. Bring along your skina. W. from r m Cmrepatuie t. The prcnrnt sharp wintry weather haa Wivuied lusay from getting all thir turnips aa/ely housed. There are him- dn-J.s of IwsInJs out yet in this district. The cattle fair last Monday waa fairly altensWd, but JCIOOK were low and buyers The SS.O.T. areinenaaisii; ia strength, mesehrra are onimio; til every Bteetinif aight. TltaitltsgiviatgaervioeK will be otudaxted in the Pi<esbyteriaa church <m Thasik*- gtviu^ Day. Mraaiw. Donald aird John MoUae, 3\m Mc-Doaaki and Dnnaid McLean, have re- turned houie after putting in a faithfvl summer')* wurk at disTerent pitints. Miss Noima Patem, f Londoa. in visit ing witi her grandwother, Mrs. A n^lit. Measrs. J. D. and D. Browo returned Innate froui the {HUittHuU on Stuni.iy . Tlie* party uf (ur got all Uut the law allow*, vie , eight. A young man iinate4 "Long" Dan Mac- donald. waa accidently shut oa Tmeaday while ifarticipatwg ia a scrub hunt. An- other man's Run wan aoci iest tally dis> cliarged, the shut entering Mr. Mac- dunatd's breast aud ami. Tlie arai wa> badly lat-erated. Dr. Huttu* Jresacd the wound. Want >o iher. KinNKY P1L1." NW AMIWt r Wt KVIKV .si rrcuKK FROM a>.Hr s itu- QCUBC.NKV 19- -Contemexsraimnue witlt tin.- puUicitnti. .>f the Wtter of Or. A. ('. McCortnick. . t ItichinoniL wtth res|wi-t ! Ins jierniaiieiit oiin; from Briuhi'i ilneaiie by bodil'ci Kiitm-y l'lllK,evury druggint in this city ordered a mrneroua mip|4y <*f tlw pills, but so ;n .it has been the(emand as lira ruNUli of tins tentiinonial friu an emi- nent .in Hiiiln-iity. that the run kaa Veil iu exuoMuf tl.e Kiigiply. All wtbvr pro. oriL-tory inudioines liave beea rrJ*uatd to the li-l- 1 s and it would tppear fnnn the .1 i.i imK (ii..< tijx.i, tl>e druggists an if i-\ riy mittiT-r from Knlney tlisuaau IM the city was lstil to try tli. i-m-dy recota- by lr M < ,,.k. With theliuuters. The liirye iK-cr wlnoi * iiipiitnine.l villtire 'ii TueMLiy wus shot l-\ .Mr. S. u Tlnuxliv in his Viikh. al>oiit iii-s vifct nf ln-ri- Thn-e |xnlM lllill I'll.lv >; It iv.-lllii( ,'l|! lT XViiillriuKv, ;.inl IHII it out i.f the valley wit'i tlo.x.lnit it i sr.i|.eil them. rr~H > IHK ifs.-lf f.>i Sam's niierniiu n ; in. It Wii.i ii In-auty. Tl* ' woathvi l:ij>f wi-i-k. d\tiiix 'he final IIHV-I i if tin; i-iv"ii. ttusoxv- |it mi illy hue for (4wr liiin'ii-. >. :>il .t f>'W s^iU-mlnl i-H|itur<*s ; *u- iiiS'!<- Mr. Latuver. of Euuvnia, : sad thit-v sonn wer>*th ut fiClwmO.' j f aicy | ni fy .- h.-ive hviird of. Tlini>d]y foreiHH4i they succoedt<<i in nhiNitinu two iKt(iiitici-iit Inickv oai> weii(liiii|i ^00 Hlid tlx.' olht-i '.'40 lt Tin* Advance in.-in, with Mr. Jli-11 aud Squire StiMrl,of Kim herley, aeiv within 1'W r..<|. of the later when it wan r:iptuml, but luck wa* RKainnt us. fitvors all wit the one wy that da> The scene of the ca|itum was ult th l,.-ia.h'i' Cullii>gwup<| aitd Ku | \VI -n a jtfrl at i-ln>"l. In Ctuo, 1 lind R severe att.ii k ot braiit favor. On mv recovery, 1 found mvselt p.-rfcotl,T bald, nnd. for a long tim-, I r. j.*i-.l I ahouM b pormanently BO. KriiHi.! i nrged me to use Ayer'a Hair VI :>'r, and, on doing so, my ljuir Began to Grow, nnd I now bare a.* flno a heatl of hair an cnoonM wish for, being rnantr'-J, how- ever, from blonde to dark brow u." " Afti-r a lit of slrVnew, my hair mine a:~ ia cc^nlifulls. I used two bull lea ot Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair ia over a yard l,>nu snd 1 1 TV full uii-1 hi-nvy. I hnvo rocom> .n--"l>-'l Ihia preparation to othrrs with llkn pmMl effect." Mrs. Sidney Can, 1MO Kivina St., IlnrriO.iir-. Pa. " I hare Haml Ayer's Tlalr Vigor for Mveral yam and always olitalnod satin- factory results. I know It ia (lie beat ._ preparation for the hair that Is nado,** C. T. Arnett. Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Han .].:: rsstsnityPt. J.O. Ajat OsH^iwlTMl s> Boots Shoes Rubbers It Im fill Lira f B.H.JS. Sh..es, Ruhbers. Orishow, Fait Bouti. for foil wear. Call and try iu. The Best & Cheapest fHaoe to get shed is at Prompt attention to custom work and repairing. Ah, There! Come ri ? ht along up to Biakerville * Co'i. Furniture and IV Uerukiuy Warerooms. But Do Not Forget tUtt onr display carried off turee first prt.es at the East urey hzliibtuoa. Stay And we will only be too pleased to show yon that w have the be assorted siodt ta this section of the couutry. There is nwney m it for time who deal with us as onr price* are the bpectal banraim in all lines of anr busices. Our motto buiall profits, quick returns. J. E. Baskerville &. Co. Mrs, \Vriy],t^ Store. Flcslicrtoii. We Lead, OTHERS FOLLOW I>. BLAIR. Read this: Many who take IlieFWherton \dxance and read the advertisement from Dnmialk have couie to Uie ami ar^ tk?t'i rutiu-d to continue doing go. The mu'l tn.iy U. sotm-wliat fitrtiu-r, but no matter ho* short tin.- distance IUHV he your day is of no furilifi- tt*c fur wotk by the time you havt u-niiiNil Imine. If tin- uUive be true, whi.t matter ever. tliougli it he 8t'fciiil wiles further, your team* umy as wi-ll bo eaitiuu,' money for ' you. and thty wili be donij; s,) by bngin yoii to CALHOUlNi S to do yoir bwytiif . The rush .ot cti-stomers continues daily- If you wi?li to meet irienib y wi'll find "them at C^lhotiu's. The People's Patron Store, in XDAI.K. Now is the Time -TO BIT YOIK WINTER- BOOTS AND SHOES DESPAIR - AM> -. t-> "- heavy ox anil riil|l-rsy_ Mi-n'n A 'ill la' nlij Mix-en' in-.'ii's nii < w<iinii All tju he sold at Inwonl i>, , siblv prices. : DODD'S '- KIDNEY DRILLS Klesherti.n. OpposiU McTiTuh j Cavhifi Shop WILL- CURE YOU Wecnuutrc Dndd'i Kidney Pills Is rmsa? as* o( nitchi's IWwc. PulMtri, I.umhava, Ofopsv. Khcuni.itifm. Heart iXspaM, H>mals Traiibica. Impirt Bloixi-or monrv rtlnwisw. sWld b? all Joai-rt u medicui* Of by mall es) esswJplsi MM*. UK. pMbua. *c Ma soeasa&sjk M. U A. SMITM * (XX. '

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