Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1894, p. 4

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THE F tltBlltOI ADVANCE ESTAttl.IKHKD 1881 Ad vance - BUallKH Wf.KKLV AT THE OFFK'K. SYH- t XII AM HTKKKT, FLKHIIKKToN, OM , BY W. H. Till H.STON. il per aiiniiin.si i ni 1% in advance Adveitismg Rates: One Column. 1 year, a.X) ; halt col.. 1 year, 27 quartor col.. <>n year, (15. Transient adrrtiiiint cbar|d at tlie rat* o! cnt> i-tir line for Ant io*t>rtiou anJ 3 cent* cb >utoiiuut lu*ertlou. The Japanese still move forward towards Pekin. Tlic Cliinese appear 10 be utterly unable to prevent the Japa from pcekin' into any city or fort where their curiosity leads them. The new C/ar of Htissiu was mar- ried on Monday, and the Russians are now celebrating in vigorous style. Last week they were shedding hogsheads ol crocodile tear*. The reaction U great. One of the best prohibition car- toons of the day was published in last week's Templai, of Hamilton. It represents poor, prostrate Canada as being knocked on the head <viih a club by a bloated whisky bottle, while the following dialogue ensues between two interested individuals who are looking over the fence : Sir oh\rr M. SI,.., kimr, isn't it 1 I ii only waiting for the deeiMoli of the t..urU tosrc if I can interfete. Sir John T. So am 1 only waiting for thu Royal CnmmisMoii re-p..|t. i'lioru* of both "Only wait in",." That picture and dialogic are all point and penetrate the situation through and through. From all The Advance can loam the coming municipal elections iu Usprey promise to be lively. The present neve. Thus, (tamey, M.l'. I 1 ., lias tilled the dmir fur Il.i consecutive years, and now feels liku retiring. Many of his friends, however, do not like to lose his services, not alone for tin ir acknowii-il^i d \ ilne. lut bt-cnuse his retirement would n -ult in loo i H. lies' a change at tlie council board as Messrs lYeston, and Clark, it is thought, would contest the rn.-veship, thus tilliu-; the hoftul with new in. n. This ini:;hl re.-ult disatitiiMiidy. ul least, it could not n siilt in uny im- piovi ineiit upon the Council HOW ill oflice. Just what tlie outcome will be we cannot s:iy, hut The Advance WOtlld llOt hf Hill priHed if (l|. <)i|i-ey el. rtors Hhould insist on Mr. (i.m,. _ l-eing once more u candidate for the teevo'i chair. Reflections for the Reflector. Inctniwl with indignation Kata I mood I'ntiTi intl, ami like ronwt burnml. That flrw tlie leiinth i>( Oiibluctii hu|f In Hi' Arctic tk), suit from bit horn I liair ShskiM peitilauca and dMth.-Mii.ToM. Tim Clarksburg Keller! .r man 1ms worked luio< If into a perfect fieii/.y over the iifin we printed l>\it linn two weeks go. So angry ii lit) that we dot-in tin- above quotation peculiarly applicable. H cliokea himself in attempting to tiiul a Hultic.ic.ntly horrible epithet In hurl at The Advance. He call* it an " excivs- once," and iU editor " u irrenulir lump of frozen nerve," "a terrestrial en- cuiiiliranoe," "a vacuum "and several other eentli-iimiily names of the Futta style. Lot us n-ni nk, right here that we are not JUKI i.nw fallowing in the f<Mit steps i.f the Krrti-ctor man, although he down inHUt thai all other newspapers in Chritlfiiil-nn should jump when hu pulli the Hiring. They don't jump, conse- quently he is angry very. Just now it is a iiiiutt iiiiinsini; sight. This cK-xir i-ilit.ir took sick with n new idea lately, and decided that nt thu new year he would iiiKtitute a nw f.-atui. in Ins Itusi- nrss mi-ill' nl, and for the past two or three weeks has lieen nolicitously claim. r inu for Thu Advance t.> adopt the same principal, IT "jump " IxwaUHu he pulled the utriiiL'. N"- thu string is not at- i.i.-lird. There is a break. Wo liavc iron nut of tlie marionette busim-as en- tirely. It would l>t- much wis-r for the Ui-lli-et..r man to wait until he seen the n-Hult of his selieine before heso blatantly p:irndes it as thu acme of purfit-tioti. After he has trird llio'Hclitnio it will IHI time eiiouK'i to no let.. hysteric* n\er it, and we will be liaopy to ht>-n t-i liis reaAniiiiiK if he will talk " hunw- sennc. " It is t-x|.-rienc thr tells, not theory. Just here let 111 ti-ll the UiHi'i-lor young IIIHII tlml li,< should try to cultivate a IIMII- < ylt-. Mi* In too lli|, i n t t.i U-^i-t tin- i-niitidi'iice i'f hisruaden.and is liiinitmg t'm pn-is iif tin- cmn.iv into bad odor. He ha nut a snllii i. inly lu-.-h idra of Inn nolilc i-4llui){. Iteaders i-nj.iy n '.'IKM! j'-ki .(..;-!. ii'rtlly, but when nil . atti ini'ts to platter |..k,-< .>v,r li.-ilf inch there is Division Court. Judge MnrrUoii held Divinii-n *' .m t in the Town Hall on \Vidnoadiiy nf last oek. There were twenty four cnes be- lore him, including jud-jiurnt oumiuoiisur. Following nre the inore imp irtaiit outes tried : Sillifant v. Bennet, action on acct.unt. Plnintiff lives in Montiual. Tliis case has occupifd the board for nearly a year, nnd was dually in fnvor of ( laintilf for 178. no nnd emits. The cimts wil^ >>e Urye. mi there were a couple of examinations by and i;ii:iiiliuii; of t.ith at the coimiry l"iMt.iltici-B. Let the Kellrit.'r man n\ i.i .nln.iti' Heiiuinmoss, and hold his tillilili'e t ..... li-in-irs in cheil,. Thia ad M. . i< s .iin.l .iiht ihieiidinl f.>r our eon welfare. Hcfon- ,li,>.n^ ill. | flection* wi> iiiunt ap.ilii'.'i/i I.T iri-imi) Mr. \\ il^rnss of the dirty net ref.-i i .-.I I lie d...-, imt ili-ny it, lui^ :ifti-r ill wi- buliiivj it to linttt IMUMI hm fo|. in:u H!I.> wait 'Ii. K'ul'y party. The Montreal Witness. ilnu of -In- sights of Miiniieal ia a visi to the ' XXiu.es' o||i -,, whieli. for inter mil eli-uanre, o.niveiiience nnd i-omplete. nes of i-'|iiipiniiit linn few rivals any vt here. Otn-i iittenti.il is arrested ,,i tlie MileMiilU by thr 'iuh a wimli Uros. . Yiirs Action mi nc- Mint for 92*2.80. Judginulit for full .mount. M. Kim, ..n v. Adair riainlitf claimed '5H 7H. (Jainis'iee. Judgment for prnn- ry creditor for f.7.54 and dints. McKiinion v. Ailair (iainiohee suit. '.irtien live nenr liitd-ierow in Dnpi. v. claimed $'.>'.'. ~'.l. Judgment for irmiary creditor aifuimtt primary debtor T 807 54, with costs. James Adair was idded to the xuit as claimant in money . Tien- wen- Hv Cup-urn Sweeney, ('. S. A., San Die-.!", Cat., Hays : "Slnloli's C'aUuiuh Krmoly in the hrat medicine I have ever found tli.it would do HIM any good." Pncu 00 cent*. The ( 'hesley Enterprise my H (he Patron lodi;e there u duf anct. Sir John Thompson will be Hworn in an a member of the Imperial Privy C-'Uiicil ' Dec. 4. Relief in B Hours- I'Krrisinu KiJ nuy ai.d Itladdrr disenaeH rwlivved in six Ii. iiits by the " iireat South American Kidney Cure. " Tins new remedy U a great surprise, and delight on aconml of ilaexct-edmg PH i:iptneM in relieving pain in the l.laddei, knlneyH, buck and ec-ry pint of the uiinaiy pasuigi-H in male or fe- male. It relu-x cs retention of pam in I .i-.smi; it ri ! ni"st immediately. If you want quick n-lu-f and cure Uhm is youj ii-iueily. S..M by \V. E. Kichvrd.svn. IK. ailmittrd iuili-liti-duvs.t ai'd four who lenu-il. .liid'.'ineiit for primary creditor ^nmst tlamianl, Jaa. Adair. I!. Cook v. Ja. Watson Action on iromiawiry note I'.MH 1st Oct. 1HHM, upon which there was a (tayment of Hve doll.us endorsed iu Due. of (he twine year. 1).- ciidmi' pli-uded statuin of limitation and ilia' lie Imrrowed ?4 from one Mil ard in Si-piemlier anil ini.l.- the payment n that month, which, if this were true, would have placed thu note beyond thu i iwer of collection. The judge, however in believe the defendant unJ ^ave for plaintiff for $24 15. Crawford v. I'.ml \ ii.m mi contract 'r lamlw, about which there was a dis- agreement. The jti'lge decided tin* dif by i;inn^ juduintnt fur pluintitl l for f.s mid c t. .M. .1-4111 \. Scut t-- An Interpleader case; I). M. r-^ui. i iiiu.try creditor, J. Im Seutt, priinni) ilel.tor. Eliza Ann Si-utt nnd John \\'ili*i. n. claimants. Judgment m f i\or of ,l..liii \Vils ..... claimant, only. Hoy v. Hopper A.-ti.'ii on contract. Judgment For pluiiilirl for fo. Allan's A I'linni \ . > .its Alex. Hun- nail ami Wi ndi'll I'.rit/, -nrnulicoa. Judi;- iii. -nt f...- pi-mini) crt-ilitor against primarf debtor for X|<f.' ()-.'. Adj"iirn^d to next com t MM t.i KruihhceM, garniitheot to llyle |..irli> ulars. OUR CLUBBING LI5T. The Advance will club with the follow- ing perimlicals this year at the tigurra X'nen below : T!ie Advaiice ai)d Toronto Daily Mews, a daily and a weekly [> per one \>-.ii for. 91 80 The Advance and weekly Olotw. ... l.HO The Advance and weekly Empire.. 1.80 The AdTanreanrl Montreal Star. ... 1 HO The Advance and Fanners Sun... 135 The Advance and Ladies' Jouuial... 1 The Markets. < .irrlnll > < .,ri , < te.l Kltrh \> . ek Flour $ 3 1.1 to 9 305 Kail XVli-at . . Sprint" XVlieat IVarley Peu Itutti-r Kiius. fresh Potatoes batt Pork .*!.< tO 55 to ::i t<> ;,ii t,. 1:1 to 14 to .Ml t., 4 -."' t.. 31 27 51* 14 ll 50 300 "i 30 60 16 Hon. I, In ml Illake Inn ntitnnt.il that he inUinds to IH-I^-.I his seat 1:1 the British House of C'onimous. He neis no immediate prospect of Lome rule for Irolund and hei now that he is wasting'Valiiable. lino . Tlipfe political nmsionnripH have a tiimikle-H time of it, iippaiiMitly. Mr. Illake luii ei- ati il iniieli unr <i nn n t nnioii-^' Hilt ill and Canndiitii politic- ians, with I is immense nl, as of II.M own influence ami p<uvcri>. He will probably next turn his iil'.-iilioii to .w Caluloilia, win in the miln. , have been barbcritinj; while men, with the idea uf refm min the -. initial?, or working up a fund to piv\ iil<> ihem nil with a now pitenl .st.imarh in digestm;; human flesh. This h-nian'it vagari** .are such that when i. ne looks at them soberly his repud a Climsni'tn pad. nlly turning a eriin with (be .ill "i ..in u I !i..- .1 e .ntiact fi a i-enuiry . .f f.ntlifnl labor, and n, fins I. fulhl it. The Chinaman is madii of vfood anil for Nle.idy, patient, rndle.ss toil ,-OMI mend us to H n>. den < 'hlna'iioi. Mitkin luil, I to -o m ,. inul oiiiselves in ai enviable public r!i .- with tiled tloor, hot liiniM- tlnwe.is iiii.l |iitt not. Tlit'ii wv ai" pilot, -il up a spiral stnir, through tlie urt-nt ,-, hi. i, ill n. to tin- I'.iioiv of lino typi-4 nhii'li aic lln- mum I uf ||>,- n ne lei ntli . eiilury us (iiitciil.i!i'a movnbln ty;'s were of the awiikeni.i!.' life of tl,e title, nth The ..'feat Hoe press of tlie ' XX'iim-NN," winch prints almost any nuin- l..-i ..t | * ,'.-, from twn to thirty two. is tin- very nioxt e. mph-te nmchinn any- wlier. (JloKe U-si.|,- u y..u urn nhonn upnil uni|uiiy, a pal h on tin- tloor uhieli murks the spot r. here exploded the fain- mis bomb Home nn. nth a-jn l,nli tin- ' \Vinie! di..|litleit owiil t.i it* ai-tir and eller' ive Mill auallli-t I'Klllhlel i% Hie) bimeo -, . i . -i *, i ' -I i- n In, :i LV ep .sure and snd elrvrr earieal me it lia> man t i drne from lliei ,l\, or at least In de pi lie of the open tolerance nnd (mlilie 'in, which tln-y hud ln-f.,|-.- ,-\|..\eil at tin- haiids i.f nyuipHtheli . llie.als. The .sltintl fur 1 iw and onlei taken l.y tie -\Viiiii < lalf'y n-sulii il in an invesiif;*- II f (lie p.. lire n, il diie.-inc \s'.|ii if Montreal, whuh |IH I e\ ruled ll of some |-ev,i|iiii,.iiit|-y eliHii^e TI.e pap er is ilevoi, d In leinperain-e .mil ;i ! I j,'.....l It c am H tn be indi-ptmtleiit in A Fatal Explosion. The Crand V.i 1 y Tribune of Ust u, ek says: "Almut four o'clock yi-i.terd.iy afteiiioon the ssd mttfllnjonce reached I. iwiiof a teitilile explomoii that oci-urred .-it Mr T. K Ks-(iy' mills, Mi'iilicell"' reMultii'g in the death of Mr. H D Mr (,m.tiiie. of Orangrville, and Keiiou<'v :n tiring Meiwrs. Uowi-i-.. II. i.diu la-s and Ihirrah, of laniu pUre. Operatn IM Inul been leMiin.-.i .ifti r diun-i, and abtnit half pant two the I oiler ei|.li.ib-d. Fire- man Mei.hunie, who was alandinu i<rar, s thrown some distance snd wi .n pi. ked up life Kits ivMuiel. Mr I'mwei injuries are HO serums that little hopes are eiiiciUmed of IIIH n-.-overv, havinit rt-eei' i-d a nevere wound m the head \\ e an- unable to ascertain the exact nature of the injuries of llie othei two. tint they me not lesi hel I"U*. hont-vt-r. I>1S tiav. I iller and Hopkins were summoned and iinmt dritely slnitetl for the scene of the ,ir. nielli. Since the nt. \,' In.s bteii written M'. 1). u ih h.isilicd, Ins injuries huviiii! been inoic HI noun than at tiist xuppoed. ' Heart lis. as.- K-ll<-ti>) In ::< >lililllS "r Ague's wr C'unot the II' ,11 .^i .1 . pi i r, , ic'ief m all cases ,,f (Jorijoiiic or Syi i|ialhei n Heart Dneiine in ,">0 miiiiiles, mid Hpeedily etTeels a i-nie It it a peeil.sH leioedy for I'ulpit itimi, Shoi loes . f llieatb. Siiii.ihei in;; Spells. I'.ini in Left Side and all symptom of a - >l He.irt. ( >ne di.se convince). Sold by XV. K lluhai |)iinc in ('ml. ett, son of John Corbett, Melain tin. n, had IIIH loy eriiihed bj I.ein.' ht in lioiau|HiMei-. The inemhi-r was Hinputated t the knee and ('orlwlt M I .-. ..\ . I It In uiii:iii>iii 4'nrril iii a Hny S..||th Xiinvi'iln Kheiliiiiil sin t'nl-e, toi l!!i. -inn il -.i> and Neiirnl-.-ia, radi.-.illv eiiu.s in I t.. I! days. Its Met on upon the sv.teiii is rciinirkitblv and mysie-i'.iiH. It runioVeitat once theeani" ami the ,li<- inimcdiattdy dinnppe.ii. The first Hay per ton C 00 to Hides 3<*t to !s!u-ep.skln .. _'" t'l <ie-se . . . 4 to Turkeys to ('dickers per pair 20 to Ducks her |tr 4O to Wool 1ft fa BUY YOUR HARNESS ^- x< >\v ^*- Qooil 5lo:k, Good Workmanship, * Low Prices. Curry Coinhs, Hruslies, Hauies [)>. Sh-mh Hull*. Goat and CowliuU Koln-s. Axle Uiease, Itlaiiketa, and every thii'i; m my line ei'lisiaiitly LII l-.:n..l. I. -i\i- oi-lers iMi'ly is wo am always in thu fall W. Moore - Harnessmaker FLESH ERTON. TOjNiRNT. fortalile Jwelllny in Vli-li.-r1 -n Aeplv -.. I: FLMBTON STEKK IIIFHY. I hm , . t Htfmn Uir- lr\ i|im. til > i>f laini-lrt w,-.k : i Dm .... i > . i-nt In ilm la *t IIM.I I ll>- I l;ll|i. ..\ .1 III U-li I... l> to tlllV KlnHlv i;t\<- lit,- a .nil hi ttl 'iirli.'li . Lot For Sale, For fttl* chev* an. 1 1-- ton HpUndld la*tt*. (olid br! k -*filnii{. with ' -e.lur . iniiiinwr kililii-n an-l W<HK|- -..ii-. ' lirk llll>"l l-.o'li.". - rnnlnins t.<l.lr|->- I '!" >rrhril, t"nl ii-c li'Mi'.,- iin I .MI- '>ni itoieH HM. i-xi.,'1.' vm- inth Iai I ..iii. Api'lv lo 11.' i HOUND CAME ASFRAY. C%||> t tin "Hi > . f ll'b All. I f-'lli,w.-.t l'.u I.- eii- l< .Mill, I (Iwiler run IlKVe t aim- l-\ . i>. . in.- |.... ' - ' \ 'i!l )'*, ?ii^' , V|'. !'<. ,l, N..! I i. |v. | "BOARS FOR SERVICE. |1))htic , .,, ,,, ,.,. rUin i v ..pp,,,,.,! with 'iation of the Huform party a fow yc-ai s ,.. rl ,,| vl g,, r t i, e Cimiiervaiivu uoveriiim-nt ago dw-s not appeal In imply all that it wan snppoard to at the linn . F.I Hoeve Hamilton, ,.f (lien Hun n Jiuncoe roun'y, ii dead at Otlnw.i ami (lie Lil-ral Mercier ermnent << Qntbee. It in nt all . \. ni.i a ill an family |>sper, very cnrt-fully edit- ed and one of the prettiei m gt-t tip and * typoKrspby that coinra to our olli, L-teatly benelits T-"' eei.ts. b^ XV. K. KiehariUoii Sold The Kin^iton Pi ..in. -ill election pc- lilion and crnas petition will be tiie.l .it Knu'Htoii Dee. 17. I) iniel IJitr.. I'mpriet-.r and I'ub'.isher of the Hamburg, Out., Indepuodcnt HHVH . "I was suffering fr> m DyspepHis ind l,iv er I loiible. I took si fnw bottles o Slnloh .s Vital/.er and itemed me. I can heartily recommend it." Th> nn t*"--.ii;iiw(l >ii* two wv I Ir eil Ixmrr on . !! 7, ArteHM-HlJl. Tf . 1 i lr..-ll\ i !i H -1. V. JiM. Kl\Wll K. BOARFOHSKRVK'i: V irl rl baar. omm l.,'tw.','ii Vorkthir* sail '-rrktilri' f'>r snrvli i' on lot 174. 1st W T. ,t H I: \.;,-II,M Hotli |i*rriit tivik flrt prisaat t-ouaty show. Termn 7*i f-t-i-tx Mli. Ona. propristor . Flrsharton. NOT. 19. HIFKR_8TRAYBD- H'l-svi-l (rein Hie |T< iiii'Bn ot Mr .'. Ailain- . V!. II.-M..II. |...iii iii- -Hi Hint OIK- \<arlli.|j Imlfrr all i.-.i <- > I.-MIR white tip >>n tail anil a It Oirercoals Overcoats at 55.51. Qvtiioats {1.00, Fur Coats $12,50, Ladies' For [apss and Kaatles, ktracbi, Oppossuin, It id not a necessary consequence that gar- ments, in order to be cheap, Khoold be badly cut and ill tilting \V.- hive coats that are sin 1 r iiugly nicely niudp and can sell them at less than enitoru work coats to make up. Then we have a bet- ter line that can b sold ai the oidumrv cunt of making and trimming and will give good pans- faction in wear consid- ering Cost. In our large range of styles and prices we can hardly fail to suit any reasonable wiut in overc fioin tmall boys' sises to largest men - sizes We do not rail our $5.50 coats worth f 10, nnr uur $7 r worth f 15, but claim to give us good value as any cloilui.g house iu the country. Our $12.50 men's Fur Coats we had ID m. specially to our order, they have not been beaten iu price by any othfr thru in town ut city and cannot be u-- peated wheu sold out. We have a vu-y tinv range of Men's I'm Coats, all new. Sea!, tlaska Sable, Ladies' lantlas, The really beantiful designs in ladies' fur cape* for the iwason liuv.- met a h*>arvy ap- pieciatiou fi-)iu our Judy ciistdiiii'is ; ouv tales in this department are vety \Ve have tiled to nt-v 1-ulish go-xls with- in the reach of those whoHO p 11 r c h a s i in,' Imaue aiv liuit'i t. \\ . do not look for fancy prolits.htit buying c. ly nnd cuicftilly we aim to make 'a quick Una MW at as close a mar- gin as possible-. We invite comparison of our stock and price* with any other stocks. Sue! i tests have been so ilt fidedly in our favor so t'ar that we feel as- sured we can L;IV- ei- ci -ptional tine value to our customers 111 this line. Our t<x;k of Ladies' and cnt.' Fur caps M immense. Tlie few we earned over we will sell In-low cost, some at half cost. The new goods arc so much i-he.ipi-r and better vali In clntli tuantlex we have some very cheap Koods, 1-nt siH'cial vuliu- in it ICipple ('ollar A- trachun ami I'.r.ml ii-itn nietl Mantle at 91 L'5. \Ve have very elegant t.-iu incuts tiiuinu-tl in tea! 1'uis. HOUSE COLD ? I'-v putt '!- Wiatli.-r Sii| around y.-ur JIHII-S and winilowa you am keep it w inn ai.d save ...d. TINWARE. o.iUU. Jolly 'l'ins,S;.,\i.. just ai lived. Crockery & Glassware. 1'neeti tor Ten. D.mnr suit I:. loom tetis .,!, -.v..-i down. Coming, a UX) pieec Itmiier N-tt at 91(1, us-iial ( ^e. IJ5 Our 5o. and 'i5c. linn ,4 <;in.sar, are splemlul vatuea Axes, Cross-cut Saws, Sleih Itells aud Sk it, i at Richardson & Go's .. H. or * . _ . MMh.no u I I Ii I'tl \V U I'e I >?!>* t,

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