Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1896, p. 1

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Abirana. TRUTH BEFOKE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, NO 776 FLESEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 18% W. H. THURST05, 13 1 TOR ft PROPRIETOR J'tica ai-d hive pmised toy final examin- nii"ii sure* 4 >>f nil j, irul ;mi now, by a thorough knowledge .,f all error. of ro- ri. Acoonuidalioit and convergence. .nd by the aid of the m.t improved and ...... I..,',, o. xe of test lei.**. I M guar.n- tar The A&nnet. iuoB 1BOO : Important themes our tl.oughts ' While preetou. uiora,.uu disappear ; FlJ ' aln ' <M>t fl " uhed "'"yT SCIENTIFIC , liow troublesome or defective the sight . *|>[>ar. For all itf fojru. In grateful pralw, We will the I/ord of life adore . Ilie h'mse- to house pedlar will soon lie For all its many ailtspent days .t tiling of the past and :he graduate op- Lian will be the o.lly one who will be entrusted with the correction of defective vision. We will HI* |)r.lonln grace imp'.or | While we all nnv.if ul gnat dsriv W* y farewell to "uinetyflve. ' Testing Tiy a cr-kduate of the Optical Institute: of Canada. .(.list's Prescript Properly FJJM ^ VV. A. Armstrong Ofticiai - And when with wayward for', we tread Th portali of aootbur yar. Hy (t(x2'i own band may we bw led And alwayt fe*?l Hip pretence near; Our iteatlfatt two -m Him w Ax An. I enter thim OM ' \Vr ajiow hit what the year contai n> What TMed change* it inajr brliiu; Rut niiict) c'jr H*>tf Pit her rei^us To him in Muo'V faltli we cliu<. Tlinimti ihadow mtv itli lunshlne mil, W gladly Woleone "ntuetv lia." Culborue. Dec . ifi'i. T, WiTsoS. Address and Presentation Fall Woollens . . . ALL IN STOCK NOW . . . FALL AND WINTER FA5HIONS CALL AND SEE BfSTH AND MAKE TOI'R SELECTIONS \Vorkmanship and Prices Guaranteed C. J. LEITCH HERCHANT TAILOR Prirrville. Fet-ling'the ii;>eenity and importance __^___^__ _ f ihe proper euro and treatment of the Eye Testing Free 1 have taktn H thorough course lu j Fr'n or otcw Corrttpon df t. The annual school meetini; Biased off Our Business Direcotry M UGH 4TOCNO, ' '] k U.i Jo a Ksneral banking ba- iuB-. Uooay loiuiad at a rcasouabln rata. Call Oil U9. J P. MARSHALL, L. D. B .M. D. I , DentUt. Visit. If arkdalo the irt and ;iid We.lut.xlay of each month. riuherton Each trip on the dav c i.uwing. AS. \ Moik 5th I). . Court. Co Orcy . nts, CommlMiooer in Aucttou er, eta. ASCII t ii.r tin- ''IiixMey -Harris Aericultural I iii. -iits Ciaytou'i lll.x;k. Klmborton. opposite ki'-liar.Uuu'ii t.ariiwarvstor*. 1, The ii!i.1riciH-l ia r D . ( nil kind* of bought. accounts ..', octee. etc - \TSOS Harri'tcm, Bolicitom. Conveyancers, etc. OOee Next to post office, gyroute's block FUlberton. C. \ llatson J. W. Frost L. L. B. j N. H. Owen Sound oiflce , Front's Poulect Ft. East. to undertake dibu. Nuu Fl.FHLIITI..N R. J. tilM> ' Postmaster. Flrauorton, Coainiliwloner in H. I: , Mcenseri >actipn*r, CooTvncr, A Manny lender, swtal !'itat an-1 Deeds. Mnrtt:a"H. Lcaaws, nil\Vi . '.i'av/ii up ail 1 V.kluationa mi in.salM ' miy I'ait . I .mi t low >-t rut- s. Cullevtions alttnl'-l t" null i u 1 dc|>ateh Cl'tntos low. A||lit : '<i htuauwlii >iu Flehertou to Liverpool, (ihi*-^ r any of i i>ort*. L ; \'.n .''ii. ; S.- timid or trelaud, v. ... [>.i.,,c i!t rates bofor* p ircbatiuu tbtir t. !ru T IX'AS * \VItIUIIT, Barrister*. Ro'lcitor. Conryanecra, etc., Own aouud. Out. Markdale. Ont. W. H. \Viuoirr. I. B. LUCAS. A Week ai;n wsi the occasion of a very ' pleamnt scone in the home i>f Mr. Jameu i CoriiHeld, sr. Mount Zioii. Miss Mary ijuietly. The See. treasurer's books were Cornfield, who has be.-ii confined to the models of matDess and system. The house for the past four mouths, through newly elected trustee is Mr. D. McLean. il'n-ss. is a teacher in the) Mount Xiun The cheapest article of coinmarce at Mrtl.odist Sunday Kcl.o.,1. t hi \VUuen- present is wo>d, judging from the prices day evening before League meeting the p.id at the different school sections, members of her elms assembled in her In ooe section the cost to the ratepayers j home and presented her with a beautiful is 80c. a cord, in another 70c., another Bible at a token of sympathy and appreci- 6 )e. , another at 57c. ami one at 54c. If ation. The class after forming in a circle supplying fuel at the foregoing prices around their teacher sang, "In the swett isn't coming pretty close to "working for bp and by." Then Miss Eliza Rots rtad nothing and boarding onenself," then we the following address and Miss Hutt. ' don't know anything about making Hauey presented he Bible on behalf of money. toe class. Miss C.rnnVld was takeu i Mr. Hrctor McLean haa purchased a completely by surprise and^not until the spirited driver fn.m Mr .1. McDonald. addreiw wss read did ihe realize the nuiui- <>f course II. does tot inteud drivin inif of it. -ill. Physically week, who was un alone, eh girls ? aSle to reply, but heart and hand express- | Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blaketon came ed more than words could explain, j very near having a very sod Xma* ia After prayer by the Superintendent, Mr. stead of a merry one. On Christmas ev, E. Ross, the party united iniiuging-'Blest as they wort, driring along at a some- be the He that Binds." The class depart- j whiit lively gait, one of tho shafts broke ed to tho League, leaving their teacher . near the axle, causing the hone to run the possessor of happy thoughts and deep j way. Mr. and Mrs. B. and their little N H.-KIemhtrton erei y Wuduecilay. ft**, Mitchells Bank : feeling. The following is the address : Mount /ion, Dec. 18th, 18U5. Hias MARY CORNFIELD DBAR TEA< HKR, We, the members of your Sunday school class, are deeply sorry for yuu in yi ur illness and hope (ioil in Hi.* meiry will spare \<>u your nUHCTTON he:ilth that ym may bo able to return to ' your old plac in Subbath school and M D C M, U P P & 8 Ont, Priceville. church. We miss yu very much ni.d OBce next door to Drown'* store; red<iuc will "' reii'lily forget your Words of iii- onodoor west ol Methodist church, Kinross st. struel ion ini.l advice. I'lease accept this I Bible as a niunu-nto of . ur atfrction and \ esteem. \Vl.en using it (s *je )'<'>' you will soon be able to d") in girl were thrown out of the rig. but for- tuiiMtuly eicapod serious injury. Mr. anJ Mrs. Hartley ami Miss IMith spent Xmas with friends in Palmersron. S iy, yirls. wasn't S. too mean for any- thing ' Thu next time you go out driving with him mako him promise faithfully to tiike you home Christmas 1=8=9=5 Christmas cmnes but one* a year, ;m 1 it is coming this year of our Lord, 1 - to thu old it or* of \\ . E. Richordaon. w'j.-rf Santa Claua always calls to i up his uleiu'h with his team of rein <! and where he will Hud alaryerand \ assortment of presents for both youi ^ and old, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, than anywhere else, and at print"* to Mint the hard times. I have tojs. .1.') sorts. Jew's harps, tin whistles, vi,,lii,>, mnui.h organs, and musical boxes to yon any kiul of niuiic you wish ; t trumpet*, the newest puzzles, games '. u M asocial evening with, card '.'iiui-i from five ccnti up, jjames >f f r tiuoit', JJB me of in.i'rini'iij.-, tho ..-ii.-k.M) name, <etc.; toy books, a now selection uf good leading books, b. .. ,, the leading poets, music books, hymn books. Bibles for [xicket, family riibluK, Bibles with lar<(e print ami nm.ill [>niit, teachers' Bibles, almanacks; pu pi'cketbiiokM, card cases, dolls, Clrn.i dolls, patent dolb, and rubber dolls, ! all kinds and sizes in dolls. All thd latest tilings in photo albums oclul..,.i and plush bindings, very cheap, Imlu-' dressing cases, manicure aetU, j.-wi 1 boxes. glove and handkerchief b> work boxes, writing cases, nriiinx dckkn, gents' drpwinti ciuies, match boxes, * Ifons, hands! -iuhs. hair brushus, tn,>(ii hrunhes, nail brushes, paint brushes, lota of Brushes: toy piinirn iiinl nai>its, Offlee dayt, Tuvsdayi and Saturday*. ni;i AUTEB M C P & S Oat.. Phynician, Surgeon, etc toy te;i setts, cups and saucers, vases, Btatnetts, knives and forks, peiiM an.l M iss Firth of Durham is t!ic guest of | pencils, paper and envelopes, inaclni .; Miss Funny James at preseut. needles and castor oil, |ierfumesanJ pilU. beautiful pipes, splondul cigars, se< t-i ""' by the c*U or by the lb., sweets by the Coi. stable D. J. Shouldioearrvedhome i uroH or by the dozen, and sweetl. yi.ur Sunday school lessons for y..tir el.iss. F'.cuherton office Straius Munnbaw's Hotel b'ock. Kt.idcnoo Friday evening fr<'ni Trout River with \Villiam Raten, the young man whom it will !> ri liR-in bered left here some three Ao r vv meets ivev* ftrss aod tbtrd Mon h. In their 1<*1^-. .1.1. A. N (1 1 i \\ l,; . invited. IOVAI. TKMI'I.AHH OF TKMI'KKAV I-: U, -u every nrt and .::IM^ in fiiL-ll ui'Uilll. , [ M p oi i--li. i degree :. pt,.an.< i thiv, tin- \WdneBilay . tig the muid ot cocb mouth. ONS OF Tr MPEHANX'E.-Tlils x luty niewts in l> I hnst,- Hall ttr- in cmcli inouthat8p.ua. Viiltiug invitca. lu&urauc in conuectjou. UP. B. A., nient In their ball, Chrlstoe's Hlock ver> second Thursday in each 1 1 M i mil. retsry. \\ in. Sharp, ktastor. T. Clayton, Sec- i or in |te.'tisnig it saTnl pn^e* at any lime, it will ciu*e you to think of your doss in Mouiit /ion BaMtUyMssaolbold in the little church in tho year eihte. n eeks o ,,.comi>any with a Mrs. Richard- hundred and ninety-rive. It is nir son, also taking a team belonging to the us an un- husband of his paramour. Tho police JOHN A SCOTT. M B Member College Phy*ic.& Bnrceons.Ontarlo prayer that we may all im-et Graduate In Medicine of Toroi- o University . broken elitss where we can better |>r:u."U have Kallnwstip Diplonja. Post Oivlnato Meli u Him in the heavenly home beyond the ' School an 1 HopitiO. Chicago. L'ieseeof i v.-. txle. dar, uoan<l throat spwoiejly UMtv.1. R.i- Annie Howerman, dence. . Maxwell. vUIUFerenrni.1 Thun-Uvnl ^ \ ( -l ,,. White, T i m ITVYI.-I i " I A" 11 '* MiNi'Vi.n, I 1 U 1 I t*n r.liLi , ID J Mrs Ldwanl Kos, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario i Tona Henderson door , Agness Mm ton. trying to tind them since they Veterinary College. Heitdeuce Next of Uoore'i planing factory. JJil MAKY M. BBANDRR M D C M. Si C P * S. Ont.. Prlceville Office and rmidence at Mu\liodint parsonage Calln night or dey promptly attended, \lii.ti Flukburton station 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays Doupe, Janet Wnllace, H;il'.iu Hanvy, Ma.'gio Ross, Tylli R.-SH, Eliza Ross. Mount Zloa. From out oii-n I'vmitpvniknt. , left, and they were finally located at . Trout River near North B*y, to which i ' place they h;*.l diives in a roundabout! way, a distance of nearly 400 mi.'es, the horse* hnf* being nearly worn to iha quick. It appears that on leaving here they had gone to Parkdale, and from there Vy way of Urillia across the country, toTrout Creek, a station on the northern ex - tensioaoftheO. T. R about 30 milessouth ill siaes. Nuu and urangen, walking sticks in 1 air nuns, in fact nearly everything 'hat i- wanted to make the hearts of y-m- and olil glikd. and cement friendslup :.i crockery wan-, and cm-d felloshi. colse of the o!d year and to brighten the coming of the new. Wishing all a merry Christmas :n.-l i ' and hapjiy Nw Year. '. . 'RICHARDSON P B A S S"miT 8 1 S B S^..oVt H a a. H A ,r^ P v "-" * Bf-HAli STAGE, lilock, Klohi.ru>u, evrjr Frt.la e tho full Sj'iuute. sue rotary . -.-- -l.lay Lefore tho full maou. Ur Carter, W M, K J DUFFKIHN I,OP<:i:. N.. im. 1 O U F. meets in . Chsytea's Hall day evening at H o'clock. viiting bnlhreu eordlalljr iuvltvd AS VANDiisKM.M G \\u Mo, >n. Sec MlSri KDITll KK'HAKDSON 1'iipil of Hobt Mxhr. rf lirrlin Henuanv, (violin): Mrs iira<r.i" f Toronto CauawryelMy Music, ( Voice Culture) frol Kerimou.lste of Toronto, il'iano) will nolt pupil) lu USUISa, VIOUM. FI Mr. Ferras of Knox Collene Toronto is o fNotBay. They were found at the house spending Xmashoi^ys with Mrs. Mortr.n. Mrs. Love, a Motive of Mrs. Richanl- Measrs T. R. ^d S. Henderson of sou. Mrs. Richardson accompanied the Tr< n to spent Xmas with friend* here, Constable to bring back his property. Ms Maggio McMurray of Brampton The team and outfit were sold at Trout TIHELY HINTS^ A wise man knows How to tak a hiut. Tbis is the Reason of year whoa you are requiring ROBES, BLANKETS, BELLS, WHU'S, leavei tho namu place at lltao. retuniinn t I 4 . Faro to rri...vill aud return. M cauU : Durham, *1..W for mtnrn. 7V. tlnnle fare. Livry in con- ticctiun. Urdera may be lit at elthor hotel. A. McCACLEY, Prop I KEtT SETT OF llfilEK her holidays with her sister Cro k for Hie ""n' of * 38 . ttll<1 Richard- Mrs. J. Cornfield jr. *'" gre*in i f to pay his wife s fare back Master Fred and Earnie McMu.ray are **.' her f * therH hotlle> .' ho rotu ""^ "" j Currycombs and every thiuj? connected spending Cash : for : Hides! a fortnixht with there many friends here. the party. On Saturday moruing Raven [with the Harnuss line for winter use. w.is brought before the magistrate and public well both Miss Lizzie Henderson held a examination on the last day :>f jwhiih was well attended, and all Sheepskins and all kinds of furs p ur p | elue d with the ability shown by chased, for which highest market price pupils and scholars. _____ Xmas pwised off quietly in otir midst, ... ,. and although the r mds were bad friends na> " gathered tog-thered to nj.,y the day. ! And now Mr. Kditor akkoiujh the nld , year cltMeil with rather NMitiy prospeete '" pleaded '-not guilty". Ho was remanded will be paid. Homemade sausages kinds of meets. M. WILSON, for a ijeek. Mr. Richardson declares her intention to hold to Raven while Raven as firmly decl.irea ha will not give hvr up. They will both doubtless find out that the way of transgressor is hard. O. S Advertiser. Shelburne public school caught tiro one There was a small panic Do - You - Know FLESHKRTOM MKKT EMPORIUM merry new year y t we clie by wishing you a h -ppy aud lmt th * fiie w ** MtirtKuisbed without much daDiaye result iug. Whei-e to buy them To thu best advantage ? This is where the hint ones Aud it M a good and brood one : (Jo to ..... WILL MOOttE. in N. B, Cowkida mitU, fair inside. fnjm 50c to IM a pair.

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