TH1 FLI8HIITOH ADTARC lUSKlN'J OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL " I t ill i::;r> \fnml banking buiiDMi irauaael*) Draft* nol and _-trl at ukal ratca. Mon; alwa>J arai!*b: for Icgimati hoaioas* nunrlM. OOtc* two doon north of WX * Cu I. Vicinity Chips. < h.ti.i:-!<-r. -ii.- i.f tin- Past H-k Carefully i'ullrd for the ranauft. uinctt HOIK-'* <tnv/*n /.icub e-U It rkiir&d al <A >!!' . f ; >>-' ids tHMftw/H. .< r-oi..-fiu srifl 6* mult ontofitmctt for luO tittet vr oter. Hay and s-rair for *aie Apply tn R. IV Litnte, Flrsbenoa Sta'.ioit. Rube found on evening <>f ivniinatl>ii liar. May be rco. \errJ at this osnce by I'Xjn g a limit fit-. N. dec Chopping at the Little Mill "lily 6c per *. rrom now till the tint of May. P. LorcKB. The acniul meeting of Os[r>y Fann- ers' Milling d. will U Ul 1 : Fcu- .!.\m on Htu -Jay, 18th lust. A tueetinir ill be hrW in ih* rodiny i ..m of the | ul.iic library on Friday rventi.g. to morrow, for the purple of plain! the periodical* by auction. Eve:y- h,id is imi'.ed to attend. The Columbia pad calei.clnj f T 18W U a raoat convenient thiunfrt'Usines men. It i* very complete, and i* issued by the l' Mfg C>. ..f IWi.-n. Sei.d two 2 -'lit n'ainpi aud [ r -u-f rme. Mr. Ikst hai unn our ktt.-ntMO to the fact that we eavt. the naatc* uf hi* mover anil seconder incorrectly lost wrck. They slioulu have Th>>. Ranuou and John Wiiutun The rrror wa* un- John Flynn wa* sent to j nl on Tuesdai i>y Ua<mtrate VrPu+en M a itaueeroa* lunatic. The old man has been creating considerable "dirarshuu" rvni'-nij the boy* around town during the put two wetk-i. Mr. \V. J Howard has at much labor, lilted up the dnll shrd at a slut '113 rink, ohich he o;fi el to the publu- !.vt iicsday) evening This builliiu' make* as tin-, a clit-.-ii rink aa there is in the county. The ar.nual meet in; of Kut Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday. .Un loth. K* mti r of p.iK'h ini|MirUiir are to l>e iliscuvtil it is hoped a Urge representa- tion of th<e interested will be present. A meeting of Eat an.! IVutre tippy Fiirnn ra' Irs; lute will U- held in Mark- lUIe '' v. Jan. 13. Th<> .lepuU- talion to be present I* A. McNeil, M. A.. Windsor: R. Harcouri. 1! \ . > \ i \\ S. Frawr. Eaq., lrdford. Mr*ar> P. Mo<.'ul!ou*h, bimster. if t!.i i'Uev, ai-d I>r. McCuU ugh of '.Val- ten Falls 1. f : on Fi i-i ty Ian 1 , in answer to a telegram acquainting them <( the death of their f^tlirr in J -tuvetowu. The ld cmtlemau wa* in hit 84th year. The funeial took place on Sunday. Stunt'itd OKI. yet ever new. ai.d ai:nple ami I- 'i it. ful over", ; ng the poe', iii word* hu-h mi;ht ell JH>p'y t>- Aver'* - 1-arilU -- the nii>.t rflicient ana acientii'v.- bli^xl purifier e\cr offered to advriix i:inn niity Nothing but nu^-r. >r in ru ker( it no Ion.- at thefn>nl. i'rurt Flrthetton. 1. O. I*. N... 905. r -tt il tlieir rtu>-r for the u*it term as I. .Hows : Court l>c|>Mtr, IV (>rtowell; I' I 1 1!.. A Cuiin: (.'. K , \V H.nkin; Via O. U.. IV U.-xks; IU- S,v , F ll-.itit; Fin. Sec.. F (;. Krstedt; S \V. M \V,l s ,,i,;.l. \V . U. .1. TalM; S. U., .1 Adm, J. li , \V. 'l"he bent aumlvnc and xpc(orv: f,,r the cnrr of coKli, couf;h. and all throat, lunj, and Ur nchil tr >ul>!i. it undouU etlly, Ayer'a t'lifrry Pectoral, the on'y : .ir-.U Cv Ukl.t adu:ited na i x't-.bition at thi- Cinoi{ Wodd'a F;ur. Wa nientioLvd l.utt w cek a ne# ^aper (ubiiohwl ly Mi A. K Kawott at Toronto JUIMUMI but gave ila aim in- o.rrctty. The pajx-r i.< c.iile.1 tlie"trih rrottnt," ami it pul.liahed in rffc inter fit* of the S-ms ami l\nwl.. M nf Ire Ui.d Pr\estnt A>' oi.itioju. ls>th of which arc natioral ancu-tiea. \V cliccr- f jlly make thi corrclin. The mistake occurred through a haatr neraaal io a hurrj The Epnuttb Lt-xgue CubrentMa to be held (.are to-dy, Thur-day, will u>i duU attract a Ivrje, iiuiu>-er <-f delegate* and tdnae iuterrmeJ in church wjrk. The |-r- ^ram will uniab<dlr bo an enter- Uiiiin^ ore. For the awke of tli'e who w.iuM l:Le t > _fuii<!, the program w aa fullw* : MOC5INO HftOOII 9.05-Der.,iioiialtierciiic,Hf t*> njan ; 9.30- "T>ie Epw.rth branceof t;-.e CiiurJi, 1 ' Mr. J. K.'; 10.00 "Tlic ATe'iieeB^wtjitli I^ioor," Mi* rhri<t* ; 10 JO 'S. il Work." Mia. T.idd ; 1100-'L.-:ue FmauecN." Mr. A. B Ruibeifunl; 1130-Miacei- laneooa basineks. 2 00 DrT-.tH.iu' exerriaca. Re. Dr. Campbell; 2. 15 -Addrr- of Welcome. Rer. John Mhau : 2 30 - K~prU of League* and dutrict oiyanix4tiiH ; 3.00 -"Junior Leaeur wo-'a." M>M Moore; 3.30- "The Bible in the League," Mi Pepper ; 4 00 -'Medical Mioioo*. "Dr. B-ander ; 4.30 Addreaa and Quotion Drawer. Rev. A. C. t'tew 7 30 Devotional exerciam. Rer. S. H. E J wards ; Authein. tLe c'.o:r: AdJress .^crkii.-u." Uev. Herbert Lee; Hyiiin "I ain Thine, <> Lotd.'', Addrew T:.c Pledge.. ' Rtv. O. C. Balfour; Anthem, the choir; AdJreM 'The Ep w.>r.h League, its Aims and UctboJa," Rer. A. C. Crcwa. PERSONAL*. Matter F'-d Sj-male returtifd to his atudiea in Prk !! on Monday. Matter Cliariey Rk-hardson returned to Baptiei o-U.-n u. \V, Jr.M;k on Monday. Mr \V. WelU rttun.ed tol.:ut:ireri.'y tudies hi Torvnt.' on Monday. ROT. R Keefer left n Saturday to resume hi* miunueral duties at Preston. Miss Sarali Strain, who has beenipend- ing her h .lly at home, returt.ed n Monday t cru|ilete her cuurw at the Ladies College. St. Thomaa. Mr. John Field and bride left on Friday fr thtir him:c in Schornbcrjj. Miss Maud Hicl.ird-'U w ruitin; with friend* in Torvnto a;iU Brooklyn N V Mr. and Mr*. T. Scott of McTutyre were in town on Thursday and pa:d The Advance a abort \ int. Mr. McLu.:l.lin and Mr. and Mrs Canning fr<m Kckltnd. near OtUwa, were tlie itne*!s of Mr a: d Mrs. Pe<i!er over Sunday. hen he pleaded guilty and was lent to the County KS/>| to await his trial When i > Neil appeared at the gaol it was dta- c..r red that he van an old omW4er, BSTS- ing strrred a term there for borg'-iTUin* C..ra..n Price's h.^ue at HolUn.1 Centre. < Advertiser. While Mr ai.d Mrt. Thos. Brouks were out drninx on New Year'* day their little daughter Uk down fmoi a *helf a U.ttle of car'x>lic acid, drawit.? the cut k aad pilling a quantity of the fiery fluid over her face, head and bands, burning henelf ererely. It is feared that if the little uflVrer should survive the accident she will be very deeply marked. ResVeV-r. The chteae u^Bstry nf the Province has evidently not reached it* limit ye, there bein>> an increase of 114 factories U*t year asid an increase io the oa'put.f 11.117. fcS Ibs , according ti the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture. The total amoont <>f paid to palrona of the factories waj aliuoct Mght milhon dollars. It will be seen from these Dcnres whs' an im- portant i: Jtt.Ty lhi w in Oiitirin, and tb necessity then M to have the Cauad- u-. articles stamped aothat inferrr cheese from tlte United States cann.x be sold IK Britain a Canadian. Strychiiune is a L&J medicine to fool wi'h. R J. A<^ams of Grand Valley is uriject to cramp*, for which he nsually take* a solution containing airychiuin*. t >ue day recently be had a bad attack of cram; a which made him quit rk. He to- k a alight d>e of bis eaoal saediciue, and Una aot eaaiu/ the pain took a second d-e, ml-u-h had an entirely dinvrctttefect th.\t uitei.ded, the iuu*c'es of hia oeck ana arm* imnirdiately Segiunii.g to 'itfen. M.-. Adams got him into t'le oprn air. tilled hut nivath with I and *eut f. r a c -up'e f tincior*. The oiedical geut'iemeu sarid Mi-. Adams' life by the liberal ue of a (tooiach pom; Bora. CaouuT-Ic riMkertoe. s*> imeav. ttk tact, to Mr aad Mr*. W P. CroaatoT. a ton. Wiuoa-ta ri-.brt<-.p om Meeeay. sta UM*.. u- Mr aixi Mr*. Muk iteoa a <Uabtr. tmwflsM. .'Ut Wauwr -ararroao Ow 1SW. as \L* r*M4eoe* V h ITI la's parwita, |. > .1 .' I iiardiaer, aaiua>l br EOT. Jobs Stafford. B. D- hmxlwv of tk brtd* Williav Wrihl Kq . of Oaseat.M Mary Jll I t_j.iLI On Tillillj Tli Stth. lass tthW. aatioaal ct irch. T^- rooto b. t K. -i~n Mr v . ot r*twtMi'. W >Ua* Hasx>* BJai >|AI.^**..B EusruU. F I'PBI OMI oini < onv>ro:: The holiday ai-.ii l.ct:oti .-.;> ! a* krpt tlie ; f this ton <o bus> lately that they hat.- u> t l.a i :ine to deiote to railrvwd matters. HJ ' I believe that the propecU are good for it being tmilt soon Mr J. R. Hoctc spent his New Year iu Toronto wiih Ins pirentt and al> at- tended hia sister's weddiu*. Mr. Chrlr Tunier has been very for the pt week. Mis Minnie MeKlrum . f Fletherton j .-:,-. Sundty it'i hiT rarenta here. M. ! '> I . . ird w*t L.> a vUit.r at Eugenia on v < Mr. lljAitt i* ,- ufined to ha bed by sickness at pretvtit. Mum Kinily Turner of Flosherton "pout Sunday with her ironi nsr Eugenia, M s< Macgir Paul hv; l>een spenJiuc a couple of o.'k with her parvn:* but ha* uw gn* to Fle! :. .o i> *id. Buun< was never in a c - suit evtr)-b-sly. LvciUti<Mi the man l>o KOU'I rV. > r the m*n who prefer* to growl at evety >me els<-, r.k'lirr tlnn to nuke AH boiit-st n.iius-.u ous effort IniiiveU, says an exoliangr. l.-*;i*lati n cannot prevent the di 'y tlema-id for l>rva>l ard butter, and the first du-y of every man i* ro earn that. T:-.e tiiusA always improve when all bai-d* ^o Iu work with a i 1. drv<)> Krumbiing. hunt for the bruht things of 1 fv rathor than us ut>r<l<?v>*iit ffa!ures. A few cv;iitigi recently John Sruiih, township Ki;rvni<>!it. oau,;!it a man named O'N. '. n U: ! oue stealing article* nf clothinc. M - "ok the burglar befur Mp -.truta Allan, Wellington County, and inMrau of the latter <ndm O'Neil up for trinl h sen*, him to Own. S-mnd in the c-.mtixly of c-<nstabl Bion a.m, who ftrrived New Year'* ni<ht O'Neil was plaoed in the evil and yester- day came before Oeor^-e Price, J. P., sen MI if ic Eye_-. Testing >:rkJv.4-c of the Optioal of t-'n .>: i Fceliug tb* u-*c<.- ty and . of the proper care and t.-eatrumit / th sams, lus-ve taktll a tii * "> ai>it hive i>weJ n-y exaniui- ati- n Mfcwfu! y. *nd nru now, by a > <<f all t r. .iril iMiner. y the si. I of ihe iu" nnprnvtv' and niixlein so uf tft lei *, 1 can :u\rAii- tce a per'eet fit wi;h .''*-*, n-i ; how tr 'iiUwaosM , ,jg!.t u:ay apiea--. The h :!* 'o -I praUr mill *vu be a. thin;; i-f th pt and :h* >.rdu;, I will b - the o.i!y one who w 1! be entn.-.i 1 ... the eorrvcli 41 f defective Inlisl's Prsscriptijis Pnprly FilW^s-v W. A. Armstrong Biliciaa - Eye Prc Insi .1. L.t Fir Sal., for ' osi *a a-: J ou > Wrw> in ton. S.'!*n.t la-v. <uli.l b.l-k ,tw;;.. , ood M ISM vliar. >uuiu>( kitctMa an.l boe. al^j rovt f'.nx- rtabh. brlek -5ci>tiulolTmi.Jv>.-.l orehard, tK^iiu^ )'<>n.i *u^ ou b.n diua ara Boot and Shoe HAS ON HAND !. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rakktrs, : Ormks, : Boots, : Saiypes : ud : Seasonaile : Gee*. N >r> Cheap Custom Work to Order Repairing Promptly Attended to r i I O Lit^uiciation SaJc Still Continues 4, Yoa can ave frusn 10^ to 33}% by I am not atock SM save rrusji WJ to 3^-3, by tsrHliia*. y wir ssjpftsies fr ao(a*Ssrn*a>rw a*)ds asj4 rstds at speeial prices, UK y f Dry Goods. Boots. Shoes, etc. Call aad see whole Oar gray Flannel bsLrvaios Oar gray Cotton bargains Our hia;ie- bargain* < 'ur Dv*n Ouod* barvains Our Twe^ '. >r_-. . A few men a sad hoys' Overcoats, also a few ladies' Msotles left, eijwly a* cood as those s<4d. B--JS' rlothia^ oargauas D-.:i"l Bra* thcegood* \ dollar taved is a dollar made. s J I I Oar s>i>ck u now fresh. We keep the b*st selected Raisis*. hesi Cur- rent*, UM Canned G .*ia. b-.t Tea*. Japan aad B'acV : heat Oat ai c . VVke*t MeaJa. Como i i : w. will give ytm the) <x< harguus. 1 We wish yu all a merry Can*' mas and oappy N-w Year i T. MILL X The Snow Season N w that the season of saow w here we the puHic to know that we have a t.<k . f Cutters and Sleagh' oa hand that for qoality. style asxl pi ice defy c->ui petition. Great bargain* lor creh at the fint price carriagv n -k* ID. Bluir C\irri.xjr Maki-r Don't Read This . do not wish to read of 1! 9 1 Busiu^ss * - - . HI 1 :\Y in i. IM M i in IU i . : (tl i.l ,'V I *.*. -,v in t are all business. W l.on yon come to onr s;or* to do u a--J do not find it nceeesary to watt several Lours v <t which yon wisii. owing to tb rn>h. you my congratu- late yourself. Customers are coning for many - i go botue wr.a tbe determination to *a:n return. Why d 1 ;. . com* from or about the Falls, i'l . < *:iri ton to Pandslk ? . :i kcow that they uuut lv>k after tlu.i owu intonate or K' t!ie cue who pays 40 to 100perc*n:. or -...:. $ n v good* they boy. The day is past wi iti sa.-ii prod: c v: be had. \on not rattier iiiv, a few wiles fartlu: :: i ^o: ,: txU at price* I'M; will ..n.-[ . ;haa to <o to tLe - auJ pay old time proa-. ? If yoa would not. tlun y .: an' an ex- . .101 *poe to ^rivt' yov pneea i we .. . m did we do so. fa so mauy tr:i-. .- in. b^-< n ''ecciTed tluou^a adv,'ruenieut. Seeiug u l\ come ar. 1 see. - Tlie Patron H F\ i, 1 < \l f 'J^Ti >\ 1 . r, o 1 1 ! ( I i_' \ T \ ' TMH . Are not only lookaig gay but every ouc who pr,. -; '^cs and every one conuioud with it are gy this moctb. Tlie met ry. merry Cimsttnis ir.onth. HverytULiig j-jsc;l. TlM Urge*!, beat aMorted stock of . . FURNITURE AND FANCY NIC N \Ck5 . . \Yo lirvo over bc*n able u> sliow auii don't v . -. we are cutting *pooial PTK.-S oil a vory special" sU-k.' Tbis is the nioii'.ii for iHMivoin I'.vrnitiu-e aud we liav i; iu great >riety. Newest designs in oak and waluni fir com* in ud see thotu vet y pretty and not e> Onr lines of IVsfctevsv Spin:;*. Matrc<>os. Cott. (.'rad. Ht>d lAT'.n^es. \\ ns'./a'i.i*. (Vreastng Cases. Cloilios TiTsasa, Chairs, i:> fact e\.\\ r,o, s*ity. convvu^nce or laxorv for the bedroom i* hete *. i;OCK IK>T 10M PKU Iraaiinx and laslrrtaklac a I nai, J. E. IMOOrCE