Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1896, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOP.E FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XV, NO 770 FLBSEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 39 1896 W. H. THURSTON. PROFKlETCS) H I M U H A tf) SPECIAL. GOODS NOW or NEVER Tt is only once in a great while you can get such, bargains, ami this u oi t of the occasions We have imde a special purchase of Waltham 1 Elgin WATCH ES Of all grade* in LatlnY and Gent*' sise, which Mt'ST be sold in a certain time or the prices will go up. The Waltham and Elgin watches are classed with the bes'. timekeeper* , everyone know, that ! Do not mis* this asle. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweller tJ M N M 2 00 SPECIAL, PRICES Our Business Directory From mi i i'U-n ' 'i The Patrons of the ninth held a candj social at tt Mr James Ma- %< on Thursday uii(ht last. Thero were games and other amusements. A xtry pleasant evening wa ipent. Their lodge U in a rry Houriahins condition, Injth i rotfarda inemlHrni and finance*. Times are a little dull wound Eugenia at pretrut un account of (he veneer fact- ory being 'hut dwn. but we hop* >on to nee Mr. M.trcon hack and the mill runni'iu full time. All 'he other mill* are laying i a good aupply of Imcs. Mr*. H. Fei.wick ba returned from Toronto amtiewhat imp .veil in health. Mr. Bwecrofl of Fl-hertoo was visit- ingat Mr. .John Heecruft'. the past week. Mr Thomas Smart ha< gone to Shell Lake to spend >uie time. The annutl tuaiuoeiinK of the Metho- dmt Sunday school, held in the church the put week, was a suttees. A very fixl pnwram waa rendered, uf .peaking and vi.cal and intruiiieiral music, a'so recitations by the ch..| ch.Llren. which I restated great credit oo ili'we who trained them for the occasion. Two r,-citan..n iven >T Master Geuo received <re*t applaue. pleasant evening wan spent. The pro- r NOW B is tHe time to fget your .Ordered .'. Clothing .* Cheap. Everything at very clo prices now C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor eat. What the next act in the dram* ariVT^- yv* T"W will be in not known, but it m awaited j CLEAR' NO OUT with interest. Mr , jj,.^ KeU> , ;, .imiaf at Elwood daughter >. Mn. Cameron, Toronto. .. Mr. A Tery Wm Kni-ttA ,,f Alljst.n visited at Mr. ^s/^ f}unibonkey'* bvt wwk....Mie :itf ". and Mu Moore of Euphnaus THE BALANCE OF MY Vr Holiday Goods AT COST Susiuros (fanls. WCl'Li.OtO II Jk Ynl'SO. Baa<ien. Urk>Ul. do IDWI Uon> loaood M a raaaoaable rat*. Call J P. VAKSH ALL, L. D ; M. D. I . D*aUt. Vltlta Markdal* tb. l*t *Ld 3rd W*dne*day of acb month Fl**b*r*oa-K**h trip on tn* day t..wWias- AS. VANDI-8ES. CUrk Mb Ui Court, Co Oray IMMT of Marriag. Lteea***, Commissioner H.C. J. Conveyancer, AncUona*r. eta. Ag.ut PKi for tb. Ma***y-HarrU Agricultural Imple- menu Clayton Block. FlMaerton Kicbar.Uon hardware ST * BAT8OM ceed* amounted to $16. Mtas K.nh <':irr has retui-jed from wer* the guests of Mrs. J<. Buchanan GIRLS. ThU IS Leap Year t Now i* your opportunity to get a liandaome present for yonr intended. " for yourself, yonr cousiu, v oar uncle or your aunt at reduced prices from W. E. RICHARDSON Druggist and Stationer, Flenherton to. A larxe numbe.- cf the y^uiig U^ week... Mr. Ja*. Brudie and family people went to the stall- n to welcome her gmre , party at their reudence Tuesday home, which abows -hey were xlad to , T(mln g. of last wek...Mr. John M. Davi htve her amongst them a^ain. Miw MUM i MeMmin of Klesber'o'i is riattin; her parent* here at pnraent. TJ EBT8 COLLECTED. Tb. ondnicnd if prepared to ondertaa* tb* coI'M-tlon of all kindi of dcbti. Nota* boog bt. accounts eoll**d. ete K N HKNUBVRSOM m J.br-BOL'LK, rMkmtitrr. Flwh.rton. Con)milon.r ID B. K-, LieenMd >ucUnn.*r. Conyncr. A - pral*r ao J Moo.y lender. lUal EilaU c 1 lunrai:c Agent. P**d*. Mortgac*.. Lea***, mud Will, drawn up u<l Valo*tlo** mad* oo abort*** BCHlea Audio*. *&lM attended lo in any part of th.. Couuty. Man*; to loan at low at rate* of inu>rt. Collcclioni *tt*ndd to with promi-toeM an I d**patob Cbarc** low. Ai.nt for tho Dominion 8toaanbipCoinpany. cb**p ticket* from Fle*hertou to Liverpool, Olaaffo*. !x>ndon or any of tb* Brilith port*. Parti** intcntllni) to tioit K*<*n<l. Bcollaiid or Ireland, will pl**<. a>k rat** b*for* p-ircbaung lb.tr tickots *l-ewbr<i AO I* W. m**l**r*rr flnt ami third Me.n day in r*fh uiontb. In th.lr I.V room ' Hlovk, Klmibcrton. at H i > U.Gil-' - '! ' liellamy. flinrc'*r; W. Irwu. ^ t.ng Uretb.ru iUTiaed. ROTM. TKMPI.AkS Of TKMI'KKAXCE. kd^ulaj 1 ('t'-EDctl m**ts .very nr^tanii DIM t I ... n. , \ening in eacb niontb. in Bproiil. 14. .k M It |> ui Select d*fr* iutni> ntlily. th* Wedueaday )ir*c*>liuii the f-i'l of cacb moutti. SOX8 OF TK.VPKRAXCK.-T1II* aoclety M*W in !' I'lirntoe 1 Hall Ont W*J- n.ly in aeh month at 8 p.m. Viiitiiif br.Uurcu invited Inmrance in couuection. Solicitor*. Com Offleo-X.it to po* of*** Sproul* block Fl.berton.v*ry Tbur*dy uatll fartber notie* C. A. Ration J. W. Fro** LL. B. X. B. -Ow*a Sound otto*. Fro*t. block Poul.tt Bt. Bass. From onotArr CWrnpnuirnt. auuoal meeting of the O. F. M. CV waa held here ou the 18th ol tbe on the lh line. Euphrawa, and took poe- happy by the arrival "f a young flltir lawt wk....ra. Thiatle of lUrii S. HI..I -|-nt SUH.L.J it Mr K...-II ard Di>ugla'.. K. Shannon of Proton prnt a few day* with hta >n Cienrge Laat week... A few of tbe young people had a taffy pull at J. Holley'a the other evesv ing.-.Willuuii Holley ha* bought a farm 11 CAS A WBJCHT. BarrUtar*. IWUisors, Conv*yan**n. *.. J- * Keri.aithan, Owen doand. Ont. - Markd*!*. Ont. UafMey, M I' IV W. H Waiaarr. 1. B. N. B.-Fl*ah*rtoa erne*. Mltch.ll. very Wrlnmly. month with a tt'ivi turnout of sharehold- ers. The auditors' report showed tbst the C<>. liai made g<iod progress f. T the last year. The following named were pr >pi*ed an directors . J. Hufkiiii(bair, R flaw ton, and T. When tbe vote was aeaajon laat week. ittfdiral From OKI own CVrtfpontirnf. Mattel Fred and Earute Murray have returned to their sudiee in Toronto, also Mr. Tertir has resuitud bi studies at Knox college. Master Willie Morton of Toronto .pent New Year with his mother here. Mis* TIHELY HINTS^ A wi** ma* know* How tu tak. a bmt TJB HfTTOX M D C M. M OBo* next door to Brown'. tor* : t*id>n<- onedoor w**t ol MeakodiM cburcb, Kiurou.t- Offlc* day*. Tn.sdar* and Saturday*. TJB CARTBB M C P 4 8 Out., rbymiciao. rtaakerton ontoe-Saralm* b'ck. Manabaw Hoto4 Mary Morton has Kn* to spend some) with her sister, Mrs. Orr of Toronto j timo UF. II A., meet In th*lr ball. Chrl.toe'1 ; *rr locond Thurd*> in *acb niontb. in. Suarp, Master. T. Clayton. 8^- r alary PBIN'-K ABTHt R IXUHlE.Xo 3OT. A F * A M.nnvt in th* Maooclc Hall. Ktrain faoek. Fleb.tjn. ***ry KriUr on or li*tor* I'ju full mouu. Spioula. cr*tary rarv Fri.1*T on or Dr tartar. W M. U J DRI t/ir><;r, NO ISA. I O O F. meet* in Clayton'n Hll everv Tue. -in< at H o'clock V Kiting brtbren cordially iavit*d AS VxxDi - \Vx Moons Sec U1SH K.IHT1! lUCHAkl Pupil ol Bnbt Mhr rf rWlin (Icrmanr iviollsi; Mr* Mrll. <>'. Toronto Conservatory Mast*, (Voe*C'i ;tiui Prof K.rriM>n.'>t*of Teronto. (Piano) oil) rvciv vupil* In SINGISO, VIOI.IX. PI- ANO and OKOAN Director* had all been re-elected by a good inaj. rity. Saw \oj* have been deli*wMd here in larye nuaiititiea this winter, F. C. Bruce alone bavin* about 100,000 ft. in stock. I Mrs. F. H. Heilioan ha. been visiting j u ,,, P P * 8 Oat. PrleeviH. ( nfl ,^ Honeywo.*! for the laat week. MI-S Liixie Henderson, our popular Mrs. H. Alexander w*a yimtiu* fnuuds young teacher, has bought for herself a at Eugnia ai.d Fleshertoti tie week be- new on;sa. Miaa Hendenou has been fore last. ' re-rntcaged in our school for this year Tk,, Mias lloy of Eugenia was visiting at *jth an incrvase of sa!ary Mr. Ueo. Tlioni(M,in'a last week. Mr Jnien Little has al> purchased a Mrs. W. Buckingham wan visiting with n* . r-, ui for his daughter Maggie, friend* in Erin last w M -k, returning, the Mi~ Tillie White .f Markuale ha* been first of this week. visitln.- her aister, Mrs- Tb.tna* Taylor. Mr*. I. Sayors is ou the sick list st jr. for the pant week, al> Miss M present. I hoj>e to report her better i -her al Cast Mountain. Kim- ueit week. berl^v. i , nt Sunday with he above. | Mr. S. Parks, wljo ha* been laid up Mwa H^r-y of Mount Forest, accom- 1 <iuu F*vwtham Tburvtayt 1 i wlth inrt.iiiialloo lately, is able lobe pai.ied by two of her brothers, are visit- art. uud again. IT.- their aunt, Mrs. John McNevin of The people of Fevernham have enjoyed thi* place, also tlieir suut, Mre. Joseph a little episode which ban occurred during Smith of "lewhertun. the past week. A farmer who ran s Mr. R..bert Hseey ipendinu a couple rented fann near the village took French of week, with friends at Horning . Mills, i leave without settling his rent, a small Mr. Joseph Comneld paid a 1 net visit in ter of some $28>, taking along with to friends in Bramptou last week, him all the grain and horses OB the place. Miss Tilllie ROM of ghelturne has been He left the cattle, however, and these visiting her parents here, were seized under a landlord's warrant. Mr. Oeri(e Thompson, our esteemed The truant wan traced down to Muhnur, councilman, cut two c,f his fingers badly where a horse was seised and the bailiff in the cutting box laat week, left in pnMieHion. While the bailiff I.ATS* warmed himself in the houm; the horse was spirited away and could not be re- covered, but a settlement wits, it u afterwards made, a note being $01). Tliis i* the aeafon uf yer wlicu joa an requiring ROBES, BLANKETS. HELLS. WHIPS. ||J "-" "'- JOHN A SCOTT. M B Member College Ph y**e. A Suraeew*,O!itrio Gradual, ia Mediein* of Toror o L'nlv*nity Fellowship Diploma. To** Oiadnata M*dioal School and Ho*pital. Cblcago. DiKMMOf .y. **r. uoMand tarea* *pei*lly trt*d. Bwi- d*ac*. Mi TPOTTBWF.LL Veterinary Surgeon. Gradoata of Ontario V.ter'nary Colleaw. B*'denc M*it door watfc at Moor*', planing factory. Currycomb* and everything connected wuL tbe Harness line for winter use. Do - You - Know Where to boy them To the best advantage ' is where the hint ernes la And it is a good and broad one : Go to WILL M9OBE. ll:r-i.--:-nkT Hi'-llfTf OH . N B, Cowhide milts, hair from 50c to 75e a pair. AND J\K MAKT M. BRANDRB MDCM. M C P * 8, Ont., Pric*illc- Offle* and roideax:* at M.tbodirt panonag* Call, niijln or day promptly attended. TiiMa Fl*ab*rton Station 10 lo U a.m. \V*dn**day. CEVIU.K AMD DUBHAM STAOK. Durham itagi leave* Fleib.rton Station at il ^ T CVBS yp S Artemesiaut Glerelg Far. t<. Piirvillaud raturn.90c.nt. ; Durham. SI W for return. TV). .Inglo far*. Livery in con- uoction Ord*n may b* left at either bot*l. A. MeCAl'LKT. Prop A successful wotHt bee to<ik place at the hoioA of our Denial cuunoilman, Mr. Oeo. Tbompson, ?n Thursday of last week. Mr. Thompson ia still laid up with hi. sore hand. Mr. Johu lluik is visiting friends near of the stock left on the place the owner Hamilton st present. Sheepskins ami a'l kinds (-f furs pur ' of the farm gave a clear receipt for the Mr. aud Mrs. James Cornfield, jr., chawd. for which highest market price rent. On Saturday last the debtor and a spent port of Us; week visiting fne.nU iiiiiiiWr of his friends repaired t.> the near Kimherlcy and Epping. fami he had desertetl find drov^ off every Mi*s Mecnagh, teacher at Ini.rxsge, - w i * drawn by the delinquent's wife for \ TOT ! n IOCS' with good security, and in consideration Lot* t and i con t S.D.B . town.lii* of Arr niMia. 100 acrM. 75 clear, witb new f am. b*m 45x06 It., non* basement. Wonld r.nt. Lot 47. con i, townabip of UlenolK. M acr*. under good ciiltivation well watered Would refit reasonable. Lot No. , Jam***!, north, and lot No. S. Mi I t north, also *aat part o: lot 4, Kitu-artin. ' north. Hncs hon** anil lot at Fl*.brtou Station, knowa a* th* Wait* property. All th* abov* propertie* wil' beol.I at low flgur* n d en a*y Wrnu Title* iml putb: kinds will be paid. erosde sausages on hand, also all f meets. WILSON, FLKSHEUTON MEET John Me Arthur. PRICEVILLE f. O. of the place fuui now only the $60 note to show for the (80 due him. These are the facfe as told to your correspond Mr T Tiayn .1 , f Mout Forest has been rnrveyin; in this vicinity daring tbe ;! and present week. TCH18LETT FU.horton SUtioo Po*tma^t*r. CoromlMiOB.r la B. C J . Con y*yanc*r; d**d>, mortgag**, la*M and will* .Ir.w*. OaarfM niodwat*. BoiiaM. Utters wriMM.

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