Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1896, p. 5

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fgl ADVANC OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL n-'-t n 'in-art,.,! i- u-l and 2hiK|.m cxhrH t uauai mi.:. : *o .--y *lwey a*iiUt>ld (or twtlinati bnaHwn ru.ur.iruMi. udlce twodaon Uuita of Hicuar-t- i > A Co'l. Vicinity Chips. : tiMfterUtlrH of the Pant iarrCully < ulled for the 4'uriovft. /' nin'tt Hutu-** iiniuuy l<-rnlt trill be r.h.irj-"l nt the i:itf 'if We fxr ; for i.ii>rrimi. .1 raluftinn will hr nude on contract* fur IW lint* or over. Frash oyMten on ham! all the time at lUrnhouau's. Quarterly lervicva will be held in the Methodise church on Sabbath next. Mr. J. II. Heard hu purchased a fine Je:s*>y bull from Mr. J<*1 Wort*. S-e hia adreriMmeut. County Ciiuucil u in session it Owen SuauU tliu week. The delegates from here an the reeve aiul Meacn Kollt and McMullfn. The Town Hall waa well filled on Tue* dy evening on the uccaaiou uf the band concert. Bailey and Raia.sey nude a good team. The proceeds wen 942. The ivcial hekl at the residence of Mr. Jai McMulUju, back line, on Fri tiny night lait, waa quite a success and a l>lea*anttimewas*pcnt. Proceedsf 14."i". Mrs Ueo. Nmbitt uf proton Station gave birth to triplet* on Jan. 18. W e believe that one of the u.faiita haa lince J.cJ. The weight of tlna trio waa T Iba. U oza., 7 Ib*. 11 ox* . and 7 Iba. 4 <ja \ Layton liaa received tl>e appoint- ment of po*tiuiirrH.s at Meaforct. which p wjii'in hut been vacant mice the death if her father aooie liuM ag". The ap ptiintinent ia aaid to give Keueral satis- t'.vction. A |'l?**ant > ci.tl evening wa* |vent on KnJiy laat at the raideuco uf Mr. N H nderson by a number of the villager*. 'I'll* proceeds, which were in aid of the ladies of the Mtl:otlist church, amount- ed to about seven dollar*. Don't worry. Don't run in debt. Uun't trifle with your health. Dm't try experiment* with medicines. Dun't waat time and mouey on worthless coin- |M>untli. Don't be persuaded to take a Hubatitute for Ayer'* Saraaparilla. It ia the be*t of blood-p-iriiien. Mr. Alvx Robinson of Osprey called in mi Mond*y to *ay that hia horse, which we mentioned lait *eek a* having ita le Itrukeu, had nut been thot. It was plac- ed on a slrigh. taken home end in now King expemceuted upon r-y Mr Robin- eon with good Impel, he thinks, of sat- nip ill life. The break occurred betlween the fetlock ji'int arid hoof. "Five yean ago" iay Anga A. Lewia, K:card. N. Y., "I bad a constant couuh. night iweata, wa* great!) red ucfil mrleah, and had been giveuup by the physicians. I brgan to tako Ayer'i Cheriy Pectorial, after uain? two bottle* waa compU-tcly cured." There ha* for ome time been a move- ment on fool to secure a new poatoAce at Thoinpeon'i, on the 3rd line Artemeiia. 1'eoplu in that section have for year* had to travel nix miles or more for their mail nutter, and this ha* been a serioui in- convenience. There in a gn-d pnnpect now of relief, as mattte a ate being ar- ranged for the opening of the office, and tenders have, we undfrnUntl, been *ub- milted for carrying the mail. Mr. \V. .1. Howir-l hii a horte that etBM tote great un burilU-8. In Mark- dale the oil. i-r J iy it ','i't frightened wkile in a yard attached to a cutter and run ;iimy, jiiiu|>i!::; a cart, two fences and rushing dn the main ntictf, vthert' it loft the cutter encircling a telephone pole. It was cuuuli' after tunning a couple of blocll. Mr. Howard should sell that .tnmml for a fox huntrr. PERSONALS. Wo notice by a Sanlt paper that Mr. la". Koefer, whi> has been ninht operator there, has bf<?n pro-ir.te.l to lUld Kaijle .lunctivri, 12 miles east of Minna|x>li*. where he will act a* ngent for the Sault line. Mr. and Mi-s K<). McLorhlin of Dur- ham v uited Mr. Mark Wilinu on Sun a y . Miw Chrii Ojerdrum i* spending a few week* with friend* in Owu Sound. Waller living, Lewis Lnurcnce, Frank I'u i. .!g* ! \\:n. ruU weru chum* at :< ii A \oir ai.il a bulf ago, and ih the txclusion f the (wnilentiary formeU an nftViinite Hiid dcfcnuive alliance. It waa quite effective, fi r when they put in their tune and gi4 nut they became a terror to Onlarm, mid nurneruun bug'ar- ie* wie oi.inmittud l.y them. The police matted In hunt them down, and the fiiat to be secured w Walter Irving, who waa sentenced at Owen Sound to the yean, for lmi_>lan/ii>g the banking bouse uf Hirtiiiaii A Willie** of Clrksburg- The gin. was dUlurhed thai ni-.-ht, but Kot a lot .if silver plate and other valu at les. L-iyrence was next ciptured, and l{ot sven yean for robberies coiumiited at an J near Berlin. Ontario waa for the time too sinallf. i theother* ind they fled the country. A few day* auo Rutledge win sentenced to six yean f r burglaries oominitied in Denver, Colorado. Black, the lf-'i r of the ^ang, a clever crook of miildlH m,'!-, came hack to Canada, and Inspector Murray of the Provincial police, w '.x > knew hia habit* and resorU, left a warrant for him for participation in the Clarkaburx aHair with the Hamilton police Yemteniiy be received a telegram saying that they had nocared Black, whom the inspector credits with an en- deavor 'o organise another gang. In rpcctur Murray took Black to Owsn Sound <m Monday for trial. M TI.E- I'in mien -at I^^T. On . M Tbr <lav. the 1Mb mit . Mr. JUOM MT!OT of K;>riii(brook Farm.KlastMrlej, Mn.Kvpbefnia rltei inu ot Tbumkarj. aad tstrlrt. Thorp sawmill, con. 1, Proton, wa* t.i ih- uround laat week. 1 !. < McL< Hind of (iarafrax* ran a buckle tnii(Ui- under his thumb nail and went inane fr. m the effect*. He ha* lietn placed in tee Hamilton asylum. A I>ut> h farmer pnatcd thi* advertise. inent in a Pei nylvanu tavern : "Lost, a Miiull cm', his two behind legs ia white. He i a >he calf Everybody who bnda s tivt (Julian. ' Walkerton i laid to have a Jeise James club. The club ii composed of l.nU rHiuni,' from 12 to 16 yerm of age. They p^sn the time by " holdii'K up cats, rewdiiw yellewbackedlit. rture etc., ai.d pn.niie orx.n to take an important stand in th- ui'iiTioua world. A hid 1'.' years i,f age. on of Mr. H \ViUon, uf Arran townahip, had bis hand badly shattered by the explosion of a cartridge which another boy gave him and told him to h^ht tho fire with. Hu will lose Kenral fingers. An exchAnge wayn "a sensible man not or never doea get angry be- a newi|>aptT man duns him for money. A dun in not an iiii|>vachuient of a HubMcriber's integrity, but is dimply an out cruppini; of a publisher's necessities. For instance, a thousand men owe a iiLin from one to ten dollars each, he has to dun tin-in in order to pay expense*. Instead of gutting angry and stopping the paper because the publinher asks what in honeotly due, the subscriber should thank the editor for waiting so patiently and pay up like a man." Mr. J. Brinkmtin and family had a narrow escape from cremation on Krid.iy morning last. About 1 a. m. a uicmler uf the family happened to awake and dis- covered the house in flames. A few iini.utes more and every one of them would have beu past help, as it waa they scaped barelj with their lives. Cloth- ing, furniture, eveything else went. Kind noijihbors however are dcing what they can to anVrd temponry protection to the homeless family. Duudalk Herald. Monday cloning ibout seven or right o'Juck the lino hank barn on lot 15 don. 1, E. H. S. , Mu'u.ur, belt.nuiiii; to Mr. Snr>. 1 Shaw, is burned, together With eight shsep, 3,11 the implements except a sulky rake, and all bin grain from last crp A sun i f M.\ Thus. McKee. of M.iuitoln, n>\ employed with Mr. Shaw, WHS in Ih* Minw with a lantern, when the lantern e|-l. uVil and et the plaie on lire. McKce says he had barely time to get nut of the mow, anu the lire was at thi- 'miles head* ill the stable below whon he reached them and turned them out. The buildin^l in connection with the bain were *!.*> burned. Insurance in tho Gian^e Mutual for $1000 on build- ings and contents. Econouiiat. bam* with at- me foundation* under, all within i'oi.'nt live mile* of a rtd'us. rlo-v Ti t!il fi-r thin har*. year ? Mri R. Black, we learn, htu) disposed of In r farm, Mr It Heard being the purchaser. Mrs, Black and family in tend Uking up their abode elsewhere. A cuup'e nf our prominent yoang Ladies btirniwed a hone aad cutter lately to drive about eiuht mile* to a party, arriving home about two o'clock in the afternoon next day. Try and burrow a driver, too, next time, ladies; perhaps you would then be able to reach home at an earlier hour. Every one seems to be having their own amusrmenU, some cutter riding, some sleigh ridinc, and also upsetting, other* going to parti**. All seem to have pleasure of Mima kind. Mrs. Hardy and her daughter, Mn. Geo. Martin, paid a viiit to friends at Big Bay lately. Mrs. S. Lawrence, near Durham, ipDl laut week with friemls her*. Mm Adeline Ferguson and Bella Ferris left for the Qeena city lately. We wish the girli gmxi wages and lots of work. Ws are glad to learn that Miss Annie Paralow is rcovering from her illness. From <mr own curreipoiufcnt Social gatherings are the order of the day. A pie social win be held at the resi- dence of Mr. Thomiu McQuay on the eve of Jan. 30th. Christy Johnston and family enter- tained a few invited gueata a week ago last Monday evening. Thursday evening of last week a number of young people spent a very peasant and enjoyable time at the home of Mr. Henry Armxtrnng. Mr. and Mm. J. McMillin, also Mr. ami Mm. IlobiuHon uf IWthel, were at InUtioge a week ago Uat Sunday . Mia* Bell of Proton wan the gneat hwt week of Mrs. H. Nicholla. Mi.-* M M.trv.-l .1 I 'MI,. talk *[.,-nt Sunday at home. Miisa E. AruiMrong and Mr. McLsne were vixiting frieniU at Iniotioge lately. Mr. and Mni. Me Lure have returunl from Gnuul VsJley. where .they have spent a very pluaxant time. Mr. William Watann. who haa been at the Boo for a number of months, has return. <! Mr. and Mim Runl of Zion were at Inistii"^- l.-uit Si:iuia\ Mr. Bell i'f ShrigU-y wan the guest of Mian Mary McLure Uxt Sunday. Miiut Whytf f M irkiUle hns been g friem'H at The C"Urt will go into nn-urning f or six weeks for Prince Hunry of Battenberg. Sixteen Protestant mmuten in Turkey have teu shot i><ce the tr u'.lci begsu fi r refusing MohamniedaniKin Charleroix retsim.t! a Liberal on Mon- day. The death i.f IVinc L.U:. of Batten burg la^t week wan vere blow to the Queen, iinil !:- wife, Priwea* ne. The debate on tho <Mi'U) t>< 'Ji- throne was clewed laut week .uM rr!i.inn'iit has now got il'.iwu to I i.un ^-. Tho remedial order romainx in aU.-yuaue in the mean- time. WANTED MHO feet soft aim log* for mst). afuit be >od ! timtMr. 10 ana 14 'Ml long. Eugenia, saw mil'. Jso :)1 '0 r.T.CAas. for Service Thoroughbred Jn*T hull for *rvic at John H. Hi**r<i'a. K)hriou. Trui OL doll&r. >inion Park. own Currtfpondrnt. Your Attention, Please H vvincr put the Prici-viHe Roller Mills in liist class oiJcr. I ain i>re I'lirril to il-i gristing and cLopiuj? on slio;-tcpt notice. Also Flour, Shorts, Ura-i, Cli"p, Oiitincul, etc , always on hand at modem to prices. Give me a call and be coiiviu.-. '. As we nre nsnm No. 1 hard Mani- toba wheat almost eMulusively. you niKV depend on gc -tting first class Hour. \Vo also kffp a stock uf Goose and Ontario whcitt Flour on hand to change for Goos" wheat if customers wit-h it, nr will sell it at a very low price. Y"IUS respectfully, KODEUT McGOWAN Logs Wanted HlKbwt prieos paid in oaab for rock an I soft H.inl tunes are beginning to look ki it , ,,,r ..-ri,,n aa mm I o!ia th.re elm Tosjs, to be Jo1iereJ l our bright in our ie.h<in, as we I L. DMt h. -Ruk Kloi N and 17 fn-t fall. Soft are preparation* being made for three i l. iao4Hft. ^ uew brick bouaea and aUo three larje ' iu.ola. u.c :. Boot and Shoe Dealer r Rubber REDUCTION Repairing Promptly Attended I I 4 ! o u Liquidation Sale Still Continues I I f You can save from 10". tn 33$% by purchaaing your supplin from me P I am not offering a few odds and end* at special prices, but my whole M siock uf Dry Good*, Boot*. Shoes, etc. Call and nee B. Our gray Flannel bargain* Our gray Cotton bargain* Our Blanket bargain* Our Dress Oood bargains Our Tweed bargain* Our Underclothing banraina j| A few men a and boys' Overcoats, also a tVw ladies' Mantle* left, equly f as good a* thoie anld. Bys' clothing bargnuis. Don't Bias those goods 4 A dollar saved ia a dollar mad*. . -^..-. * ifiROCERIES 4 Our stock is now fresh. We keep the beet selected Raisins, beat Car- W renti, best Canned Gooda. beat Teas, Japan and Black , beat Oet and . Wheat Meala. Come in ami we will give you the beat bargains. M HILL Looking Ahead - - - - - 3 RESOLUTIONS FOR 1896 1st. We intend to sell more Furniture during 18% than any one year of our business career. 2nd. To place before our customers the largest and most corn* plete line of Furniture and House Furnishings to be found under one roof in the county of Gtey. 3rd. To redouble our efforts to satisfy our customers, giving, as we have ever tiitd to do, th.2 very beet value for every dollar ex peuded at our store. J. E. Moore, - Furniture Dealer and Undertaker * * w Picture Framing and Repairing in all Branches & till j 1 FREE ! ! OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tHe very Best PLACE IM CANADA TO OKT A T..TOO]. Business E.sutiii, Take a Round Trip ^,, ',; u :, n Commercial Department* In Canada, then init tn,. Northern Buimena Oollege ; examine every- thing thoroughly If w fail to produce the Met thorough, complete, practical and i aive course ufntuily : the beat collese premiae* sad the beet anil mo*' ooroplote an<l mont luit- sMefarniture and a|| lianoea. we will ie ioa full aoane KRBa>. for Annual \nuouDoe- ni.ot. giin full partioulao. tree. <l.lr C A. FLEMING/ Prinrlpal. lm aotl Lot For Sale, For Mile cheap and on oa trm> in Fthrr t-Ti. Hpleudiil lar'i". uili.l Ln k .Iw-ll.f, lood ttone cellar, tuuinmr kitchen aiil wixid- Doua*, alto Ko.nl f'liin* itabie. '. . ^ . i..^J. Pi>nic coul.niii" tw.i ..Mini; orchard, bu&nnif Houae asd nu' l xooptionally wnll tirnslic.l and vary conyeui- lutly laid out. TESTING Preerv y,>ur eyssiKlit by having then: properly tustwl by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN j'i R.J 8rsoi-i.B.FlhrtoB. Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot IT. oon.4. Artwimwia, containini; 14H acres nioro i>r leK.44i acree cloar.-.!. about 'Q niilo* from Kl*ii4*rioo. Thero aro a iiootl log I arn and table on tn* iirvnimm. Ou>l rvinning water, tfu father particularm apply to W. A, Alui^rnoM) nsawsrtse. Timber lot for sale Lot :!i> In TH:fth C Artemesla. Tendnrft for th |iurchaae<r( >/TI* lot will he re- oeivfHl by tli* Mii.i.'( - TI. : an i! the 1H ilav nf February IHUK. !>p>M.). t l.lfor \\ mNjr dvaU r or lartiier. T*nilr< i Mate lei m> uf p*vmui Title freot <MiciiniLnap<> V)<PT ro T. W HowAnn. UaoMsr, ID Toi k raarunert. T toreeta m-. Dectukwr '*>. SKATING RINK Onaofth* vrv boctriiiks uoilli of Turont i'.| en Momlay, WednlBj ai..l Haturday STCSI in;. liaii.lniatt - 70. wUei: will lw ohaj-gwl for p*cUIor<<. Loarnar* run ba u< LI rink 1 hnrw!*; aftoriiooii.froii; 5 fr. providing thejr aro ticket bolilcrn. W. J. rtUWAhD. pr.. Farm ani Mill Site for Sale > For lf v*rv . '.innp and on vorv 1T trm Timber farm, 1 30 acres, two lufla* from ' eiK.ii. hnown M tll Win HOK^MWIII:!! |.r perty, and oti vilvcl) iaan excwlleru wat>r puw> .< aaw mill, ,1am ;.>.i p, .]! ami wau-r whiMl in i>!ao* sad sll iedy (w svUing mill on. About 1 '> u.-rm oloar*!, ju .1 mont off. 'ulance wall timbarol. in. Tina farm will l aold at a hanjain it oold -. ono*. Kn>a)l pay mant Uewn. baJaucu un T.I ca> t*ro Ai)i/'^jLlo R. J. BrsooLi. F)ao*rton Onl Logs Wanted Soft elm. in, li and It fi. long, I to H <. Maple, lift. *in* , 4 .4,reo birdh. lllt.ima- BBccaorr A TLB .-

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