Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1896, p. 6

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npital unloan Con- tor that purpose fHKVtRY LATK..I I !\OM ALL THE WORLOOVER. Interfiling Ituui About Our Own Country, urr.t Britain, th United Statei, isd All Pirts ol th Ulobe, CosdcnMd and \urie>l for Ey Reading N \n.\. s n Scotia Provincial Government has a surplus of Sl.JJ'i. IVtn.U-a ban voted to expend flTlOOO in a wato.rworks sy.st. m 1 of Itockwood Asylum who nfr )n ' h' ill wit h for. i great make* a . 1 1 i' session. . | Socretai v <> > -\ of the I'niled State* U confident tint I ho Vene/.ii"la dispute with Kiigland will be settled at an early date in a manner honorable both nation,!. Mis Anna Asjiinwall has left an es- tate i ' IKK) to the Pro- o.'ll Church lli-p:' I of Philadelpiiia to maintain an Orphan Girls' HoKpital. HOUSEHOLD. IM l.l'l t I, MINTS. Scrapple is a Quaker dish, *ay* a to Correspondent of Good Housekeeping and a most appetizing hot supper viand. Tbl* in the recipe: Stew two pounds of the meat up and add enough water to the liquor In the kettle to make a quart. The Washington Weather Dureau has Remove the liones and chop the meat. then put it back in tbe kettle. Season. d a system of kites, which will carry self-registering roetorol<vi ! in iny sru-re,;iiti.i>rinK rneieorotanoai in- ,, , . Mrumcnts in the atimwphere two miles * a ' lln K * OT summer savory and on- above the earth's surfan- ion. if desired. Then sift in cornfteal, numiier .if Amerie m sealers toiling slowly and stirring as if for v . I w;us found to liave needles heart and lungs. I'rna'e llayhumt of Hamilton .speaks in teriiLs of praiae, of the new Marl ini- Kiil.. William O'Toole wan fined $50 or sixty <layn in jail for bjnfkvaOMtlBM a r al the ilHiiiilion municipal elec- U*w The Minister of Militia has granted II, use of the Toronto Ain,ouiio.s for tin- Canadian Horse Show, to be held in April A company is organizing in Winni- K-.g to nii[irove the navigation of Red ' by building t'a. 'lid- nuiu of I".',!'!"* wan | aid from Ap- ril , 1H5. to January 9. 1HG. in U.un <>n 56.344 lous o* pig iron, by the Ixiiiiinion CJovi-inmeiit The contract for the construction of Hi- Cornwall K'e-frie ILailway hnn lvn Hurn'-d in Montreal. It in < ijMX'led to l<- finished by tbe 1st of June. AnuiiildT of Imperial military offi- cers from Halifax will attend a .11 Oitawa ii iiTi.-i'ied with tbe '" dlstcil i.sfied i the I nited 8talH Customs DmtrbMnt is liandled on Puget Sound, and are seeking protection under the British Crown. The United States Department of creased, as it will keep a long time in Agriculture has decided to open St. Al- winter bans and Kichford. V't . an ports of en- A good recipe for hominy griddle tbirk "<>"? h f cold. Turn into a dish and when w. -u, ted for the table, slice and fry in drippings. The quantity may 1 in- try for cattle from Canada de*l ine I for cakes come from the same magazine. requires only a few minutes to pre- European points, by way of Boston. Mrs Kniuia Worrnan, fifty years of agn, wife of the president of the Out- pom them if tb? hominy has been pre- ' ' viniisly cooked Two <*tfkfs hftlf A t^A- (irEiiim *"l Mi] ( .'I** -tn 1 huPHtuiy l>y Mi ing herself. No reason is known for '"l '"I of hominy well boiled, three tea- tbe rash act. cupfuls of thi k, sour milk, one flat tea- V- "rding to tlie story of a Chicago spoonful of soda, two large kitcbencup- lock at bt. An- detective who ha Iwn working for the f u)8 of flour 4nd a inch of Mlt . Warm defence. H. H. Llolmes in a much- maligned man. The detective says that be can. in every c 1-4- of murder of v, hi, h II' lines is ac'-nwd. prove either an alibi, or produce alive and well, those naid to have been killed. (Jen Do/field, the. chief of tlie I'nited State- Survey, has come to the conclu- sion that there in no ; the Ala-k'ui houirtary line claimed by ( the hominy and rub well with the Iwat- eri eggs, then sift the flour and add milk alternatly, reaervinir a little in which tbe so<ia must be well dissolved and ad-led the. last thing. This make* a quantity, and they will take on a l*au- tiful brown if the griddle is hot and a j of p^^ waiiiag to _ picoe of corned l-eof fat u-d to grease th , y fcad entered tbe pare a chicken nicely, put into kettle and cover with cold water. It must not boil but simme.r for two or three hours until the meat falls from tbe liones. When done take from the kettle and cut in small pieces with a shirp knife. It i-'in I* chopped, but spoils tli peir.ince of the dish when finished. Boil the liones, akin, etc., in tbe, liquor until reduced to a little more than a pint, it n.'isi then i > .strained and seasoned wi'h salt, pepper, and a little parsley. Mix t hi* thoroughly with tl>e chi< ken already cut, pouc into a block mold, put a weight on the. top arid let it stand until perfectly cold. It will I* very stiff and can tie served on aflat dinb. Sweet Dressing for Cabbage Salad. Whip three tablespoons of cold sweet cream with three tablespoons of sugar, and add gradually one-half cup of vine- gar and one-half teaspoon of salt. Pour over the cabbage which nbould have lieen in the ice-cheat, and serve at once. I'otato Salad. Cut cold boiled pota- toes into i!i. ... mince an onion and mix wiili the potato. Lay it on a naiad dish and pour ove.r it a dressing of one- half teaspoon of salt, one-fourth tea- spoon of pepper, two tablespoons of vin- egar and two tablespoons of salad oil, or if preferred cream, beaten thorough- ly- IN A DOCTOR'S OFFICE. Hrrmr Im i.rf l *nr" (>* ! s l.itrfn ttlj. It was betwcnn 12 and 2 o'clock, the "offtce hours" in a doctor's office, in a large city. The reception room was full '! I 111 Ci >ri 'less to ar>- * cornmiM-r-n to fix the boundary on tbe lines laid down by Uen. Duf- field. (.1 ' i!AI,. femes for tbe year num- The Toronto Chief of Police hs anted hi* annual n-j-.it. .showing that 7,658 persons were a,'|.icli.-M I I <> --.11111- inonea during the year, anl that tbe indictable of fern I'nvau- Hayhurnt. winmr of the I 'rize al liislcv IMS hvi-n ap- 1- 'inied t<> a teni|Hirary [Million in I !>e Ml.iiid Hi-venue al Hamilton. This Col Pr (Miming office. lion Jan eral of I he died at his residence. Saxon Hall. l->n- A mi' - ,ts al tin- Imperial ,ii, I. mini IW. Mr l-'ellown IAIIHII ,.| m Ife-rlm ,d ,we I symptoms was the millionaire inventor of l-'el- <,f , |i t . > U ppoe,l tlie ' ldn' Compound Syrup of Hypopbos- In reply to a correspondent who ask* for suggestions of lundie.s for the bas- kets for kindergarten for children from tbe doclO r. As at , en ,iant had given to each a numbered slip of paper, and they were expucted to wait their turn. Some were reading, or trying to, while others were making a desperate s,.^ ,17. Mill 1 11 I K**l 1F.1I I'll I Illl'll. II t A vv** . , !,,, ,,, sn em of age Mrs. Roivr in ''fort tot to appear cons<-ious of each Senor Cams* ho, Si>snish ex-Minister of '"' r Houwhold \ew.s. gives the follow- , other's presence. But they all looked Finance is dead. Tbe Chinese Government has assigned a Urgo MUin of m i.-i -y in i in- cn-uuc- tion of a fltv.t. I' i it-;- t"- i that tin- Armenians at _. .... . M* ni.s,li i. e I dynamite ag.iinst tbe first artptHiiiineut since as- Turkish troops wi'h deadly ei .'-i Me n Protestant ministers in Tur- . ing: Holl-d ch..|.|>ej meat sandwiches, impatient, ami more or less 111. S'Sl^'ilttta rX are'nret'tT n, ^ ' H wi . few minutes past 12. and the WJO - incae illtie rolls aTff pr^ity, nuiri- i , i(>|ul sn(1 faiaily dieest<< j l ' wlK , n . hard ! doctor had not arrived. Those who had i-'i.i.l yolk is giu i over, liuit -r the come at 11 o'clock in order to be among Bfullywith the tini **" 8 ttm impatient. A timid chop,*,! meat, and roll. Pre* to- I knocking on the door was heard. It is Mid then roll each in apiece customary to walk right in. and this un- ir.s I. Kellown. Agent -(ien- Vey t^,ve l- be tioui.les of wni'c-waxcl or i Issue , aper, fringed : ugu^j proceeding causwl everybody to Province of New Brunswick, began for n I'u in*- Mohammedanism. al the end. 'I'hnse may rw made in pairs :. f fh ^ - -.on Hall. UKI- .. r ,,f C '.e,,l* al the lm,,erial ". " wre. one chicken and one made * cunously in tbe dir nd. aged OH. Mr l-'ellows bnnnu -i in Ife-ilui .slc.we I sviniitomn "i'h celery or with lettuce. Fruit also. , door. : ' HoU> Cny Treasurer of s I 1 . . h i i n an i mi the , a coii f,-s ion in which be admits M l'-r of f.' II' i ,1 .!!. irg - on ixirk and other pro- due* and stocks. Mr MH^.,,. f,, r MiaT n yciini warden of th- tVmril firmn , n ,uto. hnji been ' K*H< an i \\ v<t York. Onl . anl l)r iiilmour, East anl WIT.I y,,rk. Out. for aNmt Mu'ant by Mr. '' I r inference. CHKAT IIRITMV. Priri- I'I!-.-T I i>f York. U'ing now a rear an I s htlf ->ld. is t In -i I ue. >t^l I in I.- ndon mix :il lilllls will !l llll.-l III 1 If ,s|M . !<ir Itayard has i-m\e-d to .n -e,. ui . i. inn of Pi i -ident ..mi by '.. ith her Majtwty ,-ient. ill (.'. iiit-i inoiirnin" lor i<vks f'-r Priti--- ll'inv -ii lijiiien- Th<- fnnei.'il -.-.-ill h ndiii - with iirlil.iry honors. M a niis-iiii, , \IIHTI. ins ,,, |< n i,,n . , di tin" :ij.'e .van sent to I he u sisling tiiit thcv ;o.ii--l in the , p i j-cts 111 n-specl tin- death of Prin.e Henry of Katien- i. Somerset. ' l..ld> llenr\ r<i;i llii'i.sh \\i>a.eii'.s T 'iii|r-.|ance i W.IM niarrii- .1 n I.- u i,,ii on -I ' v ' ' I . "I Cat Ir.riric de Veie erk. u diuxhi f the Duke of with celery or with lettuce. Fruit also, of course; steamed tig.s and a rolled sandwich of whole wheat bread. An <- !-. i ut off tbe hinds of I ; i-ndeavur- im- r , ' I alian forl- Ibey are besiegiug. The riimoi Hint UMI ICmiieror ol ' and i h I'.- u of Knsni:t i' h.vr " ' stren ':i in K'.i<i,i:.|ii di|doin ii u- c.ld -s v< a Violi-nl K 'II in t lie (Jer- on i IHI n l he I,, i l ll' I I I, I ;., inline llarl h an I .u . There of a di. I Cllb-l ring ll-iva ing her l. of jia.--.si . in !' i 1 hues .ire |>utting on At a m-?t ing of ill- i. -i in in residents ital of MiLsiiomi- issed condemii- li. *. ill ,111 s ill--;, all h to Kj in ,111 Intel fell-lice with S.itilh Africin aff \ di-.sj'.ii. h f . nw n nays Joel, Huley. K'^'ers. Sini|isiri. \\ollaston. Aiiret, and Lac.\ h-ld ;,s pns,ui Ih It., is, I, ivi- I.- -:i n-b-.ise I on ' and put through it Variety in the -;iic- of life, so far as fotxl is con, eriK'd. and thene sugges- l ions for tbe. breakfast table are wor- l hy of acceplanue- lr one breakfast l> -re ) fruit. Quaker oats with -.lined e If Mb. baked pota- ' 'oes, muffins and coffee ; tlie next morn ing there m.ght I-- fruit, farina with door. The attendant called "Come in 1" but there was no response. She opened the door There stood a man, his hat in his hand. After Ving' awmred that he had found tbe right place, he stepped into the room in a hesitating, half seared sort of way. Tbe chairs were all occupied, so be stood in one cornnr by the dewk as If cream, i roiled tomatoen w"ith'"cream trying to be a-s much out of the way; siuce hushe.d poia;<ic.s browned. (Ju.ik- an posiible. He bad taken the slip of er o-it gem.H and coffee. A third break- pajx-r aa it was bandad to him. but tbe| the number 18 evident Iv hid made no on his mind. He was a man of the working class. .ntin-it-s ro'atops. rolls and coffee; the fourth , Impreaakm i^ianv- " f fni ' ( - cerejiline and cream, ragout middle-aged _ of l in, i, |>t:t>o puffn. griddle cakes and and was unmistakably in coffee, and a fifth, of cracked wheat and cream, fruit, corned beef bosh, graham gems and coffee. (JHi: VI iKOriiLE. Hi. eyf.s w n- ivl and sv.ollen. and the . The meat disbm are, with two rxcep- tear* that hail been ITMBM aside with tionn, m.iile from left-over material or ' tDP |, u .|j , ,f D ia hand had left streaks ' ,,,,, are rich in nutrition, and also Bomething for the most deli- buy n nu:iil*r of The doctor came In late hurried and tired from tbe hospital, where tie had o -ii all the morning. As he - ,,,, a,,,,.,,. ( , ,, iyn n n . .. package* or ponndi otdlfflnt cereals through I h^ snt*-r,m into his office an iht-tv wa- a little flultej. and the man , .,., o,,r m.ioniy. ami iiiucii on... ui the ranter started forward as if to but in y are not allo-val to leave Pre- j n g to tb.- tHte. llv buying fruit in its go to him at once. i season the break f.i.si from Miotsowah state that tbe many places not nil na' i .n a- \1 ik.ili'' i.s uiii-h.i. Sb>-in.s who are investing; the Italian fort nva. me redoubling th-ir viu-ilam-e to prevent I h liili.ins from wndiiix Olll .mi Ili'Ws P.III.S Kclair .iy.s th.it if t be Iliiiicd ~'i:-s I'.i-dios its extravapint r-i."i- io ih' |H>int indioaled by Ih- addition io the MOIIIK- din-tiuie. l'iiio|K-in nations mu.st "omliine iiK-lone I h 'ir ports to Am - in Hhip.s. and bring h -i Io her knees in a week. in noi much more cvpejisivc. than to ''iiv one k.rid only .ml much more coax- go io mm ai once. will in ' The attendant restrained him. told very coetly. ! him he, would have to wait hU turn, prove (i '1111 |>i >!<-. JMM i-i'' 1-1 -i vj*v*-*_7 i ,,, ., _ \\ IH-II oranges and laiuna* and fr\w ' and explained about the nuiubenm* sys- ainl meloiik are out of Ihe question. i liere is usually I hat healthful st.iiidhy . ably De mmle no remonstrance. pro>i- hecauBe he could sin-ak Knlish i iiciv in u-siiititv i mil iHMillliui .sirtiiuij --. -- j- ., ihe apple, to U- n-rved iinc...k <>"lv slightly, but he looked I more troubl- _ .1 * U._ _ _... A ,1 f t A*- t ii. f. iii r I r i ik'i . eil or , than ever, and after the fourth pa- tient hvl bwin seen by the dm-tt.r a wo- MiniMi'i Terrell, provided t he s iiiii|ernlot>l tint the Hritish i , i-.'.vu-rn are ui,'ili! to findanv uid'r l-.i-glish law for '.\hvli, t w IKI IM on bis way home ''' ^-inli Afii.i, i in u- civilly -r I m kish ant horil ics are kept advised of .i ,bf L oiiimeiid tin- wh-it thev are dniug. i 'i K'i,t of n commission of judgen. An anli-Knglinh meeting was held at ht lion. .l..-fi,|, ChamlK-rlaiii I*"''*"*, Venezuela. \n effigy of lx>rd ",g t a liaminei giviu" bv nat ives I halLslmrv wan carried through the. of (jurenxland rtviding or living j n streets in nud-k iniimph. a death en- I.. -n Ion vi id Ih- tMi.-mii>. of llrilain ''^"^ W(u "T** 1 '" lh '' P'. a '"' ' ''< iwl il-ii.e ! g.,,7 .v-rvice. f r II itio,,, ^"^ wafl ' hl< " I 1 ". 1 ' "'. |UeoM L ttflt '' " hi I l*vn baiu-'ed by the neck on an iiui'iio i.vd gibliet. I h* Mrazilian (lovernineni di-me.s of ficii.llv the 114101-1 npn-.td in Knro,K> dur- ing ih- punt few days as to the stra d ii-l.ii ions Imlweon (Jr-at Hrilain and Uiked. A dinb of tart apples and sprinkled with a little .sug- ----- - ar and served warm at breakfast, vs >"" P*nnt, waiting her turn no as Koxl a-s tropical fruit | ?bt *.* weeping .silently hinking " People lift their eyebrows." sayn \\illi.ini Morns the Knglisb poet. "over women masici ing Ihe hu hrr mai hemal ii-t; whv. it is indefinite!) more i i, le.n. (be o/ irooil courage, f r<Mii t he sympathy in her voice. U tide the Porie refuses perinLsnion to ' _..i~: i i.:_ i~...i,i. .. -n .. ho in-ill <-is of ill- |(4-.l CniHs Sk-iet y to ,li.si iiuiile relief to llx! Armi-ni.LiiM. tie will |d-riii, |>rsi.,s to ii'id- i Like that iiiissinn who (ire n-conimended by I'nil- he might be in pain and n-<| lire im- meiliai nt tent ion be a-ke<l him if he was Hick and if ohe could do anything for him. He shook bin bead, but tool . hist trouble an well as he ! noetry. but it is good common nenne, anil such n man might well have been made poet laureate. housekeeping. Anylody can learn math- ] " 'J|! >1 ' emalics. but it takes a lot of skill to "*. ,a,,,ge a house we,,,'. That may not' ^^ *>* ^ ^ {^ and it wan only the. day tx-fon- that a doctor had beie.n consulted. He pro- nounced thn cue a serious one. requir- ing an immediate surgical operation. and made arrangements for her to go to the hospital tint night to bo operated on the next morning by the. noted mirgeon whom the. man was now waiting to see. He had naid gtdMl-hv to lu-r the, night i h --v In I fn-ililed it lr nhow its >orld. 'I In- Lou- 1 !,!! (Jloln-. in refen-iice lolhe] M'Hiro" ii-.i'liit MM fiefore l In- I'nited | I !i',i t he Kngli.sh P o, I will no' -'.iiidinii h more flouting .11 and Die I lilted SI lies miv ,e,-> i-i-ilv fin I them selves fa<-e 1 fi i ' i iiiitim that could only be c.-il ling. H<4i-rt Ibirns' griMl grand.son and hi* last d. MI i, d. ml In the ' mil- I, in- h.i, MM! died at Hlack- I .11. n -ar Kxlirijinrgh, aged 52 years. H- hid served n. a s,-hlier and aa a in tln> l-'dinbiirrfh public gar- li'it for fourteen yeiirs past has IP -'ii kneix-r of the (Hinder magazine at I!' ..-kh-ill II left noihildn-ii A I lli< he<l office of the Salvation Ann\ H '.ipiidon il WHH explained that the n 'idirvg n-moval of Mr. K-illin,.' Ion It. ih inuii i Mr I n, led Slates was in iM-nMd with H fixed iirmy regulation, wbKh limited the, stay of lerritoriat Ii- . i i i fnir or five year* in any one pin-- Ih- HiicomBiir to Mr. Balllngtoxi Booth will not \' aiiiioiinocd until the, rvt urn (f General Roith from India. I' N IT K I) STATES. TlMra will be no boraeracing at Sara- toga Hits \ear I'mleil SLile.-t Silver man will prob- ably pine* a ticket m tin- field in Ihe Pr>'.sideiiti il cHiiipaign. Sh-nfl Hiy<>n. of Uke (Nmnty, Ind . ban |inn'h<4.s'd two full hhded nian- e.k.U'^ bl'lbi.uiid/s to be uard tn trail criminals. M i iirtuti. president of the Ameri( : Crmi Socie.lv. has sailed from ik on her way tn nd minuter r-i . -f i ' the suffering Armenians. v I'nited Stales Senator Warner Mil- i V.'irayua canal will CII01CK HKCII'IS i:\ieiieni Cookies. Take nine table- si'.oonfuls of granulated sugar and four of butter, and cream tliein well togeth- er. Adil four well-beaten eg^s. one cup of milk, a little grated nutmeg, one ounce of carraway needs, two heaping iiMs|ioonfuls of liakmg powder, a pinch llrnzil. On the contrary, the relations "'"' are of a friendly character. The cruise of the lleni.imin Constant hiut no n nix i ion with i he Ish- of Trinidad. A d ,|..ii, h to ih- lU'.l Mall (iazette fiom Constantinople aay* that an offen- and ii.-fensive alliance has l*en l-lwen Rusnia and Turkey, by which Tin key liecomas the vaw*al of of aalt, and enough flour to dough thiil will roll out easily. si\e make a Cut out biscuit rut let and hake in a moderate oven about twenty min- utes. Spice, pudding. One cupful of ino- lamseN, one-half cupful brown sugar.one- i|ii.n-iei cupful of butter, one cupful stoned raisins, one- half a teaspoonful of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg and a and Russia aecure* an ei, in,,., small lea.s|K>nful of soda dissolved in ill- Afe<litrninean by the Dardan- nelle.s. Th news is not confirmed at Ihe Hritish Foreign Office. Skating a Matter for the f oungv "I put on the otlter day, for tbe first time MHC-. I was a lioy," said a man of mature years, "a pair of skate*. I ex- pected to skate right off, ju*t as I used to do, and 1 wa great ly surprised to find tliat I could scarcely skate at all; in fact, I had difficulty in getting and there wasn't a bit of fun in it unle.sn perlia|w il was amusing tothe >! tatoi-x. and so I hobbliul back to i he skate In, U.HI' and took off mv skates and took a walk or the ice ana looked at Ihe Mkale.ru; 1 found that much earinr And I imagine that ixMiiiiara- tively fewmen keep up then .skating; they play billiariln and bowl, and no on, but skat ing t bey seem to let go. Cer- Isinly you see among the skaters few men ..f years SkatinB seems to I* , ,,, , s|irt mainly for Ihe younger people, ' 'i-.,..,. ,., ,,f i and a delightful, invigorating, lUifth- | wn ite^auce fill sjxirt it i ,N'a> Ih-y iicciiniulale , from it health ami -lu-M.-ih for the be ' days when they grow old I" half a cu| tut of warm water ; flour en- ough to make as stiff an common gln- t'ei bread. Put into a gresaeil mold and stand I lie mold in a large kettle with not n, me than two inches of water in the bottom, jnnt sufficient to keep up a large volume, of steam, but not enough ',' ,01 1 ie. near the lid of the mold. A Budding Uiiled in this way is more de- icate than when liaked, but if you pre- fer to l>ake rather than steam it, have a hot oven and l careful that it does not loikc too long. Roman Meat Pudding. Mince a pint of cold veal, chicken, mutton or beef ; take a cup of good stock, nicely flavor- ed, one egg, some lemon or tomato sauce, a little vermicelli or bread < minim, pepner and salt; mix all to get he r and season with a suspicion of onion and parsley. Line a rneat mold or Iwi.sin wi'h some macaroni previous- ly boiled quite tender, fill the, basin with the mince mcjt, steam for half an hour, basin and serve with a sauce Chicken Jelly. A dainty dish for luncheon or tea is the following: Pre- before, at the hospital, fully reali/inK tin i the, chanceM were small for ever seeing her AC.AIN AL1VI He. wa-s >4>litrc-l to tfo to work the IH-\I morning a.s usual or lo.s.- bus >b. And now. iluring hiss noon hour, he had coin- to know her fate and his. If bo wait- ed until his turn he would be unable to get back to work at 1 o'clock, and in that cane would be "docked." The woman to whom be, had told his story watctuvl the door of tbe doctor's office, and the in.stant it was opened pushed in ahead of her turn and asked that the mail be admit leil at once "Send him rijfht in." said the doctor. And ihe mm without a h-k or word to ;ui\ bii.lv hurried in 'Ik. tor my wife " waaall be could The. profemional mask fell from the great doctor'* face. "My dear fellow." he said, laying his haml on the man's boulde.r. "don't worry. Your wife U all r;ut. The operation was Huccessful and she will be well and utrong again in a few weeks." And then, even while the poor creature WHS hanging over the doctor's baud and trying to sob out his thanks, the mask nettled back into place and the dootor oalled: "Next 1" Hut the woman who had helped him did not wait her turn. She staid only long enough to find out where be lived and w hen hi* wife would be taken borne. She had see-n something that was worth more than all tbe doctors and medicine in tbe city. It is not proper to trim the hair that grown in the ear of a horse. Nature intended it to protect the orifice from dust, insects, etc., and sudden atmoa- pherio changes. TEE PAKTiTION OF AFRICA The Powers Ever Qnarrtllngr Over the Boundaries. On* f>n* of A'l ihe War TalK-Tb* BrltUh. As Uu A!. Will Get tbe Lion Sharn Italy* Hard Lnck 1- til* Di vide Portugal Flays Into British Hands. In recent years th powers of Europe foin 1 it t - tbfir mutuil interest to come together and reach an agreement on the subject of Africa. Things have assumed a very complicated aspect in the Dark Continent, anl the rival Power* were all at sea as to who owned certain terri- tories within its limits. Accordingly the iii|il..:u -'s h'1'1 a series of meeting* at Berlin, Paris and Vienna, and the result has become fam >us under the name of the partition of Africa. The partition was very unlucky. It Ud to no eml of disagreement. The disa- greement has now reached an acute stage in this row over tbe Transvaal. No one baa alluded to the fact t bat all tbe Powers contained in tbe partition, namely. Groat Hrilain. France, Ger- many. Italy, Spain and Portugal, claim- ed dominion over tbe rich little atrip of country known as the South .Urican Republic. It was finally ag-'eed that tin- republic should be recognized as an independent Power, but that its foreign relations should be entirely under the control of Great Kritain. In return for this Portugal was permitted to ac- quire possession of a large slice of coast territory in the e istern part of Africa. It was a very unfortunate bargain. It is tbe cause of all tbe trouble to-day be- tween German v and Great Britain. Ger- many claims that Oreat Britain has not kept faith with 1'. oecause it has ADVANCED MONEY to Portugal (somebody U always ad- vancing money to Portugal and never getting II back), wilb tbe distant under- standing that Portugal should place her territory in Africa at the disposal of Great Britain. It will be remembered that t| M . King of Portugal was lately in London on bio usual errand of bor- rowing money; and the violation of the partition to uce (he diplomatic term, is alleged to have been then coiisuniin.i'i' I Now tbe violation of tbe partition is Emperor William'* exeuae for having sent liis fampue message of congratu- tion to President Kruger; of eo it is impovii'ile to determine which side is right. There is always the awkard ethical conundrum oi the right of tbe Powers to divide Africa up among them- selves anyhow. Of all tbe Powers. Italy ha* had tbe worst luck. By tbe terms of I he par- tit im, each country was at liberty to obtain possession of its African terri- by conquest. They all conquered v pi Italy. That unfortunate coun- t ry tfol AbvHRini* an. I Ilarar for its sh ire of Atric.i. an, I every Italian army win tliiih-r h been soundly thrashed by the Datives. Lobengula itave the lit it Lsh some hard work, out they down- fit him at la.*t. Harar has been tbe .scene of * very bloody battles of late, and r theater of war is now Abyssinia. Tbe net results of the part it ion are it lot of boundary dispute* and the creation of a fierce native Africui army, scattered over the cont inent in detach- ments. Tlic.se <tet ichmiMits are surrep- titiously arm -I it is claim -d. by agents of the. roy.il Powers. Thus (iermanjr ac- cuses (.real Rritain of having secretly armed the hi. irks in Herman Hast Aft in. Other Powers make, similar ac- cusMtioiK against their nciidiburs. Ih.> liritish South Afru-.i Company has bicoiu- very prominent as a result of tbi.s outburst of war feeling. This 1 ' VMOl S CORPORATION, was charte.ro. I in 1889. and t he Duke of Abel-Torn. K r... Is Chairman of it. Its Deputy chairman U the Duke of Fife. wh<> married a daughter of tbe Prince of \\.ilctv Cex-il l(.ho.|...s is one of the Directors. According to iu charter, it may "develop" the regions south of the /ainhezi. The fimt thing tbe company <lii| win to fight Ijobengula. King of the M lU-belcM. The company's troops next l>u-l|. ! on to Mount Ihunpdeii and built the t mill of Silislmrv, luiiuM after the Itrilish I*reiuier. Thin place is now the c.-ipit.il of MaNhonalattd. Subsequently the company began operations north of the Zambezi, and to-day its territories <o\er Hi- whole of Hritish South Africa. This* territory, within the boundaries Htipulaled by the famous partition, covers an area of T.iO.OOO square miles, There are now nearly 441.000 gold mining rl.unis mtahlish -,l in the region. Tbe precious metal U said to abound. The South Afric-i Republic was first founded in 18tO. but w -is not recognized as a free and independent State until 1KM. Johannesburg the town which figured so prominently in t In- recent war ili-p'itcheft. has a imputation ol Jn.titni. I he cipit.il Pretoria, hut 6.SOO inhabi- tant.*. Pre.s.iilcnt Kruger ha* served tli!,'.' timi's in, Ills pl'twMil nlfn-e lli- will hi- Ttl >.vir-. old next October. He h^ ten grown children. The Transvaal is rich in gold. So niucli for the present condition of things It all grows out of the partition of Africa. Thai remarkable perform- ance is to-day tbe most important agree- ment in diplomacy, and certainly tbe most lamoii s conce.rt ever entered into by civilized nations since the Muhlle Ages. It se*ms to be going to pieces and to be creating a general European MII.I.S|I-UP Hut to the diplomats it is what Hlenhcii!! was to Marlborougb a famous victory. English, as She Is Spoke Mrs. de Family That was quit* a pivitv trap 1 w you out in the other day. Mm. de Snide. Mrs. de Snide Yes ; that's my new phantom with the cantelope top I just drug niyaelf out to_go ridiiig for my know. I'm no He.ldoinly well, you Some of tbe French railroads trau (tort wine in hulk in tank cars. Fifty t housan-1 dollars have been rained for the fund in memory of Dr. Jowett, the late. Master of Balliol, mainly by tbe efforts of Mr. lieorge Curzon. A scholarship of $1,500 a year, tenable for three years, will he fou luted at Balliol, and the rest ol tbe money will be used for a personal memorial to be placed in the college

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