Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1896, p. 5

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THI FLISHE1TOM ADVANCE IJVNKLN'i OFFICE OF GEC). MITCHELL ' - me** traiiMete.i In-all* '* ' . ' ~ ciutiuii at \UUll rUi-. M.> ' .il.iltle lor U-Kiinat i. iivn ..!. uliics iwo doom uoitn uf l.itlira- > i Vicinity Chips. U.ir i. I.TIMI.-- wf th Pant Week 4'arefully Culled fnr tit. Curio**. noiir.'3 nmmg /<<(/ tcttl tie ,it thr fttf nf /(*< ptr ' * i.-'i ill it' I'll-, ,. A rrd'trtit'H 'I'll! '/< i/n (.- 'i,i d,,ifi-.i.-f* :''! tOO line* or ottr. .it thi* utii.-e. ' ..ni\ |> C .u'l.-il will meet at .il 'm .M -i.-l^v n.'xt. Kim! | !.- K ...| i|ii.lny for only tl.'J.I a i.-..\, |'ri' itvl, at (his "Hi _. Tl>e Reformer- :" E it (jiey will tke put*s4i. ii of the town to-ilay aa per adi-rtis,-iue'it. We will ive l'ia A.ifaii.-t! ami weekly Glo'm I" iiu.v aul,ac- ther* Until Isi J.in. I87 fon.i.ly $1.'-T>. T aiiini-il iiifetin.' of F!u-i!iert'in rlii-,".- f.ic* "y |.:iti..|W will l>e In- 111 on StU'-Uy. M in-li 'JS. Seea I Sat'ir.l :iy a* leij) year evening '. the kali":.' r:nk ailil tile y.Mli..' men li.l'l i t..il'{'i f i! of it Theru * i- li , r.Mt f.ir tilt w^.irv i'ii 'hat AH *-.. .inn iii" uie inn-it In- piiil he- fort r\-li. L',">. ..ilnr ixe tliy ill I* [''<: 1 in .-fl,.'r li.n ils f..r collection. J.IK. Siinili, lx>t and sliov dealrr. Flenher'nn. For a!. \ -. It, 11 and 12, SIF.'IMI'K KJI vy, l.r.'-U cl.ul ilwelltntf lliei t n. . !i -tip in I (iii easy ti run. Apply to \V. J B-!i i.nv, Kle-iHert m, or \V. J. liln ..... : P " Tiie iiinu oh) iliir n.-l IMI printf'l Utioi.e'y in li s liu-i:i-.s ix heliinij the time. \\ r -up; ly it. at tin* urticr, any >iainti'y or i|U;ili-y a' low rate* iii.-i in a'i up-io J... i- ^t^le. Ne* fiei/st "f Fnii-rx s!i -ul-l inle^iii. M of tho men will <irr\ K .11 m. i' Tt.ur-i.. text, L' bo a Lug. tlu\t a priciical m(ing of Cfiiirn at Maxwell on nut. Tlijre ahould Thn la-lit.-* of the Meth^lwt church will liold nil a|.roii >cial at Mr. J. Duncan'i, weal li.icU 1 1 lie, on TuvHilav -'> h inf. The UMI.I provtam of mu>ic. v.'iuei<, etc., will is pruvided Teams oill Uatf Mi. Claytoi.'mtore at 630. Adul's 15 ct., child i vii 10 cU. The aturiii of Ian* e<-k was a ntunner on liusun-4-t in thiti si-cii.-n. 'l'!i- daily -.iuntry iii-nU fiom eaHt and iitiith only jjol through thr.-e inn.-s lat wck In cu.isii|uonc of the t>t..rui K.HIIU o our new* hu'l^Hta at iivrd too late to .ipi.i-.ir but will lw to'ind in thu iuu. Much of lifn'N uiiac iy is due to indigna- tion; for whu can In- happy with a pin in liun'.'iin.iei .' As coir.-ciiv^inuHti n.ili eiier of the iil.ineutry iiignnii, Ayvi'v 1'illB HIU iiivalurfblv, ihfir u-u i-i-u.g nl ways Htteuded with inatked bei.t-lit. F.iruicr* ahouhl r a I Mr. Joimstun'* Cock ailvertigemriit in tin. i-sue. Tu>He atiiinitU ncem-d hr-t pi VIM at I he fill fair hud lieie last full hut wiru nut crodiU-d HI tli.- |.ii..l:>h .1 lint t pnzve owiu,; in * niiMiikt: ill the jud t-' book. iliu t'liir^o c .melt in the -w li.til .u I'roion Station on iho c.iii 1114 "I FriJay, Vv\t. 2S Suoul I the wMtlur be M^ievahle t ii wi I no doubt v -e tli>- uil.ur ot the sea.son. For p.irUcu- Icm ee lacje hills ua.l ml veri isein. ut in nothvC i 'lini.ii Mr. R. CiMik ha* |>uicha>teil tli- ut laCuly OJCJDIU.I l.y Mi-ia Wu'ii at ihe 'aiii'ii, and w.ll irect t!i-ru..n :i aulnl brick nloru ! t ii apriii'.' Ttie liui.'1-.ns! whicli -*-.ui i.n f 'ieo pri'ini-iei wa di-stri-ytd l.y liiel.ml fill The lot waa owned l.y Mr. M. Kicliardxui i.f tins place. Mr. Cnok ami family will rciurn f-oni TormHo, where liiey are now living, '.his a|.iiii^. The Town H.i.l at rilled with n in eil HiulifiKM on Mm!.<y t" li<t.-n to n iiult ca<e, which WDM heHid lfore M.^iitrit.", VAiiDiien and Riuhanlvti. The pruu-tp.-il.i in thu ti-jht were Willmin and Leonurd IJett-i, t" elilerly fanuern of this 'u\vn.-.lnji TU^re were * numher >f une-e.i heaul ai"! the r dei.-i.li'l ih:r i' W:ii IX of one .tn.l h..l. iloxi-n of the other mid tj-ie I each of tin-Ill live I'.tilliirB and cu'9 for flieii litlle III. , .-. I.li Lil>M:tpi>Mi-ei| for Lt-'Miai'l anil f. A lii'^ in l Kn.tr. iV Uitnon f-.f iii. Ev.-iy.lnni t now en-n up, n.' that \V.n. g-. i -lis<liily ihe WHIM'. ..f tho inle, ai.d orriei a vciy re -ye. Here is (he t..ry an it wxs tn'd in Thoinlmrv when ihe conijnrini' h. r-. ie 'inn -d hoiiiu : "Mr. H. Lull and Tom Low.-, jr. look in ilu- i:rni>:il ' Kieither- ton lat week TI.III toi.k l.".t | n/.u lu l.oth the ncing ivenin -in !o. |.-r un t-r Hi, .u. d i. i i U was |.!ay for him he.i\. The y>-ui<g ladle* of Kl-lierion ,i}i, i-.. , . *i_-e Tl..-lt|liliry c:iriy off the l.onon n. I c! --t ! Toiuiiiy ai'-iig u ouo by one liu in ule th. -in <|iiit. tl. e rai-e. ' It it, ,).-rl. ij . unu < for ui lo tuiu:til> tin' the Kli-slieiton \ouiu l.id ii.il ii.it cheur Toiiiiny ilon.', nviili'-r vru they anxioiiH to aee him win ill*- raje, unl he UiJ Hoc ninUu the H. --li eit.-ll U.yi dlo,j out one by o ,, ih -y all (luck to it to iheviid. Mr. &lilh>, l.Uc .-f tl.u AiguD, i* ii..w in M.IM- . i H , rd to g.. t-. India f.. t A- ciiiirae "f a I np -r in coiinectii.il with the iniiiaioii boirvl of tlio Pitmbyteri in church, lit there came a hitch in ihe |.'o..u.-ii,ij{, and be i^nowteiK-hinus.liiHiliu .M.mit I .1. Tins hucli wa ciu-ii by certain ci . which he- h.id in id m a i. :-,..[! A^itiiw: M'. Cr.'M, l'rebyteri.m inn. inter at S ngiiaiii(>t..|i, the illbject nntli-r - I which is now ben. g a cum- for cliurx-h m- veHtigation. A committee coiititting of Mrwr.. Rev. J \VeiU, M A , RrY Mr. 5lcLeud and Mr. A. M. IJilmou drove i.vi-r t. SnjjliiiUinti.il l>iat work to deal with the lualtur, but Mr. Mill-' aUcnce prvniied ai.ytliiiijc being done an far Mr. Mill*' charieH were c-.nc-rneJ PCK50NAL3. Mr. A. M. GilMoii left on Tucwlay to attend giand l.^lge A. O I'. W. in Toiont.. Mr. Win. B.iruhou-.e is iitteiulins grand lolgR. T. of I' in (iiiol[ih thin w^el . He left on Momliy via Owen S..m.l and vmiieJ fnend > at Uolibl'i^ Ion en n>u' . Rev. R. Keffer occupied tlia Met ho- dial pulpit Sund.i\ evening. Mr. Thorp \VriJ.t l.-ft on Monday *i ei.in.: for Ot'aWH to appc.ir l-e'"r the Riil '.ay c- in.i.ire ai ou of the pn v ,t|..nl directorn of tho Huron <& " . tin.. rnl*KV Mb l!.t\M.r -! in"*., Juno lli,;- > , on Tiiun.lay, i TO )-r>. ia do not occur in ilie 11. .oil or 1 1 the tisaues i.f a hi-lihy l.ving binlv, eiilu-r of man or the l.-wcr annual " S., y the ci-lvhraiv-l Dr. Koch. O h, r dnctoi* ay ihut the be.it uu-diuinu to rei.der ihn blood porfuc'ly puro aiul healthy is Ayt-r's S.-vri|-ai it a. Tho -Tp to J,it u " concert which wn l.illtd for ;l:e town hall hd'i- on Weiliic-.- dty and Thurstlty oveiiing of lust e.-k ! i not, up to date, put in an Hppe.i- \V Li-lu-vi. i-iuy struck a >nug in Pun- J*'k and wcrrt nnblo to walk thii far to drifts and chilly weather. MONKY at 5 : interest, pay.il.U yearly. Oeorxe Rutherford, Mn- b ir'ne, M 1, lining money iu both large and m.ll uiu., pT t-r,s' at 5",. i.H-r annum (not half ytarly ai.rl not ui advance/ Kxpeiix.-.i V( .,-y I"W. Wri'e for particular* or call at Ins i tH on Mondavn, Wednesday* OP Satur- day*. Office- Main at., 8hlbiirn, Oni, At ilu m-Hiion of the year, when roads are bad, it may I* well t" i n IITS'.I. <1 tie law r'-i;Hiu n,' n-!.icle. The On tn-.s'. uto ay : ''In c.we a |icron traveling or leing U;H>II a highway in ij'iar.jn of a vi-h'cle ilnwn t-y ono or inoie h-.iM-H oroiieorui .re o'lier annual*, meet* another vehicle aa f..reai<l, he ahall turn out to the r:^!it fr ..... ihe cent of this ro ;d, allow 'ug to tliu v- o met one- half i.f Ihe ro.-ul." An-tlnr ectiiui p o !! that if onu bo trnv- f:i^: -r tli-iii a'mlher, th <>i n n.U.-n shall l.kew i-e tui u to t!:^ ri^!.r ^ ( |.- of the road, tho passer i;i t . I tjif.piii - e.lt..l rn out to the It-i't to pa-s il>e le.-nl u . 'i on, nhtcl] ! : .r .-; i':. riM-1. I'r >v i. ..u is ii- 1 ! f r vi-rv h.-n-. lo.iU, nn.-r.'c- to turn (>:it. Tim .li .1 is to stop and :isii>. i: !vi|ne-t d, the ntlier t-i p-i.ts. Drixcru "f s!ei...| s. must cairjr Ht U-asl two lielU ntlnclieil to the h-irnes. These rule* of the ro:.l . honhl be o' nervi'.l Tho public anfe'y deinai.il lint ihl nh.-ii'.l be t-ie < The C. Ilinywood Knteii>ii*e h:m pot a very high opiin. n of the erudiii.in of Collnn;w4KV>ni:itor. It adviooit the print- ing committee to piirchisj a dic'ionary o that he will no loni^nr bo compelled to talk alx>n "caiiiKrderiM.-d' 1 radi and ,rnu! U.l ' a Jolin l.iilhn hiri-il a II.-IHM from * T. <-H water livery niaii and diove it to death. II *-iS linml $'2.J ai.d costs, the whole niiMiuntin^ to $44 _.'. MI-H. K-r^iiioti of Hi- Ijike thiew a 1. 1 -:.i.- i KII.S.IIK alts, aa sh.) th..u-lr. Into ih sto\ a. Iiniii*-di itely there wan* violent uXjiloKion, which bh-w the utoie to aii.niii and Hung the boiling wn.r in two liu'xe [lo'j over Mn KsrjuH'.i.'* n. In a.iditiou t h.-inif i rr'i.ly he wan hadly cut and bruited by the fr-.'Miei'tM of tins i-t-.v. an<l is iu a ui iticai condiii..n. She i-. Heeenty eight years of a;e. The apparently hurinh SM p-i. k -iij .: alie threw into the rtov w^i.i nmoktilesa gunpowder, whiuh in of a diriy griy color. The E.lin!. ur.'h Seoirman imte< the fact that, on the 4'h Sep-i niKer of the 'it year, ^h.ul^l nll^ le :^p.ireil that ll'-r (ii.-iciiiUN Maj.sty'n reign will . n 1 1! that i f ihe loni;.-i in the aiinaU "f I >!. (Jeoi-je 111 .iM-'-inlei! the throne on \l~n :, i ).-..il,er, 17HO. ami 1 until 'J'.lih Jai.ii-irv, l-^jn ''.< yeam ami !'(i ili\ .. O ie -n Victoria I* ' reian liOih Ji.ui'. IK',7. and 5t .iiiil '.^>il..\s will expire ..n L'4'li >,.. t m IH-T i. CM. Hers already IM tiie longest as 'i '. s, for s. <! }fa:5. < !-orje 111. w;w uinl NOTICE Tl:e anniml mretiui: of t! - |.t npt ,,f l.-I"n will hi. linl.i HI in,- I,,wi Hn 1 ;. K fihertun Sutn ,l . IMO-'I ->lli at 1 f i. ih.- |>-.. W, Hn-1 f*H till- ITU-I' till IllltllU- Ii- mini; vi. . wiil -.-I.MIII. lliflflni- :lll wllil l wil PIMNHO itiv.. th.-ir tn tlin ill cll route .-.intern re lot \\iniM liku tu nva a lull luevtini; uf patioiu. i em - - -i ..: i FARMERS^ ATTENTION IJIPK - > . I hT ba-l graiKl xlicteiu with my bull. Ixil.l i. .1 -t ' k K.-tt.-l I'n .-r- u. I .' I 9 p\tbl Jau. )t IW ifnoi i. ro lljut iia.> ii et. fU.a wi I 6 - cbtik . . I havo alfto for x!o n I bull. N-I:C!I I... k li'vt pn/.i. i Mil W. k llu fllll s s|. . lam l..ilu. r..i of tllf bout milking cuw* thatevor i-ninu into ibi viiunti > AJIIHL a louMsru.'i Vauiinlaur r U. ATTENTION To those Contemplating Building Iln.-ini; jimt rettirnpcj from Now York, where, tu | ut e.\,no leuce. 1 li> eaildoil a year H cur< uf ll^tl 111 tl.llll, ulllil-r t.'l.l |I...H.Uli Hllpt'l VMIOII of Mr. I'bi i"to|tlier M\vr. art-Intact m rhi.'f lu ut in- Miiurican, I am belter tha prepare<l ! t ini>lii[ix l.:iil.i- 111% ami having furmad a riui-nl niu |>ai tnur lii|i wall llr. M\i. niv ,.|to.,t> .an ..-cum liu aiua!t.e rvic<M Kit). out ultra cbarijp. I'lan*. itc . ) io uiul . i i iii-1'o i W M. Cl.AHK, rimburtou Notice to Creditors In t'li- 'iialtorof Hie tat of .I.-hn Wle KI.I: ata of Iba villa** l H'niui i - ' . i ' - i- i . . ...... L ' lilhUta! HIM - ivimj . nib liable fur i ' bv tbe'i . . wlio^ . - . . ,| no lieu at tun . uioo: FU ' - v -itor Iiat- 1 M !-"l !iur;.... t A. I). II A in-etiii..' ..f i he Lii eta's ..f K >s' <!n-y will lio li. M in ilu- Town H -ill, kjl t n. mi Thn.-diy, KeK. "'.'tit. Ivi- k, fur t(. j.ur|i..M) ..f in.ni natitig a CJ.hd.te tu c..nte--i the riilin;; t the { eluotiun. .All Liberals are in.-i e I r-i'. rj Boot 'and Shoe Dealer IN OKDEII TO CLEAR o( T Rubbers, OversHoes, Etc., WK ARB HELLINti TI1KM nl-K AT A VERY BIG RBDUCTIOm Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to i\s ^L Agent for the Dominion Money Order Eipres: JP^ ;^.w _ w , ^ . -. . . < . ..r.p.. ''. j . . . . ..-, , ^ * < : Big Bargains These Days At T. Hill's >' 4 ' -c ?2^ rttrJiZV Looking Ahead ;s . I >; K. > 3 RESOLUTIONS FOR 1896 1st. We intend to sell more Furniture during 189G than any one year of our business career. lind To place before our customers the largest and most com* nlitt' line of Furniture and House Furnishings to be found under niie roof in the county of Giey. 3rd. To redouble our effort* to satisfy our ctiHlomtra. giving, u we liavc ever tiitd to do, the very best value for every dollar ex pMi.ii d at our stoic. J. E Moore, - Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Picture Framing and Repairing in all Branches gggy .Tm^rr. : .TTITT^TTI^- FREE! FREE!! PnMJdrnt x relaty WANTED ft Bi.ft elr, !..i;> f- T auk, Mut b K ... i U iv limber. ! 'an j: !Vi. K T C'AIIB. Your Attention, Phase Il'tvinn ('it' the IM Mill-i i;i iiist c'^s.< in-! r, ! tu |ur_ I :ir -.1 l.l ill t i.olice. Also t'loni. l'...i-i, ('Iiop. Oa'ineul, etc , always on :lt lll.li). I'.iU- I'li.V'J. (.ilVe C.lil !'! 1 '! IMUVIIIL'.--!. ite u,ini{ No. 1 i ..<.] M.uii- toba wlioat almost > . you ;n -.\- .1, ;'- ii. i .in ^i.ttii).; ' -: 11,1-. NVo .ilfo ke," . and Ontario v Ueul Fli>nr on Ivmd to chan^o for CJonuc wbi>at if vu-uuiuers wish it, or will p|| it nt a rerjr low putxt. Voiiii* rrp->,?tfnllv. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tHe very Best I'l.ACK IN CANAUV TO (1F.T A Ihamugii Business Elucatioii, Take a Ruuud Trip v . u i uliui:< mill , L).partini>"t in Cuii.la,Vhii vi-it ' N.iril.|-.i Kn-i- niilbiM-.'iiiililv. If we fail '" i'ri..r.ici- Uie t tboronah. oomploM. praotloal ami ^tun- .iniuf<tii.lv t-be b. t aollat* |.i IIII-M-H an. I tbe best an. i iroa . -' uit- abUfurnltu-uanil n|| IMIICOH. we i.t J|T poa aim) oniirno l'lti. i- " \ililiialAnn mvut.giviugfuil pailiculaiK li. .-. a > I 1 . A. FLKMINV.. Principal. acil Let Fcr S.b. For al cheap anil < ' in ^l.-h^r ti.n. Sj.li i k .lw*lli:iK. wilb . lUr. HIIIII.. .-i-vunt- .! I ..111. A< l: Ituhwtoo. Jersey Bull for Service Tlni'-oiifchbro'l - ' I'.liu . .!. Jollar. Cash : for : Hidesf Slie.';*k ui t' I xiVi.ilsof ftim pur clntneil, fur which li:)iiMt market price will be | aid. H.vr .eiKniu aauaa-^es ,.n h*nri, alrc all kindi \A m-'i t . M. V/ I LSON, rLBSHERTOX MSKT BMPORIC I tv y. nr lyeHlullC l>v lirtv H;' tj.rns. |.ni| rl\ MMM by \\ A \K.M.VIK<.N;, . oi .HUN F lesh er ton SKATING RINK Oiicof lh vetrb.st rink noah of Ti ronl<. "I'' 1 " '-' :i> an.) Saliinla. Hum] in att. n> tdkT*. wiiuultc will Iw oh. i* ran - . > ~! ::i kt Iml. W.J. ! ,\s AhP. prn Farm and Mill Site for Sale - 11- a I on ,.-r% . n i(<rra. i- i.-li >" a- lll V\ui H- at .aw ill! |.r .. whicli i.i cxuciiimt v>t. - - . ..r raundatiun nf < , tn< j becl in i-'m,. andallnady for iM.iUni mil "n vi> ..-.if : . --iilMir. her, I ,i,: -...I l-rr - . I.. (I -nt .i ; . *n. balauc* LU .i< y terms. An t .; II. J RrHor-r.'. Klmbertun Onl Logs ^Wanted Snft f! ' 10, 19 ami 1 ft. long, 4 to (I .) Ma|>;a, IH ft. t III.. *4J9. ro hirrth. If ft. J in. Hikcaerr

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