,.^ '*'' -^ .4 f â- < TBI fLlSHIlTON iDTARCl BANKING OFFICE OF QBO. MITCHELL ~â€" ^ FLEMUEKION Agaiiaral banking bnainesH traiisacli!'! Drafts taanofl and cliaq\iub caahed at uhurI i-attii}. Koiioy always a»ailj.blo for letjiiiiato bUHlntaa •otorpritfa. Ot&ce twu doors uorth of Kiohard^ •OB A Ou'u. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Turioiis. B'tiinMK M()nc«5 amimtj lucaU tcill he r.hii ••' â- â- <( the ratr. »f 10c per line f(rr eitcll inaertiim. A reiturtum iciU bi- inaiU on contractt for 1 OU Unai or over. Ra* I J. H. ET^iiril's uh>td>!-. of adver t'sa iiient. ArteiiifS a (owiiHhip O'Uiiuil will muet on Mi-nday iieit. Viaitiim cinli. priMtdd, 40c pur b<>s of 30byiiiMi!. Ordwr aiuiie. Printer ««ii!«sd â€" twn-ihirder. Stale • wiges nnd ability. Thia oflS •â- • Tiie Ciiliiigwood Vlr-atCo. Mil cm an •ver«gd i>f 2301' boas weekly tlie year rouii I Writa t<> iliii odioe foi price li<t i>f ola p -S'ttuo s'aiiiiJH if yim liave any in your (tOlft^DHi 'II. R--iiit!ia!ier the ifrand Oraiiue cmcert al Prooii S'ittioh tii'iniirrow (Friday) uinbt. Everyl)<)dy will ijn. Notice â€" All HCuouDts diie me iuuhi positivtily be si-ttle I by March 15 tu save COS'S, D. Blair, Priitou Statiou. For Dale â€" VillaKU 1'>ta 11 and 12. Stmiii'K suivfy, brick chid dwellin!,' there- on, cbt-ap and on easy terms. Apjily tu \\: J BelU.uy, Klesherton, or W. J. OMwell, Flobliertoii P O. A bill Liheial meeting will be liuld in Durham Stiurday, 29th inst., wh;n ad- driwtiiss will bedeliTcred V>y Dr. Laader- .kiii. M.P..W Mullock. M. P , Wm. llib^on, M. P., and D. C. Fraser, M P., • if Nova Sc'iiia. A '"dr-ad yani«! spurt" fnm Chatsworth was in town on Saturday buntini.' for luotiey. He claims tu be a skater and wanted to uet a race on. We have not learned his name. The Iwys were waiy, however, and refihed t<> bite. A grand C O- F. concert will be hold at Vandeleur on Wednesday, March 4, when .Mr. Ernest Gartunu ot Drantfoid will be preneiit an I deliver an adilrusa. Tea SiTved at G o'clock Admissiou only 20c., 30.\ a couple. Sec biiU. That the bli^id should p.Tform its vital fiinctiiiiiM, it is alwnjut'-ly necfssiry it should not I tily be pure but rich in life girinu elements. Tht^e veRUlts are best effected by the use of th.it weli'kii<)wii â- tandaid blood-purititr, Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. A very enjoyable evening wa.s spent at the resiiloucu <if Mr. Jce. Duncan, the event lieina a social eiven by the ladies 'if the Methodist church. The at- tendance wa'i lar^e iiotwi hs'anding bad mads. The music, names, etc., which were tTovided .vcre impreciated and en- ti-ri-d into heaitily. rmcbOii.-* ubnut >12.5<>. The entire wediienf a fatal com;ilniit is I'fteii a aliulit ciiUl, which a d'ise oi two 'â- f Ayor's Cherry PecNiral iv. glit have cured at the roinnicncenient. Therefore, it is adviHal'le to have this prompt mid .â- iure remedy always at liaiid to i.ieot an emergency. Money at b% inttrest, p:ty4i»lu yearly. tjeoruo Rutlietfiird, Sael.buin>', is lomiiiL' money in Iw h largo and small sum.", in- terest at 5'X, pT aiinum (n''^. half yearly and lint ill advance). E.'cpeiiscw very low. Write for piuli.u'ais or call at his office oik Moiidnys, Wei'iieulays or Saturdays. Otiice â€" Main it , Shelburne, Out. The Advance was.sliowii a rather (uter- es' ing leKc on Sjiturday evoinng. owned l.iy Mr. T. It. Mackenzi'-, who lives near the vilLige. It is a small lea caddy, and y»as>t one time owned by Lord Byron's nio'hor. It was purchaHcd by Mr. Mackenzie's mother al ail auction sale of hous'ho'd elTec'a bolotif(in; to Mis. Hymn while liviin; in Aberdeen.nhire be- fors removinn to Ncwstead Abboi with her illustrious sen. Under present (»nditinns Any ordinary snowRtorm is sufficient to stop trains. On Saturday the noon mail did not get throuuh until 6 p. m. Some of the coun- try mails were also "CBiicelled." Mr. Andrew Graham of No. 6 Co., 3l8t battalion, h ii; great luck. Three years sg'i, while at Niagara, lie was struck in the eye with a piece "f spaiterinsj Uad, ind the eyesight was someHhat impaired. After a t!ood deal of ne'ioiiar.ing he has secured a life pension of 30 cents per day and back pay of over fSOO. Mr. Graham is a young man and it will be a pretty nice thing for him for the years to '^onie. The annual mei-iii.g of the 31st bat talioii wa.x held in Owen Sound last week. The battalion will go into camp this year, and a movement is on foot to have 'hn camp at Owen S..und instead of Niaga'-a There are ei'jht cumpanies in the batfali'in and it h "oe of the largest in the Dominion. The rifle matches, which were so successful last year, will be repeated on the same p'aii of competi- tion. PBRflONALS. Massey'a masazine for li'eb. contains some excellent things, amon'i which may be noticed : The Armenian atrocilies.by Principal Caven; Venezuela and the Venezuelans, by B Laurence, late consul in- M'ntreal;a poini by .J W. Ben- gough, and a aplendiilly illustrated article on the British Navy by H. J. Wickham. Charles G. Rosjers contributes a story, "The Unpopular Man." This maenzino is the best ihiii'.' yet i'n>duRod in Canada for the money. The Massey press, Toronto, $1 per annum. The Reform convention, which was ad- vertised for Thursday last, has been post poned until a future date. Owing to the impasKsble state ol the roads only a fen dvlegatea were in attendance. Jas. Cle land, M. P , was present for a few ininuteH, but as there was not a "quorum" present he returned almost imtuediately to his duties at Ottawa. A little desultory conversaiion took place nmonp: the few present, but no action in any matter was taken. Sudden Death A fatil accident oecurred to a youns mill named .lohn Miriin, who lived about three mi!e.» from this villaire, on Tuesday. Ill company » th a boy, .Mr. Martin was cutting poles ill 'Swamp, when a tree lodi.'ed against an'uhi'r lying partially down. Mr Martin walked up one of the pircia'ly rei;Uniiii< trees to chop the other loose. This ho '.li i, but the recoil of the tree ha was on thiew him some distance, and it is supp'Sed he lit on his head. Ho was able to get up, ride home on the s e gli iii'l â- â- Uk iii'o the house, where ho lost consciousness,. Dr. Carter was suniinoned but could do n'<t1> ns nnd the young man, who w;kH a^ieil 30, died a few minutoK afler bis d-p'Ttiire. Deceased wivsa I exemplary aiul m r^ t'l n irdiimrily iotclli'.:oiit youn'.{ mm. He wa!> a aioiu- ber of the I. O. O. F. of ihiH place. He had iii.my f-ieiid» who will sadly deplore his terribly sudden call. Electric Railway flatters A little thaw on Sunday settled the !»now wmicwhat but not suflicient tomako trA\cllinp, pleiiaant. It is many years since such aa amount of snow has visited Ui. Railway traffic has been very much int»rfere<l will' Jufing •li« P*"* ***'^ The provisiomvJ direcl'^rs of the Huron and Ontario electric uiilway appv-artd be- fore the railway coinniiltoe of the House of Commons on Tuesday of last week to advocate the cause of securing a charter for tlui Sinne. A teli"^ra|ihic despatch from Ot'awa says: "It appears that in the proin'ition of the rmid Mr. Pu^h en tered into sgieeiiienls with a number of 'Owns lh.it they shou d pay him IfoOO to aid linn in getting llic charter on the con- dition tliat th-y should be put en t!it line. Half of tbi.-( amount was to be paid upon the iiit,r«'ductiou of the bill and the balance when it should bu passed. Wiih some viIli«o.< If250 wasllie amouiit avreed to under the s.inie conditions The ca-di pricoed* of tlie.^e agreements have al- ready been 82,000, it is said. But the committee was not favoiably imjircsa-d with Mr. Pugh's methods, and took the "iir'>und that the moneys which have been p.iid by till) municipaliiies to Mr. Pugb as well as future amounts yet to be paid should bo handed over.to the provisional diiectors of the ooiiip.iny.ypon whom will duvslve the duty of paying the costs of obtaining ihe cliarlcr. But there were legal objections to putting a clause such as this into the bill. It wa.s, threfoio, letermine^l that the bill should be allowed to stand unreported until Mr. Pugh trans- fers the agreements with the municipali- ties over to the directors." The shore suggestion of the committeo h '.s siiice been a^'reed to and the bill recommended to pvliameut. Rev. J. F Ilirtehinaon, pastor of Cong'l church at this place, is ine of the busiest miiiisteis in the Thumb of Michigan. Every Sabl^ath he preaches to three differentcongregations atid teach- es two Bible classes. During i:he week he has meetings every evening to look after besidrs attending to all other pastoral duties in his charge â€" The County Republican. Rev. T Legate of Maxwell was a caller on Friday. Messrs. P. McCull )ugh, H. Steven and W J. Pickell of Markdale were in town • a Thursday last lookini; for the Reform Ci>iiveiitioii. The presideut. Mr. C. Graham of Dundalk, was also in town. Miss Myrtle Thurston, wh'i has been che auest of her brother, ye Advance man, most of Ihe winter, returned to liir homo at Kimberley last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh E. McLean of Biieiia Vi!.ta, Colorado, are the guestji of th- Idtter'.s mother, Mrs. Seatty, of this place. Mr. McLean is en^aiied in min- ing out west. Be says thnt I usiiiess in Colorado is a>>ain on the mend, and that some of the richest gold mines ever dis- covered have been found there during the past couple of years. Mr. McLean wi 1 return west in a couple of weeks, while Mrs. M. will visit with friends here until sprin'j. Mr. and Mis* Crossley, W. Hempjiill and Miss Hemphill attended a skatiui! carnival in Durham on Thur.'-day evening last. Miss Crossley captured a piize. Mr. Herb. Legard, Markdale's popular barber, was in town on Monday Herb, is doing well and will do better now that he has lust one half of his opposition. Mi-s. Trimble left on Tuesday for the millinery opening in Toronto to secure her spring stock. H. A. Mascdy, the millionaire imple- ment manufacturer of Toronto, died last week alter a short illness. Rev. D. J. Ikfcaduuell, the well known pa.stiir of St. Andrews' church, Toronto, died in Fergus last week. Miss .Mary Strain left last week for Dakota, via Chicago. Miss F. Beecroft and Miss Gjerdrum are attending I ho millinery openin;j; in Toroi.to. Division Court Division Court was held before Judge Morrison at Dundalkon Fiiday last. Th. re was iguiie a large list of cases, and among the more important were the following : Owen V. Cookâ€" This was a Baniardu boy case. Mr. Charles Cook of Osprey took a boy from the Toronto hon)«.\ agree- ini! t' pay 8100 for his services for one year. He paid the boy twenty dollais and deposited the balance with a lawyer. Ml. Owen, representing the home, sued for $100, claiming that the money should have becu paid to tliem. Tho result liin>!ed n till) reading of the n(:r..'emeiit, and in fact <m su minute a thing as a 'â- ..iiiuia, tho iiieanlng not being clear on accouut of punctuation. Juilgmcnt was reserved. Liverinore v. Russell â€" Was a claim on contiacl. Defuudont cl.iimed that work had not been dnie according to »g'4rce nieiit. NoM suit. M..dill v. Henry â€" Mr. Madill of Max- wo 1 sued .Mr. Henry for expenses in coi - coiineciion with a horse, but did not make his claim good an I wai< iioii suited Bellas V. Cairns was a rather ii.trreHtinij case and the ve.-dict was just as funny. Mr. Beit/, suid Mr. Cairns of the Station lor $84.22 Mr. Cairns had a counter claim. These gentlemen exch.in^^ed hotels last f.iil, Mr. Beitz l;oiil^ to Ibirhani and Mr Cdiriu coming here. The case re- sulted from a c!isa'.;reenie{'t as to the actual terms of the trade. The ju<lge, after avowing what he thought was pro- per on both a<;eouiits foun.l there was jubt one cent ditfdreiico between them, and therefore entered a noii suit, b<)lh pavtUK to pay their own costs. Allen V. Cowan.â€" Mr. Allen claimed oxti-iis for drawing milk, nnd was allo'.ved 310 and costs. Sjlvustcr V. Kinnear w.is a soineAhat compiicitud case. Mr. Kiiinoar rented his farm to a Mr. McDonal'l. McDonald purchased a binder from Sylvester but paid nothing on itj noither did he pay his rent. Kinnear seized his chattels and among other things tho binder, which was bought in by Sylvester for Â¥31 26. Sylvester now sues for the 931.26, hold- ing that Kinnear had no right to Sell the piopurty. .Jud:,raeiit reserved. ISarried. ROTijiDoiâ€" McOBOTareaâ€" At Honnt Clair, N. J., oil tho l3-h inst., by huv. Ur. Birr, Biiward Butedge tu Anois UcUrutlicr, boUi ot ArtawMia eh^fT^wjt. Boot and Shoe Dealer IN ORDER TO CLEAR OCT â- * Rubbers, Ovex*sli.oes, Etc, WE ARE SELLING THEM OFF AT A VERY BIG RKDUCTION Custom Work and Rep&iring Promptly Attended to ?m. Agent for the Dominion Money Order Exnress J^ pSt . # rm-'^i Big Bargains These Days At T. Hill's \ 'I § Looking^ Ahead '< ^â- -^-*-- -^ ^ -^ -*^ -«». -A. -A. ^A. -*..'^0'%?^kr t-fc^ -^ -fc. -A> '^ -^ - â- A m 3 RESOLUTIONS FOR 1896 Ist. Weinteud to sell more Furniture during 189G -thau any one ..^, yji year of our business career. Vi ,tj 2nd To place before our customers the largest and most com- p|. ^ pleto line o' ."''U'Dilure and House Fiirnishiugs to be found undi.-r ij ^7f one root in t.-e county of Giey. \'' â-º3 3id. To redojible our efforts to satisfy our custoinors. giviug, ai» ^\ 3id i^ia we have u • p«;iided at our store. giviuu ever tiled to do, the very best value for every dollar ex «J. •> E iBdoor©, - Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Ki [^Mj^^ Picture Framing and Repairing in all Branches ..^^^o! r^ '^SKKB ^ \ :^g MBS^CVl OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tilae -v&vy Best PLACE EJ CANADA TO GET A Tlioroii^li BqsIiibss Ehcalioii. | rake a Round Trip S^her ^j^tu^'i CoilHRUS ftlul Commercial Doimrtnicnta in Caiiaiia.tlien viBit till! Northern Husiiiass CoUoro ; uJtauiine ovuty- tliinq thoieuslily. If wo tail to inovluct. the iiiOBt thorouKli,ooinploto, practioal auil uxtuii- alvo oourso of studv ; the bust oolluse iiieniuoe »ud tho bust and iiioB ooniiileto and niosi siilt- nblefuriiituruaiid nuliaiioos. WB will eivo you t full oouise I'Mtli... Kor Annual .Vmioouoe- meut, giving full partioulaia ,freo, aildroi- s C. A. FLEMING. Principal. FF8LEE ! :FREE ! ! House anil lol For Sale. For sale cheap anJ on eaav torms iu Flet-hur- ton. Sploniii.l liiigo. soli.l bri.k dwBllinK, with jood st.ino collar, suniiiiftr kitciioii and vro.id- liouse, ftlfo good (ranio Rtalilo, biick lined. 1> i.>ni.<uB ooiitRiii8twola-.HOlotnandi;ood youuR ..rohard. b«ariii« House and ou'buildiiiRB iira iixcaptionally w«ll ftnishod and very coiivoni- tutly laid out. Apply to R.J. 8pboui.ii, Flejiherton. Jersey Bull for Service Thoronghbrod .forsey bull for sorvipo at Johii H. Hoard's. Flosheiton. Tifrnis oi.6 dollar. Cash : for : Hides! Shecpskiiwand all kinds of fwtii pur clias«d, fur wliicii bigheiit market price will be paid. Hoinomade uusages un h.-tnd, k1«o all kinds of mvttii. FLJESUERTON MBKT KJIPOHIUM TKSTINQ P.fscive y.iur eyesitilu hy Imviiig them ()ro|i. riy tested by W. .A.. ARMSTRONG , - OPTICIAN F" lesliert 01:71 SKATING RINK One of tho very best r!uk» noitli of Toronto- Open Monday, WodnoBiiaj and batimlav cvou- iiig-i. l»B!id in attoudonce \Vudiiu8(iB>.f, wlionSc will be cliarKod for npuctutorR. Loanmrs o»n havo ufo uf lit.k Tliursuuy nftcrncoii.fi 010 3U11 Ofreo, providinijthayarj ticket lioldorg. \V..;. HOWAHD.pro. Farm an 1 Mill Site lor Sale For salo very choap a ;<l on voiv easy tormi. Tiinbor farm, l&O aoron, two niiles'liuui I'lctU eiton, known an tho Win. Higgsawnill pro- iiorty, and 01. wliioh iaan oxcolliui wutir (lowor If undation of saw mill, diuii and poud and water wliL'nl iu place and ail roady foi pi.ttina mill "h. About I.'iauruscloai'od,;iUacrt<»tiuib«r, most off, balanoo wall Uuiburud, uiixod timber This farm will bo oold ut a baiijain it s.<ld t* ouce. Kinall payuMut down, balaiiro un very e>.Hy torms. .^pply to R.J. Rl>«OOL,K, Fluaiitfiiun.Qni Logs Wanted 'â- >»(« elm 10, 18 anil 14 ft. long, «4 to t4.M. &.ai>le, 'art. Slue., tl.SO,re.A t.ircii. liift. Hiu«- •.'• b^;.c>sifT 4 Tai.a«x-