Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1896, p. 8

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Rn "•«g 'HB FLBSHERTON ADYINCK D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND Pv For Mansoyn«rri>),and Noxon, Flciiry and Wilkinson farm iniplenients. Fliun-y and V'l-ity plows nn hand all the time, ali>o all kinds of repiiirs fir ill • Biinif. We niannfiietiire Wagons Biif,'«ic3, Cnltera, yiuiglis, etc. Hi'?-'it'8h(Kji:ig promptly atti-nded to. Special attention to teudm-, con- tirtc(»'d feet, iioatiiuy; and I'low Cliains conHtantiy ou hand. About Cutters and 5leighs GENTLEMEN-Ab tlie seiison of Bleitthinx in (vgaiii apriuBcliiug 1 would chII your onrneiit atientioii' tu my wintrr Btock iix which I am |>r«- piired to 121 vu ym entile KHtlKfactioii both in quality and price. In cuttuin I liitvK II lariie stock t'> Helect frniii, iiiadi> i>f bust uf iiiateiial and lHtt!»t (leR'f^iis ni finish. 1 nm secnd tu none. In aleigbs I can ac (mmnidiite vou, eitliiM- Ik'lit I'r heavy Pn.nipi attei'linn siivt-n tn repairing, paint- ing and retiiiiiining. Call, whether you want to purchase or nut, and l>e vur iiwn judijH. R.T.lfif Kitten FlesHerton 1V^'*k^k^fc^'%^%^%'%^-V*.«^%^'V%^V%%^%^^*^V'% r I .John H. Heard FOR THE liuut-'icH. \Vaui!Oii8, CarlK, Sprint; Ti'Oth HarroTB, Binders, Mowers, Plows and Hi'r«e H'-i-R, ala-' Ucpaira fur Uinderx, Mnwersaiid Plows. H(lr^eslllltl^u nr.d all kinds of UlHcksniitlmii; )>y tirnt class Work- iiKii. Wood, Ltnnbfi, Cedar Posts and Sliiii^l,>8 for sale. ^ «J. lEJ. JrlGsniyd. - Flesl:xes*ton ^ I i u^ urruyuiinfinnruxniM] Be Happy 1| hiJTlinIiLn!run!hinjTJTiin>Lruti grLnnnr^uyirvtVTnruKuit/WUiuMJ I With Others I dfirisiniiiiihinJOirjiiwriiiiiiinni "b Everythinv hi-«b in ili.- "av of leinoiiB. oniiiten, nutH all Uindi, cnffclionerv of the choicMKl variHiy, tit!H, il,.tâ€" , prunes. araii>ie.rle!«, Micuiis of all kiiidn, CHiimd fruMsand vc.ji'tahliio, tuiih. siijars and nil , other tiroufiius ; slock all fresh (or ihu I holMUy trade , Oysters *'''-"'iV„?" "'" > Hufl llour and feed coiiKtantly on hand. APPLRS In Small Quantities or by the Barrel Bugeaia Mills AND Carriage Works. Oarnai^eB niarto a:id Itepaired, alto Platiiai,' ;i.rj(l :vlritchiDg, Band 8a w- mg, »Voo(i Turiunf? of ovory des- oription Planins and Griiiu Chop plDg done wUilo you walt.forthfl Beaver torus the wneol. /T. W. W{rH!»\ Maimgrr CAVEATS, YRAOS MARKS, OBSIQN PATXNTS, OOPVRIOHT8, AtoJ Fi>r Information and free lliiii<jh<>.>ic w-rlto to MU.'IN ft CO., Ml Imr.AIUVAV. Nhw YoRlf. Olrlent b<m>AU for securJiu pnl/'nts la Amerlss. Er«*r7 PAli'iit talccnout hy uk Is bruuKlit bcfors llie public by a uotfoe glvur. frt-o ot obsrse in Iha lATiK-tt clmilatton nr any nclrntinn rspcr In Ihs Wiirnt. SiilerKllilJr llluiilratad. No liitelllRPDt man nhuubi be without It. Wtnkly, R.I.OOa Mar: «l.!iii«lx ni<mth». Arldnvis, *in>t>r 4 CO., VvBUiiiwos, aoi bruadway. Mew Vork City. Our Clubbing List FiH- llio convoiiiencc of our renders who *isli t«>H<?cijr« more than ooo p:ipur we hkvii made the following olubbiiig arrango- iiieiits : AdvHitc.-and Toronto morning World, daily |2.66 ^dvatiu« and Montreal fil&r 1.80 Adraiico and Fanning, the new farniurs' mtiiazine 1,80 Advaiicii and Youth*' Oompanion (lie*) • 2.35 Advaiics and Daily Netvs » 1 80 Adran.eand Weekly Mail 1.60 Aiivaucukiid Fami and Fireside 1.60 .Advance and Vfrntklj Qlobu 1.40 Oood Farm for sale or Rent liOtk?. oon.A. Artemoala, nnntaintng 24A acrsfl tuoro or la b,40 aures ultisrud. about 94 mileff #roiri KlfiKliHrtoii, There ara a uoud log barn ^iiil kUibis on tlia proiiilius. (loud ruanmg #rat«r. lr'or(utb«riiartiriilar> apolT to W. Jl, Awn'toKn riMHiwrtM- AVER'S air .r«OR Rost.orsa natnrol color to tho huir, aud alao pre renta ic lallinrr oat. Urs. 11. V/. I'onwlok, ot iJiChy, N. 8., anys : "A littlo nioro thuu two yi^ars apo .. -] my hair ,, >â- :â-  lifga n to turn gray anil fall out. Af- ter the use of ono bottio of Aypr's Hair ViRor my hair was re.storod to its original color and ceased falling out. An occKKional niMilication lia.s since kept tho hair in gootl condition." â€" Mrs, H. F. Fenwick, Uighy, 1*. S. DOT'S CORNER. Mocl< Parliament THE TABLES TITBNEK irPO.V THE MEN- ALUANI OONCEKT. -THE Growth of Hair. " Eight years ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my liair, which previ. ously was (luite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to foar I should bo permunently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought homo a Ixiltle ot Ayer's Hair Vigor, and 1 began at once to US') it. la a short lime, new hair b -gan to appear, and there is now e.'ery prospect of as thick a growth of hair as boforo my illness." â€" Mrs. A. Wkueii, I'olymiiia tt., New Orltjana, La. Ayer's H.<iiR Vigor rilBrAKED BY Dl J. C. AVER & CO., LOmrELL, MASS., .S. A. Auer'a Pilla «ur<i Sick UoaOacho^ WE ADB Still in I hH land of the living!, sclliii' Kude Flour, gude Tea and Suuar and other Qrocerivs. We have aoiiie rale gude S\A7ecties for >uld and young, and if you want a rale gude Trunk tae' keep yr.ur claes in, or a gude Satcliel braw and newfraetho manufacturer, just i{aug tae' Willie Hundersoii in Sproule'a block, aud he will supply you at lowest pricet, WM. HENDERSON FlESIEBTOl STEll LIDiliaY. I venture to say the Pavilion never echoetl to more frequent laiightm- and ap]dnuHe than it did on tho uvt-iiing of Tue.s(luy tho 18th, when tho Woman Sufrragi.sts combined with the W.CT.U, of this city to piusfiit an ()l>juct hj-i.vjn in how men might feel were women the logislatoiH mill men the auppliants for tho rights of citizenship. When tho deput.ttion from tho ".Vfcii's Enfr.-inchi.seiiKiit Association aud Mnts ChriKtian Tuiiipeiiiiif" Union" filed in, and in humble, tiic ful terms pre.sentod tueir case before tie prjiiiier (Dr. StoWe) and her c.iliiiiet miuisters, and received her very .sp;iciou.i but nou-eoininittnl re- ply, promi.sing to "take it into my most serious couaiiloration,'" <i /i Oliver Mowat, the audience was convulsed. Indeed Mm. Stow»'« speech was almost verlwtim one of .Sir Oliver'n with tlie addition of a certain ironical inllectiim which required to be heard to be ii|)precinte<l. In spite of the satirn itiid iiiinisii'g element there wa.s ail air of unreality iilmut the whole proeeetling. There is only one occ-wsion in man's relation to woman in vtliioh he ever is or ever will be the Immble Hiippli- nnt, i.iid only one occasion wherein it i.s becoming in him no to he. VVhy 1 did such It state of things exist as pictured by the Woman's Parliuuieut. do you siitiiiiwo that tine aiiiiaal, man, would coii.seut to sujiplieate, to wait, to reason with wo- man I No. lie would go out and smash something. He would show her that physical force counts for something in all ages ; and if he didn't he would be soine- tliiug less than a man. After the deputation had received their "sop" and been dlsiaiHsed from the au- gust presence id the preinier,the orchestra played a selection, and tho members of the Mock I'arliaiiiisnt t^Kik tlie'/ fiats in readiness lor llio uvening (session. The ladles tiad boon thoroughly coacheil in iwtrliamentary procedure, and nut a tiitcli occurred liom the ciirrving in of the mace by the sergt-at-aniis to the actions of tho cute little girl [lagcs who tlitted about frinii luuinberto member, or waited tlie behests of "Madam Speaker," as noiselessly as butteiilies. Most of the women were beautifully gowned, groomud and bejewelled, and nearly all spoke in clear, viliniting tones ; this was especially true of Aiadani .Speaker, whose voice was iiiusicHl, ami niiig like a clarion in crisp, well articulated gcnt>jncos to the remotest recesses of the gallerien. This reminds me that tho only [lart of the sjitire not realistically canied out was the fact th 't male spoctators were not oblige<l to sit alone in the galloriea and to peep thiMugh a lattice work at tho "LiiJies of ereiUion" as they enacted their laws for tlieui. Tho introduction of BIIIh was very amusing, lieing satires upon the existing state ot altiiirs. For instance, "an act for the protection of tlead votei-s" caused sonio merriment, when it tviis propose<l that the government jirovide a clairvoyant, to be kupt in ctmi- muuication with defunct voters to lusoer- ta.n which way they wish to vote, and in the proposal '-to ameml tho manied woman's act," â€" "the object ot this bill," said she, "is to recognize the earnings of the husband and to niak- i.ii eijual divis- iim of property, wioreby the haslmnd may iK)ase s tho {wwer to make his own will.' Tho is)iiit is obvious. In a series of tive bills aiul six questiorLs buariiig mostly upon tho tlisabilitiefl of woman, there was not a 'jttle delicate stttire and pithy point. l!ut the real bu8iiies.s of the evening coiiiimii.-jd with thedelxtte upon the "act to extend tuu franchise to men, etc." The dozrii or so of olo(|uent spwik- ers for and aaam.^l tho meaaure give back to men evury old pl.-ititudt, every st.-ile assurance and every veiled thrust at tho iiieoiiipotence ol woman that vho has re- ceived from iiKiii in her agitiitiim for en- frauclii.somi.nt. in short, tlio.se of iia who went to sneer remained to praise. i>.adani Abiini's latest appeamnco be- fore a Tiuonto iiudieiice was not an un- (piaiitied success. True, the Massoy Hall was imcked, for Toronto always turns out in surging crowds to meet its favorite concert singer ; true, she had good sup- port in Madame V^nnder VeertJreen, tho linglish contralt ), in .''cholling, Prumo and Itoehiii, jjianist, violinist and Hiitist respectivuly (for Sahnond tho haHso I can- not say much), but Madam Albaiii, her- self, wall not up to tho notch. In Canfa JUrm, her hist selection, there was a tendency to Hal ton, particularly notice- able upon high C, whore her voice not only flattened )>ut made a diwigreeable break. 15ut this was hy no moans tho worst. In "Uosebnds" the final long (' was tAkon tho flattest I ever heard upon a public stage. This she partially ro- dooniod, however, by arriving at the true pitch before relinipiishing tho note. Madam Van dor Veor Green scored tho success of the evening. 8uch a charming stage presence coiubinod with natural grace is raiely seen, and sets one to dreaming of what women might become by adequate physical culture supplement- ed by a corresponding heailr'aud brain power. I have epsnsd up In Plesharton, sua am |ire\<ar«d to tak' oomplets steam 1 iindry -0 any fuaiitlty of laundry work at lower pri< ^s than are obamed alsawb.rs. t have put lii tl s latest and most tuproT.d inaohlnsry to thw^ end. KiBdty Rive ate a call. Butir* satlsf .oUaa IBMMIMM.kBli yii.*> low. Mm*. Qm. UueaaaousA not soon forget tho fiery speeches and the uuanimity of tho audience in their dis- taste fur tho iiieSKi..re. The meet; ii(( was not closed tili after twelve and n huge petition, signed by l.'iditis ami gentlemen, to be sent to Ottawa wa.s one of the least of the results of that meeting. Tho son of a doad and gono senator said to nio lately : "It n my opinion there will at hast tlneo or four govern ineiits go down before this measure is settled." Thin, however, was before tho Globe defined tho policy of the Liliend jKirty , 118 it did the other day, more c!i«irly than hitherto, and it is just possible we may set) thiit |«irty emerge from the shades of oppiiiiition tu bask in the suii- sliine of power yet. Now is their chance. Dot. t^winton I'ark. J'rotii our ouni l'orre*p(>ndent. Wo liiive buiMi hIiu >st Bno*ed und.-r hovrevtr »e succeeded in Kiidmi^ our way oui once mor-j What iiiiL'h' havf heeu a sad accident occiirr.d the other day. While Mr T McCiiuly'i! l.ttif dauijhter, M.i^ii-ie, was running acr.isi a sca'Told in th.) btrii sht) fell, injuring one nf her Itinlis badly, but we holieve llioro are no lione-i broken and We bio glad to learn she is i.lowly recovering. Mrs. James Fettia of Michigan is the guest of hor aisler, Mri R. Uoad, Miss Nettie .McMillan spt^nt Satuiday andSundiiy at li.<r parental home. A slei;h load of jolly p«iple from Glenelg paid^ a visit to frienas in this vicinity lately. Mis. .Ii'hii lUc a»d family have come tu reside in tbe Park We extend them a hearty welcoiiiu, Mr. John Forbes is wearing a three coriie>'ed nniile since his wife presented him with a son Wkudi.nu rklu. â€" OnTuesday.Fpb. 18, Mies Liii.a Iliddell and Mr. R. A. Walsoji, both of Prot.in, were united in the Isuida of inHtiinioiiy by the Rev F. A. Hanisoii <if Duiidalk. ' We wish the ynun>; couple a pleasant j.iurncy th:ough life. Passxii awayâ€" On Thursday evening. Samuel, llie fuur-year-old son of Mr. W.J. McLean . liisroinnins were lak en to llw Latter Day Saint burying ground on Saturday afternoon. The be- reaved family liiivu thcdoep ayinpatby of the coinuiuniiy. Mr. Edmund Sheppaixl, who, with voiceand pen hasunroimttingly ooinbatted the Remedial Legislaticm bill, was the means of a very large and onthtistastic Iiueetinu being nold in Massey Hall Satur- day nii^nt. Those who were there will From i)ii» oiB« ConespinideHt. Mr. Editor, I iiiuruly send in the-ie few items !«> lilt yi'ii and your iiumer.ius Ad vancu readera r « that Eugenia has not been buried under Ibe snow, for there is not uiucb naws of intere-t at preaeit. Railroad matters arc the most import- ant tubjucts discussed at pruseiil. \Vi. liiivu liavl (piit«> a few visitors at b^uitmiia tho p.ist w«uk. Mr< VV.dkeiit of Tottenham and Mr, Jos. Fotiwick of Toronto have bseii visit- ing at I>lr. Ueury Feiiwick's. MiKB Kiln Siawart of Flesherton and Miss l!o la Stewart of Flonheiton Station werurtsitiii^ at Mr. Juke Williams'. Mr. Archie Ctirns of Flesheiion paid a short \ isit to frinnds hare. Mi«a Wells of Flesbortuii was the ({uesit of Mrs J. R. HoKK. Meijrt. WilU.-im aud lli'orgt" Ru'hvan of Allistoti wore visiting at Mr tlogg'^ for a tuw diiys. Times Are rather dull at proaont. but 1 suppiwe tlmy are no worse bore than in other places. Tliusawi.tilli arela)ii>g in a good jr;>iily of li>i;a. Speoial revival services are being hold in the Mothudist church, conducted by the Ruv. Air. Ui>If<iur. Ouiisideriiig the state of the mads and tho weather the altenilanoe in iio.'d and great interest is takuii ill the uieetiiii>a. TJie Markets. Oarcruliy Corrected Each Week Hailill' (jtei.rge ISrnwii, Meaford, was in town Tuesday, coinultiitg with Coroner Canieroii »iid Crown Attorney MacKay regarding tliu death of Kdward Ciithben- son, who flicd at the house of J as. Hunter ill tho low!iahi|) uf St. Vincent, on the 31st day of January last. Coroner Oaiii- eroii hud held an iiii|ue8t as to the death, and Cniwii Attorney MacKay, after fully going into the faott, came to tho conclu- sion that it was a mere case of auspicion, and that the death was a ivsult of natural causeiB. Cuthbertsiiii was found by his wife ill tho barn with a tope around his meek ; hence tho auapicioii. In hur evi- dence at the inquest Mrs. Cdthhertsun swore that her husband had been low- spirited for the lost three years. â€" O. S. Advertiser. Prof, Robertson gave important in. formation before the House Committee of Aericultute regardinjj the export of food products to Britain. lis says beef ii more protitable tu expurt than live oattlv. Flour Oa's P.-KS Ii utter K-".'«, frt-ah Po'at'ies liai; p. rk Hay per t'ln Hides Sb â-  ]>skiiin I'urkfyn. . . . (Jii'i kens I'tT pair.. Ducks ptsr pair Wool $4 00 to 22 to 50 to 13 to 13 to 20 to 4 UO to lo Oi) lo 4 00 to 25 to 5 to 7 M JO to 40 to 20 to $4 60 £3 50 13 14 30 500 16 00 500 60 2'> 60 U Time Table. OOII*U SOUTH. .Mnikdale â€" 6 40 a in Fl.sluTtoi,â€" 1)..')3 M m GOtNO SOBTB. Fleslierton â€" 11 4ti a. iii Ma kdslo 12 04 p. ui. 4.40 p. 4 5.'} p. m Bl 9.17 p. ».30p. m Thotnas A* JioAiM. A Common Affliction PennaflentlY Cured by Tikhig 5arfa- parsMa AYER'S A CAB-DRITES'S STOIIY. ••I v.ivs afdlcteU for eljlit years with 9alS Blicuin. During thiit time, I trieU :• greal many niedloiiie.s wtiich were liiulilv ree- oniineiiiJoil, but none gave nie i«lie(. i was at I:ist adviseil to try Avers S^inu- parlllt. by a frleiul who told me thai I must iiiirclia.10 .'<ix bottles, and use iliedi according; to directions. I yielded tuhli persuiislon, bought the six huttles, anit look the contents o( three of these bc;- iles wltho.it noticing any Uliect bencC. iefore I had finished the fuurtli botllc. my bauds were as Free from Eruptions as ever thoy were. My business, whleh is that of a call-driver, requires tne to be out lu cold and wet weather, oarit without -gloves, and tlie ImublH hhi never returned."â€" THOMAS A. JcJiliii, Stratford, Ont. Ayer'siS^Sarsaparilia Admitted at the Wo rld'a FV-. Aver'm PUla Cl*anae the iiou>ols. Fiesherton Saw & Planing: Mills The niiib-rsigned are placing in po- sition a tiis; Class sawroill for custotu sawing, wiiieii will bp ready fur opera- tion ill .Ihiiiiii>v \Vi Iibvc 8 so ttddtJ A CHOPPINQ MILL For tie lorvi lilt iic(^ of faroicis. Chopping ib)iit> at any time at u cci>l< per 100 lbs. The HHsli and door factory, band and ^eifill sawing bnsiueKS contiuuid as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECUOFT& TALBOT m 7i^/ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Fiesherton Photograph Gallery are done in fivst-claas style and at lowest rates. Special attention given to oopyin;. Babies' phu a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER «ntiun R >hotoi. h '' I

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