Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1896, p. 4

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"5f f MlU iH H iiii i ii .j wjn. >«<• THI fLlBHERTON ibUNCli ^Ke Advance P>;BM8HKD WKKKLV at the OFKK^K. 8Y1)- BKUAM 8T11KKT, KI.EHIIEKTiiN . O.ST., BY W. H. lUUR.SrON. tl per anniim,.slrictly in advance Advettiaing Rates: Oae Uolumn. 1 year, 85U : half col., 1 ytir, 937 quarturuol., one your, *15. Tranilont advortlBemeut chavjeil »•. tlin rntu f 8oent4 1>ur liiiofor first iiiRerttoii auJ 3 conts etoli uubaequeot iiiKeitlun. It scoma marvellous tliat in this en- lightened christian a>{e 60,000 de- fcnccleHs ijpople can be elangiiteicd and 350.000 more left to perish of hunger and cold without any serious effurta being put forili by the govern- meuts of the worlds to puiiiBJi tin- murdererp and eavo the peiishint,', but Hucli ij Uu- slate of affairs to-duy with regard to Arineiiia. Privme help IS being sent into the country in large (juantitieB, while llip govern- menlB of tlie world stand idly by and do nothing. The murderous Turku destroyed «4O.('00.OO(l woitli of property, iuid private means tlirougb- out the world is trying to replace sufficient of that to prevent the aiul titude from starNinj;. but they have no "vanant tliat the outrage will not be repeated. Il is a sud bint upon uiueieenth century diplomacy that it fuidd itself unwilHng to punish with rigor the inliunian goveiiauent which connives at this elaugbler. Armenia stands to-'^uy a bloody sacrilico to the jealous greed and uatiouul uiubilion of christian powers theuiBelvcs. Tbis is a sud fact. â- fa!""^^ "S^^SHHH The terrible criminality of farmers who sell diseased meat baa ouce more been rxotnplitied out i» Cbeiley, wliereonc woa'anhas died and a man is dying of cancer contracted by eat- ing mnat sold by an EldiSralie farmer. Id many cases the otlicrwise square dealing faimer will hug himself as be- ing remarkably clever if he can dis- pose of luiuted meat without any loss to iiimsolf, while at the same time he is cornaiiiting actual killing as surely as though he were feeding hii neiglibor on arsenic pills or Btrychinine. In tlie instance aDove quoted much spiupatliy v. as shown to the farmer when ho was prosecuted for having sold thii) meat. The syinpatiiy rivther should be with the family who are about to lose thoir breadwinner, or the other one whit-h lian lost the mollicr und \vif(! tlnouyh thai man's criminality. We I .ave not Icnrned what ponalty the seller paid for 1)18 ciiini', biitinanalanglitcrbiiiiyS life inipiisoiiiiient and that is the category in which he should be placed. Fritz Again on Deck. To thr tiUlur of The Adnince. 1>KAK >SiK,~ Tlic THyn of lirilliaiicy that fliiiiilecl (ii>iM llio Koliinoiir, or " nioHl biilhiiiil jouriiiilixi," ab I>'it RiyH. wi-ru (iMbal ly noted l>y iho yeoiiiAiiry iiF <Ar luiiiu>ia, aii<l tht^y linvu (ioulillesn ciiimo tu ihu coiicluNidii iliat ^liu " lind " in tnu mucli hflur the pRtlerii of tlidsc tliiiy ro ceive for a nickel in file \>vwk })H('kak;f, uiiil whiuli, liku unto ihii juM'ul, altso ciiiiiii hi<>lily rdcoiiiniundxd. D>)l, iiui- thinks, wnuld hiiH', like the fiirniiT, wil- liiiuly ex(:liiiiiK>' ker f{i'iii for uvon n ha'- pHimy'a >viirth of gum, wlioruwilli to con- Kiiiii tier. Dot is not lik«) tlio nnftopkiali- caIkI, who uru H'.'Hin and again cuuuht witli ihi< |iri/.<.> paokniie or |f<hle<l bniihU. Shu l>Hi;iiiB tu realize that hur auppoaod j'iwel of a jfMirnuliBt in, aftur all, >nly nnoihiir Duiiravun, Cliailoy Miicludl nr hmd Sulisbury, whose well knmvn wind »ik1 jiiigi) cai.iiuily waa only lixcorded by his rvotnt unpaialleliTi fi'M of eating (f)lii»-y f»al.) ctDW Bad Turkey iinuco. Wlifii ilic ji'Wi'l of ii.jixii'ualiiit caiiiu out willi B lliiurish of truiniifeU, i»r wind in- »iriinii:iiU, ht.iitii<K <hat the HupcrtiulHl iiiiilii him iiiikI, 1, in hII kiutlncss, il- lowed hiiii to ga/.t) into a iiiiiriir, but had lin idoa tlmt he would sti himiu bucoiiiu a burden to bis fiieiids. No doulii it win nil account of thia mtIouh eondilioii that ho rufrainoil fmin alluding tn hut one of llic liftoi'li facts i o Undo Sam's lupori- oi'ity (u iiolin Ittill, rrfoirod to in my proviwns k'tit-r, mid to whioli ho iiiiido no iiystor-likB a loi'ljr, liii rofnrrud to and siiiiiittod but ouo of toy tlnteiiiiMila, ihat good tvscherH and writers were better paid iu the United States ihan in Canada or any ntber part of the trorld. It would gppcar.thia w^ really the only one of the fifteen .>ubjecli>. .if which he had auy kiiowledgOi and th^t he had rfaion nut to forget. It is now nuite generally kjiuwn that aome twp <ir three yaarn ago hu took a tie paainver the linu to Uncli Sam's diiiiiaiiiH, but sciii returned via the aaiue tie paHa. Ue found to his sor- row tliat iu ilio Uiii ed Statea a pair of sciKioiM and a paste pot do not, aa in Canada, pamt tor brains. He lai'a over foity tliousaiid CaiudiMiis fought in the armies <>f ihu North during the civil war, but hu neglects ni lull us thai, to our evrrlastiii^j Uisgrace, tli»y were nbl.ged to â- ell tneniat-lveii us they did in order iu)iet the wlie.'ewitlial cu buy bread for thuir wives and fiiiiilies, who, in inany cantis, they Ifft III a HtHrviii»/ coiidition. Eng- land'K aympatliy WHS with tbu South, but those loya. Oanadiaiis, like the Kobiiioor, Bold themselven to the North becaus« Coiifedvratf money wa.i at too big a ilm- couiit Neil iier did he lefer to the thou aaiida of CniiadiauH who made a reuular liiwiness nf iuiu|iii<g the bouiity and then, John Boll Ilk c!, coming home and boaat- iuL'of ilien tieaciiory and iiiiiking a show of their ill«iitieu tiftiiis. Surely Caiia- (lianK who hh.\'e cvhii a spark of iiianlio<>d or iiiii:lli'.:i:iice never lueniion, niuub less biraal. aa Llot's Moat liiillimitdoes, of the part ptavd by Canadiana in the civil war. Ami now tlial the KohinoiT his had bin nnsj piimhed, after aticking it into ttic ilirtcuHHii'ii, I e wliim a uid aaya tliat what alti iviit:^ liini in tliHt be sveN Im end to ihu cooirnVLMsy, and in anxious to rr'urii tiiu CDiittaut to Dot, who, he aayx. iiiwoll postoil, ch vi-r, eic. D â- {, of couise, 111 letuiii will aiJiuiie his cbivalry, gnai li-uriiiiiv. coll«>naiid of ianguagB, etc. Hi- has droppid the " 8U|ierticiil "â€" it vint ton hot â€" but is niiw aiiinx liin journahH tic kiiowlmli'U Hitli flashes of ivit and brilliancy III wbiuh the fidlowinir awful nti'iition IS a »aai|>le : He spi-lU it "Doodle." Anything so rich ai.d ao clever I'll be pardoned for nut even at tempting to aimwer The Je>>el »a» in iiiwently imilatiiiu' Willmni Dean How ells, will), ho Mays, re ihn Olney iiieH.'-agi-, remarkeit tliat thu Preaideiit would n-.t an far concede til the enemy as to wiite ^'Oi'd Eiiglisli. Howella and the Kobi- ni.or Hhowed their anxiety to say aiuiie thinit, but only succeeded in makiu); an exliihition of their iffmnaiice if the sub jeol in ()U«-Bti'iii. Why doeathe Jewel nut stick lo the text and ci>ni|iare the Biighah with United states newapappia, ma.^azines, railmad traiia|>oitiiiiuo, pen- sion laws, naliiiual school*, liuusea of legialniion, etc .' Because, a* a ceitain old gentleman used tu say, ''comparisonH ia oddftenua. " Let that bri liant journal- ist who CIO ws about the war of 1812-14 Kivc u» hiB opiiii"n of, lir name the well- known Eneliah writer, who appears to hnvu been well informed, and was honest enough to write of the fkcts as fidlows : •' The war, hnwever, whofVer had the inime<liHlc bbiiiit- of it, found uh ahaiiie- fully unprepared and ridiculoualy aaii- guine and auiuru. ' Our navy was to diive the pigmy fleets of America from the occaii and ts levy ciiiiiril>utioi>s along all her shi res. While the vt-ry dirad and terror of .mr hostility waa expcctud to shake their un»e«xoned govi-rnnient to piocea, to effect a diHuiiioii of the Slates, III all likelihood n civil war and perhaps a rot urn of Hume of ihu revolted colnnies to the diiniiiiiiiii of the inotber counl~y. Such were <iurexp<ctitiii|i8 How they have been niiKvv>-rid by rvcnia is too liiiiifully and univor.ially known to make It necensarv for us 1(1 Kay anything. \Vu ha/e laieli wniKtcd in iii<i8i of our naval eliCouiittT!* and I iillhd ill lliont of our ill teipriMi-a by land. Witli a naval fon:o on thiir const exceediiij; that of the cneiiiy 111 the pro|)iirtiiin of ten to one. wo have lost tviii out iif Ihrro of all ilic sea liglita ill wliii h wi- liav.e breii eii.'HL'od, and ai least tlirei' limes us iimiiy men as our op porn-iit. while llioir |irivateein Hwaiiii un- cliucked round all mir N><ttleiiirnts and ev<*ii (III ihaciiaHtH nf Euio|ie and have alit-.idy iiiailtt pi izo nf nioru than seven teen hundred of our inoicliant vessels,' by land wx wire sn KbaniffuUy ni.pic- vided iha' had it ii I heeli for the f^\^n^t^ iiii»n aiiagoineiit if llio Anieric.in coin- noiuders they niUNt have got p..HiOHaioii of IM .ntronl anil in all p-obability ad vaiiroii to the walli nf Quebec before the end nf the tiisl cani|iaign, and oven when ro-eiilorcfd to an extent which could nut 1>. iB«ilily have boon ealoiilati-d on when tliu war hei;aii, it u but too well known that we have if. lined no substantial or permanent advaiiiageH, hut have actually had til witness the incredible apictacle of a regular and well appointed army of Uiitisli veteraiiH retiring l>efore little more than an e<iual force nf American militia." That took place, let me remind Dot'a Ji-wel, when Uncle Sam was a younir boy with sciircely nine milliona of baclc- 01 8. Tu-day he can boant of something like seventy inilliiius of loyal supporters who are, not like nn many Canadians or Britons, deserting their country iu hun- dreds of ihnusinds yeur after year for aoniothinw! better. Becauae there is riu- ihiiig betterâ€" and all hniieat, int>^llii{ent and truly Inyal Oanadiana will n<.t be aitisHed until iheybav.- made their couii try part of, ntol their cdiildieii the heirs lo. Ihu rights and iirivilejue of the Aimr- ioan ]ieupiu niid ilicir great constitution. Whou ti.al day oninea limy I not bo far away. Our brothi^m and siatera will not, aa niiw, liocniiipellvd to Inave ihtiir hoinaa and kindred tied to siek foiKl and just appreoiattnn in a foreign land, neither will fathers of f.nnilioH, as now bo coin- pellad to support and send thoir children tn ''sectarian cursed " so-called public â- chnoln. Of coiiiHU some of the leas loyal politicians and brilliant jnurnaliats will be forced, as ol yore, to bsw wood, or do some otlier honest work for their potatoes and uult. The Jewel will then bo driven nn the hi^h road and compelled lo use a buck saw or shovel . in place of his Bciaiori and paste pot. But the people will be bettt.r off, and will not, as now, he dictated to hy • lot of partisan- blinduil journalists aud fanatical piissts. rupt -OF- OUR 30 day sale Was a Rcand success, far exceedin? our expeclalioiis. Alinosl all lines of WINTER GOODS have been cleared out or grcntly re- duced in qnaiititv. But the hiiliineo musi (40, and go quickly. We wmu the room for spring stock.- Nothing must be carried over this next season. A fiiw Men's and fSoys' 0VERC0AT5 Men's Underwear Flannels, Gloves Shawls, Mills lErSFELTBOlTSUllBBEaS will move out at PRINTS We are opening up Spring Goods Jailv and are now shewing nice lines in new Prints, Challies. Ginglams and Wash Drt:ss (jt)od-. Boots a Shoes We have secured a sh'p- ment of over 40 cases of Boots and Shoes from the bankrupt stock of Oswald, Murdoch will & Co., which we you than befor Are you interested iu have ever b:noht them Boots & Slioes? If so wo want von to «ee our slock and get. pricfri. We handle noihino but reliable goods, and lots of theiu. As to valni', we will let you decide. Come early aud ofteu. B.McDoNALD How are you fixed For Preserved Fruit ?????? W'f*. have struck a bonanza in California Plums. Ihey are fine large fruit and cheai> We also show fine dried peaches, EvaDoraled Apples, Bosnia Turkish Prunes And Sleme figs 0/?en Uhis Week And offer for sale. These goods have been bought at nch a rate on the dollar be- low manulacturers' price that in many lines it will remuner- ate us to sell them at 0240 PER GENT prices. AUCTION SALE Of Vauable Pariii F'roi:)crties III Tbe Tt/Wnships of Euphrasia and Aitemesia Iu Ttie County Of Grey We have a lew Winter Goods. If you aie open for any bargains in that line we can give them, but Spring Goods are rushing on us and we arc g ing for spring trade. We want you to see our dress ^oods before you decide what you will Tfaore will l>e nohl by Tublic Auction ou Friday the lOth Day of HarcUSSS At 11 o'clock Iu the forouoon.at Munstia^'V's Hotel Iu the Town r)f Bv virtue uf ))(>w«^rs uf sale cud t>n.iuerl in ci'itaiit iiiortsa^uti wliiL-h will be pioducutl at thu sale. tlitt foll<. Wilis propuitie* : I^AKCEL ONI5 The uortb half of lot nuuibur tun in thn flrfit roncci^iou uf the towiiHliip vt t'<itplirci.'-iji,ouDtaiii int< ( iio buu -red. icrvi mure orlebs The foliuwiuK *ii>l>i(>vviiieuiti aiu siild to bo on the prupuriy : about 60 acios clear, iiaviu^ orccteii thuieifii a tratne dwelling, fraiiiu bant aiiii fruiiiu Httiblu. There are two orcliardb on the preiiiiKeH. PAKdCl- TWO Ivotd I8T anil IHH iu the first roiicoRKlou north ea!>t of the 'I i}n>uio and Kydvuhani Koa<l in the Haid (owijfiliip i>i Aileme»ia, coiitatniii); KO acreu uiort* u/ \vha. The foUowh (j itiiptoTcmcntH are naid tu be on thu pioperiy : About HO aurea clcHrvd, )iav ing tuectud thui'voi. a frauio uoucrotu dwullinf.;, (inuauda hulf »>turic8, eoncreledwolliiiK' fraino kilchun an ] wootlnliod. lo;^ barn, (raint> tiranurv n tliaaud Btablo, luantu barn anddiivii ^ Mta> le baru and stiil>i«. Thdre is an uicliara pup-arty Lot U3 in Ibu tittt conci'Mhiou oaat of the Toronto and hwlenliani Uuad iu the<4[vi>> towti- Hhip of Artoniosia, containing litty acrus niot>. or icus. TliH follirwinu ifuproveiiioiitH ar» naid to hti uu tl)e )U'«-ini!iub : About 5U aures cleare-l, LiaviiiR iMuCiud itutvot>u a frau'O dwullin^. '2 Hioili'H bigli, franiu barn and etable. Tbuieia an orcliard uu thu inoperty. TKt^MH : 15 pur cont. of the pui'chaHu luouey to bo paid down tutlie uay ul ta'e. I or balauce ifcrma will beuiadu kuuwii bt the »a1b. J^'oi f<.thur iiaitiuulars apply to JONES. MACKENZIE & LEONARD* Or to HuliL-itorB. Torou&otitruet, Toronto R. J. SPRODLE. FloHlic-rton wear. Our - TIfiiiincri/ Will be in this month and we will have the c(.)rrect styles and a prices to suit our cus- tomers this season. Mardware J Dep't. J. D. Brown PRiC£:iri]:4r<£: Administrator's Sale OF REAL ESTATE Uiiilor and by viitiio of thn iiowi'i-« vt-iitol in tbti adiiiinistnitor uf ibu o-Hntu u( Jaiiu Uiulluy, (locuautiil, f hure will bo Hokl by i>ubiiti iiucliuu by A. B. VuiiUuson, auctioneer, at Muinsliaw'B Hotel In tho villagt) of F 1. 15 B M E r^T O N Iu tho county of Gray, on Wednesday ,18th day of March, A.D. 1896 at the hour of two o'ulock In the afteiniion, tlio followiuK iiroVoi ty, viir,.: Tlio woatoiiy tliii tv- ftiiii- aorQii of lot uuuibor thirtv-six In tlio Bflveiitli oououssiouof the townsliip ol Arta- iiioHia, in the county of (irey. For terniH ami i-aVtiuulara apply to Or to Lucas A WiiioiiT, Gio. H. KioLET. Vendora Solicitors. AdmiuiHtrator. Oiteu Bouud aud jrUitiart«u V. 0. STOCK-TAKING Til) milk skimini'i'j at 2ci-iii8 eiich. Oi'.inp d iiHii FhiiuCHktf Cutturs at.2ceu'« (iUl-ll. 1 Pint Til) Clips at, ;! coiits i-flcli. Jh|ihiiih'(1 Till CImiiiliei I'ailb willi euverg at 35 cviiis each Til iifd Iron i{;iRtin^ Spoons at 5 cents SuiiHbIt) Minciiig Kuivtis »t 15 c«iiti eiiuh. Nil. 9 Till ToaketHu with Cupper bottom at 45c. 2 <l<>7. cupa ikiid saucera, shell piittern, at 78o iloz. Hilon !) inch pUlus, brown pattorn, »t 72v! do/, 2J, (Inz. 10 inch platoj*, brown piiltern, at 840 (loz. 1 J (li'i!. !) inch plates, moss rose pattern, Ht *l,20 ill./.. 5,(> 'I' n 10 inch platet, moss rogc pattern, III $l.W. IJili'Z. Honp plates, brown pattern, at 80c doz. 5 duz. Soup plntea, ncorii pal tein, at 76c do/. 2 ddz. ciivM v«i;otalilo iliNhcs fioin 35 to (iiRiiiio ti-ii siueperH, 1 qnarl, at 25oe.'ich. Gi unite tea pots. 2(|uartH, iit uOiieach. (Jiitiiiie pii- pi iti-a, JO iDoli, at i:i:each. 1 mil)- 42 inch buliy'n tin batb at 81.4^. A HDap. I'obtiin Climax axes at .56j, regular pric« 76o. Sliaiily King axes' at 70o, regular price !)0c. liiiprovod Cli.aMipinn saws at 35c foot. Keen Edi/o X cut anwo at 56c Imit. A 26 inch Kiorcnce box stove witli swim top for ?4.20. A spljiidid c^iokint; stove with 20 inch tiro liox ai.d 24 pieces of furniture for 122.60.

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