Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1896, p. 4

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l i i> i n '" ' »â-  THI niBHlRTOM IDVAKCft i ' '?â- ' BSTABI^ISHED 1881 ^Ae ^dvance r;SLI.SIIKI) WKBKLY AT THK OFFICE. RYD- E.VUAM STHKKT, VLWilKKToN, ONT. , BY W. H. THURSTON. ft I>Rr aiiiiiiiu,slrictly in advance Ads drtismg Bates : SueColuuin.l yenr, eso ; half col., 1 year, $127 quarter col., ouo your, J^IG. Tr«iisiont(i(ivertl»euiont charged at the rate ficaatspor lino for first iiiBortiou auil 3 cents aaoU subtionuoiit lunortlou. t>R. SPxJOULE AND THE KNIGHT Wo derote considerable space this wook to a Hauaard roproduction of Iho ti>: betweeu Dr. Sproulo aiid Wr Cliarles Tupper, when the latter at- lompted to rea^ tiio member for East iire> out of the party. Sir Cliarles Tapper's heroics arc read with much aiausemeut by the electors of East Grey. As the Dr. remarked, the people are exceedingly anxious to^pro- uouucc upon this mati3r themselves. They do not believe in allowing this p&rlisiw^nt (or rather Sir Charle* Tuppcr) to settle the que»tion in the peicinptory manner contemplated. They rccognizo the perilous positiou in which the government has placed iUolf. and have iltimauded in effect that Dr. Sproule abandon if need hd- to Attain his cud the wreck which ijecma inevitable, because they wish Lim â-  still to represent them. The jfoverumeut in its blindncBS appears to fancy that the Dr. does not thor- oughly understand the ground on which ho is standing, v/horcus there is no member of the present pailia- ment more tlioroughiy in touch with the senlimcnt of the people ho repre- aeiits than is the member for East Grey. If the parliament as a whole, and bh' Chuilcs T upper in particular, uiiderstood tho puls\j of tho country as does Dr. Hproiilo, and defenod to its desires, tlio present travebty on respoiisiblo guveinmeut would never have been enacted. of men who believe in a certain set of principles and who subordinate minor differences of opioiiion in order to fur- ther oaseiitini causes. Taut is employed to make op[)ositc intcrosts tolerant of each otlior. When lenders grow old in leadeniliip they seem to forget the volun- tary nature of Iho support tlmt thoy have enjoyed, and rcgunl tills support as coiu- pulaory. Thoy seem to hold that tlic Party in tho Owvenniiont, and tliiit the Govonimunt is the Party ; thiit tlio prin- ciples which, finding favor throughout the land, resolved all sorts and conditions of men into union as a party, may be violated, yet the union bo not diKolved. " What will it profit us if we do right and lose power ?" the leaders ask, thinking it clever to gain the support of those who favor the wrong and denying the riglit of secession to those who o])po8e the wrong. This would l)e a clever enougli way of re- taining power if it could bo camod thruugli, but adherence to party is volun- tary and cannot be forced, and while monvbers of Parliament may bo whii)i)od into line or bought by ])roiiiise of oftico, the lash cannot reach to tho people, witli- uiit whose sanction no departure in i)olicy holds good, and without wliose creative toucli k'lulcrsaro effigies of straw.â€" Mack in Saturday Night. . ^ n #>« * â-  â€" Dr. Spr/ale and Sir Chas. Tupper Tho Ontario Legislature was pro- poguad on Tuesday of this week, but the business of the scssiou was com^ pleti-d on Friday last and all the Uiembors icl'l for home. This is said to have been tho tamest scssian in the lucinory of man, Ix'ing particular- ly lomarkrtblc for the ab.'^k'Lice of any- lihiiig O'pproftL-hing great forensic art The fact of the matter is our Oiiposi tdcn in tlio LcgiKlalure is a thing only iu name,, and Sir Oliver has everything at his own sweet will. Thera in not snlHoiont strciigtli in Uic Opposi lion 1111(1 Putroii fwccH to show- up his foibles in thoprnprr lij.;lit. Ifaiioy Sir Gliatlcs Tn|ipcr coiilcst- liig JCasl tircy with Dr. SiMOule, in Uie pi-eseut fueling of the olcotorate ! Then fancy, if you can, tho hold knigiii. as a disilinsioned .Don Quixote after a hniU with a wiiuimill. Ho miyht piaiico into the riding ns a "war Uorse" smolliiig battle, hiit ho would dt^part heiieo after the manner of a ring- boned, foundered and spavined sp'ciiuen of ((luiiio Bunow I It is not likfcly tlul wo will enjoy wilucss- iiig :'o colosaal a chviiik of ftvn, more s the pit.y. Ih-. Sju-Dulu, M. P. for East Orey, has l>i;i.« itKrl out of tho (.'(insorvaMvo i>iuly Uy Sir Cliarlus THp|)or, bait. Aithi>UKli ik was Uio aeliim of h, petulant old man whono t/int him wholly dwurtod bim, yot thoac wbc riUid upon it mint tind in it a groat) HigiiiliCTiion. Men hi^li up in u p>!i1ical party and loug iiciniHlimied to slavish obedience oa.(il*e part of priv«t<» nunubors wuKiing the party coloin, ai-e apt, when (ig,) (iiMuoH iiiiiiiilhoiii and thuii' favultios Imciuiu) Iduntud, In t-.iko a di.s- tortotl viiim of tho politiiid systom thiit Kuri'DUnds thuiii. WJMU.rJieir powers ivre at theic fullest thoy. recognizo tliab a ai>l(tiu;d party is a veUuiiary aaso'^iMiiMi A Sct-to Bttween the Klnght of the Pill Box and the Benighted Knight â€" Draitic Pill* Prove Very Efficacious when Admlnstered by the Courageous Dr. In tho (Toiise of Coimnons on Tuesday oi la«t week Sir Charlos Tupper attempt- ed to read Dr, Sproule, Dr. Weldon, Mr. McNeil and other good Coiisurvative members out of the party because of their couraKeous staiid on the Bchoid (luostion. Tlie following report of tin affair is taken from the Uanaard, and will prove ih''.ereitioK to our readers. Sir Charles Tupparsaid,â€" "Notwithstand- ing the fact that a number of gentlemen supporlitii; tho Ooveriiiiiont, warm and determined supiiorters of the (jovernmcnt among whom I do not include the hon- membar for Ka-.t Grey (Mr. Sproulo,) because no perbon could have liateiiud to that hou. gRniler..nn's spooch without see- ing that liii otijeot, in common with sonio gentlemen with whom he was iillyiii); hiiuself, waa for the purpose of breaking down and destroying the Goveriiim.'nt of which be was a supporter. If further evidence of ilie posiliuii of that lion, gentleman is rei^uirud, it is to be found in his attempt at obstruction to-diiy by attacking tho Govoriinn-nt." To this tirade Dr. Sproule replied vi^jnnmsly, as follows ; "Tlie hoii. gen- tliMiiAii s&ys that the pnH.Ha;{o of this bill is vital to the peace and traiiipiitity rf the people. W'liy, thin measure is the very thing that is Stirling up strife from tho very foundations ipf society in this country, and stirring up an agitation the results of wliioh no oiiocin fi>rosee. The hoii. i^iit'unun declare that he rcgnrils it as of hrst iuiporlnuco ihnt this incaMiro should bu forced tIii'OU,;li. Is ho aware of the feeling in tho counlry against tlie inta-HiUB? If ho is not, then ho must liavo been iialcop for tlio Irsi live years, during which this agitation b,-.« brt'ii «o- iiig on ; and I do not wondor at it, In - ciuse ha hns just coma over from the tiai.quil iilninl acros^i (he soa to Caimila. where this agi'aiioii li.is beou cariiud on for the last livo yenr-. \\ h.ti he telN this HoiiHo that it is of paramouiit iiii- portnnco that this measure should bo forced thr(iU)ih by every inoaos in tho p.nver of tliu Oovernmcnt, lir nUBJiiHgi^s both the temper and the seal iinoiit of tho people. Ilo says tliat, if defeated, the (Jovernmonl will appc.tl to the country. Why, wo have been unkiuif tho Govern- ment to !,'o lo Iho country for mouths; tlio poopio iiave bion oa)lin%' on the (lOveriinuMil to nj^poal to Iheiii f. r their verdict ; the people are an.tious to do dare their minds on tho question, and I say to-day that the h lU. gontlcman dare not go to the country, bccnu.^e ho must know that tho ciunlry will pro- nounce njjainat him." Dr. Sproulo wont on to say :- "Wo were tohl tho olhor evening by thii lion. Minister of Itailwiiys and (Canals (Mr. Haggart) that the peoplo uf tliis country wore un- animous in favor of tlio bill, and vrmiid be unaiiimoin when the tiiin* oame f(u- Ihoni to record their verdict. luhnllenge the bou. gentleman lo resigr to morrow and oomo into my ridiiii;, and I will re- ai^'n and run nj-'niiiat liim. I «halloi>ge tl.o hoiLloadnrof ihollouso. I ohallonRo any Kon, gentleman to do the kbiiio, and then, if they dnro to acc*|>t my chnllenge. I can prove to them what the publicsonM.- meltt is on this quostinii beyond any cim- tradiction, because ;t will be ahowip. lo ]yiiaii<1y that thryi will not be able: to cloao their eyes to it. Look at the vote Why, this measure was carried by the votes of tho members of tho Goveriiraeiit themselves. In England it would be held, if a Government were obliged lo carry a measure by the votes of the Minsters of the Crown ihemselves and tho votes of a few of their opponents, that they had not the confidence of the country. That is the position practically io which the Government stands to-day. Referring to tlie char);o that he was obstructing. Dr. Sproulo said: â€" "Are , we supposed to bo afraid to express our views ? Have we no rights in this House ? We have rights that we are prepared to asseit even against gentlemen .vho are trying to coerce this House as much as they are trying to coerce Manitoba. I had a perfect ri«ht to bring up the mat- ter as I did. And I think still that I had that right notwithstanding the casiiijation I have received from tho leader of tho House, which I may say I regard as of very little force in contndling me either in tho House or outside of it. lie says it is important that we should work night and day. But for tho Prst forty days we danced attendance here around the Parlia- mant buildings with nothing to do, v;hile the expense of the session wat goini; on just the same. Did we have the estimates brou^jht down ? No ; we were waitin-j for the hon. member to be brought In as the salvation of the country, who was, by force of will, to push throuiih everything with such vit;i>r that there was to bo no (diKtructi'in or opposition. He has sue cceded most remarkably, T mu^t say. He has raised itreat noiKo, but he has effected very little in the way of legislation." H 40 inch double width twetd DKESS GOOD.^. 6 yards dreas length for $x.oo. Connty and District East Grey teachers convention met in Thornbury last week. A short litne ag i the little daughter of .Mr. RhIiiIi Ely of Wiarton Rot hold of a bottle of carbolic aci.l and drank some of the coiiteniH. dyinu a few days later. Her mother in waning ui>on her caught cold, pneumonia s,'t in and slu abo died. Taylor's sawmill at Chatsworth wa» burned to the ground last week, to- gether with about -Jrt.OOO feet of dressed lumber. Mr. Taylor's lo.ss is estimated at $(JOUO with S2000 insurance on build- in); and inauhinery. The origin ol the file is a mystery. Herb. Claridge an employee in Trvin's lumbor mill liad a very narrow escape fr<m a terrible death on M<mday last. He and Amoa Oohcen were haling a (food nutuiod tussel in the 011^1110 roout. Herb. foil with his hen(l bptwieti tho drivini^ shaft and wall with Gohecn on top. Tho shaft as it rov(>lved struck tho latter but he was able to pull himself out. Herb, was not so fortunate as the first blow stuiincdbiui. Ho was unable to exiricale hiiiisfilf and it wai impossible for Goheoi, to do so until the engine was stopped. Seven times the shaft struck him, each time making a teriible scalp wotuid. It was perhaps as close a shave as a man ever had and escaped death. Had tlie space l>ctweou Iho shaft and wall boon thu fraction of an inch snmller ho would novur have lieen taken out alive. Tho physician was two hours and a half sew- ing up the wounds. Ho is ropoited to be doing nicely and will bkoly recover. â€" Dundalk Herald. Ciu'klTukatment. â€" .K few days a^o a couple of Harnardo boys, agod 10 and 14 years, who had boon living witli Duucan t!urrie on tho lOih lino Nottawaiaga for tliive yoais, ran away and camo to Sliiynor with tho intontiuu of (joiiig back to llie "Honic." Chief Hakor, aoeim; thoy were iu wrclcheil plight, put thoui iti tho lookup and notilied Mayor .'zanders of tlioir condilicvn. The Mayor, on hear- in:; their story telophoued lo houdipiart ers and Detective Hudgin» Wiia sout up. Tlio Detective then laid a cuiuplaiiu Hgaiiist Duncan Cuirie, who was brou'.;lit to town and tried befoie the Mayor, and lined ten dollars for common a.ssault. Tho boya wi-ro dressod in very thin clothes only tit for siinimor wear, and Currio admitted that ho had broken every article of ibo .igreoment he had made when he took them. The older lad boro marks of havinn been beaten inhumanly, »iid Iho ovidonco idmwed that ho had been thrashed with a horse whip. Tho case oxcitod much feeling, and the poor little fellows were taken homo by two of the gentlemen prosent. - Staynor Sun. PRING GOODS ar- riving daily ?t the Store oil the Hill. Rafts of Prints to choose from. Some of the best patterns in the market, ranging in price fiom 5c ptr yard up. There is no need for customers travelling miles out of their way to go to other towns for bargains. This store is beginning the season in earnest and wiil not be undeisold by any living white man. We have c me to work for YOUK interests as well as our own, and are well aware ol the fact that the farmers are the main .'^tay of the country and we are de- pending on them and when they put their shoulder lo tho wheel everything must go and we feel it our duty to stand by them iu hard as well as in good times. In dealing in this store you will find all our goods marked in plain figures and at the lowct-l prices. You can send your smallest child anil they will be dealt with the same as when you come yourselves. Bring along your Butter and I^gs. B. Mcdonald LADIES' KID gloves; Tan Shades, 390 pair. NewSh:\desin SICILIAN LUSTRES, the CORRECT STYLES m Spiing Dress Goods. CASHMERES in and Colors. 2jC to jO Black House and Lot Far Sale Kor *iale cheap, on easy tcniis tlint colll^>rt• able rei'ideucoon Mary ht. FIraliortou. t-oiituin- ii.g 8 rooms and tcoo.l slird. nith hard nml volt water pinnpa. both uucler rover, boantiful Kardua andoiciiard also wulliliiiiihed stable hikI ihi-.v houao XS x'.M ft. Api'Iy to Jl. E. MOOKK, Furnlturo diulor. A very laigc range of Eng- lish PRINTS opened out this week. Spkndid values. Overstock sizes in Corsets clearing at 25c pair. Regular values 50c to Coc. A big: WALL PAPER, stock just in, prices from 5c per roll up. Seed Wheat For Sale .\ few ctvrrt of fvod who«t, Yvt\ fife, or oil Klai<>;ow. For nalo at tliu I'ricevillo roller mills (or cosh or will cxchaut^o forothor whejic. U. Mf(!0\VAS. "farmers^ ATTENTION laiTBovR yoriioTocK. I liAve lial grand succors with my bull, I-onl Ualco, as u tttOv-k ^t'ttor. (*u accutint of hard tiinos I have ilocldod to run liiio ak $\ 00 ver cow for IHIKI pavabUj Jan. lat lb07. If not \mwX on or borore that dato 25 otft> extra wi.l bo uharRiMl. run eAi,K,â€" I havo also for salo a jounu thorouubbrcd bull, wliich took f^rst iiruo at FloHliortuunnd Markdalo fairs tiirod by Lonl naloo. (laau J.ailiiy CIonaioro.ouB of tho host lutllalng cows that ever cainti into this cuunt ry AuTurn Johnbton, Vandoleur iW O I ilH I 9. (f JCin^ S^in 1BU05 Carpet Weaving The niutariiigaad haa pi. coil la |iosU1od a flrit olaHB loom (or oarpot naid flaunol weavlnit and Is prepared io (lire Mtikractloii, llriufiii TOur nAr4S or TARM to' A.. T, HGRON. riaib«rtoa, April n Ifc Bv Kiutkovlioikpr 500, tlio slic of ton in tho •J 10 list, and tho silo of tho ilnin of Alar ail, I'liiono^ 'i Vl\ fti'd plevon othuia. This rIioa-s that Ilia stock ia breuding ou and In tho very trout raiikrt, Kniiikorbnckor lab; the king at sire;, Haiu>' blt^touian 10 KiiiKl'iii « dam IsToimov bvKoLtockv Prince SI.'.O, Hire ot linv. 2.iWf, Kloisc. B 1.5, and over thirty others in iha lint. Hocoud dam bv Fuvcrtt Kiiii; 1T>I, tliu tiiro of l.iidy llnsuct. U 'JOi. mid uthorH.Htid Forest KInij in tiv that ^reat fiiro, Mainbrl'ui Patohcn A8.»iro o( 1!0 in the list, and Bii-oof tho dmna of IVJ fa«t p rforniora, iiichuU ini! r.alpli WilkesC WJ. Kiiip l'iuadani.To|isy, is ill tb.4^ Ki'oKt brond uiaru li»t. boins tho lUin of ZurlniH', il.^i. Klnit Pin is h voara old, a boKiitiful dark bay 10^ hands hiKh, anil weiflbs 1:100. lloisnh rsc ot t;roat stilu. (|nalitv, nod a Ki and actor, and can now, wllliout traininij, show a ^.^O'fiaii. Ho h.i.^ (.'rout sub: tanoo.'^trong build, tho niiikc up of a siio, tho speed to tians- luit and the bruediti^^ and blood liiioa t,> mako iiini iirot*otoiit, Mid not i>nly a siro of rtiro horses hiK a siic ol tteKant carriage ami .laitdle horaea witti f^rand itiico and hock Hotiou. and Itutic oiioiigh for all hind,* of fnvni worlt. 1 his vmiiiK stallion was iKiportod by uio Iflst winter, did a lar^e i>aKliti*sa laiit season, and \i a sure foal getter. His service too will bo within roach ol every (ariiur, !i«u .small bills later. Tho principal stands for scaa.tn of '96 will be r rricovillo. at or near Hopevillclttiao Station, South-east Attuinisia, Waicham, MeUityie, M»xw(!l, KiiKonia Kails, Kleahcrtou- acil huaie Btabloi Uarkdal.\ J. E. nARstr* l^My MarkslcJe; 0)t Hay and Grain for Sale. Tlie imdKriigned la aolllnR hay, aeert and feed oUf and alx-roweil barley at market price. A>UeATrV,.OrMiM V»lle]|>, Hardware 2 Dcp't. oCook ^i , 2/our Walls Doti't ytiu think it would gtvatly imjirovo their aj)- peitnuico and add to tho ehecrfuhii'Ks'of yimr lunne, if they wtTo rt>-|iai>i>retl. We bftvo some bfatit iful ii«|)ers At 5 nnd (>o a roll. ( >ur gilt papers at 10 and 15c are ex- tra value. Don't fail to see them. "Do 2/ou , . Sntend , . . Uo i^ui'id? If you do, it will pay you to * get our price."* on naila and other liaitlware bofore buy- ing art we are right in line with low prices. Another sliipment of Horse Clippers and Sap Buckets just to hiuul (• M. RICHARDSON dCa

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