Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1896, p. 4

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i^ ^i- THI niBHBRTON ADVANCB is:^. E»TABLIBBED 1881 •'.•BLI8HKD WEEKLY AT THK OFKICB, 8YU- â- MUAM STKEKT, FLKHUEHTON, ONT., B-V W. H. THL'KSTON. #1 per aniiuii|,Klrictly In advance Advertising Rates: 9ae Column, 1 year. tSO ; half ool., 1 yoer, $27 quarter col., one year, SIS. Trauiient advertiseinont cliaraed at tlio rate Oi 8 o«nts per Hue (or first iDBertlon aud 3 couts each aabsequeut iunertion. THE BILL WITHDRAWN The tension is broken. Obstructive tactics liave proved too mucli foi Remedial William and be has gone to Ins rest. Let us Lope it will bo a long ore. TLero are, occasionally, moustro»lii-s boru into this world that are not capable of properly por- &riuiiig llie function of life, and su long as tliey remain Hviug must e::ist apon the bounty of tlicir fellow- QiLii. SLould tLs accoucheur decide tliat the enormity must live mankind is obliged by the laws of our country to maintain it. lu the case of this bill tlie abnormal object is there, and Idle great question before the govern- ment physicians has been, "Will we kill, 01 fondle?" Physicians Tuppcr, Foster et al, say it must live ; phy- sicians Bproule, McNeill, et al, say it is for the advantage of all concerucd tLai it be put out of the way. This bas been done temporarily and. the •ountry is taking a breathing spell from the sickening flood of irrelevant twaddle that has been necessary, as the only aviluble weapon to decapitate U. tVlmt the country now wants is a distinct disavowal from the govern^ tncut of any intention to resurrect this obnoxious measure at any future lime. We desire to avoid the muck bcle in which incautious legislators have placed us and to gel back upon Uie lirm Kf(>u"^ uf commercial i^rospcrity aud national progress which has been thg suprt-uiu objsct of the Conservative party under the two great statesmen who have recent' ly passed away, buch scenes as we bavt) just witnessed are a sud com zntntaiy on tho mutability of principles as well as nmu. The} yrove that principK.s and groat aims may bo forgotten in the wild rush of ambition aud desire for power, and Jiat tluK is as true of a government as of an individual. Has tho lesson been learned in time to save tho party al the coming elLction ? Tiiu answer lieu largtiy with the govern menl in its decision as to whether or :tol tlic Remedial liill will bo luado an iosiio. these Armenians, without leaving their succor to individual effort ? Loid Salisbury has advised that time be given for the Sultan to control his recalcitrant subjects. If he should be granted Btilliciont time for that it is probable there will be no Armenians to succor, because it bas now beepiue clear that it is by the Sultan's own connivance and. instigation that these poor peop'e are being destroyed. This terrible affair will be handed down to posterity as the prime horror of the nineteenth century. !!9VMi •KK" The attention of the world will no doubt shortly be called to another British conquest and expansion of teuitory in Bouth Africa. There is great activity in the British war de- partment aud uprisings of natives in the coveted territory will supply the necessary apology for Great Britain to step in and leach these people tho lessons of nineteenth century en lighlenmcut. It is extremely inter- esting reading to the student of history to follow the footsteps of the f^ieat nation under which we happily live, for the past half century^ in her court-e of colonization and ex- pauhion. This lias almost wholly been directed towards Africa and the countrits of the far East. As one writer points out, Britain to day con- trols every important gateway in the world. Bho has planted bar Hag at the gates of China, where, ou the fclaud of Hong Kong, baa arisen one of the most woudeiful cities of today ; she " protecte " several of the Malayan native states ; she owns Burmah and India ; she bas " inter'^sts " in Siam ; the Straits sbtlloincuts are centres cf Brilisii commerce. Her greatest rival is Russia, vho is swooping down upon China from the north aud clos- ing in upon 'England's interests across the whole north of the great Asiatic coutiiioiit. It is here that Greek will probably meet Greek in the near future. Public men are watching the movement of affairs in the far East with extreme interest, believing that events wilt place there the centre of political agitation that will upset em- pires and uncrown kings. Africa is only a by-play to lill in the time until tho great trans-Siberian railway is completed and Vladivostok, or possibly the Corean peninsula, hears the roar of Russian military trains. It if- a gratification to believe that Britaiu is prr^iared in every way to meet any emergency that may arise. Huron and Ontario Railway. For the past few d.tys tho IIt)U30 of Commons has biriii cleaning up ueceHsary business, uud tho members will all I each their homes this week. Elections will probably ho, Ueld the first ri second week in Jimc. Dig floas have ollior HeaH U|iuii tiiolr baukg to bitu tlieiii ; Aud tlioHo tluft.i have utlitr Huau, And no ad lutliiitutn. The Sliolbuino Economist eredits tdie above beautiful classic ti.<a spring poet and says it Has published in a paper " in this section of the pro- vince." The Eeoi)oniit:t should not UiuB make light of and iiiif.<iiiolc the prodnclions of ona of the greatest poets who over lived. It was no loss a person that Jonathan bwii to whom tliiB Reiiliiu<*iit should bo credited, and the oprreot qiiotution is as follows : Ho, imvttralitta obsoivu. a flea Has nmaller fluaii timtuii bliii iM'ty ; Aud tboHe bavti eiuuller BttU to bl*,e 'eui, And no proceed ad luf\niluru. called a railway for theR'jneral advantage of Canada, and as such nitliin the jurisdiction aiid deaerviiiij «f u eharler from the Ooveriiiiient. Xfta. Spronleai.d Luiiderkiii, Messrs. Cai)jill, Mc&l alien, M. C. Cameron, Win. Smith, and Miis- son, (now judge) and Sonatnr Meltendry, ably HUpiiorted the bill by <niw. Vote lUid influence. Ilic Dr. also reccivi^d uniform isouitvsy and generous and unanimous support from tlie French goiitlpnien.in committee. The pruniutnrs will at once sec to woik to secure tho consent of tlie niuniclpahies to the uao of the highwajs, get out by- aw8, organize permanent directors, who will issue stuck and (Hace the same on the market, and it is hoped that the contract for construction will shortly be taken over by Messrs. Miller Bros., of New York, who fjnancnd the T. H. & B., now in operation. â€" Shelburne Free Press. Fort Law. : The Armenian lisfiors are still diuinmcd into o'.u' ears. What is the matter nUh,, Ghristendom,^ anyway, tbat it caunot force tb» Ohriatian I^^xmf to. a^ for U)a grotaotioQ of^ The Aet to Hicorporute the tluron and Ontiirio Railway Co. is now law, liuving paB.snl Ihu Dominion Sf iiiiti'. The iiiniii linu »nd two bull lliis* nill l>u liOO niilvs in lcii|{lh und tliu cliiirtt-r ix for tlie larg- est E rctrio Rnilffsy scheme in cxisteiic» up to diito. <i1ic(iovirniiiunl Imd decid- ed «t tho iuhtiincc of Sir UliviT Mown', to a(;kiiowlud;^e tho si lu jurmdiotiou of IIh' Ontario Ltumliituru in the nintttr uf E'lclrio R.iilwuyto bo ojiuratod solely within OiitHriot 'J'lie bill for the Huron and Ontario Railway wn» np Ijeforo tho Railway C'omniilioo f>dn- diU'oreNt times lieforo it was linally ropnrli'd to tho lloiire, mid e.uh tiuio iliH MiiiHti'r of Raiiwnya do- clurud tho policy uf the QuvonmiHUt to b.-adversn to chartering not only this, but all Himilar H(;Uenies. Dr. Holstou wlio Wni iddlnolint; tho bill biforo the Comniitlce had it adjournod from time to liniu and appliud hiin.>olf ddi^ently to lobliyiiii,' with ft view of piiicurinx for it snilloii'iitKUpport tnt ticuru its thial success and it 'w gratifying' to know that it bus at last lici'ii Hsaoutc'd to by tho (lovorninent. 'J'hu nt'c't'H.iily for thu Hiiilwiiy is iibown ).'y the &tct C'lut. every nule of tho rout<e (from Bhnlburno tu Flunh or- loll niono excoplud) xa now covered by ' 8tii}<o»," so slow and out of luimiotiy with thiH Hi;o of piosioas and rapid and luxiirioDS niuaim of travel iVom place to place. Those stages curry both passeu- gora and mails, and tho people served by them complain of the dolny in gottiBg their mails in this «low and ohi-fiwhionud way, compared with tho servicu enjoyed by tho people on lines of railway. The Dr. rt'gieaent.ed to the Coniniittco that a» a lueaus of aflbtdiug UVQ tiovecnment a^ more sooiiomical audeipeditioua method of. cacfviiig^ the mails, it mig^t well Ia From our men OurrupomUnt. We are glad to announce that the sale of Mr. R. J. McKcc was a grand succcsh, as the weather was all that could have been desired and the stock, and in fact everything, was in (ii-st class shape, and the prices realized we consider were good for this year. We are sorry to lose It. J. and wife as they were good neighbors, but wo heartily wish them success in their new homo, wherever that may be. We are glad to announce that spring has once more come with all its splendour and we do not think wo ever saw the grass BO far advanced before at this sea- son of the year, and never was it more welcome in this locality by both luan and beast. llorse clipping aud woo<l bees seem to ho the order of the day during the jiast week, but the merry notes of the plough iMiy can be distinctly heard. Wo noticed Mr. George Thompson, cimncillor, out on foot one day last week rejHiiriug the damages done to thu roads by the recent floodH. lie soonis to be kept very busy, as we never remember seeing so much daniago done by water in the loaility before. The fall wheat in this section of coun- try has stood the winter welL and pro- mises tu bo a fair crop. Tho farmers of this section of country seem to be of the opinion that they wUI have to plough up most all of tho ground seetlod down by thuni last year, as tho drought of last suiiiuier seems to have killed almost all of the young clover. Master Waller and Miss Jane Hemp- hill, of Fleshertoii SUition, were visiting with their grandma, Mrs. Hemphill, of this section, during thu past wuuk. Miss Bella Thompson, of Port Law, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Buu Har- grave, of Osprcy, during tho [laat week. Mr. Walter Simmons has hired Master John Thiritlewailo for tho suiumei: Quito a uuiubor of tliu young men of this louahty ai'u iutemling going up to the Sault this bprin(( in search of work, as wages seem to be low and work scarce in these jmrts. Tht> peo])lo of thi.s vicinity are now be- ijinning to a)>preciatu tho full value of their new iHistutUce, a.i thoy got their mails more regular without travelling a distan.-o of six or -jBeven niilos over tho ImuI roads. Sugar making is almost a thing of tho past tor this year. Thoso who went into it claim a very siiiTill profit as thu sea.son was not a good one. Wo aro sorry to note that Mrs. North- nioro is at present very sick with la grippe. Death 1ms again claimed tmo of tho old pioneers o£ NVareham, namely Mr. •lonatban Irish, whoso remains were on- t'.'vd at tho Mount /ion buiying ground on Fridiiv last. 11 iiiS â- ! A great many fnUK'nat t'lo piesfiil time are at a 1. s> lo inow l.o.v they are voiii;.' to iiiaku lliu iiirmiui; pay. They have no guarnHHec "f high (irices for either stock or prodnce of ;iny kind they may have to dispose of. Tliure must btf a change niaae, and that bo fore Ions;. One of ilie greiit draw backs to our country is the Ckeuit System and until busincKs is done <>u a e;i'ih basis we need not expect to hear anything eUo but the cry of hard times. This store docs not cncoiir.vf, crtdit which is easily seen t)j the large iiuniberof .shrewd cash buyers that pattooiza u*. We »re nmrkini; all new oooditcnmiim in at cash prices and intend t(#niako credit stores hustle. Butter will l)o boUL'hl liy us accordiiisj to quality. Our aim is to encourage good butter luaking. What Are You Paying For Your TOBACCO ? Wa are selling MiDo^.iM'.i ToK-.cco 8c per pluy or 7 phit;s for COc (For cash eiily.^ Have you liiod i.iir o(>c .Japan Tea } It is a real corker. Anuihur cargo o( zl-O inch double width tv.ccd Dl^ESS GOODS, 6 y^rd* dreas length for %i.co. LADIES' KIDGLOVES, Tan Shades, 39c pair. ^oots cS ^^tioc JUST AP.CiVtID. Big snaps in DRY GOOD* Cornets | all sizes at 25o .tid I'p.vaaU ^ GREY FLANNEL SillUT'i at 20c .'.nd upwards L.AlD1ES' vests 5c 4 \.\: Wo- men's COTTON HOSE 25c. Special values in Shirting and Ci^t- tonades. Another lot of that heavy weight tirey Cott«n -So per yard. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED. B. McDonald. wn ^w?HeB House and Lot For Sale For Halo cheap, on easy tornu that comfort* ab1» residence on Mary St. FIffiherton, contain- iuft H rouu<8 and wood alied, with liaril and boft wator putitt's. both uiidur covur, beautiful tfardon andoichanl altto wollflnlHhod utahle and drive huuBu â- <» \li4 ft. Apply to J. E. MOOUli:, Furiiituro dealer. Seed Wheat For Sale A few earn of »eed wheat, rwl ftfe, or ol.l claftf^ow. For Hale at tlio Priceville roller luilU For cash or will exchauge (or other whnst. n.McOOWAN. FARMERS^ ATTENTION IMPROVK YOimHTiW'K. I bavo ha1 gran<l8uco«Hs with my bull. Lord Rulco, an a Htock getter, (^n accuunt of hard tiinoH I huvu docidoil tu run liiui at SlOOiur cow for IH'jd payftblo Jan. iKt lfc*J7. If not pnied on or httloro that dato 26 cts. extra will bo char^od. Kon SALF.â€" I have ftl«o for Palo a yo!in»i thorinuihbrt'd bull, which took f\vKt prizn at i''luKhorton and Mai'kdalo fairs Kirod by L >rd Italcc, dam I<uday Clontiioro.nno of tho bnst lullklnt-; cuwH tliat ovo>* vuino iutothlK rouiitvy AliTUL B JoUN'HToN. \ ii!iil^.3:ir i*. l> (( Laat Thursday morning a most distress- ing occuncnee tuoU pluce iii tho iiOjoiii- iiij; lowusliip of Durliy. For Homo months pant tlio eldutit ditu^litor of Mr. H. Cohiit^ll, a young woman of ahout 20 yi'aiH of age, lias shown indications of IjeiiiL' uiil'alaiiut'd mentidly, eaid to bo tho ri'.su't of illness. Though acting strange- ly, il was not ciinsiduiei.1 tliiit her condi- tion was diiiii{>'roUR until a sluiit time ago, when it a-ih dueidcd llmt a coiibtaiit watch wiia luivl.iable. Nijiht uftur nii:lil licr fatlior nut up with her. Wmriod with constant watching on tiie nionaiii; ill question, (lie watcher fell asleep for a fi w niinules only to lie atoiisod liy the pierciuH screaiiis of tho young womiiu. It was disuovoi'LHl li'.nt i,lio had taken the lamp-tuirncr <ifl'a'ul Inid oiiiptied the coal oil ovor her clolliiug and then sot lire to tlieni. Ill an iiisita it tho siiUHtioii was t liken ill and tho fiuhsr spraiij; to put out llio blaze, aud only flucjeedcj after both victim and rescuer were 8ei:iously burn- ed. Mr. ConneU's wouut'saro piincipal- ly on the a'tiis and face, his whiskers, hair and eyebrows boinsf Binj/ed off, while tliH burns on his Hnus are terrible. Medical aid was auniniund and the iiijjii'ies carefully dressed. The deepest aynipathv is expressed for Mr. Copnell in hikdutibitt affliutiua..â€" Times., JCina !Po mff in f > 1B005 l!v Kniekerbooker 200, tho Hire o( ton iu the I! :I0 list, anil tho sire of thu ilnui of Alar 2.11, ( lu'oiiof) 'J V.'i ami elovcn othtus. This shuwp that 1i!h BtocK is broedinij ou and iu the vt-ry fi'oiit iniikH. Kiiickorliiickcr is by tlie king of sires, Uamo bhituni.tn 10 I\iiiK I'iii 11 ilam i» Topsey hv Kootucky rrinno SH'.U, Biro of (luv, 2.e()f, Klnlao, airi, onil over thii tv others in iho list. hucoihI dam a-i Forest KiiiK 1751, thu sire of l.iUy llansct, ^120^, anil othurt*. ami l''<irent KiiiR is bv that Rroat hlio, .Miimhiiuo I'ntohen .''iM. Biruof 39 in i lib list, ami Biruof tho il.nitiH of 112 fast p rformurs, iiuilinl- liij; ltal|>h Wilko',2lT.J. Kiiii; Pin's dain.Toiisy, is in tho f^roiit tirood niaro li.^t. biiiiit; tlie ilaiu of Zorlatu'. a.vio. Klut I'iii is 5 years old. a liHantifnl daik hay 10.) IuiikIr hi^h, aixt wiu£;1is 1:HX). Hoifah rto of Ki'i'iit stUu, i]uality. iimi a Ri-Aiul actor, and can now, without triiiiiiiix, sliow a2.t0i.'ait. He iias (jrcat sutv-taneo, strong build, thn iiinko uii of a hire, tho spowl to trans- iiiit and thu broodiu;^ and blood liiu-s to make him iiropotiint, and not only a sire of ratio Inn-seH l)iit aMvo oF eledrant carriage anU saddle hones with i^rand kiite and liouk notion, and liir^ooiiouKh for all kinds of f,inn work. 'riiin voui.fi stallion was iinpoTtcd iiy mo lust winter. did a lai'Kt' busiiioss last gunson. and is a siiro foal ({otter. Ills scivioe too will bo ivithiu reach of every fariudr. Sou sniall iiills later. The ininciiial stands forn(>ason of (KJ will bo : rrUiiiviUo, at or near Hoiitvillo. I'roton Station, Soutli-east Artcmcsia, Warohain, Mclntyrn, Maxwtll. Kni4enia Falls, tfloshurton aud homo stable, UarkdaUi. J. E. HARSH, Markdale, Out JOSIy Hay and Grain for Sale. The undersigned is selllui; hay, seed aud feed MM and. slxi- rowed barley at inarkot price. A^BBAIrr^Oraiica VaUa» New Shades in SICILIAN LUSTRES , the CORRECT STYLES in Spiing Dress GootJs. CASllMliKES in Black LDcl Colors. 25c to 30c. A v.'ry iaige range of Erpf- 1 sh PRINTS ppci ed cut this we^k. Splendid values. Overstock sizes in Corsets clearing al 25c pair. Regular values 50c to 60c. WALL PAPER, A big^ stock just in, prices from 5c per roll up. 3e Mardware | Dep't. BARB WIRE S.ifcty and Common at »J.40 por 100 lbs. BLACK FENCE WIRE No. 11, $2.40. No. 12, $2.65 per 100 lbs. HATHAWATS WIRE At W.OO per 100 lbs. FENCE FLYERS 9-iiich 45c. 10-inch 50c. DAISY CHUR^^'S No. 2, «3.20. No. 3,^3.50. ASK TO SEE OurjobUncsof Wall Paper that we are aclliuj; off at re- duced [)rice.s. Headquarters for cut and wire nails and other buiklera' Hardware.. M.RlCHAfiDSONdCo f h

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