Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1896, p. 5

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wm&' THB FLESHBRTON ABVANGi ]/ iJANKlNii OFL'ICE OP GEO. MITCHELL -««r IS.tSKERl«^ \:<'.fiar»l btt'i'Kiiis liHaiui'ss tniiisai'teil, Di-afts URued a.iid choquuh ua.-ttjtd at usiml rules. .VIouoy 11.1 A'j.ys At'.ail.iblti lor kniinnt'j busiiiues t>iicdr;/ri ij. UJiuu two (iuuiu uuitu oi iviuUard- \fic.mit|f Chips, Carefully TuHcd for the <'Hn«l!S. B't.'iiifl!M iioitcs onvoTKj locals tciil be i:hj',r'i7 1 at Wic nife of 10c per Hue fur tneh iibsertlun. A rediictioH will be iHule on euiitracU for 100 lines or over. The liceiise c^mmi^Bioller9 for Centre fijej mot ut Rocklyii on Tueadiiy. Trt'o good cari>eiit';rs wanted. to Iluetor McDDimhl, Priccvdk". Apply Mr. Will CiiHieriiii, 8th con., had a (Utecr kill.td ly iiaditiiin^ ou Friday BVuiiiiig hwr. Messrs. ii.ecroft & Talbot are running tliosiivmiH every hour of tUe 2t while #atur IK hi!j;h. Mr. Junathiin liuli, un old and well ktiiwn re'^idtjut of Waruham, died sud- denly ol hoiirt ujseaso wLdu sittiiig in iiia ciiuir ou Wednesuay <.f iasi; wetk. The Jiructors will Itfc a job of atoning »iid kvuliiiig the agi-ic.iltural groundH on Fiiday at 1 o'clock, ba let by auction. The contract will An auction solo of ^.-irni atock and iiuiilonicuts will be hcUl ou lot 54, con. J, N. D. 11., to-day, 'Ihiirsday. Jolrn McLean, propiiutor ; D. McCoruiick, »uttioL:ccr. " Half a span of angry ateol" will pro- duje ui more fatal r«.'ul'.a th.iifi a ncg-ect- e-l cold or cou;<li. t'oi ali tiiroat unu luny Ui8^a.»e8, Ayoi'a Clie!ry Puctorai ia the best remedy. It is invaluable in casegof uroup, whoopiugcouKli, brouchitii, and la grippe. Eugenia Falls are saiJ to b« a magniticont sight these days w^th the iniiueuae body of water falling over them. About till y tilni logs belonging to Mr. Marcou took a heiuicr over the falls one day laat wec^k. On a calm evening the toar of these waters can bo beard here, a a distance of live uiilca. Money at 5';^ interest, payable yearly. George Rutherford, Sholburno, is loaning tuoney in both lari>e and ainull sums, in- terest at !>Z per annum (n"t half yearly and not in advance). Ex|jen.ses very low. SVritu fur particulars or call at his office un Mondays, Wednesdays or Saturdays. Office â€" Main St., Slielburue, Out. Miss Annie RichardRon, teacher of elocution in Toi-onto Conservatory of music, has been engaged f(jr the tuachci's' convention at Durham ou May 21 and 22. In addition to assisting in tho evening program she will give a talk in tho ivfter- noon on tcaciiing of reading in public schools. . Mr. Tilley will al.so bo present. Spring is full of terror to all whose ccuBtitutions are not bb!e to resist the sudden change of tcniperaturo and other insalubrities of tho season. To put the systtni in condition to overcome these evils, not bin'; is sj Bffective as Ayor's Sarsaparills. Take it now. * ^ â€" . . Mr. A. S. Vanduson handcfl in a buncli of clov.er on Monday which measured suvoa inches. This clover must have grown on an averfigo of about one inch per day during I ho past few days of wann weather, which is something remarkable. May tho fio.st not visit us this year .is it did last. The annual meeting of tho Meohanica' Institute or Public Libraiy will be held on i^inday, May i, at 8 p. m., to rectiva reports of tho woik done during the year and other business. The balance of the magazines will be sold by auction on that occasiion. Tlia directois would like to have a few more names handed in before that date. The lee is only 50o. The residence of Mr. Jos. M.^Ardle, {lostuiuster, HopevilU, was struck by lightniun ou Fiiday-mnrning last about 4.30 o'clock. None of tho inmates were hurt, but the buildinn was. pretty badly demoralized, The fluid appears to have been led away from the sleeping apart- niont by astovfpipe which ran into the postoftice roon-. in front of the building. It is fortunate that tho destruction is no worse, and was conlined to meltiuK^-'of slovepipe, ripping up o{ floor and crack- ing the stone cellar wall. No upAiicance. Servant girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. John Allen, Art-emesia. I'aiiitini! afid paper hanyint; in tho iiigh" est atylcof art. Twenty years' ex perii-nce. John A Wliitf, Fleahcrton. Residence at W. Biirnhou.-.c's. A moeting of tho Gj.jrgiau Bay 'uaso- baU league will lie held in Markdale on Monday next to arrange the schedule for tlie cumin<; season. Tho following books have just been added to tho public library ; Story of Tonty, by Mary H. Catherwood ; Ten Years Later, Dumas ; and Practical But- ter Book. The long-suffering husband has once mm-e got to take his punishment in tak- ing down and cleaning stovepipes, beat- ing carpet :md other light and enjoyable occupations which his better half smiling- ly sets before him. Wliat fall wheat there is in this vicinity appears to have come through the winter ill splendid condition. Ono gentleman near this village sfiys he has eight acres of tho prettiest fall wheat htj ever set eyes on. .\u interesting article on Eugenia as a counng electric town, lately published in tho Monetary Times, will be republished in tlicKa columns next week. Any Buyenia friends desiring extra copies of the paper niu.st notify U3 tliis week. Mr.s. Tri'.nblo is busy filling orders in hand.some millinery for ladies, misses, a;!d chiMrcn, and all go away feeling well satisfied with f.tyle, i|uality, and price. Next door to R. Trimble's general store. Iliis spring has opened just as last sprinir did, with extreme heat and mois- ture, making rem.arkably quick growth. Let ii.s hope it will ji^t be a repetition of hist year so fiU' aa heavy frost and drouth is concci-ned. Such a condition would create noslijig i;hort of a famine for our people. The heavy wind storiu of last winter blew down Messr-. Dnmude & Wri^iht's smoke stack. A bee was nnide on Friday last to erect it again This was nearly accomplished, when, through some accident, it ciathed to the ground once more. Ou Saturday the attempt was renewed and was succcisrul. It will soon begiu to smoke. Duiing the flood last week about ei'j;bt feet of the Osprey Farmets' Milling Co. dam at Fevershani was carried away. It will cost about ?250to repair tho damage. The Co. now proposes to get the town- ship to go sliari'S in erecting solid abutt- nients and shortening the bridj/e. Owing to tho peculiar situation of this dam tlie townsliip. it would appear, have as much interest in niakin:' a peroianeul job of it as the company has. PERSONALS Miss Maud Richardson rctuniotl last week from an extended vi.sit with friends in Brooklyn. N. Y., and Toronto. J. \V. Heniloifton, Esq., Toronto, spent a cooplo of days last week with his son, Mr. K. N. Henderson. Mr. W. Clark will return on Monday next to Mount Clnir, N. J., for the sum- mer. Mvfj. J. M. Thuistoii. Kimborley, spent a few days of tho past week with her son, ye Advance nnm. Mr. Herb. Johnston, Eugenia, 1ms ac- cepted a positiou with Mr. B. McDonald, nierchant. Mr. B. Hislop visited friends iu Thorn- bury for a few days during tho past week, leaving his est.ibliijhment iu chaige of Mr. Fred Ctamoy, a competent hand. In a clipping from a Poi-tland, Me., newspaper, we learn with pleasure of the prosperity of Rev. FrelLoitch, pastor of the West End M. M. church, tliat town, and an old Fle.sherton boy. Rev. Mr. Leilch has recently had his salary sub- stantially i-aiscd and is pleased with his place and people. Church Notes The scries of s]ieoi!il soivicos which Rev. .J. Malian ha.* betn conductins; in the Mi'llioJist chnru'.i c*mo to a elope on Friday nii-ht last, when thirty people nave in thcjir names as desirous of Joiniog tho church, and were taken iu as probatiouers. It is proposed to hold a free social reunion iu tho chuich on Fri day ( to-morn)W ) evoning with refresh- ments and short impromptu speeches, when a very pleasant time is anticipated. This will bo free to all and everyone is invited. A strong coniuiittee is making the necessary proparatifins. Iu the absence of the Methodist pastor, Rer. J. ]lfeh»n«,whowa» w>pplying the pulpit of Scropo street Slethodist church, Owen Sound, on Sunday last. Dr. Christoe took charge of tho morniui; service hero and Mr. M. Richardson of the evening. Mr. John Williams, of Durham, had liis right arm badly crualie I on Fiiday while Working ou a C P, R. timber train at Kockiord. A heavy piece of timber was being hoiitec) to oae (.f the Ciir.i, when the chain broke, awiuaing the timber around and strikiiii; Williams on the arm. Ho was brought to the (joneral and Marine Hospital here in the evening, and yesterday morning tho arm was amputated above tho elbow by Dr. Cameron. â€" O. S. Advertiser. BULL FOR SERVICE. Tbo uuitcraigued bus a fine Durbain Bull for Bervice ou lot 135, \V. T. 3. li. Toi-iuK 7.5 oont W. DAVIS. TiriELY HINTS^ A wiHe niau knows How to take a bint. Tliia is the season of year when y* â-  are requiring ROBES, BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, A BEIT SETT OF IMIIESS Currycombs and everything couuected with the Harness line for winter use. Do - You = Know Where to buy them To the beat advantage ? This is where the hint comes in And it is a gooil and broad one : Go to . . . , . WILL nOOKE, Harnessmuker, • Fiesberton. N. B, â€" Cowhide milts, hair inside from 50c to 7oc a pair. Our Motto is Cii'mb, -AND WE ARE- Climben^^ . / We have ffot n«\rly to llie top in JOB WtJRK of every description by buying up-to-date material and work- ing it artistically. Tliis is tho season nf yeir when farmers desire snnill bills fur their en tiro stock, and also advertising. We will plaoo small slock advcrtiseinenta in these columns at the rate of ONLY 50C PER HONTM and larger one.s in tho same ratio. Wo also supply Housb Dills chea|i and attracti?e, with a very largo se- leclionof cuts to cliooso fnnn. to his heart's content, but facts speak loudi-r than words. Our work upeaks for itself. The Ailvanoe has a lepu- tatioii to niaiiitain and it proposis to mainlain it. Try us once for any- thing in the printing line. Wo never yet sent a man away tti.^satilie.l, ilere are a few things which wo m.ike a specialty of : Nolo and letter heads, envehipes, bhiiik notes, cir- culars, posters, business and visiting cards, pamphlet work, etc. V'V'ork di>no plain or in colors. Samples supplied by mail if desired. TSr. H> THiUESXOlV, Fle»hertoi>. A VERY CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF i^oois 6c Shoes - PnP SPRING & SUHMER ON HAND For Style, Quality and Price cannot be surpassfd Call and see tliern at . . . CLAYTON'S Repairing cC custom work promptly/ attended to We Are 51111 In The Swim And invite our customers and the purchasing public generally, to inspect our stock. We have placed ou our eonnters several cases of SPRING SHIRTINGS, DEiNLMS, COTTON- ADES, PRINTS, and GENERAL DRY GOODS. , We Have a Few Lines of Hilllnery Selling at Less than Half Price. BOOTS & SHOES I Our stock is very complete. HATS ! A complete stock of Spring Hats just to hand. GROCERIES! Our TEAS excell iu price, sireusth and flavor. We aim at keeping a good quality at reasouablo prices. If you want a bbl. of SALT we have it. Highest price paid for all produce iu exchange for goods. ' T. HILL.i •â- Mi:min;il i^^ ^^'fSfsas&s/sifsi^sstSKiasi^si^/^ '•1 n •yi % >:• I i •li^TttiJ?^ ^ " Qeneral ^ Jdea OF WHAT YOU CAN GET AT THE ]^^le^l)ei'ton 'Fai'i]itui'e Wkrci'oon]^^ and all at rock bottom prices, for cash ordry lumber. Fox* The PafIox* mifh Wo have Suites in Flush, in Silk lirocalelle and Silk Tapestry. This month at gUT.SO per Suite. Odd Chairs of al- most every doscripriuu and style and tinish. Sofas & Lounijfs of various urades, all very low in price, besides a nico varieiy of C'ane and perforated Seat Chair.s. Centre Tables iu Solid (jak and Walnut tinish of now and preliy desiun, A Beautiful New Stock of "Window Shades & Curtain Poles ALL LENGTHS TO 12 FEET. Bosides Parhir Furniture we have every requisite for tho Dining-room, I3ocirooni, Kiiclnm or SewiiiK-rooni. Ai{ont for the celebrated L'xbriduo Origans, Raymond'a Sowing Machines, as well I'S neodlex for any other m.ieliine. Fisher & Pulfnrds' Ji Wilkinson's Hlougli repiir-'. Very speoiiil attention uiven to UNDtlltT.ARlNt; De- partment and Picture framing of which we have a beautiful as- sortment. >g^?^i^g^^ ^:yg; i gaga8g ^^ ^ ^ OWEN SOUND, OlSTARIO, ri.ACIO IN C.VNADA TO fiF.T A Itaraugli Biisiiiess Etacatioa. Take a Round Trip Xr ilrmo"'! â€" CoUofjcs and Commercial Dopartniants in Canftila.Uion visit ,tlu; Nortliovn Husiimss Ci.lii«'3 ; oxioiiiiio ovory- tliiiis tlioioiiglilv. II wo fail to pro.luoo the ijKiattlioioiisli.uomplcte, practical Biiil oxton- sivo course of atiiiiy ; tho beat collcRO prumnus ami tliu best ami inos' ooniplcto niiil uumt suit- ftLilofurnituro ami ollllancon, wo will Hive you a lull oiiurso FUli:.. Kor Animal Annoinioo- LoeutiUivlug full pailicularB, true, aliiroB C. A. FLE^lhNG, Priuoipal. se aiil lot For Sale. For s.ilo olioap ami on caRv torms in FIOf=lior- ton. Siilondiil lari;c, loliil brii'.l; dwullins, with !<(io.l Btoao collar, siinnuor kitclion and wuoil- luvme. alK> yood fyaiiio stablo, lirick lined. 1' oinlno.H contains twolaiBol"t'a"'lK"0'' vounj,' orolmrd, liearinif. Hoii«a and niiibiiildinn» are oxcBplioijiillv woli flnishod and very convoni- tutly laid out. Apply lo U.J. Si-noL'i.K. Flo^luuton. Jersey Bull for Service Thorouijlibrod .lorsnv bull for service at John H. Hoard's. B'lobborton. Terms ote dollar. Cash : for : Hides! Shoapskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sivusages on hand, also all kinds of meats. Ad. wiiLiSovr, SLBSHBRTON MEA.T K51P0RIJJM F]e:jE!.E : ipi?]s:k ! I Preserve y.nir eyesiijht by Iiaviiig (hoia. properly tostnl by W^V^ARM STRONG, . OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For snio very clieop and on very oasy termo. lniil)er lani-.. Ii-iOHOr..f, two mili-i from I 1cf.1i niton, known as tlm Wui. HoKRfiawmill pro- perty, and on which in an exculleiit water pcwi'r. loundotion of saw mill, dam and pond and water wheel in plaou and nil ruady for puttii a mill on. Alwutli) acres cloiued, :i(iacrea timber most o/f. balanoo well liiubor.d, niixod tliuhcr. Ibis farm vyill l)e B.d.l i,t, a berKain if sold (tV oiioe. .Small piivmont down, bahmoo OU vc;Â¥ o.vBy terms. Apply to- K.J. SpnoTi.!!, llosherten.rn Carpet Weaving Tho nnderaiBnod Ima pi .c.i . in position a first olasa loom for carpet and llannol weaving aud is prepared to KivosatiulRcbion. UriUBiu your UAOS or VAll^i to A. T. U-a.ON. Floshorton, April 7, 'i* Farm Pfej Sale or Rent, also village House and Lots Tenants wanted for lot 10, N. D. F., Aitomesia, and house and two lots ou Collin^iWood stroet, Pricevillo, known kb the Scott property. Will :n.Xepu88ussiou atouc«. Koi'i'nrlicularsHpply to WHS. CATHABINk SCOTT April. ll> iWS. . Arfluu' P. 0., Oae^' f "â- 'â-  *^'^'«« 'l^»»>.nf«»-^,-,\(-T-u.

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