H A NEW INDIAN PROPHET. B Prollrllwiis Fiillitl. but llr t'i-ralr<l a Lol nf E\fil<-nieut. xlie growth of sects and heresies un- der our tolerant rale in India is more frequent than is generally known, for Hinduism is elastic enough quickly to absorb them, and they are still more short-lived when their leaders have been Christians. It is when thte religi- ous impostor heads a movement which threatens the ijeace of the country that we learn the curioas details. The latest event of this kind has oc- curred in the Bengal division of Chota, Nagpore, the aboriginal tribes of which have joined the Christian church. Ang- lican, Lutheran and Scottish Presby- terian by the thousand. Birsa, a lad of 20, who had lapsed from Christianity, was in the jungle with a companion, when a flash of lightning for a moment transfigured his face, and his friend sal- uted him as a god. Birsa returned to bis village, Chalkad, and proclaimed himself an incarnation who could work miracles of healing. His first case waa that of a ljabj<,who was perfectly well; he breathed upon it, declared he had cured it, and his fame brought thousands of the simple demon»-wor8hi[jers to his feet. Over every case of sickness he pronounced a charm.consisting of such headlines of an English primer as he ha<l read in the Lutheran school at Chaibasa. "Stul, •tore, stare, stale," was the favorite in- ' vocation. He admitted that Christian- ity was good but for two evilsâ€" the of- fertory in church, and the permission to wear l)Oots when at worship. He soon jyoclaimed the end of the world for a fixed day and hour; all were to be destroyed by fire and brim- stone except those who found refuge witi him. Money was therefore uaeloas, and the people were told to spend their all on clothea, with the result that the Eindu dealers could not supply the de- mand. The coming harvest would not be wanted; tlie cattle aoaordincly w«ra turned into the crops. AVhen thousands waited at high nooa on the fixed day for doom, and nothing occurred, Birsa tied a string between two trees and declared that the end would not come till that broke. Th« nearest English missionary who had tried to open the eyes of the deluded multitude, and feared a famine, then in- formed the British deputy commission- er at Ranchi, the county town. He sent a constable to arrest the impostor, but the cro%vd was too great. A whole posse of native constables followed, and bad to flee. Be then went oat hintr self, and Ity night arrested the prophet, who was sleeping in the midst oi his chosen followers. But by that time theire was the be- ginning of a rebellion such as, in Lord &lhiousie/s time, caused the Santel war la the neighboring hills. As Birsa went to jail he prophesied his returu in four days, and 7,000 men, whom he bad ordereid to arm themselves with axes, waited in vain. Now, afraid of the military ijolice under the white man, they are flocking to the chapels, eager to be recognized as Christians; but of this majority are expected to change their mind when their terror and de- lusion have disappeared with Birsa's long imprieoumeut in a distant place. A similar impostor ca,i<.ae4l what is known as "the war of the axe" among Kaffirs of South Africa. A PROFITABLE CAT. A Lewiaton, Me., lady owns a large brown coon oat which has .lust been sold for the seventh time tar f8. With- in a week after each sale the cat com.es back to the house of the first owner and makes her appearance at meal time. The Mayor of Elizabetbtown, Ky., on assuming office, this year, announced that he would give his salary to the oity. His generosity provcMl infectious, for the city coiincilmeu also decided to give their pay to the city. The May- or's salary is 97S a year.and the ooun- cilmen get f2 each for every meeting. Scotia SmuIsiOTk j is Cod-liver Oil } You get ail the ) ,,1 t .1 \ virtue of the oil. ^ Without the ^ You skip nothing J fish -fat ta.st^ 3 but the taste. ^ llOiX lUl l.CtOLC« ^ ;oe. and $..«, at all druggists, f Weak, Tired, Nervous Women, who seem to bo all worn out, will find ill purified blood, made rich and healthy by Hood's Sarsapar rilla, pcnn'inent relief and Btrength. The follow iug is from a well known sursc : " I have suffered for years with female eom|>laints and kidney troubles and I have had e great deal of medical advice during that tune, but have received littl' or no benefit. A friend advised me to takfc Hood's Safgaparilln and I began to use it, together with Hood's Pills. I have real- ised more benefit from these madicjnes than from auythluK elsel have oyer taken. Fr(AD my personal experience I believe Hodd'sSargapai-iUa to be a most complete blodtt puriSar." Mks. C. Ckomstom, 71 OiuKbeiland St., Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the pnblio eye today. THE DOCTORS WERE WRONG They Said Mr. Reuben Patch Was Per- manently Disabled. Thry Apiinri-iitl.i Hu<l <mi<.<I liroHiidH for Tbeir Kriiiirt null ou (be Strength of It Hi! wiiH I'lilil a «l..->l>» l>i!iiiliUU)' innnr- | aureâ€" Auiillii-r <'iimi' In Wliii-ii I>r. WU- ! liiinis' i'luk Pills lliivi- BruUKlit Ui'iiltb .itti-r nil OlhiT Me»n« Fnieil. | From the Meaford Monitor. i Mr. Reuijen Fetch is a resident of GriexsvUle who has been known to the ettitor of the Monitor for a consider- able number of years. For several years Mr. Fetch has lieen in bad health, has been an intense sufferer and was declared incurable by a number of phy- sicians and was paid a disability insur- ance of $1,500. Lately, to the astonish- ment of those who ha<l known that he | was pronounced incurable, Mr. Fetch | has been brought back almost to his , former health. This restoration he at- j tributes to the use of Dr. Williams' j Pink Pills, and knowing that his story ' would interest the readers of the Mon- j itor, a reporter was sent to interview him. The following is Mr. Fetch's nar- j rative as given the reporter : i " I had been sick for some years. I consulted in that time with no less than six of the best physicians I could find, | but none seemed to help me so far as ^ medicine wa** concerned. My limbs and i body were puffed or bloated so I could not get my clothes on. I had lost the use of my limi>s entirely, Wfaen I be- gan tairtng Dr., Williams' Pink Pills T could not dress myself and had Hot dressed myself for two years previous. I could not even 0|jen my mouth enough to receive any solid food, and I had to be fe<l with a spoon. I seemed to have loclcjaw. I could not get up or down the doorsteps, and if I fell dowrn I had to lie there until I was helped up. I could not get around without a cane and a crutch. My flesh seemed to be dead. You might have made a pincusb- How's This ? We offer One Hundred DollarB Reward for auyiaboof i'aiairh >.nat(-au i.ut be tureU by UiiU'S Catarrli Cure. ft'. J. CHKMCY a, CO..PropB., Toledo. O. We llie undcr.-ixnud, have known F. J. Cheney lor i he last 16 year.-;, and believe him perleoliy lionoruble in ail bu^iueHS Irunnacttons niid flnnneiiUy able to carry out any ub.l^uliouii made by ihair Arm. WiteT a. TfliTAX, Wholesale DruKgiiiU, To. ledo, O. < WA1.U1N0, KiXNAX Sc MAnviN, Wholcs ilo Drugfc'Isis. Toledo. Ohio. Hall u Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- Ion directly upon ihe oinod and nuicoue^ur- { tsven of the xyHUm. Hi ice 75c. per bottle. ' Ssid bj' all Uru|,'gi6iH. Tusti m jniau f ree. j KAViS VOU TA8T«C1 IT IS BEUCiOUS. CEYLON TEA. Sold Only In Lead Packets. It is anuounceil that ex-Empress Fre<lerick of Germany, intends to si>end much of her time in future in England. , WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING I CAR TO NEW YORK. I One of the huntlsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the jjop- â- ular West shore route. It is a buffet I car, and refreshments can be obtained en route, it aesired. This car leaves I Union Station, Toronto, every day j except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m., reaching MONTREAL EAST FALLS INTO LINE. Aa .mpnrlaii' Htatrmnil fiuui Alpboniic T. I.i-plne, H. P. Of the many vvisc acts of the memljer in the House of Commons for Montreal Kast, it is a question whether any is more widely imiHirtant than his endors- atuon of the good effects that come from the use ot Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powd- er. Mr. Leptine has used thiis mediuinie himself, and found that it gave all the relief in the case of catarrh that it ^ ^_ promises. The results accom|)lished by I New' York next morning at 10.10 a. m. this medicine are simply wonderful. In j On Sunday s the sleeper runs from Ham- Toronto there is the case of Captain, ilton only, connecting with the through Ben Connor, of 198 Berkeley street, who '. train from Toronto. Call at any Orand was cured of catarrhal deafness of | Trunk office in Toronto for information twelve years' standing by the use of .oar space in sleeping car. Reservations this medicine. It relieves in ten min- can l)e made in advance if desired. utes. Sold by all druttgists. Sample lx)ttle and blower sent oy S. G. Detch- on, 44 Church street, Toronto, on re- ceipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Mr. Cecil Rhodes, formerly Premier of Cape Colony, who has lieen suffering from fever at Salisbury for some day.s past, is now much bettor. CAN THE HEART 8^ GRAPHED ? PHOTO- It I'rrlalnljr Can Im KeaebFtl and tin Wont I WlHraaea Ciiml. I In the wonderful experiments lieing made at the present time it has not yet ! Iieen demonstrated that (he heart has actually been photographed. It is .i question if this is iieoe«.sary. despite the , t.errible prevalence ij£ liearl disease. In Dr. Agnew's Cure for the lleart is a remedy that goes at once to the dis- ease, as certainly as if the particular spot had Iwen photographed by the new 19th century process. James Allea, of St. Stephen, N. B., who had l)een trou- bled with severe palpitation of the heart for years, says that before be took half a Iwttle he was feeling Itet- ter. and to-day is a sound man, fbough I using only one l»tAle of this remedy. W.P.C. 811. H. W. PETRIE'S "gwcATAtowmi MNEW AND SECOND-HAND ACHINERY Office and TVorki uldresi : 141 Front St, 4djoiiiiiui New naiou Sutiop Toronto, Caoadt RIPVPI CC "THE SUN." A StrioUr DIuTuLcO lliKb tirade Wlieel. at* (dodorate I'ricp. Send for cutaloKue. a. T. PBNDRITH. Manufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide gu W.. ToronU). *HB AEBXOTOB Oa OMI DaU a* wm m t maomlU bi »in Mj , b»«â€" etthatrattueoa ilM â€" H i wlodpamrto l.VwIiat ltina« n baa maar tnMk bouMk and MippUM It* good* and nnU atfourdoar. Uoaaaoddoaa tnnuha I battar article tar Ida maMfttaa> oiban. U makia PmnpUig aaC lOearad. SHaL aalmnlad-afti» lOoinplaUoa wlndmUla. Tlltloc and nxad Slaal Tnfen.StMlBBaa8aw mmm, aiaal n*d Outten aDd AM anadan. On awiUcaUon it will nama â€" aC tbH* aittalaa that It Kill ramub Dua Jtanarw IM at 1/S tb* nanal prioa. It alio iiiab>a Tknka and Pampact allktada sad tveatalat* • Ul> .«adnraU«^fUlMW«iirt fM M fc '!L!!!i!52!rT:VrNDRlTH' 13 to 81 AdeWde 81. W , Tof outo. Cateiogua us kuplic&tiuii. I lakara mould Have Than. Oraat Labor taitank QOUe Can't Do Without: (I oUAr I 1 I 1^ HAS NO EQUAL . . . [{ ' For purity ,( I For cleaoslng power ( ) For taking out dirt For dUsolvIng grease ,,,. » , .1 1 For dUsolvIng gre Wliy INOli For aaving clothts \. For DreaervlBg hai Hnnd'a Pills '"y to buy. easy to lake, T1UUU a I'lIlS euj In eil&ob Hie. ioo of me and I would feel no hurt. The doctors told me 1 could never get better. They said I had jial- sy on one side, caused by qiiiial .sclerosis, the effect of la grippe. You might roost me and I would not sweat. I was a meml)er of the Mutual Aid As- sociation of Toronto, and, as und{|»r their rule« I was entitled to a disabilt ity insurance, I made application fur it. 1 was examined b^ two dootors on be^ half of the Association and pronouno)- ed pemianemlly dij»bled and wa.s in due time paid my disability insurance of 91,500. This was about two years after I first took sick. Things went on in this way for a considerable per* iod, and my helplessness was, if any- thing, on the increase. I was contin^- uaily reading about the cures through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilhs, and at last determined to try tb^m. Aft*- er using four or five boxes there was a change. It first made itself mani» test by my beginniiiig to sweat .freeily. I made up my mind to give them a thoixjugh trial and to my surprise 1 have gained in health and strength ever since. I take no other medicine except Pifik Pills. I lÂ¥,'gan taking (hem when all other mediiMnes and the doctors fail- ed to do me any good. I could not get off my chair without help. I never ex- pected to get better but Pijik Pills have rescued me from a living dteath, and now I am happy to say I can work aoid walk and get around finely. I eat heartily, sleep soimdly, and fei-l like a new man, and I ascribe the cause entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I cannot say too much in their praise and recommend them highly to all similarly aiflioted." The al»ve is Mr. Fetch's ungarnish* ed stjitemcnt of his case and we might ladd, we tnow him to be a re^jootable, reliable gentleman, who has nu int- terest in making the statement only to do good to otHers who 'mj^ht become luCflicted as he waa. This strong testimony proves the claim made tnat Dr. WUliains' Pi4iiki Fills cure when other medicines £ail, aaid that they deserve to rank as the greatest discovery of modern medical Bcieince. The public should always Iw on their guard against imitations and substitutes, which some uascnipiilous dealers for the sake of extra profit, urge ujjon purchasers. There is no other remedy "just the same ^s" or "just as good" as Dr. Williams' link Hlls aad the genuine always have the full trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, on the wraiJp««! (u:x)imd every box. Recipe -Fop Making: a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. AdamH' Hoot Boor Extract one bottla Flci.olmii.n I'o Yoaat h""' a ««« Sugnr two pound; Lukfwarm Water two galloM UisKolvo tho sngar and yeaat in Iha water, add tlie extract, and bottla ; plaoo 111 a warm plooo for twenty-four hoiira until it farment^ then place on ioe, whan It ' til opia aparUtag and dalioioua. . ^ , « .•__ Tlieroot beer oan -. O'.taUiad In aliar«j and itrocary atorea it. i8ft«d U oMtbettleaW mako two and live jallOBtt Baron von Schrader, Master of Cere- monies of the Prussian Court, died on Saturday of the wounds inflicted by Count von Kotze in a duel. Ryckman's Kootenay Cure. Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysi.t. Niagara FalLs, Canada. .June 17th. ISO."). Mr. S. S. Ryckman, M. P., Hamilton. Dear Sir: After examining a very .severe sufferer from Rheum.xtism, also a bad case of bloo<l disorder and skin disease, I have no hesitation in recom- mending your medicine as an Al. article. Yours respectfully, - Dr. ENGREY. Mj-s. Sped ley, 104 Maxy St., Hamilton. Cured of Hkeiunatism by taking two bottles of Ryckman's Kootenay Cure. tenay Cure. Henry Thompson, Esq., Flamlxiro House, Merrick St., Hamilton Cured of Rheum<i.tiBm by one bot I le ot Ryckman's Kooteiuiy Cure. Mrs. Stiles .Stevens, 211 John St. N., Hamilton. Rheumatism cured by one bottle of Kootenay Cure. I<Vank England, Esq., 163 James St. N., Hamilton. Cured of Rheumatism by one Ixitlle of Kootenay Cure. J. G. Weir. Esq., 58 West Ave., N., Hamilton. Dyspepsia cured by Ryckman's Koo- tenay Cure. A young Berlin physician announces the di«xȴery of a new cure for lulwr- culosis. Of the ninety cases treated in the Moflliit h(«pital iluring the past year all have been cured. KIikI WordN rrom Rauillton Krai'i^liiiK the timit Kmiedy Mblrh 4'iire.. K.'ici.- â- u itlHui In Wne to Thn'« Uii.vh. Mrs. Phillips, sr., corner Hunter and Grath streets, Hamilton: "Several months ago I was afflicted with rheu- matism, which completely crippled me. South American Rheumatic Cure lieing- reo<Hnmeaded to mia, I prooured a bottle, and obtained perfect relief from the first few d<ises. It is without doubt th«' quickest relief for rbeumatijun I have ever seen, itnd I heartily recommend it to all sufferers from this disease." The EmpeitoT and Empress of Ger- many visited Venice on Saturday, iiiid were received by the King and (jueeii of Italy, and were given an enthusias- tic welcome by the populace. NATURE'S METHOD OF CURING KIDNEY DISEASE. Kot l>v pill* aad Powili-m, but In itiii - aolvlag the Slanjr gHb<tnnr.-ii Tliai rrovo .lie Itcal Uoiit ol ilii. Trniiblr. ^ Everybody is talking about the pre- valence of Kidney Disease. Brigut'sdi- .soase., Diiilictea and other forms of kid- ney trouble, are striking at all kinds and conditions of people. It is non- sense to say that these conditions are int-urable. The trouble is in trifling with the disease and employing pills and powders and other nostrums, that are wholly lacking in the elejnents that are necessary to a cure. Where South Am- cricaji Kidney Cure has been used it is a rare exception thit a ciu-e is not effec- ted. It cures the most .iggravated cases, because it is & solvent that removes the uric acid and hardened particles that gather in the kidneys and blood. As Mr. Frank S. Emeriiik, of Alvinston, Ont., who suffered intense pain from kidney trouble for two years, says: "In a few hours from taking the first dose I began to find relief, and as a re- sult of four bottles I am to-day com- pletely well." For preaervlBg handa Tiiese are souic of llie rea&oii!> why . . . "SUHUCHT" ^ Soap lias ihe largetl sale ( I in the wurld, and , hat, been awarded 37 W Gold Medals and other I I lienors. SUCB Old Metals Coppari â- raiasi Leadi Zinc, Iron, Find a CASH BUY Kit in W. G. HARRIS, K^l nilllaai HI., T«R«NTO,*mt Telephone 1729. FOE TWBNTY-SIX YEAHS. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. 1 VOUCLAS BROSi ijiate.Gravel and iiieti tj roofers, nieuilio ceilingg. skyllKftt fhoi t metal worlter ii. l ai Adelaide W..Toroiit e nCO f A I ^0^ ^ limited lime I will in- OrCulIlL**' i^rtyournnme in my Agenie' Dlreotory. and (tunrantee result*, foriiix.oea.s. J, B. JOHXSO.N. Box tl. Bam Ri ver. N. 8. OMH I »>•)> ><> piirchaM all V.nAt <if uMd PoUace PAID .'^ialnpH. Look up old IttlUrit uii.1 hrtuX iii« the f«. Ktuii.v>s on th* rii*elojwti. ..taling what you want iSL forthfni. KKKcUlljrolclCaiiail an. N«w llmn». •"â- wick. Newfouiidluiul. llr.tUh I'oluu.bia, t'mt*d •221Sf Htatti, etc. JAMK8 IIUHKKTT, WelliBjloii B^^fc and Jordan Bta., Torouto, C'au. No. 3 Few Women ENJOY LIFI AS TNEY OUCNT. MPOUND Mftuy ur« miserablci, w<wk ktid Mckly, ftod lulTc-r uutbld luisehts ( through ailments pecuW < tar to their sex. IT IS WRONG. Most :tl) these ill* re- Milt from wunib troublv ot Fuin« turt. >'o wo- ma-t can ramaio w«ak or iU whu ':ms MILES' (Can.) VECETABU CaMPOUND and Miles' Sanative Wash. Friou 75c and 3Sc For ule b; all ^niniata. Thej impart vltalit7 and energr, and make the life ol Ule " Mothur Sti ' worth liTln^ Explanatory Mmiiblet, ** Woman â- Trloaph," frae on applicauou. "A. M. C." nBDICINE CO., S7S St. Paul St., MoatTMil. Madldnea ozprewad to ani addreaa 00 order. \ l.^L EBY 5 EbECTRIC SALVE.*!; 3araa 8«lt Rbeam. Old florae. Sore Byes, PUt« Holla. Sere Nippleti. Barna, i^ealda. ata Rough on Rain. This hf w prcpsrHtidn wheD lil'iiliMl tiM.ulitiKrjrclothinc will iiiftke It rKKFKCTLY ltAINPK<M)K. .»na will not altff tJit fefl or uppearHno* of thf kovmIs. Ii)Taluabl«to cyclists. KpurtMu**!!, farmers and olhrra, A foituno for tailors kiul KiiutT -Ci.jLM AuRNTH. PrapM-ftd for B* W. UA.NNAfiCToroQto. E. ^ D. Bicycles GENTS' FRAMJE. LADIES' rR\aiE. Have many important improvements, covered by patents and found in no other wheel. They are : â€" At»olutcl7 Dust Proof. Absolutely Oil ProoT. Ali«oiiitel,v True Bearings, Morse Roller Chain, requires no oil. Cyclodial SprocKeta, Pedals dust proof at both ends. Intercbaageabld Sprockets, Reversible Handle. Crank Bearings removed without dis- turbing adjustment or balls. They are all (ttt«d with Messingef Saddles, the most expensive and best saddle over placed on the market. Thej are worth two of any wheel. They art geared to 80 and ride as easy as other! at 63. Send 9-ccnt stamp for oat*- logae. MANUFACTURED BY Cauadiau i^pogiaiih Co. (Ltd.) Windsor, Out