Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1896, p. 1

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ma spr ^n rsi i^m ykslr^rt0n Aiirana. sSk. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, NO 792 FLBSBERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1896 W. fl. THDRSTON, ^°'%Vopr,e7o« tliP^^ I ^OSt i i il i i I J â- ^=j;^^Jf~;i~3r^J/^r=Jr=-'/^/=Jr==ir=^i=^r^=Jr='r ^IS 53gAf Attention lifts been recGutly drawn to the sad condition of Capt. Audi'cwH, of Toi'juto, who lost his sight by saving the lives of others, havini< roscued fiom drowning eisiliteen nersoiia. An iippeiil is to be made to the govornmont to gram him a peusiou, with which it is to be hoped thfy will comply. Uiifiu'tuniit'dy, shall wp >iiy many lose llieir sii^ht, not ;i3 C.ipt. Aiidrew.s has dune by savi:i>{ a score of lives, but by the desire to save a low ct-tiis by weariiif; chrap or other spectacles that are of inferior material, not properly gixiand, or that aro not the p'-opor correction. Oolinrs injure then' sipf'it by not wear- inj,' spcctacK'S wIkmi tiicy need '.how, thinlunt,' the l()n::i-r tliey can do without them liio bt^tici', whereas il is ilie ii;vi'isu. Wt> rocoinmeud that yon do not allow fiilso pride or other n-asDJis to kcfp you from wearing sptctifles when yon need tln'm, and wliiMi ymi do begin raal(e sure that you arc wearing tlie lijjhl kind for yon. There is do way of knowing; this hiu by haviii>r yo'ir eyt's propi^i-'y tt sted and f^lussf'3 given acc-'idiug to the ui-eda of cacii eve. I hiive made a study of the testing of i<i^'lit by iiu^jroved mothadii, and <;uarautee a perfect lit at reauoQable prices.' I W. A. ARHSTRONQ, Jeweller & Optician. I h Plesberton Station. From uiir ow correspondeitt. Mr. R. Cook is in town this week. Mr. Rod. McLeod left Thursday morn- ing lotit for the United States. Misa Jennie Hemphill visited with her grandmother, Mra. Hemphill, near Mount Ziun last week. The boys make nightly excursions to the lake for the purpose of ensnaring some of the linuy tribe. Some of the jolly bachelors from the town and adjacent ,• met together in town one day last week. Wonder what bachelors talk al>out, when they are exclusively together ? " NOW is tine time to ^et yoiix* I .Ordered .*. Clothing /. Cheap. Fevrrstaam. Our liusiness Directory Wvxt$$ (lavdiQi. M CULLOUGH A YOUNG, D&uVers, Markrtale. do a KeDar&l baoklng bas- tuesB. UoDey loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on us. AS. VANDUBT^N, J. P. Clerk 5th Div Court, C!o Grey Isauor of MM.iige LiceiiHas, ComniLssiontir la H. C. o< Juetive, Auotioaeer, eto. Flkhbebtom p. O. D EBTS COLLECTED. Tbe unilersiRDsd is preparei) to nudertake the colliic'tlon of all kiudB of debts. Notes bought, accounts collected, etc B. N. HENDKKBON - FLKSUEnxow f eutii^Uif. Mrs. J. Palmer has been visiting : friends in Fleaiiertim for the last week. I Mrs. F. WclverUm of Flint city, Michigan, also Mrs. Clutfof Honey wood, Out., have been visiting with their sister, Mrs. H. Heitni.iij, foi the past week. I Mrs. A. Henry of Collingwood spent I last week with her father, W. Mc- I Mullen, of this i>Iace. I Mrs. J. H. Hull of Owen Sound was ' visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Speers, week . < before last. I The directors of the mill deseiA'e credit for the way they pushed the work on the dam. Although it was a bad break they bad the mill running again in one week from the time of the break, and at a great devi less cost than any one thought of. £2irex*ytli.i]:i^ set vez*y close prices xio^w G. J. LE/TGH, Merchant Tailor :,., ;\ SSSS^^ m. •%^%*^%^%^ '•'%*• W%^%^^^w%^«'%%%^/%'%^^9L«k^wS^« ''^///m J p. UABSHALL, L.D.S.,M.D. 8, Dentist. Visits Markdala the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each mouth, Fleshertonâ€" Kach trip on the day ' c..v.wint{. ftgal. TCHISLETT • Klosberton Station Vostmaater, Coinmissiocer in H. C. J., Con- veyancer; deeds, mortgages, leases aud wills drawn. Charges moderate. Business lettois written. acl9 R J. 8PB0ULB, Postmaster, Flosherton, Coaimisslonor In U. B., Licensed Auctioneer, ConveyancBr, A - praisur and Mcjioy Lender, Kool Elstato aud lusurauoo Agent. Deeds, Moitgagoa, Leases, and Wills drawn ui) and Valuatious made on aJttortest notice. Auetiou sales attended to In •a; part of the County. Mouey to loan at low •et rates of iiitereBt. Colloctious attended to with proniDtness and detinatoh Charges low. Agent for tbo Dominion htoamship Company, cheap tii;ki»'( from Fleulicrtou to Llvoriiool, Glasgow, London or any of the Jiritish ports. P.irtlB» Intondiug to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will plcaso aslt rates before puiobasiiig their lielicts elsunheru PIUOST <fe BATBON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancors, eto, Of&csâ€" Next to poHt offloa. Spronie's block Flesherton. every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FUOST LL. U. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Foulett St. EaFt. TUCA8 A WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen dound. Ont. - - Markdalo, Out. W. H. WnioHT. I. B. Lucas. N. B.â€" Flesharton oOlce, Ultcheira Bank every Wednesday. Eoseiiia. The and TUCKEB at PATTKRBON. Barristei s, solicltorfl, eto. MoIrod's Dank, Uwen Sound. Harry Q. Tuoker Goo. W. Patterson Pfilifal D R HUTTOM UDCM, MPF&S Ont, Priceville Omoo next door to Brown's store; residence one door west ol Methodist ohurch, Kiaross st. OtHoe days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, D R CARTER M C P ,% S Ont., Physician, Surgeon, etc Flosherton othco â€" Strains b'oek. Resldeneo â€" I MunshaWB Hotel Jiodetifisi. AO.U.W.â€" ineots every flrat and third Mou • ctiiy In oaih mouth, in thoir lodge room ClirlBtoo'a nioult, Flosherton, at a .p. m. W. H. Wallier, JM.W.i W..L Uollamy, fluauoler W. Irwiu Recorder. Visiting Brotboru invited. ROVAL TKMPLAK8 OF TEMl'KU.\NCE. â€" Regular Council moots every 11 rst and third Tnas lay evouina in each monih. in Sproule'a block at 8 p, m. Select degree iuBuranuo) meets monthly, the Wednesday preceding the S!2ud of each mouth. SONS OP TEMPERANCE.â€" This HOtlaty moots in Dr. Christoo' Hall first Wed- nesday in eaeh mouth at 8 p.m. Visiting biotbereu invited. Insurance in couuection. JOHN A SCOTT MB Member ColleffoPhysia.<)k Surgeons.Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toror o Cnivorsity Kellowsbip Diploma, Post Gisduato Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Disnasos of eve, ear, nose anil thront specially treated. Resi- dence, MaxwoU, visits Feversham Thursdays 1 3 J P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Bet idoncoâ€" Next door south of Moore's planing factory. D R. MARY M. BRAN DEB MDCM,MCP& 8, Ont., Prioovllle. Ofllee aud residence at Methodist parsonage Calls ulght or day promptly attended. UP. B. A., meet in their hall, Chrlstoe's Block every second Thursda) in each month, Wm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PBINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No SOT, A P & A M, meet in the MasoiMc Hall, Strain's Block, Flosherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. Dr Carter, WM,R J Bproulo, secretary ^ DUFFERIN LOnOE, No IMC, I O O F, meets (n Clayton's Hall every Tnos- day evening at H o'clock. Visiting bruthrou cordially Incited AS Va«Dubkn,N O Wm Moobj. S«a pRICEVILLB AND DURHAM STAGE, Durham stage loaves Flosherton Station at T.l.l a.m., returns 4.i5 p.m. I'ricevillo BtaRO loaves tho same place at ]2,;M), returning at \.VS. Fare to Priceville and return, SO cents; Durham, *1.50 for return. T'ic. single fare. Livery in con- uection. Orders may be left at either hotel. A. MoCAULETf, Prop From our ouni riinesponJi:nt. Fannei-s ore now busy seeding, weathar ia all that can be desired, growth is something wonderful. A railway meeting was held at tho Orange hall last week. Delegates from Fleshoi-ton, Osprey and Kiiiiberley, were present. Mr. Mai'con very ably re- presented Eugenia. It is to be hoped now there is some prospect of a railway buing nuule through this jrnrt of the country , tho people will stir up a httlo and not, like Mr. Micuwber, wait for something to turn up. They ouglU to let the promoters of tho roiul see that they are an.xious for the road to come to Eugenia. Tho people here have never been famous for push, so it is time for them to waken up to there own interests. If they don't do so now it will most likely be a long time before they have another chance. Mt^ssrs. John aud Timi Fenwick have gone to Owen Sound to work for the summer. Mr. J. Warling, of Flrahertoii Station, has come to work at Euj^eiiia in Mr. Sloan's mill. The veneer factory has resumed work thi" week. Everyimo i.s very glad to hilVD Mr. Marcoii around. He has ;{aiii- ed for himself by his kind and gentluiiiau- ly bearing to all, a very wan" place in tho hearts of the people of ]iut,,.iiia. Miss Miiiniu Roy has returned homo from Moiitclair, N. J. Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. Thompson Wilson, had a iini'row escape one day recently from buing swept over the falls. Shu fell into the river and wa» being swept into the rapid currant as her brother saw her and jumped into the river and pulled her safe to the shore. One moment more and no one could have saved her, the water was so high. Johnnie Wils'.n, of Proton Station, has hired with John Burk for the summer, this helm; the tlii;d summer he has spent thus with him. Mr. Burk also works Willie Morton's place this summer. A free hturary entertain men t was given by the League here on Woduesday even- ing last, which was much appreciated by the larjjeattondencu presunt. We expect lu lose «uuie of our young men, who will be much missed in church work, but we wish them success. Master Robbie Taylor, tinding times and watses dull bolow, returned and intends gcnng by way of Collingwood to tho Soo til better his coniiitioa. We wish liiin success. Vaudclenr From Our Own, Correspondent Everybody is busy seeding around here, cun.'ie(|Uently news is scarce. Mr. John M. Davis has been laid up for some time, but is uow able to attend to his work again. Mr. Geo. Hutchinson had a stoning bee last week. Liuutonaut Uichurdson of the salva- tion army held a meeting in tbe hull hero on Friday evcniui>, 17th inat. Air. John Hutchinson, jr., has rented the tarni known as the Crawford farm on the 7th line of Euphrasia, and moved thereon lost week. Mr. Thus. Shannon of Proton is help- ing his brother Geo. for a short time through the seeding. Mrs Melvdio Has moved bock to her own house for the su-iimer. Mrs J. C. Buchanan is no better and her recovery is doubtful. Miss Miua Graham is home for a short time. FIELD AMD Garden 5EEDS <^^^,^ in large quantities at W.E.Richardson's Uuutliville W. IMISS EDITH RICHABDSON Pupil of Rnbt Uahr^ rf Burliu Qarmany, (violin); Mrs Bradley, of Toronto Conservatory Music, (Volte Culture) Prof Kbi'Hson.late of Torontp, (Piano) wtll reesive papMs is MMISflf*, VtOUIT, ^ AMOaaltHiaAA Mount Zion. From o«» oiiNi Corrcnimndcnt. Tlu.8. Taylor, Sr., Thos. Taylor, Jr.. and Mrs. J. Taylor attended the funeral of Mis. Abraham Smith in Collingwood week before last. Wood buss took place at Mr. •Taniic- son's, Mr. Haney's, and also at James Cornfield's, Jr., and Mr. Sheardown's, lately. Sugar-makinkf, or rather syrup making, is now wound up for this year. Those who engaged in it. say ir has been a suc- cess and now fanueis are preparing for the most important part of their year's work, for thoos who do not sow shall not reaft. i From our own Corretpondent. Seeding is the older of the day. The aiurry whoa, back, gee, is heard on every side. La. grippe holds boundless sway among tho people of our burg, and many of tho young people as well as the old have been laid up with it. Wo are ghid to welcome Mr. James McDonald hack to his old home. Miss Annie McIIechnie and Katie Mo- Donnhl of Balsam Valley visited our school this week. Wo are ploased to see Miss IT. Mc- Keiixie iiround the corner Miss Susan McKiunun of Fairwell visited our burg la';ely. Mrs. Ed. McQueen loft for her home in Btayncr last weak. Miss Laura Uunciman paid a visit to Fairwuli Inst week, Mr. N. and J. Wilson left this week to soo their brother in Walters Falls, who, wo hear, is worse. Mrs. Geo. Parslow paid us a business call this week. weak cattle will soon grow stnmg The farmers of this vicinity aiu well advanced with their spriaj work. Should the tine weather oontinue, s<>edinu will be a thing of tha past for another yuar. Miss E. Moore is visiting friends in Owen Sound. Miss Bell of Swinton Park spent a week with her sister, Mrs. H. Nicholls. There will bo no Sabl>ath school of preaching services at luistiogo next Sun- day, owing to the ipiartcrly meeting at Dundalk. Last Sabbath the Rev. Campbell do" livered a very helpful address from the woi-ds found in Ex. 3 â€" 11. Saturday evening of last week Mrs. II. Ludlow, who moved from this place to Dund.'ilk about a yijar .'igo, jxtssud away 1)0 her reward. Mrs. Ludlow was one of tho lirst settlers of Inistirjgo and was much esteemed by all who knew hnr. Tlio reinams wore inton-od in the cemetery Tuesday afti.riK.on. Dcv;eased was 81 years of age. Her relatives have the Nym|wthy of tiiis community in tlieir hour of sorrow. liiiKtiosc* From our own Correspoiident. The pleasant weather of the past few weeks will bo a help to those who are Bh:)rc offeed, and if the frost does not hinder the rapid growiY^; K"^ the The level of the Georgian Bay at Thorn- bury is about 10 inches low ur th.Hn it was » year ago. At tlra rata tha water is disappturing now, it will only be a few years before all tbe harbors will bo com- pletely dry. â€" Reflector. A farmer named Logau, living near Amaranth Station, brought his mother, an aged woman of !K) years or there- abouts, to Oiangeville on Thursday for a puipos,) born of the meanest iidiuniau- ity. The poor old lady ha' i.g outlived her usefulness as a household drudt'e, the heartless son conceivod tho idea of hav- ing her committed to the county jail lu save himself tho trouble and expense of providing for her. Police Mngiatnvta PattuUo provided the necessary commit- inoiit and together mother and son wend- ed their way t» tha prison of poverty. Governor Bowlus received tha new guest after paying hiii respects to the unlilial son and the old lady tvas handed over to tho kiiiJly care of the Matron. Logaa returned on Saturday with a trunk cou- taining a iew old and dirty clothes for his n\other. Thus audoth another chapter in the story of maiu' inhumanity and 'toman's taisfurtuna. â€" Orangoville AdV'.

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