Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1896, p. 4

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•^f!ti9^^'lMS<G»(>3<«e!aiVM.^«il>iiaeiC^llStfil!»«iCt») ^.JKUlv^^tK^vttfhumt ^^" â- 5HHBHI1 TBI niSfllRtOll ADTAH6I BST&in/isaBti 1881 rijKuanED weekly at the office, syd- KNHAU STREET, FLEHBKRTON, ONT., BY Mr. H. THOB8TOM. $1 per annam,strictly In advance Advrertising Kates: Oae Coluiua, 1 year, 950 ; halt col., 1 year, $27 quarter col., one year, SIS. Trantlent advertisement cliar^ed at the rate •( B cents iwr line for first ingertion and 3 cents each subsequent insertion. COERCION OK NO COEBCION ? As Arrhbishop Langevin said to bis tlock on Sunday last, there is uo need for long speeches in the coming political coateet. Pledges are irhat talk, and all that bhould be required, lint • le |>l(>d>.'es should be against coercion, not for it as he demands. A Coming Electric Town Noraiuatiou day June 16, election June 2S. Sir MacKenzie Bowell has losigued and Sir Chao. Tupper has been called to form a cabinut. Such is the political ncvrs of the week in a nutshell. This paper has all along taken a strong stand against anything approaching coercion of l^lanitoba in the matter of her school laws, and we believe this to bo the most im- portant question attaching to the cimpaign now upon us. For four years this question has been a night- mare in the political amphitheatre and at la^t it has been brought home to the people of the country to decide whether the other and newer pro- vinces of this dominion are to be saddled with separate schools or are to be left to deal with the matter as they themselves see fit. I'lie hy- pothesis of the coerciOnists if followed out to its legitimate end would admit of a disaffected minority courting the iuterventiou of a foreign power to en- force their claims even at the ex- pense and honors of war. We claim that this domiuiou has no moial rij^ht to force Manitoba into distasteful legislation, and the people now have a chance to say whether this bhall be done or not. To those who are wiUiug to uphold party at the expense of any and eveiy thing \i is probably useless to talk. This paper is, how- ever, not willing to be classed in that eatbgory, and we believe the pt ople of Ontario as u whole will not sink their principle before party on this question, but will pledge their candidates against remedial legislaliun, as the people of Quebec are pledging them Kr. lu some constituencies there will uo djabt be an aliempt to keep the school question in the background as much as possible and the trade ques- tion to the front. Tlie fact of the matter is that the trade question is unfiulunalcly only a very secondary matter to-day, as the last session of parliament- had clearly shown. The trade policy has been shoved aside for what our Icgisilatoifl consider some- thing of more iiuportuuce, and thai question ia the question, no mailer how much it may be hidden under the coattails. Of course those who differ with the government aie churged with the desire to smash the ad- miuislration, but sujh charges fall to Uie ground when it is remembered how earnestly and honestly such sup- porters strove to prevent the question being brought before parliament, and in fact the charge might with much gieaier justice be laid at the dour of the goverunaent itself, which toyed with the warnings and ignored the oounsel of its best friends, to the cletriment of tlie party. It will bo ne- eessary for Ontario to send a solid phalanx of members pledged against remedial Iegi»lalion in order to prevent it. Two short months will show whothci' the government will be granted the power of coercion and the inauguration of a long period of litigation and political warfare, or whether tb« machinations of a dis- couieutedoloiical.£Botrou will be sup- S^essed and peace reign and oom- lueree with her train of prosperity in all branches of trad* (^Mft more fiour- tfliiu th«latt^.^ Frwn Tlte MoneUiry Tiniti In the?e niodorn days of invention and rapid development, in which electricity is tnkini; such an iniportant port, one is ac- customed to hear of rapid clian!;eB in various lines of business. Indeed there are businesses in which if you do not change with the times, those who do chan<20 to modern methods surpass you in the race and capture the trade, and you are likely to bo '"left," as the expressive Americanism- has it. Places, too, are subject to like influencas. Some go backwards and fall into delay ; others have new life imparted to them by reason of discoveries or by various furms of enterprise. Niagara Falls, N. Y., is one of the latter class ; the immense increase in value of property there is an illustra- tioo in point. Land adjacent to the town that had in former years only a nomial value as farm land, is, we are told, now rated by the foot and has multiplied in value many times. It may confidently be eipetted that other places that are bles.sed with large water power where electricity can be gennraled cheaply, will MOW come to the front either gradually or rapidly as manufacturin;; centres, and places not beretoforn noticed may earn in tliti near future a name and place in the manufacturinij world. Some towns or villages are especially adapted by naiuii- Uir such purp ises, being so situated with respect to railway cotumunicatiouand access to water power as to ""•''« ihera desirable points from lue piiint of view of ici.nomy for manufac- tures. In this connection a correspond- cut draws our attention luKugenia Falla, in the county of Grey, as an Ontario point very li.vorahl. situated. Hem ilie water <>f ili< liearer Ilivut supplies nulls and factories with power, and then do cends by the famous Falls of Eugenia, which are noted far and wide as among the handsomest in Ontario. Up<'n turn- ing to LovjU'b Gazetteer of Ontario, it says of this |duco . " Eugenia in Grey County, Ontario, is romantically situat- ed uii Beaver Hiver, 6| miles from Fleahertou Station. Inthecourseofamile llie Beaver River falls 334 fee." â€" wliicli is attberateof one foot in8ixteen-"culminal- ing in this village in a magnificent fall of 70 feet. It gives an unlimited water- power." Cons'jiting Diiiu's Reference Book, we find that thert are at tliis point sawmills, grist milLs, a turning factory, a hoop and veneer woik.s, a sash, door and plaining factory, already in exiitunce al that point, driven by water. There is in tlie hack grouud of the vii-w a large bold mountain, covered with forest which frames with great elTect the water dii|)p- ing iu a beautiful sht'ot over the cliffs to the rocks below, a fall of about 80 feet, and then rushing madly down the gorge. The walor-power of llio Bouver River is to bo utilized to a very great extent by the now Huron & Ontario Electric Rail- way, which is intended to run from Kincardine liy wiiy nf Walkurton, Ddr- hiim, Flesluii ton, Shelbui iie to Port Perry, with a line fmin Fleshertou nr)rth to Eugi-'nia and on to Meaford and O-ven .Sound. This will open up the famnus valley of Lhe Beavur, Tinted for its tiiio fruit. Is is perhaps less noted than ii degervcH to ho for its uniwth of grain and and for the value I'f its tiiiibor. Enough eleolric power will be produced at Eugt^nia, snyn our iufnrmant, to run this entire railway system, and there will be plenty to spare fnr comniercial purposes ; the volume of water is good, and the fall an exceptional one of 400 feet in one and ft quarter niilu.1. Here in all prohabilily will beerecVed the mechanical plant, repair shop, car and motor shops of the road ;as it lies in the centra of the syslem, lines are to radiate from it north, west and east. Great quantities of timber of various kinds, birch, beech, maple and ehn, are to be had in the vicinity, and no doubt, wiU be utilized in nmnufaoturing industries, for when cheap power is produced then do manufactures coii|{rcgate. Ik would certainly seem that, having cheap power for manufacturing and for making electric light, and having presently an electric railway connecting with both G. T. E. and 0. P. R. systriiM, a great future lie* before this hitherto humble village. Strange to say, adds our correspondent, thtit place wa» in in» early history of Otetaciu laid i>ut as "The GkxverniMUt Town of Eugenia." It will be more to the purpose, if in the later history of Ontario, it be known as the manufactur- ing town of Eugenia. We in Canada have by no means made the moMt of the wonderful water power distributed over the land, KIgio House of Indu itry receives now $4,000 from the Legislature, instead of §3,000, the amount it was entitled to oii itscoinpletion. Additional improvements by the country have brought it up to ^,000 standard. BULL FOR SERVICE. The uudorsigued has a fine Durham Boll f* service ou lot 133, W. T. H. K. Terms 75 cent w. UAVia. Our Motto is Ciimbj â-  -AND WE ARE- Climbin^^ r We have got nearly to the top in JOB WORK of every description by buying up-to-date material and work- ing it artistically. This is the season of year when farmers desire small bills for their en tire stuck, and also advertising. We will place small stcck advertisements in thuso columns at the ratn of ONLY 50C PER nONTM and larger ones in the acme ratio. We also supply Horse Bills cheap :'.iid attractive, with a very largo se- lection of outs to choose from. (J to his henrt's content, hut facts speak louder than words. Our work speaks for itself. The Advance lias a repu- tation to maintain and it proposes to maintain it. Try us once for any- thing in the printing line. Wo never yet sent a man away dissatified. Here area few tliinfja which wo make a specialty of : Koto and letter heads, envelopes, Mauk notes, cir- culars, posters, IniRiniss and visiting tarda, piimphht work, olc. Work di no plain or in clois. Samples supplied by mail if desired. "VV. H. THURSTON, Fleslicrlon. TIHELY HINTS^ A wtsa man hnows How to take a hiut. This is the season of year when yo n are requiring ROBEH, BLANKETS, DfiLLS, WHIPS, 1 HEIT SETT OF HMHESS Cuiryoomba and everything connected with the ilainobb iiue for winter use. Do - You " Know Where to buy them To the best advantage ? This is where the hint comes in And it is a good and broad one : Qo to . . . , . WILL HOOUE. namessmakcr, • Flesberton. H. B,â€" Cowhide mitts, boir inside freta &0e to 7&a a pair. Equal Rights 1^ House WE LEAD, OTHERS MAY FOLLOW Tjo tha jCadios of ^leeherton Leave your orders at this store and your goods will be deUvered to the furthest part of the town promptly on short notice. There is some electricity about us as we have secured the fwwer from Eugenia Fall.s. We sohcit your good will as well as your money. 7jo the jCadios from the Country Drive your horse and lig to the front of this store and it will be takun to our new shed ?nd cared for while ytm do your shopping. Wo are exiKjrt hoi-iiiuien and con handle the uvMt fi-antic iinimahi. A beautiful range uf Lace Curbiins sell- ing at 36 cents per piir and npwa;\ls. A CARLOAD OF Buiier & Eggs Wanted COME Wrra THE CROWDS^v B. Mcdonald House and Lot For Sale For 8Hle olieap, on oasy terms that comfort- ablo roHiiience ou Mary St. FU-Hlmrtou, coutaiii- iLy H ru()U>8 und wood Hhcd, with hard and Roft water puiupn, both under covor, boautiful garden and oichan^l also well nniahwi atablu and drive house 2Kx^4 ft. Apply to J.B.MUOUfe:, Kuruituro dealer. Seed Wheat For Sale A few cars of deed wheat, rod fife, or old glanfjow. For sale at tho rrieoville roller mills fur cash or will cxchauge for other wbeav. It. MoGOWAN. FARMERS^ ATTENTION IMPROVE vorn stock. I have hat granil success with ujy bull, Lord Ilalco, as a stock Rotter. On accuunt of hard timoH I have decided to run hhn at $100 per cow ior IS'je payable Jan. Ist 1607. If not paled on or before that date 25 cts. extra wi.l bo charged. FOB BALU,â€" [ have also for sale a voung thorout^hlhced hull, which took first prize at I'Moshortou and Markdale fairs slrod by Lord Hulco, dam Laday Clouinoro. one of the beat milking cows that ever came lutotliis country Ahtuur Joa.NsTON. Vandeleur V. O ffllRUiiS! ff 18Q05 J y Hy Knicket'boc-kor 200, the siro of ten in the 2.:-10 list, and tho sire of tho daui of Alar 2.11, Chvnnos 2 12i and eleven others. This shows that his stock is breeding on and in tho vvry front rar.ks. Knickerbocker is by tho king of slree, Ham- blctonian 10 King Pin a dam is Topsov bv Kei.tHoky Pr.nce 24.:0,Blr« of (inv, 2.ii«J, Kloiso, 215, and over thirty othora in the list, aecoucl dam by Forest KiiiK 1751, tho siro of Lady Hasset, 3,20J, and others, and Forest Kins is bv that great sire, Manibvino Tatchen 68, sire of 2,"> in the list, and siroof tho dnms of 112 fast p-rformers, includ- Ins Ualidi WilkB<,20Ci(. Kinj; IMn'a dam,Top.sy, is in tho great brood maro li^t. being the dam of Zorlaui', 2.2.'). King Pin ia fi years old, a beautiful dark bay 10) hands high, and neighs 1:100. Ho isah rsoof Kreat stvla, quality, and a grand actor, aud can now. without training, show a 3.10 gait. He has (jreat substauco.strong build, the tnako up of a bire, tho speed to trans- mit and the breeding and blood lines to uiako liira prepotent, and not only a aire of race hornoa but a siro of elegant carriage and saddle horses with grand kinio and hock action, and large enough forall kinds of farm work. This vonug stallion was imported by mo last winter, did a large business la»t seasou, and la a sure foal goiter. His service too will be within reach of every farmer. See small bills later. The principal stands for a»ason of '00 will bo : Pricovllle, at or near flopeville.i'roton Station, South-east Artemoaia, Warcham, Molntyve, Maxwell, Engeuuk Kails, Flesberton and home stable, Markdale. J. E. HARSH, 15My Maikdftle, Out Hay and Grain for Sale. Tb» ondcraigDed Is selling hay, seed and faed oata and ilz-rowed barley at market prioa. A.MiibT'lY. Orama V«U*] Weliave just lectivf^d a fnll rau;jo of the celebrated LEADER HOSE In Cliildien's, ><is.ses' and Lidiep' Sizes, from 6e per pair up. L.idies' Casl;infi!-e Hose 15e pair. Also a fnll line if Black .Snniiucr Hose, i pairs for '25c. Mea'.s White Unlaundried Shirts 85c eacli. Lace Curtains from 25c per pair np< Men's Summer Underwear 25o. New Blouae Silks, Shot Effects 22c, 25c and BOc yard. New 40-inoh Dress Fabrics at l&o. Very pretty goods. All- Wool French De Biegea only •20o jard. Brilliant Black Lo^tres only 25c yard. White Brilliantine fur Children's Dresses 10c to 1 2c. PILES OF New Millinery Goods JiLsl opciiHa. HATS, FLOWEiLS, FE.M'HtK.-^, L.u;ES, lilBBONS, SILKS. Three miliiucra kept busy iitliiiL' cidi^rs. PARASOLS. A very full range UJc, uUc, 7-5c and $1. Lndius' Snniiuor Under Vos.s 6« inch. Gtnfii Clo'.hiii^. Ntw stock juit opened. lieantifnl line of Summer Pantings, nobby goods, luado up to order $3.75 pair. Now range of fine Black Worsted Coatings $1.75, $2.00, $2.25. These goods surpass all former values. Wo have the largest and finest stock of Ever shown in this locality. See oar window display tliis week. We have jnsi received the very lat- est sty't^s in Gent's FELT HATS. Fine goods. Every young man wanting a spring Hat should sec our stock. We can meet every want in this line. Boys' Cloth Caps lOo. Lots of them. Ha,rciTi\rare J Dep't. HERE ARE A FEW~^v - ZfAat ottyAt to waken up hard times . > . A 10 qt. Milk Pail at 12o " A 14 qt. Milk Piil at 15c A Good Creamery Can at 60c 1 dozen C <jt. Milk Cans at 90o Covered Pails at 10, 13 and 16e Climax Steele Sliovels at 50o Samson Steele Shovels at 65o A Good Garden Rake at 30& A Good Steele Spade at 60o Curtain Poles per sett at 30o Good Linen Window Shades at 50c 2l/aii iPapers We hav« some snaps in thii line. PAPERS *orth 10, 13, 16 and 20c a single roll selling from 7 to 10 a roll. -^^ â€" COME AT ONCI Only a f»w rolls of eaeb kind left. A/. HIPHAHDSON # Co

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