Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1896, p. 5

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C.iNKIN(i OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL """^ FLENUCUrON \ :?-rimil 1)4 ikinu busiiisss tmusacteil Drafts kisuu'l aiKi 3ljo»j.iob cjitiliL'd ut usual rules. Moiioy 4'lway« uvaiUUIe for I<ijiuial<j IiuhUiuhh foluriiriwi. oilioo twu doors north of Kiclmra* wa & Ou'n. ViciEiit^ Chips. WlKiractcristlcs of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the <'ur!«u.^. S-uidfUS noiicii among locals wUl be i:hiirgc:l at the rate of lOc per line, fur eru:h iHnertlun. .1 rei'ue.tion will be vnaiie on contracta fur 100 lines or over. Township Council will meet in the Town Hall on Monday next.. IJaeelall â€" MtniltTs nf clubs can get •weatersat M. Ilicliai'i.^uii Sc Co'a. ToB, Salb â€" 500 while ai'i b ntter tub«. Apply tu JoBeph McOormii*!:, Ri-shertun. Mr. Geo. Ru'lie'fiinl, Cf>iivi>yaiicer, SlieU'Uriie, was a culler on Thursday last. Tlia trout fishing seiwon opens on Satur- day, May 1 being included i« the close veauon. A large amount of additional shed ac- comniixliatioii h;iH lately been added to the Methodist church grounds. Tlio License couimiaiiioners f ir Ea^l <>rey lunfirined all the old licenses la.st Wi'ek aud iio ne-r ones were added. Dr. I<ar.dci-kiu wan in town Wednes- <i.ty. Ue iH taking a kuid of a general Kurvcy of his territory. Slesjirs. Dujiiude & Wright's stave 'iiill BtHtted oiienttion this week with the Ksr.ie ci'tter at the kcifu tliat was here hkfit yeiir. The «n<!ial riiuiii'>u in the Mi-thndiR' church Fii.Viy evouiu^ Imt wa'* a very plro^ant affair. Tea, cake an I speeches were the urder of the evening. Tho two Station liotelktepats were fluid each $20 and co.sts last week for tran8i;re»sing tho law. It appears to h&(u buon a case of diamond cut diamond. We are pleased to notice that Messrs. E. C. and V. W. Murray of W-rehain, were both successful in their iiriit exam- ination at the Royal College of Dental Sargeuus, Toronto. The contract for stoning and levelling the agricultural grounds was not let on Friday, as tho bids were considered too high, and the work is now being done by the day. Subscribers to the electric railway are requested to hand ni their subscriptions without delay. The liitt is i* the hands of Mr. A. S. VanDusBii, who will proceed to collect immediately if they are not handed iu. The autograph letter testifyin<? to cares made by Ayer's Sarsaparilla and other preparations are kept on tile at the J' C. Ayer Co.'s ofHce, Lowell, Mass. They are from all over the world and are cheerfully shown to anyone desirous of «eeiug them. Mr. C. J. Loitch will move on Monday next to tho premises lately occupied by Mr. R. Pedlar as a hardware store, where lie will continue his tailoring business temporarily until other premises can be fitted up. An interesting case of detaining stock without properly advertising wjis tried at the Division Court hero last Friday. JuJge Morrison e'ii<l this was the first case of the kind which had come before him. As there is a groat deal of ignor- ance on this point of law it will be well for all to road it as it appears elsewhere in j,our Division Court proceedings. Dr. Scott of Maxwell is bound to arrive at perfection in his calling. He left on Friday of last week for New Yark, where he will take a special course on diseases of women and also on diseases of tho eye. Tho Dr. expects to be absent •boat two monllis, and has left Dr. Weaver of Toronto to take charge of his ptactice during his absence. The home of Wui. Richardson was, on Wednesday evtning, 15lh iiist., the •cene of a quiet weddin;;, the contract- ing parties bein^ A. C. McLean, of Prioe- Tille, and Miss Emily Richardson. Miss T. McLean was bridesmaid and 41ex. Carson Rroomsraan. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. F. Ferris. Mr. •ud Mrs. S^Lean left on Thursday for their home at Maple Grore Farm, Price- tUle.â€" Chatsworth Banner. THl FL8SHIXT0M AD7iNGl For ev»ry variety tand phaseof tliemany diseast'S wliich attack thd air-passages of tlie throat and lunsjs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will be found a specific. Its anodyne and expectorant qualities are promptly real izvsd, and it is always ready for use. Tl.c rL'tunii«i<i ofKcera for the approach- ini{ Doniiniun o'cciiona h.ivo been ap- pointed, and ilio following gt-utleuien have buKii selected for the tlirao riding in Orcy : â€" John CliLsholni, of Owen Sound, for North Grey ; H. W. Mockler, of Durham, for South Grey ; and R. A. Rikey, of Slielburne,for E.ist Grey. Aibor Day will bo well observed by the scholars of our public school on Friday and in tho evi!nin<; nt 8 o'ch>ck an eiiter- tainiueiit will be given by tho pupils in the Town Hal', ""n^'Htir.g of music, recita- tions and short ten-minute patriotic ad- dresses by older talent. A pleasant time may bo anticip.ited, and all are in- vited. It will bo froH to all. Owen Sound will have a sui;ar beet fnctory and Slielburue has organized a joint stock company for the purpose of eroctinj a flax mill. W^lien the latter <:eta into operation its benefits ou^htevon to reach to the farmers of this district. As for the btet industry we have not so much faith in it. Too many failures have resulted in attempts to work it profitaVjIy. Alex. Faweett, of Dundalk. a married man, is allt^gtd to Imvo eloped with a yi.ui.g uirl named Mary Black, who lives in Melai.cihon, and a warrant is out for Ids arrist The pair were collared and thOi^irl is at home, but bnnirt A'ex. dis- ai'puared nl ile the warrant for his arrest WHS bein:4 prepared, and his whereabouts h;id not been discovered at latest ac- counts. A coiil oil magic lantern pedestrian " mashed " our school tiustees List week, and with his oily tons^ue persuaded tl'.eoi to ^ram h'Ui t'.ie free use of tho pul he scl.o.-l in order to rake in a few shekels fnini tho children. Even on these terms it was not a paying stand for the professor, who diiftod on to work the trustees in other towns. In Dundalk tlie trustees were obdurate and he had to pay his way. We are a benevolent people here. Uundor the recent amendments to the act respecting tho registration of births, marriages, and deaths, tho Inspector of Vital Statistics will proceed to prosecute all parties failing to register births, marriages, and deaths within tho time re- quired by law. Medical practitioners are required to report all births to tho Clerk or Division Roglstnir, but this re- port from tho medical prikctii ioners does not dispense with t]ie proper registrati on by tho parents, bdt is for the purpose of enabling the Inspector to detect and prosecute all delinquents. Programs havo been issued for the South Grey teachers' convention which meets iu Durham on Thursday and Fri- day, May 21 and 2a. ISWl. Tho program is a very full one and bids fair to bo of iinich interest. Mr. Tilloy, Mode! School Inspector, is down for " Inductive Teach- ing " and Reading, iihtstrated. Some of the other good things prontised are "Teaching reading in public schools," Miss Annie Richardson ; "Tho News- papers in .schools," J. S. Rowo ; "Rela- tion of Trustees and Teachcis," Mr. Moffiit, ex- warden ; an essay on "His- tory " by Miss Foixl, and Mr. Irwin's paper on National Patriotism which ho read lately at tho provincial convention in Toiont<j. Altogether this mooting should bo one of tho most succosuful yet hold in the riding if uhe program justifies its promising natnivc. Flesherton Cemetery. Tho annual meeting of the trustees and plotholdors of Flesherton Cemetery will be held iu the Town Hall on Tuesday, May 12, 18;W, at 8 p.m. A full attend- ance is re(iueated. W.tf, Claytox, Soc. llol fur Electric Railway Prospeciis for the electric railway are bright, and A. B. Bell has taken over the Kimlerloy roller flourin},' mills from Mr. Walter, who has been running them for the p;iat year, Mr. Bell will eniph)y a compotont miller and is determined to give perfect satisfaction. These are important "si^ns of the times." Orain Warehouse Burned. M. Richardson & Co's grain warehouse at the Station, containing 20,000 bush, of peas and oats, was burnod to tho ground on Tuesday night. The fire started about midnight^ and is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Loss on building, about $060 with no insurance ; tho grain was nearly covered by iUBuninco. The warehouse burned wiis tho most northerly of two which are u.scd by Mr. Richard.son. The other one, used by both Mr. Richardson and Mr. McCuUough of Dundalk, was saved. Division Court Quite a large list of cases graeted Judge Morri:<on on Friday last, of which we give the most important. Ontario Pump Co. vs. Angus Cameron â€" This was a jury case. Defendant, who lives in Osproy, had purch<t8od from plaintiffs throuiih their agent, W. D. Taylor, a windmill and waterworks out- fit, which he claimed did not work satis- factorily and was willing to pay for when it did work properly. Tho jury brought in a verdict for the defendant, which was entered accordingly. McKay for pltff., Luciis for deft. Osburn v. Fee â€" Osbum shipped to Fee three cases of eggs through a second parly, and defendant refused to pay. Judgment for plaintiff. Wright for pltff. Sherwood v. Neilson â€" A small pig came to the premises of Mr. Jas. Neilson last full, which ho retained without impound- ing or doing the necessary advertising. Sherwood learned this sprini; of the pig's whereabouts and demanded his property, Neilson asked three dollars before he would allow Sherwood posoeasicm of the animal. Sherwood sued for his property, and judgment was given io his favor. Batson for plaintiff, Wright for deft. The judgement was based on the Ontario Poundage Act, whicli enacts as follows ; If the animal is under ten dollars in value it is sutficieut to notify tho clerk of the municipality, giving description, etc. "If tho owner is unknown to the person taking up and rotainini; possession of the animid, such person shall, within 48 hours, deliver to the clerk of the munici- pality a nutico in writing of having taken up tile animal and Containing a description of the color, age aud natural and artificial marks of the animal, as near as nniy be. The cleik, on receiving such notice, shall forthwitli enter a copy thereof in a book 'to bo kept by him for that purpose, and shall post the notioc he receives, or copy thereof, iu s.ime conspicuous place on or near the door of his office, continue the same posted for at least one week, unless the animal is sooner claimed by tho owner. If the animal or any number ol animals taken up at the same time is or are of the value of ten dollars or more, the distrainor shall cause a copy of tho notice to be published in a newspaper in the county, and to bo continued therein once a week for three succesive weeks," M. Richardson vs. Jos, Badgerow, claim for rent of the Kinghorn farm, was adjourned. McDonald v. McKinnon â€" A, Mc- Donald resides in Pricovillo, and Mo- Kintion is an implement agent in Dur- ham. Mr. Cochrane, hotel keeper, last winter telephoned McKinnon to send over a cutter which ho could sell to a Mr. Currio for ^2, on Jtwo payments. Cochrane sold the cutter to another party and kept tho money. Tho cutter pas8"d through sevtral hands, aiid at l.ist came into possession of Mr. McDonald. Finally, as McKinnon had not been paid lor tho cutter, he cmiio out, and seized it. McDonald then sued for damages for seiz- ing properly which ho had paid for. Tho Judge hold that tho culler was simp- ly placed in Cochrane's hands to sell to Currio and that he had no authority to sell to a second party. The judgment was theref(jre a non suit, Wrigiit for plaintiff, Mckay for defondent, Crabb v, McLeanâ€" Crabb claimed to bo acting as agent for the Hamburg Mfg. Co. Ha sold a threshing oulfit to one W. J McLean, of Pritton, taking in settle- inent a note of $26 and throe notes of §75 each . The three notss of ?7o he forwaided to the company, retaining the f!26 note. When this latter note fell duo payment was asknd. Tho imte was drawn on the company's form which says, "pay to company's order." The word "order" has been struck out and "bearer,' inserted, McLean claimed that the ohangehad been made after the note was drawn. He had also been in- structed by the company not lo pay the not* to Crabb but to tliem. Crabb sued the note and McLean defended. The plaintilf swore positively thathis arrange- ment with the company was to the ett'ect that he was to retain notes for his com- mission, and also that the word "order" had been struck out previous to signing tho note. Judgment was given for plaintiff. A. C, McKay for plaintiff, I, B, Lucas for defendant. The company was not ropresented. There were a number .of .other Q%im of UMJiorin^iiortanco, , A VERY CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF_ iBoois d Shoes FOR SPRING & SUHMER ON HAND For Style, Quality and Price cannot be surpassed Call and see tlieni at . . . CLAYTON '5 i^opairiny <i custom work protnpHtf aitendad to [i;(li:ii;i> - We Are Still In The Swim And invite our customers and tlie purchasing public generally, to inspect our stock. We have placed on our counters several cases of SPRING SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, COTTON- ADES, FEINTS, and GENERAL DRY GOODS, , We Have a Few Lines of /lillinery Selling at Less than Half Pries. BOOTS & SHOES ! Our stock is very complete, HATS ! A complete stock of Spring Hats just to hand. GROCERIES ! Our TEAS excell in price, strength and flavor. We aim at keeping a good quality at reasonable prices. If you waut a bbl. of SALT we have it. Highest price paid for all produce in exchange for goods. T. HILL. rjpsZi'^^^:rS0S,^s!i^f^f^r^.j^f^*^^zZ^^Sf^ ^ " Qensral ^ Jdea OF WHAT YOU CAN GET AT THE f^lc^liei'ton i'ai'iiitui'e Wkfet'ooni^ and all at rock bottom prices, for cash or dry lumber, Fox> Tlie Pavlox* ^ Wo havo Suites in Plush, in Silk BrocRtello and Silk Tapestry. This month at $27.50 per Suite. Odd Chairs of al- most every description and style and finish. Sofas & Lounges of various tirades, all very h>w in price, besides a nice variety of Cane and perforated Seat Chairs. Centre Tables iu Solid Oak and Walnut finish of new and pretty doslun. A Beautiful New Stock of Window Shades & Curtain Poles ALL LENGTHS TO 12 FEEf. Besides Parior Furniture we havo uvijry requisite for tho Dining-room, Uedrooui, Kitchen or SewiuK-rooin. A'„'eut for tile celebrated Uxbridgo Organs, Raymond's Sewing M.icliini's, ns well us needles for any other niacliino, Fislier & Pulfi>rd8' & Wilkinson's Plonyli repairs. Very special attention ijiven to UNDERTAKING De- partment and Picture framing of which wo have a heautilul aS' sortmeut, J. K. MOORIC >.^g:g! ^5g g^ !! ggi^ ! ^^ Si! S g^ i;>^;!^ OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tH.e -M&vy Best PLACE IN C.\N.\UA TO GET A. Tboroiigli Business EdiicalioD. T?.k9 a Round Trip rorUrtuoBs Culltiges and Comnioruial Dopnrtiaonts In Canada, tlieu vi»it tlio Northorn Huniuoss CoUoro ; uxaniino every- thins tlioroiiijhly. It we fail to proiliioo ttio moBt thorou^li, uompl«to, pruotical and oxton- sive oourso of study ; tho b>)8t coHoro iiromisos and tho boHt and uioflt coinploto and most suit- ablofmnituro and iinliftnoos, wo will Kivo you a full oourio KUKi;. Kor Annual Annouuco- meut, giving full particuIarB, fruo, addroa C. A, FLEMING, Priuciiinl. anl lot For Sals. For falo clioap aud ou easy teruiR in Floshor- ton. S^loluli.l larpo» Holid brick dwelling, with aood stoiio collar, auinniGr kitclioii aud wood- liuuAo, alBO Kood fraino stable, brick lined. l*.onii«os oontaina two larfio lots and Kood youuK orchard, bearing'. Honne and ou+bnildiiiRB are oxcQptionnlly well flniabod and very conveni- ently laiu. out. Aimly to ,J, SpnoDi.K,Plov<lierton, Jersey Bull for Service ThoroiiRbbred Jorsoy bull for porvico at John H. Hoard's. Fleubortou. Terius cue dollar. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade laiMagea on hand, aba a21 kiada of meate. VI4HUSRT0K lUUT BHFORXUIl FREE I FREE 1 1 TESTIWTG Preserve your eye.siulu by liaving them., properly tested by \V. A, ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sale For Halo vovy choap and ou very oftHy tormB. , Tiuibur farm, lIHlAorns, two niiloB from Klasb oiton, known an tlie Wni. HoHKaawuiill pro- uorty.andoiiwhiohiBan axcolluutwutor power. . lonndntion of taw mill, dam aud pom! and' wntor whoul in place and all remly tor putting, mill on. Abontl.'increR cleared, :tOacrt!S tiuibor, most oil, balanio well tiuibored.nii.xuil timber. This farm will bu sold at a bargain if sold at once. Small payment down, balauco on ve^y e>ey terms. Apply to R.J. Srnoi'i.n, KleKlii'i'ton. 0> Carpet Weaving The undoraigned has placed in poiiitiou a first class loom for oarput and flauuol weaving and is prepaiea to Rive satisfaction, liring hi your nAG3 or YAltN to A. T. HEBO:?,- FU-sherton, April 7, '96. Fum For Sale or Rent, also ftiiise and Lbte Tsnants wanted for lot 10, N. D.R., Artemoais, and bonno and two lots on Collingwood stros^.^ Prioevillo, known aa tho Soott property. WI)J gi;n posassBlon at onoe. For parllciiUra aoply (s . UBS. CATHijllNii SUDTT ADril^t, IW, . Altbiw F. Ok. fltim. mmmmtim TV?'^' T^'^W-

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