Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1896, p. 4

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THl 9118H8RT0M ADVANCI i E8TABLIBHBD 1881 1 k' ^he Advance , VWBU.SKKIl WKEKLY AT THE OKFICE. SYD- E.VUAM 8TKEBT, KLESHKRTON, ONT., BY W. H. THURSTON. SI iicraanuin.strictly in advance Advertising Bates : h 3n« Column, 1 year, *50 ; liaJf col.. 1 year, $27 quarter col., one year, $15. Transient a4lverti«etuont obarffed at the rate 3! Soeuta per liue for first Insertion aiodi c»utB each subsoquoob Insertion. An effort will be made to make jou boliove that tLe laet has been beard of the remedial bill, but don't you be- lieve it. Pledge your member againat it. That is the only assurance you will have that it is dead If sufficient unpledged members are re- turned to parlianieut it will bo passed as sure as fate. It is on this policy that the government is befort the country, and do not lose sight of this Ssct. Sir Cliarlcs has got his cabinet into shape. Caron, Ouimetand Daly of the late cabinet are oat, and the new membcis arc : Sir CHARLES TUPPER, Premier nud Secretary of state. Mr. FOSTER, Minwter of Finance. Mr. COSTIGAN, Miiwtcr of Marine Mu\ FinherieH. Mr. U.VGGART, Minister of Railways Mr. IVES, Minister of Trade and Coinnierctt. Mr. DICKEV, MiiiiHter of Justice. Dr. MONTAGUE, Wiuister of Agri- culture. Mr. \V(K)D, Controller of CuKtonis. Mr. PRIOR, Controller of luLiud Re- venue. Mr. DESJARDINS, Ministers of Pub- lic Works. Mr. TAILLON, Postmastor-Geneml. Mr. M.VCUONALD, Minintor of the Interior. Mr. TISDALE, Minixter of Militia. Sir FRANK SMITH. Senator U. FERGL'SOK, and Senator J. J. ROSS, without portfolio. Sir U. H. TL'I'PKR. Soieitor-Gunernl, witlioutseat in the Cabinet. occasion to use anything second-band- ed. Our editorial columns particular^ ly are original and not made up of clippiugs from other papers without credit, as is the case with some c%~ changes just now in our minds eye. However, there is no energitic or even latent wi^ili to quarrel with the Economist. Like maple syrup, we rsthcr enjoy taking it once a week. The riember For East Qrey Among the important anuonnce- meuts of the past week is the decision of Sir Oliver Mowat to enter the federal arena in order to strongllicn Mr. Laurier's hand in Ontario- This is a new factor for the goveruuient to oontMid with, as, without doubt, Sir Oliver will carry with him a certain amount of extra force. Yut it in doubtful if ho will quite justify the expectation of his frierda in tlii.i direction, becauBe Ontario does not remember him with any extensive gratitude fur his clmnipiunsliiii uf equal lights in this proviuce. In fact he is bettor remembered for his pand- ering to KCctaiiaM demands, llie liquor vote, and his supieme political goueralsliip by the creation of a myriad of subsidized Buporters throughout the length and bcudlh of the country. No, we do not tliink Ontiiiians should sliinit forty brats to the measure for Sir Oliver as their championin the Duniiiiion I'tiiliaiueut. The Shelburuo Economist waxes q^uite eloquent over that flea question, and now pays that James Rnfsell Lowell made use of the lines it quot- ed. Wo thought it was " a local paper in this section " that had used tlicni. Wo fear the Economist writer did not take cur remarks in tho right spirit. \Vt did not wish to injure his fouling, 8 nor yet air our erudition, for wo ciiulidly coiifja.B that tho infoinm- tioii was found in Bartlott'u Quota- tions. It was in a purely boncvolunt fepiiii, that the item was wiilluu. We adiaire " M. I. Cawbur's'' stylo and enjoy his writin;;a. What he moans by Hduicninliin;; The Advance to credit all quotations from other papers is beyond our coniprehensiou* bccKuso we were never guilty of nshig any of his productions in any way so fur a<i wo know ; and moreover no paper ia the country oredita more oonsoiou- ^Hguaiy than do «e, whbu we have From liaturday Niyhl Last Saturday oveninj{ Dr. T. S. Sproulo, M- P. for East Grey, returned to his constituency after having, alt through the recent session of Parliament, aysteinatically and most effectually oppos- ed the passage of the Remedial Rill in the House of Commons His personal views have been well known ever since the Manitoba scluxil question was brought into Federal politics, but when the Government â€" the Conservative Govern niciitâ€" resolved to force Manitoba to do what the hierarchy desired, it was apparently thought that Dr. Sproule Would swallow his personal conviitiuns and ignore the sentimer.ts of his con- stituents in East Grey. It was thought that he would do this, because Di'. Spr(<ule had Uion for years one of the most reliable fighting men in the Con. servative party, and it was thou/ht that alltliat was necessary was to hint to him that the passaije of a Remedial Bdl would bo a good party maniuuvre, there beiiii; more voters iu Quebec than in Maaituba, etc., etc. But Dr. Sproule M. P., proved un- manageable for tho first time. He re- belled atiainst the party discipline which ho had always pri'viously strengthened â€" hu protested on the ground.s that the members of the Cabinet had no author- ity from the Conservative parly to do that which had been undertaken ; that there liad been no caucus of the C >n- servutive members of the House ; that there had b<'Oii no appeal to the country ; that the sixth ses^iion was extraordinary, unnatural, without precedent, and held purposely to pass lo;>iBlation that could only hs passed by forestalling tho elec- tions, and therefore subveistvo of the spirit of representative )2overnment ; and that, (''nnlly, Manitoba should not be coerced, under these or any other con- ditions, into creating Catholic Hlate-aided Huhools. The position taken by the member for East Orey waa flawless. By a display of courai;o and of Bound nasoninu he found himself suddenly a IJL'uro of importance. Ho was subjected to all kuids of petty annoyances and pr;;3:;urc from every aide, and at last Sir Charh'H Tuppcr " road him out of tho party." This highli.'tndcd proceeding' Irft him free to say without reservation what was in his mind, and tlie result was that in one brief session Dr. Sproule made a name for himself as a |iai'liamunt- urian siicli as hu had not built up in long yeara of puity seivico Hi.< persistent and sIviiplesH working comn>iltee n!{ainst the Bill is too '.veil known to noad men tion. Tho case o'f Dr. Sproulo, M P., i.s full of piiinilicaiico for poliliuinuH. Wo .Jmve .seen. Mr. Mason, M. P. for North Grey, :Hny \vi>,li his leader agiiinxt thu dieire ot hia cinislitueiitH, and khI a jud)-eship. Wo have Keen Dr. Siiroule, the nionilor for Kant Un-y, slay ttith a principlo and not read out of the i»ivrty. But \>liii.h of ihu-if two is nioro enviably ciicuin.stancod and with the bettor pro.ipccis ? Dr. Sproule is inlinitely the better off. He hiirpriscd Pailiumeiit with resnursos of wliiuh hu hiul ii'it previously Kivi-ii evid- uiice, HO that hereafter in tho Hnuso be will l>e a man to lie calculated with. Hn mute to liis coii.siifiioncy lie was re- ceived al Clarko Walluou':! l)aii(jMet with a [lei fee', ovation ; ho was serenaded nt the first railway station in his riding, and at his destination Vfn^ met by aiiiinniunse crown lieadod by two brass bands and a liuiulred torches, flu was true to his constituents ; he is roN]iectud ; ho will be ruelocled ; durini{ thu canipuigii that iH almost hero, lie will be in demand all over Ontario. * There is siijnificanoo for tho fatuous Governiiieiit in Dr. Sproule's case, becanso IiId constituents have shown h(nv Ontario feela on this qurstion. Young mon will And his case Higniticaiit with the truth that no man can prove tho worth that is in him unltti^ ho liavo the conrauo to thiuk for hiuisoU and to say what he thinks. ArtcmeNia Council. LJUIUL.L' Thin council mot in tho T( wn Ilall, Fleshorton, Monday May 4, 181)0. Men;- bertt were all present, tho reeve in the chair. Minutes of lost sosaion read and coiitiriued, Petitvtion, A. S, Modill and others, re gravelling road north of Eugenia. Letter, Frost and Batson, solicitoi 8, re Donald McLood claim for refund of t.vxes. Accounts presented as f lUows : W. P. CroK.s)ey for daiiviges to wagon tl ; D. McTavinh wo<xl ordered for MrH. FIjnn and Town Hall 16.60 D. McKon/.ie repairing culvert back line west 92 ; Lucas ond Wright legal ser- vices $4 ; Al. liic'.iardson & Co. covering for tfililo §2.06. ThomiiBon â€" Best â€" That the petition of A. S. Miulill and others be loft on the table for tlie present. ThonqiHon â€" Kells â€" That this council cannot enteilain to reciuust of Frost and Batson as to refunding D. McLeod's taxes referred to. Carried. Kellsâ€"Thoii j)son â€" That George Mitch- ell's offer of «20 for 16i foot by 66 feet being tlie N. E. part of lot 7, Toronto Street, being acee pted and that steps be taken by this council to make a legal conveyance off said property, clerk to inwiHure of said part of lot 1. Carried. Best- McMillan â€" That the application of Maihew Richardson and others, be (.ntertainoi and that this council grant ^•J.> to Ife supplemented by f25 from connnisB'.oner of ward 3 out of his ward appropration and expended by him in improving that pjtrt of the Gravel Road, S. W. of the limits of tho police village of Flesherton. Carried. Kollsâ€" Bestâ€" That a grant of 150 to be supplemented by commissioner of ward .'5 to the extent o£ f."<0 out of his ward approprati(m and to be expended by him in improving that portion of the Colliii^wiHxi road outside the Uniits of th» police vUlage of Flesherton from con. J or Ba-seline East to Flesherton Station. Lost. Kells â€" D. McMillan â€" That the amount to be expended as ward appro|>ration for tho year 18% he as follows : Ward 1 »\M); Waiil 2 »1.60; Ward 3 ei.75 ; Ward 4 f 1.00. Carried. Kells â€" Thoiiqwonâ€" That all moneys paid in on tho collector's roll in lieu of statute hibor returned unperfonned bo retunieil to tho pathinasters interested to be expended by them on the roads as the law directs. Carried. D. McMillanâ€" Bestâ€" That M. Richard- son & Co.'s account for covering for Town Hall table bo paid, $2Slit. Carried. Best â€" Thom[»;oii â€" That Patrick QuigK bo (Mtid 85 for building culvert on K.O sideroad. Carried. Thompsim â€" D. McMillan â€" That the account of MeK-srs. Lucas and Wright ff)r loyal services re Boyd Bros, matter $4 bo paid. CiuTiod. Besfc-D. McMillan- That Donald Mc- Kenzie be p:iid the sum of $2 for repair^ ing ajipioaches to bridge on west back- line. Carried. Best-D. .McMillan- That James Miles bo paid 50c for filling the approach of a bridj£e nt Proton Station, townline A and P. 50c. Carrietl. Bestâ€" Thonip.son â€" That John Wailing be paid ^.') for shovelling out Know on Orange Hill, Flesherton Station, it hav- iiij; becoinu unfit for public travel. Car- ried. '('hoin|>8on â€" Best - That John Mc- Neviii be |)aid 91.75 for repairing wash- out at Sttugeen bridge east Imcklrue and 70 siduroml. Cami'd. Thompson -D. McMillanâ€" That Tuck- er I'liillips bo paid $!> for re|iairing wash- out on Gravel Road and 36 sideroad. Carried. 1). .McMillan- Best- That D. C. Mc- Artliur lie paid 87.50 for I'cjiairinf; wash- out at townline bridge, between Glencl^ and Artoimiiia, tho same being Arto- mcNia's shire cui-tilied t<i by I). McMil- lan. >'i nmisaionor. D. McMillan -Thomp.^on -That John lliiiiiiit bo p.iiil S2 for repairing washcmt a', bric'g ? ovo • Sangoeii river, lot 0, con. 3, S. D. R., the same bo certified by I). HoMiUan, cuinmissioner. Carried. Thoinpsoii - Best- That ?2.50 be ro fiindiMl (foo. Binnie, beinj,' one half costs of conveyance of deviation lot 28, con. 7, lowiilino A. & G., tho same having boon d ducted from amount paid O'Hcarn. Vnrrml. K. lis --Tlioiiij.Ron That Daniel Mc- Tavisli bo paid ?(i.60 for woe d snjiplii'd, 5 cords to Mis. Flynn and 2 colds to Town Hall. Carried. Thompson D. M..Millan -That W. P. Cro.ssloy's bill of §1 for bicakiiij; pole of buns on hill Eist of Flesherton Station in .snow drift be not paid. Carried. Kells Boht -AinendniMiit that W. P. Crossloy's bill of $1 for daiiiagtss sustain- ed by tho said Crossloy having his buss diiiiini»ed by bad snow roads while carry- ing the mail to Flesherton Station bo paid. L(;st. Kells -Best â€" That the first mooting of tho Court of Revision for this munici- pality bo held at^ the Town Hall, Fleshor- loii, coniineiicing at 10 o'cloi k a. in. on the first day Jure of tho current year 181)li. Carried. married- Lbviâ€" Btodartâ€" Alt Uie United Brotliron I'ar- BonuKii, Wiokilivlo, April Kith, IHOfl, l>y Kov. ,T, CiiMirh, Ulr. Wllliaiii Jnr.;os Levi iiiul MIbh Kiunia KtuUnrt, both of Uarkdalo. Grand Valljy has an ar'.oaian woU which was struck at a dQ|ith of 04 feet and Hows 100 gallons psr luiiiuli. SOW LOST Strayed from lot 34, too. 12, Artemosia, on April 18, one largo bhick sow, ripht eye blind. Anyone giving infnnnhtion hading to h^r recovery wiil be suitably rewarded, THOS. BRADBURY Eugenia, May D, 1806. BULL FOR SERVICE. Equal Rights House WE LEAD, OTHERS MAY FOLLOW We have just received a full rang* of the ce!tbiatt<l LEADER HOSE In Ciiildicn'a, i^iissos' and Ladies' yii;es, from (Jc per pair up. Lrtdica' Cashmere IIosc 15o pair. Also a f;i!I line of Black Siuumer Hose, 4. pairs , for '25c. Men"s White Unlauudried Sl>irt» 85c eacb. Zf^o tho jCadios of S'ieaherton Leave your orders at thi.s store and your goods will be delivered to the furthest part of the town promptly on short notice. There is some electricity about us OS we have secured the power from Eugenia Falls. We solicit yoiij good will as well as your money. TJo the jCadies from iAe Country Drive your horse and rig to tho fron'u of this store and it will betaken to our new shed and careil fi>r while you do your shojjping. We are expert horseiuen and can handle tho most frantic animals. A beautiful range of Looe Curtains sell- ing at 36 cents per ]>r.ir and upward^. A CARLOAD OF Butter d E^gs Wanted COME WITH THE CROWDS^v B. McDonald House and Lot For Sale For Palu chonit, on I'any tfims Uint comfort* ablv losidoiice on Mary St. FlfHtiertoii, contaiu- tt.K H rouu'H Hiul wood Hhed, with hard auil hoU water punii'^. both under covur, bnautifut Sardon and orchard also wull fluiiihudstabU) and rive houHo UH x'J4 (t. Apply to J. K. MOOUU. Funiituru dualur. Seed Wheat For Sale A few cars of peed wheat, rod fife, or old ulaHftow. For Halo at tho I'ricHvillti roller mills for cash or will exuhaugu for utlior wboac. K. MoGOWAN. "farmers^ ATTENTION IMPROVK VOrUKTOCK. I havo had Rrand rtnccosH wit)) iny bull, Lord Italcu, an a stock i^etter. Ou ncouuiit of hard tiinoHlhnve docidrd to run hint at $100 \H-r cow for IHltO payablu.Tan. Ist lhU7. If not naiod onorbeluru tliut dato *J5 cts. extra will bo chnitied. Fon BAM',. â€" 1 havo also for nalo a vonoR thorotitjlihrud bull, which took flr«t prlzti nt FloHliurton and Markdnlo fairs sirod by l.onl Italco, dam I^adny Ootiinoro.ono of tho buHt uiilkhig cows th»t o\t*r canio Into IIuh country AuTMun JouNBTON. Vaudoluur 1*. O if The undiriigned has a Ane Durham Dull f*r •ervioe on lot UU, W. 7. B. A. Tenua 75 ceo i, laoos Lace Curtaius from 'i5c per pair Hp. Meu's Summer Underwear 25(r. New Blouse Silks, yiiot Effects 220^ 25c aud 8Qc yard. New 40-iach Dress Fiibrics at 15o. Very pretty goods, AH- Wool Freuch De Bicges onff 20c J- aid. IW Knickorbockcr '200. tho aire of Ion hi tho '^noliftt.aiid tho Rirtt of tho diuii of Alar 2.U. (Mironoft '2 12^ and eleven othcrn. Tblti Phuwi^ Ihathinatock la brooding on and iu the Ti-ry front ranks. Knickoibocker iabylhoklue of sires, Hani'- l-l toiiiiin 10 K'wu I'in H dam Ih Toobov bv Kontuckv Vrinco 24.0. «{ro of Huv, ^Mi, flloJHO. *2 15. aud over thirty othoi'B in the lit4t, sucond dam Ov Forest KtoR 1751, tho Hire of Laily Hasaot. 3\J0J, and othorn, and ForoMt KIuk is bv that firoat Bire, Manibrino Patoheu .'iH.Hlrfl of 2^ in tlieliNt, and f*ir»of tho daniH of 112 fast ji rforuiova, inolud- inf{ Ihilph Wilke-4,'2 00j. King IMn'H dam.Ton^y, in in tlie ^reat brood maro li^t. bulntj the daru of Zorliuu'. 2.1i">. KiuK IHn is 5 ywarn old, a bcautirul dark bay 1!*^ handa hlfjli, and weighs i:i00. Mo If* ah raw of uront at.\ lo, quality, and a f^raud atdor, and fan now, without training, tdinwaU.lOM'^it. lUf has (jroat subntancn, strong build, tho makH ui> of a fire, the Hpeed to trans- mit aud thu broodiuij and blood linos to ntako hini piepotent, aud nttt only a pirn of raoo hornort but a siro of elCKent carriage and Aatldle horses with Krand Icnoo and hock fiction, and larHu onounh for all kiudH of farm work. This vonuR utalHon wftH imported by mo last winter, did a lar^o busiiiimrt hiHt BeaROU. aud in a Muro foal t;ottor. Ills Hmvice fuo will bo wltiiiu roach of every tarmor. Boo tiiuull blllti lator. The prinoi))a1 Htanda for sea'ion of '00 will be : rricevillo, nt or near flopevlllo. Proton Station, South-east .\rtomeRia, Waruhani, Molutyra, Maxwell, F.URoiila Palis, Fleuhoiton aud home stable, MarkuaK'. J. E. riARSH, ISUy Markdalo, Out Hay and Grain for Sale. Tb* uBdtnigned Ib aalllDR liay, aaedand feed Mtl Md »U*rowad barUy at market iirioa, A, BBATXT, Orang* Valla, Brilliant liiack Luijtrcs ouly 25c yard. White Brilliantiae for Cliildrea's Dresses 10c to 12c. PILES OF. fhw Millinery Goods Just opened. HATS, FLOWEaS, Fi:.\TllLUS, LACES, RIRDONS, blLKS. Tbree miiiiners kept haa^ liliiffj; oiclers. PARASOLS. A very full range 40c, 50c, 7iic and $1. Ladies' yumnier Under Vests Co liCil. Gtiifa Clothing. Njw stock jast opened. Beautiful line of Summer Patitings, nobby goods, made up to order $3.73 pair. New ntnfje of fine Black Worsted Coalings $1.75, $2.00, $2.25. These goods surpass all former values. Wo have tho largest aud finest stouk of Ever shown in this locality. See our window display this week. We have juat received the very lat- est styles in Geufs FELT HATS. Fiue goods. Every young man wanting a spring HaT should see our stock. Wo cau ineeteveiy want iu this line. Boys' Cloth Caps lOo. Lots of them. Harci^srare J Dep't. HERE ARE A FEW^^ TJhat ouff/it to waken up hard times . , .. A 10 qt. Milk Pail at 12o A 14 qt. Milk Prtil lit 15o A Good CieatQory Cau at COo 1 dozen C qt. Milk Cans at 90c Covered Pails at 10, 13 and IpQ, Cliiimx Steele Shovels at 50c Simison Steele Shovels at (i5o A Good Gavdeii lluko at oOo A Good Steele Spade at COo Curtain Polos per sett at 30o Good Linen Window Shades at 50c 2^a// Papers Wo havj some snaps in tiiis line. PAPKKS .vorlh 10, 13, 15 and 20o a single roll sealing from 7 to 10 a roll, -^ COME AT ONCE Only a few rolls of each kind left. A/. mHAmOHA Co. MMOIM

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