tvtan Xb^antt. " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XY, m 7U FLESEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1896 W. fl. THURSTON, EDITOR * PROPfttETCR i^ I SS3^S±- rSrnS? =Slr^-ir-BIr^:r =zJr^inrej,^r:jr::zJr:=T, ^ost ^Aq ^i^rii m n w Attention has beeu receuily drawn to the sad cornlitioB of Capt. Andiews, of 'i"oronto. x?ho lost iiis si;;!)t by saviu;,' the lives of others, havi»f» rescued froai diowiiins? t-ifrhtetru ixjisows. An appeal is to be maile to the t;ovprnn)ont to ^''^'I't hiiu a t>fUsioii, with which it is to bi* liopod ihty will eoruply. Uiifortiinat'-ly, shall wc say many lose their sii^ht, not, as Capt. Andrews li,t8 done by s>iviu^ a score of lives, but by the dr-siie to siivt- it hw cents by weaiiiii.' choap or other spoclacKw thiit are of iiif-'rior iuati*nal, not properly jjrouud, or that are not the proper correction. Oliisrs injur.; ilieir sight by not wear- in;^ s[>ci:tticies wlieri tliey ti^^ed '.heui, tbinkiiiif the ioijj,'er they can do witiioiit llieiri tiio better, wherfii'! it is the reverse. We recommend that you do i).5i allow false pride or other yeasous to keep yon from wearing spKt'tcles when you need tliera, and when you do begin inalio Kurr tliiit you a;'e weariiiir the ri^ht kind for yoii. There is no way of knowing this but by iiiviii« your eyes properly tested and (jlassfs aiveu according to tiie needs of each eye. I have made a study of the testing df siglit by improved methods, and <;uarautce a perfect fit at reasonable prices. W. A. ARHSTRONQ, Jeweller & Optician 1 I I i! i i il Jr='t=i( \ Life's Problem Our Business Directory lusinrss fodsi. rCULLOUOH * YOCIVO, \l Seutijsttu. p. MAUSBALL, .^ ,, ,. L. D.8..M.D. S. Dwtiit. Visits Vukdtle B»nH«r».M»rk*»l«. do.K«H«l banking bos- ^^,^_^ ^^^ 3rd Wednesd.y of .u:h moath. liouey issued at srsuoasbl. «W. C.U „„i,„,„-B«h trip on tb. d«T ic.oW.nK. -on us, AS. vandusb:?, J. P. Clerk Stt; Div Court, Co Orey Issuer of Marri^e LiceuHS, Commissioner in H. O. of Justioa, Aactiocver, etc. .^ FutSHBBTOM P. 0. T\EBTS COLLGCTEO. Tbo undersimod is prepared to nadertaks the i-olluctioo of all kinds of debts. Notes bought, accounts collected, etc B. N. HENUEKSUM > Flebhxbto!) TCHISLETT • Fleabertoa Station Postmaster, Commissiouer in H. C. J., Con- veyancer; deeds, mortgages, leases and wills drawn. Charges moderate. BuslUMS letters written. dol9 ffgal \ pKOST * BATSON I Barristers, Solicitors, ConTeyansers, etc. OfBceâ€" Next to post offlo*. Sproule's block Flesherton.svery Thursday until further notice. . iC. A. BATSON J. W. FKOSTLL. B. | """ "''«™ "" 'P'''*' \ N. B. â€"Owen Sound office, Frost's block , PoQlett St. East. R. J. SPROULE, PoatQiaster Fleshertoo, Coainilssioner in B. B., Liounsed iuctioue«r, Conreyancor, A â- praiser and Mouey L«nder, Keal Estate aud Insurance Agoiit. rxeuds, Mortgafit'S, Ueases. And Wills drawn up and VaUiatloos made ou shortest notlco. Auction salos aUonded to in any part of the County. Monoy to U>au at low est rates of intetsst. Collections attaudod to Sfith promutness ami despatch Charges low. Agent for the Dominion Steamship Company, cheap tickets from Fleshertou to Liverpool. Olasgow. Lom\t>n or any of the British ports. Parties iutoudliig to visit England, Scollaud or Ireland, will please aiik rates before purchasing ttaair tickets elsewhera '' L^- UCAS* WRIGHT, The follofrint; p4erii is published by request. Although the lines have been faiiiiliar to us for y-.'ars we cannot phice the author. Can any of our readers supply the name ? John and Peter, Robert and Paul. God in His wisdom cr,?atedthem all. John was a statesman and Peter a slave, Bobert a preacher, aui Paul was a knave. Kvil or good, as the ease might be. White or colored, or b<jnd or free John and Peter, Robert and Paul, Go<l in bis wisdom or>.'ated them all. Out of earth's elements, mingled with flame, Out of life's comtieund of glory and shame, Fashioned and shapi^d by no will of their own And helplessly into Itfe'd history thrown; Born by the law chat compels men to be. Born tocouditioiis they could ne*; foresee, ,IoUu and Peter. Robert and Paul, God in His wisdom created them all. .'ohn was the head anii heart of his state. Was trusted and honureil, noble and great. Peter was made naath life's burdens to groan, ' Acd never once dnamed that liia sonl waa his own. Rubert great glorv and honor received For sealonsly preaching what few men be- lieved. While fanl of tha plaaanres of sin took his i fill j And gave up his life to the service of ill. I It chanced that these men in their taking away ' From earth and its conflicts, all died the same day. â- lobn was monrned tbrougbont the whole land, Peter fell 'oeath the lash in a merciless 'hand Robert died with the praise ot the Lord 00 his tongue. While Paul was eoarictedof murder and bung. John ana Peter, kotort and Paul, The purpose of life was fulfilled in them all, Hen said of the statesman : " How noble and brave." But Peter, alas t he waa only a slave. Of Robert : 'Tis weil with his sonlâ€" it is well," While Paul they consigned to the torments of hell. Born by one law through all nature the same. What made thana difler 1 and who was to blame ? John au \ Peter, Bobert and Paul. God in His wisdom created them all. Out in tbe region of inflnita light. Where the soul of the black man II pore •• tbe white, through sorrow made wise No longer resorts to deception and lies- Out where the flesh can no longer control Tbe freedom and faith of aGod-given soul. Who can determine what chance may befall John and Peter, Robert and Paul, TO BE FOUND iLt tilie px^omises lately va- cated, by R. I>e<ilar», but NOT TO BE FOUND IVantin^ in supplying a, first class article in cloth and ^MrorkmansHip. u/y us and See , . . C. c/. HUGH, Uerchsint Tailor Barrister*. Solioitora, Conveyancers, etc,, Owen Sound. Out. - - Markdale, Out. 1,1 i 1 < , I u . .._ ! ^"^'^ â„¢*y '° wi.<ilom and goodness increase, Peter rejoice iu au influits peace, i Bobert may learn that the truth of tbe Lord Is more iu the spirit and less in Che word : W. H. Wbioht. N. B.â€" FleshertoB every Wednesday. ofBoe, L B. Lucas. Ultchell's Bank' TUCKER A PATTERSON. * Harristeis, solicitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson Pfrtical TJR HUTTOJI MDCM. MPPAS Ont, Pricoville Office next door to Brown's store; residence one door west ol Methodist church, Kinross st. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, D« CABTEB ^octctifjs. AO.U.W.-uieets every first and third Mon â- day iu each mouth, in their lodge room Christoe'B Block, Kloahertou, at 8 .p. m. W. H.Walker, M.W.; W.J. Ifollamy, ilnaocrer W. Irwiu Itecovder. Visiting Brethern invited. ROYAL TEMPLARS OP TEMPERANCE. â€" Kegular Council meets every first and thud Tucslay evoning in each uiontb. In Sproule's block at « p. m. Select degree insurance) meets monthly, the Wednesday preceding the iSindof each moutk. SONS OF TKMPERANCE.-Thls society meets in Dr. Christoe' HaJi first Wed- nesday iu each mouth at S p.ia. Visiting bretharon invited. Insurance in ooauactiou. M C P * S Ont., Physician, Snrgcon, etc Fleshertou office â€" Strains b'.ouk. Residenceâ€" Munshaw's Hotel JOBM A SCOTT If B Member College Physic. A Surgeons.Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toron o Universit;' Fellowsbip Diploma, Post Giaduate Medical School and Hos(4tal, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Feversham Thursdays 13 And Paul may be blessed wiih a holier birth Than the iiassious of man ha,l allowed bim on earth. John and Peter, Itobort and e'en!, God in His wisdom created them all. I best on the pruposed route and that the I splendid scenery cannot fail to attract^ tuunstB from all parts of tbe Domihion. I The Dr. was very much pleased by the : reception he received from the poople of ; this place, and he hopes soon to revisit us. Farmers are pretty near done seeding. The weather ia very dry and warm. Mr. Beith of Chesley has been manai;- ing the vuuear milt for Mr. Marcon fur the post week. All our milla are very busy at r-«ient. Mr. Herb. Johnston has taken a posi- tion "vith Mr. ^^Donald of Flesherton. Messn. Munahaw and Williams were the representatires of Euuenia at railway meetings held at Maxwell and Feversham last week. Mr. Munahaw has built a handsome picket fence antund his lot. Mr. Jiicob WiUiants has enclosed his place with a neat picket fence. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, a son. Mr. Gilliiand has gone on a visit to Kemptville. Mrs. Sli'an still remains very hw. Miss Bella Porteuus is seriously ib with cancer. Miss Maggie Paul of Flesherton spent a couple of days with her parents last week. in large quantities at W.E.Richardson's j^' OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Residenceâ€" Next door south of Moore's planing factory. » I lei I » Epping From Our CHrn Corrffixmdent Several of our fiirmers arc through seeding. We are havuig beautiful weather. ilosquitues :ire a plentifid crop this year. A special sacrament service was held here Sunday in, irning Rev. Mr. Baker of MeAfortl ;isiji8tod the pastor and preachtHl to a vory gi><>d congregation. Mrs. Dawu 01 St. Vincent visited her parents hero l.i,-;i; week. Miss Maggie Black spent Sunday at home. Election topics are on the i«ge just now. Rev. Peacock ot WiKxlford will preach here next SunJ.iy evening in the interest 1 of the educational fund. Pncevllle, Fort Law From ow oi»» CurT--fpond«nt, Seeding in this Inctduy is well advanc> ed and the farmers seemed to have gut on remarkably well with their work as the weather was alt that could have been desired, and we think the prospects fi.T an abundant crop has never been i^reat- Fmm our uum Correspoitdent. Seedin<{ operations are about wound up in these parts. Everybody is wishing fur rain I'o make the crcps grow. Juiig- iiig from the bloom on the troea fruit is going to be Frost keeps his Tho Quarterly Board of the Methodist church have extended a uiiainiuiou.s call , ,, n ti 1 .V te.ira a very serious run hwhv on« to the Rev. Mr. Humphreys to become ' 1 .c 1 .u ..„.« ;t T,„i-'<"" at this season of the year as .Jack plentiful this year if Jack 1 ' . , , ~ r rost ^eenis to have completely taken 19 hands oil. p , . , , his departure for kchmI. We understand thit Mr. John Haney's their pastor for the eusuiiig conference tern>. Mr. Hector McLean is eiectins: a "eat addition to his house. .\9 U. is a bachelor the rest can be imagined. Miss Kate MoKiniion intends return- ing to Batavi.i, N. Y., in a short time, as her sister, Miss Mary, is now convids- cent. . . D R. MART U. BRANDER M D C M, M C P * S, Ont., Pricevtllo. Office aud residence at MethodiMt parsouage Cllls night ox day promptly attended. EUKeuia. Up. B. A., meet In their ball, Christoe's Block ever> second ThursdB) in each month. Wm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PRINCE ARTHCK LODGE, No S33. A F A A M. moot iu the Masonic Hall, Strain's Block, Flesherton, everv Fridav on or tiefore the full moon. Or Carter, V^ M,l< J Sptoule, secretary "^ DCFFEBIN LODGE. No iSB, I O O F, meets in Clayton's Hall every Tnos- day evening at 8 o'clock. ViKiting brelhrsu cordially luvitad â- AH ViNDtiaan, H G yfu Uoowi. See pRICEVILLE AND DURHAM ST.VGK. Durham stage leaves Flesherton Station at 7.15 a.m.. returns 4.45 p.m. I^ricevillo stage leaves the same place at 12.:t0, returning at i.43. Fare to Pricevilloaud retiirn, 5l> cents ; Durham, #i.50 for return. T'ie. single fare. Livery iu con- nection. Orders may t>e left at either hotel. A.MoCAi;LEy,Prop Pu,siit. M I8S EDITH RICHARDSON From our own correspondent. There have been a good many visitors »t the Falls recently, .\iuong the . number were : Mr. Geo. Stewert, Flesh- ' ertoQ ; Miss Christian, Wiarton, and Mr. Dundas ot Markdale, who came over on bikes. I Dr. Rnlstiu, Shelburne, â- was the guest ' of Mr. Munahaw of the Euccnia House I last week, and pi-esided at a railway meeting held in the Ornngo Hall on I Thursday evening, when a large number were present. Kveii tlio ladies of Eugcni,-t ore taking a lively interest in railway matters. Dr. Rolstiii expressixl himself as completely delighted with th'« Pupil of Robt Mahr,. cf Berlin dorttiaov, (violin); (VoiolcL'ltiri)''''''"'*"'*''^*""*''"''"^ "'"'''' ' ">**"'>'"' scenery and the lovely location Prof Kerrison. late of . oroBtiK (Piano) 1 of this town and the iiranduer of tbe w*lf reeeive paplh <• lUIQahhVIOMJI.PI.' , „ „ .u 4 • .1 ANOaaduiMUJI »^la> Uo says the water power is^ the . day last week. They ran r\ distance of two miles and a half, while attached to a lumber wagon with a new sett of sprlnij tooth harrows on it. The wagon and harrows were completely torn to piecee and left scattered along the road for a distance of two miles, while the horses^ we believe, came off with a few slight scratches and agixxl heating up. We have been credibly informed that grain thieves entered the barn of Mr. Geo. Johnston of this locality a short time ago and took away a quantity- of seed peas, Mr. Juhintoii ' thinks it would be *i,se 'for them to return and settle for the peas and save any futher trouble, as the parties hajipened to leave a bag behind them in the barn with their name attached thereto. We con- sider that Mr. Johnston has a good cleir tocommeiicewiwk on andwetvould highly recomuiend hira to take action at once or have the matter investigated aa we think 3 it is hiiih lime there should be a stop put to this sort of work in this locality. Dr. Janiieson and his friends int'i'l . holding a (lolitieal meeting iu the school house Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. W'o consider this a wise action on th4 part of Dr. Jamieson, as the people of this vicinity seem very undecid d with regard to the political situation. Mr. Jackson ot the eiv^hth con. in at present visitmg with Mm. Jamieson Oi this locality; mmm