Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1896, p. 4

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THf riBSHnrOK IfiVANCf i EiiTABUSHaD 1881 e ^dvancQ I* ':>LH1IRI) WEEKLY AT THE OFKK'K. 8YU- CNUAM STEEKT, KLKhUEUTON, ONT. , IIV y>\ H. TUURSTOJi. 91 pt>r annuiii,s(rirtly in advance AdTertising Rates: 3as Column,! year, f 50 ; lialf ool.,l year, $27 quarter col., oue year, #15. Tr*n»ient advertisoiiioDt cbarced at tlie rato 0(9 ceuU pur liue (or nr»c iiiaertloii anJ i cuuts eashaubsu^uuiit iunertiou. ELECTION MAT IE US of the Osprcy route. OBpiey wls given ten days tD raise $2,000 in order ti secure the lino and in the event cf their not doing so the road was to come via T. niul S. Lino from Shel- burue to Flcshcrlon. The company appears to be very anxious to get hold of a little ready cash, and pro- vibioual notes as supplied by Uaprey were not considered collateral. What will become of the line iu the event of thedirectois being unable to secure this pro8pecti\o cash iu a question agitating the minds of those who " whacked up " lust winter. The Ospiey delegates put up $150 at the mctliiig as a guarantee of good faith, and will endeavor to raise the remain- ing $1860 within the time allotted. Our p'^oplc had the pleasure last week of listening to the three aspirants for political honors in this riding, and liavc all made up their miuds for Vthua they are going to vote. We do not know last who they have decided to support, but wo believe that all the candidates are going to got a share of the votes â€" that is as far as we can go. The meetings were largely at- tended and very deep interest was taken iu the speeches. Dr. Landcr- kiu'a meeting waj largely lieform and Dr. Jauiiecou's meeting was Cou- servaiive, licform and Patron mi>.ed. Many I'atrous wore present, owing to the fuel that Mr. Allan was to speak. AH the eandidtttea were given a fair and impartial hearing, and nobodj had their heads carried away with enthusiasm. This can probably be explained by the fact that in this con- test no one knows for euro just where his neighbor stands on the Muuituba and other questions. There is no disputing that there is a Ptrong repugnance abroad iu the riding against any interference with Mani- tv^ba, uiid whether or nut Dr. Jamiesou has persuaded the people that ho cuu bo relied uu in that matter, or whether tk« CuuBurvativc electors will support the party as of yore, remains to be itotu on Tuesday next. Dr. Jaiuiesuii is a man whom all respect and honor, and who has improved very much in his Bpuukiug qualities since ho was last before the elector?, and is a man who would do credit to the riding. Uultheuou the other Laud, speaking from a strictly impartial standpoint (where this paper stands firmly iu this election). Dr. Landerkin has been a credit to the riding, and is also a man to bo rojpected and honored for Vihai ho has done. Added to this he ftays emphatically that he will support uo coercive legislation of any kind whHtev<>r. All the candidates have considerations to bo looked to, and wu leave them in the hands of the people. There are few of our read- er!) who do not know our own private views, but during the present contest we have kept thesit views liirgely to oursolves, knowing that where there is so much coiitlictiug sentiiucut there is little use of a local newspaper at- tempting to straighten matteis out. Therefore, there will bo some one iudividuul to coiigraiulalo next wo-jk, and The Advance as a newspaper is prepared to candidly shake his haud whoever he may be. Tiie Advance pioposcs to organize a bicycle brigade to bring in the elec- tion returns for this township on the evening of Tuesday next The polls will close at 5 p. m. and we purpose to test the utility of thebicycle for briug- iug in election returns. It is thouglit the announcement can bo made at this oiTice within an houi after the poles close. If tho other sections would do likowisc the result might be made known iu Bouth Grey before the electors sit down to supper. Per- haps Durham bicyclists cau ^Iso be persuad cd to aBsist in collecting these returns throughout the whole riding. What do they say to the proposal ? ^ata BDiiie trouble ho cxperienood gettirg through a mud hole cannot, bo coiapliid with liy council. Carried. KuUk â€" ThonijiKonâ€" That .John Wliil- teu, assessor, be paid $85, l)cing I. is » ilary for the ytjar 18!W. Carried. Kullsâ€" Thompsonâ€" That tho assefs- Mient roll of tliin imuiicipality us nr w finally revwed bo the a isessinoiit roll for all kgal purixwes for tho township of Arteniesia for 1890. Carrioil. Council ailjourned to meet Ist Monday iu Augu.st or lit the ciJl of reeve. Elm : Logs - 'VVANXED - VVantoi] immediately good sound gIiu log:, clear r.( kuots, btraight giait., and cut 10 feet 4 iuclieslouii. CASH PAID At tlio rato o( ii.X pur li. .1 r. B.â€" Wu loan trucks to liaul in on. SW? Tjouch Tjhe Spot/ What will the harvest be on Tnos- duy next ? And who will gather in ii^Obl of the shocks ? Straight government caiididatts have bicn put up in East York against Mr. McLean and in Weal Yuik against N. Olark Wallace. In both these cunstitiK ncies the government comes late on the liuld, as the anti-remedial Conservatives have had Ihinga pretty iiiMcli their own way ever since the C^impaigii opened. Mr. Thorp Wright aitonded a mcet- of directors of the Huron and Ontaiio Electric flail way (proposed) in Tor- onto last week, The only important tl|^ucB« tr«m^»(4lwM tU<i 4)B«>iiiaiop Arti'iui-siu Council.. COVBT OF UKVISION. The ndjounied Court of Iloviiiion for 18% mot hi the Town Hull, Flt-Kherton, ou Saturday June 13th, 18%. Thu uioiiihei-Ji were ull present. Mr. liuland iu thu chair. Tho apputd of Ur. Christoe against the village of Floshei-toii was talPen uj) and Ur. Christoo gave Iuk viowh upoa tho said aBHuasuiont and after duu uon.siiluration it WU.S iiiored liy T. Kulln, soi-oiulod by D. Meridian, that ru Dr. C'hristou apiH.'al to have tho UHhCwiiiiunt of the village of P'lusherton o«)ualizud, rc«olved that while the court hulievuN the object a gcMnl one, uotwith.stAiiding tluH wo belipvu no very Hul)staiitial ehangus could l>o made, Ihoro- fore 1(0 it roHolvc'd that tho roll bo KUHtainod for thiH year witit thu hope that more caution will ho oImwi'vuU liy tho aKHuHsor in tho future. Carrivd. Tliu appoal of Henry Down, lot 30, cun. 5, WUK next takun up, and on hear- ing Mr. Down, the aHbe^wnlollt wan ro- duceil ?UHi. The appoal of ThoH. Crowe wuH then taken up and after hearing thu evidence in thin cuho thu luwownii'nt wuh rwliicod ?'J0. ThoH. Klliott, ji'JlJO pi'r- Honal proi>orty struck off roll and added to real OKtato, to bo charged to choose factory on lot 101, 3 N. K. COINCII, MEKTIMI After tho Court of Revision the council met for ;;cncral bimiuoss. The uiinutoN of luMl KOKnion were accepted a« read. A hirgo dupiitfttion of tho po< plo of Ward No. 4 waited upon coinieil re pawing tho I K.iilway bylaw, giving lUilway Co. privilege of running thoir lines ou high- way. Kells -McMillanâ€" That tho following 1)0 [liiid, being work on townline Arte- niciia auil Oleuelj;, anil (iloncl;^ council lio a.ikid to refund imo half of the anionnlM, viz ? Wni. Flc«her, re|>airing U cuhertH, i^-LXtVi ; .\. S. Irving, rejiair- l.ridg.^h(t lit), IhtS. W. Carried. Tlioin|i.son ItoKt That thu clerk bo iuhlrnctcd t4p order 2 now road aerapcra for UKe in thin township. Carried. On motion the hill of W. II. Thurston, printing fi>r Hoard of lleallli iiikI ail- vertiHinj^ t'ourt of Hovinion, ^lU.VO, was orilcd to ))o paid. I5u«t â€" ThoinpHou -That. John Holund 1)0 paid a« foUoWH ; One day examining liridj^cH townline .A. A 1*., 82; half day on liriil^o ."l.'i (iideroad, j5l ; bridge on towidino A. Ji ti., JJl. Toul f4. Car- ried. Kellaâ€" Thonipdonâ€" That^tho clerk and reeve bo and aro liereby authorizud to Kijjn and place tho hcJ of this corporation to the agreement now reiut before this ciMUK'il and that hyhiw 420 of this niuni- ci|>alily be tilled in and put through tho diH'ereut stages for tho piirpo.se of giving elfect to the Kaid agroeniont. Carried. ThompHon Kells â€" That bylaw 426 as tilled up in eoinmitloo of tho whole be now read a third time, Hignud, sealed and entered in tho bylaw book. Carried. Thompsonâ€" llestâ€" That this council (^raiit the people of Kugeiiia tho piiviloge to put in ixdoK f(jr tidoplioue lino fwim lOngeiiia to l''lesheitoii on tho south (iide of yraval road and east side of 26 side road. Poles to ho placed so as not to interfere with the |)reHeiit line of tojo- graph or tho use of said roads for public travel. Carried. Thomp.soii Kellsâ€" That tho sum of 818 bo granted to be expended by com- missioner No. 4 to iisBist in opening 8tli eon. to lot 23. CarriiHl. Thompson â€" Kellsâ€" That the report of coinmitteo on brirl|,'e 35 Hideroad bo re- ceived and iho cmimissioner of Ward 4 bo iustrueted to have said bridge repair- ed. t!arrio<l. Kellsâ€" Tlioiniisonâ€"Th.tt F. M. Qrif- fith coniiiiniiication of tho ^Snl of May, «»kingJP26 diuu«|{vs from this cvunpiL fpr., FOR PRICES On seasonable <^oods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, UUBBKU D.\SH APUONS, BINDEIl WH1P.S, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. Gome iq ai^d Examine "Vy. MOOFtE Harnessmaker, Flesheiton Cash : for : Hides! Shcflpskins and all kinds of fni« pur. e'lased, for which highest market prico w ll be paid. Homemade nauiages on hand, alee all kinds of nieatti. ivi. lariLiSON, FLESHERTON MK.\T BMl'OUIUM TEE - mmi - stul;oii Of The Dominion PRINCE ARTHUR lMl"0UTi:i) JULY, IM'J^J Wliiiior lit tlio Worl In Fkir, C'lcicsijo. N«" York, una intuwn; llii-t at Toronto SiiriiiK Show nod ttwouptttukori for liottt btalliou uny tll;(^ lA'.>:t; Hrnt nml silver uimlal at Toronto IniliiHtriul, l«U:i IhI unii <wae|»-takurt at Tor<iiito KiiriUK Khow, IWl; Ilrnt priM aii'l mlvoi iiidilal iiIno bweuiiKtakuH (ur liu t stalliuii any at!« at Toronto Inclustrial, IMj.;. I'linoa Aitliur mainti rid No. \K& T C H • No. lUUU A U U B l;i)Uoil Htatuii btud Uouk. iioUT'i;â€" isytf MONIIAY May 4tli, will loavo hi* own stable, lot 18, ion U), iOuplnasia, and proouoti to Mr Killiouni Whitu'ii lltli Uil« Ht. Vincent, for noon ; tlioiico by nay o( Bay View to WooilfoiU lor tlitiuiiibt. Tl'lSaiiA V, Win iiroooed to Warrilow's Hotol, Owen Hoiinil, for noon, whare ho will remain until U o'clock, the followinB iiioruii R. WI'.DSl'.SDAV, will procooil to Jaokson HoiiHU, .lackBoit, for noon; thence to (luy'ii llotol, 'I'ara. for tho iii^bt. TlUHtsnAY, will iirocoad to Mr Oeo Homier- F<nn'H noar KoaUy.for n^'on ; thoiioe to Oaiiipbell Huli'iu, Chataworlh, (or tlie aiuht. FUIPAY, will iirocooil to Mr Wni I'OBter'« fith con HuUaiKl. (or noon : thiincu to his own stable wlieru Ce will ruuiaiii until Montlay. 'i'his route will bo ooutimuul throughout the season, health ami weather ]ierinittiijg. IIEKCUU'TION rrlnco Arthur is a imr* brod Vorkshiro Coaoh HorNO anil reuii<tiiro(l in the York.hiro Coaoh iloriie tiofiiuty ol Oraat HrHaiu and Ireland No. inrvj. l?o!or. "bay: black lefjs, mane and tail, and eeireotly free from wblte, aged ti yoars, stands lllij hands high, woielis l,40u lbs., has the best of aotiou auJ IsentiroTy free from bluuilBli. TKIIMS To iiiBiiro a foal *15, to be paifl Ist February, LH*.I7, Fur tho aoasou %\l. ^ayable thu la^t two rotuids. Hiu^lu leap 910, to be p.. .1 at time of servieo. Insured mares uiitst he returned reKularly to the liorue dariug the Beasoli or thuy will bo charged lull assuraiiuo, in foal or not. rersons trying taares to the horse and not retiirnuif; them will bo charged for the season. I'arties clisposiuM of tlieir mares before collecting time will lie rosponsihle for iuauranoe. All tcoideuts to marcs at risk of ownera, .J. MANAREY, naaagar t^i Col|«|Ct«r The Coming Election is drawin;^ iiij;li, 60 be careful how you cast yoar Ihtllot. Show your color? and vote for the mail (wlieilier a Grit, Tor/ ov Patron) who will not Ruppo.t the Remedial Hill, and in di iiia; so re- inembtr the store on the HILL. Diiy your goods where yon gi t beat viln;- for your money. We claim to fill the BILL in this rcbpect, judfjin^- from the vast number of ciistomeis that come from outdidi^ villages auJ towns to do their buying here. .1 ^m ii. Will always be to the front with fresh slock at the very closest prices. Uur TEAS are meeting with great Bucciss. We will f?ivo you a few quotations iu what we are di)in;». â€" 4 cans Corn for 25c â€" 4 lbs. Sa^'O for lif>c â€" G lbs. Tu))ioca for .26c â€" 5 lbs. Raisins for 25o â€" VI lbs. Corn Mcalfoi ILv. I â€" 2 lis. baking' I'owder for 25c â€" 2 cans iSalmou for 25c â€" ilcDouald's Tobacco 7 plugs for 50o Compare these prices with credit stores and you will be convinced this is the place to do your buying. Butter and £ggs taken as cash B. McDonald •^â- FBB! Tendei»s^_ Wanted Htfnled t«n(WrB will be ri'Ct'iviul uj) to Wodiics- (1h> Jutio 17. f<irtli« follow! tit{ workutui iiiaCei ial. TviidurH (or btouu uiuut bu iu by Saturday uuxt, Juuo G' 1. "(or 15 ooras or more U requirsdot gooi buildiiiKHtoiie. 2.â€" (ur ;;iX) btishulsof Rfttid or more if roquirefl. S.â€" for UK) buHlitilit of liiuu or more i' roqufrKd, to be dt'livMiod at F)e[tl>«rtun Station iu tho mouth of Juuu and to be left at a point as decid ed by tbe unilorsifjnod. blone will bo let by tbo cord ( of 12tr ft.) aod mvaHurvd i» the wall Kftwt* it in built. Saml will be lot by tbobunliel ami inuHt be goo(i sharp buildiugBand, lituo alno munt bat^ood and fresh 4.- JobotbuildiitK 20 inch twatldUX J6,6 («et bit^h, to be conii>U>tt>tl by 1.5th of July. 5 â€"job of puttiuKUii'ftaiiiu'K) X 30 and 10 feet pt -»lfl, to be completed by the 15 Auy. l." â-² 11 %rork to bu done Hc<'ijrdin»j to plann ftnd (tpucitlcatiouB, wbiuh may be obtaiuoU of tlie uudeitti^ued. J. A W. BOYD FluHherton, Juue 3, IHQG. 1 â-  ! II. illOUil o Here's "' CHSAPESr a Snap vet AT 2 5 ITS GREY Per Yard COTTON They will not stay wish ua. • Hegrj S heeling Cotton Only 6 cts. Per Yard. . Our Print Sale is still going oti^ and our pres<-nt low prices slu}uld interest every buyer and every UBCX of prints. Washing Prints at 5c per yard Dress Prints at tjc per yard Do Laine Printi at 10c per yard Our Dress Goods Tables are crowded with newest things in Dress Fabrics at prices .?liicii compote with tho luigLSl and cloaoiit dealing csiablishmentH, 40 inch WiJo Fushiouabic Goods* at \ic 40-iiich Nice Tweed Effects ;it 18c •lOiuch French Du Biegcs All- Wool Goi.ds ot '200 40- inch iShot Htript's and Diagon&i Goods at 25c We are having the largest trade ia Butter and Eggs we ever Lad. Our Complete Stock Brings The TIRADE We advise customers to make ' up their list of wants before leaving home. Wo can supply almost every- thing. Our store is pre-eminent iu ihis respect, not excelled or equalled iu this county. Give us a trial and. you will come again. Fill yonr want list for anything in Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Millinery, Hardware, Crockery, WVU Pliers, Paints auct Oils, Books, Stationery, Drugs and Drug Sundries. ft' 1H005 IW Knickerbocker 200. tho slro of ton in the 'J:t0 littt. and the Hire of the duni of Alar 2.LI, I'bronoti 'J 1*2^ and uluvon othurti. Thi«i Hhowf tliat hit* Hto(>l( iH brooding ou aud in the very froui ruukti. Kuiokerbockor iitbythaklug of eiref, Haui>> bletoiiian 10 KiuK Pin H dam tw Tojwey bv Koutucliv Vrlnco 'J^ro.Blre of (iuv, 2.\H)i, KlOtao, a. 15, and over thirty othoiH in the list, Hocond dam by Forest Kiut^'l7iJ4, th<? siro of I<ady HaHset, 320), and othurn.and t'orcRt Kiu(! itt by that great aUo, Manil>uno Putoiieu .')8,Kire of 2fi in the list, and uirotif tho dauiH of 112 faHt p< rformern, iuchuK int; Italph Wilko^.a.OtiJ. Kluj? Tin's dani.Topay, iv, in the ^reut brood mare li^t. being tbe dam of /orlau(\ 2.25. King Tin is 5 yearH old. a beautiful duvk bay IftJi tiuudfl high, and weigbR l;«X». Ho if ah rue of » roat utylo, (tuality, aud a giund actor, aud can uof7, without 'â- ining, siiow a2.40gait. He ha» great Hubsi .ric .strong build, tho make ni> of a sir(\ tho Hpuedtj trans- mit and thu brooding aud blood linos to make him prepotent, and not only a Hire of race horHtm but a »iro of elegant cjirrlaipe and saddle horses witli grand faru^e aiul liock action, uud largo euough for all kindnof (arm work. TnlHvoutig stallion waii imported by me lant winter, ditl a lar^ buHiut'SK luKt seaaou. and is a Hure (oal gottor, Hii> L^ai'vice fee will he nithiu reach of every farmer. Bee Buiall bills Ifttor. 'riie principal stanila forseaflou of '06 will bo : I'rinovillo, at or near Hoiiovillc, Proton Station, Houtb-eaat ArtoineHia, Waroham, Mclntyro, Maxwill, Kugotiia f'^ullB, Mosiiurtou aud home stable, Markdalo. J. E. HARSH, lOMy Mttrkdale, Ont lot For Sale. For salo cheap Rud ou oaay terms lu Klesher- tOD. Bplundiil larijo.iiolld brick dwelling, with good stono oulliy summer Kitchon and woocl- houHa, alHo gooii (rauie stable, brkk liuod. I'ro'nUes coutaina two lariie lots and aood toudb orchard, boariiiK. House and outbuildings are exceptionally well flulBhod aod very oobtsuI- tutly laid out. Apply to J. ^FBocLi.FIailiertoa. M. n z> Hardware J Dep't, "ghat's Jn ^Jt CLTTIQ Not much in someâ€" 'a good doiil in otherH Solid Cast Steel Forks or Scythes don't count for much uow-a-days. You can got anything liiliuUed that way, but when you gut thu uamo of RIXFORD (^u thein you can rely on their quality. Don't lie porsuiided to take any other kind. Uliick and Gulvani/.ed Fence Wire, Safety and 4 point B.irb Wire aiul Huthiiway's Patent \Viro at lowest prices. Our Special / In FENCE WIRE is the McMullan'8 Netting. Tlii.s makes a strong durable fence and ia cheap, p;^' Call and see it. YOU WILT, MISS IT if you don't get a Samson Shovel. Price only 65 cents

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