Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1896, p. 5

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4m^ Tflfi fLBSHBRTOr AfiUKGl BANKlN(i OFFICE OF . GEQ . MIT CHELL â€"^ FLL.SUKUlOiS ^Suiioral baikiiii^ buniaess trmisactuil Drafts i*{auu.i aU'l ciicii.nsb cubiiuii at UBiiai ratt'Ti. Moiidy always availibln lor Usinmlj UuiiiiiBSa »'jtur,iri!te. Oiliou two JCo'^a uoilh of iiiohard^ N s^a ic Co'u. Vicinity Chl-ps. Characteristics of the'Past Week Curefiilty t'uUcd for the Carious. BuiiifS) nuiici;3 amoiuj locals will he rJutr'ieil at the rat'! of 10c per Ihta for each iiuertina. A reduction u-ill be ni:tdi: on cmtruct-i fur lUU lines or over. Mr. Thiirp \Vri;{lit haa cuaip'.eted his cut ot stavu.s for Clii.^ season. The O P. R. eiii|>Ii>yes piciiio at Owen Bouiid ti". morrow, Fiidsy. Comity primi't ion exiinii'.mtinns wil' oti on Thurjdiy a nd Fiidny of this week. To letâ€" Tlio ah'i[} on lot No. fi, Ton>nto street FUshertun, next to ihu town hull. Apply to John Wright, sr. The Mt. Foi'dst Tui'l Club's suniiner meet will be held on Ooniiuiun D,iy, July ist. Thiiik.i fur couip. Fri'sh lime for sale »t 10 Cfiitg pir but.hi'1, on lot 2'J, N. D. R., Arteuieam. VV. J. MeaD3. Mr. II. D. Irwin, Mtrkdale, occupied the Me'hodist pul|iit on Sunday »renin!{. There wiu no aormnn iu tliu m irnin,'. Fresh luuo for mdo â€" Kiln ^ust burned 10c per bushel. Also giHKl buddiiij^ siind free with liniu. S. Rt)y, lot ^0, KJtli con., Aitemesia. We noglectou notieinit hist week that m.isti-r Chii.les Richardson h;id rutiirned home frmii Wi.odstock Baptist Cijllc;;e ft;r the syuinior lioliduys. V\'e are n\iul to hear that llr. Baker, (our eiiterprisinntaihjr,) in guttiiig ahirgo hIiatu of the trade. lie ileservcs credit for thu tiobby tittuig suits ho is tui-nin;^ out. â€" Aovr. Byn>u used » «reat deal of liair dress iiit{, but Was very particular to have only the best to bo found, in the market. If Ayer's H.iir Vi({or had been obiainalde then, doubtless he would have tested its merit, a.i au many dislin<;uiahi<d an I faahiouabie people are doing now-a-dnys. Coming 1 Ur. sfiliciair, specialist, well known in this cour'ry, wi'.l be al White's Hotel, FleshortiiB Station, on Monday, July 0th. Lnni{ diseases, heart diseases, kidney diseases, brain and nervous diseases, with diseases of women and private diseases treated with success. Cooaultaticn froe. The Shelburne Flax C'>. hare purchas- ed a site and let contrrtcts for the erection of the mill and barns. The banetit of this new industry will undoubtedly reach t« our section of country and it would be well for some of our proiiressivo Alteniesia farnieis to try the e:i â- riiueni of raising flax, especially sn >- lieu a market can be t;ut so near at hvme. Veterinary burgeon J. P. Otto wo II extracted a slick from the shoulder of a ]uir«e belougiBi{ to Mr. Wm. Wri'jht the other day, measuring 15 inolies in lei>glh, S inclie.i broad and one inch thick. The The animal jumped u|)on a board fence and ran the splinter into its foteshoulder luid out of siiiht. The w..und was a very bad one, but the ai^inul is dmii.; nicely. Following are the iiflmes nf the officers appointed at the t'.inner's Institute uieoling h<ld in Klcslmrlon last work : J. din Irwin, Pros. ; (ieorije Stowait, Vice Pios. ; J. 1. Grah.ii!!, Soc- Treas. Uircctors ^ John I'oland, Jos. Buclianan, Ovo. Badaer, Henry Parkin- ion, John Conn, D. R. Ellis, John Mc- Quaker, R. 8. McLou:;hlin, James Corbett, .lolin Clinton, Win. InUster. Auditors- -Thna. Kclls, Robt Buchanan. Rejjular meetings will be hold at FUslior- ton and Th'rnbury, with supplementary meetings at Dundalk, Max well, Kimberloy, Uaveuna and Walters Falls. The libraritm of the public library desires us to call attention to the fact that siii^io members retain buoks much be}ond the alloled time. If this thin;< continues it will bo absolutely necessary to iin|io»rf the tine which hois empower- ed to eat in such casea. If people libuee the privileges which they are at prcaent allowed they cannot uiy out if they have to pay for thi.s abuse. It is a haidship for other members who have to t!0 without certain books from wee'ii to week in order to accommodate dilatory readers. Will the nionibers whom this Cap fits put ii, on and thus prevent the cufurceuient of the fining rule. S mie two years ago pides wore not out for a private telephone lino between Vi s'lorcon and Kuu(enia. but the project was abandoned. A move is now being made to resuirect the scheme, and a meeting of Ihrgunia citizens was held on ATonday evenina with that end in viow. 'Ihe proposal is for the citizens of Euyenia to elect the poles and Mr. Arnistrong Will supply and ))ut in place the remainder uf the outiit on a live year aeieenicnt. It is altogether likely that within a couple of Weeks or au lliugeiiia will be conneoteU with the outside world by electricity. . The.ludiea of the Methodist cliurcn will hold fhiiir usual garden party on July 1, Dominion day. Farther annuuiicenients later. A meeting of Dr. Jamieson's support- ers will bo held in Hiekliiig's sciool house, this lov/ni>hiO) to night, Thursday, at 8 o'clock. Some people are constantly trou' led with pimples and boils, e..'pecially alxmt I he face and neck. The bHst remedy is a through oouioo uf Ayer's S4r.saparilla, which expels al! humors tlirou.h tliB proper channels, imd so makes the skin beconiu suft, lioahhy, and lair. South Grey numination was lielu '.in Durham on Tuesday. There was the usual speaUim,', ami all three caiididutes feel sure of victory. A number of I'lesherton gentlemen attended. At the Juno So.isiona last week Finnk Woodyard, who btabbed young Richnmnd over in Collingnood toivnaliiii, was fnund guiliy ai.d sentenced to thiee yeaas in Kingoton. Eileii Kindiay, Keijpcl, for Serious assiiults uu a Barnaido waif,who3e death occuired sliorlly affoiw.ird, got one year iu tiio Merour Reforunitory The last of the notorious Clarksbursj bank burglars got his deserts on Thui.s- day last at the County Court, Owen Si.uiid. Win. Black, who has been hun'.- td down 1 y Detective iSleiiiiu of Toronto and HeiJ and Coulter of Hamilton, was found wuilty and soMtiiiced to five ycara ill penitoiitiaiy. Wniter Irwin, one of illegally', was convicted ill the fill, and is niiw serving a similiar term and Rut- lodge, the third, recenily got seven yeai's at Denver, Colormlo. The Hanover Pos", which we mention- ed last week uo having been burned out, arrived on tiii.a at I his office notwith- standing the catastrophe. Bro. Mitchell is not one to sit down and "blubber" over apilt mdk, and tkis is the way he speaks of the 8e>|ucl to the lire: "The Seven o'clock train on thu morning of ihe tire carried an i.rder t.i Tcronln for type and at the same hour an oflico was rented, At ciylit o'clock caipeiilcrs were at wor^^ makiiyj} case stands from hemlock scantlings, and at nine o'clock tile full stalf were assorting' the :>mall amount of "pi" saved from tlie wreck ; on \Tcdnes- d ly the forms wore locked, and wo trust (Ml Thursday the readers of The Post will hare ttieir paper aa usual â€" on time." Hero is an inn'taiico of th» beautiful leleifraphio accoiumodation ivu have iii this town : A telegram arrived at the station at 8.45 a m. Mmiday to a ^eiitle- niau in tliis place, and recjuired an iminedtate '-'eply T'nis inustago was not delivered until 1.30 p in. on Tuesday. â- >r yl^ hours after it was received. If the fulUiw at the other end waited all that time tidthout going to bad ho surely earned his reply without having to pay for it, and was no doubt in a fit frame if mind to bless the man who refused lo answer him. This kind of a ".arvlce is somewhat trying on thu neivcs of busi- ness men. Couldn't we manage some way tn have these tliiii;;s delivered befure bed- time on the day they are received, at latest ? Two Wf»-ks .igo the Flesherlon Advance male a friendly joke of an error which appeared in the Ilerahl. ^low, h t the Advance take a dose of its ow n medicine .iind explain Li its readers what ear- "oplittere" are. â€" Thornbury Herald. Huh ! What's wrong about "oplitters," Mr. Herald ? Perhaps you are not up in Italian patois. It is a genteel word for "b'jiiis," and is sonio- tnies useil ly the native Africans of the Lake Chad dist'ict to denote illiterato editors, but of course dovs not apply ilius in this couniiy. Sorry for your sake we have had to give this explana- tion, dear boy. If there aro any words in Ihe futuru tliat we use which you do not uuderstand, do not bo at all back- ward about Coming lo us for information. We supply any (|uiintil-y of the article g'alia to deserviiiL' people. Obituary The late Thomas Park, who died al his residence, Tyrone sell lenient, this town- ship, on Thursday last, was a native of Douglas Hi.'dge, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, and enimijiraieil to this country in the year 1850, settling in Artennsia leu years later, in October of l!i<J0. Mr. Park followed tile musical jirofossion to a C'Utain extent in the (dd coiiiiiry, and (ilayed before many lords and gentleman of liiuh degree, includiii'; Lord Heresford, Sic Robert Ferguson, Capt. Hamilloii, Lord John Ruasoil, Lord Claude and Sir John B irgoyne. Ho was also in the linen manufacturing business previous to coming over. After coming to Canada ho was offered good situations in Philailelphia and other placxs as a musician, but a strong penchant for the faun drew him into this now country whore ho bowed out for himsolf a home, and raised a laige family. In those early days, and for many yoars, his beloved violin awakencjj tiio forest echoes, and many a young couple who are at present living hero weio u.'-^bm-ed upon the maliimoulul soa by thu sweet strains from his bow. For sumo years decoaned has 'ooou ipiiie feeblo, and the sands of lifo ran slow, and slower, until 'vitliiii the pa.it month or so it wa.i dufinilely known that tho end was near, and preparations were made for 1 ho great changa. It was Mr. Park's wish that tho Duiidalk and Fleshertoii bands would play at his funeral, and on Sunday afternoon last a very large concourse of people assembled at the residence, and the cortege, which we believe to have been the largest ever seen in this section, started for Floahor- too cemetuiy headed bjr tbe.trro batid!<. Arrived*tit the cemetery the body was lowered to its last resting place according lotbo ()i!nii;e ritual, of which society deceased was long a staunch member The WalkervilloL () L., and No. 244 »;re present in a body. The piocoed- i'^s wore exotediiigly impressive. Deceased loaves a widow aifd a grown up family of sons and daughters, among which is Mr. .lo?. Park, lender of tho Duiidalk bund, to sincerely mourn tho loss of a kind and indulgent father, and luaiiy neighbors to re:.'ret the departure of one who was a kind neighbor and who held a warm Iiish heart in his breast. flillinery More new hats jiiot inat Mi-s. Trimble's. Some Wonderful haryains in hats and paia.sois for those who have not procured yet. Conio one and all, next door to R. Trimble'a. Latter Day Saints' Conference The London District conference of the above will meet with iho Proton branch on the 27th ai.d 1.' ith inst. Sunday School uoiivonlioii wdl convene !*t 2 p.m. on Friday, -^Oth, for business. At .7.30 pill, addresses oil Sunday School work will be dolivered. Saturday at 10 a.m. aiid2p.ni conference will assemble for business. Pienching at 7.30 p.m. Sun- day, 9 a.m. prayer and lostiinoiiy meet- ing will coniiiiencB.' Preaching" at 11 a.m., 2 and 7 p m. All aro cmdially in- vited to attend. Tho church is iitualod on lot 16, con. 15, Pioton, eight miles west of Dundalk. PER50NAL5 Mr. Robt. Gallagher, second mate on the S. S. Maniioha, was in town on Fri- day last. Mr. Gallagher was a clerk in M. Richardson's store over thirty years ayo, and dropped into town for the purpose of hunting up idd friends prev- ioua to taking his place on the boat on Monday. Ho found very few whom, he remcniberud. Mrs. .John Bradley and Miss Bradloy, <>runiMv iiie, were guests of I'iie Ad.'anpj Thursday iiiylit last, while on thoir w.-iy homo from visiting Thornbury friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fawccti of Flesh- ortou have been visitiiii thoir dauglil^jr. Mrs. S.C. Kowe.atHdatlicoloâ€" Rorteclor. Mr. M. Kichard."*!)!! attended thn Methodist conferonce in Toronto last week lis lay delegate. Rev. J. Wells. M. A. attjuded the Presbyterian General Aasetubly in Toronto during the paM week. Mr. Jcdin BaimnM, Diiudalk, was tho siucst of his son in l.iw. Mr. W. .-Vrm- slrong, for afew days during tho past Wi'ek. Mrs U. McDnnal 1 and little d.iughter u-e visiting friends in UolJingwood and Duntioiui. Miss Flossie Thurston is visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Thu fcdlowiiig Flesherlon delegates aro attending tho Baptist chuich A8.sociatioii mectii'gs in 0«en Sound this week : R«v. .Mr, Darruch, B. A.. Mr. J. K. Mooro, Mi-s. J, Thompson, Mrs. Gadd and Miss Flora Richardson. He Stuck in the Hud The following amuaing demand w.aH made upon the Council on Satimlay last. Noodlcss to say that it whn not granted : Markdale, May 23rd, 1890. Mr. John Buhind, Iiceve of Arkmcsia : Sin, --To-day while driving over Val- ley Koad, between lots 24 and 25, on the l.'iih coll, of Arteinesia, my horse and buggy wore mii,.! in a mud hide, the buggy .sunk aliiio.st t<> tho axle. The mud wan so tliii k and tougli that my hor.su broke both tugs of my harness iii his clfr)rt to pull the buggy up. I was forced to call the a^sisUiiico of Henry Weaver and Adam Hislop, and it was only by tho help of rails, used a.t prys, that Wo woro able to get tho buggy out. My haniesH is pr.icticiUly destroyed, imd tho severe .strain put uiwm my biiggy and horse, to .s.iy nothing of tho real "estate I carried olf on my slices and clothes, of which I vnM unable to get rid, without damaging them, entitles ino to not loss than S25.00 damages, besides tho in- ci;nvcnieiioe, loss of tiino, etc. 1 trust yon will soo the fairness of my claim, and will without any fiirtlior soliciUvtion, re- mit the aiiKiiint asked for and oblige Yours rispcetfully, F. M. GRIFFITH, Markdale, Ont. Bom. THt;nsToN--Iti FloHliorton, on TiinB.lay, 10th inst, to Mr. and Mrn. W. H. Ihmstou a, damjUter. Died CnoFTâ€" In AitemeBift, 1)11 Friday, Jnne 12, Chas. Croft, aged 70 yoiu-s. Tlio fnnaral took placo to Maxwell eomotmy on Snnilay. 11th iimt. fAKKâ€" Iu Avtomesia. on Thiiifiday, nth inst., Thoiims Park, atiad 7S years atiil 1 mos. II their is one lliing ^tore than an- other that disoroilils a man in tho eyes of his fellow-man, it is lo make inomisis and not keep them, if you nmko a promi.se, keep it, oihrrwi.se don't make it. How many people con you call (o niind now, who aro in tho habit of mak- ing promi.ses with no intention of keep- ing them. And then, don't, you know, iifst thing you say about such a person is, "Yon can't put any dependence on his word." A porso.i on whose word you can rely every time always stands well in a communily. Don't make promises unlpsa you intend to keep them, and you will be a winner in the end. 'W^'' IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF **#| Boots or Shoes for Summer t>2lCLAYT0N'S We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUriESâ€" as fine an assortment as you can gat at frmn 81 per pair and upwardu â€" Black or Tan. Also MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from |1 per pair. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to ;^J jCook jf£ere C 3 SPECIAL LINE OF BOYS' AND MEN'S LIGHT CAPSâ€" 10c to 2Dc. SPECLAL LINE OF MEN'S UNDERVVEAR-25C to 50o. . . . SPECIAL LINE OF LADIES' BELTS CLE.UIING OUT AT 5o E^VCH '. ANY QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS AND WOOL WANTED LN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . . . SPECIAL DLSSCOUNTS GIVEN TO CASH PURCHASERS. . . . Mi Mi It m m m T HILL ^'^ ^l«.^ .^ »\t«. vM«. .»!«. .}«. .iW. .^'«. •*'«. .M«. ..M/!. â- M- .Jl^'t. .$'«. J.H. â- J"ii'«iS''ii'^;M^d''i^!'i.""ii 5JSSJSSS i%^r Flesherlon TTlarorooms Furniture â€" BIti DISCOUNTS DURING MAY ON 'JTfairossos, iSed Spring and SSodroom SuHea OUR WHOLE STOCK U very complete in every line with troods of quite new design, combiud with excelh.-nt workmanship and finish. Goods sold by us are delivered and set up all complete Our lino of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES are altraciiiig attention, and cuulomera are pleased when a practical hand is sunt to adjust and fix up each parcel sold. PICTURE FRAniNQ IN GREAT VARIETY ^fe B.i»l personal attention given to ovory case ot UNDER- %. TAKING entrusted to our care. RESIDKNCE over shop. '/if I J. E. nOORE, Proprietor %^ij. . ////////Aiemasi^^^i.< jiij. .}!{, .M«. .ji*. .^"• v^^^ ..m*. .^l«. •>?» -v^ »m'> m, ^.tt, vM«. vvi/^ vM', i!'«i:*f«;^!<:^i«< ^'«. â- ss'i. Ate. vM'. '/i?^i?^iv^.? \N"'<i?^? VI'.- ->i? W '/i?^iv â- â- *i»*^«' '/,^ '<tf â- â- lit- '/IS- 'nf •>!? "Si^ W^i'''/iv ^ FLESHERTON '^ WOOLLEI MILLS Opeiiagain and are paying more than tho highest price for WOOL. Will give tc extra for- black sheep wool , .Villi are in a better position to moot the wants of tho public tlian ever boforo. Notice our extreniely low prices for cu.stiim work : Cardiiij Bolls, Sc III M\\\ k Spinning^ IOg II) All Kinds or Wbavino in Pboportion Cash For Wool CARDING I bavo puttlio Piinovillo oardlud luill into rtrnt oliisa royair an<l \\\\\ ninployintj a K^od canlor. Good work douti promptly. U. McCiownN. fricovillo; Jiiho 3, '08, Election Notice FIt£:£: I FREJE ! 1 Vi^STii^ii Preserve your oyesiKht by having them propi rly tested by W. A. ARM.STliONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sale. Kor HttlB very clieap anil on very oh^v tprui''. TiMibLT farm, lOUiicrna, two niilHS fmoi Moeli ortoii, known as tho Win. HorrshwuMI piM- portv.aiKloii which in All c.<vcellunl\fHter iiowc (omiiiiihou of Bfiw mill, ilani niiil iioul ami wiittii whoul in i)laco ami all ready for puit'ng mill on. About lAncrus olonreil.^iOaor.'H tloibor, niont oiT. balimno wull tiiobor.iil.inl.wi tiiobrr. TliiB farm will ba boIiI at a barsain if .sold nt onoe. Sm»J) pay muni down, bulaiicu on verv easy tenns. Apply to B.J. Srnoui.ir, Iflenhertou.CB . I hmnby caution all oinctrfrs anil othor per- Hoiifi iiiiliiiR.asKiRtingor ilesiriiiK to al^l or assist iii.o-,' pronioti! nijr nirulioii aa a Moiuhor of tho Houfo of Commons at tho preiifnt nli>c:tion, a,!>airi4coiiimi:m^anyconupto> illnjjul |,rao ico or act, or uaiisiii){ or punnittinR anv such eornipt or illegal prautipu or act to bo <loiio or oninmittod. I ilmiro tho contest on my behalf to 1)0 ociiiliicted in a lawful, fair and honorable nmniiur, and trust that my friends will observe uiy wishes in that respect. DAVID JA.M1KS0N, Can.Udatc. luQo leih. uua. Carpet Weaving Tho nn.lerslflnod has placed iu irosition a first class loom for oiirpet atiif ii.iniiBi weaving and is pieparod to Kivo Batiufactlon. Ilringla. . your KA«S or YARN to Flesherlon, April 7. '90. A. T. HI'.IJON. (Joocl Farm for sale or Rent Lut27, con.n, Vrtuinosio, oontaiiiinK I Hi acres moro or lo 8,10 aorns cloarod. abniit '.IJ milos • from Flesliorton. Tliora are a »/ood log barn and ntablo on tho prumisos. Qood ruuning water. For futbarpartioulara apply to W„A, .\BMSTnosi)

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